Wednesday, December 4, 2013

They tell any lie possible and abuse or break any Law necisary to set up and murder us.

They tell any lie possible and abuse or break any Law necisary to set up and murder us.

CNN and the other Western Media outlets and the Governments that they coerce to do their bidding, to go directly around the truth so that they may keep setting and jailing and murdering the righteous without Just Cause, promote and paint both sides of the same-sex marriage issue as Just, Promoting and painting as Just every organization known in the to hold to Nazi Views and persecute the Righteous,  promoting and painting as Just the  Nazi Maccabeans Catholics and the Nazi Maccabean Zionists, and the Nazi Mega Christian Churches and Nazi Homosexuals, where they have used Secular to outlaw the espousal Statutes of Holy Jewish Torah and the  Koran, outlawing and Stalking as Cults or Polygamists or Religious Fanatics or Extremists or Criminals or Terrorists and Jailing or Murdering the Children of Israel and the Children of Ishmael, and the Gentile Christians.

CNN and the other Western Media Outlets cannot make sound Judgments and hides the truth of issues and the harm that they intentionally cause us from the Public as they use known terrorists and criminals as proxy warriors to cause us harm without Just cause, and CNN and the other Western Media Outlets have  become  Global Terrorist Organizations against us children of Israel and against the true Gentile Christians and against the Children of Ishmael and turn the US and Zionist and NATO Governments into a form of Government that is destructive of Life, Liberty, and the pursuit happiness,

Because the States all passed Patients Bill of Rights,  that defined and apply  the Right to Medical Treatment, you must exercise you Right to Medical Treatment, because you the Right to be Force Treated against your Will, whether the treatment is successfully beneficial or not, and both the treatment and the degree of its benefits,  is based upon the Opinion of non elected Professionals, assigned and licensed by the Courts to Stalk and Keep Track of, and lock us up even if we have committed no crime, based upon the Opinion of those that call Professionals, and all the Medical System is being abused by so called Professionals that have become the Nazi Superior Race, as they overthrow our Republic, and do do away with all of our Unalienable Rights,and the US Government and their Medias Medical Communities will not Redress our Just Grievance and legalize the Holy Jewish and the Children of Israel, and the Gentile Christians, and the Children of Ismael that all believe upon the Holy Scripture that the States of the United have have outlawed the free exercise thereof, and they support Organizations against us that have ties to known Terrorists and or Criminals as they disarm us and leave us vulnerable to our personal enemies, the US Governments and their Medias and Medical Communities have become a form of Government that is destructive Life, and Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness, and has lost all credibility.

The Antisemitic Secular Marriage Laws forced upon the Righteous before God Almighty

The sworn enemies of our unalienable Rights claim that because their Antisemitic Secular Marriage Laws were not passed by Congress but legislated Judges on the Bench and or Voted for the State, they falsely claim that these Laws used to Stalk and Prosecute us Children of Israel and the Children of Ishmael and the Gentiles Christians that believe the Holy Jewish Torah and the Prophets and the Christian Scripture and the Koran, are Just Laws of the United States,and our enemies that overthrown our Republic and Refusing to hear and Redress our Just Grievances, Sponsor and Support Known Terrorists and Common Criminals  against us, while disarming and leaving us totally vulnerable to Terrorists and Common Criminals that they Armed Against us, while as our Family Members are disabled or killed in our Armed Forces that do not hesitate from using against and  murdering us US Citizens without a Trial, they have their Judaical and Media and Medical Communities Stalk us, and commit the same atrocities of  Socialist Democratic Nazi Germany.

As Life threatening enemies of the unalienable Rights protected by our Republic, the US Constitutions and the Bill of Rights, as sworn enemies of the children of Israel and of the Christians, pretending to be righteous Jews or Christians to deceive the Public to Democratically Vote away the  unalienable Rights of the Children of Israel and the Christians, our sworn enemies follow the example of the Socialist Democratic Nazi Germany,  adversary and say upon their Gay Rights Issue where both sides outlaw the Unalienable Rights of the Children of Israel and the Gentile Christian, to do away with the US Constitution and Bill of Rights overthrowing our Republic, the sworn  enemies of the Children of Israel and the Gentile Christians, and sworn enemies of our Republic  like Dick Cheney and many US Politicians and Journalists follow the example of Socialist Democratization Nazi Germany, and say leave it up to the State to Vote and take away the unalienable Rights protected by our Republic, the US Constitutions and the Bill of Rights, as they set up us Children of Israel and the Gentile Christians to be abuse in the Socialist Nazi Judaical and Medical System.

