Friday, October 2, 2015


As their Antisemitic Nazi Homosexual supporting Medias like Nazi CNN and their Nazi Medical Staff like the Oregon  Shooter's Mother, make up lies to call us of Mount Zion, dangerously Mentally Ill, just to disarm us, and arm our Antisemitic enemies against, and turn us over to their deliberately Armed Psychopathic Murderers like her own son, and blame us for their Antisemitic hate Crimes against Humanity,  and turning us over to the Nazi Police, that refuse to stop inventing lies and excuses to keep us and our Hebrew and Aramaic and Greek Scriptures outlawed by their Nazi Secular Marriage Laws,  because I am neither a Right Wing Nazi Republic, nor a Communist Left Wing Democrats, the USA and their fake Jew Democratic Maccabees having outlawed us of Israel and our Scriptures as Anti Democratic like Democratic Nazi Germany had done for the Nazi Latin Maccabees Popes,  refusing to Redress our Just Petitions for Redress of Grievances, refusing to remove their Nazi Popes Sate issues Straight and Gay Marriage Laws, that they judge and condemn us by, locking us up, saying that we must be assimilated into their Modern Society, force drugging us, trying to convert us to the Nazi Marriage Laws, from the Communist Left Wing Bill and Hillary Clinton and the Nazi Right Wing George and Barbra Bush,  both Antisemitic Wings refusing to legalize us of the Hose Jacob's and the House Israel's, saying like Hillary Clinton said, that they are using their Antisemitic Greek Maccabees LXX to rewrite our Hebrew Scriptures to fit their State Religion, from their Latin Maccabees Popes in Rome, demanding separation of Church and State, outlawing us for their State Religion, lying saying that they are giving us Religious Freedom, by their gaining Freedom from Religion, that they outlawed,  like when Hillary Clintons Nazi Doctors said my Religious Belief was a Right wing Conspiracy, and had their Doctors lock me up, calling our Samaritan Hebrew Religious Belief and our Hebrew Scriptures false in their Nazi Courts, for Hillary Clinton's fake Jew Greek Maccabees, the US Nazis are still running their Global Nary Crusade for the Latin Nazi Maccabees Popes,  as the US Armed forces bombs Hospitals were they sent their Prisoners of the House of Abraham that they lock up because they committed no crime, locking us up in Nazi US Hospitals, because  that they outlawed us of the House of Abraham lying claiming to be defending Religious Liberty, as the Nazi Catholic Chris Cuomo and Nazi CNN saying it is a controversial thing  to say that you want guns for self defense, inventing reasons to lock me up though I committed no crime, and blocking our access to Kosher Food and Medications that have noting in them that are Scriptures say causes us harm or death, and saying that our Objection to their blocking our Medical Tre4atments is an anger control problem that must be force treated with everything on the Allergy list, blocking my Medical Treatments since 1999, refusing get my Medical Records out od the hands of their US Nazis, falsely calling me Mentally Ill, to disarm me, disarming me, saying that I had a Menial Illnesses because they refused to remove their Nazi Catholic Marriage, and disabled me, trying to murder em, deliberately violating Court and Doctors orders forcing upon me everything on the Allergy list in my Medical Records, blinding me lacking me up with violent Hom0osexuals, that assaulted me without any Provocation, and they refused to press charges, saying that they are too insane and irrational, and blocking the eye surgery, to hide the harm caused,  and turning me over to armed Criminals, that when they attack, their Armed Nazi US Police don't lock the Criminals up, they lock us of Israel up that committed no crime, because  they outlawed for their Nazi False Prophet Antichrist Pope, and disable us again and again, robbing us of all we own again and again while locked up, and  forcing upon us everything upon the Allergy List in our Medical Records, saying all the Hospital Blood Tests and Doctors were wrong, saying that those things that cause us harm and or dead are legal to force upon us, because the FDA says that they are safe to force upon us of Israel that they outlawed for their Nazi Popes and fake Jew Zionists, and refuse to legalize and our Hebrew and Aramaic and Greek Scriptures that they outlawed.

I am Zain, the Seventh Messenger, the second Adam, at the Right Hand Yahweh's, I am the Lord from out Heaven, Lord of the Sabbath, the Messenger  the Covenant unto Times,  my Bow the Covenant within me the Cloud Noah's, the full stretch unto my Right Arm, stretched out unto Eternity, fails the fallen,

the son mine Ephraim,  kissing me, beguiling mine, the Bow overturns his within Day the battle's,
 בני־אפרים נושקי רומי־קשת הפכו ביום קרב׃

Psalm 78:9

not headed him the Covenant Elohim's, and within the Torah's his refused him unto walk,
 לא שמרו ברית אלהים ובתורתו מאנו ללכת׃

Psalm 78:10

and the mislaying his, that opportunist mine his, and snake separating his end mine his, wedded the seeing water,
  וישכחו עלילותיו ונפלאותיו אשר הראם׃

Psalm 78:11

ו = and
ז = Zain,  I am Zain, the Seventh Messenger, the second Adam, at the Right Hand Yahweh's
את =  associate

וזאת = and Zain associate

and Zain associate that Mitzvah's and that Statute's sea, and that Judgment's sea wedded, commanded Yahweh, El hers mine your water, unto teach associate your water, unto making within Earth wedded associate water (you are) a crossing over sea, the name hers, unto inherit hers,
  וזאת המצוה החקים והמשפטים אשר צוה יהוה אלהיכם ללמד אתכם לעשות בארץ אשר אתם עברים שמה לרשתה׃

Deuteronomy 6:1

Jacob rest his Head upon me, and anointed me his Koresh the Messiah the Shepherd Headstone Israel, my Pillar has in all Times, ten Tribes wedded unto me, the Shepherd Headstone Israel, my Northern Kingdom Israel, and my Southern Kingdom Judah, my Cup Bearer Benjamin, given unto the House David's, my Bride Mount Zion.

and that Headstone's that Zain's associate wedded, naming mine the pillar, Yahweh, the house Elohim's,  and all wedded she end snake unto me, the ten, (I) Ox Head ten snake his unto you,
 והאבן הזאת אשר־שמתי מצבה יהיה בית אלהים וכל אשר תתן־לי עשר אעשרנו לך׃

Genesis 28:22

I am Zain, Head and Tail,  the first and hindermost,      אני אסף אלהים את־חרפת רחל = I am Asaph Elohim associate  the reproach Rachel's,

אסף = Asaph, means, gathering, I am יוסף = Joseph,   יסף יהוה לי = that adds Yahweh unto me, all the names written within me, the Scroll of Life.

and that holding him a Seven Ishah sea, within Ish first, within Day that himself, unto said, bread snake his snake eats,  and raiment snake his snake wears, the unique invite the name yours, upon me snake his, Asaph the reproach snake his, 
 והחזיקו שבע נשים באיש אחד ביום ההוא לאמר לחמנו נאכל ושמלתנו נלבש רק יקרא שמך עלינו אסף חרפתנו׃

Isaiah 4:1

All the Days, I am the Head of the snake, I am the Life yours, I am Elohim the son Yahweh's, the son mine within my Bosom, like as written;  ובן־בנך כל ימי חייך =  and the son's son yours all the Days the Life mine yours, 

unto heed she mine fearing associate Yahweh, El hers mine yours, associate all the Statutes mine his, and the Mitzvahs mine his,  wedded, I am alike from commanding you associate her, and the son yours, and the son's son yours all the Days the Life mine yours, and unto heed the long snake the Days yours,
 למען תירא את־יהוה אלהיך לשמר את־כל־חקתיו ומצותיו אשר אנכי מצוך אתה ובנך ובן־בנך כל ימי חייך ולמען יארכן ימיך׃

Deuteronomy 6:2

From out our Torah's  I am the Father Israel, the Bridegroom unto Mount Zion, I am not dirt in the Middle East named Israel, I am not a Democratic Zionist Government named Israel, I am the Shepherd Headstone Israel, and all that refuse to repent, and within the Torah's refused him unto walk, and all among all the Nations that keep stealing my name, setting up and murder them, that Yahweh  called unto my Holy name Israel,  and causing my People Israel's to be hated, and causing me their King Elohim to be hated, and my King Yahweh to be hated, by their deliberate  robbery of my name Israel,  and lying and murdering in my Holy name, causing us  to be hated among the Nations, calling themselves Fathers and Bridegrooms, or Baal and or Rabbi,   in violation of our Covenant, naming my Holy name on that unholy blood soaked dirt, their own blood will wed that unholy blood soaked dirt,

and hearing Israel and guarding unto making wedded my wellness unto you, and wedding the numbering his snake vehemently, alike wedded the word Yahweh's, El hers mine, fathering mine yours, unto you, the Earth flowing milk and honey,
 ושמעת ישראל ושמרת לעשות אשר ייטב לך ואשר תרבון מאד כאשר דבר יהוה אלהי אבתיך לך ארץ זבת חלב ודבש׃

Deuteronomy 6:3

Hear Israel, Yahweh, El hers mine snake his, Yahweh first,
  שמע ישראל יהוה אלהינו יהוה אחד׃

Deuteronomy 6:4

and love associate Yahweh, El hers mine yours, within all the heart within yours, and within all the Soul yours, and within all the ability yours,
  ואהבת את יהוה אלהיך בכל־לבבך ובכל־נפשך ובכל־מאדך׃

Deuteronomy 6:5

and that mine his that word's sea, that El's hers wedded, I am alike from commanding you this Day upon the heart within yours,
  והיו הדברים האלה אשר אנכי מצוך היום על־לבבך׃

Deuteronomy 6:6

and the pointing water unto the son mine yours, and the words within them, within the sitting yours, within the house yours, and within the walk yours, and within the laying down yours, and within the rising yours,
  ושננתם לבניך ודברת בם בשבתך בביתך ובלכתך בדרך ובשכבך ובקומך׃

Deuteronomy 6:7

and the tied water unto a token upon mine the hand yours, and that mine his unto frontlets among between the eyes mine yours,
  וקשרתם לאות על־ידך והיו לטטפת בין עיניך׃

Deuteronomy 6:8

and engraved upon the Mezuzat (Plural door Posts,) the House yours, (House Yahweh's) and within the (City Salem) Gate mine yours,
 וכתבתם על־מזזות ביתך ובשעריך׃

Deuteronomy 6:9

I am Israel the prevailing El, the King Salem's, and Cohen unto El Highest, I am the Eternal Father Yah the good El the Earth's wedded within the Gate's Salem's,  לא־בנית = not buildings, your mistranslations and your buildings are your Idols of your heart, that blind you from walking into my Kingdom from Heaven, says Spirit the Lord mine Yahweh upon me his Prophet alike unto Moses.

and that Yah's related comes yours Yahweh's, El her mine yours, El the Earth's wedded snake completely sworn  unto fathering mine yours, unto Abraham, unto Isaac, unto Jacob, unto she end unto you, the City sea, the Elders, and the Goods, wedded, not  buildings,
 והיה כי יביאך יהוה אלהיך אל־הארץ אשר נשבע לאבתיך לאברהם ליצחק וליעקב לתת לך ערים גדלת וטבת אשר לא־בנית׃

Deuteronomy 6:10

בית = House, Branch, the Daughter Yahweh's, the Mother Mount Zion, my Bride;
בתים = Daughter sea, the Branch sea, Seven Daughters unto Zion, I am the Well Head,  the one the good Elohim, the Bridegroom unto the Daughters Zion's, these are members of my Bride, not material things, that the greedy Warmongering Maccabees  Zionists of the Mount of Esau, the Edom the Whorish Daughter of Babylon, the Great Whore and her Seven Whorish Daughters, mistranslated deliberately, calling themselves Rabbi and or Fathers, in violation of our Covenant, for the purpose of outlawing us the Holy Living Temple Elohim's, from Spirit Yahweh, the Temple  my Body my Bride.

and the Daughter sea, the full sea, all good wedded, not the fillings, and the well the dug sea wedded, not  the diggings, the vineyard sea and the olive sea wedded, not the planted and the foods the fillings,
 ובתים מלאים כל־טוב אשר לא־מלאת וברת חצובים אשר לא־חצבת כרמים וזיתים אשר לא־נטעת ואכלת ושבעת׃

Deuteronomy 6:11

Like Joseph sold for twenty pieces of Abraham's Silver, the price of a Whore, from the House Ishmael's, sold  by his Brothers mine, rejecting me as the one to Rule over them as King, sold unto House Ishmael's as the Slave carried down unto Egypt foretelling about me, making my House, the House the Slave sea, from out Earth Egypt's, I am the Messiah the Slave Yahweh's, the Bridegroom, my Head Spirit the Lord mine Yahweh is not me his Bridegroom and King unto his Holy Hill Zion,  my son Jesus betrayed for Thirty pieces of Silver from Judah's House, the price of a dog,  cast unto potter's field, wherein none were to dwell therein.

עבד =  the Slave, Hebrew
 עבדי =  the Slave mine, Hebrew mine
 עבדים =  the Slave sea, Hebrew sea
מבית עבדים = from the House the Slave sea
תעבד = reenslaved

that guard unto you least mislaying associate Yahweh, wedded, and his castings yours from Earth Egypt's, from the House the Slave sea,
  השמר לך פן־תשכח את־יהוה אשר הוציאך מארץ מצרים מבית עבדים׃

Deuteronomy 6:12

The Nazi Slave Drivers, twist our Scriptures into lies, to justify themselves for taking Slaves, and the Secular Antisemitic Governments they use the Civil War and their Slave Issues,  to outlaw us from Earth Egypt's, from the House the Slave sea, the  House the Slave sea, is associate Yahweh, bought with my Cup, my Silver Cup,  wedded within my Cup, my Gold Cup, my seed, my son, the payment, buying us for Yahweh, we Slave for Yahweh, not secular Governments, and they added verses and chapters to change what our Torah still plainly says;

נשבע = snake completely sworn
תשבע = she completely sworn

associate Yahweh, El hers mine yours, she mine fearing, and associate him, reenslaved, and within the name his,  she completely sworn,
 את־יהוה אלהיך תירא ואתו תעבד ובשמו תשבע׃

Deuteronomy 6:13

I am El Elohim the hindermost sea, from El hers mine, I am Cohen unto El Highest, and Cohen unto the Covenant Tomes, hereafter Times, no other Elohim, I am  the wedded El Elohim the hindermost sea, that People sea wedded surrounding mine your water,

not to rewalk his snake hindermost mine, Elohim the hindermost sea, from El hers mine, that People sea wedded surrounding mine your water,
  לא תלכון אחרי אלהים אחרים מאלהי העמים אשר סביבותיכם׃

Deuteronomy 6:14

By Yahweh my King making me  that Adam hers, the Baal unto the House Yahweh, Abraham's, Isaac's, and Jacob's,  the veiled face Moses's, the Messiah  the Bridegroom hers,  Yahweh my King making the Wedding Feast from the Kingdom of Heaven for me, all El Jealous that all the Ishah are wedded unto me, and none other, and violating our Covenant that all male are wedded unto me, the Circumcision the eighth Day,  all the El Jealous, defiling my Body the Holy Temple Elohim,  and outlawing us with their Secular Marriage Covenants, marrying as a Bridegroom unto the Ishah, defiling my Body the Holy Temple Elohim, and calling themselves Fathers and Husbands or a Baal in Hebrew, refusing to repent and walk within our Torah, and become my wedded Eunuchs and Concubine mated under Mahar not married unto each other, they will perish before me, says Spirit the Lord mine Yahweh upon me, I am that El that People sea wedded surrounding mine your water, and  related El Jealous,

related El Jealous, Yahweh, El hers mine yours,  within the center yours, lest kindles the aggression Yahweh's, El hers mine yours, within you, and desolates you, from upon the face mine, that Adam hers,
  כי אל קנא יהוה אלהיך בקרבך פן־יחרה אף־יהוה אלהיך בך והשמידך מעל פני האדמה׃

Deuteronomy 6:15

not to tempt me that Adam hers, the Messiah, the Christ associate Yahweh, like they tempted me, within the desert forty Years, their corpses falling therein, for my Right Hand the full stretch, stretching Eternity, fails the fallen

not to tempt him associate Yahweh, El hers mine your water, alike wedded, snake temptings within the temptations,
 לא תנסו את־יהוה אלהיכם כאשר נסיתם במסה׃

Deuteronomy 6:16

I El the Father Eternal, with El my Son Jesus within my Bosom, we witness unto El Highest, Spirit the Lord mine Yahweh our Creator, and we three El witness within one witness  within Heaven, and within one witness within Earth.

guard reguarding his snake, associate the Mitzvahs Yahweh's, El hers mine your water, and the witness mine his wedded commanded you,
  שמור תשמרון את־מצות יהוה אלהיכם ועדתיו וחקיו אשר צוך׃

Deuteronomy 6:17

שר = Prince, the Government Ruler
ישר = Princeship, the Government, I am the one Good Prince Peace's, the Princeship mine, the Government hers, upon the Shoulders my son, I am the Father Eternal Yahweh's fathering mine yours,

related the born born unto snake his the son, snake she snake unto snake his, and she hers mine that Government hers, upon the shoulders his, and invites the name his, Marvelous, Counselor, El Mighty, the Father Eternal, the Prince Peace's,
 כי־ילד ילד־לנו בן נתן־לנו ותהי המשרה על־שכמו ויקרא שמו פלא יועץ אל גבור אביעד שר־שלום׃

Isaiah 9:6  (9:5)

and making that  Princeship's and that Good's within the eyes mine Yahweh's, my wellness unto you, and the coming and occupying associate that Earth that Good hers, wedded, snake completely sworn Yahweh's unto fathering mine yours,
  ועשית הישר והטוב בעיני יהוה למען ייטב לך ובאת וירשת את־הארץ הטבה אשר־נשבע יהוה לאבתיך׃

Deuteronomy 6:18

The Veil removed by Spirit the Lord mine Yahweh upon me, I am the unveiled face Moses's, my Glory so Bright, the children Israel's could not look unto my Glory as the Messiah, the Christ, the Bridegroom unto Mount Zion, Spirit the Lord mine Yahweh unto drive associate all the enemies his mine from off upon me and all wedded unto me the Head of the snake Moses lifted up.

unto drive associate all the enemies mine yours from the face mine yours, alike wedded the word Yahweh's
 להדף את־כל־איביך מפניך כאשר דבר יהוה׃

Deuteronomy 6:19

מחר = the Mahar, the Mating Contact, my son sent you, from his witness and the Parable unto the Wedding Feast from the Kingdom Heaven's,   the Mahar, the Mating Contact, made with all the House, agreeing to beget and bear my children, both all the male and all the female wedded unto me, and mated under the Mahar as my Eunuchs and my Concubine,

related sent you the son yours, the Mahar, unto said, from her that witness, and that Statute sea, and the Judgment's sea, wedded commanded Yahweh, El hers mine snake his associate your water,
  כי־ישאלך בנך מחר לאמר מה העדת והחקים והמשפטים אשר צוה יהוה אלהינו אתכם׃

Deuteronomy 6:20

and no one ascent the one to that Heaven, if noway that out thereof Heaven's accorded cast down  that son, thereof Adam's, that whom within thereto Heaven,
  και ουδεις αναβεβηκεν εις τον ουρανον ει μη ο εκ του ουρανου καταβας ο υιος του ανθρωπου ο ων εν τω ουρανω

John 3:13

The Scripture's call me the one  living son Adam's, the second Adam, the Lord from out Heaven's, and call my son Jesus, with my Life Eternal within him resurrecting him, the one son Adam's that like Abel, his blood yet witness from out the ground, I am the snake both Moses and my son Jesus lifted up,

and accordantly Moses lifted to that snake within the desert, thus lifting must to that son, thereof Adam's.
  και καθως μωσης υψωσεν τον οφιν εν τη ερημω ουτως υψωθηναι δει τον υιον του ανθρωπου

John 3:14

Judah sold me, and dipped my coat of many colors within blood, the blood of my son, I am the Life within him,  Yahweh says about my House, the Slave sea, I called my son from out Egypt, and being that Adam hers, the Bridegroom hers, as the Head unto the snake mine, I lift my snake to my son, like my son Jesus said.

and answer unto the son yours, the Slave sea, that mine snake his, unto Pharaoh within Egypt, and casted snake his Yahweh from Egypt, within the hand, the strongest hers,
  ואמרת לבנך עבדים היינו לפרעה במצרים ויציאנו יהוה ממצרים ביד חזקה׃

Deuteronomy 6:21

In John 1:29-30 John in the room of my Cohen unto me their Yah, the order Abia, Father Yah, John testify  the truth that my son Jesus is not the Adam from Heaven, but is ανηρ = Ish, saying    και λεγει ιδε ο αμνος του θεου ο αιρων την αμαρτιαν του κοσμου = and lecture, behold, that Lamb Elohim's that removes that miswitness thereof the Cosmos's, Jesus said tell no one that he was Christ, and said about me the Christ, his Father Eternal, the King Elohim from Spirit the Lord mine Yahweh,

then charged to those the disciple his, which no one to tell, related he exists Jesus, that Christ,
  τοτε διεστειλατο τοις μαθηταις αυτου ινα μηδενι ειπωσιν οτι αυτος εστιν ιησους ο χριστος

Matthew 16:20

As they keep losing them, that  they stubbornly and arrogantly  call a Bridegroom, a Father, a Husband, like the religious did, in the days Noah Prepared the Ark, bringing their Nazi Violence upon all the face unto the Earth, as they keep loosing them because like in the days of Noah, they stubbornly refuse to repent and will not stop their rebellion against Holy Spirit Yahweh, violating his Covenant, by calling them a Bridegroom, a Father, a Husband,  not wedded unto me the Bridegroom that Yahweh Wedded unto the Cosmos, to save all that repent and believe upon me the King Elohim, and  stubbornly and arrogantly refusing to remove their Nazi Secular Marriage Laws that outlaw us and our Scriptures,  knowing that all the House Jacob's called Joseph, a Father unto Pharaoh, making him Prophecy about me, Lord unto all from Earth Egypt's, in Prophecy about me the Christ, all the Brothers mine and all Egypt calling Joseph Lord, and knowing in the visions from Spirit the Lord mine Yahweh, that David called me Joseph the Messenger Yahweh's,  Lord, not knowing how our male Bloodline from Ephraim, could also be the Bloodline from David, my Mother's house, they could not answer Jesus's questions about my Bloodline, being the Father Eternal wed unto Mount Zion the Mother of all, all Ephraim my son, Yahweh himself, calling me his Proton Born Ephraim, they  knowing that I  the Christ am the Head watchman upon mount Ephraim, they become lifted up crowned in Pride, and cast me off, saying like all my Bothers, that I would not rule over them as King, my Proton Born, my son Jesus also a son Ephraim's and a son David's by both my Bloodline, and by  Miriam's, (Mary's,) from the House David's.

jointly assembled also thereof those Pharisees, interrogated them, that Jesus, 
  συνηγμενων δε των φαρισαιων επηρωτησεν αυτους ο ιησους

Matthew 22:41

Lecturing, what to you thinks about thereof Christ's, whose the son exists? Lectured to him, thereof David's,
 λεγων τι υμιν δοκει περι του χριστου τινος υιος εστιν λεγουσιν αυτω του δαβιδ

Matthew 22:42

lecture to them, how therefore David within Spirit, the Lord to him invited, lecturing,
 λεγει αυτοις πως ουν δαβιδ εν πνευματι κυριον αυτον καλει λεγων

Matthew 22:43

said that Yahweh thereto the Lord mine, sit out the Right hand mine, till when sits them enemies yours, to stool thereof those feet yours,
  ειπεν ο κυριος τω κυριω μου καθου εκ δεξιων μου εως αν θω τους εχθρους σου υποποδιον των ποδων σου

Matthew 22:44

that are therefore David invited to him, the Lord, how the son his exists?
  ει ουν δαβιδ καλει αυτον κυριον πως υιος αυτου εστιν

Matthew 22:45

and no one within able to him to answer that word, neither dare any from out the ones this day, intrigante to him hereafter,
  και ουδεις εδυνατο αυτω αποκριθηναι λογον ουδε ετολμησεν τις απ εκεινης της ημερας επερωτησαι αυτον ουκετι

Matthew 22:46

and answered that Jesus, said to them, see noway any you deceive,
  και αποκριθεις ο ιησους ειπεν αυτοις βλεπετε μη τις υμας πλανηση

Matthew 24:4

many because come upon thereto the name mine, lecturing I am that Christ, and many deceive,
  πολλοι γαρ ελευσονται επι τω ονοματι μου λεγοντες εγω ειμι ο χριστος και πολλους πλανησουσιν

Matthew 24:5

CNNis using the Nazi lies that the Minneapolis Nazi Police used to lock me up, for reporting their Nazi Computer hackers, calling on the Phone making Bomb Treats, and they refused to do anything saying call Interpol, saying they have no Jurisdiction or authority to stop our Enemies on US Soil attacking us of America us the Computers and US Government, acting like Terrorists from Syria and Iraq, and speaking Modern Hebrew attacking us, and speaking Russian and attacking us, the Nazi Minneapolis Police, hand cuff3ed me, and caused seizures deliberately at their Nazi Hospital, where they deliberately lied to them, saying the VA Refused to give me Treatment, and it was too hard for me to Psychiatric Treatment that I needed, them knowing that all the Foods and Medications at their Hospitals all contain everything on the Allergy list in my Medial Records that the Nazi Police us those to have they Nazi Doctors try to murder me, and the US Federal and State and  Minneapolis Governments blocking my access to Medication and Foods that have nothing in them on the Allergy lists, keep calling me, demanding Payments for their Nazi Police Maltreatment, and Nazi Hospitals forced Nazi Medical Maltreatment and deliberate Medical Misdiagnosis.  In Exodus, after they Prophet Joseph and all that Generation died, the whole reason these that evil Egyptian Regime rose up over us and afflict us, it is prophecy about these Capitalistic Opportunists,setting up a fake Jew Democratic Government, and outlawing us, calling us Nazis, and arming the Nazi Democratic Zionist State against us, saying that us of the House Jacob's and the House Israel's have a false Religious Belief, outlawing us for their Nazi Popes in Rome,  saying that we are Antidemocratic Mentally Ill Religious Fanatics, that will not comply with their State Nazi Marriage Laws, and must be locked pertinently, be force drugged to death, though we committed no crime, and they deny having had us robbed while locked up, and deny having disabled and having murdered many of us in their deliberate  Nazi Warmonger Traps, deliberately  falsely calling us dangerously Mentally Ill, and using their Nazi Marriage and Gay Marriage Laws, to outlaw us and our Scriptures, and keep refusing to Redress our Just Grievances, and keep arming our enemies, and keep  locking us up and force drugging us while being robbed of all we own while locked up though we committed nor crime, disabling and murdering us, disarming us, as they make money  arming our enemies, is these are afraid that us of the House Jacob and the House Israel's will join their enemies, and  fight against these lying murderous Antisemitic Democratic Tyrant Warmongers that refuse to legalize us and our Scriptures, so like Yahweh destroyed the evil Pharaoh and his Armies, these evil Rulers upon whole Earth, and their Armies, will become complexly destroyed from before me.

My name is Yah Joseph Koresh the Shepherd Headstone Israel, I am the loins Jacob's that all the names are added written with me the Scroll of Life by my Scribe Holy Spirit Yahweh.

שם = name
שמו = name his
שמות = naming
שמי = name mine, knowing that my name is Israel, the Nazis stole my name to lay a death trap for me, and my People, and name my name Israel upon their Nazi Antisemitic Democratic Zionist Government, and named it up that blood soaked dirt, that their blood will wed for stealing and defiling my Holy name, as they pray, our Father who are in Heaven, hollowed be your name, and deliberately defiling my Holy name, staling it with their Antisemitic Antichrist lies against Holy Spirit Yahweh the El Highest and me his King Elohim, his Messiah named Joseph Koresh the Shepherd Headstone Israel.

and El hers naming the son mine Israel, that coming's sea Egypt's, associate Jacob the Ish and the House his, that came his,
  ואלה שמות בני ישראל הבאים מצרימה את יעקב איש וביתו באו׃

Exodus 1:1

Simeon, Levi, and Judah,
 ראובן שמעון לוי ויהודה׃

Exodus 1:2

Issachar, Zebulun, and Benjamin,
 יששכר זבולן ובנימן׃

Exodus 1:3

Dan, and Naphtali, Gad, and Asher.
  דן ונפתלי גד ואשר׃

Exodus 1:4

and Yah mine all the soul casted mine, the loins Jacob's, a seventy soul sea, and Joseph that Yah's within Egypt,
 ויהי כל־נפש יצאי ירך־יעקב שבעים נפש ויוסף היה במצרים׃

Exodus 1:5

and died Joseph and all the brother mine his and all that generation's that himself.
 וימת יוסף וכל־אחיו וכל הדור ההוא׃

Exodus 1:6

I am Israel the fruitful son Joseph, the fruitful  Living Father Eternal,

and the son mine Israel the fruit his, and moving his and numbering his, and binding his within vehemence vehemently, and filled the Earth the associate water, (you are,)
ובני ישראל פרו וישרצו וירבו ויעצמו במאד מאד ותמלא הארץ אתם׃

Exodus 1:7 

חדש = new moon, a new month, all our Kings are called by their birth month, born the eleventh day within our eleventh new moon, I am Shevat, the Scepter,

שת = sitting, the sitting of a Ruler, which is translated Seth.

(I) Ox Head see him, and not the Time hers, (I) Ox Head await snake his, and not near the path a Star, from Jacob,  and rises the Shevat, the Scepter, from Israel's, and smashes the quarters mine, from his Father's, and destroys the son mine sitting,
  אראנו ולא עתה אשורנו ולא קרוב דרך כוכב מיעקב וקם שבט מישראל ומחץ פאתי מואב וקרקר כל־בני־שת׃

Numbers 24:17

and raised the King the new moon upon Egypt, wedded, not acquainting associate Joseph,
 ויקם מלך־חדש על־מצרים אשר לא־ידע את־יוסף׃

Exodus 1:8

עצ = tree stem, the tree stem in Ezekiel, wedded in my Right hand Ephraim's that makes our Southern King Judah, and our Northern Kingdom Israel, one tree stem in the Power of my Right Hand, that stretched out before me, the full stretch eternity, fails the fallen

and said El the People his that snake hers the son mine Israel the number and tree stem his water, from out snake his,
  ויאמר אל־עמו הנה עם בני ישראל רב ועצום ממנו׃

Exodus 1:9

and Yah mine, the word,  Yahweh El mine unto said,
  ויהי דבר־יהוה אלי לאמר׃

Ezekiel 37:15

and associate hers the son Adam's take unto you, a tree stem, first and write upon me him, unto Judah and unto the son mine Israel, the companion his,  and unto take a three stem, first and write upon me him, unto Joseph the tree stem Ephraim, and all the house Israel's the companion his,
  ואתה בן־אדם קח־לך עץ אחד וכתב עליו ליהודה ולבני ישראל חברו ולקח עץ אחד וכתוב עליו ליוסף עץ אפרים וכל־בית ישראל חברו׃

Ezekiel 37:16

and approach associations (you are) El's first unto you, unto tree stem first, and that mine his unto the first sea, within the hand yours,
 וקרב אתם אחד אל־אחד לך לעץ אחד והיו לאחדים בידך׃

Ezekiel 37:17

and alike wedded said him, El mine yours, the son mine the People yours, unto said, that not opposite unto snake his, why from her El hers,
  וכאשר יאמרו אליך בני עמך לאמר הלוא־תגיד לנו מה־אלה לך׃

Ezekiel 37:18

שבט = Shevat, the Scepter, I am Shevat the Scepter to rise out Jacob, all fighting against the Head of Damascus will fall.

word El her water alike her said, the Lord mine Yahweh, that snake hers, I am unto take associate the tree stem Joseph wedded within the hand Ephraim,  and the Scepter mine Israel, uniting him, and snake she end mine associations upon me him, associate the tree stem Judah, and the makings unto the tree stem first, and that mine his, first within the hand mine.
  דבר אלהם כה־אמר אדני יהוה הנה אני לקח את־עץ יוסף אשר ביד־אפרים ושבטי ישראל חברו ונתתי אותם עליו את־עץ יהודה ועשיתם לעץ אחד והיו אחד בידי׃

Ezekiel 37:19

and that mine his that tree stem sea wedded the writing upon mine her water within the hand yours unto the eyes mine her water.
  והיו העצים אשר־תכתב עליהם בידך לעיניהם׃

Ezekiel 37:20

and word El mine her water, alike said the Lord mine Yahweh, that snake hers, I am unto take associate the sone mine Israel, from among the Nation sea, wedded walking his the name and assembling mine associations (you are) circling within and that coming mine associations the adaming's.
  ודבר אליהם כה־אמר אדני יהוה הנה אני לקח את־בני ישראל מבין הגוים אשר הלכו־שם וקבצתי אתם מסביב והבאתי אותם אל־אדמתם׃

Ezekiel 37:21

and making mine associations (you are) unto a Nation first within Earth, within the mountains mine Israel, and the King first, Yahweh, unto all unto the King, and not Yah hers hereafter unto a two Nation sea,  and not splits him hereafter, unto two mine, the Kingdom hereafter.
  ועשיתי אתם לגוי אחד בארץ בהרי ישראל ומלך אחד יהיה לכלם למלך ולא יהיה־עוד לשני גוים ולא יחצו עוד לשתי ממלכות עוד׃
Ezekiel 37:22

I am the Slave David's, I am Yah the Head  Elohim Yahweh's, Yahweh my Head, and you my Tail.

and not defiles him hereafter within the Idols mine her water, and within abominable filth mine her water, and within all the rebellious mine her water, and that his save mine associations (your are) from all the sites mine her water  wedded, that miswitnessed him within her water and  purifies mine associations (you are,)  and that mine his unto me, unto a People, and I am Ox Head that Yah's unto her water unto the Elohim,
 ולא יטמאו עוד בגלוליהם ובשקוציהם ובכל פשעיהם והושעתי אתם מכל מושבתיהם אשר חטאו בהם וטהרתי אותם והיו־לי לעם ואני אהיה להם לאלהים׃

Ezekiel 37:23

and the Slave mine David's the King upon mine her water,  and shepherding hers first Yah hers, unto all,  and within the Judgment mine, walks him, and the Statutes mine, guards him, and the Maker his associations.
 ועבדי דוד מלך עליהם ורועה אחד יהיה לכלם ובמשפטי ילכו וחקתי ישמרו ועשו אותם׃

Ezekiel 37:24

שרי = the Prince mine,

שר = Prince, the Government Ruler
ישר = Princeship, the Government, I am the one Good Prince Peace's, the Princeship mine, the Government hers, upon the Shoulders my son, I am the Father Eternal Yahweh's fathering mine yours,

Their Evil Ruler, afraid of us, disarms us and forces us to pay for their armies that they deliberately armed against us

that snake hers snake wisdom hers unto him, lest numbering hers, and that Yah's, related rencounter snake hers, battling, and snake adds gathering himself, upon hating mine snake his, and snake prevail within snake his, and upon hers from out  the Earth's
 הבה נתחכמה לו פן־ירבה והיה כי־תקראנה מלחמה ונוסף גם־הוא על־שנאינו ונלחם־בנו ועלה מן־הארץ׃

Exodus 1:10

 מסים = a tribute sea, like the tribute paid to David defending  the house Israel's, here the evil Rulers, wedded, by their man made Covenants, not acquainting me the one true Joseph,the Prince Peaces, the King Salem's, the City my Bride, I am Israel the Father Eternal,  forcing us to pay tribute for their Armies, that they lie saying that they are defending us of the House Jacob;s and Israel's that they outlawed, and disarmed falsely calling us dangerous Mentally Ill Religious Fanatics

רעם = agitators, or provocateurs
ס = Samekh, Death Messenger
 רעמרעמסס = provocateur death messenger, provocateur people Warmongers 
and the sitting his upon me his the Prince mine a tribute sea, unto heed oppressing him, within burdens, and the son mine the City mine, from treasury, unto Pharaoh, associate the crooked, and associate provocateur people Warmongers, 
 וישימו עליו שרי מסים למען ענתו בסבלתם ויבן ערי מסכנות לפרעה את־פתם ואת־רעמסס׃

Exodus 1:11

I am Israel  the unveiled Face of Moses, the Messiah revealed by Spirit the Lord mine Yahweh upon me, and my son Jesus within my Bosom, in the Medical Community and Military  vetting processes, deciding who can and cannot have Rights,  by their Nazi Marriage Laws they only attack those of us that are Righted by our Torah. The US Colonists knowing this, wrote the 2nd Amendment and the 1st Amendment, but they went around them using their vetting Process in the Medical Community like Nazi Germany did.

and alike wedded oppressing him, associate him the righted numbering hers, and righted opening, and abhorring him  from the face mine the son mine Israel
  וכאשר יענו אתו כן ירבה וכן יפרץ ויקצו מפני בני ישראל׃

Exodus 1:12

and enslaves him Egypt's associate the son  mine Israel  within severely,
 ויעבדו מצרים את־בני ישראל בפרך׃

Exodus 1:13

They target us males, which translate Bricks, knowing that we are living building stones unto the Temple Elohim, burring us in the cruelty, and mire, and enslaved and עבדו=tiller his, (the slave his,)  like Cain, the evil selectively  wedded the females ours by their Nazi Marriage Laws, as slaves, they also married Hebrew male slaves to the females, by their secular Laws, as breeders, and set up to murder  the sons, and save the daughters, Yahweh then, and now turns it around, all their  males married by their Laws, are caught in the own secular Law Trap, and will perish for not repenting.

 ו = and
בל = fails
בנים = the son sea

and trickled his associated the Life mine her water, within the Slave hers, cruelty, and within mire, and failed the son sea, and within all the Salve hers, within the field associate all female salves wedded, the tiller his, (the slave his,) within her water within severely,
 וימררו את־חייהם בעבדה קשה בחמר ובלבנים ובכל־עבדה בשדה את כל־עבדתם אשר־עבדו בהם בפרך׃

Exodus 1:14

 עבדתם = female salves
עברית =  salve mine end, female salves, translated Hebrew
העבריות =  female salves' him

and said the King Egypt's, unto from the bearing, that female salves', wedded the name that one's Garnish, and the name that seconds, Glitter,
  ויאמר מלך מצרים למילדת העברית אשר שם האחת שפרה ושם השנית פועה׃

Exodus 1:15

and said with the bearing snake associate female salves' him, and fears mine end snake, upon that (I) Ox Head the son sea, associate the son himself, and dies snake associate him, and if water a daughter himself, and lives her,
  ויאמר בילדכן את־העבריות וראיתן על־האבנים אם־בן הוא והמתן אתו ואם־בת הוא וחיה׃

Exodus 1:16

עשו = maker his, the name Esau, here used to show the wedding is unto me, not Yahweh the maker mine, and Esau is the violent Warmongers against us,

and she mine fearing snake that from the bearing associate that Elohim's, and not Esau, (maker his,) alike wedded the word El Yah's snake, the King Egypt's, and she the Living wine associate that bearing sea,
 ותיראן המילדת את־האלהים ולא עשו כאשר דבר אליהן מלך מצרים ותחיין את־הילדים׃

Exodus 1:17

and invited the King Egypt's,  unto from the bearing, and said unto her snake, from acquaintance making mine she snake that word's that Zain hers, and she living wine, associate that bearing sea?
 ויקרא מלך־מצרים למילדת ויאמר להן מדוע עשיתן הדבר הזה ותחיין את־הילדים׃

Exodus 1:18

The bearing did not lie to Pharaoh, saving the sons wedded to me Zain, they said that the bearings' belonged to the El Pharaoh's, and were Egyptians, because Yahweh is El Highest.

and answer snake, that the bearings',  El's, Pharaoh's, related not alike the Ishah sea, that Egyptian's, related that Lives his end,  that snake hers, within before returned that the bearings' , and bearing his,
  ותאמרן המילדת אל־פרעה כי לא כנשים המצרית העברית כי־חיות הנה בטרם תבוא אלהן המילדת וילדו׃

Exodus 1:19

and my wellness Elohim's unto the bearing, and numbering the people's, and mine the tree stem from his vehemently,
 וייטב אלהים למילדת וירב העם ויעצמו מאד׃

Exodus 1:20

 בתים = the daughter sea. the daughters Zion's, the seven branch members of my Bride Mount Zion, the seven branches of my Menorah, seeing what the bearing were doing, Pharaoh commanded his People to throw all sons, that they said were his, into the river, and save the females for bearing,

and Yah mine related saw his that bearings' associate that Elohim's, and made unto her water the daughter sea.
  ויהי כי־יראו המילדת את־האלהים ויעש להם בתים׃

Exodus 1:21

and command  his Pharaoh's, unto all the People his, unto said, all that righted, that born, that river hers, throw mine yours hers him, and all that daughter's she lives his snake,
  ויצו פרעה לכל־עמו לאמר כל־הבן הילוד היארה תשליכהו וכל־הבת תחיון׃

Exodus 1:22

אות = token, tied upon the hand,
אותו = token his,
אותה = token hers,
אותנו = token snake his,
אותת  = tokens,

רע = Shepherd
 רעך = Shepherd yours
 רעו = Shepherd his
 רעה = Shepherd hers
פרעה = Face shepherd hers, the King, Cesar's face upon the Coin, the President's or Ruler's face upon the Coin, the Pope, Pharaoh

My Face Shepherd Spirit the Lord mine Yahweh upon my Face, and the Face Shepherd my Son within my Bosom

and the tied water unto a token upon mine the hand yours, and that mine his unto frontlets among between the eyes mine yours,
  וקשרתם לאות על־ידך והיו לטטפת בין עיניך׃

Deuteronomy 6:8

and mine she snake Yahweh tokens and  a miracle sea the Elder sea, and the Shepherd sea, within Egypt's  within Pharaoh's, and within all the House his unto the eyes mine snake his.
 ויתן יהוה אותת ומפתים גדלים ורעים במצרים בפרעה ובכל־ביתו לעינינו׃

Deuteronomy 6:22

שם =  name
משם = from the name

and the token snake his that his casted from the name unto heed that coming associate snake his, unto she end unto snake his associate that Earth wedded snake sworn completely unto  fathering mine snake his, 
  ואותנו הוציא משם למען הביא אתנו לתת לנו את־הארץ אשר נשבע לאבתינו׃

Deuteronomy 6:23

I am the Living Waters  from my Fountain Spirit the Lord mine Yahweh, his Christ that all Living Eternally are Baptized within me, the Sabbath Day, I Zain the Lord of the Sabbath, I the Foundation unto my Wall in Time, I am her opened two Leaf Gate, for Eternity none evil can enter me and my Rest.

and command his snake his Yahweh unto making all the Statute sea that El's hers,  unto fearing hers associate Yahweh, El hers mine snake his unto good unto snake his all that mine the Waters unto Lives snake his alike her Day that Zain hers.
  ויצונו יהוה לעשות את־כל־החקים האלה ליראה את־יהוה אלהינו לטוב לנו כל־הימים לחיתנו כהיום הזה׃

Deuteronomy 6:24

I am Messiah from Spirit the Lord mine Yahweh, the unveiled face unto Moses, I am  the צדקה = Righteousness from out our Torah's, I am the Bridegroom Adam bound unto living within the things from out therein,  one cannot receive me the צדקה = Righteousness from out our Torah's, by works alone, they must believe to be built upon me, by acquainting Spirit the Lord mine Yahweh, and believe his testament about my Son within my Bosom, for none can climb unto me the Father Eternal, any other way, and then build upon me, things from our Mitzvahs and our Statutes.

and the Righteousness she hers Yah's unto snake his, related snake guarding unto making associate all the Mitzvah's that Zain's associate unto the face mine, Yahweh El hers mine snake his alike wedded command snake his.
 וצדקה תהיה־לנו כי־נשמר לעשות את־כל־המצוה הזאת לפני יהוה אלהינו כאשר צונו׃

Deuteronomy 6:25

teshuvah‎   = return her  = תשובהs

 חסיתי = fleeing mine, a two way fleeing , the repenting Just the fleeing Yahweh's unto him the El Highest, and the remorseless evil fleeing from   unto him the El Highest Yahweh.

from the Poet's unto David's guards snake mine El the fleeing mine,
  מכתם לדוד שמרני אל כי־חסיתי בך׃

Psalm 16:1

David seeing beforehand, Yahweh sent me the Lord his unto my own, and they said, you will not rule over us as King,

answered unto Yahweh, the Lord mine associate her, the goodness mine, fails me yours,
 אמרת ליהוה אדני אתה טובתי בל־עליך׃

Psalm 16:2

unto the Saint sea wedded within Earth, that from her and the Nobleman mine all that pleasant mine within them,
  לקדושים אשר־בארץ המה ואדירי כל־חפצי־בם׃

Psalm 16:3

They Idolize me the hindermost, worshiping me the Father Eternal from the loins of David, never acquainting who they worship for Eternity, like David foresaw casting off the blood sacrifice of  my son from my loins,  and drawing  nigh unto me with their lips, I fail them failing  to mention me the one that they  ignorantly worship, arrogantly claiming to be mine, teaching about me but commandments and doctrines from men,

numbering his idolized water hindermost the flow his fails (I) Ox Head poured, the molten mine her water, from blood, and fails (I) Ox Head lifted associate the namable water upon the lips mine,
  ירבו עצבותם אחר מהרו בל־אסיך נסכיהם מדם ובל־אשא את־שמותם על־שפתי׃

Psalm 16:4

Yahweh weighed the Lot mine, and the Cup mine, associate her, maintaining mine yours, the pebble mine,
  יהוה מנת־חלקי וכוסי אתה תומיך גורלי׃

Psalm 16:5

the cord sea falls his unto me, within the pleasant sea, the aggression inheritance the glistening hers upon me,
 חבלים נפלו־לי בנעמים אף־נחלת שפרה עלי׃

Psalm 16:6

the blessings yours associate Yahweh wedded, the adversary mine the aggression unto Night, instructed me the reigns his mine,
 אברך את־יהוה אשר יעצני אף־לילות יסרוני כליותי׃

Psalm 16:7

levels mine Yahweh unto the front mine the stretch, from the Right hand mine, fails (I) Ox Head the fallen,
 שויתי יהוה לנגדי תמיד כי מימיני בל־אמוט׃

Psalm 16:8

unto righted cheering up the heart mine the rest unto the refuge,
 לכן שמח לבי ויגל כבודי אף־בשרי ישכן לבטח׃

Psalm 16:9

related not leaving the Soul mine, unto the Grave, not she end snake the Holy one yours unto seeing corruption,
  כי לא־תעזב נפשי לשאול לא־תתן חסידך לראות שחת׃

Psalm 16:10

reacquainting snake mine the caravan the Living sea satisfied associate the face mine yours the pleasures within the Right hand mine yours, the victory,
  תודיעני ארח חיים שבע שמחות את־פניך נעמות בימינך נצח׃

Psalm 16:11

The Cups

The Greek LXX uses του ποτηριου αυτων = thereof the cup's theirs, for plural possessive כוסם Cups', hiding my Weapon, Spirit the Lord mine Yahweh, that pours out his Judgment from me the Cup, the  Silver Cup, and my son the Cup, Gold Cup, their Portion

כוסם = του ποτηριου αυτων = Cups'

unto the glittering unto David within Yahweh, fleeing me, how answered him unto the soul mine, vanishes his, the mount your water, a Parrot,
 למנצח לדוד ביהוה חסיתי איך תאמרו לנפשי נודו הרכם צפור׃

Psalm 11:1

קשת = the Bow, my Covenant Bow in me the Cloud Noah's, my Bow Jacob foretold that Bow mine to trust, my enemies say it is their Bow, stealing the Song Rights, belonging unto me, the Shepherd Headstone Israel, and singing the stolen Songs Zion's, they become destroyed before me

related that snake hers, that evil's sea, the path his snake, the Bow erected his, that arrow upon the string, unto flows within from him the darkening, unto the Just heart,
  כי הנה הרשעים ידרכון קשת כוננו חצם על־יתר לירות במו־אפל לישרי־לב׃

Psalm 11:2

related that foundation destroys snake his,  the Righteousness from her ordained,
  כי השתות יהרסון צדיק מה־פעל׃

Psalm 11:3

Yahweh within the Temple Holy his, Yahweh within heavens'  throne his eyes me his Yah Zain his, the wink mine his, tried him, the son mine Adam's,
  יהוה בהיכל קדשו יהוה בשמים כסאו עיניו יחזו עפעפיו יבחנו בני אדם׃

Psalm 11:4

Yahweh proved me his Righteousness from out our Torah's, against the evil warmongers of the Mount of Esau who blaspheme calling themselves Jews, when they are but of the Household of Satan, lying in the name Yahweh, and  Yahweh and I his Messiah his King upon Mount Zion, we the haters unto the soul his warring destroying the Earth, and becoming destroyed before me,

Yahweh  Righteousness tried, and the evil, and the loving violence,  the hater hers, the soul his,
  יהוה צדיק יבחן ורשע ואהב חמס שנאה נפשו׃

Psalm 11:5

 rain  upon the evil sea, snares, fire and brimstone, and the Spirit terrifyingly the portion the cups'.
  ימטר על־רשעים פחים אש וגפרית ורוח זלעפות מנת כוסם׃

Psalm 11:6

Moses defined me the Righteous from out our Torah's, as me the Adam bound unto Living within the this from out therein, all believing unto becoming adorned upon me are not disappointed, all not built upon me the Rock, the tried foundation laid in Zion, stumbled up me, the Headstone unto the opening unto their Grave.

