Thursday, May 8, 2014

Its the same Josef Mengele Nazi Medical attack on people converting to Yahwists instead of fake Jewish and fake Christian Elohist worshipers.

 Its the same Josef Mengele Nazi Medical attack on people converting to Yahwists instead of fake Jewish and fake Christian Elohist worshipers.

The USA has armed against the south American Right Wing that their Right and Left Wing Trinitarian worshiping Medical Community hid the Trinitarian worshiping Josef Mengele from Nazi Germany that after the war, fled to South America, where he evaded capture for the rest of his life, and from whom the US Nazi Drug Manufactures and Nazi Doctors learned  the Nazi Tactic of putting Sawdust in the Prisoners bread, to cause a normal but undetectable adverse immune system response, that causes the immune system to attack and gradually destroy the victims body, as it drove prisoners insane till it killed them, because they could figure out that it was the bread with sawdust in it,  killing them.

So the US Nazis placed the Cellulose in the Inert Ingredients of many Medications, to cause the same adverse reactions on their Selected Victims that they use our Medical Records to stalk us, and set us up for extermination, as the medias set us up and publicly mock us as insane pointing to the effects of the deliberate toxic poisoning, while they and Nazi run Medical Community and Courts keep  falsely calling us delusional about the Adverse Reactions to their forced Psychiatric Drugs, and  knowing that the Drugs will eventually complexly disable and kill their victims,  automatically when we  are selected for extermination, when Hospitalized they automatically place you on  their Social Security Program to pay for the Expensive Medications that all have Toxic Poisons, in the Inert Ingredients, and when you complain of the Adverse Reaction they say that they have to find the Right Meditation for it to work on us, as we have one Adverse Reaction after another to their Forced Nazi Behavioral Control Program, claiming that they not targeting us for Religious Belief.

The Nazi Politicians and Courts are Lying to you about their Nazi run Courts and Defense Attorneys

To set you up in their Antisemitic Elohist and Atheist and Homosexual  Nazi Courts like they did to  me, to drug and disable me, trying to murder me, calling me a dangerously Ill Religious Fanatic, while falsely claiming to be protecting my Religious Freedom while falsely claiming be proving the Medical Treatment that I needed, trying to assimilate me into their lying Antisemitic Elohist worshiping Society, and  their Antisemitic Atheist and Homosexual Society, working for them that are lying ad drugging and robing and raping and disabling and murdering us, the Nazi Fox News has Nazi US Government Politician that is owned by the Antisemitic Bankers and Labor Force Mafias and Nazi Doctors, as  he was   saying that you have to say absolutely nothing in Court, telling them to  listen to their  Antisemitic Bank and or Business owned Courtroom  Defenses Attorneys, that are not Medically or Religiously qualified to defend you against the deliberate Medical and Psychiatric Misdiagnoses of their Antisemitic Elohist Nazi Doctors.

Like the Elohist Nazi Doctor  that called my religious belief false in Court, as they deliberately claimed in Court that I was not qualified to testify against their drugs that cause me to have Lupus like Rashes, just  like they caused Michael Jackson, and they put me in the ditch passed out, or put me in the Hospitals like they did to Miley Cyrus, and they raise my Antinuclear Body Level.

But the Spin Doctors deliberately refuse to stop giving them to me, disabling me more each time, trying to murder me, claiming it is not an Allergy or Lupus, and the Attorneys that they gave me,  could not read my Medical Records, and could not understand or point out that it is a normal Adverse Metabolic Reaction, for many people that the ER Doctors deliberately call a Metabolic Disorder, refusing to get Antibiotics that do not have the Toxic Inert Ingredients, claiming that the Primary Care Doctor has to treat Metabolic Disorders, but the Primary Care Doctors refuse to get the Antibiotics without the Toxic Inert Ingredients, claiming there is no evidence of a Metabolic Disorder in my Medical Records, and puts me back in the ER with the Next Drug with the same Inert Ingredients, because it is an Adverse Metabolic Reaction  to the Toxic Inert Ingredients in all of their Medications, and tit is an  Adverse Metabolic Reaction that the Spin Doctors refuse to treat or write in our Medical Records, because it a Normal Adverse Metabolic Reaction, that eventually kills us like it did Michael Jackson and they deliberately falsely blamed everything but what actually caused it,  and none of their Defense Attorneys or their Civil Lawsuit Attorneys against the US Nazi Government and Nazi Medias and Nazi Doctors  because none of the Defense Attorneys that they gave me or the Civil Lawsuit Attorneys that everyone sent me to, were Medically Qualified enough to defend me against the Nazi Spin Doctors.