On the Internet in both Hebrew and English, people claiming be Jews or Christians to deceive, are rewriting history to Justify themselves for falsely claiming that us children of Israel do not exist, because they falsely claim that we were lost or destroyed, like this Nazi author posts making his claims that contrary to both the Holy Scriptures and historians like Josephus.

Most of these frauds are Maccabeans who were consider a Greek portion of the Southern Kingdom of Judah, that fought against both the Hebrew and Aramaic Jews of the Southern Kingdom, and fought against us children of Israel of the Northern Kingdom of Israel made up of the tribe of Ephraim and ten tribes given unto Ephraim making eleven tribes of the Northern Kingdom of Israel, and the Southern Kingdom of Judah was made up of two tribes, Judah and Benjamin, and though we always leave one tribe unnumbered for it the Shepherd Stone from Joseph, because Joseph has two tribes added to his eleven bothers making thirteen tribes in all.

The Maccabees were never a part of the Northern Kingdom of Israel, and they Scriptures were never written in Hebrew or Aramaic. During the time of Jesus, Jacob whom they call James in English, was of the Tribe of Judah, and did not number his tribe among the twelve tribes scattered abroad that he wrote to, which meant at the time they considered the tribe of Judah to be standing on the shepherd stone as the leader. These fake Jews and fake Christians always rewrite history to deny our existence, as they persecute us falsely claiming to be Jews or Christians.

The Healthcare Law is Unconstitutional because to take away from the individual their 1st Amendment Rights, and establish State supported institutions of Religions against us, they say that their Healthcare  Laws make exceptions for the Nazi Maccabean Catholics where their Church Policies or Traditions  outlaw or do away with the accurate teaching and exercising of the Jewish Hebrew and Aramaic Scriptures, and extend that right to Schools  where their School Policies or Traditions  outlaw or do away with the accurate teaching and exercising of the Jewish Hebrew and Aramaic Scriptures, and this Nazi activity overthrowing the US Constitution was done by the United Catholic on Capital working for the Foreign Government of the Nazi Maccabean Catholic against us children of Israel upon whom they force Healthcare Insurance that will not cover the Medical needs that we have, but will the forced Nazi Psychiatric Maltreatment, which was done by the Maccabeans that also overthrew the Zion it State, and they support known Terrorist Organizations against us, falsely claiming that they protecting us, because they are protecting the Nazi Maccabeans against us that claim e Jews and persecute us children of Israel without Just Cause.

Because I am blind in one eye from an attack  from a violent prisoner that the Doctors locked me up with and the Police would not press charges against even though there was eyewitnesses that told them the truth that the man just succor punched me after trying to provoke a fight, and I am going blind in the other eye, I had to magnify this and rewrite this because it did not copy and paste right.

The standard US Policy to do away with our 1st Amendment Rights, so that they can lock us up tough we committed no crime, and force drug and disable and murder us, and get away with it by the US Nazi Laws.