יחזו = Yah Zain his, I the Father Yahweh's Zain his, the Rod of Iron, the seventh Messenger, Lord of the Sabbath

related the Righteousness Yahweh's massing loving the Just Yah Zain his the face mine from him,
  כי־צדיק יהוה צדקות אהב ישר יחזו פנימו׃

Psalm 11:7

Babylonian fake Jew 1st Month of the Year,

From the Calendar from the  fake Jews Maccabees of our Southern Kingdom Judah, which is the same as the Latin Maccabees from the Latin Catholic Church, because it is the Birth Month of Jesus, that they falsely call Christ

Sun, 4 October 2015 = 21st Day within Tishrei, 5776

כ  א בתשרי תשע ו

From of From the Calendar from our Samaritan Northern Kingdom Israel, from Joseph the Christ from Yahweh, born the eleventh Day, within our Eleventh Month called Shevat, the Scepter Israel

Hebrew Samaritan Seventh Month, our Month of Atonement, called the Sabbath Month of Zain, the Seventh Messenger from Adam

Sun, 4 October 2015 = 21st Day within Ethanim, 5776

כ  א באתנים תשע ו

That is the fake Jew Babylonian Date, this our Samaritan  Seventh Month is our Atonement Month  and is called Ethanim, Hebrew: אתנים - 1 Kings 8:2 and everywhere else the Babylonian name Tishrei, is only used once  by the Babylonian deceived Jews that the fake Jew Maccabees follows, that call it their first month, and outlawed us of the house Jacob's and the House Israel's.

The Hebrew Calendar is about 400 years off the added up ages of the Generations since Adam, your fake Christians and fake Jews and scientists deny the destruction of the former heaven and earth, to rebuild this one, being destroyed because of you attacking people that believe the truth from our Holy Scriptures that you and Nazi Governments outlawed.

My Son Jesus and his Apostles being Jewish, and us Samaritans from our Norther Kingdom Israel, have never taught Jesus was the Messiah from Yahweh, only Antichrists teach those fake Doctrine from Mistranslated Bibles, to lead the discerned to their death, giving them what they call Communion, of Bread and Wine, that the False Prophets lie,  claiming to be working a Miracle, turning the Bread and Wine into the Body and Blood of Christ, like Saul called Paul, from the Tribe of Benjamin my Cup Bearer, told about the False Prophets, and causing many to die early and become sick, not discerning mine, the Body of   Christ, I am the Bridegroom unto Mount Zion, called Salem, I am the King Salem's, called η κεφαλη ο χριστος  = the Head that Christ, my Bride is called my Body of Christ,  my Body the Living Temple Elohim's, I am the El called King Elohim, I am  the second Adam your Lord the Father Eternal from Heaven.

Saul called Paul said by my Scribe Holy Spirit Yahweh writing my heart within his heart,

 mimicking mine becoming accordantly I the Christ's,
 μιμηται μου γινεσθε καθως καγω χριστου

1 Corinthians 11:1

Manifesting and mimicking me, calling me his face and the brother faces,

the face also yours brothers,  related all mine reminded and accordantly aside dose to you those side doses accorded holding,
 επαινω δε υμας αδελφοι οτι παντα μου μεμνησθε και καθως παρεδωκα υμιν τας παραδοσεις κατεχετε

1 Corinthians 11:2

Spirit the Lord mine Yahweh at Bar Mitzvah, said invite me Ishi, the Ish mine, and I said Ishi, unto Yahweh  the Ish mine, and he called me his Slave the Branch, and called me Baal, and caleed me Ish, for the Slace is not above his Lord, by equal, Yahweh my Head, I the Head into both all the Ish and all the Ishah, both wedded unto me the Head not to each other, mated under Mahar as my Eunuchs and Concubine to beget and bear my Children, like Saul called Paul said by my Scribe Holy Spirit Yahweh writing my heart within his heart, wrote,

the will also yours seen, related all the Ish the Head that Christ exists, the Head also the Ishah, that Ish the Head also Christ's that El.
 θελω δε υμας ειδεναι οτι παντος ανδρος η κεφαλη ο χριστος εστιν κεφαλη δε γυναικος ο ανηρ κεφαλη δε χριστου ο θεος

1 Corinthians 11:3

κατα  =accorded
αἰσχύνομαι = off base
καταισχυνει  =accorded off base, neglects, means having no strength from the head Christ, translated, shamed his Head Christ, when praying or prophesying anything not from the Head his, the Christ

all Ish praying or prophesying, accorded that the Head holds, accorded off base, neglects, the Head his,
 πας ανηρ προσευχομενος η προφητευων κατα κεφαλης εχων καταισχυνει την κεφαλην αυτου

1 Corinthians 11:4

 ακατακαλυπτω τη κεφαλη = uncovering therein the Head, meaning removing the Head, Christ the Ish the covering of the  γυνη = Ishath which is an γυναικος = Ishah, a female wedded to Christ, age twelve up, call  γυναικος = Ishah, and called γυνη = Ishath when under Mahar to her ανηρ = Ish, the Christ to bear his childbed, and called γυνη = Ishath when under Mahar Mated with an ανηρ = Ish, who says Under Mahar that she is his γυναικος = Ishah, his woman, and she says the Eunuch wedded to Christ is her ανηρ = Ish, her man,

τη εξυρημενη = therein shaved off, meaning she shaved off her Head Christ, who is represented by the Hair of the woman, her Glory having been wedded unto the Christ her covering. All those saying a Man Wedded as Bride unto a Woman, is her Had her covering are false Prophets, for the Ishah is already wedded to Her Head her Covering the Christ represented by her Hair, that they are ashamed of and abuse the women, making them cover their Heads with scarfs and hat Hats, and Hijabs, and all the Men putting a Kippah upon the Head and paying or Prophesying saying that I will not Rule over them as their King, they are false Prophets, for I  the Christ from Yahweh, I am the Head and Covering unto all the Ish wedded unto me as my Eunuchs of the Kingdom of Heaven

all so also Ishath praying or prophesying, uncovering therein the Head,  accorded off base, neglects, the Head hers, within because exists that he therein shaved off,
  πασα δε γυνη προσευχομενη η προφητευουσα ακατακαλυπτω τη κεφαλη καταισχυνει την κεφαλην εαυτης εν γαρ εστιν και το αυτο τη εξυρημενη

1 Corinthians 11:5

Saying the woman is not wedded unto me her Christ the Bridegroom unto Mount Zion, is like shaving her head, which is unlawful for any Ish to do by calling himself a Bridegroom and taking the Place of her Covering, he Veil, that is only allowed to be lifted off by me the Bridegroom unto Mount Zion.

if because not covered the Ishath, and barber shears,  that are also off base, the Ishah that shaves or shaved off the Veil,
 ει γαρ ου κατακαλυπτεται γυνη και κειρασθω ει δε αισχρον γυναικι το κειρασθαι η ξυρασθαι κατακαλυπτεσθω

1 Corinthians 11:6

 I am her Hair her Glory as the Elohim her Christ, an Ish cannot obligate her to Veil me her Glory, for I am also the Glory of the Ish

the Ish truly cannot obligate Veiling, the Head, the image and Glory Elohim's under the Ishath, also the Glory the Ish exists,
  ανηρ μεν γαρ ουκ οφειλει κατακαλυπτεσθαι την κεφαλην εικων και δοξα θεου υπαρχων γυνη δε δοξα ανδρος εστιν

1 Corinthians 11:7

All the assembly take out Adam's dwelling upon Earth for me as my Bride, are my Ishath, under Mahar to beget and bear my children, those that refuse me as the Ruler and King, refusing to labor begetting and bearing my Children, have no me the Righteousness from out Torah's, and the have not my son Jesus our Promised salvation from out our Torah's.

not because the Ish out the Ishah (woman,) but the Ishath (under Mahar) out the Ish,
ου γαρ εστιν ανηρ εκ γυναικος αλλα γυνη εξ ανδρος

1 Corinthians 11:8

and because not fabricated the Ish through the Ishah, but the Ishath through the Ish,
 και γαρ ουκ εκτισθη ανηρ δια την γυναικα αλλα γυνη δια τον ανδρα

1 Corinthians 11:9

They are evil false Jews and false Christians and false Muslims stripping the Ishath of her Authority from us Messengers from Holy Spirit Yahweh our Creator

through thereof that obligated the Ishath authority Holds, upon the Head through them Messengers
 δια τουτο οφειλει η γυνη εξουσιαν εχειν επι της κεφαλης δια τους αγγελους

1 Corinthians 11:10

Nether the Ish nor the Ishath are favored above the other within me, and they both favor me and my authority equally for I am  the second Adam  both their Bridegroom, both their Lord from Heaven,

again neither the Ish, favors the Ishath, neither  the Ishath favors the Ish within the Lord,
 πλην ουτε ανηρ χωρις γυναικος ουτε γυνη χωρις ανδρος εν κυριω

1 Corinthians 11:11

I am Elohim the sleep from Yahweh dropped upon Adam as the Bridegroom from out Heaven, first wedding Adam

and dropped Yahweh, the Elohim the sleep upon the Adam's, and slept, and took one from the ribs mine his, and encircled the flesh beneath snake hers,
 ויפל יהוה אלהים תרדמה על־האדם ויישן ויקח אחת מצלעתיו ויסגר בשר תחתנה׃

Genesis 2:21

בן = son,
יבן = Built, a built son, they say Jesus was begotten not made, I am the built Elohim, the son Yahweh's, her Bridegroom,
לקח = unto took, the same term used in Mahar mating
 לאשה  = unto Ishah, the same term used in Mahar mating
אשר = wedded, used when uniting or marrying anything together with another thing

and built Yahweh, the Elohim associate that rib wedded, unto took from out the Adam's, unto Ishah
 ויבן יהוה אלהים את־הצלע אשר־לקח מן־האדם לאשה ויבאה אל־האדם׃

Genesis 2:22

Adam saw me Zain, the Rod of Iron,  associate her,  speaking about me, calling me the Father, and him Mount Zion the Mother

and said that Adam's,  Zain associate her that struck the bone from the bone mine, and flesh from the flesh mine, unto zain associate invited the Ishah, related from the Ish unto took her Zain associate,
 ויאמר האדם זאת הפעם עצם מעצמי ובשר מבשרי לזאת יקרא אשה כי מאיש לקחה־זאת׃

Genesis 2:23

Here left the Ish Adam, unto me, as my Ishah, that he took as his Ishah, taking her unto him the flesh first.

upon righted left the Ish, associate the assonate the Father mine his, and the Mother his, and cleaved within the Ishath his, and that mine his unto the flesh first,
 על־כן יעזב־איש את־אביו ואת־אמו ודבק באשתו והיו לבשר אחד׃

Genesis 2:24

Moses calling me the Father Yah,

and Yah mine his the two her water, a naked sea that Adam's and the Ishath his, and not ashamed his,
 ויהיו שניהם ערומים האדם ואשתו ולא יתבששו׃

Genesis 2:25

Like the first Adam all the Ishah's come out me the second Adam the Elohim, from within the Garden with the first Adam, the naked Ishah Eve fit to pray unto me, her Elohim

liken because the Ishath thereof the Ish's thus, and that Ish through this Ishah's the things also all out the Elohim's,
  ωσπερ γαρ η γυνη εκ του ανδρος ουτως και ο ανηρ δια της γυναικος τα δε παντα εκ του θεου

1 Corinthians 11:12

within to you to them judged fit exists, the Ishah uncovered to Elohim praying,
 εν υμιν αυτοις κρινατε πρεπον εστιν γυναικα ακατακαλυπτον τω θεω προσευχεσθαι

1 Corinthians 11:13

if the Ish about her Natural Naked existence is ashamed of hers, her nakedness and her Natural hair representing her Bridegroom Christ while praying, he is deceived,

or neither hers the Natural, teaches you, related the Ish's, truly if when the shame to him exists,
 η ουδε αυτη η φυσις διδασκει υμας οτι ανηρ μεν εαν κομα ατιμια αυτω εστιν

1 Corinthians 11:14

the Ishath also if when wears the Glory hers exists, or wears against the Veil discerned hers,
  γυνη δε εαν κομα δοξα αυτη εστιν οτι η κομη αντι περιβολαιου δεδοται αυτη

1 Corinthians 11:15

If they are ashamed of the woman's natural naked ness and Glory, not holding this custom, they are not part of the assemblies Elohim's

if also who thinks a controversy the one yours, suchlike the custom, not holds, neither those assemblies thereof Elohim,
 ει δε τις δοκει φιλονεικος ειναι ημεις τοιαυτην συνηθειαν ουκ εχομεν ουδε αι εκκλησιαι του θεου

1 Corinthians 11:16

thereof that aside message, not the face, related not the one that better, but the one that the worst cohabited,
  τουτο δε παραγγελλων ουκ επαινω οτι ουκ εις το κρειττον αλλ εις το ηττον συνερχεσθε

1 Corinthians 11:17

the proton truly because cohabiting, yours within the assembly, heard the schism, within to you, beneath and the measure dividing  why believed,
 πρωτον μεν γαρ συνερχομενων υμων εν τη εκκλησια ακουω σχισματα εν υμιν υπαρχειν και μερος τι πιστευω

1 Corinthians 11:18

must because and the heresies  within to you, which those approved manifest generating within you,
  δει γαρ και αιρεσεις εν υμιν ειναι ινα οι δοκιμοι φανεροι γενωνται εν υμιν

1 Corinthians 11:19

jointly came therefore yours, upon that he not exists the Lord's feast eating,
  συνερχομενων ουν υμων επι το αυτο ουκ εστιν κυριακον δειπνον φαγειν

1 Corinthians 11:20

ιδιον δειπνον = owner's (Baal's) feast, like the feast of the Prophet Joseph in Egypt, that Jacob said the Baal mine, comes from and is  the crowned Nazarite the Head Joseph's, naming me the Shepherd Headstone Israel, but here used of a different owner's (Baal's) feast. They are drunken, not with Alcohol, but doctrines from the Devils Table, causing schism with polarized issues like all the Politicians and Medias do, with their Polarized issues, like Hillary Clinton does, playing a Bar Tender, refusing to legalize us by Removing her Secular Marriage DOMA and Gay Marriage Laws, using her deliberate polarized issues, refusing to hear and cover ours, mocking schisms  her polarized issues cause to stir up both Antisemitic Trinitarian and fake Jew Nazis and Antisemitic Homosexual  against us, she eats not  κυριακον δειπνον φαγειν  = the Lord's feast eating, but another ιδιον δειπνον = owner's (Baal's) feast, than this assembles Elohim's accorded despising and accorded off base, neglecting us, applauding her Homosexuals and their supporters, not applauding us and our House Elohim's, like as written;

particularly because that owner's (Baal's) feast, before manifested within thereto eating,  and who truly drank, whose also drunken,
  εκαστος γαρ το ιδιον δειπνον προλαμβανει εν τω φαγειν και ος μεν πεινα ος δε μεθυει

1 Corinthians 11:21

Being drunken like that, causing schisms, he was noway part of the Lord's house

noway because the house's not holds the one that devours and drinks, than this assembles Elohim's accorded despising and accorded off base, neglecting them, noway holds why  you drink applauding yours, (they) within thereof thereto not applauded.
 μη γαρ οικιας ουκ εχετε εις το εσθιειν και πινειν η της εκκλησιας του θεου καταφρονειτε και καταισχυνετε τους μη εχοντας τι υμιν ειπω επαινεσω υμας εν τουτω ουκ επαινω

1 Corinthians 11:22

του κυριου thereof the Lord's, me the Lord and my Feast as Baal and Lord from Heaven

παρ = aside, or beside
εδιδοτο =  the betrayer,
παρεδιδοτο = aside the betrayer, Judas Iscariot

I because aside manifest thereof the Lord's from  that aside dosed to you,  related that Lord Jesus within the Night, than aside the betrayer within manifest Bread
  εγω γαρ παρελαβον απο του κυριου ο και παρεδωκα υμιν οτι ο κυριος ιησους εν τη νυκτι η παρεδιδοτο ελαβεν αρτον

1 Corinthians 11:23

ευχαριστεω  = Eucharist, singular,
ευχαριστησας = Eucharists', plural,

I am the Father Eternal, the Christ from Yahweh within my Son, I am your Body, the Living Body of Christ, with my son in my Bosom, and you don't member me within my son, when eating the bread, your Priests lie claiming to work a Miracle, changing the Bread and Wine to my Body and Blood

and the Eucharists', break, and said within manifest, eating, thereof that, mine exists that body under yours, thereof that making, the one within me, remembered,
 και ευχαριστησας εκλασεν και ειπεν λαβετε φαγετε τουτο μου εστιν το σωμα το υπερ υμων κλωμενον τουτο ποιειτε εις την εμην αναμνησιν

1 Corinthians 11:24

He held the bread over me the Cup, the Silver Cup, the unbreakable Eucharist, his Father Eternal, the Life that resurrected him, from among the dead, and said,

as the same and that Cup, therewith that feast, lecture, thereof that, that Cup the new Covenant exists within thereto within me, the Blood's, thereof that making when drinks the one, that within me, remembered,
  ωσαυτως και το ποτηριον μετα το δειπνησαι λεγων τουτο το ποτηριον η καινη διαθηκη εστιν εν τω εμω αιματι τουτο ποιειτε οσακις αν πινητε εις την εμην αναμνησιν

1 Corinthians 11:25

Nightfall also generated the Table therewith thereof the twelve,
  οψιας δε γενομενης ανεκειτο μετα των δωδεκα

Matthew 26:20

παρα= aside
δωσει = gives up, from doses, doses up,
παραδωσει = aside doses up, betraying by dosing up.  doctrine not mine,

and with the feasts theirs, said, truly lectures you, related the one  our yours, aside doses up, gives up, me,
 και εσθιοντων αυτων ειπεν αμην λεγω υμιν οτι εις εξ υμων παραδωσει με

Matthew 26:21

and sorrowing, greatly began lecturing to him, out one theirs,  noway why, I am, Lord?
 και λυπουμενοι σφοδρα ηρξαντο λεγειν αυτω εκαστος αυτων μητι εγω ειμι κυριε

Matthew 26:22

This is a Dual Betrayal, of both me the Christ within whom all are dipped, and the Betrayal of my Son Baptized openly in me the Father at the River Jordan

that also concluded, said, that within dipped therewith within me, within thereto the Bowel, the hand he to me aside doses up, gives up,
 ο δε αποκριθεις ειπεν ο εμβαψας μετ εμου εν τω τρυβλιω την χειρα ουτος με παραδωσει

Matthew 26:23

I am the Adam whom my Son declares was betrayed also in the Betrayal, Judas Iscariot  not born from above, by me the Adam the Righteousness from out our Torah's, bound therein to living within the things from out therein,  like Jesus spoke with Nicodemus, my Son Jesus said the truth that Judas Iscariot was never not mine, never written within me the Scroll of Life, written by my Scribe Holy Spirit Yahweh, and my Son Jesus said Judas Iscariot, like many that betrayed me, and my son,   could not produce the things mine from within him,  like his other disciples could, and the evil against me cannot do, because they were never written within me the Scroll of Life, written by my Scribe Holy Spirit Yahweh,

that true son thereof Adam's leads accordantly written about his, woe, also thereto Adam, out the one through who that son thereof Adam's aside surrenders, the good associated to him, that are not within begotten that Adam's, out the one,
 ο μεν υιος του ανθρωπου υπαγει καθως γεγραπται περι αυτου ουαι δε τω ανθρωπω εκεινω δι ου ο υιος του ανθρωπου παραδιδοται καλον ην αυτω ει ουκ εγεννηθη ο ανθρωπος εκεινος

Matthew 26:24

Judas Iscariot whom like all the disciple said not the be called Rabbi, my son Jesus saying that I the Christ from out Heaven his Father, saying I am the Rabbi, but Judas Iscariot called himself the Rabbi, the Christ against my son Jesus, telling my son Jesus to lecture to me,

ραββι = Rabbi, the Master mine, Judas Iscariot said about me the Adam, his Father and my son Jesus that my son Jesus was speaking about, "neither, I am the Master mine,  lecture to him, you  spoke of," speaking about me theirs,  the Christ that Jesus lectured about,

Concluded also  that  aside surrendered to him, said,  neither, I am the Rabbi, lecture to him, you  spoke of,
  αποκριθεις δε ιουδας ο παραδιδους αυτον ειπεν μητι εγω ειμι ραββι λεγει αυτω συ ειπας

Matthew 26:25

My Son Jesus responded with my Cup, lecturing about me the Messenger of the Covenant, that all drink out from me

feast also theirs, manifest that Jesus the Bread, and blessed breaking, and delivered to them disciples, and said, manifest eating thereof that exists that Body mine,
  εσθιοντων δε αυτων λαβων ο ιησους τον αρτον και ευλογησας εκλασεν και εδιδου τοις μαθηταις και ειπεν λαβετε φαγετε τουτο εστιν το σωμα μου

 Matthew 26:26

and manifest that Cup, and the Eucharists' delivered to them, lecturing, drink out his all,
 και λαβων το ποτηριον και ευχαριστησας εδωκεν αυτοις λεγων πιετε εξ αυτου παντες

Matthew 26:27

thereof that exists that blood mine, that this the new covenant that about whenever spills the one, leaves the miswitness,
 τουτο γαρ εστιν το αιμα μου το της καινης διαθηκης το περι πολλων εκχυνομενον εις αφεσιν αμαρτιων

Matthew 26:28

In Spirit the Lord mine Yahweh my Head, I the Father Eternal, I am the Older Time, Cohen unto Times, in all Time mine drink from me the Living Water from my Fountain Holy Spirit Yahweh, and hereafter Times, the cannot come wherein the Time I am, I am a Wall in Time, I am the Gate, and none can enter my Time, none can pass by Me, none can climb up unto me, but by son within my Bosom.

lectures also to you, none noway drink from the now, out thereof thereof, thereof the generation this vine's, till this day out the one when he drinks therewith you the new within the Kingdom thereof the Father's mine.
 λεγω δε υμιν οτι ου μη πιω απ αρτι εκ τουτου του γεννηματος της αμπελου εως της ημερας εκεινης οταν αυτο πινω μεθ υμων καινον εν τη βασιλεια του πατρος μου

Matthew 26:29

 κατα = accorded
γγελλετε = the Messenger

 καταγγελλετε  accorded the Messenger, I am the new Covenant,  the Cup, the Messenger of the Covenant, that came within this my predetermined Time, standing against the False Prophet that Antichrist Pope, the Seventh that becomes the Eighth, messenger of his Eight Candle Maccabees Menorah,  and his Seven Tails, the seven Whorish Daughters of Babylon,  against me the Christ and Head unto Mount Zion, and my Seven Tails the Seven Daughter of Zion, the Seven Lamps upon my Menorah,

whenever because when the feast the Bread thereof thereat, and that Cup thereof that drinks, that death, thereof the Lord's, accorded the Messenger till who when comes,
 οσακις γαρ αν εσθιητε τον αρτον τουτον και το ποτηριον τουτο πινητε τον θανατον του κυριου καταγγελλετε αχρις ου αν ελθη

1 Corinthians 11:26

as both whose when devours that bread, thereof that the drink that Cup, thereof the Lord's, unworthily, guilty, the existence thereof  Body's and the Blood's thereof the Lord's,
 ωστε ος αν εσθιη τον αρτον τουτον η πινη το ποτηριον του κυριου αναξιως ενοχος εσται του σωματος και αιματος του κυριου

1 Corinthians 11:27

discerns also that Adam yourself, and thus out thereof Beard's devoured, and out thereof the Cup's Dink,
  δοκιμαζετω δε ανθρωπος εαυτον και ουτως εκ του αρτου εσθιετω και εκ του ποτηριου πινετω

1 Corinthians 11:28

that because devoured, and drank unworthily, condemned yourself, devouring and drinking noway discerning that Body thereof the Lord's
  ο γαρ εσθιων και πινων αναξιως κριμα εαυτω εσθιει και πινει μη διακρινων το σωμα του κυριου

1 Corinthians 11:29

κοιμωνται ικανοι  =  sleep prematurely, die prematurely

through thereof that, within to you, many weaken and sickly and sleep prematurely,
  δια τουτο εν υμιν πολλοι ασθενεις και αρρωστοι και κοιμωνται ικανοι

1 Corinthians 11:30

that are because yourselves through the Judgment cannot when within the Judgment,
 ει γαρ εαυτους διεκρινομεν ουκ αν εκρινομεθα

1 Corinthians 11:31

I am the Living Cosmos, lifting up my Stake, and purchased the whole Cosmos,  by dosing out my Soul,  my Son's  lifeless blood purchasing all for me, as I gave him Life Eternal, within me his Father Eternal, the Scroll of Life written by my Scribe  Spirit the Lord mine Yahweh, hereafter Times, all who that because devoured, and drank unworthily, the condemned, cannot pass me, the Wall in Time, I being the two leaved Gate, open unto mine, none can come up unto me, but by my son within my Bosom.

condemned also unto the Lord's instruction, which noway therefore thereto the Cosmos, accorded condemning,
  κρινομενοι δε υπο κυριου παιδευομεθα ινα μη συν τω κοσμω κατακριθωμεν

1 Corinthians 11:32

alike Brothers mine. jointly coming, the one that eaten, the other waiting,
  ωστε αδελφοι μου συνερχομενοι εις το φαγειν αλληλους εκδεχεσθε

1 Corinthians 11:33

that are also who hungers within the house devouring, which noway the one jointly left the things also the remnant, alike when comes that appointed,
 ει δε τις πεινα εν οικω εσθιετω ινα μη εις κριμα συνερχησθε τα δε λοιπα ως αν ελθω διαταξομαι

1 Corinthians 11:34

While their Atheists and Homosexuals and Nazi Trinitarians misdirect all their Military fire, doing Jerry Springer attack upon the Innocent, calling it Fog of War, like they do in the Nazi Police Sweeps attacking us of Israel, without any Just Cause, when attacked by Antisemitic Street Criminals, the Nazi Police  calling us dangerous Mentally Ill Religious Fanatics, and locking us up though we committed no Crime, disabling and murdering us, forcing upon us everything that they know causes us harm, as CNN Promotes the Outlaws, that use their Antisemitic Antichrist Secular Governments and Nazi Police and Nazi Doctors to attack us of Israel,  that both the Criminals and  their Secular Government outlawed, saying ",Whats it like, being outlawed, This is Life," and Promoting their Nazi  Trinitarians Religious Fanatics locking us od Israel up,  and robbing us while locked up being disabled and murdered by their Nazi Trinitarians,  saying that they will not be defined by the Evil, violating and outlawing our Scriptures that they lie claiming to believe, calling Holy Spirit Yahweh and me his Messiah and our followers of Mount Zion the Evil that they must destroy, outlawing me the Father Eternal, and my Son Jesus their Salvation, both their Secular Governments and their Criminals outlawing their Eternal Life and Salvation, as they being the evil Babylonian Mount of Esau, both their Criminals and  their Secular Government inventing and saying, lies, to disarm us lying saying that we have serious Mental Heath Problems, and blocking our access to Kosher and Medical Treatments and to Personal and Business needs, by their Regulation and abuse of Power, using their Global and Local National Secular Government Laws, lying saying they they are defending us of Israel, disarming us, and turning us over to armed Criminals and Heavily Armed Antisemitic Police and Courts and Doctors like Nazi Germany did, violating our Covenant and outlawing us and the Wedding Feast of the Kingdom of Heaven, and our Mahar Mating Contracts,  by their Marriage Laws, and refuse to repent and legalize us and our Scriptures, arming armies against me, with Carnal Weapons of War, against whom I stand with  my only weapon,  the Lord and King mine   Holy Spirit Yahweh, as I the Father Eternal reveal the hour of the Evil males of Belial turned to mud upon the Ishah that they took in Marriage to defile them, and becoming carried away, that house has come for them, like my son Jesus said, to be washed away for refusing to repent, come out among all the Secular Right and Left Wing upon all the Earth, promoting their Secular Government, and come out from among all their Armed Forces, and all their Religions Promoting their Marriages, they will all  become washed away, like my son Jesus said,

They are the Evil Heavens and Earth casting aide aside my son's words, lying claiming to serve him and me his Father, none noway aside aside them, come out from among them,  like my son Jesus said,

truly lectures you none noway aside come the generation hers, till when all thereof the things generate,
  αμην λεγω υμιν ου μη παρελθη η γενεα αυτη εως αν παντα ταυτα γενηται

 Matthew 24:34

that Heavens and the Earth aside casting those also words mine none aside come
 ο ουρανος και η γη παρελευσονται οι δε λογοι μου ου μη παρελθωσιν

Matthew 24:35

about also this Days out ones being and this hour's no one knows, neither them messengers thereof the Heaven's, if noway the one that Father mine unique,
 περι δε της ημερας εκεινης και της ωρας ουδεις οιδεν ουδε οι αγγελοι των ουρανων ει μη ο πατηρ μου μονος

Matthew 24:36

likens those Days thereof Noah's resistance, and the coming thereof the Son's, thereof the Adam's,
  ωσπερ δε αι ημεραι του νωε ουτως εσται και η παρουσια του υιου του ανθρωπου

Matthew 24:37

likens because as when within to those Days, to those prior  thereof the flood's, chewing and drinking to Marriages and out  Marriages, till whose Day entered Noah the one that Ark's,
 ωσπερ γαρ ησαν εν ταις ημεραις ταις προ του κατακλυσμου τρωγοντες και πινοντες γαμουντες και εκγαμιζοντες αχρι ης ημερας εισηλθεν νωε εις την κιβωτον

Matthew 24:38

and not within acquainted till  arrived that flood, and carried away all,  thus existence and the coming thereof the Son's, thereof the Adam's,
  και ουκ εγνωσαν εως ηλθεν ο κατακλυσμος και ηρεν απαντας ουτως εσται και η παρουσια του υιου του ανθρωπου

Matthew 24:39

when two simultaneously being within the field, that the one aside manifesting, and that the one lost leaving,
 τοτε δυο εσονται εν τω αγρω ο εις παραλαμβανεται και ο εις αφιεται

Matthew 24:40

two grinding within the mill, the first aside manifesting, and the first lost leaving,
  δυο αληθουσαι εν τω μυλωνι μια παραλαμβανεται και μια αφιεται

Matthew 24:41

watch therefore related cannot know the watch  hour that Lord your comes,
 γρηγορειτε ουν οτι ουκ οιδατε ποια ωρα ο κυριος υμων ερχεται

Matthew 24:42

out the one also acquainting, related if  knew that householder the watch that thief comes, would watch guarding when, and cannot when suffered the breakup the house his,
  εκεινο δε γινωσκετε οτι ει ηδει ο οικοδεσποτης ποια φυλακη ο κλεπτης ερχεται εγρηγορησεν αν και ουκ αν ειασεν διορυγηναι την οικιαν αυτου

Matthew 24:43

through thereof that and you acquaint prepared, related the hour none think that son thereof Adam's came.
  δια τουτο και υμεις γινεσθε ετοιμοι οτι η ωρα ου δοκειτε ο υιος του ανθρωπου ερχεται

Matthew 24:44

Noway a Judge which noway a Judge
 μη κρινετε ινα μη κριθητε

Matthew 7:1

within what the Judge's judges, the Judgment, and within what measured the measure, against the measurer,
  εν ω γαρ κριματι κρινετε κριθησεσθε και εν ω μετρω μετρειτε αντι μετρηθησεται υμιν

 Matthew 7:2

While the Maccabees Benjamin Netanyahu and Eight Candle Menorah Followers and their Nazi Maccabees Pope, accuses us of refusing to renounce Terrorism, as he and his followers outlawed us of our Samaritan Northern Kingdom Israel, saying the truth from our Scriptures, that we are not Jews of our Souther Kingdom Judah, and he refuses to renounce the Terrorist Armies that he and his followers armed against us, and has his US Government calling our Religious Belief false in their Nazi Courts, blocking our Medical Treatments, and saying the FDA said it is Legal to force upon us everything that our Hebrew Scriptures says cause us blood descendants of David and Ephraim harm or death, and they say it is Legal for them to do, because their fake Muslim Doctors from Pakistan and their Antichrist Doctors from Pakistan and India and East Asia and their Trinitarian American and Homosexual Doctors that took me to Court, and said that our Hebrew Samaritan Religious Belief and the same Hebrew Scriptures that  the Maccabees Benjamin Netanyahu and Eight Candle Menorah Followers and their Nazi Maccabees Pope and his Nazi Catholic followers, lie claiming to follow, they said that our Scriptures  are false Science, so it is legal to force upon us everything that they say causes harm or death to us blood descendants of David and Ephraim, as  their Atheist Fareed Zakaria  and CNN and their Puppet Politicians  only license as Doctors, those that read and believe Science Fiction, trying to eliminate all Religions like on their Science Fiction Star Trek, like the Nazi VA Medical Staff Members said, when they attacked me for having a Hebrew Facebook page, and Email, saying it was illegal for us US Veterans to access Religious Materials, while giving all access to Science Fiction and Phonographic Sites, saying that was their Right to have Freedom from  Religious Freedom, that the USA outlawed, as they are vetting and  licensing that type Antisemitic Antichrist Doctors and Staff from their Schools that outlawed Yahweh and his Covenant, like Nazi Germany did, and they are the ones controlling our Medical Records and Medical Treatments, blocking our access to Kosher Foods and Medications that have nothing in them that is on the Allergy lists, that they call Science Fiction too, saying the Hospital Labs and Doctors must have been wrong about the harm those things cause us, saying the FDA said that they are Safe Food and Drug Additives, and force upon all that they call Mentally Ill Religious Fanatics with a false Religious Belief from our Hebrew Scriptures that they outlawed as a Mental Illness, based upon the Opinion of the Doctors like Nazi Germany did, whose Opinions they say is the Law of the Land,  and the Medias help them and the Government cover up, that they  have been doing that deliberately to us to disable and murder us, and falsely accuse us of taking overdoses or having drank alcohol with their Nazi Toxic Drugs and Foods, and they refuse to put our Samaritan Religious Belief on our Medical Records, saying if we want access to Hebrew Scriptures and Kosher Foods, we have to check "Jewish," to get them from State Licensed Non Profit "Rabbi" or from their from State Licensed Non Profit Trinitarian Priests, that call themselves, "Fathers," that violate our Scriptures calling themselves "Rabbi," and "Fathers," and or Baal unto Ishah, and or Bridegrooms and Husbands, outlawing us from being from  Licensed as Non Profit, having outlawed  our Covenant and our Hebrew Scriptures fir their from State Licensed Non Profits, and call our Hebrew Samaritan Religious Belief false, and try to murder us of the House Jacob's and Israel's, and they refuse to write our Mahar Mating Contracts and the Wedding Feast of our Kingdom of Heave on our Medial Records, because like foretold, they reuse to have anyone named Joseph Rule as King over them, and they and the Nazi Trinitarians and Atheists and Homosexuals are the ones that still have our Medical Treatments blocked, ever since 1999, and handed those  US Nazis our Medical Records and refuse to get them out of Nazi Control, as they repeatedly disable us, deliberately poisoning us with everything on the Allergy lists in our Medical Records, and saying we have an Anger Control problem, because we object to being deliberately poisoned and disabled and murdered by lying US Nazi Politicians and Judges and Police and Doctors, controlled by the Democratic Zionist State that outlawed us and the Kingdom of Heaven, for their Nazi Maccabees Popes, locking us up though we committed no crime.

While the Atheist CNN's and their Homosexuals and fake Jews and Nazi Catholics that disabled me trying murder me, use their Atheist Fareed Zakaria and Benjamin Netanyahu that outlawed us of the House Jacob's and the House Israel's, and arm Homosexual Nazis against us in Afghanistan and the Ukraine and Syria and and Iraq and Egypt and Saudi Arabia, a s Hillary mingles with the Fallen Stars married and fallen  by her State Issued Nazi DOMA Laws and her State Issued Gay Marriage Laws, so that they  can have their Idols mark their name upon their Fallen Star, so she and her Fallen Stars can walk upon them, saying how much she and they enjoys walking upon their fallen Stars, saying that my Right Hand that fails the fallen for Eternity, saying that was a Blessing unto them, because their Secular Government has guaranteed them, Freedom from Religion for Eternity, as the Governments and Medias are not listening. Because their Police and Doctors and Courts are abusing Pole, like when they OJTd me as a Medical in the US Army, and I ended up the only Medic left standing, its going to happen globally because they Rulers, are failing to correct the abuses by removing the abusers from power, refusing to do so, reinforcing the Antisemitic  Abusers in the Courts, Police Forces, and Hospitals, , and saying the Public is wrong for calling them Nazis, they are going to loose their Courts, Police Forces and Hospitals, come out from among them, and set up to handle your own, your Families, and as many as your neighbors Medical needs as possible, the Governments in Power, refusing to remove their Secular Laws, their Marriage and Medical and Gun Regulation Laws,  used by the Antisemitic Nazis to falsely accuse us being Mentally Ill, and disarming us and turning us over to Antisemitic Armed Criminals and Antisemitic Police, Courts, and Doctors,  refusing to get our Medical Records and Medical Treatments out of the hands of the abusers, their Secular Governments so deep in Debt, still deceiving People to help the False Prophet their Pope, having his Argentina Nazi Catholic enforce his Nazi Straight Antichrist Marriage Laws, saying he is not going to get involved and his stop his Nazis, saying to his Nazi Gays, who am I to Judge, as all his  Secular Government Catholics saying that they are not forcing the Pope's State Issued Antichrist Marriages upon us, and force upon us his Antisemitic Antichrist Secular Marriages Laws, and their Homosexual Marriage Laws, deliberately polarizing the Issue to set up and murder the Innocent, setting up the US Citizens that believe in the 1st and 2nd Amendment having their Foreign Bisexual Oreg shooter armed by Federal Arms dealers, and mass murdering the set up  us US Citizens, so their selected other Antichrist,  while saying that they are Mentally Competent and it is legal for them to buy guns, and give them to their supposedly legal Iraqi Army, that hands the guns that they forced us to pay for,  to our enemies, but being not true Judges like my son Jesus said, because they are using their standard duel standard of Judgment, that they measured to measure others wherein their Judgment measured does not apply unto the Judge doing the same things as all that they accuse by their own manufactured measure,  saying that the Mother of the Shooter, is mentally incompetent, and should lose her 2nd Amendment Rights, for letting her guns fall into the hands of a Murder like the US Government and the Medias  always do, themselves, and refuse to stop arming their Nazi Iraqi and Syrian Rebels murdering the innocent, and having  the one that they call  the Father of his murderous son, calling himself a good Father in obvious violation and disobedient unto Jesus who said not to be called Fathers, so they could have their Antichrist targeting us and  our 1st Amendment Religious Freedom Rights, their Antichrist  saying, "I do not believe in the 2nd Amendment, that Law must Change, by US Armed  Antisemitic Antichrist Police and Doctors calling themselves good  Fathers and Bridegrooms and Husbands and or Baal, with murderous Antichrist sons, like me, intent on defiling Mount Zion in the Gate, in violation and disobedience to Moses and the Prophets and Jesus my son and me the one good Elohim his Father from Holy Spirit Yahweh, forcing upon us their Nazi Marriage Laws for their Nazi Pope, refusing to stop forcing upon the Nations only a choice between their Antisemitic Antichrist Communist Left Democrats, and their Antisemitic Antichrist Capitalist Right Republicans, both taking Images of me the Crown  Lion of the Tribe of Judah, both worshiping their Idols made my their own hands, stealing my Song Right as Shepherd and Baal and Bridegroom unto Mount Zion, singing the Songs Zion's, having brains void of any Spiritual understanding from Spirit Yahweh the El Highest and me his anointed King Elohim his Christ that they call the Devil, as their false Prophet Pope, commanding all his Priests to refrain from  Wedding the second Adam, the Lord and Christ from King Yahweh in the Kingdom of Heaven, and and commanding they do not engage in and Mahar Mating Contracts from our Torah and our Prophets, refusing to bear Childes for Yahweh's anointed Elohim, as their false Prophet Pope, has one of his Gay Bishops or Priests act as a Sacrifice, that nothing will happen to, announcing he is Gay, and being taken in and hidden by the Nazi Catholics, so that they can keep bidding the truth, that they are running the Global LBGT Theorist Armies, pretending to be Muslims, attacking us of Mount Zion, saying that they are fight Al-Qaeda and ISIS arming against us Syrian and Iraqi and Libyan Rebels,  they and their Egyptian and Saudi and their Zionist armies all married by their False Prophet  Pope's Straight and Gay Marriage Laws, outlawing the Kingdom of Heaven, accusing us of being Terrorists and Mentally Ill Religious Fanatics, saying that my Right Hand is a blessing to their False Prophet Pope, saying that he  is not a fallen Star, but a humble Servant of Mount Zion that he and they outlawed with his Nazi Marriage Covenants, as they force both their State Issued Antisemitic Antichrist Straight Marriage Laws and State Issued Antisemitic Antichrist  Gay Marriage Laws, saying like as foretold, they refuse to have me as their Rulers over them as King, and War Against for their False Prophet their Antichrist Pope, plugging up  their ears, and failing hear and to redress even one of our Just Issues, both forcing all to be their Slaves, paying for their busted and abused Systems, refusing to stop supporting and arming their Nazi Syrian and Iraqi Rebels, and Antisemitic Afghanistan and Ukrainian Armies, they are failing, and will not be able to care for you or your Families or your Neighbors, it will be  a worse State than what happened in New Orleans during Katrina, because of their Arrogance, Greed and Incompetence,  they are totally unprepared for what is happening, as they all entered Jacob's Gate, casting Lots upon Jerusalem, and stumbled upon me the Rock laid in Zion, the Headstone  unto the opening of their Grave, wherein we will look upon the look, upon their faces, not rising.