The US Nazis like Nazi Germany did made preparations mass Nazi Medical Maltreatment to mass execute us and the Medias are deliberately keep the Public ignorant and are leading strait into the Nazi Extermination System.

Like  the Greedy Private Sector Spin Doctors running the VA, and deliberatively blocking the Medical Treatments that we need so that their Private Sector Doctors can make money off treating US Veterans, and now selecting a few that they blocked, to deceive the Public to help them make a mass push for Medical Treatment, withe same Toxic Drugs that disable and kill many of us, and they refuse to reveal to the Public accurately what  is their Prescription Drugs and Hospital Foods that just disables and kills us, while they blame their intentional poising on their victims

Like repeatedly did to me to disable me, and put Miley Cyrus in the Hospital falsely claiming an Allergic Reaction the Antibiotics to block any treatment with Antibiotics when needed,  knowing that it is not a reaction to the Antibiotics, but is an Adverse Reaction to the Inert Ingredients that dot  test out to be an Allergy, and they refuse to write the Toxic Inert Ingredient in our Medical Records claiming it is not an Allergy because it produced no IgE Antibodies, only Antinuclear Antibodies, that does not test out to be Lupus, like they killed Michael Jackson causing Lupus like rashes, that are  not classified as Lupus in our Medical Records, by the Greedy Spin Doctors running the VA so that they can make money off us in the Private Practices.

The Fake Muslims are not on the Terrorist lists that the US Nazis  put us Yahwist children of Israel and Ishmael on.

The reason that the Antisemitic Elohist Hillary Clinton fought to keep fake Muslim Boko Haram off the Terrorist List of fake Muslims that they do not target, but target us Yahwist Hebrew Prussian German  Russian Persian children of Israel ans Ishmael instead,  for their Antisemitic Elohist worshiping Fax News and CNN and Hollywood, it is  like they did in Fast and Furious Arming Mexican Drug Lords to cut us down between them and  the Antisemitic Elohist worshiping Mexican Government, that they also Arm against us, those  fake Muslim Boko Haram are  of the  same Antisemitic Anti Yahwist African religious organization, as both those that they armed against us in Libya and Egypt, arming them to fight us in Russia, which are the fake Muslim Antisemitic Anti Yahwist organization as the two fake Muslims from Benin Africa that when I was outed as a CID Informant on Ft Riley Kansas in 1982, they sold stole US M16s and M72 LAWS and M18 Claymore mines to the fake Muslims that kidnapped me and my friend, and reason that both Fox News and CNN do not cover the truth and stop the US Government from arming enemies against while continually disarming and drugging and robbing and rasping murder us, because they outlawed the Jewish Torah and its common Statutes with the  Koran so that they and Hollywood could make money corrupting women like Madonna and Miley Cyrus and Brittany Spears, none of which they or us, belong to these Antisemitic lying murderous Tyrants of the US Governments or their Antisemitic Medias like Fox News and CNN and Hollywood, but they and we belong unto El Highest Possessor of Heaven and Earth named Yahweh our Elohey from Hebrew, our Allah from Arabic, the God of Abraham that gave those defiled women unto the heir of the house of Abrahan the heir by birthright of Israel, Baal Joseph as evidence of the corrupt Antisemitic Rulers and Medias that defiled them with their Antisemitic lies against the truth in the Jewish and the Koran, the heir by birthright and the God of Abraham  that these fake Jews and fake Christians in the US Government and their News Medias Hollywood, falsely claim to serve, as  they place me his anointed at the top of the trinities as they ignorantly and  falsely worship me he anointed Elohim falsely calling me their Creator, as they falsely claim to worship me as their Creator while trying to murder me force drugging me  again and again blinding and disabling me, trying to murder me instead redressing our Just Grievances, because they want to keep making money drugging and murdering us, which is why they outlawed the free exercise of the Jewish Torah and the Koran so that they can keep making money defiling our women.

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