Each time that Doctors took me to Court because that they hated my Religious Belief and Political Stance, and or were afraid of CNN's threat to sue them if they let me go and did not force treat me with drugs that previous Cort ordered not to be given to me, because I cannot Metabolize them, first the New York  NYPD violated my rights to have my own Doctors when Wolf Blitzer and Nancy Grace set me up, as they had hackers rewriting my Religious writings trying make me look like a Terrorist as CNN betrayed me and my men into the hands of Al-Qaeda, and their proxy warriors that they now support against Syria and Iran and Iraq where they killed cousin's son, and because the first time, they failed to kill me, CNN and the US Politicians that did not want to Redress my complaint about the rigged Ballots where both choices outlawed Statutes of the Holy Jewish Torah and outlaw us children of Israel, they set me up and falsely accused me of Stalking Wolf Blitzer Nancy Grace who called me Homophobic, when the truth is that they were Stalking me trying to set me up as a Polygamist Cult Member or as Terrorist because they hate the espousal Statutes in the Holy Jewish Torah which are the same in the Koran, so they Stalk every group that believes those scriptures and murder us  as Terrorists, and or Jail us, and or lock us up and force drug us till we are dead because they outlawed us and  our Religious Belief like the German Maccabean Nazis did, and each time they blocked my Medical Records and previous Doctors from the Courts and Court Appointed Attornies, and appointed Doctors that hate my Religious Belief and Political Stance and who worked together and agreed with each other to set me up because they both hate your Religious Belief or Political Stance, instead of being independent of each other like the Laws says that they must be, and they twist that to say your previous Doctors cannot testify for you, because they are not independent of you, and the Doctors working together against you that you never even met before, not even knowing you at all or what you are about, destroy your character in Court never having met you before, and they even take my Internet Posts to Court trying twist them into lies like their Computer Hackers do, and they say that in their Professional Opinion, pointing at something that you believe from the Scriptures, and or they do not mention exactly what of your belief that they are talking of, and they say that your Religious Belief and or Political Stance is a  Dangerous Mental Disorder, and they do not give you an Attorney that is Medically qualified enough to defend you against their Maccabean Nazi lies, and under duress you have to do and things that you would say, just to survive the US Nazi Medical Maltreatment unto you can get out of their hands.

Obesity intentionally caused by and forced upon us by the Nazi Doctors and Nazi Medias

They take measurements of our waist before force drugging us, to see how much weight gain the force drugs cause, and by the time that they let us go, the Adverse Food and Drug reactions make it so that pants that they locked us up in will no longer fit, like it causes my weight to go from 179 Lbs to 210 to 240 lbs, and we have to buy new clothes to leave the Hospital, but the gut and kidney bleeding caused by the Adverse Reactions, soon causes my weight to crash to 159 Lbs, as the Nazi Doctors and Medias accuse us us of Having a Mental Disorder that caused the sudden weights and losses that they caused by forcing upon us harmful drugs that a Cort ordered not to be given to me, because they always disable me, but that is why the Nazis set me up blocking the Medical Treatment that I need, so that they can force treat accuse me of the harm that they cause the same way that they blame deaths that their drugs cause on their victims to hide that they murdered them.

 They  tell any lie possible and abuse or break  any Law  necisary   to set up and murder us

The Maccabean Nazis that took over the US and Zionist and Catholic Governments and Medias will tell any lie possible and abuse or break  any Law  necisary   to set up and murder and or  block proper and adequate Medical Treatment from their selected victims that lock up as insane and torture with repetitious Medical Abuse, and because I complained on the Internet about the lies and the harm that CNN and the Medical Community told and caused me and many others harm without Just Cause, the U S Politicians and US Doctors hate me and my Religious Belief and my Political stance so much, that there is no way possible for me t ge proper Medical Treatment in the United States.

CNN intentionally used Wolf Blitzer who knows Hebrew and sides with Atheists and Homosexuals and Terrorist organizations against us, and used Nacy Grace who gets a 100% Conviction convicting even the falsely accused that they set up because they hate their Religious Belief or Political stance, with Wolf Bliter,  to set me up, falsely claiming that they were helping me against Terrorists in Iran and Iraq and Pakistan, and against hackers that  were hacking my Computer and rewriting my Hebrew and and Aramaic and Greek and English religious writings trying to make look like a Terrorist Suicide bomber, trying to make me look insane to the Government and the Public, to device them to do Jerry Springer attack on me, like the four roadside bombs that hit my cousin's son Joshua  in less than a year in Iraq, from the same Terrorist Groups that CNN and Rome and Zionist State support against Syria and Iraq and Iran, but they blame the attacks on us their victims and he was killed because our operations were given to our enemies by these Nazis that took over the US and Zionist Government.

 That CNN 's Dr Drew told the truth that they have the ability and  to violate anyone's rights, and lock us up and force drug us, but lied falsely claiming that they both provide us with  the Medical Treatments that we need and Religious Freedom, as they deny us access to accurate Hebrew and Aramaic Scriptures and Lexicons, as they supply access to Maccabean Nazis that call themselves Jews or Christians to deceive the Public to think that Jews and Christians are caring for us.