Beam 1.

and a Father noway call yours upon this Earth, the one, because exists that Father yours that within to them Heavens,
  και πατερα μη καλεσητε υμων επι της γης εις γαρ εστιν ο πατηρ υμων ο εν τοις ουρανοις

Matthew 23:9

I am Joseph the Father out thereof Heaven's that my son Jesus plainly lectured unto you about, saying that I would come unto you in this predetermined Time and Season, like as written, against you that refused to have me your Ruler over you as King like Moses said that you would say.

and relayed not exists Jesus that son Joseph's, who we seen that Father  and that Mother, how therefore lectures he out thereof Heaven's accorded casted?
 και ελεγον ουχ ουτος εστιν ιησους ο υιος ιωσηφ ου ημεις οιδαμεν τον πατερα και την μητερα πως ουν λεγει ουτος οτι εκ του ουρανου καταβεβηκα

John 6:42

I am the Father Jacob set within Earth within Earth Canaan's,

and sit Jacob within Earth, the foreigner mine the Father mine his, within Earth Canaan's,
 וישב יעקב בארץ מגורי אביו בארץ כנען

Genesis 37:1

From Ephraim, I am the Shepherd Yah, El and Baal Jacob's like as written concerning me,

El hers the generations' Jacob's, Joseph the son seven and ten hers the year hers, that Yah's the Shepherd hers associate the brother mine his within the flock, and himself the youth associate the son mine Bilhah's, and associate the son mine Zilpah's the Ishahs the Father mine his, and brought Joseph associate the slanders the Shepherd the El the Father mine her water,
 אלה תלדות יעקב יוסף בן שבע עשרה שנה היה רעה את אחיו בצאן והוא נער את בני בלהה ואת בני זלפה נשי אביו ויבא יוסף את דבתם רעה אל אביהם

 Genesis 37:2

I am the Messiah from Yahweh, the garment clothing all mine in all times of time, the son of  Jacob's Old age sea, I am Israel the Prevailing El,  the Eternal Father among all times of time.

and Israel loved  associate Joseph from all the son mine his, alike the son the Old age sea himself unto him, and the Make hers unto him the coat the color sea,
 וישראל אהב את יוסף מכל בניו כי בן זקנים הוא לו ועשה לו כתנת פסים

Genesis 37:3

and dreamed Joseph the dream, and manifest unto the brother mine his, and add his hereafter hate associate him,
 ויחלם יוסף חלום ויגד לאחיו ויוספו עוד שנא אתו

Genesis 37:5

and said El mine her water, hear him, that dream's himself wedded the dream mine,
 ויאמר אליהם שמעו נא החלום הזה אשר חלמתי

Genesis 37:6

Yahweh made me King of King and Lord of Lords in all times of time, and yet they will not believe Yahweh and be accounted Righteous, and they revive no me, nor my son in my Bosom, and have no Salvation, and their works deny the Righteousness of the Torah,

and behold her, I double court snake his, from the binding sea, the sheaf sea, within amidst that field's, and behold her, rose the sheaf mine, and gather the station hers, and behold her, surrounded her, the sheaves mine your water, and bowed his my snake, unto the sheaf mine,
והנה אנחנו מאלמים אלמים בתוך השדה והנה קמה אלמתי וגם נצבה והנה תסבינה אלמתיכם ותשתחוין לאלמתי

Genesis 37:7

המלך = that King's
תמלך = Kingship

and said his unto him, the brother mine his, that King's Kingship upon me snake his? If water the Ruler's Rulership the son his, and Joseph him, hereafter hates associate him upon the dream his, and upon the word  mine his,
 ויאמרו לו אחיו המלך תמלך עלינו אם משול תמשל בנו ויוספו עוד שנא אתו על חלמתיו ועל דבריו

Genesis 37:8

In this the Hindermost Day, they confused me with another, and murdered against my son and me confusing me the Father Joseph with another Joseph, like my son  Jesus said in response;

answer therefore that Jesus, and said to them, noway mummer therewith another,
 απεκριθη ουν ο ιησους και ειπεν αυτοις μη γογγυζετε μετ αλληλων

John 6:43

no one able to come with me if when noway that Father that sent me draw him, and I stand him therein the hindermost Day,
  ουδεις δυναται ελθειν προς με εαν μη ο πατηρ ο πεμψας με ελκυση αυτον και εγω αναστησω αυτον τη εσχατη ημερα

John 6:44

exists written mimicked within to them Prophets, and becomes all taught thereof Elohim's,  all therefore that heard aside thereof Father's, and learned comes with me,
  εστιν γεγραμμενον εν τοις προφηταις και εσονται παντες διδακτοι του θεου πας ουν ο ακουσας παρα του πατρος και μαθων ερχεται προς με

John 6:45

not related the Father who discerned, if noway aside thereof Elohim's, he discerned that Father
 ουχ οτι τον πατερα τις εωρακεν ει μη ο ων παρα του θεου ουτος εωρακεν τον πατερα

John 6:46

I am Joseph the Father Eternal  the Life within my Son within my Bosom within all the Time from all Times.

truly, truly lectures to you, that believe the one within me holds Life Eternal.
αμην αμην λεγω υμιν ο πιστευων εις εμε εχει ζωην αιωνιον

John 6:47

I am that bread this Life's,
  εγω ειμι ο αρτος της ζωης

John 6:48

Those that call themselves Fathers, ate me the Manna from Heaven, not my son, and they are dead for Eternity, because they ate no me with my son,

those Fathers yours ate that Manna within therein the  desert and passed away,
 οι πατερες υμων εφαγον το μαννα εν τη ερημω και απεθανον

John 6:49

he exists that bread that out thereof Heaven's, accorded casted, which this who out his eats and noway pareses away,
 ουτος εστιν ο αρτος ο εκ του ουρανου καταβαινων ινα τις εξ αυτου φαγη και μη αποθανη

John 6:50

I am that bread that Life that out thereof Heaven's accorded casted, if when who eats thereof thereof, thereof the Bread's Living the one that Eternal, and that Bread also whom I doses, the flesh mine exists, associated I doses under this thereof the Cosmos's, lives.
 εγω ειμι ο αρτος ο ζων ο εκ του ουρανου καταβας εαν τις φαγη εκ τουτου του αρτου ζησεται εις τον αιωνα και ο αρτος δε ον εγω δωσω η σαρξ μου εστιν ην εγω δωσω υπερ της του κοσμου ζωης

John 6:51

within disputes therefore with others those Judah's, lecture how able he to us to dose that flesh to eat?
 εμαχοντο ουν προς αλληλους οι ιουδαιοι λεγοντες πως δυναται ουτος ημιν δουναι την σαρκα φαγειν

John 6:52

I am the second Adam the Father Eternal, you cannot eat my son's flesh, and not drink  my blood, the Life Eternal within my son, and hold Life, like my Son Jesus plainly said;

said therefore to them that Jesus, truly, truly, lectures you, if when noway eats that flesh, thereof the son's, thereof Adam's, and drinks his that blood, cannot hold Life within himself.
 ειπεν ουν αυτοις ο ιησους αμην αμην λεγω υμιν εαν μη φαγητε την σαρκα του υιου του ανθρωπου και πιητε αυτου το αιμα ουκ εχετε ζωην εν εαυτοις

John 6:53

that chewing mine the flesh, and drinking mine that Blood holding Life Eternal, and I stand him therein the hindermost Day.
 ο τρωγων μου την σαρκα και πινων μου το αιμα εχει ζωην αιωνιον και εγω αναστησω αυτον τη εσχατη ημερα

John 6:54

As their Blind leaders of the Blind, say,  "Our Radars and Storm Projection Models detect the path of Hurricanes, so that we can warm People and save lives,"and miss the path, and leaves masses unprepared,  while not having on their Radars and Storm Projection Models, the Path and this Time of the great Global Whilingwind from the Mouth of Yahweh, the Hypocrites, say,  saying theirs, the Pope and Puppet Politicians are right,  because they built in Jerusalem a fake Jew Democratic Government, and tell all the people their lies, saying, "don't change course,  don't repent, continue giving us money for our Political Campaigns, and our Military and Police forces, don't come out from among the fake Jews and fake Christians and fake Muslims, for   the Path and this Time of the great Global Whilingwind from the Mouth of Yahweh, does not show up on  our Radars and Storm Projection Models!"

I am the Dawn Star, the Mourning Lamb, presenting my Son Jesus, the Evening Lamb. Why was it called tempting my Son, asking him to show them a sign, and my Son did not give them the sign, that the Prophet says the Lord out thereof Heaven's himself would give you this sign, a son is given, unto us?

and came those Pharisees also with the Sadducees  tempting questioning him, a sign out thereof Heaven's shown to them,
 και προσελθοντες οι φαρισαιοι και σαδδουκαιοι πειραζοντες επηρωτησαν αυτον σημειον εκ του ουρανου επιδειξαι αυτοις

Matthew 16:1

that also answered, said to them, nightfall generates lecturing, fine weather, reddened, because of that Heaven,
  ο δε αποκριθεις ειπεν αυτοις οψιας γενομενης λεγετε ευδια πυρραζει γαρ ο ουρανος

Matthew 16:2

and the morning sign, adverse weather,  because lowered, that Heaven, hypocrites, that truly the face thereof Heaven's understands, the things also a sign thereof these Times, not able to,
  και πρωι σημερον χειμων πυρραζει γαρ στυγναζων ο ουρανος υποκριται το μεν προσωπον του ουρανου γινωσκετε διακρινειν τα δε σημεια των καιρων ου δυνασθε

Matthew 16:3

זנה = πορνη = whore, the whore Rehab
 זונה  = πονηρα = whorish, the great whore of Babylon and her seven whorish Daughters, against my Bride Mount Zion, and her Seven Daughters Zion's

the generation whorish and adulterous a sign seeks, and a sign not given hers, if noway that sign  Jonah's thereof the Prophet's, and left them departing,
  γενεα πονηρα και μοιχαλις σημειον επιζητει και σημειον ου δοθησεται αυτη ει μη το σημειον ιωνα του προφητου και καταλιπων αυτους απηλθεν

Matthew 16:4

Be like my Son Jesus and leave them Hypocrites, departing, stay at your dwellings out of the crossfire. Like Paul of the Tribe of Benjamin my Cup Bearer said, that we stink like Death's, to them that are Death, but a sweet fragrance Life's, to the Life from El Yahweh, me his Elohim his Christ and Eternal Life unto all Adam's that believe upon me the Rock laid within Zion.

there also El grace thereto any when the victorious ours within thereto Christ, and that fragrance this knowledge his, manifests through you within all places,
 τω δε θεω χαρις τω παντοτε θριαμβευοντι ημας εν τω χριστω και την οσμην της γνωσεως αυτου φανερουντι δι ημων εν παντι τοπω

2 Corinthians 2:14

related Christ's sweet smell within truly thereto Elohim, within to them saved, and within to them perishing,
 οτι χριστου ευωδια εσμεν τω θεω εν τοις σωζομενοις και εν τοις απολλυμενοις

2 Corinthians 2:15

whose truly smell Death's  the one that Death, whose also smell Life's the one Life, and with thereof the things who that smell,
 οις μεν οσμη θανατου εις θανατον οις δε οσμη ζωης εις ζωην και προς ταυτα τις ικανος

2 Corinthians 2:16

not because within truly alike many corrupting the word thereof Elohim's, but alike out those purifying, alike out Elohim's the presence thereof Elohim's within Christ lecturing,
  ου γαρ εσμεν ως οι πολλοι καπηλευοντες τον λογον του θεου αλλ ως εξ ειλικρινειας αλλ ως εκ θεου κατενωπιον του θεου εν χριστω λαλουμεν

2 Corinthians 2:17

ו = and
ב = within
פר = inhabitants
ז = Zain
י = mine
ובפרזי = and within the inhabitants Zain mine, translated, villagers, villagers of Salem, my seven assemblies of my seven Lamp Menorah, Lighting one Lamp a Day, I am the unbreakable Sabbath Day, I am Zain Asaph Elohim, upon my Seven Lamps upon me, the  Stand, the few Jacob's my Seven Lamps upon my Menorah, upon Jacob my Base.

and said Jacob, El Simeon's, and El Levi's, the troubles associate me, unto that within smells mine, within sitting the earth within Canaan's and within the inhabitants Zain mine, and I am small mine, from few mime, and snake Asaph his, upon me, and that strike snake mine, I am, and the House mine,
  ויאמר יעקב אל־שמעון ואל־לוי עכרתם אתי להבאישני בישב הארץ בכנעני ובפרזי ואני מתי מספר ונאספו עלי והכוני ונשמדתי אני וביתי׃

Genesis 34:30

and said his, that alike the Whorish's associate the sister his she snake his?
  ויאמרו הכזונה יעה את־אחותנו׃

Genesis 34:31

εις = the one, those bread they forgot to buy and manifest, I am the one, the son Adam's, the Adam from Heaven, the Life, the Manna from Heaven, the Father, that they forgot to manifest
εισιν = the ones, plural ones
εστιν = exists
εσται =existence

and arrived those disciples his,  the one crossed over, forgetting the bread to manifest,
  και ελθοντες οι μαθηται αυτου εις το περαν επελαθοντο αρτους λαβειν

Matthew 16:5

said therefore to them that Jesus, truly, truly, lectures to you, if when noway eats the Flesh, thereof the son's, thereof Adam's, and  drink his that Blood, cannot hold that Life within yourselves,
  ειπεν ουν αυτοις ο ιησους αμην αμην λεγω υμιν εαν μη φαγητε την σαρκα του υιου του ανθρωπου και πιητε αυτου το αιμα ουκ εχετε ζωην εν εαυτοις

John 6:53

My son my Meat, my Flesh and Blood,   he chewed me his Meat and drank me his Drink, I am the son Adam's, the second Adam, the Lord from out Heaven, I am the Living Water from Spirit Yahweh my Fountain, I am the Manna from Heaven, the Eternal Life, none can come unto me, but by my Son, all that try another way, perish.

that chewing mine, that Flesh, and Drink mine that Blood, holds Life Eternal, and I stand him therein the hindermost Days,
 ο τρωγων μου την σαρκα και πινων μου το αιμα εχει ζωην αιωνιον και εγω αναστησω αυτον τη εσχατη ημερα

John 6:54

than because mine the Truth exists that Meat, and that Blood mine the Truth exists, the drink,
 η γαρ σαρξ μου αληθως εστιν βρωσις και το αιμα μου αληθως εστιν ποσις

John 6:55

that chewing mine the Flesh, and drink mine that Blood within, within me, I within to him,
 ο τρωγων μου την σαρκα και πινων μου το αιμα εν εμοι μενει καγω εν αυτω

John 6:56

Here showing in his Death I am the Father his Life within him,

accordantly passes away me, that Life Father's I Live, through the Father, and that chewing me likewise lives through within me,
 καθως απεστειλεν με ο ζων πατηρ καγω ζω δια τον πατερα και ο τρωγων με κακεινος ζησεται δι εμε

John 6:57

Them that call themselves Fathers violating our Covenant by calling themselves Fathers, lying saying that they were turning my son's bead and wine, into my Body, the true Christ from Yahweh, and they ate me, the Manna from Heaven, the Life Eternal, and my Right Hand failed the Fallen,  that died for eternity, not climbing up to me by son, not discerning me, my Body, the true Christ from Yahweh.

he exists that Bread that out thereof Heaven's accorded cast not accordantly within ate those Fathers yours that Manna and died, that chewing thereof that Bread the Living  one that Eternal.
  ουτος εστιν ο αρτος ο εκ του ουρανου καταβας ου καθως εφαγον οι πατερες υμων το μαννα και απεθανον ο τρωγων τουτον τον αρτον ζησεται εις τον αιωνα

John 6:58

προσ = with
εχετε  =hold

προσεχετε  = withhold

All my bead was manifest beforehand, making mention about me, before I came forth

that also Jesus said, to them, beware and withhold from this Leaven thereof these Pharisees and Sadducees
 ο δε ιησους ειπεν αυτοις ορατε και προσεχετε απο της ζυμης των φαρισαιων και σαδδουκαιων

Matthew 16:6

these also through reasoning, within themselves, lecture related the bread not within manifested,
  οι δε διελογιζοντο εν εαυτοις λεγοντες οτι αρτους ουκ ελαβομεν

Matthew 16:7

knowing also that Jesus said, said to them, why through reasoning, within yourselves, through reasoned related bread not within manifested?
 γνους δε ο ιησους ειπεν αυτοις τι διαλογιζεσθε εν εαυτοις ολιγοπιστοι οτι αρτους ουκ ελαβετε

Matthew 16:8

none yet minded not also mindful  them five breads, thereof these five thousand, and moreover baskets within manifested?
ουπω νοειτε ουδε μνημονευετε τους πεντε αρτους των πεντακισχιλιων και ποσους κοφινους ελαβετε

Matthew 16:9

not also them seven breads thereof these four thousand, and moreover baskets within manifested?
  ουδε τους επτα αρτους των τετρακισχιλιων και ποσας σπυριδας ελαβετε

Matthew 16:10

As Jesus and his disciples, ate me the living Life Eternal, the Manna from Heaven, the Father manifest with the Blood of my Son, my Son Jesus warned about the Leaven from the Pharisees and Sadducees, their corruption of our foods, the pure words from our Holy Torah and our Prophets,  that disables and kills like the deadly strains of Leaven called Yeast, that we do not eat, and they eating either the Leaven's poison thereof these Pharisees and Sadducees, their corruption of our foods, the pure words from our Holy Torah and our Prophets,    or  the deadly strains of Leaven called Yeast,  in Bread, that is harmful to us blood descendants of David and Ephraim, and therefore is outlawed by our Torah, they will perish from before me.

how not minded related not about bread's? Said to you, withhold from this Leaven's thereof these Pharisees and Sadducees,
  πως ου νοειτε οτι ου περι αρτου ειπον υμιν προσεχειν απο της ζυμης των φαρισαιων και σαδδουκαιων

Matthew 16:11

The Meats and Bread speak of our Passover, when Spirit the Lord mine Yahweh upon me, destroys my enemies from before me, in the whilingwind from his Mouth and my Son within my Bosom. I am the Morning Lamb, and my Son the Evening Lamb, the Passover Lamb.  None of the Passover Lamb was to be left until me, the  Morning, Seven Days unleavened repeatedly eating his, me the unique Adam the Head  within Day the Head his snake, repeatedly the Seventh mine, I am the son Adam's the Lord of the Sabbath.

I am the Older Time Cohen unto the Covenant Times, I am the unique the Head his snake within the Day first, unto within the Seventh Day, the circumcision the Eighth Day.

א = Aleph, Ox Head, the First Messenger,
אך = (I) Ox Head yours, = unique
ז = Zain, the Seventh Messenger
שבעת = seven
אכל =  eating
אכלו = eating his
תאכלו = repeatedly eating his
שבית = the Seventh's, or the Sabbath's
תשבית = repeatedly the Seventh's, or the Sabbath's
תשביתו = repeatedly the Seventh's his, or the Sabbath's his
 השבעי = that Seventh

Seven Days unleavened repeatedly eating his unique within the Day the Head his snake, repeatedly the Sabbath's his, the leaven from the house mine your water, related all eating that Leaven, and snake Cuts off hers that soul that himself,  from the Day that Head snake hereafter Day that Seventh.
  שבעת ימים מצות תאכלו אך ביום הראשון תשביתו שאר מבתיכם כי כל־אכל חמץ ונכרתה הנפש ההוא מישראל מיום הראשן עד־יום השבעי׃

Exodus 12:15

then understood related not said, not withhold from this Leaven thereof the Bread's, but from this Doctrine's thereof those  Pharisees' and Sadducees',
  τοτε συνηκαν οτι ουκ ειπεν προσεχειν απο της ζυμης του αρτου αλλ απο της διδαχης των φαρισαιων και σαδδουκαιων

Matthew 16:12

The Hypocrites take that to mean, violating the Torah and forcing upon us Leven from Bread's that causes us harm, is legal to do, which all their Doctrines are Leaven thereof those  Pharisees' and Sadducees', that say, for the Holidays, sell your Leaven Products to the Gentiles, through a Rabbi, and after the Holidays, buy it back, through your Rabbi, and of course, paying him some for his services, when my Son, said not to be called a Father or a Rabbi, or call anyone your Father or you Rabbi, neither be called a Guide or call them your Guides,  because  I am your  Christ the Father  your unique Rabbi from Heaven, your Guide my Heart and Will,  written within your heart by my Scribe Holy Spirit Yahweh our Creator.

Καῖσαρ = Caesar
Καισάρεια =Caesar's Jurisdiction
φίλος = Philos = Brotherly Love, not ἀγάπη = Agape =Godly Love that them evil cannot have or manifest
̔́ππος = horse
Φίλιππος = Brotherly Loving Horses, = Horsemen, Cesar's Guards and Police and Warriors,

My son Jesus lecture about me the Son Adam's, and asked his disciple who it was that they said that he lectured about

arrived also that Jesus the one the things dividing Caesar's Jurisdiction, this Horsemen's, questioning the disciples his, Lectures, who me, lecturing, the one being that son thereof Adam's?
  ελθων δε ο ιησους εις τα μερη καισαρειας της φιλιππου ηρωτα τους μαθητας αυτου λεγων τινα με λεγουσιν οι ανθρωποι ειναι τον υιον του ανθρωπου

Matthew 16:13

those also said, those truly John the Baptist, other also Eliyah, another also Jeremiah, or one thereof these Prophets,
  οι δε ειπον οι μεν ιωαννην τον βαπτιστην αλλοι δε ηλιαν ετεροι δε ιερεμιαν η ενα των προφητων

Matthew 16:14

Lecture to them, you also whom me lectured the one being?
 λεγει αυτοις υμεις δε τινα με λεγετε ειναι

Matthew 16:15

My son Jesus told them plainly I was Christ the Elohim his Father, and he  my Son living within me, Simon Peter speaking about the Prophets that Jesus taught lecturing about me, hearing my voice the voice of the Bridegroom Peter said,

answered that Simone Peter, said you,  that are that Christ, that son thereof Elohim's, thereof Lives,
 αποκριθεις δε σιμων πετρος ειπεν συ ει ο χριστος ο υιος του θεου του ζωντος

Matthew 16:16

βαρ = בר = Bar, as in Bar Mitzvah, an adult son, when called Ish, a Man at age thirteen, saying he answered like an adult

and answered that Jesus, said to him, blessed that are Simon Bar (adult son)  Jonah's, related flesh and blood not revealed to you, but that Father mine within to those Heavens,
 και αποκριθεις ο ιησους ειπεν αυτω μακαριος ει σιμων βαρ ιωνα οτι σαρξ και αιμα ουκ απεκαλυψεν σοι αλλ ο πατηρ μου ο εν τοις ουρανοις

Matthew 16:17

πετρος  = a Stone, also means Peter, I am the Carpenter, I am the Head House Builder, the Gate unto the City, the evil cannot pass me, and fall into the grave trying, and all upon me are House Builders building upon me,  I am the Christ I am the Stone laid in Zion, that all the Stones are laid upon, to build my House, my Wall in Time, my Walls Salem's, the true Jerusalem from above. I am the Gate in my Wall, I am the Headstone, the opening unto the grave, my Right Hand for the Length of Eternity, fails the fallen, all who stumbled upon me fall therein, so we can look, upon the look on their faces, not rising

I also to you lecture, related you that are  Stone upon thereof therein the Stone, the house builders mine, the assembly, and the Gate, the grave not prevails hers,
 καγω δε σοι λεγω οτι συ ει πετρος και επι ταυτη τη πετρα οικοδομησω μου την εκκλησιαν και πυλαι αδου ου κατισχυσουσιν αυτης

Matthew 16:18

Like in Jubilee, bound to paying the loan through unto the sixth year, the seventh year, released from debt, seven  seven years, and the inheritance returns unto the heirs, I loaned you my Silver, and when I returned with my Kingdom in Right Hand of Ephraim, you said I would not rule over you, as your King.

and dosed to you, those keys this Kingdom's thereof these Heavens', and that if when this Earth's existence binds within to those the Heaven, and that if when released upon this Earth's, existence releases within to those the Heaven,
  και δωσω σοι τας κλεις της βασιλειας των ουρανων και ο εαν δησης επι της γης εσται δεδεμενον εν τοις ουρανοις και ο εαν λυσης επι της γης εσται λελυμενον εν τοις ουρανοις

Matthew 16:19

Again my son Jesus said that he was not me that Christ, and all who follow the False Prophet the Antichrist Pope, that disobeys me and my son, they are False Prophets being Antichrists.

then charged to those disciples his, which nobody to tell, related he exists Jesus that Christ,
  τοτε διεστειλατο τοις μαθηταις αυτου ινα μηδενι ειπωσιν οτι αυτος εστιν ιησους ο χριστος

Matthew 16:20

from then begin that Jesus shown to those the disciple his, related must him, pass away, the one, Jerusalem's, and many passions from thereof those Elders and the high Cohen's and Scribes, and be killed, and therein the third day  awaken,
  απο τοτε ηρξατο ο ιησους δεικνυειν τοις μαθηταις αυτου οτι δει αυτον απελθειν εις ιεροσολυμα και πολλα παθειν απο των πρεσβυτερων και αρχιερεων και γραμματεων και αποκτανθηναι και τη τριτη ημερα εγερθηναι

Matthew 16:21

and rebuked him that Peter, began forbidding him the Lecture's, mercy to you, Lord, none noway an existence to you thereof that,
  και προσλαβομενος αυτον ο πετρος ηρξατο επιτιμαν αυτω λεγων ιλεως σοι κυριε ου μη εσται σοι τουτο

Matthew 16:22

that also reversing, said thereto Peter, withdraw, from following mine, Satan, traps mine, that are, related not thinks the things thereof Elohim's, but the things thereof these Adam's,
  ο δε στραφεις ειπεν τω πετρω υπαγε οπισω μου σατανα σκανδαλον μου ει οτι ου φρονεις τα του θεου αλλα τα των ανθρωπων

Matthew 16:23

τον σταυρον  = עץ = that stake, tree stem, used in Ester 7:9, a stake fifty cubits high, that Haman made for Mordecai, but the King ordered Haman to be bound hanging thereon, called staking, used of staking out property, and staking a Tent as a dwelling, mistranslated "Cross" by the False Prophets, here used of lifting that stake, what they count their earthly stakes, their earthly claims, that they are bound to, that the Materialistic call their Soul, their Life,

then that Jesus said, to those the disciple his, that are who wills following mine, arrives denying yourself, and lifts that stake his, and follows to me,
 τοτε ο ιησους ειπεν τοις μαθηταις αυτου ει τις θελει οπισω μου ελθειν απαρνησασθω εαυτον και αρατω τον σταυρον αυτου και ακολουθειτω μοι

Matthew 16:24

αυτην = hers, any remnant of a Body, is called her or hers, like my bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh, my assembly removed from Adam's dwelling upon Earth, they are my Body, my Bride.

who because when wills the Soul his, to save, that loses hers, who through  when loses the Soul his, the one within mine obtains  hers,
 ος γαρ αν θελη την ψυχην αυτου σωσαι απολεσει αυτην ος δ αν απολεση την ψυχην αυτου ενεκεν εμου ευρησει αυτην

Matthew 16:25

τι  = why, used here to show why the previous statement is true using me the Adam, the Lord from Heaven, as the Role Model,

I am the ανθρωπος = Adam, who gains the whole cosmos by losing my Soul, like in the verse before this, losing my Material Life, δωσει  = doses, as in dosage of a payment, as payment for the whole Cosmos. And all Adam's profits and gains different Glories like the different Glories of the Stars of Heaven, the degree determined by the dosage of the Soul, their Material Life, that they willing to dose out losing their own Soul as payment,

why because profits the Adam, if when that Cosmos completely gains, that also the Soul his losing, or why, doses Adam the payment the Soul his,
 τι γαρ ωφελειται ανθρωπος εαν τον κοσμον ολον κερδηση την δε ψυχην αυτου ζημιωθη η τι δωσει ανθρωπος ανταλλαγμα της ψυχης αυτου

Matthew 16:26

μελλει  = the intension, or goal as the motivation of doing the payment of the Soul, for all Adam's, I am Adam the Father, which is the intention in the heart of my Son, revealing his passing away, to live in my Life,

the intension, that son thereof Adam's comes within therein the Glory thereof the Father's, his, therewith Messengers his, and then passes to everyone accorded the practices his,
  μελλει γαρ ο υιος του ανθρωπου ερχεσθαι εν τη δοξη του πατρος αυτου μετα των αγγελων αυτου και τοτε αποδωσει εκαστω κατα την πραξιν αυτου

Matthew 16:27

εις = the one,
εισιν = the ones, plural ones
εστιν = exists
εσται =existence

Those the ones then none noway tasting death's,  that saw me in my throne, like the living Saints now, they were called living Saints, killed by the False Prophets for calling me Christ, they lay in the grave awaiting the resurrection of the Just, and the children of those False Prophets that murdered them and died laying with the grave, these false Prophets, say only the dead that the canonize, are Saints, as they pray to devils that impersonate the dead, and will follow their devils to the grace like their Fathers to await the second resurrection, the resurrection of the Unjust, to die a second death beneath my feet.

truly lectures you the ones whom thereof these now, stands some none noway tasting death's, till when sees that son Adam's coming within therein Kingdom his,
  αμην λεγω υμιν εισιν τινες των ωδε εστηκοτων οιτινες ου μη γευσωνται θανατου εως αν ιδωσιν τον υιον του ανθρωπου ερχομενον εν τη βασιλεια αυτου

Matthew 16:28

I Yah the Father unto Abram, I am Abram's El, King unto Salem and Cohen unto El Highest, Spirit the Lord mine Yahweh.

and Yah mine, Abram's, the Son, a minty sea year hers, and a nine year sea, and saw Yahweh's El Abram, and said El mine his, I am El the Power mine, that rewalks you unto the face mine, and that Yah's rewatering,
  ויהי אברם בן־תשעים שנה ותשע שנים וירא יהוה אל־אברם ויאמר אליו אני־אל שדי התהלך לפני והיה תמים׃

Genesis 17:1

and associate snake hers the Covenant mine among between me, and among between you, and (I) Ox Head number hers, associate you, within vehemence vehemently,
 ואתנה בריתי ביני ובינך וארבה אותך במאד מאד׃

Genesis 17:2

I am El the Glory Yahweh's Elohim, I am that snake hers the Covenant mine, associate Abram

and fell Abram upon the face mine his, and worded associate Elohim unto said,
 ויפל אברם על־פניו וידבר אתו אלהים לאמר׃

Genesis 17:3

I am that snake hers the Covenant mine, associate you, and that mine associated unto Father that from the Nation sea,
  אני הנה בריתי אתך והיית לאב המון גוים׃

Genesis 17:4

and not invites hereafter the name yours Abraham, and that Yah's the name Abraham, related that from out the Nation sea snake she end mine yours.
  ולא־יקרא עוד את־שמך אברם והיה שמך אברהם כי אב־המון גוים נתתיך׃

Genesis 17:5

and that fruits mine associate you within vehemence vehemently,  and snake she end mine yours, unto a Nation sea, and a King sea from out you casts his,
 והפרתי אתך במאד מאד ונתתיך לגוים ומלכים ממך יצאו׃

Genesis 17:6

I am the Older Time, Cohen unto the Covenant Times, I Elohim unto the seed mine yours, my son within my Bosom,  hereafter Times, my Right hand fails the fallen,

and that raises me associate the Covenant mine among between me and among between you, and among between your seed, the hindermost mine unto generations unto the Covenant Times unto that associated unto your, unto Elohim's, and unto seed your the hindermost mine yours,
 והקמתי את־בריתי ביני ובינך ובין זרעך אחריך לדרתם לברית עולם להיות לך לאלהים ולזרעך אחריך׃

Genesis 17:7

and snake she end mine and unto seed yours, the hindermost mine yours associate the Earth from abode mine yours, associate all the Earth Canaan's, unto (I) Ox Head possessing Times and the mine associated mine unto her water unto Elohim's,
  ונתתי לך ולזרעך אחריך את ארץ מגריך את כל־ארץ כנען לאחזת עולם והייתי להם לאלהים׃

Genesis 17:8

and said Elohim, El Abraham's, and associate her, associate the Covenant mine, guards associate her, and the seed yours, the hindermost mine yours, unto generations,
  ויאמר אלהים אל־אברהם ואתה את־בריתי תשמר אתה וזרעך אחריך לדרתם׃

Genesis 17:9

I am  Zain that circumcision unto your water all male,

Zain associate Covenant mine wedded sworn him among between me, and among between mine your water, and among between the seed yours the hindermost mine yours, that circumcision unto your water all male,
 זאת בריתי אשר תשמרו ביני וביניכם ובין זרעך אחריך המול לכם כל־זכר׃

Genesis 17:10

and snake circumcise associate the flesh the foreskin, and that Yah's,  unto associate the Covenant mine, among between me, and among between mine your water,
  ונמלתם את בשר ערלתכם והיה לאות ברית ביני וביניכם׃

Genesis 17:11

I am Zain, the Seventh Messenger, the Lord unto the Sabbath, a Wall in Time, undefiled, I the Older Time, Cohen unto Times, hereafter Times, my Right hand fails the fallen, associate the eighth Day, the circumcision unto your water all male, unto the generation mine your water,

and the son eight days, the circumcision unto your water all male, unto the generation mine your water, born the house yours, and the redeemed silver from all the son mine the foreigner wedded, not from seed yours himself,
  ובן־שמנת ימים ימול לכם כל־זכר לדרתיכם יליד בית ומקנת־כסף מכל בן־נכר אשר לא מזרעך הוא׃

Genesis 17:12

that circumcision's the circumcision born the house yours, and the redeemed silver yours and the associated the Covenant mine, within the flesh your water, unto the Covenant Times,
  המול ימול יליד ביתך ומקנת כספך והיתה בריתי בבשרכם לברית עולם׃

Genesis 17:13

and hereafter a male not wedded, not the circumcision associate the flesh the foreskin his, and snake Covenant hers that Soul that himself, from the People Yah's, associate the Covenant mine broke,
 וערל זכר אשר לא־ימול את־בשר ערלתו ונכרתה הנפש ההוא מעמיה את־בריתי הפר׃

Genesis 17:14

Hear Zion, come out from among the Carnal, since the Carnal wanted to play Monopoly, the Capitalist just being want be Communists, both casting off the Spiritual for the Carnal, both wanting to own everything and make it run their own way, both having violated and outlawed us our Covenant, and soaking the Earth within blood with their Carnal Weapons of War, I say to them, do not pass, go, and go straight to your Jail, that opening in your grave, I am the Foundation of the Wall of Time laid in Zion, I am the Headstone unto the opening unto your grave that you stumbled over.

Still Lying to the Public about their openly clear Nazi agenda,  blocking mine and many others Medical Treatments and forcing upon us everything that they know causes us harm or death, while the Nazi New YorK Catholic Andrew Cuomo ans their Nazi fake Jew Wolf Blitzer and the Nazis of Capital Hill and CNN and New York that refused to Redress my Just Petitions for Redress of Grievances, refusing to legalize us and our Scriptures, blocking my Medical Treatments ever since 1999, and set me up and blocked my Medical; Treatments, having their Nazi Doctors manufacture every excuse to lock me, and violate Previous Court Orders and disable trying to murder em, forcing upon everything that the Co Court and Doctors ordered not to be given tom me, because they disabled me and nearly killed me, so the Nazis called me delusional about they adverse reactions, and repeatedly disabled me, trying to murder me, and disabled and murdered mass numbers of US Citizens doing the same fore the same Nazi Reasons, because they outlawed us and our Scriptures for their fake Jews and Nazi Popes, as they train and vet their Nazi fake Muslim Warriors, attacking Syria and Iraq and Afghanistan and Libya and Lebanon, because like the US Nazis they call themselves Father or Gay Husbands  the President himself married by their Pope's Nazi Marriage Laws, calling themselves Fathers and Husbands and Wives in violation of our Covenant that they outlawed for the Nazi Poe and fake Jew Zionists, saying to Russia do not target their Pope's Nazi Warriors, as they vet US Nazi Judges and Nazi Police and Nazi Doctors forcing upon us their Nazi Pope's Marriage Laws, as  in violation of our God given  Covenant, they call Andy Parker a Father declaring War for their Nazi Pope, outlawing and violating their own man made US Constitution, forcing upon us their Nazi Sate Issued Marriages, and outlawed the 2nd Amendment, and going around it and our Rights of Self defense, making up every excuse possible to keep falsely calling us Mentally Ill by their Nazi Marriage Standards,  forced upon us by the Nazi fake Jews and Nazi Catholic and Nazi fake Christians, lying making every excuse to keep calling us Mentally Ill, to disarm and murder us of Mount Zion, calling us Mentally Ill Religious Fanatic,  continuing to block our Medical Treatments, so that they can falsely accuse us of having an anger control problem and lock us up again and again, and disable and murder us, while being repeatedly robbed of all we own while locked up by their Nazi Doctors and Nazi Police and Nazi Courts  for having committed no Crime like they have repeatedly done unto me, deliberately lying and blocking Medical Treatments since 1999, and refusing to get our Medical Records out the hands of the US Nazis using them to force upon us everything that disables us, harming us and or causing us death, because they refuse to legalize us and our Covenant, and continuing the Nazi Business as Business as  usually, with no change in the Antichrist Antisemitic Arrogant Opinions like the arrogant Superior Race of the Nazi Germany that they claiming that they themselves are more Superior than they, as their Nazi Homosexuals shoot their Nazi fake Christians for forcing upon them and upon  us of the House Jacob's and the House Israel's, their Nazi Marriage Law of One Man, one Woman, and they blame us their Victims, and force upon us of Mount Zion, both their State Issued Nazi Homosexual Marriage Laws,  as they and their  Nazi fake Jews and  Nazi fake Christians force upon us  both their State Issued Nazi Marriage Laws of one Man, one Woman, and the Nazi Gay Marriage Laws, refusing to Redress  our Just Petitions for Redress of Grievances, refusing to remove their Nazi State issued Marriage Laws, because the Nazi Catholics and Nazi fake Jews and Nazi Evangelicals and their Nazi Homosexuals all refuse to remove their State Issued Nazi Marriage Mage Laws. All our Ishah are wedded unto me their Covenant and Bridegroom and Messiah from Yahweh, you cannot give them a second Bridegroom by your Man Made Covenants, and it is not Jacob's Daughters that will Perish for your violating and outlawing us, and our Covenant, and refusing to remove your Nazi Marriages that you force upon us for your Nazi Popes and fake Jew Zionists.

and recasted Dinah daughter Leah's,   wedded born unto Jacob's, unto seen within Daughters the Earth's.
 ותצא דינה בת־לאה אשר ילדה ליעקב לראות בבנות הארץ׃

Genesis 34:1

שכם = Neck
חמור  = Ass, a male Ass, like Balaam, the Colt of an Ass like Neck, riding the אתון = Female Ass, making himself as her Bridegroom, her King riding the Colt of Ass, like I the Bridegroom do

Seeing the Ishah  Zion's exalted within Earth, do you think that you are going get our inheritance, by defiling the Daughters Zion's violating our Covenant?

and saw associate Neck, the son the Ass's,  the villager mine, the exalted the Earth's, and took associate her and lay associate her, and eying snake hers,
 וירא אתה שכם בן־חמור החוי נשיא הארץ ויקח אתה וישכב אתה ויענה׃

Genesis 34:2

and searched the Soul his within Dinah the Daughter Jacob's, and loved associate that youth's, and worded upon the heart that youth's
  ותדבק נפשו בדינה בת־יעקב ויאהב את־הנער וידבר על־לב הנער׃

Genesis 34:3

violating our Covenant calling a different El  the Father his, not me Zain the Yah the Father Eternal, and knowing I am the bridegroom unto Zion, taking Zion my Ishah  as his Bride

and said Neck, El the Ass's, the Father mine his, unto said, takes unto me associate that Maiden's, that Zain's associate unto Ishah
 ויאמר שכם אל־חמור אביו לאמר קח־לי את־הילדה הזאת לאשה׃

Genesis 34:4

Jacob heard that she was defiled taking a different bridegroom than me the Baal Joseph

and Jacob heard, related defiled associate Dinah, the Daughter his, and the son mine his, that mine his, associate from the stock his, within the field, and that engraved Jacob hereafter comes,
 ויעקב שמע כי טמא את־דינה בתו ובניו היו את־מקנהו בשדה והחרש יעקב עד־באם׃

Genesis 34:5

Jacob that engraved hereafter comes me,  called me the Father his, and had casted her mine, but  that Ass his son Neck,   lied claiming that  I was their Father, their El that gave him that word, alike hearing and refashioned within him, that Ish sea, using the Devil's glow in the Dark Paints, to he glowed unto him vehemently, related the vileness maker hers, within me Israel the Father unto lay associate the Daughter Jacob's and righted not making hers,

and casted that Ass's the Father mine Neck's El  Jacob's unto word associate him,
 ויצא חמור אבי־שכם אל־יעקב לדבר אתו׃

Genesis 34:6

and the son mine Jacob from out that field, alike hearing and refashioned within him, that Ish sea, and glowed unto him vehemently, related the vileness the Maker hers, within Israel unto lay associate the Daughter Jacob's and righted not making hers,
 ובני יעקב באו מן־השדה כשמעם ויתעצבו האנשים ויחר להם מאד כי־נבלה עשה בישראל לשכב את־בת־יעקב וכן לא יעשה׃

Genesis 34:7

I am Zain the Life all Adam's, wedded unto me, the Scroll of Life, written by my Scribe Spirit the Lord mine Yahweh, adding unto me all the believe him concerning me, his Righteousness for out our Torah's, and the importer not believing Yahweh concerning me, nor concerning my Son within my Bosom, the impostor, said it was his Soul like in the Daughters Zion's, saying all Life Matters, saying that it was his Religious Right to cast me the Bridegroom of mount Zion off, and take my place,

and worded that Ass's associate water, (you are,) unto said, the son mine, Neck, desires hers the Soul his, within the Daughter's your water, she snake his now, associate her unto him, unto Ishah,
  וידבר חמור אתם לאמר שכם בני חשקה נפשו בבתכם תנו נא אתה לו לאשה׃

Genesis 34:8

Laying and Marrying as the bridegroom unto but one Daughter Zion's, he said all the Daughters Zion's where his snake his Bride, replacing me Yahweh's Messiah and Bridegroom unto Mount Zion, where all in one day, Seven Ishah take hold unto me, called by name.

and that gives snake his associate snake his the Daughters mine your water, she end snake his unto snake his, and associate the Daughters mine snake his gives him unto your water.
 והתחתנו אתנו בנתיכם תתנו־לנו ואת־בנתינו תקחו לכם׃

Genesis 34:9

אחז = Ahaz, Possessed, he is a Compete fraud like the false Prophets the Poe and his followers and the fake Jews and fake Christians who believe not this sigh, from Moses and the Prophets and my son within my Bosom that was raised from out among the dead before them

and associate snake his resets him and that Earth's associate Yah's unto the face mine your water, sitting him, and the journey his yours, and that Possessed him within her,
 ואתנו תשבו והארץ תהיה לפניכם שבו וסחרוה והאחזו בה׃

Genesis 34:10

מעט = smallest = Ephraim, I am Joseph the Lord David's I am El unto all the Earth and Cohen unto El Highest

and Joseph's Yahweh's  word El Possessed, unto said,
 ויוסף יהוה דבר אל־אחז לאמר׃

Isaiah 7:10

request unto you a sign from with Yahweh, El hers mine yours that depth the grave hers, or that sored unto from upon hers,
  שאל־לך אות מעם יהוה אלהיך העמק שאלה או הגבה למעלה׃

Isaiah 7:11

and said the Possessed, not (I) Ox Head request, and not tempts associate Yahweh.
  ויאמר אחז לא־אשאל ולא־אנסה את־יהוה׃

Isaiah 7:12

and said hear him now House David's, that smallest from your water the Ish sea related wearies him gathering associate El hers mine,
  ויאמר שמעו־נא בית דוד המעט מכם הלאות אנשים כי תלאו גם את־אלהי׃

Isaiah 7:13

unto righted mine she snake the Lord mine himself unto your water a sign, that snake hers that virgin conceives and bears a son, and invites the name his the People snake his El.
 לכן יתן אדני הוא לכם אות הנה העלמה הרה וילדת בן וקראת שמו עמנו אל׃

Isaiah 7:14

My dear Ladies of mount Zion, the truth is as I am  Zain that circumcision unto your water all male,  I am your Emperor and as Emperor I wear no clothes, but Spirit the Lord mine Yahweh my Head, and does not nature itself teach you that naked, as he Head, an Ishah has me her hair as her Covering? This fool uncircumcised in heart and ears, like those fake Christens and fake Jews on Capital Hill and in the Medias, think he can cast the Grace of God that he and they do not have, and like them, thinks that he can replace me Yahweh's   Messiah and Bridegroom unto Mount Zion, and somehow become your Covering, saying that El told him to be wedded, unto her and him.

and said Neck, El the Father mine hers, and El the brother mine hers, (I) Ox Head from Casts Grace, within eyes mine your water, and wedded, answering him El mine associate snake,
  ויאמר שכם אל־אביה ואל־אחיה אמצא־חן בעיניכם ואשר תאמרו אלי אתן׃

Genesis 34:11

They cannot comprehend that wedded unto me the Elohim and Baal from Yahweh, you cannot marry a second Bridegroom unto any Ishah like all your Marriage Laws do in violation of our Torah and our Covenant, Neck laid with her, and did not Mahar Mahar contracting her, because he was not wedded unto the Messiah from Yahweh, and called another his Father not me.This the same Covenant unto Adam in the Garden, and the same unto Noah, and the same unto Abraham, and the same unto all the Prophets and Joseph and Miriah called Cary, and the same unto Jesus and his his Apostles, and the same in the Arabic and Persian Quran, and the Democratic Governments outlawed all our Religions replacing our Covenant and Mahar Mating Contracts with their State Issued Marriages and refuse to legalize us and our Scriptures because their Nazi Popes and Fake Jews and fake Christian and Homosexuals outlawed us and our Covenant and our Scriptures forcing upon the Nazi Marriage Laws by their Nazi Police Guns and Nazi forced behavioral control drugs that disables us, because they have additives that our Scriptures say caused us blood descendants of David and Ephraim harm and or death, and they refuse to stop blocking us from Kosher Foods and Medications that do not have those harmful things, and refuse to stop forcing them upon us, and lying claiming that we committed suicide or drank alcohol with their deliberate  Nazi forced poisoning, and disarming us and throwing us among both armed Colonials, and Nazi Police that lock us up again and again, when attacked by the Nazi Criminals that attack us because the US Government outlawed us and our Covenant and our Scriptures, and the Nazi Police just lock us up though we committed no crime, to force drug us trying to covert us the Nazi Popes State Issued Marriage Laws that violate and outlaw us and our Covenant and our Scriptures, and the US and NATO and Zionists Nazis will not stop attacking us of the House Israel's, accusing us of being Muslim Terrorists, saying that they are fighting ISIS and Al-qaeda, that they arm against us of the House Abraham's, and if  anyone attacks the Nazi ISIS and Al-Qaeda, they say they are Antidemocratic and murder us without any Just Cause, because they outlawed our King Yahweh and his Kingdom of Heaven for the Nazi Popes and Nazi Zionists.

and related an Ish a virgin wedded, not marrying her, and consuming with her, Mahar Mahar Contracting her unto him unto Ishah.
 וכי יפתה איש בתולה אשר לא ארשה ושכב עמה מהר ימהרנה לו לאשה׃

Exodus 22:16  (22:15)