Debbie Wasserman Schultzabd the CNN Crossfire are deliberately  not pointing out the problems with the Laws that they both passed and want to pass more Laws to protect the Doctors that call our Religious Belief false in their Courts, and call our Religious a Mental Illness that must force treated, and that say that they are locking us up because our Internet Posts pissed the Doctors off, and they force unneeded and expensive  Medical Treatments that she mentions upon me, as Medical Maltreatment and deliberate Medical Misdiagnosis on the victims of their crimes. Like when the problem is an infection and Antibiotic  Medications without Inert Ingredients that cause me serious Adverse Metabolic Reactions, they say  leave it up the Professionals, and every time  instead getting me the Medication, they falsely call me delusional about my Medical Conditions,and run the wrong tests, like when they shoved me though a CAT Scan falsely calling me delusional about the Infection, and the Radiology Dyes that they forced on me knocked out my Sodium so low, that my head bounces off the concrete floor, and then  they took me to ailrod Court set up by the Doctors who blocked my Medical Records from me and the Court Appointed Attorney that was not Medically qualified to defend against their Medical Allegations where they called a previous Court and Doctors wrong for ordering Doctors to give those drugs because they cause me harm, and they did that saying that I was not Medically Qualified to say that their Drugs were Harmful, and they would not let my own Doctors against their lies claiming that the Doctors must be independent of me, and be appointed by the Court,, and to hide their Lies and Abuse from the Public, they said for Patient Privacy they were blocking some of m Family and Friends from the Court, which they did  because  I wanted them to testify what they knew about how the Doctors  were lying against me, and they blocked the Public from the Court, and they locked me up and forced drugs upon me that had Inert Ingredients that raised my Antinuclear Antibody Level and caused upper and lower digestive tract bleeding and nose bleeds and headaches and seizures, and caused rashes that a Doctor called Lupus like Rashes as is it cause Sinus Cysts and Polyps and Eustachian Tube Conduction totally disabling me, and there is no way stop or sue the Nazis because the Medical Laws that the Doctors had the US Government pass to protect them from the victims of their Nazi Hate Crimes.

The standard Hate Crime Policy all across  the US and Zionist Governments and their Medias and Medical Communities, is that it is ok to keep doing Nazi Hate Crimes, as long as they are Polite, and do not use Hate Speech, but falsely claim instead that they are just providing Medical Treatment and Protection and Security to the victims of their Nazi Hate Crimes.

The US and Zionist Governments and their Medias, to hide the Nazi Atrocities that they themselves are doing against us children of Israel, and either hide their Nazi  Atrocities from the Public, or falsely claim that they are just isolated incidents that they never resolve, they have two of the biggest lying Maccabean Nazis in Washington as they support Terrorist Organizations doing suicide bombings and roadside bombing against us, the hypocrites  Bill Clinton and John Kerry that passed the DOMA Laws to outlaw the children of Israel, so that they could persecute us as Polygamists, they are now claiming that they are fighting for the rights and Liberty of a Jew locked up in Cuba under the same isolated imprisonment that they lock us up in, though we committed no crimes, as they repeatedly block the Medical Treatments that we need, while blocking us from getting accurate Hebrew and Aramaic Scriptures and Lexicons because they contradict their Vulgate and their Bibles that were deceitfully translated Latin, not Hebrew or Aramaic, and they deliberately falsely claim that is what the Hebrew and Aramaic says, in order to deceive the Public that they keep ignorant by outlawing the teaching of the Holy Jewish Torah in Schools, and they persecute all who teach accurately as Cults and Criminals and Terrorists and or lock us up as insane.

They denying the attacks that proxy warriors are attacking like the proxy warriors supported against Libya and Lebanon and Syria and Egypt and Iran and elsewhere by the US and Zionist Governments and their Medias did in Benghazi, and they had to hide the truth that it was done by their own  proxy warriors that they support against us children of Israel as in their News Broadcast they Maccabean Nazis Rabbi and Priests and Bishops, and have them lock us up to be force drugged in their Nazi Concentration Camps that they call Hospitals, and while they claim to give a Koran to each Muslim Prisoners to not violate their Religious Belief, because they contradict their Latin Vulgate and their Translations made from Latin, these fake Jews and fake Christians that Maccabean Nazis who persecute us children of Israel, would not even get me a Hebrew or Aramaic Torah to read, while violent prisoners attacked and blinded me, while they serious Adverse Metabolic Reactions forcing upon me drugs that a Court ordered not to be given to me, and they they totally disabled me and murdered others with me the same way, and like Good Nazis the US and Zionist Governments and thei hide their atrociousness from the Public.

By their fruits you shall know them.   A corrupt tree cannot bring forth good fruit.

The Problem with the US and Zionist Politicians and their Journalists and Judges and Lawyers and Doctors was clearly expressed by the Journalists who had me locked up in US Nazi Concentration Camp and blocked the Medical Treatment that I still need, and  force drugged me with drugs that a Court ordered not to be given to me because they cause me harm, as their violent prisoners locked up with me beat me and blinded me, like  and the  Catholic Journalists mocking Rush Limbaugh for speaking out against that Socialist Pope who is different than the Nazis of Socialist Nazi Germany.

They actually believe that Medical Maltreatment from the corrupt tree of the  Pope and his followers, is caring for poor the same the Nazis of Germany thought. And they believe the Pope who deliberately believes the Books of the Maccabees and  casts off and disobeys both the words of Moses and the Prophets, and the words of Jesus Christ, as he canonize and polishes the righteous where exists nothing dead mens bone, as he disobeys God Almighty by praying to the dead and he fills the earth with idols that they burn incense unto, as he strips the title Saints off the living that are sanctified by God Almighty, and persecute the righteous who believe and do their words, as he hides the crimes of his Homosexual Bishops and Priests and Nuns,  is a faithful follow of Jesus, because he did something nice for a selected group of poor, while his Proxy Warriors set up and murder the rest.

With the same ethnic hatred against us that the Western Democratic German  Maccabean Nazis had against us ,  the Western Democratic Maccabean run NATO Governments and   the Western Democratic Maccabean Zionist State have deceived the entire Earth to falsely relive that they are conducting a Global War on Terrorism to protect us children of Israel, as they either falsely call us Muslims or Terrorists or Religious Extremists or Fundamentalists, as they call the Doctrines of Moses and Jesus and his disciples, Muslim Doctrines outlawed by the Western Latin Vulgate and their Democratic Society the same way the Western Democratic German  Maccabean Nazi Society did, and they say that it is right of their Mainstream Medias and Medical Communities to Stalk us and hunt us down as Cults or as Criminals and or as Insane, as they constantly hate our Religious Belief and our Political Stance and  betray us into the hands of Al-Qaeda and the Arab League that they support against us, as they refuse to Redress our Just Grievances saying that we must assimilated into their Western Democratic Society that used rigged Ballots to outlaw the Statutes of the Holy Jewish Torah and outlawed us children of Israel.

Because in the Great Schism the Eastern Greeks and many of  us Aramaic children of Israel separated from the Latin Maccabeans of the Catholic Church,  the Nazi NATO Western Governments set up a Nazi Maccabean Zionist State against us children of Israel that still use Aramaic like Jesus and his Jewish disciples, and they sided with Al-Qaeda and the Arab League against us children of Israel in and from Syria and Prussia and Germany and Iran and Russia.

Though in the United States I could find one Biblical interested in the Aramaic of my ancestors from Prussia, we made the first IBM typewriter ball for Aramaic in 1980 and I helped them write a 17 volume Aramaic Concordance Lexicon in the 1970s and 1980s, but the group was broken up by Homosexuals and Catholic Maccabeans and Western Evangelical Fanatics calling us cults and daily setting us up and attacking us, and our Lexicon and Concordance was taken over by the Western Maccabeans against us, so I united with Eastern Aramaic and Farsi and Arabic believers.