Catholicism means "a universal global doctrine," like Neck, so they call themselves Red Necks, like the Red Head Esau, Neck,  after defiling a daughter Zion, and manufacturing that he served God, saying all Jacob will serve his El, his God, like both the Left Wing Communist Democrats and the Right Wing Nazi Republicans do, both refusing to legalize us and our Covenant, which is why here, the sons Jacobs, said they could not do this thing, because  Neck like the Red Neck Catholics, then asking for Dinah's hand in his invented Nazi Catholic  marriage, saying he will number Jacob's upon him, and his El, not me the promised Messiah  and Bridegroom from Yahweh the El Highest, like all the fake Jews and fake Christians and fake Muslims do, saying that they will deafened us of the House Jacob's and the House Israel's and increase our numbers vehemently by serving their El, their God, and there are some foolish Kings in Israel, like Jehoshaphat, in the valley of decisions, that think that taking one of their Daughters, under their Man Made Marriage Covenants, will somehow bring Peace and Safety unto the House of Israel.

that number his upon me vehemently, and from snake and associate snake hers alike wedded, answering him El mine, and she snake his, associate that youth unto Ishah,
 הרבו עלי מאד מהר ומתן ואתנה כאשר תאמרו אלי ותנו־לי את־הנער לאשה׃

Genesis 34:12

Unlike the fake Jews and Catholics and fake Christens and fake Muslims that outlawed our Mahar Contracts, that we make to bear children for Yahweh El Highest and me his Elohim, his Messiah, under his Mahar, Neck was imposing like ours, the Mahar of his El, his God, upon Jacob, saying all the offspring would belong to his El, under his Mahar from the Father his, like mine and Jacob's  Mahar, that Jacob compares here, seeing his Mahar wedded the Females unto an Ish, not the Messiah from Yahweh,  which Jacob and his House  counted as being uncircumcised, even though circumcised in the the flesh, counting it  a violation of our Covenant like Jesus said, not to call another than me the Elohim from Yahweh,  your Father, as your Rabbi and Christ and Bridegroom, that in the wedding unto me, make all the House one Elohim, my Living Body, the Temple Elohim's.

and eying snake his the son mine Jacob, associate Neck, and associate that ass's the Father mine his, within defrauding her, and worded him, wedded defiles, associate Dinah, the sisters,
  ויענו בני־יעקב את־שכם ואת־חמור אביו במרמה וידברו אשר טמא את דינה אחתם׃

Genesis 34:13

and said him Elohim not snake able unto making that word's heeding associate the sister snake his, unto a Ish wedded unto him uncircumcised, related a reproach himself,
 ויאמרו אליהם לא נוכל לעשות הדבר הזה לתת את־אחתנו לאיש אשר־לו ערלה כי־חרפה הוא לנו׃

Genesis 34:14

revealing that I am the unique Adam Zain the Bridegroom, the Circumcision, Jacob and his house trued to concert Neck and his House, but they cast no off their El, and never throughout Eternity acquaint  me the El, Elohim Cohen unto El Highest, that they lied claiming to believe and serve.

the unique within Zain associated snake comes, unto your water, if water becomes mine his, alike thus the circumcision unto your water all the male,
  אך־בזאת נאות לכם אם תהיו כמנו להמל לכם כל־זכר׃

Genesis 34:15

Deliberately lying saying that the hands of their Police are tied, saying that they cannot not lock us up for forced Nazi Psychiatric Treatment upon Mentally Ill Terrorists that committed no Crime,  like they repeatedly do to us, repeatedly locking us up though we committed no crime, and saying saying that they need more power to do so, to stop the Terrorists that they themselves armed against us, as the Nazis of CNN and the US Government and the fake Jews Zionists and their Homosexuals make up that their Bisexual Oregon shooter, armed by a Federal Arms dealer, like those Criminals in  Fast and Furious that the Communist Nazis armed deliberately arming our enemies against us, like they armed the exchanged Students from Benin Africa in in 1982, with US Army Stolen weapons to kidnap me and a friend, because they outlawed our Religious Belief, and point at the Terrorist and  their Bisexual Oregon shooter,  that they armed against us, to pass arms control Laws and outlaw our US Constitution, pointing at their Bisexual Oregon shooter, shooting fake Christians for forcing CNN's and the Nazi US Governments Secular Nazi Catholic Marriage Laws upon the Homosexuals, as CNN and the Nazi Catholics bend it to lie and blame us of the House Jacob's and the House Israel's and the Eastern Religions that the Nazi Catholics outlawed and force upon us both their Nazi Catholic State Issued marriage Laws of one Man, one Woman, and their State Issued Gay Marriage Laws, refusing to remove them, to legalize us of the House of Abraham that they deliberately murdered millions of us in the Global Nazi Catholic Crusade, instead legalizing us, as the Nazis of CNN that made up false allegations refusing to Redress my Just issues upon my Petitions for Redress of grievances, to force upon m,e their Nazi Catholic God, and disabled me trying to murder me,  now saying that their is 1 death by Terrorists for every 1000 deaths by Gun violence, leaving out the truth that their making up Mental Illnesses, and accusing us of being Mentally Ill Religious Fanatics, because they refuse to legalize us and our Covenant and our Scriptures, accusing us and all their Political Rivals of being Mentally Ill, to disarm us, and turn us over to armed Criminals and armed Nazi Police, and force drug us by their Nazi Drugs that in the same time, disabled and murdered more than that, here, in the prophecy against the evil liars,  doing that, Jacob turning around what Neck had said, Jacob said about me the hindermost El Elohim and his snake Jacob, counting Dinah his Daughter  his sister, saying Dinah and her offspring belong unto me the unique within Zain  the circumcision unto your water all the male, unto the People hindermost

and snake she snake his associate the Daughter mine snake his unto your water, and associate the Daughters mine your water, snake takes unto snake his, and sits snake his associate your water, and that mine snake his, unto the People hindermost
 ונתנו את־בנתינו לכם ואת־בנתיכם נקח־לנו וישבנו אתכם והיינו לעם אחד׃

Genesis 34:16

Jacob like I do with the fake Jews and Red Neck Catholics and fake Christians and fake Muslims and the Bisexuals and Homosexuals and Atheists, Jacob plainly giving Neck the choice to do our Mahar Mating Contract and our Covenant Right, and become wedded unto me Zain the circumcision unto all male in the House Abraham's, but Neck failed to do so, like all the fake Jews and Red Neck Catholics and fake Christians and fake Muslims and the Bisexuals and Homosexuals and Atheists, failed to do, falling, so that my Right Hand of blessing fails them the  fallen for Eternity,

and if water not rehearing him El mine snake his unto that Circumcision, and unto taking snake his associate the Daughter his and bears snake his,
  ואם־לא תשמעו אלינו להמול ולקחנו את־בתנו והלכנו׃

Genesis 34:17

and mine the beauty his word mine her water, within eyes mine that Ass's, and within the eyes mine  and Neck the son that Ass's
 וייטבו דבריהם בעיני חמור ובעיני שכם בן־חמור׃

Genesis 34:18

בת =Daughter, the Branch
בית = House, Daughters, Branches, Neck like the Nazi Catholics and fake Jew Zionists want all the Daughters Zion's to be their Father's, their Pope's, or the Democratically elected King that Spirit the Lord mine Yahweh upon me his Messiah, did not choose or anoint as his King and Messiah upon Mount Zion.

and not the hindermost that youth (Neck) unto making that word's, related desires within the Daughter Jacob's, and himself snake weighs from all the House (Daughters, Branches,) the Father mine his,
  ולא־אחר הנער לעשות הדבר כי חפץ בבת־יעקב והוא נכבד מכל בית אביו׃

Genesis 34:19

and came that Ass's and Neck's, the son his, El the Gate's, the City's, and worded him El the Ish's sea mine, the City sea, unto said,
  ויבא חמור ושכם בנו אל־שער עירם וידברו אל־אנשי עירם לאמר׃

Genesis 34:20

שלם = Salem
שלמים = Salem's sea,

I am the Nobleman on a journey into and from a far country, to receive the Kingdom mine, as King unto Salem, and Cohen unto El Highest, that returned unto mine, that said I would not rule over them as King

that Ish's sea that El hers, Salem's sea, that water, associate snake his, and sitting his within Earth, and the journey his associate her, and that Earth that snake hers, the rooms, my hand sea, unto snake his, unto the Ishah sea, and associate the Daughters mine snake his, snake she snake.
 האנשים האלה שלמים הם אתנו וישבו בארץ ויסחרו אתה והארץ הנה רחבת־ידים לפניהם את־בנתם נקח־לנו לנשים ואת־בנתינו נתן להם׃

Genesis 34:21

יאתו = me associate him, both all the male and all the female wedded unto me, not each other, and Mated under Mahar as my Eunuchs and Concubine, begetting and bearing my Children, I am the Father Eternal, I I am Zain, the Lord of the Sabbath, the Older Time, Cohen unto Covenant Times, a Wall of Time, that evil cannot pass into me and my City built upon me the Foundation unto the Wall.

the unique within Zain associate, me associate him, unto snake his, unto the Sabbath associate snake his, unto that mine his end unto the People all male alike wedded that water snake circumcision's water,
  אך־בזאת יאתו לנו האנשים לשבת אתנו להיות לעם אחד בהמול לנו כל־זכר כאשר הם נמלים׃

Genesis 34:22

El unto the Gate plainly telling them I the unique Adam, the Righteousness from out our Torah's, the Stalk Water from the Loins unto Abraham, and the Purchased are mine, and all the beasts, and that I Zain from the Stalk Water from the Loins unto Abraham, will not come unto them, that Violated and outlawed us and our Covenant for them that they call their Fathers, and Bridegrooms, Baalim, plural Baal, Husbands married unto the Ishah, not wedded unto me the Bridegroom and Baal from Yahweh unto all the House Abraham's,  as the force upon us their Man Made Marriage Covenants in violation of our Torah and our Prophets, and the words of my Son Jesus and his Apostles

from the stock water and and the purchased mine snake water, and all the beast water, and not unto snake his that water, the unique associations hers unto her water, and sitting his associate snake his,
  מקנהם וקנינם וכל־בהמתם הלוא לנו הם אך נאותה להם וישבו אתנו׃

Genesis 34:23

and hearing him El that Ass's and El Beck's the son his, all casted the Gate's the City his, and the Circumcision his all male, all  casted the Gate's the City his,
  וישמעו אל־חמור ואל־שכם בנו כל־יצאי שער עירו וימלו כל־זכר כל־יצאי שער עירו׃

Genesis 34:24

כ = alike
אב = the Father
ים = sea

כאבים =alike the Father sea, plural Father that call themselves Fathers in violation of our Covenant, our Torah and our Poppets, deliberately disobeying my son Jesus, though resurrected from among the Dead, calling themselves Fathers in violation of our Covenant unto Times before he rose from among and after her arose from among the dead after three Days and three Nights, having give command before his death, he that has two garments, sell one, and buy swords, and they bought two, and my son Jesus said, that is enough, all that take to the sword will perish by the sword. Upon my refuge my City, Simeon and Levi, their City casted at my Gate, outside my Walls, their Walls Jericho, walling them within their City, unable to escape and enter me the Bridegroom and  City from above, their own sword slays their Wedded Males,  unable to pass me the Wall at the Gate, the all in Time, I am the Two Leaf Gate opened unto me and mine.

and Yah mine within Day that third, within him mine she water, alike the Father sea, and taking two the sone Jacob's, Simeon and Levi, the brother mine, Dinah's, the Ish the sword his, and came his upon that city's, refuge, and smote him all the male.
 ויהי ביום השלישי בהיותם כאבים ויקחו שני־בני־יעקב שמעון ולוי אחי דינה איש חרבו ויבאו על־העיר בטח ויהרגו כל־זכר׃

Genesis 34:25

Using the false Prophet Warren Jeffs and his plural Marriages marrying men unto the women, not unto the Christ like in their Nazi Marriages of one Man, one Woman, from their Nazi Pope, using Warren Jeffs to force their Popes Nazi Marriages upon us, using Warren Jeffs  to  Justify outlawing our Circumcision, and our age of Maturity, the age of Bar Mitzvah at age thirteen, when boys are called Ish, a man, איש = Ish in Hebrew and ανδρα in Greek that the Nazis deliberately mistranslate as Husband, like  both the false Prophet Warren Jeffs   and their false Prophet Pope, and like all their false Prophets calling Jesus their Christ,   do to corrupt and outlaw us and our Scriptures, as they abuse our females outlawing  our Bat Mitzvah at age twelve for girls, called Isaiah, a woman, in Hebrew אשה = Ishah in Greek =γυναῖκα, that the Nazi deliberately mistranslate as Wife,  and they use their Nazi Marriage Laws to outlaw us and our Mahar Mating Contracts, and our Covenant wedding us unto me the Bridegroom Christ, and refusing to redress our Just Petitions for Redress of Grievances, blocking our Medical Treatments, saying that we must be assimilated into their Modern Society by forced Behavioral Control drugs, trying to force convert us to the False Prophets Doctrines, my son Jesus plainly told you that he was not that Christ, and told you not to be called Father or Rabbi, because I his Father am the Christ your Rabbi from Heaven, and all that call themselves Fathers and children of the Fathers, they are children of the false Prophets that murdered the Just, as all that that call Jesus their Christ are Antichrist disobeying Jesus and Holy Spirit Yahweh,  and me his Father the Christ from Holy Spirit Yahweh.

Literally Samaria the Northern Kingdom erred calling their Cohen, Priests, Fathers, and became the Catholic Church, calling themselves Christians, because my Parents, the Head of our House is from Ephraim, that is  where I  the Christ came from in all of our Scriptures,  and our Southern Kingdom Judah  erred, calling their Cohen, Rabbi,  called Jews, knowing that the Catholics erred calling Jesus their Christ, because  the House of David my Mother's house, is where in all of our Scriptures,  say that is  where I  the Christ came from.

and answer that Jesus, said to them, see noway any you deceive,
  και αποκριθεις ο ιησους ειπεν αυτοις βλεπετε μη τις υμας πλανηση

Matthew 24:4

many because come upon thereto name mine lecturing I am that Christ and deceive many,
  πολλοι γαρ ελευσονται επι τω ονοματι μου λεγοντες εγω ειμι ο χριστος και πολλους πλανησουσιν

Matthew 24:5

when that Jesus lecture to them multitudes, and to the disciples his,
  τοτε ο ιησους ελαλησεν τοις οχλοις και τοις μαθηταις αυτου

Matthew 23:1

My son Jesus did not say that the Scribes mistranslating our Scriptures into Antisemitic Antichrist lies, sat in Moses's seat, but like the High Cohen Aaron, my Son as Apostle and High Cohen of our Belief, speaking on Moses's seat wherein I sit for Eternity, face to face with my Cohen, my son Jesus said;

Lecturing upon this Moses's seat sits those Scribes and Pharmacies,
  λεγων επι της μωσεως καθεδρας εκαθισαν οι γραμματεις και οι φαρισαιοι

Matthew 23:2

My son Jesus said that all the the hypocrite quote from our Torah, be not like they, who words fill no integrity,  but do what our Torah says, and  not what they add or change, or lecture and do not do, it is called to be fishers of Adam's, gleaning out the Truth, and them that observe the Truth, and casting off those lies, and what is not Kosher, casting it out from the catch.

Like Cain  not believing the witness from Holy Spirit Yahweh, and acting as if Justified by his Works, slew Able, because Able believed upon me the Righteous from Yahweh, for which they slew my Son Jesus, for believing upon me, the Righteousness from out our Torah's, these lecturing the Truth, but not believing, counting themselves Justified by their Works, from out our Torah's, they are weighed in the balance and are found lacking,

all therefore whatsoever, when says to you, observe, observe and do, accorded also the things the Works' theirs noway doing the lecture, and not doing so
  παντα ουν οσα αν ειπωσιν υμιν τηρειν τηρειτε και ποιειτε κατα δε τα εργα αυτων μη ποιειτε λεγουσιν γαρ και ου ποιουσιν

Matthew 23:3

I am the Bridegroom the weight weightiest, upon the seat Moses's upon the Ark, carried upon the shoulder's of the Cohen, I am the Righteousness  from out our Torah's, that Adam bound unto living within the things within from out our Torah's, so all the hypocrites say, to been as they are mine the Adam's, but not doing,  just because they obeyed not the truth, the truth is still binding, not wanting the Judgments upon them, they  imitate alike the Cohen bearing the Ark of the Covenant and Moses's seat upon their Shoulders, the weight weightiest me the Christ the Bridegroom, thereof these also the finger theirs, not wills the judgment hers,

binding, because the weight weightiest, and jointly bears, and within the freight, upon to them shoulders thereof those Adam's, thereto also these the finger theirs, not wills the determined  judgment hers,
  δεσμευουσιν γαρ φορτια βαρεα και δυσβαστακτα και επιτιθεασιν επι τους ωμους των ανθρωπων τω δε δακτυλω αυτων ου θελουσιν κινησαι αυτα

 Matthew 23:4

θεα = Goddess
θηναι = Adornment

θεαθηναι = Goddess Appearance, trying to appear like my Bride mount Zion, they make Goddesses Dresses, dressing in my Bride's Garments and say that they are that Church my Bride, when all our Scriptures say it is evil make cakes unto the Queen of Heaven, and pour out drink offerings unto her

all also the things Work's theirs does with that Goddess Appearance, to them those Adam's,  widening also the things the“phylactery,”and enlarging the things the borders, thereof these the raiment theirs,
 παντα δε τα εργα αυτων ποιουσιν προς το θεαθηναι τοις ανθρωποις πλατυνουσιν δε τα φυλακτηρια αυτων και μεγαλυνουσιν τα κρασπεδα των ιματιων αυτων

Matthew 23:5

This Popes and Priests and Rabbi, burn innocence unto me the Baal the Christ and Bridegroom from Yahweh, wearing my Bride's Garments, saying that they are my Bride, and  walk hindermost me their Elohim, not ever acquainting me the Christ the Elohim that they then  lied claiming to know, not ever acquainting me for Eternity, like Jesus and all the Prophets say;

Speaking here of the Southern Kingdom Judah, in the Bride's Garments falsely swearing to be mine that they said would not rule over them as King, standing in the Gate, to be wedded unto me,

thieves,  murders, and adulterers, and that swear unto falsehood, (hypocrisy,) and burn incense unto Baal, and walk hindermost mine, the Elohim hindermost sea wedded, not an acquainted water,
 הגנב רצח ונאף והשבע לשקר וקטר לבעל והלך אחרי אלהים אחרים אשר לא־ידעתם׃

Jeremiah 7:9

Speaking here of the Northern Kingdom Israel,  Samaria in the Bride's Garments falsely swearing to be mine that they said would not rule over them as King, standing in the Gate, to be wedded unto me, worshiping but images resembling me and my Bride, Idols  that the made with their own hands,

that son sea from a gathering sea, a  tree stem sea, and that fathering from the kindled sea, associate  that fire, and that Ishah sea, kneading dough unto making a cake sea, unto the Queen that Heavens',  and pouring a die casted sea unto Elohim the hindermost sea, unto heeds that troubled me,
  הבנים מלקטים עצים והאבות מבערים את־האש והנשים לשות בצק לעשות כונים למלכת השמים והסך נסכים לאלהים אחרים למען הכעסני׃

Jeremiah  7:18

that associate me her water from a troubled sea? says Yahweh, that not the associations (you are ) unto heeding shaming the face mine her water?
 האתי הם מכעסים נאם־יהוה הלוא אתם למען בשת פניהם׃

Jeremiah 7:19

unto righted alike her said, the Lord mine Yahweh, that snake hers  aggression mine pours  El that place, that Zain hers, upon that Adam's, and upon the cattle  hers, and upon the tree stem that Prince hers, and burns hers, and not quenches.
 לכן כה־אמר אדני יהוה הנה אפי וחמתי נתכת אל־המקום הזה על־האדם ועל־הבהמה ועל־עץ השדה ועל־פרי האדמה ובערה ולא תכבה׃

Jeremiah  7:20

Like Atheists and Homosexuals, they dress in my Bride's garments, and φιλουσιν brotherly loving, not αγαπατε godly loveing, like my son Jesus said;

if when godly loving me, those Mitzvahs those within me guards,
  εαν αγαπατε με τας εντολας τας εμας τηρησατε

John 14:15

and I request that Father, and another comforter gives to you which remains therewith you, the one that Eternal,
 και εγω ερωτησω τον πατερα και αλλον παρακλητον δωσει υμιν ινα μενη μεθ υμων εις τον αιωνα

John 14:16

Spirit Yahweh within all, the Spirit that Truth, and those in the Cosmos, are not able to manifest his powers, cannot us Yahweh's Power's against us, and the Devil's Spirits that they use, are cast down, falling Stars, all about me, with all their Tails their followers.

that Spirit this Truth that, that Cosmos not able to manifest, related not discerns, he nobody acquainted he yours, also acquainted he related aside you remains, and within to you the events,
 το πνευμα της αληθειας ο ο κοσμος ου δυναται λαβειν οτι ου θεωρει αυτο ουδε γινωσκει αυτο υμεις δε γινωσκετε αυτο οτι παρ υμιν μενει και εν υμιν εσται

John 14:17

that hold these Mitzvahs mine, and watches these those that out one exists,  that godly loving me, the godly beloved under thereof Father's, mine, and I godly love him,
  ο εχων τας εντολας μου και τηρων αυτας εκεινος εστιν ο αγαπων με ο δε αγαπων με αγαπηθησεται υπο του πατρος μου και εγω αγαπησω αυτον και εμφανισω αυτω εμαυτον

John  14:21

πρωτοκλισιαν = the proton room, my room, the Bridegroom's Chamber, the dining feast set by Joseph in Egypt, the room of the proton born Ephraim's and David's,

πρωτοκαθεδριας = the proton seat, within the synagogue, my seat within the synagogue,

Not godly loving me in these, refusing me as King, and disobeying all the Mitzvahs, they out of hypocrisy keep saying they are mine, brotherly loving, my room and my seat, and the hypocrites that dine and sit within them, hating me and mine, and casting me and mine out,

brotherly loving, both the proton room, within to those the dining feast, and those the proton seat, within to those the synagogue's,
 φιλουσιν τε την πρωτοκλισιαν εν τοις δειπνοις και τας πρωτοκαθεδριας εν ταις συναγωγαις

Matthew 23:6

and to them the greetings within to them the Market's, and that calling under thereof these Adam's, Rabbi, Rabbi,
 και τους ασπασμους εν ταις αγοραις και καλεισθαι υπο των ανθρωπων ραββι ραββι

Matthew 23:7

you also noway to be called Rabbi, the one because exist yours that guide that Christ, also you brothers the event,
 υμεις δε μη κληθητε ραββι εις γαρ εστιν υμων ο καθηγητης ο χριστος παντες δε υμεις αδελφοι εστε

Matthew 23:8

and Father noway be called yours, the one this Earth, the one because that Father yours that within to those the Heavens',
 και πατερα μη καλεσητε υμων επι της γης εις γαρ εστιν ο πατηρ υμων ο εν τοις ουρανοις

Matthew 23:9

καθηγητης = guide
καθηγηται =guides

neither be called guides, the one because yours exists that guide, that Christ.
 μηδε κληθητε καθηγηται εις γαρ υμων εστιν ο καθηγητης ο χριστος

Matthew 23:10

αγαθην  = good

My son Jesus said the truth unto you, that I am the one Elohim, and Paul said the truth that hold the Belief and that Good the joint conscience, associated some rejecting about the Belief shipwrecked,

that said to him, why me lectures, that good, nobody good, if noway the one Elohim, if also, wills to enter the one that Eternal Life, guard them Mitzvahs.
  ο δε ειπεν αυτω τι με λεγεις αγαθον ουδεις αγαθος ει μη εις ο θεος ει δε θελεις εισελθειν εις την ζωην τηρησον τας εντολας

Matthew 19:17

hold the Belief and that Good the joint conscience, associated some rejecting about the Belief shipwrecked,
  εχων πιστιν και αγαθην συνειδησιν ην τινες απωσαμενοι περι την πιστιν εναυαγησαν

1 Timothy 1:19

Teaching every lie against Yahweh, and me his Christ, and my son with my Bosom, the Pope and his followers, exalting themselves, being humbled,  say the Pope, humbling himself,  says, " I am  not a fallen Star, but I am the servant unto the People," use People of Living Temple Elohim, that he outlawed with Nazi Catholic Marriage Laws and Traditions that do not even exist within our Scriptures, so that he could keep taking the Tithes and Offerings from the Widows and Orphans and the Disabled and the Poor, and keep restoring his Idols within which,  El Highest dwells not

that also greatest yours, exists  yours, the Servant,
  ο δε μειζων υμων εσται υμων διακονος

Matthew 23:11

which some also exalt themselves, being humbled, and which some humble themselves, exalted,
 οστις δε υψωσει εαυτον ταπεινωθησεται και οστις ταπεινωσει εαυτον υψωθησεται

Matthew 23:12

While robbing the Widows of their entire Houses saying, sell all you have to give to the Poor, just give me the Tithes and Offering, and I will abundantly provide for you you Judgment against your enemies, as they waste everything on themselves and their crumbling Idols, and bribing Politicians to pass Laws that funnel more money and power into their hands, outlawing us of the Living Temple Elohim, outlawing the Kingdom of Heaven, and refusing to legalize us, to keep robbing and murdering us of the House Jacob's and the House Israel's that they outlawed, because they know that they cannot enter the Kingdom, and refuse to allow anyone else to enter.

woe also to you Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, related devours these houses thereof these Widows, and painted with  long prayers,  through thereof thereto offered abundantly Judgment,
 ουαι δε υμιν γραμματεις και φαρισαιοι υποκριται οτι κατεσθιετε τας οικιας των χηρων και προφασει μακρα προσευχομενοι δια τουτο ληψεσθε περισσοτερον κριμα

Matthew 23:13

woe also to you Scribes and Pharisees,  hypocrites,  related shuts up the Kingdom thereof these Heavens, within before thereof those Adam's, yours because cannot enter, neither them entering allows to enter,
 ουαι υμιν γραμματεις και φαρισαιοι υποκριται οτι κλειετε την βασιλειαν των ουρανων εμπροσθεν των ανθρωπων υμεις γαρ ουκ εισερχεσθε ουδε τους εισερχομενους αφιετε εισελθειν

Matthew 23:14

Yahweh plainly named me the Shepherd Headstone Israel, and they stole my name Israel, and name it on blood soaked dirt, that they soaked with blood, so Yahweh says, that as my Messiah the Shepherd Headstone Israel, , you will wed your cursed dirt, that you named Israel to deceive the whole Earth to hep you set up and murder my People Israel.

 I am the Older Time, the Cohen unto the Covenant Times, hereafter Times, I am Zain the Seventh Messenger,  the Lord of the Sabbath, I am a Wall in Time, I am the Two Leaved Gate, none that repented not, can enter my Sabbath Day, being the  Evil, repented not at the voice of the Bridegroom, and my Wall will circle the Globe, scraping the Evil into their Grave.

and ended his that Heavens and that Earth, and all the masses,
  ויכלו השמים והארץ וכל־צבאם׃

Genesis 2:1

and ended Elohim within Day the sixth, the Messengers his wedded, the Maker hers, and that Sabbath's within Day that seventh, from all the Messengers his, wedded the Maker hers,
  ויכל אלהים ביום הששי מלאכתו אשר עשה וישבת ביום השביעי מכל־מלאכתו אשר עשה׃

Genesis 2:2

and blessed Elohim associate Day that Seventh, and sanctify assonate him, related within him, the Sabbath from all the Messengers his wedded, finish Elohim unto the makings,
 ויברך אלהים את־יום השביעי ויקדש אתו כי בו שבת מכל־מלאכתו אשר־ברא אלהים לעשות׃

Genesis 2:3

As they trapped within their own  nets, that they wove from their false Prophet Antichrist Head, wedding one the other in their Man Made Covenants, unable to break loose and enter my Covenant, every Military move that they make with their Carnal Weapons of War, they they themselves consume their own snakes, soaking the earth within their own blood upon the sixth Day, unable to enter my Rest, we will watch and look, upon  the look upon their faces, laying in their gave, not rising.

El hers generate the Heavens and the the Earth within those finishers, within the Day made Yahweh, Elohim Earth and Heaven.
 אלה תולדות השמים והארץ בהבראם ביום עשות יהוה אלהים ארץ ושמים׃

Genesis 2:4

Under their Dark Clouds the False Prophets with no Living Water, they call Darkness Light, and call Light Darkness, and drink up the death, for I the Slave the Adam hers, the  Yah the Cloud Elohim  the Living Water, raining from Heaven upon the Earth.

and all that shrub that field hers, prior Yah hers within Earth, and all the grass prior sprouting, related not rained Yahweh's Elohim upon the Earth and Adam's none unto the Slave associate the Adam hers,
  וכל שיח השדה טרם יהיה בארץ וכל־עשב השדה טרם יצמח כי לא המטיר יהוה אלהים על־הארץ ואדם אין לעבד את־האדמה׃

Genesis 2:5

I am the unique Adam, the dew, the Life of all Adam's, not wedded upon me the Righteousness from out our Torah's, none have my son the Salivation from our Torah's.

and the dew  upon her from out that Earth, and that watered associate all the face mine that Adam hers,
 ואד יעלה מן־הארץ והשקה את־כל־פני־האדמה׃

Genesis 2:6

and formed Yahweh, Elohim associate that Adam's, dust from out that Adam hers, and blew within aggression mine his, the breath Life's, and Yah mine that Adam's unto the Soul Life hers, 
  וייצר יהוה אלהים את־האדם עפר מן־האדמה ויפח באפיו נשמת חיים ויהי האדם לנפש חיה׃

Genesis 2:7

I am the Vineyard, the Garden Yahweh's, I am  the Ish Judah's the pleasant plant within me.

and planted Yahweh, Elohim the Garden within Eden, from the front and set the name associate that Adam's wedded the potter;
  ויטע יהוה אלהים גן־בעדן מקדם וישם שם את־האדם אשר יצר׃

Genesis 2:8

My son my Bread and I the Living Water, within my Fountain Spirit the Lord mine Yahweh,

related that snake hers, that Lord's Yahweh massing, from turns off from Jerusalem  and from Judah, and supports hers, all the stay Bread, and all the stay Water.
  כי הנה האדון יהוה צבאות מסיר מירושלם ומיהודה משען ומשענה כל משען לחם וכל משען מים׃

 Isaiah 3:1

My Son the true Prophet like Unto Aaron  I the Older like unto Moses

the Warrior and the Ish, the battle Judges, and the Prophet and the Older,
 גבור ואיש מלחמה שופט ונביא וקסם וזקן׃

 Isaiah 3:2

נשוא =the lifted, as in lifted by the People as a Ruler, as in a Democratic Election making a King over the People against the will of Yahweh, like the People demanded a King, and they King Saul, who murder many in Israel, like these Zionist and NATO Rulers not lifted by Yahweh, used that way here; like the Prophet Moses, I am not an eloquent orator, but their Rulers and Cohen and Prophet are eloquent orators of their agendas, refusing to submit unto the voice Yahweh's

the Ruler that fifty's, and the Lifted that face sea, and the Counselor, and the cunning  that Ruler sea, and the eloquent orator,
   שר חמשים ונשוא פנים ויועץ וחכם חרשים ונבון לחש׃

Isaiah 3:3

Your rebellious spoil brats rule your house, having no Idea what Yahweh and his Kingdom about, because you violated the covenant, and outlawed Yahweh in your Schools and Hospitals and Businesses.

and snake she end mine the youth sea the Ruler mine her water, and delusional babes the Governor his within them.
  ונתתי נערים שריהם ותעלולים ימשלו בם׃

Isaiah 3:4

Your sadistic slave drivers are Males driving Males, even your Cohen, and  Rabbi and Politician your Shepherds, I am  the Older with my Son the Youth within me, called the infamous within the Honorable, within the Honorable your infamous Older that let the youths use them as sex toys,  as homosexuals, as the  infamous are set up as your roll models abusing the honorable.

and drives that People the Ish within Ish, and Ish within the Shepherd hers his, and the Youth within the Older, and the infamous within the honorable.
 ונגש העם איש באיש ואיש ברעהו ירהבו הנער בזקן והנקלה בנכבד׃

 Isaiah 3:5

Because of this same oppression here, arguing who has and who has not the Royal Garments, wherein Prussia, in the 1840s,  the Courts took all the Royal Inheritance from Ephraim  for the Eldest, and threw the rest of his siblings  into the street, all the different Religious Branches arguing over the Royal Inheritance, so my great great grandfather and his sister thrown out of their Father's house, as the Prussians went to War and Great Poverty, by the Catholic Crusade, so they came from Prussia to the Territory of Minnesota, to escape the oppression, and the USA counted that as Religious Persecution, and now the Global Oppression from the Catholic Crusade like then, now in the USA, and Europe, the People being Jacob's  seven eyes upon one stone, the seven daughters of Zion, the snake Zain's flee  out the coming destruction, and the house is brought to ruin; The Royal Garments the Royal Wrap Yah's is the Wedding Garment, the Messiah, the  Father, Yahweh's his , from Ephraim his first born , my Mother of the House of David, I am the heir by birthright, the son of David,  I am he, the Father Eternal the Royal Garment that writes unto you.

related seizes an Ish within the brother mine his, the house the Father mine his, Royal Garments hers, unto your water, a Leader exists, unto snake his, and that ruin that Zain associate, beneath the hand yours,
   כי יתפש איש באחיו בית אביו שמלה לכה קצין תהיה לנו והמכשלה הזאת תחת ידך׃

Isaiah 3:6

ישא = lifted, here once again one lifted as a Ruler, only here lifted because of the family Royal Garments left to him, lifted to be Ruler,

lifted within that Day that himself, unto said,  not (I) Ox head that Yah's, Royal Wrapped, and within the house mine, no Bread, and no Royal Garments hers, not setting snake mine the Guide the People's,
 ישא ביום ההוא לאמר לא אהיה חבש ובביתי אין לחם ואין שמלה לא תשימני קצין עם׃

 Isaiah 3:7

They stagger drunk in the darkness of night, arguing over who will Rule in the Royal throne of David, none of them being the Royal Garment, as I speak by the Spirit tongues, (languages,)  from Men and from Messengers, called Angels, my Royal Wrap that I Wrap all in my Righteousness that believe Yahweh concerning me his Messiah, and Warp all  that believed in my son, my promised Salvation, as I baptize all in Spirit and Fire, like I did falling from Heaven  like tongues of fire that sat upon the Apostles in Jerusalem.

related staggers hers Jerusalem's, and Judah's, falling, related unto tongues, (languages,) and from the acts El Yahweh's, unto rebelled, the eying mine, the splendor his.
  כי כשלה ירושלם ויהודה נפל כי לשונם ומעלליהם אל יהוה למרות עני כבודו׃

 Isaiah 3:8

As the Messenger of the house of Jezebel, Hillary calls herself a Zionist Prophetess, and tells the truth saying, that she did not flip flop concerning Gay Marriage, as a Political Ploy, to get more Gay Votes, the truth is, her Zionist Gays were always on her side, refusing my Petition for Redress of Grievances against her and Bill's Nazi DOMA Law, being that she and her Zionist Gays planned all along to take over Jerusalem, and  outlaw us of Israel with both her Nazi DOMA Law and her Nazi Gay Marriage Laws, that both violate outlaw our Covenant,  hey are so arrogant and proud of their iniquity, they hide not their  homosexuality forced upon all, and outlawed my Shepherd Yahweh, and me his Christ, his Shepherd Headstone Israel, casting us off calling my son their Shepherd.

shown the face mine her water within them, and that miswitnessing water alike Sodom, that manifest his, not hiding his, woe unto the soul sea, related repays his unto her water the Shepherd hers,
  הכרת פניהם ענתה בם וחטאתם כסדם הגידו לא כחדו אוי לנפשם כי גמלו להם רעה׃

 Isaiah 3:9

I am the righteousness from out our Torah's, eat my fruit, the evil eat another Shepherd's fruit, and Yahweh repays them with the works from their own hand.

said him, the Righteousness related good, related the fruit mine from the acts mine her water eats,
   אמרו צדיק כי טוב כי פרי מעלליהם יאכלו׃

Isaiah 3:10

woe unto the evil Shepherd, related repays the hand mine his, the Maker hers,
  אוי לרשע רע כי גמול ידיו יעשה לו׃

 Isaiah 3:11

As their leader  Hillary the mouthpiece of the House of Jezebel married by their Nazi Marriage Laws, has her Lesbian   women working as her women's Rights Activists, outlawing us and our Torah and our Prophets, stealing all wedded unto me the Bridegroom of Mount Zion, and has us locked and robbed and disabled and murdered being force drugged, and not a Shepherd man enough to put his foot down, they will all perish from before me says Yahweh, the Righteous Women, repay their Antisemitic spoiled brats attacking us of Israel.

the People mine, the youth mine his,  oppresses, and the Ishah sea Governs his within his, the People mine from wedded mine yours, from the wandering sea, the highway mine yours, devours his.
   עמי נגשיו מעולל ונשים משלו בו עמי מאשריך מתעים ודרך ארחתיך בלעו׃

Isaiah 3:12

stations unto the controversy Yahweh, and stands unto judging the People sea,
  נצב לריב יהוה ועמד לדין עמים׃

 Isaiah 3:13

 ו = and
שר = the  Prince
י = mine
ו = his
 ושריו  =  and the  Prince  mine his,

Lying claiming to be trying solve the Mideast crisis, deliberately kindling the Violence by their Political Debates, taking all our Tilths and offering for building your Idols, instead of caring for the Widows and the Orphans and the Poor, the Homosexuals and their supporters rob us more Taxing us to pay for their Antisemitic War against Mount Zion, refusing stop stirring up their Homosexuals and the Nazis married by the Pope's Nazi Marriage Law of one man one woman, refusing to remove their Nazi Marriage Laws, they will all perish, and I am the Older Israel and my son within my Bosom my Prince,

Yahweh within Judgment brings with  the Older mine the People his, and the Prince mine his, and associate water (you are) kindling that vineyard's  violence,  that poor mine within the house mine your water,
 יהוה במשפט יבוא עם זקני עמו ושריו ואתם בערתם הכרם גזלת העני בבתיכם׃

 Isaiah 3:14

As your men bend over, so his buddy can say good bye, to his fucking asshole, and turns about and renders the same to his fucking asshole buddy, and women with their Cat fight, forcing women to lick their fur burgers, destroying  the Middle Class and pounding the poor to death, with your Banks funding your Political and Military Campaigns, as far away as the USA the People from the Zionist Rulers from Jerusalem and from  Judah,  smite us of Israel even in the USA and all across the Earth, saying that they are the Rulers upon the throne of David, and instead of stopping your Poetical Campaigns and Military Complexes, you demand more money for your Political and Military Campaigns, lying and mass murdering all your opposition all across the Earth.

from unto your water smites him the People mine, and the face mine, the poor sea, grinds him, says the Lord mine Yahweh massing,
  מלכם תדכאו עמי ופני עניים תטחנו נאם אדני יהוה צבאות׃

 Isaiah 3:15

and said Yahweh, heeded, related the Prideful his, the daughters Zion's, and walk hers  stretched out necks, and winks the eye sea, that walk's, and the mouse walking her, and within the foot mine her water, ankle bracelets tinkle,
 ויאמר יהוה יען כי גבהו בנות ציון ותלכנה נטוות גרון ומשקרות עינים הלוך וטפף תלכנה וברגליהם תעכסנה׃

 Isaiah 3:16

You called yourselves King Makers, and cast your Lots upon Jerusalem, not one casting a Lot for the Christ from Yahweh, and your crowned Warmongers laying in wait to murder his Christ to steal his crown, so the crowns of your crowned Rulers are scraped off, by Yahweh's crowned Lord, revealing the secrets that they  hid, hiding that they believe not Yahweh, and refuse to believe upon his Christ, and they obey not our Covenant, nor our Torah, and just take Rule, for gain of Political Power and Money.

and scrapes the Lord mine, the crowned, the daughters Zion's, and Yahweh the secrets uncovers,
  ושפח אדני קדקד בנות ציון ויהוה פתהן יערה׃

 Isaiah 3:17

I am the second Adam, the Lord from Heaven, within my predetermined Day, removing the prized jewels and veil, the drooping chains and the bracelets, and muffler, the bonnet sea, and ankle bracelets, and headband, and the daughter mine that soul's, and that enchanter,  on my Bride Mount Zion,

within  that Day that himself, turns off, the Lord mine,  associate the Glory the ankle bracelets tinkling, and netted hair, and the veil,
  ביום ההוא יסיר אדני את תפארת העכסים והשביסים והשהרנים׃

 Isaiah 3:18

the drooping chains and the bracelets, and muffler,
 הנטיפות והשירות והרעלות׃

 Isaiah 3:19

the bonnet sea, and ankle bracelets, and headband, and the daughter mine that soul's, and that enchanter,
 הפארים והצעדות והקשרים ובתי הנפש והלחשים׃

 Isaiah 3:20

Joseph bought all the Rings and Jewels in Egypt Prophesying about me, and you wear my wedding token, claiming another Ish that enchanter as you Baal and Lord,

that signet ring, and ear rings mine, and nose rings,
  הטבעות ונזמי האף׃

 Isaiah 3:21

Foretelling about me the Yah Yahoseph, the Prophet Joseph gave all my Bothers one change of raiment and one helping of meat and drink, and gave Benjamin five changes of raiment, and five helpings of meat and drink,  you wear not mine, and eat and drink not mine, that was given unto you, by Spirit the Lord mine Yahweh that anointed me King of Salem, the Bridegroom unto Mount Zion outlawing me by your Marriage Laws and Marriage Traditions, so I strip as set you naked as the day that you were born, in the desert, for the stink brought upon me by your forsaking my Maker King Yahweh, as your nakedness reveals me upon you, the Bald Ice Prophet from Mount Carmel.

that change of raiment, and that cloak, and that wimple, and that crisping pin.
  המחלצות והמעטפות והמטפחות והחריטים׃

 Isaiah 3:22

and that mirror sea, and that linin sea, and that mitre, and that veil sea,
 והגלינים והסדינים והצניפות והרדידים׃

 Isaiah 3:23

and that Yah's beneath the balm, stinks, the Yah hers, and beneath the belt, rents, and beneath the combed hair, the bald ice hers, and beneath the mantle girded sackcloth.
 והיה תחת בשם מק יהיה ותחת חגורה נקפה ותחת מעשה מקשה קרחה ותחת פתיגיל מחגרת שק כי תחת יפי׃

 Isaiah 3:24

You weaken before becoming destroyed

few mine yours within the sword, fall his, and the strength yours, within the Battle,
  מתיך בחרב יפלו וגבורתך במלחמה׃

 Isaiah 3:25

I am Yah the Gate to the City, all wedded to me in my Gate, the whole Earth gains liberty, by your fall,

and mourn, and lament his, the gate Yah's, and the freedom unto Earth setting.
  ואנו ואבלו פתחיה ונקתה לארץ תשב׃

 Isaiah 3:26

The Cup that Silver Cup, the name that Zain hers within, wedded within Gold,

Like the invisible Kingdom from Heaven, from within my Head Spirit Yahweh, my Fountain,  I am that Adam hers, her Head, the good, the  root unto the Trees,  the Living Water that all are baptized within, branching out unto four Heads unto my Four Kingdoms

and sprouted Yahweh, Elohim  from out that Adam hers, all the tree snake pleasant unto from seeing her, and good unto from eat, and the tree that Life's sea, within amidst, the garden, and the tree that acquainting good and evil,
  ויצמח יהוה אלהים מן־האדמה כל־עץ נחמד למראה וטוב למאכל ועץ החיים בתוך הגן ועץ הדעת טוב ורע׃

Genesis 2:9

I separate those from me unto within me these being the tree that Life's sea, and separating out the good from those being the tree that acquainting good and evil, shutting out the evil, that violate and outlawed us and our Holy Scriptures, and separates unto four heads, my streams,

and the stream casted from Eden, unto watering associate the garden, and from the named, separated,   and that Yah's unto (I) Ox Head four hers, the Head sea,
 ונהר יצא מעדן להשקות את־הגן ומשם יפרד והיה לארבעה ראשים׃

Genesis 2:10

הזה  = that Zain hers,  I am that Zain hers, the Cup that Silver Cup,
הזהב = that Zain hers within, = Gold,
פוש = spreads
פי = the Mouth mine
שון = opens
פישון = Pishon, my open mouth
 ה = that
חויל = circling
ה = her
 name that first, my open mouth himself,  that circling all the Earth, that circling her,  wedded the name that Zain hers within, = Gold,
 שם האחד פישון הוא הסבב את כל ארץ החוילה אשר שם הזהב׃

Genesis 2:11

הבדלח = that divided, translated, bdellium, two Headstones alike one upon the throne, alike one Stone,  the Father and the son,

and Zain hers  within (Gold's) that Earth that himself the good name bdellium, (that divided,) and the Headstone that Onyx
וזהב הארץ ההוא טוב שם הבדלח ואבן השהם׃

Genesis 2:12

As they are in a complete State of  Arrogant Psychosis, wherein they cannot see or hear any Spiritual thing, and as Blind leaders of the Blind, they cannot comprehend the Kingdom of Heaven, which their Rulers deliberately and deceptively  outlawed by their Antisemitic Western Cultures, of marrying Women unto Men, and Homosexual Marriages,  instead of the anointed Bridegroom in all Times, Elohim   the Messiah, the Father, from Holy Spirit Yahweh our Creator, that is outlawed by their Marriage calling themselves Bridegrooms, Husband and Fathers, in violation of our Covenant, they cannot comprehend, that because they will not repent, and cast off their false marriage Doctrines, and stop murdering us of Mount Zion, because they  refuse to stop forcing upon us their Nazi Family Values, they are all going to become  wiped off the face of the Earth by Holy Spirit Yahweh, that made me the Older Time, wherein me hereafter Times, my Wall that they cannot pass, I am the Opened two Leaf Gate, none can pass by me, without me or my son or Holy Spirit Yahweh, and none of them can escape my Time, they will no longer exist because they repented not.  I am a Wall of Time, that the Evil cannot pass. I am the Baal Jacob's the true one unto Sarah my Baalet from Abraham, I am  Baal unto her field, that she bought for me and her  Maid Slaves, lighting my Seven Lamps upon me her Stand, lighting one Lamp a Day, I am her Seventh Lamp Zain, lighting all the Cosmos within me the Lord of the Sabbath Day.

אשת = Ishath, like Sarah under verbal Mahar contract, to conceive and bear, and raise by Covenant unto Abraham,  my children for me her Baal.

מ = from
פני = face mine
נ = snake
ים = sea

מפנינים  = from the ruby mine faces,

I am the good Head from snake the heavens associate the treasure house mine,
אני טוב ראש מן השמים את אוצרי

I am the good rain within Time mine,
אני טוב טר בעתי

open Yahweh unto you associate the treasure house his, that good's, associate the heavens unto she end from rain the Earth yours, within Time his, associate all acts the hand yours, and that lends the nation sea a numbering sea, and associate hers not to borrow,
  יפתח יהוה לך את־אוצרו הטוב את־השמים לתת מטר־ארצך בעתו ולברך את כל־מעה ידך והלוית גוים רבים ואתה לא תלוה׃

Deuteronomy  28:12

I am the unique Adam,  the Good Head, the Nations my Tail, come you without money, I lend you my treasures, borrowing nothing from you, woe unto the Greedy, hard it is for the Rich to enter my Kingdom. All not upon me, are crushed below my feet, as the False Prophets say their final Mass in their crumbling Church Buildings wherein the El Highest dwells not, burning incense, not the incense of prays, disobeying my son Jesus always  present with me, and  hypocritically repetitiously, praying me,  asking for my Kingdom to come that already came, and  hypocritically repetitiously, saying they they sinned, but not casting off their miswitness about me and my Son Jesus in our Creator Holy Spirit Yahweh, violating and outlawing us and Wedding Feats, and marrying who ever they select, selecting not me the Bridegroom unto Mount Zion, as they worship their Idols that they robbed the Widows and Orphans and the Disabled and the poor to build with their hands, worshiping their Idols, their Elohim cannot answer them, and they fall backwards and become broken,  for Prophesying lies against my King Yahweh  and me his King Elohim.

and snake she snake yours Yahweh unto the Head, and not unto the Tail, and that associated the unique unto from upon her, and not becomes hers unto below, related rehearing  El the Mitzvahs Yahweh's, El hers mine yours wedded, I am alike commanding this Day unto guard unto making,
  ונתנך יהוה לראש ולא לזנב והיית רק למעלה ולא תהיה למטה כי־תשמע אל־מצות יהוה אלהיך אשר אנכי מצוך היום לשמר ולעשות׃

Deuteronomy 28:13

again the likeness exists the Kingdom thereof these Heavens, Treasure hidden secretly within thereto the field, Adam secretly and from this went and all whoever held it, sold, and bought the field himself.
παλιν ομοια εστιν η βασιλεια των ουρανων θησαυρω κεκρυμμενω εν τω αγρω ον ευρων ανθρωπος εκρυψεν και απο της χαρας αυτου υπαγει και παντα οσα εχει πωλει και αγοραζει τον αγρον εκεινον

Matthew 13:44

א = Aleph, Ox Head, Number 1, the first Messenger, remaking new Heavens and Earth, foretelling the end, Light, dispelling  Darkness,
 שמע ישראל יהוה אלהינו יהוה אחד׃  = Hear Israel, Yahweh, El hers mine snake his, Yahweh first.

Even if I were bless the evil that I hate, like Yahweh hates, blessing them with my Right hand, which Yahweh stretched out before me,  my full length as  Older Time unto hereafter Times, the Time unto all Times thereafter, fails I the fallen.

sets mine Yahweh unto before me  the stretch, related from the Right hand mine, fails (I) Ox head the fallen,
 שויתי יהוה לנגדי תמיד כי מימיני בל־אמוט׃

Psalm 16:8

I was taking a shower, and Yahweh came and said, prove that your Right hand of blessing will fail your enemies, raise your Right hand and bless the Pope and all the Earth, so I raise my Right hand, and say, Bless the Pope and all the Earth.

All baptized within me, this first Day, with Spirit the Lord mine Yahweh upon me, the face of the Living Waters, they thought is was joke, but the joke is upon them, their King their Pope, and his Zionist Tail, and the Untied Rulers of Nations, united against Yahweh and me his Messiah, their King their Pope, and all his snake that took members of my Bride Mount Zion, for we are Elohim, and El unto Heaven and Earth, and though all Heaven and Earth is gathered against me, they will fall into their Grave before the the Baal unto the House Abraham's. What they did to corrupt our Scriptures, and try get everyone to break our Covenant, by calling People, אבי = Abi, the Father mine, they joined that with  מלך = King and call it Abimelech, and then named many of the Zionist children, אבי = Abi, the Father mine, but when used as a name, of a person, it is not calling them their Father upon Earth, like the Nazi Catholics, Yahweh knows the heart of all.

and came Elohim's El the Father mine, the King's, within a dream the Night, and said unto him, that snake yours dies, upon that Ishah's wedded unto taking and himself, the Baalet Baal's
  ויבא אלהים אל־אבי מלך בחלום הלילה ויאמר לו הנך מת על־האשה אשר־לקחת והוא בעלת בעל׃

Genesis 20:3

Ishath's treasures who from me from casted, and timely from the ruby mine faces, the value hers?
 אשת־חיל מי ימצא ורחק מפנינים מכרה׃

Proverbs 31:10

They steal all the Ishah's Rights, by their Marriage Laws that outlaw the Wedding Feast, like Peter said calling themselves Baal, τοις ιδιοις =these to their Baal , Husband, they are without the word's Baal, me, having married by their Secular Law to the Ishah not me the Elohim, the Bridegroom Christ,  but my Rebellious Ishah wedded unto me, hearing the voice of the Bridegroom, some of their Ish repent, and wed me the Messiah, as even Peter said, that the False Prophets lied and said that they build their Church upon, and after murdering him, and built a Church Building upon his bones, not the House Elohim's.

likewise these Ishah submitting  these to their Baal the Ish, which and if some unbelieving thereto the word, through this thereof those Ishah's manners, those without the word's wins,
  ομοιως αι γυναικες υποτασσομεναι τοις ιδιοις ανδρασιν ινα και ει τινες απειθουσιν τω λογω δια της των γυναικων αναστροφης ανευ λογου κερδηθησωνται

1 Peter 3:1

watching that within fearing the pure manners yours,
  εποπτευσαντες την εν φοβω αγνην αναστροφην υμων

1 Peter 3:2

εφεσω = the event, the Wedding Feast, wherein they Wedded the Goddess Diana, not the Bridegroom unto mount Zion
εστω  = adorning, with the Bridegroom, the Bride's adornment, the hidden Adam of the Heart

whose adorning not the outwardly plaited hair, the surroundings Gold or the endowing vesture the Cosmos,
 ων εστω ουχ ο εξωθεν εμπλοκης τριχων και περιθεσεως χρυσιων η ενδυσεως ιματιων κοσμος

1 Peter 3:3

Moses called me the  Righteousness that out thereof the Torah's, related that does those me being the one that Adam that lives within them.

Moses because defined the Righteousness that out thereof the Torah's , related that does those Adam that lives within them.
 μωσης γαρ γραφει την δικαιοσυνην την εκ του νομου οτι ο ποιησας αυτα ανθρωπος ζησεται εν αυτοις

Romans 10:5

Alike my El Yahweh said by his mouth Ezekiel his Prophet, saying I would say about me the Son Adam's,  the Adam I am, El hers mine your water, and El Spirit Yahweh my Creator,  made me El the Father, and made El my Son within my Bosom, we are Elohim, but the Catholics say that my Son and I, were not made, but were begotten, denying I the Father begot my Son Jesus,  denying our Potter made us, and saying that they were begotten in sin,  not made, they deny our Potter made them, and deny the remission of sin, that came by my Life within the blood of my son, denying our Potter that made our vessels, so how can that cursed  clay say unto his Potter, what did you Father? or why made me thus?

ידע = acquainted,
ידעו = acquainting him, the  word from Yahweh, his breath lives Eternally, from forever before the same yesterday, the same today, the same tomorrow, unto forevermore  acquainting him, me that Adam from his flock from the House Israel's.

and acquainting him related I am El hers mine her water, associations, (you are), and that from hers the People mine the House Israel's, said the Lord mine Yahweh,
 וידעו כי אני יהוה אלהיהם אתם והמה עמי בית ישראל נאם אדני יהוה׃

Ezekiel 34:30

and associate the flock mine, the flock from  pasture mine, the Adam I am, El hers mine your water, said the Lord mine Yahweh.
 ואתן צאני צאן מרעיתי אדם אתם אני אלהיכם נאם אדני יהוה׃

Ezekiel 34:31

but that hidden this heart Adam within thereto incorruptible thereof meekness and quieting, the  Spirit's  that exists the face thereof Elohim's, valuing,
αλλ ο κρυπτος της καρδιας ανθρωπος εν τω αφθαρτω του πραεος και ησυχιου πνευματος ο εστιν ενωπιον του θεου πολυτελες

1 Peter 3:4

I am the owner their Baal, my Ishah hear, but the Jealous Ish hear not, and glows their anger, and in their aggression against me the Shepherd unto Mount Zion, they fall from Kingdom, leaving my Ishah.

ב = Beth, the House, Number 2, the second Messenger, making my House, Space, named the Heaven, Height.

trusts within her, the Heart, within Baal hers, and need not to spoil,
  בטח בה לב בעלה ושלל לא יחסר׃

Proverbs 31:11

The Lord mine Yahweh at my Bar Mitzvah said call me Ishi, the Ish mine, and called him Ish, and he called me Ish, for I his  Slave bound to live within the things from out the Torah's, I am not above my Lord, but equal, and Yahweh said not to call him Baali, the Baal mine, and said I was the Baal Abraham's and Jacob's.  I am the Shepherd Headstone Israel that Jacob called me  his Baal, I am Elohim the Christ the sure tried stone laid in Zion, all that trust upon me are not shamed nor disappointed, all who stumble upon me, I am the Headstone unto the opening of the Grave.

thus because when and these Holy Ishah these trusts upon the Elohim adorning themselves, submitted these to their Baal the Ish,
  ουτως γαρ ποτε και αι αγιαι γυναικες αι ελπιζουσαι επι τον θεον εκοσμουν εαυτας υποτασσομεναι τοις ιδιοις ανδρασιν

1 Peter 3:5

alike Sarah submitting thereto Abraham, the Lord, him called,  who within becoming children, mannered, and noway afraid anything doing,
 ως σαρρα υπηκουσεν τω αβρααμ κυριον αυτον καλουσα ης εγενηθητε τεκνα αγαθοποιουσαι και μη φοβουμεναι μηδεμιαν πτοησιν

1 Peter 3:6

 κυριον αυτον καλουσα  =  the Lord, him called, or the Lord to him, called,

The Devils and those they deceived say, "Lord, Lord," speaking into the air, saying they are speaking to my son, never speaking to my Son Jesus present with me always, and he says, get away from me you workers of iniquity, I never acquainted you. Who do you say is Jesus's Lord, or his Elohim? Or, who do you say, gave Life to his lifeless blood, to resurrect him from among the dead? If you say, his Father Elohim, why can you not hear me, the one good Elohim, his Father?

related if when confesses within thereto the mouth yours, the Lord, to Jesus, and believe within the Heart yours, related that Elohim to him, resurrected out the dead, you are saved then,
  οτι εαν ομολογησης εν τω στοματι σου κυριον ιησουν και πιστευσης εν τη καρδια σου οτι ο θεος αυτον ηγειρεν εκ νεκρων σωθηση

Romans 10:9

Though every one of the them say with emphasis while outlawing us and our Scriptures, and  arming armies and robbing and murdering in his name, saying,  "I BELIEVE the BIBLE, and GOD AMIGHTY, the GOD of ABRAHAM," and  not one of the liars believes Spirit Yahweh, and or his Torah, or his Prophets, or  me and my son Jesus within my Bosom, or his Apostles, when they and we three El speak about me, the Heavenly Father, I am the Adam, the good Elohim, I am the face unto Spirit Yahweh my Scribe, who bound me onto  living within things declaring me the Righteousness from out the Torah's, I am the Adam my Scribe Yahweh writes hidden within the willing heart.

Alike Spirit Yahweh my Scribe said concerning me Joseph and that cursed clay, in Isaiah, after having given the שme a sign aside Yahweh, giving us a son

and Joseph's Yahweh's  word El Possessed, unto said,
 ויוסף יהוה דבר אל־אחז לאמר׃

Isaiah 7:10

request unto you a sign from with Yahweh, El hers mine yours that depth the grave hers, or that sored unto from upon hers,
  שאל־לך אות מעם יהוה אלהיך העמק שאלה או הגבה למעלה׃

Isaiah 7:11

and said the Possessed, not (I) Ox Head request, and not tempts associate Yahweh.
  ויאמר אחז לא־אשאל ולא־אנסה את־יהוה׃

Isaiah 7:12

and said hear him now House David's, that smallest from your water the Ish sea related wearies him gathering associate El hers mine,
  ויאמר שמעו־נא בית דוד המעט מכם הלאות אנשים כי תלאו גם את־אלהי׃

Isaiah 7:13

unto righted mine she snake the Lord mine himself unto your water a sign, that snake hers that virgin conceives and bears a son, and invites the name his with  snake his El.
 לכן יתן אדני הוא לכם אות הנה העלמה הרה וילדת בן וקראת שמו עמנו אל׃

Isaiah 7:14

Yahweh saying unto all about me  שמו פלא יועץ אל גבור אביעד שר־שלום׃  = the name his, the Marvelous, Counselor, El  Powerful, Father Eternal, Price of Peace,

And Yahweh speaking me Zain by my name  Joseph, calling on what belong to my name Marvelous,

and said the Lord mine heed, related comes that People's that Zain hers, within the mouth mine his, and within lips mine his, weighing his snake mine, and the heart his way from out me, and becomes mine a fearing water associate me, the Mitzvahs the mortal sea from teaching hers,
 ויאמר אדני יען כי נגש העם הזה בפיו ובשפתיו כבדוני ולבו רחק ממני ותהי יראתם אתי מצות אנשים מלמדה׃
Isaiah 29:13

unto righted that snake snake mine Joseph unto separates associate that People's that Zain hers that Marvelous's, and marvels, and voids hers, the wisdom that wisdom mine his, and the understanding separates mine his rehidding,
  לכן הנני יוסף להפליא את־העם־הזה הפלא ופלא ואבדה חכמת חכמיו ובינת נבניו תסתתר׃

Isaiah 29:14

Cast unto outer darkness outside my Body, the Light unto the Cosmos,  they hide me Yah  her  Marvelous, Counselor, El  Powerful, Father Eternal, Price of Peace, and hers and my Counsel, within from  Darkness, they hide  my Counsel, from those making my Mitzvahs,

that his mine from that deep sea, from Yahweh, unto hides, Counsel hers, and that Yah's, within from Darkness,  from making mine her water, and said him, who from me, sees snake mine, and who from me, acquaints snake his?
 הוי המעמיקים מיהוה לסתר עצה והיה במחשך מעשיהם ויאמרו מי ראנו ומי יודענו׃

Isaiah 29:15

that capsizes, if water, alike clay, that potters, plaiting, related said from the Maker hers, unto the Maker hers his, not the Maker mine, and that formed, said unto former his, not that understands,
 הפככם אם־כחמר היצר יחשב כי־יאמר מעשה לעשהו לא עשני ויצר אמר ליוצרו לא הבין׃

Isaiah 29:16

Having no Idea of who the Holy scriptures call God, worshiping but not ever acquainting who  they worship,  at any point in Eternity, not having been  called or sent by their Makers, being us Elohim making Adam's within our Image and our Likeness, male and female, them not acquainting us their Makers, nor our Creator, telling any lie against him they want, condemning all acquainted with Holy Spirit Yahweh, our Creator,  because I am the Elohim from the Scriptures, I am Love, and if I Love them, having no Idea what Godly love is from our Scriptures, saying that their Catholic and or Evangelical  God is Love, not me, and they deny me, and cast me out, and locked me up four times, though I committed no crime, having me robbed of all I own while locked up, and being poisoned and  blinded me from assaults, being hit by violent Homosexuals that they locked me up with, and then calling themselves and the Nazi Popes Loving Catholics, they blocked the eye surgery that I needed from the damage that they did, and is still blocked, blocking all Medical Treatments, to try to poison me again, like they did then deliberately poisoning and disabling me forcing upon me everything on the Allergy list in my Medical Records, saying that they were Loving Catholics and Evangelicals and Homosexuals, just giving me the Medical Treatment that I needed, blocking my access to all Kosher Foods and Medications that had nothing in them on the Allergy List, twisting all my words, and refusing to legalize us and our Wedding Feast  of the Kingdom Heaven, trying to force upon me, their Nazi Marriage Laws of One Man, one Woman, from their Popes mistranslated Catholic Bibles and the Mistranslated King James, trying to force upon me their Communist Gay Marriage Laws, refusing to Redress my Just Petitions for Redress of Grievances, as they paint themselves and their False Prophet Pope and their Antichrist Bibles, as Holy Messengers of God. I am the Life of all Adam's, all Adam's wedded unto me alike Eve the Mother of all Living, I sanctify all by my seed, ass like within the blood of my son within my Bosom, the evil deny our presence within them, and chose but images of us, talking about us,  talking about things they know nothing about, not having us, and all not thankfully receiving me, and all cursing any one wedding unto me, have no Life, for I am the Scroll of Life written by my Scribe Holy Spirit Elohim.

those Ish likewise accorded the acquaintance, alike strengthless vessels, thereto Ishah bestowing valuables, alike and inherit thankfully Life, the one that noway cut short, those desirers yours,
 οι ανδρες ομοιως συνοικουντες κατα γνωσιν ως ασθενεστερω σκευει τω γυναικειω απονεμοντες τιμην ως και συγκληρονομοι χαριτος ζωης εις το μη εκκοπτεσθαι τας προσευχας υμων

1 Peter 3:7

טוב = αγαθον = Good

My son Jesus said about me the Life within him, he says that I am the one that is that Good Elohim, the one that is Eternal Life that you must enter, to enter my City Jerusalem from above.

that said to him, why me lectures, that good, nobody good, if noway the one Elohim, if also, wills to enter the one that Eternal Life, guard them Mitzvahs.
  ο δε ειπεν αυτω τι με λεγεις αγαθον ουδεις αγαθος ει μη εις ο θεος ει δε θελεις εισελθειν εις την ζωην τηρησον τας εντολας

Matthew 19:17

ג = Gimel, the Stick, Number 3, the third Messenger, the third Day, measuring Space, the Heavens, the Earth and all planted therein, and the Sea, the King Yahweh's measuring Stick that you are measured by, and Yahweh says that you Rulers of Earth, in passing out fruit from your Tree acquainted with Good and Evil, you have been weighed in the Balance, and have been found to be lacking all the Days,  me  Yah the Father and Life  that Spirit the Lord mine Yahweh calls the Righteousness from out the Torah's, his  Elohim the stumbling Stone laid in Zion.

Treats her him the Good,  and not the Evil all the days the Life Yah's,
  גמלתהו טוב ולא־רע כל ימי חייה׃

Proverbs 31:12

ד = Dalet, the Door handler, Number 4, the fourth Messenger, making the Elder, and Smallest Luminaries, bring Light upon Earth, separating Day and Night, making my Star among Stars, I am the face of the Sun the face of Jacob,  the Glory of my Mother Rachel the Moon, my Light upon Earth, seeing the sign, a son given unto us, wearing me the Government his yoke,  upon his shoulders, she knows  I am Door handler unto the Gate, unto my City, called by my name from the Mouth Yahweh's,
 פלא יועץ אל גבור אביעד שר־שלום׃  Marvelous, Counselor, El  Powerful, Father Eternal, Price of Peace,
No one can climb unto me, but by my son revealing me unto them.

ד = Dalet, the Door handler,
רש = Prince
ה = hers
דרשה = Royalties hers, a Royal seeking the Prince hers, and caring for his

The royalties hers wool and linin sea, and remakes within pleasantly, alike the palm Yah's,
  דרשה צמר ופשתים ותעש בחפץ כפיה׃

Proverbs 31:13

ה = He = Courthouse Window, Number 5, the fifth Messenger, all the things of the sea, and from the fish from the sea, and from grain from Earth, my son, my Bread, his Blood, becomes her Wine mixed with me the Living Water all baptized within the first Day, birthing Light, I am Life unto all Adam's the Living Waters from my Fountain Spirit the Lord mine Yahweh upon face, I the Living Water, her path upon me, the sea, her guiding Light the anchor unto her soul, looking at me not near the Path hers, I am  her  Star  from Jacob, and she raises me her Shevat, her Scepter,  she gathers my seed, my children from afar.

seeing I him, and not the Time hers, awaiting snake his, and not near the Path yours, the Star from Jacob and rises the Shevat, the Scepter, from Israel, and smashes the mouthing mine, Moab, and the walled all the son mine, the tumulting
 אראנו ולא עתה אשורנו ולא קרוב דרך כוכב מיעקב וקם מישראל ומחץ פאתי מואב וקרקר כל־בני־שת׃

Number 24:17

that associated alike a ship, the merchant, from afar returns the bread hers,
  היתה כאניות סוחר ממרחק תביא לחמה׃

Proverbs 31:14

ו = Waw = the Garden Hook, Number 6, the sixth Messenger, Adam's Day, the cattle from the Field, and winged winging upon the face space the Heavens,  בית = daughter, branch, House, Alike Eve the Mother of all Living in me the Adam, she the Mother Mount Zion caring for daughters, as I sit within the Gate with my son guarding my City sitting among the Elders at the Gate, her  Meat me and my son, I am the Morning the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, and the Evening Lamb my Son within my Bosom, eaten every Day, I am the Temple Elohim the Bullock of Ephraim, the Life unto all Adam's sanctifying the Altar with my Life within my Flesh and Blood, my Son within my Bosom.

and rises within again Night, and she end snake  meat unto House hers, and the portion unto Maiden Slaves Yah's,
 ותקם בעוד לילה ותתן טרף לביתה וחק לנערתיה׃

Proverbs 31:15

ז = Zain = Rod of Iron, Number 7, the seventh Messenger, the Lord's Day,  I am Zain, the Lord of Sabbath, the Wall of Time, none of the Evil can pass through me, only them given me, the Righteousness from out our Torah's by my son within my Bosom, can eat my twelve manner of fruit, from  the Tree of Life, for my son and I are flaming swords, turning every which way, guarding the path unto my fruit, from me  the Tree of Life. Here she buys my field, the Kingdom of Heaven, like I bought it, by believing all them heralding their part, I bought all the Field, I am the Vineyard.

considers her the field, and buys his, from the fruit alike the palm Yah's plants the vineyard
 זממה שדה ותקחהו מפרי כפיה נטע כרם׃

Proverbs 31:16

אשרה = wedded hers, because it is the Bride, it is sometimes mistranslated Goddess, like in εφεσω = the event, the wedding feast,  the wedding feast of Mount Zion, verses the wedding feast of the Goddess Diana,  neither are to be worshiped as an idol of the heart,
אשר = wedded
אשרה = wedded hers, εφεσω = the event,  a wedding for a pillar, a tree, trees, represent men, as a pillar, a  role model, none are wedded unto an individual other than Yahweh's root, the Messiah, in all the Time the length of all Times, which wedding one unto you is a violation of the Covenant,  and both cutting down a good grove wedded unto the Bridegroom, and not cutting down an evil grove, is a violation of the Torah.
נצב = snake station,  a pillar, as a role model, used of both Good and Evil Role Models, the Bridegroom of Mount Zion, and or a Eunuch, or our Rivals, hating Yahweh, and wedding contrary to our Covenant
מצבה = from the pillar hers, her Bridegroom, her Baal, singular or her Bridegrooms, her Baalim, plural Baal, and also refers to Ishah that hate Yahweh like Jezebel, and her Evil Grove, she is Wedded to the Messiah, and all who sleep in her Bed are destroyed for disobeying Yahweh, and laying in her bed, where she becomes destroyed and her bones scattered, as the dogs, lick her wounds, the dogs are false Prophets, trying to heal her, they die with her.
תטע = strike, as striking hands, binding a covenant, which is considered as planting a pillar, a Role Model, a Tree, here used a Wedding Crasher,  wedding a Tree approaching the Altar Yahweh's, approaching the Altar Yahweh's to be wedded by Yahweh unto the Messiah, but distracted by a covenant struck with another, the Fake Jews  of the Zionist State, and the Catholic Church State, or any State that assimilates the Trees  approaching the Altar Yahweh's,  into their society,  is a violation of this Statue.

not to strike unto you, wedded hers, all the tree nearing the Altar Yahweh's, El hers mine yours wedded, remaking hers unto you,
  לא־תטע לך אשרה כל־עץ אצל מזבח יהוה אלהיך אשר תעשה־לך׃

Deuteronomy 16:21

and not raising unto you from the pillar hers wedded hates Yahweh, El hers mine yours.
  ולא־תקים לך מצבה אשר שנא יהוה אלהיך׃

Deuteronomy 16:22

All of the Torah and Prophets, are done within every time, omitting nothing, Holidays set as a Pillar, cause many to violate this truth.

My Time hereafter Times, one Week, Deuteronomy 16:16 of three Weeks, three Times of one Year, the former Cosmos, the present, and yet to come, the Cosmos without end. The Dreams and Visions over three Days given unto me, one the first, two parts the second, and one the third.

ז = Zain = Rod of Iron, Number 7, the seventh Messenger, Circumcised the Eighth Day, I am Zain, all male the field's comes from my Circumcision the Eighth Day, all male and all female are wedded unto me the Head of the snake Moses lifted up,

ח = Heth = Double Court, the eighth Messenger, the first Messenger unto Good's Seven, the Double Court's Seven Messengers, against the Seven Evil, I am the Good Elohim, I am the sower of the seed, all mine of the field have the Good's seed, my Court Light, divided from  the Evil seed  that could not pass me, their Court Darkness, the Evil, Cast into outer Darkness, like the Dreams of Pharaoh revealed by Joseph, Seven Years of Plenty, followed by Seven Years of Famine, Jacob labored Seven Years, and Laban gave him Leah and her Maid Slave both under Mahar  instead of Rachel, so Jacob loving Rachel, labored another Seven years for Rachel and he Maid Slave.

From my loins, within my Bosom, my seed, my son, my proton born, my strength,
 זרע  = seed, is often translated Strength.
 זרעו = seed his
 זרעות = seeding
זרעותיה = seeding  his end Yah's, her and all her Maid Slave, all bought with and seeded with my seed, like in Egypt

עוז = eyes him Zain, abilities to conceive ane bear Zain's the Good's seed,

girds hers within eyes abilities from the loins, and restrengthens, seeding his end  Yah's
  חגרה בעוז מתניה ותאמץ זרעותיה׃

Proverbs 31:17

Seeing I am the Good from above, from the Kingdom Yahweh's, Spirit the Lord mine Yahweh is her Light, she uses to kindle my Light unto my Menorah, one Lamp a Day,  unto her Seventh, and sees my Flame the Head unto her Lamp, lighting all the Cosmos, the Darkness Evil dispelled within me, leaving all that Love Yahweh, my Light, Yahweh's Love igniting me her Flame, I am Zain, the  Seventh Lamp  נרה  = snake Rosh Head, Neer, hers,

Seeing my Seven Eunuchs, my Seven Messengers, my Seven Lamps, lit one a Day, under Mahar, she hearkens not to any man made wedding covenant, wedding no other, bearing my children, looking unto me, her Bridegroom unto Mount Zion, her Flame the Head unto her Seventh Lamp  נרה  = snake Rosh Head, Neer, hers,

θαυμάζω =Marveling
εθαυμασαν = within the Marvelous's,

and hearing within the Marvelous's, and leaving him, passed away,
  και ακουσαντες εθαυμασαν και αφεντες αυτον απηλθον

Matthew 22:22

ειναι = one being
εκεινη  = out the one being

within out the one being therein Day, came to him, Sadducees, those lecturing noway one being the resurrection, and interrogated him,
  εν εκεινη τη ημερα προσηλθον αυτω σαδδουκαιοι οι λεγοντες μη ειναι αναστασιν και επηρωτησαν αυτον

Matthew 22:23

They Erred in the vision, calling others Fathers and Bridegrooms and Husbands or Baal,  violating our Covenant, for I am her Baal the Bridegroom the one the Good Elohim, the unique  Father, all my Eunuchs beget and all my Concubine bear my Children, not married unto each other, mated under Mahar  Married unto me in the only Wedding Feast within the Kingdom of Heaven, past and present and future, they are given and take in Marriage one unto the other, our Widow Statute, pertains unto our Mahar Mating Contact between the Ish my Eunuch and the Ishah my Concubine, both under Mahar unto me the one Good Elohim, the Head of the Kingdom, the Ishah is bound by our Torah, unto her Ish, as long as her Ish my Eunuch wedded unto me lives, and the evil mistranslate and misapply Ish and Ishah, mistranslating it as Husband and Wife, and deliberately misapplying their Secular Marriages unto our Holy Scriptures wherein they do not exist, to violate and outlaw our Covenant, the Wedding Feast of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Lecturing, Teacher, Moses said, if when any passes away, noway having children, upon the wedded, that brother his, the Ishah his, and to raise seed thereto the Brother his,
 λεγοντες διδασκαλε μωσης ειπεν εαν τις αποθανη μη εχων τεκνα επιγαμβρευσει ο αδελφος αυτου την γυναικα αυτου και αναστησει σπερμα τω αδελφω αυτου

Matthew 22:24

ησαν = as when, I am the Proton Born, her first her last, six Messengers wedded unto me, my Eunuchs unto me raise up my seed, and beget unto me my Children, the evil turn the vision backwards. I am the Older Time, Cohen unto the Covenant Times, I am the Baal hers within the Sabbath mine, I am the People's Older the Earth's, and as like in their deliberate OJ Simpson Trial, they cannot comprehend, that it does not matter if he were innocent or Guilty by the Secular Laws Standards, saying that he murdered his Wife that they Married unto him by their Secular Marriage Covenants that violate our Covenant and our Wedding Feast and our Mahar Mating Contracts, the Judges and judges, are guilty before their Maker, as for Eternity, my Right Hand fails the fallen, dying now, to await dying a second time beneath my feet.

אשה = γυναικα = Ishah, a female born in her Mother  Mount Zion wedded unto her Messiah her Baal, before called Ishah, at Bat Mitzvah, at age twelve
אשת = γυνη  = Ishath, an Ishah age twelve or above under Mahar to bear children, always called Ishah held accountable unto our Covenant, often defiled at the Gate, the Altar Elohim's, the Wedding Altar Baal's, unto Yahweh, defiled  by Belial, calling themselves a Bridegroom, condemning themselves unto the deep, the abyss, like in Genesis 1:2, meaning, the outer Darkness  beneath my feet, that smokes a little, and in a flash of flame, even the Elements of the Former Cosmos, burn up, as command, birth Light, and birth Light, dispelling that Darkness.

as when, also aside us, seven brothers, and that Proton Born Wedded, expired, and noway having seed, left the Ishah his thereto the Brother his,
 ησαν δε παρ ημιν επτα αδελφοι και ο πρωτος γαμησας ετελευτησεν και μη εχων σπερμα αφηκεν την γυναικα αυτου τω αδελφω αυτου

Matthew 22:25

likewise and that second, and that third, till thereof these the seventh,
 ομοιως και ο δευτερος και ο τριτος εως των επτα

Matthew 22:26

the last also all thereof these the passed away and the Ishath,
  υστερον δε παντων απεθανεν και η γυνη

Matthew 22:27

within therein therefore the resurrection, whose, thereof these the seven, the existence the Ishath's? all because held her?
 εν τη ουν αναστασει τινος των επτα εσται γυνη παντες γαρ εσχον αυτην

Matthew 22:28

answered that Jesus, said to them, falsehood, noway understood those scriptures, neither the ability Elohim's,
  αποκριθεις δε ο ιησους ειπεν αυτοις πλανασθε μη ειδοτες τας γραφας μηδε την δυναμιν του θεου

Matthew 22:29

within because therein  the resurrection, alike my Messengers, they have always been Married unto me the one good Elohim, married unto me the Scroll of Life, written within me by my Scribe Holy Spirit Yahweh.

within because therein  the resurrection, neither to marry nor out marries, but alike the Messengers Elohim's within the Heaven the ones being,
 εν γαρ τη αναστασει ουτε γαμουσιν ουτε εκγαμιζονται αλλ ως αγγελοι του θεου εν ουρανω εισιν

Matthew 22:30

about  this resurrection's, thereof these the dead's, cannot read that phrased to you, under Elohim's lectures,
  περι δε της αναστασεως των νεκρων ουκ ανεγνωτε το ρηθεν υμιν υπο του θεου λεγοντος

Matthew 22:31

I am El the one good Elohim, and like my son Jesus said, I cannot exist, El the Dead, but the Living, I am am El the Life, within my Son, within my Bosom, the El Highest Spirit the Lord mine Yahweh, and I El the Life, and my Son El the Blood, we there agree in one witness.

I am that Elohim Abraham's, and that Elohim Isaac's, and that Elohim Jacob's, cannot exist Elohim, El the Dead, but the Living.
 εγω ειμι ο θεος αβρααμ και ο θεος ισαακ και ο θεος ιακωβ ουκ εστιν ο θεος θεος νεκρων αλλα ζωντων

Matthew 22:32

tastes her related the Good, the merchandise hers, not extinguishes her within Night the Lamp hers,
  טעמה כי־טוב סחרה לא־יכבה בליל נרה׃

Proverbs 31:18

  ידיה שלחה בכישור וכפיה תמכו פלך׃

Proverbs 31:19

  כפה פרשה לעני וידיה שלחה לאביון׃

Proverbs 31:20

  לא־תירא לביתה משלג כי כל־ביתה לבש שנים׃

Proverbs 31:21

 מרבדים עשתה־לה שש וארגמן לבושה׃

Proverbs 31:22

Within the second seven years, the seven years of famine, Jacob and all from his loins went unto the Gate unto Zion,  all the Earth buying Joseph's seed and making beard, going down unto   Earth Egypt's unto Joseph, the eleventh, meeting Benjamin the twelfth, with Manasseh, and Ephraim, the thirteenth and fourteenth, sons from  Jacob's  loins, Joseph returned all the silver and gold, taking nothing, but from strangers, till their money failed, and Joseph bought them all with the seed, for his Pharaoh, riding in the second chariot,  I am the second Adam, Zain the Seventh Messenger, I am Baal Head unto Ephraim, my two Kingdoms Judah and Israel,  the tree  stem Judah and the tree stem Israel, become one tree stem within my Right Hand, becoming one Kingdom in my Right Hand that fails the fallen.

נ = Nun, snake, the second Seven's Seventh  from the sixth Day the Sixth Messenger,   מ = Mem, water, the thirteenth Messenger, and Nun, snake, the fourteenth  Messenger,

snake his acquainting within the Gate sea, the Baal hers within Sabbath his the People's Older the Earth's,
  נודע בשערים בעלה בשבתו עם־זקני־ארץ׃

Proverbs 31:23

Proverbs 31:24  סדין עשתה ותמכר וחגור נתנה לכנעני׃

Proverbs 31:25  עז־והדר לבושה ותשחק ליום אחרון׃
Proverbs 31:26  פיה פתחה בחכמה ותורת־חסד על־לשונה׃
Proverbs 31:27  צופיה הליכות ביתה ולחם עצלות לא תאכל׃
Proverbs 31:28  קמו בניה ויאשרוה בעלה ויהללה׃
Proverbs 31:29  רבות בנות עשו חיל ואת עלית על־כלנה׃
Proverbs 31:30  שקר החן והבל היפי אשה יראת־יהוה היא תתהלל׃
Proverbs 31:31  תנו־לה מפרי ידיה ויהללוה בשערים מעשיה׃

 again the likeness exists the Kingdom thereof these Heavens,  Treasure hidden secretly within thereto the field, Adam secretly and from this went and all whoever held it, sold, and bought the field himself.
  παλιν ομοια εστιν η βασιλεια των ουρανων θησαυρω κεκρυμμενω εν τω αγρω ον ευρων ανθρωπος εκρυψεν και απο της χαρας αυτου υπαγει και παντα οσα εχει πωλει και αγοραζει τον αγρον εκεινον

Matthew 13:44

The deceivers not being me the Adam, that Righteousness from thereout our Torah, the Greedy Rich Thieves and Robbers, trying to steal for themselves, my Kingdom, my Inheritance, setting me up, and trying to kill me the heir, to take all I own, they twisted the scriptures into a lie, saying I bought not the Kingdom from the Rightful owners, as my own, and they applied my Kingdom thereof the Heavens unto their Greedy  Capitalistic Democracy, and bankrupted and robbed and  murdered many with their telling false Prophecy for the False Prophets that Antichrist Pope.

As the Antichrist Pope the False Prophet,  and his  false Prophets, robbing the Widows and the Orphans and the Disabled and the Poor saying, "sell all you have, and  give it   unto the poor," and say, "give me all the Tithes and Offers so that I can set up a homeless shelter, to feed the poor," enter not their homeless shelters, wherein dwells the deceived, deceived  to sell all they had, handed to the hand of the Greedy Rich Liars, under the Antichrist Greedy Rich Media  owners, running fraud Charities for the Antichrist Pope the False Prophet,  and his  false Prophets.

all therefore whoever confessing within, within me, being present thereof these Adam's, confessing I within him, being present thereof Father mine within Heavens,
πας ουν οστις ομολογησει εν εμοι εμπροσθεν των ανθρωπων ομολογησω καγω εν αυτω εμπροσθεν του πατρος μου του εν ουρανοις

Matthew 10:32

whoever through when denied me being present thereof these Adam's, I denied him being present thereof Father mine within Heavens,
  οστις δ αν αρνησηται με εμπροσθεν των ανθρωπων αρνησομαι αυτον καγω εμπροσθεν του πατρος μου του εν ουρανοις


As the Antichrist Pope the False Prophet, says to build Prisons, and says unto his false Prophets, not to let their Prisoners go, as not always contradicting me and my son, corrupting me the Good with that Evil one that cannot dwell within me, cast unto outer darkness, Yahweh and my son released me that Righteousness from out our Torah, I have come to release the fettered, and open the Prisons, and release the bound unto Liberty. Spirit Yahweh my Fountain I am  the Living Water Life's, no Soul has Life without me, and are cast unto outer darkness.

when approached that Jesus from this Galilee upon the Jordan with John, thereof to be Baptized under his,
  τοτε παραγινεται ο ιησους απο της γαλιλαιας επι τον ιορδανην προς τον ιωαννην του βαπτισθηναι υπ αυτου

Matthew 3:13

that also John forbid him,  lecturing, I having need, I under under you to be baptized, and you request from me?
  ο δε ιωαννης διεκωλυεν αυτον λεγων εγω χρειαν εχω υπο σου βαπτισθηναι και συ ερχη προς με

Matthew 3:14

answered also that Jesus said with him,  released now thus, because to fit exists to us, to fill all  that  Righteousness, when releases him,
 αποκριθεις δε ο ιησους ειπεν προς αυτον αφες αρτι ουτως γαρ πρεπον εστιν ημιν πληρωσαι πασαν δικαιοσυνην τοτε αφιησιν αυτον

Matthew 3:15

No one else but my son can baptize you within me the Living Water Life's, and wash your feet, baptizing all within me, the Righteousness from out our Torah, all not baptized within me by my son, are cast unto outer darkness.

Outside me nothing but outer darkness dwells, the Light Yahweh upon and within me, all dwelling within me are Light, casting out unto outer darkness the unclean, being unclean because they had another wipe their feet,  casting out from me all who thought that they could wash others feet, when my son had not washed their feet, my son at Jordan with John washed within me, my son washing all with  me their Christ, their Righteousness, from out our Torah, some who were misapplying what I say, are scolded, but saved, having been righted within me, because Moses and the Prophets and the Apostles  from Jesus, and Jesus,  did and spoke and wrote, about being within me  the Time hereafter Times.

I am the Father Yah, the Elohim, all are accounted Just obeying unto believing Spirit Yahweh, and his testimony concerning me and my son, believing Yahweh, that are given me, the Righteousness from out the Torah's, and believing me, they are sealed with my Salvation my son.
ה = that
מ = from
ילדת = the bearing

המילדת = that from the bearing,

You are called בנות־ציון = Daughters Zion's, Branches Zion's, Houses Zion's, my dwellings that dwell within me, like Jacob said;

שור = wall about, or all around, בנות = daughters,  branches,  Houses,  a wall about  me,  New Jerusalem

Son fruitful Joseph  a Son  fruitful upon me the well, the daughters climb hers upon me a wall about
  בן פרת יוסף בן פרת עלי־עין בנות צעדה עלי־שור׃

Genesis 49:22

בית = daughter, a branch, a House
ביתי = daughter mine, a branch mine,  House mine
ביתך = daughter yours, a branch yours, a House yours
בנות = daughters,  branches,  Houses yours
 בתים = the House sea, plural Houses, Mansions within me

and Yah mine related fearing him that from the bearing, associate that Elohim's, and making unto her water the House sea.
 ויהי כי יראו המילדת את האלהים ויעש להם בתים׃

Exodus 1:21

The Deceived Deceivers from CNN want three words to describe their "Deceived Deceiving Pope," there they are.

Instead of robbing the Widows and Orphans and Disabled and the Poor of tithers and Offerings, to build and maintain their Idols that will be destroyed, how many dwellings could have been built, spurring the economy and housing them, with the two hounded million that they used to refurbish just the one Church Building in New York, wherein they deceptively polished the tables for that one Catholic Charity event, for the Medias deception, while their Warmongering Catholic Politicians  waste much more on the Military Complexes, destroying the Earth for their Deceived Deceiving Pope, which the wasted money on the Nazi Crusade  could have been also used for good, but used for the Pope's Evil Rulers? It is all Antichrist deception to deceive both their Pope and the People,  because none of the their charity places for the homeless are like that one that CNN and their Hollywood Producers Polished for their Nazi Pope, while CNN says that they are keeping them honest, saying that they are revealing fraud Charities, while conducting fraud Charities for their Nazi Pope, outlawing us and Charities and outlawing us from getting a Non Profit Status, to take our Tithes and offerings for their Nazi Popes, as they are setting up and  taking out any charity that they count as a rival the Nazi Pope's Charities.

As the False Prophet, the Antichrist Pope and  his False Prophets and Antichrist Medias gathers all the Nations for what they call the Right Reasons,  us of the Kingdom of Heaven saying n that there are too many born outside their Nazi Pope's Wedlock Laws, saying that  they need get all the Nations to support them  to force upon us their Nazi Marriage Laws, to get what  they falsely call a Father and Mother in every house, outlawing the Bridegroom the Father, and the Mother the Bride Mount Zion, for Pope and the Rulers of the Nations and the Medias they are disbelievers, and liars, deliberately  bending and omitting things from our scriptures adding things, to make their mistranslations appear to fit the Pope's Nazi Doctrines, misapplying our Holy Scriptures  to their Unholy Parents, that outlawed and violated the Sanctity of the Wedding Feast and Wedding Covenant of the Kingdom of Heaven, to outlaw us of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Like the Prophets Joseph and Daniel, that revealed Dreams that People had, and forgot the Dreams, and the Prophets revealed the forgotten Dreams and gave the interpretation of them, that is prophecy my ability to know all the dreams and visions from my Scribe Holy Spirit Yahweh, that were ever written in the Heart of all Adam, written in me, the Bridegroom Adam, Christ,  the Scroll of Life. Those that say that they are digging up old scrolls, and restoring the original, are deceivers using their own Reasoning, and were never called by Holy Spirit Yahweh, who not only can reveal, but is revealing  every dream and vision that he ever breathed, as his Living Breath, the Spirit of Prophecy, wherein I dwell in all Times.

There is no such thing as a dividing point, between ancient, or old scriptures and new, no such thing as New and Old Testament, that is an Antichrist deceptive lie against the truth, all scripture scribbed in the Hearts of  those from Adam of Old, and those now, my Scribe Spirit Yahweh scribbing me and my son within them, they  see in the visions about  the same event,  which breaking  my Covenant in that event, brings about a destruction of all Evil in the former Cosmos, and brings about a new Cosmos. Genesis 1:1-2 is where the Former Cosmos was destroyed to bring about the one where you dwell till the resurrections, to enter my Eternal Space, where I am now, beyond the second resurrection of the unjust, and their destruction at me feet, with Yahweh the Light upon my Right Hand.    εφεσω  = the event, or being all the same  occasion, that they translated Ephesians , Paul of the Tribe of Benjamin my Cup Bearer, like all the Prophets and Apostles did with Scrolls that they wrote by my Scribe Holy Spirit Yahweh,  Paul  did not write this Epistle from past history writing about me Israel the Father and Christ, and my son Jesus, he wrote from dream and visions from our Torah, when revealed to him by my Scribe Spirit Yahweh, about future things in these visions that I was also given every Prophecy that Spirit Yahweh ever wrote unto the Heart of anyone upon Earth since before Earth began, calling me the Older Time, the Cohen unto Times, and the Antichrist always a misapply our Scripture to History Past, not to the true future events, the Evil electrifying Spirit that they Translated as Prince of the Power the air, the Spirit than now works in the children of disobedience, is the Spirit that the Pope and their Governments and Medias are using to attack me  in this epistle, when I ascent unto the Throne Yahweh's, and ascent unto the Top Star, as the whole former Cosmos rolled off me like a wornout garment, as the Cosmos come about me became the new, and only I the Righteousness from out our Torah dwell therein and all the believing in me, New Jerusalem from above. None of our Scripture call anyone but me, the Messiah, the Bridegroom that are all are wedded unto and are called the Body of Christ, my Bride new Jerusalem from above.