And now the Western Maccabean Popes and the Western Maccabean are united with Al-Qaeda and the Arab League  attacking us in Syria and Lebanon and Iran and Russia often accusing us of being Muslim Terrorist because the consider the Aramaic doctrines of Jesus and his disciple to be Islamic Doctrines, because the Hebrew and Aramaic Scriptures contradict their Western Latin Doctrines the the Maccabean Zionist use War Propaganda against us children of Israel because the united with the Nazi Maccabean Popes and Al-Qaeda against us children Israel,  and also against the children of Ishmael that believe the same Hebrew and Aramaic that we do, Scriptures from Moses and the Prophets and the disciples of Jesus, so the Nazi Maccabean Popes and the Nazi Maccabeans falsely accuse us children of Israel as being Muslims, and set us up to be abused and murdered by the Ungodly.Jesus

And now to accelerate their attacks upon us without Just Cause they screaming that the U  S is not safe from Terrorist Attacks so that they can keep supporting their Al-Qaeda and Arab League Proxy Warriors against us without Just Cause.

The Nazi Catholic Maccabean John Kerry was worried that would be able to use the Internet and figure out what they doing, falsely claiming to be protecting os Israel from Al-Qaeda and their, while using Al-Qaeda and their likes as Proxy Warriors us Children of Israel the Nazi Maccabean Popes and the Nazi Maccabean Benjamin Netanyahu - בנימין נתניהו set up as Religious Fanatics and or as Fundamentalists and or as Polygamous Cults and or as Homophobic Cults and or as Terrorists and or as Insane as they deceived the Public to help them outlaw Statutes of the Holy Jewish Torah with their rigged Ballots that only had a Choice between two evils, both outlawing Statutes of the Holy Jewish Torah as they were  falsely claiming that they were Islamic Doctrines as they and their computer hackers keep falsely calling us Children of Israel Muslims, and keep setting us up and murdering us in their Global Nazi Maccabean Government that controls all the NATO Governments and the Rulers of the Arab League, setting and murdering us children of Israel for the Nazi Maccabeans.

Because my neighbor had TB and though I did not havr TB, I hand undergo mandatory Court Ordered TB Testing with TB Tests that contain Inert Ingredients that cause me Adverse Metabolic Reactions and the first Test caused my arms and legs to swell causing  swelling and rashes at the test site that caused a false Positive Test results, so they just did the Test over using the same Inert Ingredients that I ave Adverse Metabolic Reactions to so bad, that a previous Cort ordered the Police and Doctors not to give me any Medications, for almost all of their Drugs contain Inert Ingredients that cause me to have Adverse Metabolic Reactions, and though I was determined not to be a harm to myself or others and had committed no crimes, some Politicians and CNN and some Doctors that hated my religious belief and political stance against their Marriage choices on the Ballot where both choices outlawed Statutes of the Holy Jewish Torah, accusing me of being a Terrorist and Stalker  and Polygamist and said I was Homophobic so that they could violate previous Court Orders and force upon me the Harmful Drugs, they said in Court that I refused to take their Psychiatric Drugs and claimed that proved that I had a Dangerous Mental disorder that must be force treated with drugs that the previous Court ordered not be given to me because I cannot Metabolize, and they blocked from me and the Court appointed Attorney my previous Medical Records that show that all their drugs cause me harm,and they denied my Medical Condition and  would not give the Medical Doctors to run the right tests that would prove they were causing me harm, and they force drugged me and totally disabled while murdering others locked up with me, the same way, because the Professionals that are new Nazi Superior Race  cannot get Food or Drugs that do not have Ingredients that we have Adverse Reactions to.

Though that their Medical Systems and Professionals are completely incapable of getting Medications and or Foods without Inert Ingredients or Food Additives  that many of us have life threatening Allergic or Adverse Metabolic Adverse Reactions to, the Politicians and Journalists claim that the Opinion of their Professionals is the Law of the Land, and they force the Toxins upon us and again till we are totally disabled or dead, and like good Nazis the Politicians and the Journalist and the Public that they deceived  just happily goosestep along with their Professionals that have become the new Nazi Superior Race that deliberately falsely calls u Mentally Ill because they hate our Religious or Political Stance, and they deliberately hide our Medical Conditions and deny us the Medical Treatments that we need, and they force upon us the Toxic Things that Courts ordered not to be given to us, because we cannot Metabolize them and they cause us harm or death.