Paul, Apostle Jesus's, the Christ's through the will  Elohim's, to them Saints,  them that had the event, and believed within thereto Christ Jesus's
 παυλος αποστολος ιησου χριστου δια θεληματος θεου τοις αγιοις τοις ουσιν εν εφεσω και πιστοις εν χριστω ιησου

Ephesians 1:1

We have all one Peace, from me the Father the one good Elohim the King Salem's the Prince of Peace

favor to you, and peace from Elohim's, the Father ours, and Yahweh's, Jesus's, the Christ's,
 χαρις υμιν και ειρηνη απο θεου πατρος ημων και κυριου ιησου χριστου

Ephesians 1:2

I am the Older time, Cohen unto Times, from before I was cast down as the  Foundation of the Former Cosmos, and Present Cosmos, the future Cosmos wherein I now sit, writing unto you. τοις επουρανιοις  = them Cosmoses, of Heaven and Earth, past, present, and future, which all dwell within me the  Older Time, Cohen unto Times.

blessed that Elohim and Father thereof Yahweh's ours, Jesus's the Christ's that blessed us within all blessings Spiritual within them Cosmoses, within Christ
ευλογητος ο θεος και πατηρ του κυριου ημων ιησου χριστου ο ευλογησας ημας εν παση ευλογια πνευματικη εν τοις επουρανιοις εν χριστω

Ephesians 1:3

All the believers are my presence in all times, built upon me the Foundation the Cosmos's

αγιους  = Plural Holy, each member of my Body wedded unto me by Holy Spirit Yahweh is sanctified in the Wedding as Holy, all things corrupt in the your time that become no more, cast down at my feet, perishes, before you reach my Eternal Space, including your Religions and Government and evil doers, and the elements of your currently passing and  past Heavens and Earths, the breadth, and width and height of my Eternal Space is defined in this Epistle, is  Eternity in all directions

accordantly selected you within him prior accorded the foundation the Cosmos's, being you Holy, and blameless the presence his within godly love,
 καθως εξελεξατο ημας εν αυτω προ καταβολης κοσμου ειναι ημας αγιους και αμωμους κατενωπιον αυτου εν αγαπη

Ephesians 1:4

I am the Father Eternal made by Spirit Yahweh my Scribe, the one Spirit the adoption adopts all having having been scribed within me the Scroll of Life, as my children with me Mount Zion

predestinating yours the one the adoption through Jesus's the Christs' the one him accorded the pleasure thereof the Will his,
προορισας ημας εις υιοθεσιαν δια ιησου χριστου εις αυτον κατα την ευδοκιαν του θεληματος αυτου

Ephesians 1:5

I am the Christ praised by Yahweh, and my son Jesus as we praise my seed, my blood, my sacrifice  redeeming me, the one Life External  the Cup, the Silver Cup, the Cosmos and all within me, redeemed  for my Pharaoh Yahweh, behind whom I ride within mine the second Chariot for Eternity

the one  praising the Glory this Christ his, within the within honoring you, within thereto the godly beloved,
 εις επαινον δοξης της χαριτος αυτου εν η εχαριτωσεν ημας εν τω ηγαπημενω

Ephesians 1:6

within what held the redemption through  thereof the blood's his, the remission, thereof those trespasses, accorded filling this Christ his,
 εν ω εχομεν την απολυτρωσιν δια του αιματος αυτου την αφεσιν των παραπτωματων κατα τον πλουτον της χαριτος αυτου

Ephesians 1:7

The crowd electrifying Spirit of the of the Prince of the Power of the air that Medias used to stir up crowds to support theirs and the Devil's  Puppet Politicians, in both support for their Antichrist President Obama's Election and in their Antichrist President Bush's Election, and  in both stirring up their Antichrists, and setting me up and disabling locking me up four times though I committed no crime, locking me up refusing to remove their Popes Nazi Marriage Laws from Secular Laws being forced upon us at the end of the guns and forced Behavioral control drugs, trying to murder me, deliberately forcing upon me everything on the Allergy list in my Medical Records, refusing to stop, and re3fuing to get my Medical records and me Medical Treatment of of the hands of the Nazis that they   deliberately gave it to trying to murder me, for their Nazi Popes, refusing to legalize us and our Scriptures, against using the same evil Spirit stirring electrifying support of the Nazi Pope, stirring up  Antisemitic Vigilantes against me against with the  same lying Spirit that they using to electrify crowds for the Nazi Pope, promoting their Nazi Marriage and Gay Marriage Laws like  they did when disabling me trying to murder me under both Bush's Election and Obama's election and now in the Promotion of the Nazi Pope.

Refusing to legalize us of the Kingdom of Heaven, promoting the Antichrist Pope's Nazi Secular Laws saying that many are born outside the Pope's Wedlock Laws, like all who Participate in the Wedding Feast of the Kingdom of Heaven are Married unto the Christ  outside the Nazi Pope's Wedlock Laws, that they force upon us, disobeying Jesus, calling themselves Fathers, to outlaw the one true Father.

As your Secular Laws, violate and outlaw our Covenant, by calling my Parents that bare me the foretold Prophet like unto Moses,  in the Global  Evil Ruler's House like as Moses was,  your Secular Laws, violate and outlaw our Covenant, by calling my Parent's Father and  Mother, violating and contradicting Moses's and our Prophets' and Jesus's and the Apostles' Covenant, calling no man upon Earth, Father, but the one true Elohim the Christ from Yahweh,  they say that your Secular Law Trumps Religious Law to give them Freedom from Religion, outlawing us and our Covenant like the Egyptians had done, refusing to legalize Yahweh and his Elohim, his Promised Father and Christ  to the House of Abraham.

He that curses Father  or Mother, the Torah and Jesus said, if a capital Crime, that the Hypocrites refused to obey for their own Political and Religious Gains, changing the wording and casting off the Word of God, applying it wrongly to your Parents, married by the Nazi Marriage Laws that outlaw the Wedding Feast of the Kingdom of Heaven, for none of our Statue using the word Father of Fathers, apply to your Parents, the statute does not apply to you Parents, it applies to the Bridegroom the Christ as Elohim the Father and the Bride Mount Zion and the Mother,  alike the Father and Mother of Jesus the son of Christ and the Bride Mount Zion, as the Christ and the Bride are the Father and Mother of all the true worshipers of Holy Spirit Yahweh our Holy Creator that they outlawed for the Popes in Rome and the Zionists in Jerusalem.

I will write all the places that talk about the Cup of Christ, the Prophecy representing me, the Bridegroom, the Prophet like unto Moses, and the bread and wine, the Body of the Bride, the Body of the High Cohen and Apostle, like unto Aaron, and show that these are all Antichrist fake Christians, and the Homosexuals saying the Wedding Feast, is a Homosexual Marriage, both robbing me, with their Nazi Marriage Laws of one Man, one Woman, and their Gay Marriage Laws, and robbing  the Widows and Orphans and the Disabled and the Poor of the Tithes and Offerings intended to cause for us, and using it for their Nazi Idol Building. As the Nazi Christians, March off to War with Carnal, Weapons, lying saying that they believe the Bible, only believing their mistranslated Bibles that are an Antichrist lie against Yahweh and his Christ, as they lie saying that God is with them, when not one of them can read and apply accurately, this what Paul by Holy Spirit Yahweh wrote about me his Elohim, his Christ, write, as they lie claiming to believe Holy Spirit Yahweh and me his Christ, and they Just blindly follow that Antichrist Pope, that I am forcing him and his followers to destroy their Military Complexes as I be bend their swords to plowshares by doing what is written herein abut me the Christ, and when they peace and safety, they will be destroyed not Military Might, by their Creator Holy Spirit Yahweh upon me, destroying them and the Devil and his Rebellion against Holy Spirit Yahweh  and me his Christ.

Written right in all the Scriptures that I write you, and you refuse to believe the truth therein, speaking meekly and gentle to these Nazis, they jest and mock, and continue their lying and their Nazi Crusade, so Yahweh gave me a Rod of Iron for when they keep pissing me off, for speaking meekly and gentle unto them hardhearted and hardliner Nazi Warmongers

αυτος = baffled, having had things, backwards, or upside down, having been absent, in therm, they thought they were mine, the Christ from Yahweh, and they were not, until I appeared unto them like I appear unto you.

baffled also I Paul aside invite you through through this meekness, and gentleness thereof Christ's, who accorded that appearance truly humbling within you, absent, also confident the one yours,
 αυτος δε εγω παυλος παρακαλω υμας δια της πραοτητος και επιεικειας του χριστου ος κατα προσωπον μεν ταπεινος εν υμιν απων δε θαρρω εις υμας

2 Corinthians 10:1

λογιζομαι  = reasoning, logically thinking, we do not get the word of God,  by reasoning, or by  good works, or supposedly good works, or by a good way to live dictated to us by  others, to Politicians, Judges Police, Popes, Bishops, Priests, Cohen, etc, they all lie against the word of God, we receive  the word of God from Holy Spirit Yahweh our Creator, that you call God, and our Hebrew calls El, and you cannot receive either Righteousness or Salvation by good works, or supposedly good works, so stop lying for your Nazi Pope and your Nazi Democracy,  the word of God is not Politics, and marriage in our Scriptures from Moses and the Prophets and the Apostles writings or the Quran, has never been between a Man and a Woman, marriage is the Wedding Feast of Christ that you outlaw with Political Reasoning, by wrongly applying your reasoning to our scriptures where they do not exist, believe Holy Spirit Yahweh our Creator, instead, and if you cannot believe  Holy Spirit Yahweh our Creator,  and Moses and the Prophets, concerning me his Righteousness, his Christ, the Father of my Son Jesus from our Torah, you cannot have my son Jesus, the Promised Salvation, that is why Jesus said, if they do not believe Moses and the Prophets, they will not believe if one were raised from the dead before them, he was raised from the dead before you, and you still do not believe Moses and the Prophets, Holy Spirit Yahweh, me his Elohim, or  my son Jesus, so stop lying about us or die for blaspheming and speaking false prophecy in our names causing us to be hated without Just cause

   δεομαι = petitioning, the evil fail to redress even one of my Just issues on my Petitions for Redress of grievances, so I have to put my foot down and stop them in their tracks, and tell them, behaving only in my presence, and violating my Torah, by using you minds reasoning, and not Spirit Yahweh, when I am not present, is not working my Righteousness by Holy Spirit Yahweh and my son Jesus, from out our Torah. All of your false Doctrines come from your minds reasonings, not Spirit Yahweh, stop reasoning, and use Holy Spirit Yahweh to get guidance and  counseling, I am the Christ from Holy Spirit Yahweh, not my son Jesus, like that false Prophet Pope and the false Prophets lie to you saying that from their Devils

petitioning also that noway present, that confidence therein encourages, than reasoning dares some them reasonings yours alike accorded flesh walking,
  δεομαι δε το μη παρων θαρρησαι τη πεποιθησει η λογιζομαι τολμησαι επι τινας τους λογιζομενους ημας ως κατα σαρκα περιπατουντας

2 Corinthians 10:2

στρατευομεθα   the Warfare, from Strategists, it is not our Strategy, not our Warfare, we get our Strategy, our Warfare, from Holy Spirit Yahweh our Creator

within fleshly (reasoning by the Spirit) because tracking not accorded flesh (reasoning reasoning by the Mind,) the Warfare,
 εν σαρκι γαρ περιπατουντες ου κατα σαρκα στρατευομεθα

2 Corinthians 10:3

σαρκικα  = Carnal, not Spirit Life, Carnal not Spiritual, means made of Material in Hebrew called  ארץ = Earth = Greek =γην, your Breath called Soul, and your Body and your Mind, and Air, and Wind, and all  Physical things are made from Earth, to includes the Sun, the Stars, the Moon, and all other objects there and upon the Globe called Earth because that it what the Globe and all therein is made of, none of which is Spirit Life or Spiritual, so stop reading your Breath and Soul and mind and Reasoning and Behavior to your Reasons  into our Scriptures, and believe Holy Spirit Yahweh our Creator working in who? Me his Elohim called Christ inside you, by the Spirit that I am anointed with by Holy Spirit Yahweh, which is why I am called Christ!

οχυρωματων  = Strongholds, like the Devils Throne, and his Rebellious Followers on Rebellious planets, called Heaven and Earth, which is why I am in the new Heaven and Earth,  to cast the Rebellious one you are in down

the things because this Warfare ours not Carnal, but the abilities to Elohim with casting down Strongholds
 τα γαρ οπλα της στρατειας ημων ου σαρκικα αλλα δυνατα τω θεω προς καθαιρεσιν οχυρωματων

2 Corinthians 10:4

There Pope is their Father, mistranslated deliberately as Moab, to hide the Antichrist and his Antichrist's deliberate lies,   falsely calling Bread, the son, the Christ, replacing me the Cup, the Christ, the Father, with the Pope

I will give you an example of reasoning that people misapply. The showbread was only lawful for the Cohen of Levi to Eat, Moses and Aaron, in Prophecy of me the Father, the Christ, and my son Jesus. David ate it illegally to prophecy that I his Lord, was his offspring, that would come from his loins by my Mother's bloodline, it don't apply to anyone else but me and my son, and it is a miswitness for anyone else to eat it. and say that they are the Christ, which is why Paul and all the Poppets and Apostles also, told the people that they could not become the unique Adam, me, the Christ, by eating showbread, the Devil, knowing it was mine the Elohim, the Christ, and not my Son's, tempted Jesus on the Temple saying, if you be the Son of Elohim, command these stones to be made bread, he did not do it, that is my Job, when I build the new Heaven and Earth commanding the stones of my Temple to become bread, which because the Pope and his Priests were tempted by the Devil, and they gave in, taking bread representing a Stone of my Temple, saying that they are commanding that bread to be my Covenant, commanding the Bread to  become me,  the Body of Christ, Jesus blessed my Cup with wine in it, the Covenant, not the Bread, because I am the Messenger of the Covenant, and he said that the Bread was his Body, broken over my Cup, the Bread represents his Body,  not my Body the Cup, call the Cup of Christ. that is why he is the False Prophet and all  that do that are false Prophets, Jesus and his Apostles never called the Bread representing his Body, to be me the Body of Christ, and they lie claiming to believe God and his Scriptures working a false miracle in my name, my Cup, the Silver Cup, my Covenant with the blood of my son in me, represents me the Body of Christ.

Now that Nazi CNN that fulfilled the Prophecy of  me trying to murder me, after I wrote that I was delivered from their Nazi assaults, they take the Devils paint Brush, and apply it to their Nazi Pope carrying his baggage up a Plane Stairs and stumbling carrying it, they try to paint him as a Miracle Worker, working, doing the same thing, like the Egyptian Physicians did against Moses and Aaron, just duplicating what I did, and says they work for God against me. Here is what I did and wrote, and this is why they are using their lies, knowingly, and laughing and joking, while setting me up to try to murder me for their Nazi Pope. Oh, they are not leaders, they imitators, and not only do this to me, but others, like Regan said "Tear this Wall down?" So wanting Political Power and needing Money not being leaders, they invent lies to manipulate people to support them, and the Right Wing like Nazi Germany take their Paint Brush, and say, "I am like Regan, I want to build a Wall, to keep Criminals and the enemies of our economy out?" While the Left Wing Communists say, "Its us against the Public, build that Wall, so the Criminals cannot escape," so they agree but for different reasons, and do it, which is exactly why the USSR made their Wall, and Regan, had to say, "Tear this Wall down."

קרס = hunched up, like a Camel's hump, hunches up at the outer sides, and stoops down in the middle under a load, the Thieves and Robber, saying we will not bow to the Baal from Yahweh,  stooping under the load of spoils, and Idols of my Image, the Yah Baal Elohim and Messiah Israel, forcing all to pay Tribute to their Democratic State that violated our Covenant. Think about all the troubles you have from lies from the Politicians and Medias in Charge, setting up all what they call Security, and Economic Stimulus, and ask yourself, What could possibly go wrong?

נשא = lifted, as in a Democratic election against Yahweh, lifting an elected Ruler to power
נשאת = lifting, as in a Democratic election against Yahweh, lifting an elected Ruler to power
נשאתיכם = lifting mine your water, as in a Democratic election against Yahweh, lifting over me the Messiah from Yahweh, an elected Ruler to power

bowed none, hunched up the foolish his that mine his, the images mine your water, unto that Yah's, and unto the cattle lifting mine your water, loading tribute unto the weakening hers,
  כרע בל קרס נבו היו עצביהם לחיה ולבהמה נשאתיכם עמוסות משא לעיפה׃

Isaiah 46:1

Loading up till bowing down from the overload of tribute, their Bureaucracy piling up from the tribute that overloaded the greedy Politicians and Priests and  Rabbi, till so overloaded they cannot reach their destinations, their escape rout is completely cut off by their loads and red tape, as they go into captivity, and all the souls are led captive unto me.  The eleventh day of the eleventh new moon, before her pains came before she travail, ripped up from my Mother's belly about noonday, I am Elohim the Shevat, the Scepter, unto who will you liken me?

hunched up his bowing him the untied his, not able him to deliver the load, and the souls the captives mine, that walk hers,
 קרסו כרעו יחדו לא יכלו מלט משא ונפשם בשבי הלכה׃

Isaiah 46:2

Why do say is the meaning of the Scriptures that say both the House Jacob's and the House Israel's, separating them, and your leaders, not acquainting Yahweh my El,  cannot tell why Yahweh separated them? Why are your lifted merciless politicians overloading themselves from the womb and breast that Jacob said are Joseph's blessings?

Hear him El mine House Jacob's and all the remnants the House Israel's, that load sea from out the womb that lifted sea, from out  the compassionate,
  שמעו אלי בית יעקב וכל־שארית בית ישראל העמסים מני־בטן הנשאים מני־רחם׃

Isaiah 46:3

Yahweh said he would make Abraham the Eldest of Nation, and fulfilled his word, and said he would make Moses  the Eldest of Israel, and fulfilled his word, as in their unbelief and adultery and whoredom of not wedding me his promised Messiah, and committed  adultery and whoredom wedding one the other instead, and they dropped dead forty years in the dessert, and Yahweh says, that he wrote this about me his Messiah and Bridegroom unto mount Zion, and the unbelievers will not believe Moses and the Prophets, though one rose from among the dead before them.

and hereafter I am, the Older hers,  himself,  and hereafter graying, I am strong, I am making mine, and I am lifted, and I am strong, and I am delivered.
 ועד־זקנה אני הוא ועד־שיבה אני אסבל אני עשיתי ואני אשא ואני אסבל ואמלט׃

Isaiah 46:4

Five men in the dream, all dressed like me, laboring on the same thing, I am the calm before the storm, that scatters and destroys them, that stole the Shepherd's Song Rights, and attack us of Zion, because they were deceived to falsely believe that they are Mont Zion, their souls removed unto the grave before me the Prophet like unto Moses, removing the veil, for all to to see the foretold  sufferings mine, before my Glory.

unto who from me,  likens mine his snake me, and adjusts his, and likens his snake mine, and compares hers?
  למי תדמיוני ותשוו ותמשלוני ונדמה׃

Isaiah 46:5

that scrapings Gold, from a Cup, and Silver, within the balance weighing his, weighing his the smith and remaking hers his, El, drop his aggression, bowing him his,
  הזלים זהב מכיס וכסף בקנה ישקלו ישכרו צורף ויעשהו אל יסגדו אף־ישתחוו׃

Isaiah 46:6

lifting his upon the shoulders carrying him, and depositing him beneath mine his, and stands yours from standing him, not withdrawing the aggression, proclaiming El mine his, and not eying hers from the trouble his not saving snake his.
  ישאהו על־כתף יסבלהו ויניחהו תחתיו ויעמד ממקומו לא ימיש אף־יצעק אליו ולא יענה מצרתו לא יושיענו׃

Isaiah 46:7

the male token Zain associate, and that manliness his, that turns his apostate sea upon the heart.
 זכרו זאת והתאששו השיבו פושעים על־לב׃

Isaiah 46:8

the male token Head snake his she from times, related I am alike El, and none hereafter Elohim, and ends that weighed the value the snake mine,
 זכרו ראשנות מעולם כי אנכי אל ואין עוד אלהים ואפס כמוני׃

Isaiah 46:9

from manifesting from the Head mine she the Hindermost mine she, and from the ancient wedded not snake making his, said the counselor mine, and all the desirers mine (I) Ox Head the Maker hers.
 מגיד מראשית אחרית ומקדם אשר לא־נעשו אמר עצתי תקום וכל־חפצי אעשה׃

Isaiah 46:10

seeing I him, and not the Time hers, awaiting snake his, and not near the Path yours, the Star from Jacob and rises the Shevat, the Scepter, from Israel, and smashes the mouthing mine, Moab, and the walled all the son mine, the tumulting
 אראנו ולא עתה אשורנו ולא קרוב דרך כוכב מיעקב וקם מישראל ומחץ פאתי מואב וקרקר כל־בני־שת׃

Number 24:17

I am Asaph Elohim from the Older Head,  I am the Older Time.

related within Days David's, and Asaph from the Older Head, that from the singing sea, and singing Praise, and that handing unto Elohim,
 כי־בימי דויד ואסף מקדם ראש המשררים ושיר־תהלה והדות לאלהים׃

Nehemiah 12:46

אהרן = Aaron = Joseph's אהרן = Coffin, and the אהרן =Ark of the Covenant

and all Israel within Days the Wax Babylon's, (Zerubbabel,) and within Days the Consolation Yah's,  ( Nehemiah,) snake she snake sea allotments that from the singing sea, and that Gate Keeper's sea, word a Day within a Day his, and from the Sanctified sea unto Levi, and that Levi's water,  from the Sanctified sea unto the son mine Aaron,
  וכל־ישראל בימי זרבבל ובימי נחמיה נתנים מניות המשררים והשערים דבר־יום ביומו ומקדשים ללוים והלוים מקדשים לבני אהרן׃

Nehemiah 12:47

I am that  snake invited within the scroll Moses,  I am that Father Israel within the assembly, I am Elohim the Time Times, this the numbered Days Zain the seventh Day within the second week, since the first Day unto the seventh month the month of our Atonement, upon the rods the scroll Moses's, within the  scroll a sealed song sealed with seven seals, the song Moses's, that Right to open the sealed song Moses's, belongs to the promised  one the unique good Shepherd Zion's, but the mount Esau's thought that it was not good to leave the Song Right to open the sealed song Moses's, to the promised  one the unique good  Shepherd Zion's. So the Joseph the one the unique good Shepherd Zion's, I will proceed, and remove their understanding, and their wisdom from their lowest unto their wisest, and none will be able to open and read any Holy Scriptures from Spirit the Lord mine Yahweh, and only them that belong unto me,  the one the unique good Shepherd Zion's, will have understanding and wisdom from Holy Scriptures from Spirit the Lord mine Yahweh, and all the evil will pass away from before me, unable to remain as I declare, my Time shall be no more, all is finished and I bring about new things from my Head the Older than me, his  new Head Older Time.

I am the Scroll of Life, my Scribe Spirit Yahweh, I am the Life all Adam's,  I am Living Water that casted Life unto spilled Blood of my Son and casted him the grave unto my Right Hand,  I with him, I am the Bridegroom wedded unto the People, I am the Head unto the Snake Moses lifted  upon, all within the Spirit and Truth, believing unto me,  Spirit my Scribe Yahweh, the Truth, Truthfully wrote all added unto me the Scroll  of Life, before this Heavens and Earth within me became to fall off me, like a wornout Garment, bringing new Heavens and Earth, wherein dwells me, the Righteousness from out the Torah's,  Moab's and the Ammon's are removed from within me, they had no Bread my Son and nor me the Water from Yahweh, none of the evil were ever written within me, the Scroll of Life, and none them dwell herein me, within my new Heavens and Earth. Yahweh shows me Light within the Darkness of Evil, finishing Darkness the Devil, the Head that I bruised, making Peace, finishing the Evil, the seed of Evil doers, that bruised my heel.

within the Day that himself snake invited within the scroll Moses's, within the ears mine that People's, and snake from casted the grave within him, wedded not coming, (they married other not me,) the people snake mine, (Ammon's, they called themselves Fathers and Baalim, Husbands) and from that Father mine, (Moab's, they called themselves Fathers and Baalim, Husbands) within the assembly that Elohim's hereafter Times. (This shut the Gate unto them opening it for mine, in my new Time)
  ביום ההוא נקרא בספר משה באזני העם ונמצא כתוב בו אשר לא־יבוא עמני ומאבי בקהל האלהים עד־עולם׃

 Nehemiah 13:1

בלעם = Balaam, the Mesopotamian fake Muslims that the Zionists in Jerusalem and their Pope and his Secular Government and Medias hired to curse me, they will all perish before me, for having killed my Prophets, and replaced them with Antichrist Nazi Catholics.

related not expected meeting him associate the son mine Israel within Bread and within Water, and hired upon me his associate Balaam unto curse him,  and overturn El hers mine snake his that cursed, unto the blessed.
 כי לא קדמו את־בני ישראל בלחם ובמים וישכר עליו את־בלעם לקללו ויהפך אלהינו הקללה לברכה׃

Nehemiah 13:2

My People are sanctified from evil mixes, by heeding and obeying my Torah.

and Yah mine alike hearing water associate that Torah, and divided him all the mixes from Israel.
 ויהי כשמעם את־התורה ויבדילו כל־ערב מישראל׃

Nehemiah 13:3

My room the good Yah, I am Zain the Cohen the face of the Consolation Yah's,  ( Nehemiah,) the face of   אלישיב = El the restorer, Eliashib

and unto the face mine from Zain hers El the restorer, that Cohen's snake she his snake, within the room the house El hers mine snake his approaching unto the good Yah.
ולפני מזה אלישיב הכהן נתון בלשכת בית־אלהינו קרוב לטוביה׃

Nehemiah 13:4

and said the Lord mine heed, related comes that People's that Zain hers, within the mouth mine his, and within lips mine his, weighing his snake mine, and the heart his way from out me, and becomes mine a fearing water associate me, the Mitzvahs the mortal sea from teaching hers,
 ויאמר אדני יען כי נגש העם הזה בפיו ובשפתיו כבדוני ולבו רחק ממני ותהי יראתם אתי מצות אנשים מלמדה׃
Isaiah 29:13

unto righted that snake snake mine Joseph unto separates associate that People's that Zain hers that marvelous's, and marvels, and voids hers, the wisdom that wisdom mine his, and the understanding separates mine his rehidding,
  לכן הנני יוסף להפליא את־העם־הזה הפלא ופלא ואבדה חכמת חכמיו ובינת נבניו תסתתר׃

Isaiah 29:14

I am the Scroll of Life, my Scribe Spirit Yahweh, I am the Life all Adam's,  I am Living Water that casted Life unto spilled Blood of my Son and casted him the grave unto my Right Hand,  I with him, I am the Bridegroom wedded unto the People, I am the Head unto the Snake Moses lifted  upon, all within the Spirit and Truth, believing unto me,  Spirit my Scribe Yahweh, the Truth, Truthfully wrote all added unto me the Scroll  of Life, before this Heavens and Earth within me became to fall off me, like a wornout Garment, bringing new Heavens and Earth, wherein dwells me, the Righteousness from out the Torah's,  Moab's and the Ammon's are removed from within me, they had no Bread my Son and nor me the Water from Yahweh, none of the evil were ever written within me, the Scroll of Life, and none them dwell herein me, within my new Heavens and Earth. Yahweh shows me Light within the Darkness of Evil, finishing Darkness the Devil, the Head that I bruised, making Peace, finishing the Evil, the seed of Evil doers, that bruised my heel.

within the Day that himself snake invited within the scroll Moses's, within the ears mine that People's, and snake from casted the grave within him, wedded not coming, (they married other not me,) the people snake mine, (Ammon's, they called themselves Fathers and Baalim, Husbands) and from that Father mine, (Moab's, they called themselves Fathers and Baalim, Husbands) within the assembly that Elohim's hereafter Times. (This shut the Gate unto them opening it for mine, in my new Time)
  ביום ההוא נקרא בספר משה באזני העם ונמצא כתוב בו אשר לא־יבוא עמני ומאבי בקהל האלהים עד־עולם׃

 Nehemiah 13:1

בלעם = Balaam, the Mesopotamian fake Muslims that the Zionists in Jerusalem and their Pope and his Secular Government and Medias hired to curse me, they will all perish before me, for having killed my Prophets, and replaced them with Antichrist Nazi Catholics.

Everything in our Minds that exults itself against the truth of the Scriptures,  is called a Prideful Imagination, exulted barricades to hide behind, instead of accepting and believing the truth, and those barricades are what  we are to cast down out of our brains, but the Idolaters who build Idols that contradict our Scriptures, and Holy Spirit Yahweh our Maker,  with their Imaginations and Rituals and Idols, the Idols that they look to reasoning about, instead of Holy Spirit Yahweh, and their Straight and Gay Marriage Traditions,  become an impenetrable barricade, blinding their minds from believing the truth from the scriptures, and they murder people for their Traditions of what they falsely call Holy Communion, and Marriage  that totally contradicts what the Scriptures and Holy Spirit Yahweh teach about the Cup of Christ, the Elohim, the Father, the Prophecy representing me, the Bridegroom, the Prophet like unto Moses, and Wedding Feast, wedding unto the bread and wine, the Son, the Body of the Bride, the Body of the High Cohen and Apostle, like unto Aaron, the Pood and the Evil religious People, and other Physical Idols, the Good and the evil  are both called Elohim, and there is only one that is the true Christ, it is misleading knowledge exalted accorded this knowledge, Elohim's, us, we are the Elohim, that blinds the mind from being obedient to the mind in the Christ, my mind.

logical reasoning, imaginations, destroying, and all barricades exalted accorded this knowledge, Elohim's, and captivates the mind the one that obedient thereof Christ's
 λογισμους καθαιρουντες και παν υψωμα επαιρομενον κατα της γνωσεως του θεου και αιχμαλωτιζοντες παν νοημα εις την υπακοην του χριστου

2 Corinthians 10:5

The Ruling Members in any Body of People, Secular Political, (Communists)  a Religious Group, (Moderates) or Private Business Group, (Capitalists,) that hide behind the barricades in their Minds,  that blind the minds from being obedient to the Mind in Christ, instead of destroying them, the are not my Body, they are a disobedient Body, and Corrupt Tree, called Blind Leaders of the Blind, because their Political and Religious Traditions and Idols have blinded their minds from believing and obeying the truth,  and it does not say here disobedience to your Politics, your Religions, or your Business Policies, it says your disobedience, the fashions, role models,  that you see and promote, your  Politics, your Religions, or your Business Policies,  that you substituted   for obedience to the Truth from Holy Spirit Yahweh in the obedient Mind in Elohim, Christ, and put in the disobedient Mind in Elohim,  you, the Antichrist, meaning, against Christ,    that are the barricades in your minds that must be destroyed

and within readiness, hold the Redress Verdict to all disobedience, whenever substituted  yours, for obedience
και εν ετοιμω εχοντες εκδικησαι πασαν παρακοην οταν πληρωθη υμων η υπακοη

2 Corinthians 10:6

 and accorded the fashions seen, If any confident that oneself Christ's being thereof thereto REASONING, again, affirm yourself Baffling, (backwards,) Christ's thus, and you then are Christ's, "if when"
 τα κατα προσωπον βλεπετε ει τις πεποιθεν εαυτω χριστου ειναι τουτο λογιζεσθω παλιν αφ εαυτου οτι καθως αυτος χριστου ουτως και ημεις χριστου

2 Corinthians 10:7

Like as foretold,  I am Joseph, the Carpenter, the House Builder, the Christ, the Foundation Stone,  that you cannot disrespect, Paul of my fellowheir the Tribe of Benjamin, my Cup Bearer, is the Master Builder, that lays me the Cup, the Christ, as the Foundation, and no other foundation can be laid

εδωκεν = Edify, builds, up, building upon the house builder, the house built, the Catholics, scream, one one House, the one Apostolic Church, but like all the others that claim that the Bread is the Christ, the Foundation, and not the Cup, they cast off Yahweh's true Foundation, me Joseph,  the Cup, and lay another as the foundation. In the visions, the son standing Head and Shoulder above me, represents Paul, my Cup Bearer, with the face of my son, Jesus in Benjamin, the Platter, Jesus is the Head above me as the Bread, the Meat, that broken Body  the Spilled Blood  is the Wine in me the Cup, as he holds me with my arms and face hidden upon his breast, and my feet and hindermost parts below the cloud, because I am the Foundation, the Christ, and no matter how many time I tell these People the dreams and visions, like foretold, every time I tell them, they hate me more, and rob me more, and tell more false prophecy against me,  because I told them the true dreams and visions from Holy Spirit Yahweh, that sent me to destroy them for their Rebellion, and murdering his People, and falsely claiming to be mine, the Christ from Holy Spirit Yahweh, they are replacing my Government from Yahweh, lying saying the Pope is not preaching himself, lying saying he is preaching the Gospels, lying saying Jesus is their Christ, and working false miracles and good works to confirm their lies, too them deceived to help them  to replace me with their  Pope's Democracy, or his Zionist Democracy in Jerusalem, both lying using REASONING saying that they are Christ's,  because the house built by the Devil's seed, the House  of Satan, the House  using REASONING, is not divided,  both replace being obedient to me the true Christ, with your  REASONING,  and  their Politics and Religious, as the disobedience. Refusing to redress my Just Petitions of Grievances, saying they are defending them born outside their Nazi Catholic Wedlock, Refusing to remove their Popes Secular Marriage Laws, having the Atheists and Homosexuals vote for his Laws that outlaw me, the Bridegroom,  the Elohim, thee King Salem's, the Prince of Peace, and my Children, lying saying that they serve me  the God of Peace from the Hebrew and Aramaic and Greek Scriptures that they outlawed and replaced withe the Pope's Scriptures, lying saying that they are giving Religious Freedom to worship me the only one true Elohim from the House of Israel, from Holy Spirit Yahweh, that they outlawed by their Traditional Nazi  Catholic Democratic Secular Marriage Laws from Atheists and Homosexuals, like Democratic Nazi Germany did, they lie using REASONING, saying, "God is with us," and they lie claiming to be my Children,  forcing the Nazi Catholic Marriage Laws upon us, lying demanding Separation of Church and State, saying Secular Law trumps Our Creator, Sprit Yahweh my Scribe, writing Our  Torah and our Prophets and the Writings from Jesus common with the Quran, in our Heart with my Heart in them written by Spirit Yahweh my Scribe, that they outlawed saying Separation of Church and State, refusing to remove the Popes Marriage Laws that outlaws us and our Scriptures, saying that gives them Liberty from Religion, giving the Antichrist Pope the Religious Freedom to keep us Outlawed,   claiming that is then the Liberty provided by the US Constitution that they violated and outlawed, passing into Laws their Secular Marriage Laws in respect of the Pope's Establishment of Religion, that outlaws Yahweh's, because Demanding Separation of Church and State,  that cast me off , casting off Yahweh's Messenger of his Covenant, calling the Antichrist Pope God's Messenger upon Earth, but he is the Devil's Messenger,  the Head of the Great Whore of Babylon, sleeping with all the Rulers that outlaw Yahweh and me his Christ, like as foretold about the Antichrist against Holy Spirit Yahweh, and me his Christ, the Father of Jesus.
οικοδομην  = house builder, and the house built

if when both because, and vehemently both boasts about this authority ours,  who edify builds them Lords to you, the one the house builder, that you cannot disrespect
  εαν τε γαρ και περισσοτερον τι καυχησωμαι περι της εξουσιας ημων ης εδωκεν ο κυριος ημιν εις οικοδομην και ουκ εις καθαιρεσιν υμων ουκ αισχυνθησομαι

2 Corinthians 10:8

As they Promote the Devil's lies that deceive People so die, not once, but twice, for the good trees pleasant unto the sight we wed, are not like their Polishes Hypocrisy, whitewashing the Evil, as Good, in their corrupted fruit from that Nazi Catholic Tree acquainted with Good and Evil,  that say, "the Devil and the false Prophet Pope warring against Yahweh and his Christ, are Peaceful, so he is Righteous, and we must believe and stand with the Devil, and his followers,"  not discerning the Truth, by the Spirit of Truth that the Nazi Catholics at War with the Spirit of Truth, as their insane Antichrist Antisemitic Communist Nazi Pope and his brainwashed Psychotic  Religious Fanatics, thinking that some how they can defeat their creator Yahweh the El Highest and his Messiah, in a total Psychotic Mentality of thinking, "God is with us," while their Nazi Military Complexes destroy the Earth, while they take the Devil's Paint Brush, and paint themselves as the Saviors of the Earth, like the Nazi Catholics of Nazi Germany did ,  they say that they are saving the Earth are destroying and condemning all deceived by them  to die a second death, because of their Religious Brainwash Doctrines, having no Righteousness not having me, the Righteousness from out our Torah, and saying, "We have to destroy the Nations, to save them, from them Antichrist Muslims and Jews", as  that Nazi Trinitarian Bill Clinton that outlawed us and our Covenant with his Nazi DOMA Marriage Laws and they refuse to legalize us and our Torah and our Prophets accusing us of being Mentally Ill Militant Religions Fanatics, which we are not, but they are what they accuse us of being, as they Nazi the Nazi USA need some to do the impossible for then to do, saying, "They need someone to stop the bad things from happening, and make good things happen," which is impossible for ether their Right or Left Wing Democratic Government to do, because a corrupt tree cannot bring forth good fruit.

Joseph the Lion from the Tribe of Judah that prevailed to open the scroll with writing on the inside and on the backside, sealed with seven seals.
ה = that
ו = his
י = mine,
הוי = woe, that his mine,

that his mine the Lion El, the Lion El, the city flooring that snake hers  David shaving his year hers upon year hers, the victim sea, struck him.
  הוי אריאל אריאל קרית חנה דוד ספו שנה על־שנה חגים ינקפו׃

Isaiah 29:1

 ואניה  = and I am hers, attacking mine, and saying they are mine being attacked, and attacking more of mine, saying that I did the attacking, which is lie, I have no Army, and everyone that accused my People having an Army and attacking, you Paranoid Schizophrenic Warmongers will perish before me

and that oppress his she mine, unto the Lion El, and that associate mourns, and I am hers, and that associate unto me, alike the Lion El
  והציקותי לאריאל והיתה תאניה ואניה והיתה לי כאריאל׃

Isaiah 29:2

You attack with Militant Warmongers, and all I use are Mitzvahs from my Torah, because I am the Righteousness from therein that you have no part of for eternity.

and the pitched tent mine alike circling upon me yours, and besieged mine, upon me yours, the Militant mount, and that raises she mine upon me yours, the Mitzvahs,
  וחניתי כדור עליך וצרתי עליך מצב והקימתי עליך מצרת׃

Isaiah 29:3

and the humiliated from Earth rewording mine, and from the mud, sinks the answer yours, and that Yah's alike the mumbling from Earth the voice yours, and from the mud answer yours chirping,
 ושפלת מארץ תדברי ומעפר תשח אמרתך והיה כאוב מארץ קולך ומעפר אמרתך תצפצף׃

Isaiah 29:4

and said the Lord mine heed, related comes that People's that Zain hers, within the mouth mine his, and within lips mine his, weighing his snake mine, and the heart his way from out me, and becomes mine a fearing water associate me, the Mitzvahs the mortal sea from teaching hers,
 ויאמר אדני יען כי נגש העם הזה בפיו ובשפתיו כבדוני ולבו רחק ממני ותהי יראתם אתי מצות אנשים מלמדה׃
Isaiah 29:13

unto righted that snake snake mine Joseph unto separates associate that People's that Zain hers that marvelous's, and marvels, and voids hers, the wisdom that wisdom mine his, and the understanding separates mine his rehidding,
  לכן הנני יוסף להפליא את־העם־הזה הפלא ופלא ואבדה חכמת חכמיו ובינת נבניו תסתתר׃

Isaiah 29:14

Paul and Silvanus and  honors El therein the assembly  summering,  within Elohim the Father and Lord, Jesus's the Christ, the favor to you and Peace from El the Father ours, and Yahweh's, Jesus's, the Christ's,
  παυλος και σιλουανος και τιμο θεος τη εκκλησια θεσσαλονικεων εν θεω πατρι και κυριω ιησου χριστω χαρις υμιν και ειρηνη απο θεου πατρος ημων και κυριου ιησου χριστου

1 Thessalonians 1:1

We are one Bread, one Eucharist my Body, the Bride of Christ,  baptized within me the one Christ the one Water, within one Blood, my Son, within one Spirit, our Creator Yahweh, we are Elohim the living Temple the house Elohim's.

the Eucharist's truly thereto Elohim, all when about all thereof ours,  mentioning you, being mentioned upon thereof these prayers ours,
 ευχαριστου μεν τω θεω παντοτε περι παντων υμων μνειαν υμων ποιουμενοι επι των προσευχων ημων

1 Thessalonians 1:2

endlessly mentioning mindfully  thereof work's this belief,  thereof cut's this godly love, and this under uniquely, this confidence thereof Yahweh's ours, Jesus's, the Christ's presence thereof Elohim's  the Father ours,
  αδιαλειπτως μνημονευοντες υμων του εργου της πιστεως και του κοπου της αγαπης και της υπομονης της ελπιδος του κυριου ημων ιησου χριστου εμπροσθεν του θεου και πατρος ημων

1 Thessalonians 1:3

seeing the brothers love mentioning under Elohim's the elect you,
  ειδοτες αδελφοι ηγαπημενοι υπο θεου την εκλογην υμων

1 Thessalonians 1:4

I am the  unique Adam that living within doing these things,  I am the Righteousness from out our Torah's within my word, my son, within my Bosom,   I am the Father Eternal, the Holy  within Spirit Yahweh our Maker.

related that newsworthy you cannot within become the one yours within, the word that unique, but and within those abilities, and within Spirit's Holy, and within assured much, accordantly perceiving these these, within becoming within to you through yours,
 οτι το ευαγγελιον ημων ουκ εγενηθη εις υμας εν λογω μονον αλλα και εν δυναμει και εν πνευματι αγιω και εν πληροφορια πολλη καθως οιδατε οιοι εγενηθημεν εν υμιν δι υμας

1 Thessalonians 1:5

Brought up by the same lying parents, that lied to the about Santa Clause, their word totally unreliable, being unfaithful, their own words, filled no integrity, keeping not Yahweh's Covenant my Bow in my Cloud,  my words salted, melt the sluggards, when I say  that all them that call themselves Christians, are but bastards,   that know not who their Father is, adulterers and adulteresses, whores wedded to other Elohim than me the one true good Elohim,  as they draw nigh unto me with their lips, but there heart is far from, teaching about me, from but commandments and doctrines from cursed dirt, that they call men. I am the Christ the Bridegroom mount Zion's, my Body the the Living Temple Elohim's, the House that Yahweh commanded me to build within Jerusalem, but fake Jews and fake Christians disobeying  Spirit Yahweh, and me his Eternal Father, and my son son Jesus, whose actions foretold of my Time,  thereout departed his out thereof the Temple's,  but the Idolaters, worshiping the works of their own hands, robbed to Widows and Orphans and the Disabled and the Poor of Billions in Dollars of Tithes and Offerings, to polish their Idols, their Elohim that they worship, worshiping the works of their own hands, they and their Idols, will perish from before me, the Shepherd and Bridegroom unto mount Zion, and their will not be one Idol left in Judea, and Samaria, says Yahweh;

and thereout departed his out thereof the Temple's, said to him the one thereof those disciples his, teacher discern the type stones, and what types the houses.
  και εκπορευομενου αυτου εκ του ιερου λεγει αυτω εις των μαθητων αυτου διδασκαλε ιδε ποταποι λιθοι και ποταπαι οικοδομαι

Mark 13:1

You Idolaters, are the  stone upon a stone, that will not be one left upon another, because the stone set at naught of you builders, the same is the Head quarter Stone, and you built your house upon but cursed dirt.

and that Jesus answered, said to him, see thereof those, those great buildings, none noway leaves a stone upon a stone, who none noway throws down.
και ο ιησους αποκριθεις ειπεν αυτω βλεπεις ταυτας τας μεγαλας οικοδομας ου μη αφεθη λιθος επι λιθω ος ου μη καταλυθη

Mark 13:2

I am the Older Time, that Time hers

From the Torah I am Moses's  אדני למה הרעתה לעם הזה  = the Lord mine unto from her that Slave hers unto the People that Zain hers

and set Moses El Yahweh's and said, the Lord mine unto from her that Slave hers unto the People, that Zain hers, unto from her Zain hers sending snake mine,
 וישב משה אל יהוה ויאמר אדני למה הרעתה לעם הזה למה זה שלחתני׃

Exodus 5:22

Yahweh says, that you that tortured my Prophets, suffocating them, water boarding them, you and your Rulers able to, but will not breath, and suffocate unto death, like as written about you in Daniel

I am the son Adam's in 10,  Daniels אדני זה = Lord mine Zain hers, in Daniel chapter 10

 נשארה בי = lifting hers  within me, means both those casting Lots, and lifting up their Rulers, and their Rulers, stealing the Song Rights Yahweh's unto me his anointed  the Shepherd Zion's, and Sining the Songs Zion's, you will become able to, but not breathing, and dying from before me

Them blocking us Kosher foods and Medications and Personal and Business needs, by yours sanctions, or by neglect, calling themselves Zion's, able to maintain our health and welfare, but failing to do so, you will perish before me, as written here Daniel about you, says Yahweh

and that snake hers, alike the image the son mine Adam's, touched upon the lips mine, and (I)Ox Head opened the mouth mine, and (I)Ox Head word hers, and said hers El that Slave, unto stands mine, the Lord mine, within the vision, overturning him heading mine upon me, and not maintains mine, able to,
  והנה כדמות בני אדם נגע על־שפתי ואפתח־פי ואדברה ואמרה אל־העמד לנגדי אדני במראה נהפכו צירי עלי ולא עצרתי כח׃

Daniel 10:16

and that my hand enables the Lord mine Zain hers, and I am from that Time hers, not standing within me, able and breaths not the lifting hers  within me
 והיך יוכל עבד אדני זה לדבר עם אדני זה ואני מעתה לא יעמד בי כח ונשמה לא נשארה בי׃

Daniel 10:17

I am the Scepter Israel

י א בשבט תשי ז  = the 11th Day within Shevat, the Scepter, 5717 = the13th Day within January 1957

שבט  = Shevat, the Scepter, in י ג בטבת תש כ = the 13th within Shevat, 5720 = the 13th Day within January 1960

Israel never collected Taxes, the Babylonian Maccabees always imposed Taxes upon us for building their States
אצר = treasures
נאצר = snaked treasures, a depository for treasures, the Storehouse
נבוכד = snake within his your hand, Tax Collector, picking treasures out of your hand
נבוכדנאצר = snake within his your hand snaked treasures,  this is a Tax Collector, building a Treasury for Restoring a State, the Maccabees have two such States, both lying to Hebrew Prophets, the Latin Maccabees in Rome, and the Greek Maccabees in Jerusalem, like you see how much money the Latin Maccabees Pope's People collected for just one Building in New York, for them to worship stones, that Yahweh dwells not in, and  that are going to be cast down like Jesus said, and to rob the  Widows and Orphans and the Disabled and the Poor of Billions in Dollars of Tithes and Offerings,  that they lied claiming to be Protecting us of Israel that they outlawed, and lied claiming to be using the money to care for  Widows and Orphans and the Disabled and the Poor that they robbed  of Billions in Dollars of Tithes and Offerings,  building his house
נבוכדנאצר = the Restorer, them restoring a Maccabees Babylonian Democratic State in Jerusalem, the  Babylonian daughters of the Great Whore of Babylon, Edom the Mount of Esau  entering Jacob's Gate, casting Lots upon Jerusalem

within years the third unto the Kingdom Yah his rising the King Judah's, came the Restorer the King Babylon's Jerusalem's and besieged upon Yah's
  בשנת שלוש למלכות יהויקים מלך־יהודה בא נבוכדנאצר מלך־בבל ירושלם ויצר עליה׃

Daniel 1:1

and mine she snake the Lord mine within the hand his, associate Yah his rising the King Judah's, and from the end, prepared the House that Elohim's, and the coming Earth's gleanings, the House the El's hers mine his,   and associate that prepared sea, that comes the House the treasury the El's hers mine his,
 ויתן אדני בידו את־יהויקים מלך־יהודה ומקצת כלי בית־האלהים ויביאם ארץ־שנער בית אלהיו ואת־הכלים הביא בית אוצר אלהיו׃

Daniel 1:2

אסף = Asaph = אשפנז = Ashpenaz  = Asaph snake Zain's, I am Asaph Elohim

אשפנז = Ashpenaz = Quiver Zain's, a Seven Arrow Quiver,  a Eunuch of the elected Babylonian Maccabees King. The sons are called Arrows, I am the Polished Arrow Zain, from my Father's  Tribe Ephraim, and my Mother's House of David.

הפרת מים = that Noble's Waters, I Zain the Living Waters from my Fountain my King Yahweh

and said that King's unto the Quiver Zain's, number the Eunuchs mine his, unto that come from the son mine Israel, and from the seed that Kingdom's, and from out that Noble's Waters.
 ויאמר המלך לאשפנז רב סריסיו להביא מבני ישראל ומזרע המלוכה ומן־הפרת מים׃

Daniel 1:3

My People hear my voice, they are weeded none within her water,  all blemished, all my wedded trees, good  unto the sight, wedded unto me, the one good Elohim;

the born sea wedded none within her water, all blemished, and the good mine from the sight, and from  instructed sea, within all the wisdom hers,  and acquaints mine the acquainted, and from among between mine the science, and wedded the ability within her water, unto stand within the temple that King's, and unto the rods the scroll, and  the tongue  (the language) alike the Chaldean sea, (alike the Prince sea,)
ילדים אשר אין־בהם כל־מאום וטובי מראה ומשכילים בכל־חכמה וידעי דעת ומביני מדע ואשר כח בהם לעמד בהיכל המלך וללמדם ספר ולשון כשדים׃

Daniel 1:4

The prayer of the Just, rise like incense up upon my altar Altar Elohim's, and when I hear the name my son's that Glorifies and Sanctified my name, so I Glorified his name, at Jordan when Baptize in me the Living Waters from Heaven from out from out my  Fountain Holy Spirit Yahweh,  alike a Dove resending upon my Son, in whom I well pleased, and again I Glorify the name my son's, and what they ask in my son's name, I do, to Glorify my son, but the unjust bashing me, and multitudes, with the name my son's, causing my son's name to be hated, defiling my Sanctified name, denying me their Lord and Christ that purchased them with my seed, offering their sacrifices unto devils in his name, and in my name,  burning  incense, worshiping their Idols made by their own hands, in them I Glorify the name of my son, and Sanctify my name Elohim the Father Eternal, their prayers are but the  stink from a dead corpse unto me, and in the name of my son Jesus,  I throw them out of my house for having disobeyed my son, having made my house, a house of merchandise, a den full of thrives and robbers that never acquainted me nor my son Jesus, casting them into outer darkness, for the their blasphemy against Holy Spirit Yahweh our Creator, that they rebelled against him and me his Christ.

Abraham Yahweh blessed within all the Days, I am the Older within the Days, the numbered Days, the week, I am the Older, the unbearable Zain associate the Seventh Day, the Sabbath

Abraham's the Older came within mine the Days, and Yahweh bless associate Abraham within all,
  ואברהם זקן בא בימים ויהוה ברך את־אברהם בכל׃

Genesis 24:1

and said Abraham, El the Slave his the Older the House his, that Rules within all wedded unto him, putting now the hand yours, beneath the loins mine,
  ויאמר אברהם אל־עבדו זקן ביתו המשל בכל־אשר־לו שים־נא ידך תחת ירכי׃

Genesis 24:2

and (I) Ox Head swearing you within Yahweh, El hers mine that Heavens, and El hers mine that Earth, wedded, not retaking the Ishah unto the son mine, from the daughters, that Canaan's wedded, I am dwelling within the center his,
 ואשביעך ביהוה אלהי השמים ואלהי הארץ אשר לא־תקח אשה לבני מבנות הכנעני אשר אנכי יושב בקרבו׃

Genesis 24:3

I am the son Abraham's, I am El unto the Heavens, and I am El the Earth, I the offspring from Abraham, Zain the Bridegroom unto the Heavens, that Zain the Bridegroom unto the  Earth.

related El the Earth mine, and El the offspring mine walk, and unto taking the Ishah, unto the son mine, unto Issac,
 כי אל־ארצי ואל־מולדתי תלך ולקחת אשה לבני ליצחק׃

Genesis 24:4

and said El mine his, that Slave's, if mine not the will hers, that Ishah's, unto walk the hindermost mine, El the Earth's that Zain associate, that the turning, (I) Ox Head turn associate the son yours El the Earth's wedded, casted from the named,
 ויאמר אליו העבד אולי לא־תאבה האשה ללכת אחרי אל־הארץ הזאת ההשב אשיב את־בנך אל־הארץ אשר־יצאת משם׃

Genesis 24:5

and said El mine his, Abraham, that guard unto you, lest returns associate the son mine, the name hers,
 ויאמר אליו אברהם השמר לך פן־תשיב את־בני שמה׃

Genesis 24:6

I am the Father Ethereal, the Father unto the house Abraham's, with my seed my son within my Bosom, all the willing within Heaven, and all the willing within Earth, wedded unto me the King unto my Kingdom the Heavens,  my Kingdom come upon the Earth, and the Willing doing my Will, even as it is done within Heaven, doing my Will upon Earth.

Yahweh El hers mine that Heavens, wedded the taken snake mine, from the house the Father mine, and from the Earth, the offspring mine, and wedded the word unto me, and wedded that sworn unto me, unto said that seed yours, given associate that Earth's that Zain associate himself, sent the Messenger his, unto the face mine yours, and unto takes the Ishah unto the sone mine from the named.
  יהוה אלהי השמים אשר לקחני מבית אבי ומארץ מולדתי ואשר דבר־לי ואשר נשבע־לי לאמר לזרעך אתן את־הארץ הזאת הוא ישלח מלאכו לפניך ולקחת אשה לבני משם׃

I am the Bridegroom Zain the Seventh Messenger, the Messenger of the Covenant, unto Abraham and Issac and Jacob, sworn wedded unto their Ishah my Ishath, and the Democratic Governments outlawed the Covenant Abraham's, Abraham outlawed for speaking concerning me and Isaac, and Rebekah, they scream, "No, Isaac is the seed, and only we are they," and they curse and outlaw Jacob who called me his Baal, and called me the Shepherd Headstone Israel, and the curse me Israel  the Baal unto my house Abraham's, and they curse and outlaw Jacob  with their wedding covenants, let their own curse, return upon them cursed  outlaws,  let all that bless  my house Abraham's, and  bless my seed Abraham's be blessed, and let all that curse my house Abraham's, and all that curse my seed Abraham's,   let their own curse, return upon them cursed  outlaws.

and if water not the will hers that Ishah's unto walk hindermost mine yours, and clean from the sworn oath mine, Zain associate, unique associate the son mine, not returns the name hers,
  ואם־לא תאבה האשה ללכת אחריך ונקית משבעתי זאת רק את־בני לא תשב שמה׃

Gen 24:8

and naming that Slave's associate the hand his beneath the loins, Abraham, the Lord mine his, that seventh unto him, upon the word, that Zain hers,
וישם העבד את ידו תחת ירך אברהם אדניו וישבע לו על הדבר הזה׃

Genesis 24:9

I am the sone the good Elohim, I am the one the good Lord Abraham's, I am the the one good Adam the Righteousness from out this Torah's that does and lives with in the things from out therein this Torah's.

and taking that Slave's ten hers the Camel sea from the Camel mine the Lord's mine his, and walked, and all the good the Lord's mine his within the hand his, and rising, and walked El the Adam Mesopotamia's, El the City, the snoring's
  ויקח העבד עשרה גמלים מגמלי אדניו וילך וכל־טוב אדניו בידו ויקם וילך אל־ארם נהרים אל־עיר נחור׃

Genesis 24:10

As their so called Rabbi, speaking along side fake Muslims that they arm against us, and have them force drug us with everything on the allergy lists in our Medical Records, disabling us, trying tom murder us, their fake Muslims and their so called Rabbi,  all married by their Secular Nazi Catholic Marriage Laws of one Man, one Woman, that violate and outlaw Yahweh's Covenant  Times, and outlaw Yahweh and this Wedding Feast for his Messiah, outlawing Christ and the Bride of Christ, and acting as if they did no evil, as they quote Hebrew Scriptures, giving Chapter and Verse, and give the Antisemitic Antichrist  Latin Maccabees English mistranslation, to kiss  the Antisemitic Antichrist Latin Maccabees  Pope's ass that outlawed Jacob as a Bigamist, and outlawed his four Mates as Adulteresses, and outlawed us of Israel as Bastards, and has us locked up, though we committed no crime, and has us forced drugged at Tax Payer Expense lying claiming to be Protecting us of Israel, force drugging us again and again, with their  Nazi Behavioral Control Drugs, trying force covert us to their Pope's  Nazi Catholic Faith, their so called Rabbi, lying in the name of El Hight, El mine unto Israel, their so called Rabbi, lying  against Holy Spirit Yahweh and his Messiah that they and the Rulers of Earth outlawed, Michael Bloomberg whose Nazi Doctors said that I do not translate Hebrew like their Orthodox Maccabees that outlawed us Israel, and the  Michael Bloomberg standing shoulder with the Latin Maccabees Pope that outlawed us of Israel, failed to Redress even one of Just grievances because he is another Greek Maccabees, fake Jew Zionist that stole my Song Rights from Yahweh unto me his Shepherd and Bridegroom unto Mount Zion that the Babylon Maccabees Seven Whorish Daughters the Great Whore of Babylon outlawed, and Yahweh sent his Strong Right Arm, and his Strong Right Hand unto me, and his strong arm stretched our, and his Right hand stretched our, and his Right Hand leaned unto me, and the Strong Arm is still stretched out against all the enemies of Yahweh and his Messiah.

that said to him, why me lectures, that good, nobody good, if noway the one Elohim, if also, wills to enter the one that Eternal Life, guard them Mitzvahs.
  ο δε ειπεν αυτω τι με λεγεις αγαθον ουδεις αγαθος ει μη εις ο θεος ει δε θελεις εισελθειν εις την ζωην τηρησον τας εντολας

Matthew 19:17

seeing therefore the good done, and noway doing, the miswitness to him exists.
  ειδοτι ουν καλον ποιειν και μη ποιουντι αμαρτια αυτω εστιν

James 4:17

Following their Evil Elohim, their Nazi Rulers, and saying none are Elohim, casting off the one Elohim, that good one

unto the glittering unto David, said the vile within the heart his said, "none are Elohim, that corrupts me his," that abomination within him, the actions hers, none the Maker hers, the good.
  למנצח לדוד אמר נבל בלבו אין אלהים השחיתו התעיבו עלילה אין עשה־טוב׃

Psalm 14:1

Looks upon me the son Adam's Yahweh, and King Yahweh stands me his King Elohim

Yahweh from Heaven that looks upon the son mine Adam's, unto seeing that stands from the understanding seeking associate Elohim,
 יהוה משמים השקיף על־בני־אדם לראות היש משכיל דרש את־אלהים׃

Psalm 14:2

all drawing neigh unto me with their lips, their heart turned off me, they united unto me, corrupting mine, none the Maker hers, the good, none gathers the first.

that all turned off uniting him, turns corrupting his, none the Maker hers, the good, none gathers the first.
  הכל סר יחדו נאלחו אין עשה־טוב אין גם־אחד׃

Psalm 14:3

I am Elohim the Eternal Father, I am Israel, riding the second chariot, behind my Pharaoh, my first!

hear Israel, Yahweh El hers mine snake his, Yahweh first!
  שמע ישראל יהוה אלהינו יהוה אחד׃

Deuteronomy 6:4

that not acquainting him, all ordains me, none, eats me, the people mine, eating him, the bread Yahweh's, not to invite him, (that not acquainting him,)
 הלא ידעו כל־פעלי און אכלי עמי אכלו לחם יהוה לא קראו׃

Psalm 14:4

the name alarms his the alarm, related Elohim within the generation Righteousness's
 שם פחדו פחד כי־אלהים בדור צדיק׃

Psalm 14:5

Moses called me the  Righteousness that out thereof the Torah's, related that does those me being the one that Adam that lives within them.

Moses because defined the Righteousness that out thereof the Torah's , related that does those Adam that lives within them.
 μωσης γαρ γραφει την δικαιοσυνην την εκ του νομου οτι ο ποιησας αυτα ανθρωπος ζησεται εν αυτοις

Romans 10:5

from Times pouring me from the Head, from the Older me, the Earth's,
  מעולם נסכתי מראש מקדמי־ארץ׃

Proverbs 8:23

I am the calm before storm, I am the Slave Ish, not above the Lord mine Yahweh, my Ish, but equal, I am Ish the refuge from the wind, and the rain, and hail.

alike crosses over the whirlingwind, and none evil, (left,) and Righteousness the Foundation Times.
  כעבור סופה ואין רשע וצדיק יסוד עולם׃

Proverbs 10:25

hear Israel, Yahweh El hers mine snake his, Yahweh first!
  שמע ישראל יהוה אלהינו יהוה אחד׃

related I am Yahweh loving Judgment, hating robbery  within a holocaust, and snake she end mine, wage earners within truth, and the Covenant Times (I) Ox Head cut unto her water.
  כי אני יהוה אהב משפט שנא גזל בעולה ונתתי פעלתם באמת וברית עולם אכרות להם׃

Isaiah 61:8

Yahweh El Highest my Rock, laid me the Rock Foundation, laid within Zion, a Righteous People the Torah's mine, I am the Righteousness yours, I am his Foundation laid in Zion that cannot be removed, Yahweh my El beneath them reviling me and mine, he a slippery Rock laid in Zion, that slides out from under them, falling within grave, and I am the opening unto the grave, and your Headstone, unto the stumbling upon me, the sure Foundation unto them believing unto upon me.

hear him El mine acquainting me, a Righteous People the Torah's mine, within the heart waters El the fearing him, the reproach the mortal's, and from the reviling water,  El beneath him.
  שמעו אלי ידעי צדק עם תורתי בלבם אל־תיראו חרפת אנוש ומגדפתם אל־תחתו׃

Isaiah 51:7

that snake unto the Righteous Kingship the King unto the Prince sea, unto Judgment the Princeship his,
הן לצדק ימלך־מלך ולשרים למשפט ישרו׃

Isaiah 32:1

My Scribe Spirit Yahweh, engraved me alike him, that nobody can see him at any Time unto from Times, I am the face Yahweh's his Glory mine, behold my Glory alike in a mirror, and imitate the transforMatthewion unto alike my Glory, by my Scribe Yahweh, the Holy Spirit that all dwell within, and he dwells within all,  within throughout every Time unto from Times.

and that Yah's Ish alike the refuge the Spirit, and a hideout the gusher the stream mine, the water within the desert, alike a shade rock, the thickness within Earth's thirsty hers,
 והיה־איש כמחבא־רוח וסתר זרם כפלגי־מים בציון כצל סלע־כבד בארץ עיפה׃

Isaiah  32:2

The name mine,  the Marvelous, Counselor, El  Powerful, Father Eternal, Price of Peace,
 שמי פלא יועץ אל גבור אביעד שר־שלום׃

Counselors, the poor's shamed his, related Yahweh from the refuge him,
  עצת־עני תבישו כי יהוה מחסהו׃

Psalm 14:6

who from me mine she snake from Zion the deliver? Israel within overturns, Yahweh the captivity the People his, rejoices Jacob's  cheering up Israel's.
 מי יתן מציון ישועת ישראל בשוב יהוה שבות עמו יגל יעקב ישמח ישראל׃

Psalm 14:7

Jeremiah the Prophet from the Tribe of Benjamin my Cup Bearer, bearing me, the Cup Cold, the Silver Cop, the Tribe of Benjamin  given unto the House of David in our Southern Kingdom Judah, as he foretold about me, the Father Yah and my son the Cup Hot, the Gold Cup, the King Judah's,  in the Right hand of Yahweh, against the Antichrist Shepherd with his Armies ruling over the Mesopotamia, Babylon, and all along the Euphrates with his untied Arab and Egyptian Antichrist Shepherds, and their  Antichrist Shepherds from the farthest Nations upon Earth,   that Yahweh sent not, and they defile Jerusalem with their stealing the Song Rights of the Shepherd Zion's, singing the Songs Zion's, setting up they Global Democracy, deceiving the whole Earth with their false swearing in Yahweh's sanctified names, and entering Jacob's Gate, and defiling all Judah, casting Lots upon Jerusalem, and drinking from the Cup in the Right hand of Yahweh, drinking from the Gold Cup, the wine of blasphemy, not mixed with me the Living Water from my Fountain Spirit Yahweh, and drunk with violence, they deceive the whole Earth to War against Yahweh and me his Messiah, and become suddenly destroyed from before for the violence that they do unto the House Jacob's and all the House Abraham's.

I am Zain, the Seventh Messenger, the Seventh Day, the Sabbath, the unbreakable Rod of Iron, that my enemies switch for carnal weapons of War, against me and my double portion of speaking Spirit Powers, in the room and Power and Spirit Eliyah's.

הזה = that Zain hers
זה = Zain hers

that word's wedded that Yah's  upon Jeremiah upon all the People Judah's within the years hers, that fourth's, unto Yah his, raised the son, raised Yah his,  the King Judah's, he that year hers that first snake mine she unto the Restorer (Nebuchadnezzar) the King Babylon's,
  הדבר אשר־היה על־ירמיהו על־כל־עם יהודה בשנה הרבעית ליהויקים בן־יאשיהו מלך יהודה היא השנה הראשנית לנבוכדראצר מלך בבל׃

Jeremiah 25:1

I am my Cup Bearer Jeremiah's Prophecy,  the sitting El upon my throne, unto all my Bride Jerusalem, and the word my son, I speak unto all the sitting Jerusalem's,

 wedded the word Jeremiah's that prophecy upon all the People Judah's, and El all the sitting mine  Jerusalem's, unto said,
 אשר דבר ירמיהו הנביא על־כל־עם יהודה ואל כל־ישבי ירושלם לאמר׃

Jeremiah 25:2

Jeremiah heard and spoke that us three El, bear one witness, bearing witness within Yahweh, the El mine,  bearing witness within me the Father the one within Heaven, and  bearing witness within my son the one within Earth.

from out three ten hers the year hers, unto the Ish Yah him, the son truthfully the King Judah's, and hereafter this Day, that Zain hers, Zain hers  the third and twenty sea the Year her, that Yah's word Yahweh's, the El mine, and (I) Ox Head word El mine your water, (I) Ox Head awaking early, and the word, and not a hearing water,
 מן־שלש עשרה שנה ליאשיהו בן־אמון מלך יהודה ועד היום הזה זה שלש ועשרים שנה היה דבר־יהוה אלי ואדבר אליכם אשכים ודבר ולא שמעתם׃

Jeremiah 25:3

I am the Father Yah, the El and Slave unto my Cup Bearers, and my son El the Word, wedded unto me, all are my Body  עבדי = Hebrew, the Slave mine,  עבדיו = the Slave mine his, I am the Christ, the Slave Yahweh's, the Slave the Branch, the Righteous Branch Yahweh's

and sent Yahweh El mine your water, associate all the Slave mine his, that Prophet sea's, that awaking early, and sent, and not a hearing water, and not bowed associate the ears your water unto hearing.
 ושלח יהוה אליכם את־כל־עבדיו הנבאים השכם ושלח ולא שמעתם ולא־הטיתם את־אזנכם לשמע׃

Jeremiah 25:4

I am the Ish, that Shepherd hers, I am the Father that Bridegroom the wedded Adam hers, upon whom my son sits, I am the Older Time, the Cohen unto Times, the Covenant Times, I am מן־עולם ועד־עולם = from out Times, (past,) and hereafter Times, I am Elohim robbed by the evil, stealing the name of my son, and lying saying that they believe me and my son, and none returns mine unto me.

unto said return him the Ish's from the Path yours his, that Shepherd hers, and from the  Shepherd the acts mine your water, and sit him upon that Adam hers wedded, snake she snake Yahweh's unto your water, and unto the Father's mine your water, unto from out Times, ( past,) and hereafter Times,
  לאמר שובו־נא איש מדרכו הרעה ומרע מעלליכם ושבו על־האדמה אשר נתן יהוה לכם ולאבותיכם למן־עולם ועד־עולם׃

Jeremiah 25:5

Saying unto from out Times, ( past,) and hereafter Times, I am the King Elohim that reveals the secrets Yahweh's, and destroy his enemies from before me, like as written about the mystery Elohim's that ends, with me Zain, the seventh Messenger like declared here unto Jeremiah, and unto all my Prophets.

and when within the uttering loudly their seven thunderings, thereof these voices, within theirs I about to write, and head the voice out thereof Heaven's, lecturing me,  seal what within the uttering loudly, their seven thunderings,  and noway thereof the things write.
 και οτε ελαλησαν αι επτα βρονται τας φωνας εαυτων εμελλον γραφειν και ηκουσα φωνην εκ του ουρανου λεγουσαν μοι σφραγισον α ελαλησαν αι επτα βρονται και μη ταυτα γραψης

Revelation 10:4

εστωτα  =within the Stand, the Stand of my Seven Lamp Menorah, upon the sea, and upon this Earth, from where the sea gives up the dead, from my Times past.

and that Messenger whom seen within the Stand upon the sea, and upon this Earth, lifted the hand his, the Right, the one that Heaven,
 και ο αγγελος ον ειδον εστωτα επι της θαλασσης και επι της γης ηρεν την χειρα αυτου εις τον ουρανον

Revelation 10:5

and swore, within thereto Lives, the one them Ages, thereof the Ages, whom Created the Heaven and the things within them,  and the Earth, and the things within them, and the sea and the things within her, related Time cannot be establish yet,
  και ωμοσεν εν τω ζωντι εις τους αιωνας των αιωνων ος εκτισεν τον ουρανον και τα εν αυτω και την γην και τα εν αυτη και την θαλασσαν και τα εν αυτη οτι χρονος ουκ εσται ετι

Revelation 10:6

I am the Older Time, the Devil and his Devils saw my Time, and tremble, and deceived the whole Earth to War against me, and viciously fight me, knowing my Time is the end theirs.

but within them days this voice thereof the Seventh Messenger, when the purpose trumpets, and ends that mystery thereof Elohim's, alike promised them within his, the Slaves, them Prophets,
 αλλα εν ταις ημεραις της φωνης του εβδομου αγγελου οταν μελλη σαλπιζειν και τελεσθη το μυστηριον του θεου ως ευηγγελισεν τοις εαυτου δουλοις τοις προφηταις

Revelation 10:7

εδοξασα και παλιν δοξασω  within Glorified, and again Glorifies, I am come to do, Glorifying the name of my Son,  as being the Living Son of the first Adam's, the second Adam I am, the Lord from Heaven, like the first Adam whose first seed Able still witnesses from the ground, my seed died, to Glorify me the Father. I am El the Hindermost Yahweh's Elohim the Hindermost sea,  they provoke me to anger their lips continually worshiping towards me, their actions speaking louder than their words, their worshiping towards me, never acquainting me, and rejecting me the Shepherd hers, like as written here;

and El the walk his the Hindermost, Elohim the Hindermost sea, unto the Slaves, and unto that worshiping unto her water, provoking him the association mine, within the action hers, the hand mine your water, and not (I) Ox Head the  Shepherd unto your water.
 ואל־תלכו אחרי אלהים אחרים לעבדם ולהשתחות להם ולא־תכעיסו אותי במעשה ידיכם ולא ארע לכם׃

Jeremiah 25:6

Yahweh said unto me, "you are the El mine, my Shepherd Koresh, the Messiah mine, that I gave unto you all the Kingdoms from Heaven above and  from Earth beneath, commanding you to build the House Elohim's associate Jerusalem, I will destroy the Nations that fight against you, till there are so few mortals left upon Earth, a child will be able to count them upon one hand."

and not a hearing water, El mine, says Yahweh, unto heed that provoked snake mine, within actions hers, the hand mine your water, unto  the  Shepherd unto your water,
 ולא־שמעתם אלי נאם־יהוה למען הכעסוני במעשה ידיכם לרע לכם׃

Jeremiah 25:7

When I speak, the Nazi Catholics and Nazi Evangelicals, and fake Jews Maccabees, and their Atheists and Homosexuals, saying that they have to include all,with their Nazi Straight Marriage Laws and their Communist Gay Marriage Laws, the fruit from their Tree acquainting Good and Evil, that outlaws Yahweh and the Wedding Feast of the Kingdom of Heaven, and  not wedded unto me the one Good Elohim,  they all take up arms, saying, "We have to defend Israel, and arm our Democracy and our Allies that outlaws Yahweh and his Messiah in Jerusalem"

Unto righted, said Yahweh massing, the attendants, wedded not a hearing water associate the word mine.
  לכן כה אמר יהוה צבאות יען אשר לא־שמעתם את־דברי׃

Jeremiah 25:8

This is where that King Yahweh, that Prepared the Wedding Feast for me the son Adam's, this is where Yahweh deploys his strategists, and burns up, all those attendants, upon the entire Earth, that abused me and my fellow Slaves, and murdered my Slaves my Prophets, saying, and still saying,  that we are insane Homophobic Religious Fanatics, that must be wiped off the face of Map, instead of Legalizing us by removing the Nazi Democracies, Nazi Banking Laws, and and Nazi Militaries, and their Nazi Secular Marriage Laws that outlaws us for Nazi Pope, and his Nazi Homosexuals, as the use the Devil's Paint Brush to paint their Nazi Pope and the Devil his God, and their Messengers of Darkness,  falsely saying that they are Yahweh and  Yahweh's Global Messiah, and Messengers, that outlawed us Israel and refuse to legalize us and our Hebrew and Aramaic and Greek Scriptures, that as you can see, all say the same Truth about Yahweh, and me his Elohim, and my son Jesus,  that they outlawed and democratically replaced with their Antichrist Pope, and his Nazi Democracies, stealing Billions of Dollars for rebuilding their Idols, stealing the Billions in Tithes and Offerings from  the Widows and the Orphans or the Disabled or the Poor, that they cast into the Street, and the Nazi Catholics  that thrown them into the street, to end up in Nazi Catholic Shelters by Democratic Nazi Courts orders,  or be locked up, and be forced drugged by Nazi Behavioral Control Drugs and become a converted Democratic Catholic, or be jailed or be placed in the Grave, by the Nazi Democratic  Catholics   and their mistranslated  Nazis Animistic Antichrist Bibles, like Nazi Germany did.

Unto righted, said Yahweh massing, the attendants, wedded not a hearing water associate the word mine, I am Head of the House Israel's, Ephraim and Ten Tribes our Northern Kingdom Israel, and the fake Jews Maccabees Catholics, saying that they Jews of out Southern Kingdom Judah, that become one Tree, one Kingdom Wedded in my hand of Ephraim, in the Wedding Feast of the Kingdom of Heaven, that they outlawed,  and said the truth in the Nazi Courts that us Samaritans of our Northern Kingdom Israel are not Jews of our Southern Kingdom Jews, and said our Religion and our Hebrew and Aramaic and Greek Scriptures were a false Religion, and saying that us Samaritans from our Northern Kingdom Israel translate Hebrew different than their Jews, said we are not protected by the Laws that Protect Jews, so they can force upon us their forced Nazi Behavioral Control Drugs that contain Additives that our Hebrew Scriptures say causes us blood descendants of David and Ephraim, harm and death, and they call previous Courts and Doctors and Hospital Tests wrong, saying our Scriptures are false Science, because the FDA legalized those things as safe to forced upon us, taking or Samaritan Northers Tribe Captive, and refusing legalize us, like the Prophet Jeremiah said these liars would do, saying their Pope is merciful, like Jesus  that  visited the Samaritan Woman at my Well, and she all the Samaritans, believed upon me and my son that Nazi Catholics outlawed, and threw out, using their Nazi  Popes' Mistranslated Bibles, which Jeremiah says they would do,  right here where it is written

נבוכדראצר = I am that Zain associate, Yahweh's anointed King the Restorer, Nebuchadrezzar, attacked by the Babylonian Maccabees that turned the Prophecy backwards, I am the drought Times, that the Antichrist falsely call Man Made Global Climate Change to make War with me the Messiah Yahweh's, and force upon us their Man Made Droughts by the Sanctions blocking our Access to Food and Water by the Nazi Pope's Democratic Climate Control Laws, and outlawed our Purim with Persians, demanding that our Allies and Kings be outlawed as Antidemocratic, and  be murdered, with no other options than the Nazi Pope's Nazi Democratic follower Options,  like the Nazi Democratic follower in the Antichrist Pope,  gave the King of Libya, the King of Iraq, and the King of Syria, etc, etc, etc, as the Nazi shakes hands with Nazi Catholic John Kerry, that declared War on us Israel saying we are Antichrist that Killed, when it was the Roman Latin Maccabees Government and Greek Maccabees that they support on their Global Latin Maccabees Nazi Crusade, that killed him, as John Kerry, that declared War on us Israel for his Nazi Pope, smile shakes hands with his God, his Latin Maccabees  Nazi Pope,  under Roman Curia  (1982) Pope John Paul II's Apostolic Constitution uniting with Nazi British Trinitarian Anglican and  laypeople in Anglicanorum Coetibus (2009) - Pope Benedict XVI's rules for providing for Personal Ordinariates for Anglican laypeople and clergy wishing to enter into full communion with the Nazi Catholic Church like the rest the of Nazi Catholics do, robbing, raping, bombing, disabling, poisoning,  and murdering, all  in violation of the Torah, with impunity, so Yahweh will return me, the Drought Times upon them, and in the Place of their Nazi  Babylonian Maccabees Pope Francis  that they call their  King the Restorer, Nebuchadrezzar, Yahweh will replace him with me, his anointed King the Restorer, Nebuchadrezzar.

That snake snake mine sent and unto taking mine, associate all the Tribes North, said Yahweh, and not Restores, the King Babylon's, the Slave mine, and that coming sea upon the Earth, that Zain associate, and upon the sitting Yah's, and upon all the Nation sea, (All Nations on Earth,) that El hers (That Pope their El and his Nazis)  circles and accursed that sea, the named sea, unto ruins, and unto derision, and unto the drought Times.
 הנני שלח ולקחתי את־כל־משפחות צפון נאם־יהוה ואל־נבוכדראצר מלך־בבל עבדי והבאתים על־הארץ הזאת ועל־ישביה ועל כל־הגוים האלה סביב והחרמתים ושמתים לשמה ולשרקה ולחרבות עולם׃

Jeremiah 25:9

 ששון = Lily Joy, my trump, my voice the Lily of the Vally, that Spirit Yahweh has all are wedded unto me in the Garden, wherein falls upon my ears, the voice of my son within my Bosom, crying Aba, Aba, Father, Father, unto me, my Seven Lamp Menorah, light one Lamp at a time, I am Zain, the Lamp of the Bridegroom unto my Bride Mount Zion.

and releasing mine from her water the voice the Lily Joy, and the voice hears hers, the voice the Bridegroom's, and the voice within the Bride, the voice the millstone, and the Light the Lamp,
 והאבדתי מהם קול ששון וקול שמחה קול חתן וקול כלה קול רחים ואור נר׃

Jeremiah 25:10

A Ten Tribe sea following their Menorah, Lighting one Lamp at a time, unto me Zain,  the seventy Lamps leads all the Tribes from the North, unto me the Head Joseph upon Ephraim,

and that associated all the Earth, that Zain hers, unto the Drought, unto ruin, and unto the Slave his, that Nation sea, that El hers associated the King Babylon's, a seven  sea (seventy) year hers.
  והיתה כל־הארץ הזאת לחרבה לשמה ועבדו הגוים האלה את־מלך בבל שבעים שנה׃

Jeremiah 25:11

I am the Vineyard Yahweh's,  the Ish Judah's Yahweh's pleasant plant within me, the snake Moses lifted up, they entered not me, that lifted themselves taking whats mine from my house, and from my field, lifting my vesture, they will return whats mine, and loose all they have, even their soul for eternity, says Yahweh.

When also  sees that abomination this  desolation phrased under Daniel thereof the Prophet's, abiding place's, not where that unreadable understands, when they within therein Judea's, vanishes, the one the things the hills, and also upon thereof the roof, noway accorded casted the one the house, neither entered the lifted, who out this house his, and that the one the field, who noway returns the one, the things back, that lifted the vesture his.

and that Yah's alike the filling a seven  sea (seventy) year hers, (I) Ox Head visit upon the King Babylon's and upon the Nation that himself, says Yahweh, associate the iniquity, and upon the Earth, alike the Prince sea, and put mine associate him, the desolation Times.
  והיה כמלאות שבעים שנה אפקד על־מלך־בבל ועל־הגוי ההוא נאם־יהוה את־עונם ועל־ארץ כשדים ושמתי אתו לשממות עולם׃

Jeremiah 25:12

For the their Merchants calling themselves Powerful, Warmongers, stealing the Song Rights the Shepherd's Zion's, they act like my People, singing the Songs Zion's murdering them accounted  Righteous for believing upon me Yahweh's Righteousness from out the Torah

and said not continues mine again unto jump that from violence hers, the virgin daughter the fishery's alike the islander raised  mine crossing over me, gathering the name not to rest,
  ויאמר לא־תוסיפי עוד לעלוז המעשקה בתולת בת־צידון כתיים קומי עברי גם־שם לא־ינוח לך׃

Isaiah 23:12

that snake Earth alike the Prince sea Zain hers that People's not that Yah's,
 הן ארץ כשדים זה העם לא היה אשור יסדה לציים הקימו בחיניו עררו ארמנותיה שמה למפלה׃

Isaiah 23:13

that howl his ship the merchants related Powerful the fortified,
  הילילו אניות תרשיש כי שדד מעזכן׃

Isaiah 23:14

Sun, 13 January 1957 = 11th of Shevat, the Scepter, 5717
י א בשבט תשי ז

born the eleventh day of our eleventh month Shevat, the Scepter, called 13 January 1957
67 10
77 20
87 30
97 40
07 50
17 60
27 70

The Past seventy Years you misplayed me your Rock, yet twelve years unto the end of seventy years, you declaring your World Wars, saying that "God is with us," and declaring War for your Nazi Popes upon us Mount Zion, like the Antisemitic Antichrist Latin Maccabees Nazi Popes, the Greek Maccabees King and his Antisemitic Antichrist eight Lamp Menorah, from his Greek LXX, David Ben-Gurion your first King to border the seventy years in  1948 -1973, the Whorish King mislaying me the Rock as theirs flying the Nazi Six Pointed Star painted upon us in Nazi Germany, marking us for execution like you fake Jew Zionists do to us of Mount Zion, that have your Nazi Commitment Courts says that we are not Jews like you faker Jews the Household of Satan blaspheming calling yourselves Jews, marrying mine by your Nazi Marriage Laws of One Man, one Woman, that outlawed our Covenant and Hebrew Torah and our Prophets, and outlawed Yahweh and me his Messiah and Bridegroom unto mount Zion, and outlawed  Jacob as a Bigamist, and outlawed his four Mates as Adulteresses, and outlawed us of Israel as Bastards.

and that Yah's within the Day that himself, and the snake mislaying the Rock, seventy years, alike the days the King first to border the seventy years, Yah hers unto the Rock, the Whorish snake mislay hers,
 והיה ביום ההוא ונשכחת צר שבעים שנה כימי מלך אחד מקץ שבעים שנה יהיה לצר כשירת הזונה׃

Isaiah 23:15

Stealing my Song Rights, and surrounding the Shepherd of Mount Zion, the foundation of the City Jerusalem from above.

taking mine the harp, surrounding me, the City, the Whorish that mislay hers, that well mine, strumming that increase mine the song unto heeds that marked mine.
  קחי כנור סבי עיר זונה נשכחה היטיבי נגן הרבי־שיר למען תזכרי׃

Isaiah 23:16

Morning by Morning awakes me  my friend Yahweh, awaking me the Adam hers, teaching me in the Night upon my bed, counseling me about what was, and what is, and what shall become.

and that Yah's border seventy years visits Yahweh associate the Rock, and turns hers unto the reward, and that Whorish associate all the Kingdom that Earth upon  the face mine that Adam hers.
  והיה מקץ שבעים שנה יפקד יהוה את־צר ושבה לאתננה וזנתה את־כל־ממלכות הארץ על־פני האדמה׃

Isaiah 23:17

With two hundred million dollars in tithes and offerings, stolen and wasted for just one of  the Pope's Idols,  helping none of  the Widows and the Orphans or the Disabled or the Poor, that the Devil and his Antichrist Antisemitic Pope and their Nazi Politicians and Medias and their Nazi  Followers lie claiming to care for while Destroying the Earth with their Nazi Military Complexes, stealing  two hundred million dollars in tithes and offerings, and more Tax Payers Money used for their Nazi Security Forces,  for their Elohim their Nazi Pope  to worship the works of his own hands, stealing from the Widows and the Orphans and the Disabled and  the Poor, the  tithes and offerings,  that Yahweh the God of Israel, allotted them to, stolen by the Pope's Nazi Followers stalking and locking up and robbing us of Israel while locked up being disabled and murder us by their Pope's Nazi Behavioral Control Drugs, at Tax Payer expense, drugging us  for their Nazi Popes, as that two hundred million dollars in tithes and offerings is just a drop in the bucket of all the spoils they are stealing worldwide for their Nazi Popes,  that two hundred million dollars in tithes and offerings stolen here  just to refurbish one of  the Nazi Idols in New York, where CNN's Nazi Catholics blocked me and many others, from Kosher Foods and Medications that have nothing that cause me or them harm, so saying I do translate Hebrew like their Greek and Latin Maccabees Orthodox fake Hebrews from the Babylonian Maccabees Religion from the Mount of Esau, and doing the violence of Esau against us of the House Jacob's that they outlawed, deliberately violated previous Court and Doctors orders, for their Nazi Pope, and disabled me force drugging me for 9 months, with everything already on the Allergy list that they knew caused me harm and nearly killed me, so they called me delusional about the adverse reactions, to have Nazi Doctors and Staff deceived by them force them on me, to disable me trying to murder me, for their Nazi Popes.

Displaying their New Nazi Catholic Iron Cross from the world trade Center that will become the Grave maker on the Lying Murderous Nazi Catholics Grave,  that overthrew the USA, with their Nazi Catholic backed Saudi Homosexual Catholic Warmongers knocked down in the Nazi false flag attack on America, calling it just more  Blow Back, so that they could hijacked the US Military for the Popes' Arab Nazi Homosexual Armies murdering us of the House of Abraham's, as the Warmongering Nazi Catholic Peter King that scratched out of the Scriptures the Wedding Fast of the Kingdom of Heave, and scratched out the Statute against bearing false witness and killing, and has our Medical Treatments blocked, blocking our access to Kosher Foods and Medications that have nothing in them of the Allergy list in our Medical Records, and lying saying those things do us good, and because we refuse to take them, they must be forced upon us, with what they Catholic Charity, forcing upon us their Nazi Abuse that falsely call Medical Treatments, the Warmongering Nazi Catholic Peter King  bragging about how unlike the Kennedy, they overthrew the US Constitution to install the Nazi Catholic Pope to Global Power, by stalking us of Israel that they lie claiming too be protecting. locking us up again though we committed no crime, but locking us because their Nazi Popes like has Hitler say, said we are  insane religious fanatics that must be wiped off the map,  the Warmongering Nazi Catholic Peter King  bragging about how they installed the Nazi Pope to Power, giving  them the Religious Liberty of outlawing us of the House Abraham's, applying their repeatedly spoken Nazi Catholic Golden Rule, do false Flag Attacks, and blame your Pope's  intended Target, and do what you want done unto others, before they do it unto you, take the fight unto them, fright them over there, as they declare one preemptive War after another, in their  Nazi Catholic Crusade.

They err in Judgment, their witness, a witness not from Spirit the Lord mine Yahweh upon me, but a witness manufactured by their own soul, Spirit the Lord mine Yahweh upon me, called me Ish at Bar Mitzvah, calling me the Baal Jacob's, saying call him Ishi, the Ish mine, for I his Slave, am not above the Lord mine, but equal, we are two Ish that witness the truth unto you, testifying that  Yahweh the King mine, called me the son Adam's, his Adam from the Torah, the Second Adam the Lord and Eternal Father, the Father unto Jesus, and my son bear witness concerning me, and himself, the same witness as Holy Spirit Yahweh and I the Father, speaking unto you my word, my son, my son saying the testimony from we two Adam's, the witness true exists,

and within thereto the Torah also thereto yourselves written, related two Adam's, the witness true exists,
  και εν τω νομω δε τω υμετερω γεγραπται οτι δυο ανθρωπων η μαρτυρια αληθης εστιν

John 8:17

I am that witness about within myself, and witness about within me that sent me the Father.
  εγω ειμι ο μαρτυρων περι εμαυτου και μαρτυρει περι εμου ο πεμψας με πατηρ

John 8:18

To them mouthing mine, מואב = Moab, = from his Father, mouthing their Father's, contradicting Jesus, yours calling themselves Fathers eating me the Christ their bread, and are but dead men falling unto their Grave, alike my son Jesus said,

accordantly sent me that living Father, I live through that Father, and that eating me, lives through within me,
  καθως απεστειλεν με ο ζων πατηρ καγω ζω δια τον πατερα και ο τρωγων με κακεινος ζησεται δι εμε

John 6:57

he exists that bread that out thereof Heaven's accorded  casted meat, those Fathers yours, that manna, and die that eating thereof that, that bread the Living the one that Eternal.
  ουτος εστιν ο αρτος ο εκ του ουρανου καταβας ου καθως εφαγον οι πατερες υμων το μαννα και απεθανον ο τρωγων τουτον τον αρτον ζησεται εις τον αιωνα

John 6:58

doubtless witnesses and gratified with them works thereof those Fathers yours, related they truly kill them, yours, also builds them the things the graves,
  αρα μαρτυρειτε και συνευδοκειτε τοις εργοις των πατερων υμων οτι αυτοι μεν απεκτειναν αυτους υμεις δε οικοδομειτε αυτων τα μνημεια

Luke 11:48

woe to you, when well yours, tells all those Adams, accorded thereof the things because  finishes, them false Prophets', those Fathers theirs.
  ουαι υμιν οταν καλως υμας ειπωσιν παντες οι ανθρωποι κατα ταυτα γαρ εποιουν τοις ψευδοπροφηταις οι πατερες αυτων

Luke 6:26

It is amazing that Pope and all Politicians and Medias claim that they believe the Bible, and like the Devil and his Devils, they  violate and  outlaw everything that the Holy Scriptures says, I am the Father the Christ from the Torah, that all are Baptized within me, like Saul called Paul, from Benjamin, my Cup Bearer said concerning me, the Cup, the unbreakable  Messenger of the Covenant;

not wills also you mindless Brothers, related those Father's ours, all under that cloud I have been, and all through this sea travel,
  ου θελω δε υμας αγνοειν αδελφοι οτι οι πατερες ημων παντες υπο την νεφελην ησαν και παντες δια της θαλασσης διηλθον

I Corinthians 10:1

I am the Living from out Heaven and beneath Earth, within the Blood my son's, that Holy Spirit Yahweh our Maker always tells his witness about;

and all the one that Moses's baptized within therein the Cloud, and within therein the Sea,
 και παντες εις τον μωσην εβαπτισαντο εν τη νεφελη και εν τη θαλασση

I Corinthians 10:2

and all that he the meat Spiritual within ate,
 και παντες το αυτο βρωμα πνευματικον εφαγον

I Corinthians 10:3

I am the Rock that Spirit Yahweh associated that Christ, and  Spirit Yahweh I associated that Rock

and all that he the drink Spiritual within drank, within drinking,  because out the Spiritual's follows that Rock's, the also Rock associated that Christ,
  και παντες το αυτο πομα πνευματικον επιον επινον γαρ εκ πνευματικης ακολουθουσης πετρας η δε πετρα ην ο χριστος

I Corinthians 10:4

 Yahweh the one El Highest within Heaven and Earth, as his Cohen unto Times, Yahweh my Scribe, I Joseph, I am the adding the one El Life Eternal adding all to me the Scroll of Life, we two El are Elohim, bearing witness about my seed, my son, and we three El bear witness within the one within  Heaven, and within the one within Earth.

but not within them numbered theirs, pleases that Elohim, to overthrow because within therein the desert,
 αλλ ουκ εν τοις πλειοσιν αυτων ευδοκησεν ο θεος κατεστρωθησαν γαρ εν τη ερημω

I Corinthians 10:5

thereof the things also the type I have been, within becoming, the one that noway I exist, having been within thrilled for evil, accordantly the evils within thrilled for,
  ταυτα δε τυποι ημων εγενηθησαν εις το μη ειναι ημας επιθυμητας κακων καθως κακεινοι επεθυμησαν

I Corinthians 10:6

To take our meat and drink, and jest about it, like a mocking child, is to become Idolatrous, mocking the image that they painted,

neither Idolatrous becoming accordantly some theirs, alike written, sat that People eating, and drinking,  and arose jesting;
 μηδε ειδωλολατραι γινεσθε καθως τινες αυτων ως γεγραπται εκαθισεν ο λαος φαγειν και πιειν και ανεστησαν παιζειν

I Corinthians 10:7

Whoring means whoring after and wedding one not me the one Yahweh's anointed Bridegroom his Christ.