Because coerced or forced abusive Psychiatric Treatment where they actually block from their victims the true Medical Treatments that they need, are so expensive that most families deceived to turn family members over to this new Socialist Abusive  Nazi Medical System  like deceived families of Nazi Germany did, the new Solution of the US and Zionist  Nazis is to force everyone to have Heathcare Insurance that will pay for the coerced or forced abusive Psychiatric Treatment.

On CNN's "To Heaven and Back," all the People that they interviewed giving false Doctrines concerning Life after death, that contradict the Jewish and Christian Scriptures, those Interviewed were either Medical Doctors or Medical Patients under their direct supervision, Medical Doctors that take us to Court and call our Religious Beliefs false to justify blocking the Medical Treatments that we need, and blocking us from getting accurate Hebrew and Aramaic and Greek Scriptures and Lexicons that show their Doctrines are false, while in their custody as they begin force drugging us with harmful drugs like they did to disable me and murder many others.

All over again it is Hitler's Hospital where locked me in Hospitals like and blocked the Medical Treatment that still need, as they force drugged me with drugs that a Court ordered not to be given to me, because cause me serious Medical and Mental Harm, ans the US Nazi CNN and the Nazi Medical Community totally disabled me while murdering many others.:

In Hebrew and Aramaic there are no verbs equal to the words "was" and "is" and "are" and "to be," and all these English Translations using those words that are not in Hebrew or Aramaic, using in exactly the same verses, were not translated from Hebrew, but were Translated from the Maccabean Latin, like this English Text uses, and uses the word "firmament" from the Latin word "firmamentum," for the Hebrew word רָקִיעַ which means a "Space," or "Gap,"and is equal to the Greek στερέωμα , the same word the we get "Stereo" from, because there is a Space or Gap between the speakers. And the words that they mistranslated as"was" in Hebrew is ἐγένετο equal to Greek ἐγένετο which both are used of "the birth" of Cain and others, and simply means "birth."

Rightly translating the Hebrew Masoretic Text and Greek LXX, from Hebrew and Greek they both say exactly the same in Genesis 1 verse 1 to 6, but the Greek is mistranslated elsewhere, and the added Apocrypha that was never written in Hebrew, but Greek, contradicts the doctrines of the Hebrew Texts.. But Genesis 1:1-6 without the words "was" and "firmament" added from Latin, accurately says, "Within the Head finish Elohim associate the heights and associate the earth, and earth associated invisibleness and untenanted, and darkness upon face wakes, and Spirit of Elohim from the brood upon face the waters, and said Elohim, birth light, and birth light, and saw Elohim associate the light, related good, and divided Elohim among between the light, and among between the darkness, and invited Elohim unto light, day, and unto darkness invited night, and birth evening and birth morning day first. And said Elohim, birth Space within amidst the waters, and birth from division among between water unto water."

This Masoretic Text and free Software where the English Translation contradicts and does away with what the Hebrew says, but says what the Latin Vulgate and King James Version says instead of telling the truth from Almighty God, was done by and is posted on the internet by Latin and Greek Maccabeans that are Nazis like the German Maccabeans of Nazi Germany, who pretend to be Hebrew Jews or Hebrew Children of Israel, as they play the Bad Cops against the falsely so called good Maccabean Popes and their Maccabean follower Cops, as they blame all the evil that they do in our names, on us true children of Israel, in order to deceive the Public to help them persecute us true Hebrew and Aramaic and Arabic and Farsi Children of Israel. As they protect and support the Maccabeans fake Jews that they set up in the Zionist State, as the Maccabean Catholics falsely claim to the good Cops against them, all the so called Jewish customs and traditions that they present, are obviously wrong, to make the Popes and Maccabean Catholics look like the good Cops against the Bad Cops, as they deliberately falsely make us children of Israel look evil as the Maccabean Nazis and those that they deceived, set us up, and hunt us down as Religious Fanatics or Extremists or Terrorist or Criminals or as Insane the same as the Maccabean Nazis did in Nazi Germany.

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