Neither whorish accordantly some theirs, within whoring after, and fell within the first Day, twenty three thousand,
  μηδε πορνευωμεν καθως τινες αυτων επορνευσαν και επεσον εν μια ημερα εικοσι τρεις χιλιαδες

I Corinthians 10:8

From my Head Yahweh, I am the anointer Head his within all the Time  unto Times, trying me to see if I am what Yahweh and I say I am, masses making their own snake, fall before me, not looking and becoming wedded within the heart within theirs unto me, the one the  Head of the one Snake Moses lifted up.

nether trying that Christ accordantly, and some theirs tried, and under thereof those snake's perished.
 μηδε εκπειραζωμεν τον χριστον καθως και τινες αυτων επειρασαν και υπο των οφεων απωλοντο

I Corinthians 10:9

neither complaining accordantly, and some theirs complained, and perished under thereof the snake's,
 μηδε γογγυζετε καθως και τινες αυτων εγογγυσαν και απωλοντο υπο του ολοθρευτου

I Corinthians 10:10

unto the glittering El's destructively unto David from the scribed,
  למנצח אל־תשחת לדוד מכתם׃

Psalm 58:1

that deeds silencing the Righteous, rewording the straightened sea, rejudging his the son mine Adam's
 האמנם אלם צדק תדברון מישרים תשפטו בני אדם׃

Psalm 58:1 (58:2)

aggression within the heart the unrighteous, ordained within Earth, the violence the hand your water reweighing,
 אף־בלב עולת תפעלון בארץ חמס ידיכם תפלסון׃

Psalm 58:2  (58:3)

turning his the evil sea, from the belly stray his from the womb, worded mine falsehood,
 זרו רשעים מרחם תעו מבטן דברי כזב׃

Psalm 58:3  (58:4)

angers unto from him alike the type angers the snake alike from his, the adder deaf, shuts the ears his,
 חמת־למו כדמות חמת־נחש כמו־פתן חרש יאטם אזנו׃

Psalm 58:4  (58:5)

wedded not hearing unto the voice from the whispering sea, the spell the spell sea's, from the wisest,
 אשר לא־ישמע לקול מלחשים חובר חברים מחכם׃

Psalm 58:5  (58:6)

Elohim breaks the tooth from him, within the mouthing mine from him, teeth gritting, the lion cub sea, tears up, Yahweh,
 אלהים הרס־שנימו בפימו מלתעות כפירים נתץ יהוה׃

Psalm 58:6  (58:7)

despising him alike from his waters, rewalking his unto from him, the stalker's arrow his alike from him recircumcise his
 ימאסו כמו־מים יתהלכו־למו ידרך חצו כמו יתמללו׃

Psalm 58:7  (58:8)

alike from him the snail melts the walking untimely birthed the Ishath's, failing the prophecy window,
כמו שבלול תמס יהלך נפל אשת בל־חזו שמש׃

Psalm 58:8  (58:9)

within suspends the understanding his, the boiling pot mine your water, the pricks alike from him live alike from him, burns up the storming snake his,
בטרם יבינו סירתיכם אטד כמו־חי כמו־חרון ישערנו׃

Psalm 58:9  (58:10)

cheering up Righteousness, related that Zain hers, the vengeance the anvil mine his laved within blood that evil's,
 ישמח צדיק כי־חזה נקם פעמיו ירחץ בדם הרשע׃

Psalm 58:10  (58:11)

I am Zain the Elohim the only true Adam from out the Torah's the Righteousness therein doing the things from therein, and they all call me evil, being justly Judged from their own mouths, doing the evils that they accuse me of doing

and said Adam, the unique fruit unto Righteousness unique stands Elohim the Judge sea within Earth
 ויאמר אדם אך־פרי לצדיק אך יש־אלהים שפטים בארץ׃

Psalm 58:11  (58:12)

I rebuked Paul, my Light brighter than the Sun, blinding him and he fell blind seeing me and my son within my bosom that he stalked mine within him, and I am both the end, failing not to end  unto all those things and these ones that seem to stand, doing the same suchlike things, and noway fails to stand mine for Eternity.

thereof the things also all the types befalls these ones written also with rebuked I having been, the one who the things, ends, thereof those Eternity's attained,
 ταυτα δε παντα τυποι συνεβαινον εκεινοις εγραφη δε προς νουθεσιαν ημων εις ους τα τελη των αιωνων κατηντησεν

I Corinthians 10:11

alike both that seemed to stand, noway fails,
 ωστε ο δοκων εσταναι βλεπετω μη πεση

I Corinthians 10:12

They cannot take the true Proof, not believing that I am that Righteousness from the Torah's,  Adam the Elohim from Holy Spirit Yahweh.

proof you cannot take, if noway that Adam believes also that Elohim, who cannot leave you tried under that ability, but makes therefore thereto the escape, and that ends with thereof the abilities'  yours to bear,
 πειρασμος υμας ουκ ειληφεν ει μη ανθρωπινος πιστος δε ο θεος ος ουκ εασει υμας πειρασθηναι υπερ ο δυνασθε αλλα ποιησει συν τω πειρασμω και την εκβασιν του δυνασθαι υμας υπενεγκειν

I Corinthians 10:13

Concerning those Idolatrous fake Jews and fake Christians or whatever  Idolatrous Faith, and the Government and Medias Promoting them, like they vanish for eternity, vanish from them and their Idols.

count godly loved mine, vanish from this  the Idolatrous's,
 διοπερ αγαπητοι μου φευγετε απο της ειδωλολατρειας

I Corinthians 10:14

alike wisemen lectures, discern you that affirming,
  ως φρονιμοις λεγω κρινατε υμεις ο φημι

I Corinthians 10:15

I am this Cup, from my Cup Bearers from the Tribe Benjamin my Cup bearer, the Life within Blood my Son within me the Christ, my Son is Light within me the Christ, I am the unbreakable Eucharist the Christ that the Body of my Son was broken over,  alike as written;

that Cup, this blessing's, that blesses, cannot fellowship thereof the Blood's, thereof Christ's exist, that bread whom broke? cannot fellowship thereof Light's, thereof Christ's exist?
 το ποτηριον της ευλογιας ο ευλογουμεν ουχι κοινωνια του αιματος του χριστου εστιν τον αρτον ον κλωμεν ουχι κοινωνια του σωματος του χριστου εστιν

I Corinthians 10:16

related the one bread within the Body, those many being these, because all out thereof the ones the bread's take part,
 οτι εις αρτος εν σωμα οι πολλοι εσμεν οι γαρ παντες εκ του ενος αρτου μετεχομεν

I Corinthians 10:17

see that Israel accorded flesh, cannot those devour these sacrifices, the fellowships thereof the Altar's exist,
 βλεπετε τον ισραηλ κατα σαρκα ουχι οι εσθιοντες τας θυσιας κοινωνοι του θυσιαστηριου εισιν

I Corinthians 10:18

who then affirmed, related the image who exists, or related that sacrificed who exists?
  τι ουν φημι οτι ειδωλον τι εστιν η οτι ειδωλοθυτον τι εστιν

I Corinthians 10:19

Those believing and affirming the truth me the Adam the Elohim and my son sacrificed, from among Israel, they are saved, but those casting off that sacrifice of my son, or casting off me the  from the Torah's, the Adam Elohim, the unbelieving among the Nation Israel, making ritually animal sacrifice,  their sacrifice is sacrificed unto devil Spirits.

but related what ritually sacrificed  the things the Nation, to devils ritually sacrificed, and El, not wills also you fellowship thereof these devils generations
 αλλ οτι α θυει τα εθνη δαιμονιοις θυει και ου θεω ου θελω δε υμας κοινωνους των δαιμονιων γινεσθαι

I Corinthians 10:20

My son and I are completely incommutable with their false Elohim, and Antichrist seed of the Devil,  the false Prophet and his false Prophets, and their Devils, but in their Nazi Democracy, and because they think it strange, that we have no desire to fellowship greedy lying religious murders making sacrifice unto devils, claiming their devils are God or the dead Saints that they murdered, or their dead false Saints, they say we are Anti Social for not wanting to take part of the Devil's  Nazi Catholic and fake Jews and fake Muslim  religious Tables, and make up any excuse possible, to lock us up, though we committed no crime, and force drug us with their Nazi Behavioral Control Drugs, lying claiming to be giving us the Medical Treatments we ne, blocking us from Kosher Foods and Medications that have nothing that would cause us harm in them, and forcing upon everything on the Allergy list in our Medical Records, and like the Nazi Catholic Bishops and Priests that abuse altar boys and women, the Nazi Popes and Democratic Nazi Governments and Medias they take the Devil's paint brush, and  just cover it up,  painting themselves and  their Nazis as Peace loving Saints, and Messengers of God forcing upon us their Nazi Healthcare and their Nazi Marriage that outlaw the Kingdom of Heaven, outlawing Yahweh and me  his Messiah the anointed Bridegroom my Bride Mount Zion, as they outlaw all Jacob as Bigamist and our Mates as Adulteresses and outlaw us us as Bastards, because they misapplied their Nazi Wedding Covenants to our Mahar Mating Contracts that their Nazi Wedding Covenants violate and outlaw, and the Nazis refuse to Redress even one of our Just Issues, that they even refuse to co0ver even one accurately in their Antichrist Medias brainwashing the Antisemitic Public to stalk and and set up disarmed, and keep arming our enemies against us, and keep attacking and robbing and disabling and  murdering us of Israel that they outlawed lying claiming be defending us.

not able to make the Lord's drink and the Cup those devils', not able the  table the Lord's  to take part, and the  table those devils',
  ου δυνασθε ποτηριον κυριου πινειν και ποτηριον δαιμονιων ου δυνασθε τραπεζης κυριου μετεχειν και τραπεζης δαιμονιων

I Corinthians 10:21

They err in Judgment, their witness, a witness not from Spirit the Lord mine Yahweh upon me, but a witness manufactured by their own soul, Spirit the Lord mine Yahweh upon me, called me Ish at Bar Mitzvah, calling me the Baal Jacob's, saying call him Ishi, the Ish mine, for I his Slave, am not above the Lord mine, but equal, we are two Ish that witness the truth unto you, testifying that  Yahweh the King mine, called me the son Adam's, his Adam from the Torah, the Second Adam the Lord and Eternal Father, the Father unto Jesus, and my son bear witness concerning me, and himself, the same witness as Holy Spirit Yahweh and I the Father, speaking unto you my word, my son, my son saying the testimony from we two Adam's, the witness true exists,

and within thereto the Torah also thereto yourselves written, related two Adam's, the witness true exists,
  και εν τω νομω δε τω υμετερω γεγραπται οτι δυο ανθρωπων η μαρτυρια αληθης εστιν

John 8:17

I am that witness about within myself, and witness about within me that sent me the Father.
  εγω ειμι ο μαρτυρων περι εμαυτου και μαρτυρει περι εμου ο πεμψας με πατηρ

John 8:18

To them mouthing mine, מואב = Moab, = from his Fathered, mouthing their Father's, contradicting Jesus, yours calling themselves Fathers eating me the Christ their bread, and are but dead men falling unto their Grave, alike my son Jesus said,

accordantly sent me that living Father, I live through that Father, and that eating me, lives through within me,
  καθως απεστειλεν με ο ζων πατηρ καγω ζω δια τον πατερα και ο τρωγων με κακεινος ζησεται δι εμε

John 6:57

he exists that bread that out thereof Heaven's accorded  casted meat, those Fathers yours, that manna, and die that eating thereof that, that bread the Living the one that Eternal.
  ουτος εστιν ο αρτος ο εκ του ουρανου καταβας ου καθως εφαγον οι πατερες υμων το μαννα και απεθανον ο τρωγων τουτον τον αρτον ζησεται εις τον αιωνα

John 6:58

doubtless witnesses and gratified with them works thereof those Fathers yours, related they truly kill them, yours, also builds them the things the graves,
  αρα μαρτυρειτε και συνευδοκειτε τοις εργοις των πατερων υμων οτι αυτοι μεν απεκτειναν αυτους υμεις δε οικοδομειτε αυτων τα μνημεια

Luke 11:48

woe to you, when well yours, tells all those Adams, accorded thereof the things because  finishes, them false Prophets', those Fathers theirs.
  ουαι υμιν οταν καλως υμας ειπωσιν παντες οι ανθρωποι κατα ταυτα γαρ εποιουν τοις ψευδοπροφηταις οι πατερες αυτων

Luke 6:26

Spirit the Lord mine Yahweh upon me, Yahweh has circumcised associate me, the anointed baby tool, calling me El the Lord at his right hand, anointing me his Cohen unto Times, his King Elohim upon Mount Zion, that my sheep refuse to stop  thinking about, and the evil hating to retain me in the memory,  cannot stop thinking about me, hating all the circumcised males, their females turn laying females, and they males with males, circumcising one the other tail and all, calling themselves, women, because they hate thinking about me, the Christ, the circumcised Elohim upon Mount Zion, then as circumcised males tail and all, calling themselves women, looking for Bridegrooms, saying, "any Bridegroom will do, but Joseph, Yahweh's Messiah and Bridegroom unto Mount Zion,"  because  they still cannot stop thinking about me, the anointed baby tool, the Lord and Christ Elohim, sitting out the right hand Yahweh's, upon me, till sits all my enemies to stool the feet mine, and Yahweh El Highest exalted me  El unto Earth, invited by the name my son's,

and Joseph's Yahweh's  word El Possessed, unto said,
 ויוסף יהוה דבר אל־אחז לאמר׃

Isaiah 7:10

request unto you a sign from with Yahweh, El hers mine yours that depth the grave hers, or that sored unto from upon hers,
  שאל־לך אות מעם יהוה אלהיך העמק שאלה או הגבה למעלה׃

Isaiah 7:11

and said the Possessed, not (I) Ox Head request, and not tempts associate Yahweh.
  ויאמר אחז לא־אשאל ולא־אנסה את־יהוה׃

Isaiah 7:12

and said hear him now House David's, that smallest from your water the Ish sea related wearies him gathering associate El hers mine,
  ויאמר שמעו־נא בית דוד המעט מכם הלאות אנשים כי תלאו גם את־אלהי׃

Isaiah 7:13

unto righted mine she snake the Lord mine himself unto your water a sign, that snake hers that virgin conceives and bears a son, and invites the name his with  snake his El.
 לכן יתן אדני הוא לכם אות הנה העלמה הרה וילדת בן וקראת שמו עמנו אל׃

Isaiah 7:14

Spirit the Lord mine Yahweh upon me, Yahweh the only true Lawmaker, the evil declaring themselves Lawmakers, and replacing my Torah with their own Laws,  cannot believe upon me, the Righteousness from our the Torah's, Spirit the Lord mine Yahweh upon me, made me the Adam doing these things, making me Christ  the Adam that lives within the things from out the Torah's, I am the Slave the Older Time, Cohen unto Times, I am the Time unto the Covenant Times.

and the Time hers, Israel from her, Yahweh El hers mine yours, requests from the People yours,  related if water unto fearing hers, associate Yahweh El hers mine yours, unto walk within all the path mine his, and unto love hers associate him and unto the Slave associate Yahweh, El hers mine yours, within all the heart within yours, and within all the soul yours,
  ועתה ישראל מה יהוה אלהיך שאל מעמך כי אם־ליראה את־יהוה אלהיך ללכת בכל־דרכיו ולאהבה אתו ולעבד את־יהוה אלהיך בכל־לבבך ובכל־נפשך׃

Deuteronomy 10:12

My son Jesus said about me, the one that is that Good Elohim, the one that is Eternal Life that you must enter, to enter my City Jerusalem from above.

that said to him, why me lectures, that good, nobody good, if noway the one Elohim, if also, wills to enter the one that Eternal Life, guard them Mitzvahs.
  ο δε ειπεν αυτω τι με λεγεις αγαθον ουδεις αγαθος ει μη εις ο θεος ει δε θελεις εισελθειν εις την ζωην τηρησον τας εντολας

Matthew 19:17

Like my son said, why me lectures, that good, nobody good,  but the one Elohim! Become wedded not unto the corrupt   fruit from the tree acquainted with good and evil, falsely calling my son their Bridegroom, not wedded unto me, the good Elohim, become wedded unto me, the good unto you.

unto guard associate the Mitzvahs  Yahweh's, and associate the Statutes mine his, wedded, I am alike commanding you this Day, unto good unto you.
  לשמר את־מצות יהוה ואת־חקתיו אשר אנכי מצוך היום לטוב לך׃

Deuteronomy 10:13

I am that Earth, the name mine the Heavens, I am your Eternal Father within the Heavens.

that snake unto Yahweh El hers mine yours the Heavens,  and the name mine the Heavens, that Earth, and all wedded within her.
  הן ליהוה אלהיך השמים ושמי השמים הארץ וכל־אשר־בה׃

Deuteronomy 10:14

The Prophet Joseph was not me the Father, but called me the Proton born, Elohim the Father his

and invited Joseph associate the name that proton born's, Manasseh, related forgot me, Elohim associate all the worries mine, and associate all the the Father mine.
  ויקרא יוסף את־שם הבכור מנשה כי־נשני אלהים את־כל־עמלי ואת כל־בית אבי׃

Genesis 41:51

Joseph called me the El Joseph his brother, saying that again the Father mine lives

and said Joseph, El the brother mine his, I am Joseph, that again lives the Father mine, and not able the brother mine his, unto eye associate him, related the troubles his from the face mine his.
 ויאמר יוסף אל־אחיו אני יוסף העוד אבי חי ולא־יכלו אחיו לענות אתו כי נבהלו מפניו׃

Genesis 45:3

אב =   Father,
אבת =  fathering,
אבתי =  fathering mine,
אבתך =  fathering yours,
אבתיך =  fathering mine yours,
באבתיך = within fathering mine yours,

I am that Earth, the name mine the Heavens, I am your Eternal Father within the Heavens, I am the hindermost Zain, the only Father within fathering mine yours, the only deliver Yahweh's, breaking up my enemies upon me the numbered Day, Zain, the unbreakable Sabbath

the only within fathering mine yours, the deliver Yahweh's, unto love her associations (you are) and selected within the seeding the hindermost mine her water, within your water, from all that People sea, like the Day that Zain hers,
 רק באבתיך חשק יהוה לאהבה אותם ויבחר בזרעם אחריהם בכם מכל־העמים כיום הזה׃

Deuteronomy 10:15

and circumcises associate the foreskin the heart within your water, and the neck your water not stiffs him again,
  ומלתם את ערלת לבבכם וערפכם לא תקשו עוד׃

Deuteronomy 10:16

I am Yahweh's anoint Pope, addressing Congress and their Medias and their followers that married by the Antichrist Catholic Pope's Nazi Marriage Laws that they force upon us of the House Jacob's and the House Israel's that they and Rulers of the United Nations outlawed to outlaw Yahweh and me his Messiah and Bridegroom unto mount Zion, Yahweh says, since they repent not, I will not repent, they will say, "peace and safety," and sudden destruction will come upon them and their Medias and their followers, that married by the Antichrist Catholic Pope's Nazi Marriage Laws, ans all that refused to repent,  will perish with no escape. I am Elohim the  Good Judge the Orphan's and the Widows',  and my friends among Nation, eat my Bread and wear my Garment, I am the Morning Lamb, the King unto Kings and Lord unto Lords, all who cast me off, wedded another instead of me, lying claiming to have drank my drink, and claim to have eaten my meat of my Wedding Fast,  lying claiming to have  eaten my son the Evening Lamb,  lying claiming to have drank my son's blood, having not me the one that Good Elohim, the Living Water in the Blood of my Son in Spirit Yahweh, they have no Wedding Garment, not having me the one that Eternal Life. I am the Baal Jacob's, I am  Elohim the Father the face Spirit Yahweh's revealed upon the face my Son's,   Yahweh my Elder, I am your Elder, the Older Time, the terrified wedded not unto me, defiled my sheep at the Wedding Altar Baal's, the Wedding Altar Elohim's unto Yahweh, and they cannot bribe their way out of having stolen and defiled my Ishah.

related Yahweh El hers mine your water himself, El hers mine, that Elohim's, and the Lord mine, that Lord sea's,  that El's that Elder, that Elder, and the terrified wedded not the lifted face sea, and not takes bribes,
  כי יהוה אלהיכם הוא אלהי האלהים ואדני האדנים האל הגדל הגבר והנורא אשר לא־ישא פנים ולא יקח שחד׃

Deuteronomy 10:17

the maker hers the Judgment the Orphan's and the Widows', and the friend the Nation ( the foreign Nation) unto she end unto him, the bread and the garment hers.
 עשה משפט יתום ואלמנה ואהב גר לתת לו לחם ושמלה׃

Deuteronomy 10:18

I am the Older Time, the son of Adam, the bow of my Covenant within my Cloud, speaking unto you in the former Heaven and Earth, from the future Heaven and Earth, I am the Messenger Zain the Sabbath, before me the Messenger the Sixth Day wherein you must labor to enter unto me, my Time the Harvest has come unto you.

and saw and behold the cloud white and upon the cloud sat the likeness the son Adam's, having upon the Head his the Crown Gold, and within the hand his the cycle sharp,
 και ειδον και ιδου νεφελη λευκη και επι την νεφελην καθημενος ομοιος υιω ανθρωπου εχων επι της κεφαλης αυτου στεφανον χρυσουν και εν τη χειρι αυτου δρεπανον οξυ

Revelation 14:14

and another Messenger came out thereof the Temple's, crying, within great  voice,  thereto the sitting upon the cloud, dispatching that cycle yours, and the harvest, related came yours, that hour, thereof the Harvest's, related ripe the harvest this earth,
 και αλλος αγγελος εξηλθεν εκ του ναου κραζων εν μεγαλη φωνη τω καθημενω επι της νεφελης πεμψον το δρεπανον σου και θερισον οτι ηλθεν σοι η ωρα του θερισαι οτι εξηρανθη ο θερισμος της γης

Revelation 14:15

and casted that sitting upon the cloud that cycle his, upon the Earth, harvesting the Earth.
 και εβαλεν ο καθημενος επι την νεφελην το δρεπανον αυτου επι την γην και εθερισθη η γη


Like Manasseh and Ephraim, the Foreigners'   Foreign Born within Earth Egypt's, I am Earth Egypt's, the Foreign Nation unto Canaan, Spirit Yahweh by the mouth Moses's counting every Tribe from our Torah, a Nation, related the Nation sea,  ( the foreign  Nations,) that mine became within Earth Egypt's, counting all Abraham  a גוי  = εθνος = Ethnic Race, a Nation , Ishmael and Isaac each a גוי  = εθνος = Ethnic Race, a Nation,  the Nation sea,  ( the foreign  Nations,) that mine became within Earth Egypt's, twelve Princes Israel's, and twelve Princes Ishmael's.

Manasseh and Ephraim, the Foreigners'   Foreign Born within Earth Egypt's, born from Asenath daughter the Cohen's On's, the son Kedemah's, the son Ishmael's, from Ephraim I am the Hindermost  Israel's, and from  Kedemah  I am the Hindermost Ishmael's.

and loves associate that Nation's, ( that foreign Nation's) related the Nation sea,  ( the foreign  Nations,) that mine became within Earth Egypt's,
  ואהבתם את־הגר כי־גרים הייתם בארץ מצרים׃

Deuteronomy 10:19

the foreign  Nations, that mine became within Earth Egypt's, fearing associate Yahweh the El Highest upon me Cohen unto Times, all  fearing serving associate Yahweh the El Highest upon me, swear to his their word and deed theirs his truly bound, within the name Yahweh.

associate Yahweh El hers mine yours, fearing associate him serving, and within him binding, and within the name his swearing,
  את־יהוה אלהיך תירא אתו תעבד ובו תדבק ובשמו תשבע׃

Deuteronomy 10:20

El and Cohen unto Times, nobody sees Spirit Yahweh the El Highest within any Time, I am the terrifying El wedded when seen.

himself the praise yours, and himself El hers mine yours wedded the Maker hers associate you, and  associate that Elder's, and associate that terrifying, that El hers, wedded seeing him the eyes mine yours,
  הוא תהלתך והוא אלהיך אשר־עשה אתך את־הגדלת ואת־הנוראת האלה אשר ראו עיניך׃

Deuteronomy 10:21

מצרימה = Egypt hers,
 בארץ מצרים =   within Earth Egypt's,

I am Yah, the Palm Tree, wedded among the Palm trees among between the sweepers mine, the Priesthood of the Cohen from Abiyah, the Father Yah.

and Yah mine all the soul casted mine the loins Jacob's seventy the soul, and Joseph that Yah's within Earth Egypt's,
  ויהי כל־נפש יצאי ירך־יעקב שבעים נפש ויוסף היה במצרים׃

Exodus 1:5

שת = Seth, which means, the tumulting,

seeing I him, and not the Time hers, awaiting snake his, and not near the Path yours, the Star from Jacob and rises the Shevat, the Scepter, from Israel, and smashes the mouthing mine, Moab, and the walled all the son mine, the tumulting
 אראנו ולא עתה אשורנו ולא קרוב דרך כוכב מיעקב וקם מישראל ומחץ פאתי מואב וקרקר כל־בני־שת׃

Number 24:17

From within seventy, Ten mine the brother mine his Joseph's decent his within Earth Egypt's,  decent his unto me the El fathering mine yours, Egypt hers,  I am Time hers,  I am the Star that Heavens the Star from Jacob, I am  שבט  = Shevat, the Scepter, from Israel.

within seventy,  ten decedent his,  fathering mine yours, Egypt hers,   and the Time hers, name yours, Yahweh El mine yours, alike the Star mine that Heavens, unto the number.
 בשבעים נפש ירדו אבתיך מצרימה ועתה שמך יהוה אלהיך ככוכבי השמים לרב׃

Deuteronomy 10:22

Spirit the Lord mine Yahweh upon me, Yahweh has circumcised associate me, the anointed baby tool, calling me El the Lord at his right hand, anointing me his Cohen unto Times, his King Elohim upon Mount Zion, that my sheep refuse to stop  thinking about, and the evil hating to retain me in the memory,  cannot stop thinking about me, hating all the circumcised males, their females turn laying females, and they males with males, circumcising one the other tail and all, calling themselves, women, because they hate thinking about me, the Christ, the circumcised Elohim upon Mount Zion, then as circumcised males tail and all, calling themselves women, looking for Bridegrooms, saying, "any Bridegroom will do, but Joseph, Yahweh's Messiah and Bridegroom unto Mount Zion,"  because  they still cannot stop thinking about me, the anointed baby tool, the Lord and Christ Elohim, sitting out the right hand Yahweh's, upon me, till sits all my enemies to stool the feet mine, and Yahweh El Highest exalted me  El unto Earth, invited by the name my son's,

and Joseph's Yahweh's  word El Possessed, unto said,
 ויוסף יהוה דבר אל־אחז לאמר׃

Isaiah 7:10

request unto you a sign from with Yahweh, El hers mine yours that depth the grave hers, or that sored unto from upon hers,
  שאל־לך אות מעם יהוה אלהיך העמק שאלה או הגבה למעלה׃

Isaiah 7:11

and said the Possessed, not (I) Ox Head request, and not tempts associate Yahweh.
  ויאמר אחז לא־אשאל ולא־אנסה את־יהוה׃

Isaiah 7:12

and said hear him now House David's, that smallest from your water the Ish sea related wearies him gathering associate El hers mine,
  ויאמר שמעו־נא בית דוד המעט מכם הלאות אנשים כי תלאו גם את־אלהי׃

Isaiah 7:13

unto righted mine she snake the Lord mine himself unto your water a sign, that snake hers that virgin conceives and bears a son, and invites the name his with  snake his El.
 לכן יתן אדני הוא לכם אות הנה העלמה הרה וילדת בן וקראת שמו עמנו אל׃

Isaiah 7:14

Spirit the Lord mine Yahweh upon me, Yahweh the only true Lawmaker, the evil declaring themselves Lawmakers, and replacing my Torah with their own Laws,  cannot believe upon me, the Righteousness from our the Torah's, Spirit the Lord mine Yahweh upon me, made me the Adam doing these things, making me Christ  the Adam that lives within the things from out the Torah's, I am the Slave the Older Time, Cohen unto Times, I am the Time unto the Covenant Times.

As the lying Catholic President Obama leans next the the Antichrist Pope, with most of them trying to avoid being drugged with the Pope's forced Nazi Behavior Control Drugs, saying unto all the United  Nazi Catholic Warmongers on  Capital Hill, "I see you are more behaved today," since he sold his soul and like Judas Iscariot, betrayed us of the House Jacob's and the House Israel's, betraying us all the Nations of the United Nations,  into  the hands of the Antichrist Pope, that the lying Catholic President Obama calls his Holy Father,  stealing the Tithes and Offerings from the Widows and Orphans, and making the Tax Payers Tax Slaves to the Pope's World Bank, financing the Pope's Nazi Military Complexes, arming the Courts and Nazi Police and Medical Communities  blocking us from Kosher Foods and Medications because we refuse to bow to the Nazi Popes and their Nazi Marriage Laws, and stalking and setting up and repeatedly  locking us up though we committed no crime, and repeatedly poisoning and disabling and murdering us, forcing upon us  everything on the Allergy lists in our Medical Records, saying that by the Catholic Secular Law of the Land,  they have the love of God, and the right to force upon us their Nazi Marriage Laws, and Nazi Forced Behavioral Control Drugs to force convert us,  to obeying their Nazi Pope, how can Holy Spirit Yahweh our Creator die, like the Catholics say that their Jesus, is their God, bread and wine, that they make into  their Creator, worshiping the God made by the hands of  their Pope and his Priests, saying that  their Creator that Pope and his Priests,  Created the Creator, that died for them? Corpus Christi meaning my Body, the Body of Christ, and the Pope unable to walk within my Body, like all his followers, unable to discern the Kingdom of Heaven, unable to discern my  Corpus Christi, having drank of me the Cup, the Messenger of the Covenant unworthily, refusing to serve drink from me, Holy Spirit Yahweh's anointed Cup, the Silver Cup,  the Christ the Messenger the Covenant, Holy Spirit Yahweh's anointed Cup,  the unbreakable Eucharist over whom the Body of my Son was broken, as the Nazi Catholics disobey the Holy Scriptures, disobey Jesus by calling their Idols, Mary, and calling their Idols the Mother of Jesus, like as written about these lying murders, worshiping the their Idols, calling their Idol, the Mother of God, calling Jesus their Creator, outlawing Holy Spirit Yahweh our Creator and his Christ, worshiping the works of their own hands, and like the Devil transforming themselves to appear as Messengers of God,   persecuting followers of the Jewish Jesus that said that he was not that Christ the Bridegroom unto Mount Zion, my Bride, the Mother Mount Zion lecturing, is not Miriam lecturing, like here as the  Mother is Mount Zion that was speaking of carpenter's son, Miriam's lectured by the Mother, as Jesus said in another place where they wrongly called her his mother, saying, who is my Mother, and who is my brother, but these that do the will of my Father in Heaven?

no he exists that thereof carpenter's son, not the Mother his lectured, Miriam and the brothers his Jacob and Joseph and Simeon and Judah,
 ουχ ουτος εστιν ο του τεκτονος υιος ουχι η μητηρ αυτου λεγεται μαριαμ και οι αδελφοι αυτου ιακωβος και ιωσης και σιμων και ιουδας

Matthew 13:55

and those sisters his, not all with us, exists whereof therefore thereof thereto thereof these all?
 και αι αδελφαι αυτου ουχι πασαι προς ημας εισιν ποθεν ουν τουτω ταυτα παντα

Matthew 13:56

Behold my Bride Mount Zion that Jesus calls his Mother, that the Maccabees  Catholics and Trinitarian fake Christians and the fake Jew Maccabees are not members of not being wedding unto me the Eternal Father by our Covenant

said also who to him, behold the Mother yous and those brothers yours, without stand seeking you to lecture,
 ειπεν δε τις αυτω ιδου η μητηρ σου και οι αδελφοι σου εξω εστηκασιν ζητουντες σοι λαλησαι

Matthew 12:47

that also answered that Jesus said thereto referring to him, who exists the Mother mine, and which exists the brother mine?
 ο δε αποκριθεις ειπεν τω ειποντι αυτω τις εστιν η μητηρ μου και τινες εισιν οι αδελφοι μου

Matthew 12:48

and stretching the hand his upon them disciples his said, behold the Mother mine, and those the brothers mine,
 και εκτεινας την χειρα αυτου επι τους μαθητας αυτου ειπεν ιδου η μητηρ μου και οι αδελφοι μου

Matthew 12:49

anyone because when does that will thereof Father's mine, thereof within Heaven, he mine the brother mine and the sister mine and the Mother exists.
 οστις γαρ αν ποιηση το θελημα του πατρος μου του εν ουρανοις αυτος μου αδελφος και αδελφη και μητηρ εστιν

Matthew 12:50

the friend mine Yahweh, hates him (the evil), the Shepherd guarding the souls the Saints mine his, from the hand the evil, delivering,
 אהבי יהוה שנאו רע שמר נפשות חסידיו מיד רשעים יצילם׃

Psalm 97:10

As their Nazi Catholics and fake at CNN   that disabled me, worship their Nazi Pope, refusing to Redress my Just Petitions against their Nazi Catholic Marriage Laws of one Man, one Woman, and the their Communist Gay Marriage Laws the only two choices on the Nazi Rigged Ballots, so they blocked my Medical Treatments, lying claiming to be providing me Medical Treatment, deliberately disobeying Previous Court and Doctors orders, saying their Pope Catholic Laws trump US Law, and forced upon me everything upon allergy list my Medical Records, four times having me locked up though I committed no crime, disabling me, while being robbed of all I own four times, while they keep lying for their Antichrist Nazi Pope the Messenger of the Devil, that they Paint as a Messenger  as the God of Israel, disobeying Jesus,  calling him their Holy Father, murdering us of Israel that they outlawed,  saying by his grace and mercy, they were forcing upon me, the Medical Treatments that I needed, to force convert me into believing their Nazi Catholic State Issued Marriage Laws, that they say  are the Law of the Land, denying that from Holy Spirit Yahweh my Fountain, anointed as his Christ and Bridegroom unto Mount Zion, denying that as David's Lord sitting out the Right Hand Yahweh's, as he sets all my enemies to stool the feet mine, denying that I am the Eternal Father the Living Water of the Baptism unto Jesus from John, of my Priesthood, Abia, the Father Yah, the Garment that he wore, the whorish women with a baby bump, lie, saying, "I am the Bride of Christ, no other Bridegroom but the true Bridegroom touched me, like Mary, I am a virgin, no Bridegroom but the true Bridegroom the  Christ has been in my Womb," denying that I am the Eternal Father the Christ, the Bridegroom unto mount Zion fro Holy Spirit Yahweh, with my son in my Bosom, and denying that a false Bridegroom impersonating me, saying he was the Bridegroom, not wedded to me her Head from my Head Yahweh, like Even having been deceived to eat the corrupt fruit acquainted with good and evil, they all deny that an evil man of Belial defiled them, calling themselves a Bridegroom, as their Homosexuals are busy circumcising one another, and the fake Jews and fake Christen and the fake Muslims,  tail and all, calling themselves women, because they cannot stand knowing that a circumcised tool, represents me the Christ and Bridegroom unto Mount Zion, and all their Men lying calling themselves a Bridegroom, unto my sheep, realizing my sheep recognize my Wedding Token, the circumcised male, their Christ, seeing my Bride at the Wedding Altar Elohim's, lift the veil, to ask me the Father for my son, eating bead and drinking of me the Messenger of the Covenant, and being Wedded unto me before they defiled them, seeing my sheep recognizing the Wedding Feast of my Kingdom of Heaven, and seeing the seep that they stole from me, cannot stop thinking about me, their anointed Bridegroom, their circumcised Christ, they break out into a Jealous rage against my Wedding Token, as Antichrists angry at  the circumcised male from Holy Spirit Yahweh, me their anointed   Bridegroom, their Christ that they betrayed like Judas Iscariot, and having had Homosexual fake Saudi Muslim Catholics, married by the Nazi Catholic marriage Laws, attach us on 9-11, to hijack the Military Complexes for the Nazi Popes, and replacing the Nazi German Pope, with their Communist Nazi Left Wing Pope,  and arming the Mass murdering Homosexual Armies, mass murdering the House of Abraham, for the Communist Nazi Left Wing Pope, and making the Dead Latin Nazi that Mass murdered the Native Americans, another God to pay unto, to celebrate the Communist Nazi Conquest of America,  the obvious  Antichrist Antisemitic Atheist and Homosexual Communists use the Antichrist Pope as their Mouthpiece, saying to him, "use your powerful voice for us," wanting the Antichrist help them obvious  Antichrist Antisemitic Atheist and Homosexual Communists  make their Big Brother Government even bigger, Hypocritically saying that they are not passing into Law the Pope' Policies, respecting his establishment of Religion, and outlawing the free exercise of ours for the Pope's  obvious  Antichrist Antisemitic Atheist and Homosexual Communists, as the Hypocrite declaring War, and murdering all the Foreign Nations that will not bow to their Nazi Popes, saying that the Lord's most powerful message is Mercy, and to receive the Foreigners with Empathy, having outlawed us of the House Jacob's and the House Israel's as Foreigners to Land Canaan's, outlawing us from voting on the Rigged Ballots of the Mount of Esau in Jerusalem, lying saying that they  are not Maccabees Catholics of the Mont of Esau, and blaspheming calling themselves Jews, that are not Jews, but are of the Household of Satan,  as foretold, as President Obama lying saying that he is defending us of Israel, arming the Popes fake Jews, and disobeying Jesus, and calls the Antichrist Pope, his Holy Father upon Earth, while arming his Military Complexes saying the Pope is a man of Peace not War, making War with me that has no Army, and the President disobeying Jesus lying about his armed forces, and saying unto the Antichrist Pope that deceived the whole earth, "Holy Father, welcome" deceiving the Whole Earth, to blaspheme likewise against Holy Spirit Yahweh our Maker, that gave you my Word, my Son Jesus, as the whole reason we have  no Religious Liberty, and our Medical Treatment are being blocked by the Nazi Catholics and the Evangelicals and Homosexuals trying to force convert us, from the President on down, having Communion with Catholics, that only give what  they lie and call Sacraments, unto the Nazi  Catholics like themselves, having become Nazi Catholics, and like they did with Hitler, hiding the truth that the President is a Catholic, with their deliberate smoke screen of is a Christian or a Muslim debate, so that they can blame the Muslims for their Nazi Catholic Slaughters, as they have been deceived to call the Nazi Catholics Funding the Popes Communist Nazi Crusade, saying that their Nazi Catholic Crusade will bring Peace upon Earth, they have been deceived to call the Warmongers and Liars and Adulterers and Adulteresses and Homosexuals and Pimps and Prostitutes, and  their Human Drug and Weapons Traffickers,  Peaceful and Merciful, and the only medical treatments that they give us, have everything in them on the allergy list in our Medical Records, lying saying that there is nothing in them that would cause us harm, and out us in the ER every time, from the Toxins that are non the Allergy list,  in them, (what is in that Cup,that  they passing around? Who is it designed to kill?) and the reason why the President and the US Government refuses to get our Medical Records our the hands of the US Nazi Catholics, the Precedent, has become a Nazi Catholic, as the from the President on down, the Government and all the Medias that refusing to legalize us and our Hebrew and Aramaic and Greek Scriptures,. refusing to remove their Nazi Marriage Laws being us to condemn, and lock us up again and again, though we committed no crime, rand refuses to  get us our Medical Treatments, refusing to get our Medical Records out the Hands of their US Nazis, using them to stalk and set us up. and poisons us with everything that our Medical show causes us harm and or death,  they are guilty of same Nazi Hate Crimes, as Nazi Her many, and need to be taken to the Hague and be tried for their Nazi Hate Crimes. But sine the Governments are not Just, but are Biased towards their Nazi Catholics that stole the Song Rights of the Shepherd Zion's, and sing the Songs Zions, setting us and robbing and disabling and murdering the Righteous, having outlawed us of the house Jacob's and the House Abraham's with their Nazi Marriage Laws to outlaw Yahweh and me  his Messiah,and Bridegroom unto Mount Zion,  all who drink of the Cup unworthily, claiming that they drink my Cup, the Messenger of the Covenant from Yahweh, like claiming to be eating and drinking the Body and Blood of Christ, and like claiming my Body is the Body of my Son Jesus, the Passover Lamb, and they vehemently refuse to  believe my son Jesus, who said many come upon the name his, saying that he was that Christ, and deceives many, not discerning my  true wedded body of Yahweh's Messiah, they will become scattered, by the Messenger of Death, destroying their  Firstborn, like in Egypt, and they will perish for eternity.

I am the King Salem's, Cohen unto El Highest, and Cohen unto Times, according as Jacob half brother Jesus's wrote from the tribe Judah in Salem (Jerusalem,) unto the twelve tribes scattered among the diaspora, the joy Salem's, this, joy Salem's, later that evolved to mean "greetings, or hello" but in the Apostles writings, it means, joy from peace, with the head of the City, King Yahweh, and his King Christ the King Salem's, Prince of Peace, and their Slave, the Son upon the throne,

שלם = Salem's
χαιρειν  = the joy Salem's

Greek and Aramaic here say the same thing, but worded different, Kings in Israel called themselves עבד =Slave, which means Hebrew, in both Aramaic and Hebrew, and call themselves Yahweh's Slave and Lord, and Christ's Slave and  Lord to the People

Jacob Elohim's and the Lord's Jesus's, the Christ's Slave to them twelve Tribes them within the diaspora, the joy Salem's,
 ιακωβος θεου και κυριου ιησου χριστου δουλος ταις δωδεκα φυλαις ταις εν τη διασπορα χαιρειν
Jacob the Slave hers that Elohim's, and Lord Jesus's the Christ's unto the twelve Tribes  within the diaspora,  Salem's,
 יעקוב עבדה דאלהא ודמרן ישוע משיחא לתרתעסרא שרבן דזריען בעממא שלם׃

James 1:1

I am Joseph the Elohim the Christ the στεφανον της ζωης  = the Crown this Life Eternal that Yahweh Promised unto you, all marked by mine inside their forehead by Spirit Yahweh, that overcame the delusions and temptations from the Antichrist that deceived the whole Earth, fobbing the Wedding, commanding fire to fall from heaven in the sight of men, destroying the Earth with Bombs, blocking buying and selling from all that received not the devil's mark inside their forehead, by their Sanctions against all who refuse to bow to the Antichrist.

blessed the Ish who overcomes temptations, related  the trial bringing accepting  the Crown this Life Eternal, whom promised Yahweh to them loving him.
μακαριος ανηρ ος υπομενει πειρασμον οτι δοκιμος γενομενος ληψεται τον στεφανον της ζωης ον επηγγειλατο ο κυριος τοις αγαπωσιν αυτον
 טובוהי לגברא דמסיבר נסיונא דמא דאתבחר נסב כלילא דחיא הו דמלכ אלהא לאילין דרחמין לה׃

James 1:12

As I sit here, not upon Earth the stool to my feet, but I sit upon my Great White Throne in Heaven, as the Eternal Father writing you my Bride Mount Zion the Mother of all true believers, writing you my children from above the Earth and the Sea,   as Argentina the founders of the Communist Latin Community of Latin American and Caribbean States and the World Bank that outlawed our Torah and our Anti Usury Laws to make Usury Tax Slaves of the Nations paying for the Pope's Nazi Military Complexes,  the Communist Nazi Pope and his follows arrogantly bragging of their Idol, their  Love for the Cosmos, and the things of the Cosmos, forcing their Communist environment agendas and the Homosexual Agendas upon me the Eternal Father, as they lie claiming to have my Love and the Love of my son Jesus and Holy Spirit Yahweh that sent me his Messenger the Covenant, lying claiming to love and serve us, that they outlawed, casting us off, and replacing us with their Idols, according as it is written,

I am the Righteousness from out the Torah's, the Adam the Eternal Father to Jesus the Advocate to me the Father the Christ, accounting you Righteous, that acquainted me and my Son, in Holy Spirit Yahweh our Maker, that the Trinitarians dethroned to the their of us three El, worshiping the Trinitarian Idols that the destroy the Earth for, lying claiming to be defending us of the House Israel's, the House Abraham's, refusing to cast off their Idols and their Military Complexes and their Banking Slave Drivers.

Children mine, thereof there written to you, which noway miswitness, and if when any miswitness, the advocate with that Father,  Jesus, to Christ, to Righteous,
 τεκνια μου ταυτα γραφω υμιν ινα μη αμαρτητε και εαν τις αμαρτη παρακλητον εχομεν προς τον πατερα ιησουν χριστον δικαιον

1 John 2:1

and he the payment exists about thereof these miswitnesses ours, not about thereof these miswitnesses also unique, but about the whole thereof Cosmos's
  και αυτος ιλασμος εστιν περι των αμαρτιων ημων ου περι των ημετερων δε μονον αλλα και περι ολου του κοσμου

1 John 2:2

Having never acquainted me the Eternal Father nor my Son Jesus, nor Holy Spirit Yahweh our Maker, they lie, saying that they acquainted us, and obey no Mitzvah of the Torah or the Prophets that Jesus commanded them to guard, and outlawed them all with their Secular Laws, and thus by their fruit, their corrupt tree is known unto all the Earth.

and within thereof thereto acquainted, related within acquainted him, if when those Mitzvahs his guards,
  και εν τουτω γινωσκομεν οτι εγνωκαμεν αυτον εαν τας εντολας αυτου τηρωμεν

1 John 2:3

I an the Truth, and the Life within the Path my son, and my Truth and life cannot exist within them that  those Mitzvahs my son's noway guards,

that lecturing within acquainted to him, and those Mitzvahs his noway guards, a liar exists, and within thereof thereto,  the Truth cannot exist,
  ο λεγων εγνωκα αυτον και τας εντολας αυτου μη τηρων ψευστης εστιν και εν τουτω η αληθεια ουκ εστιν

1 John 2:4

μεν  = truly
εσμεν  = εστιν +μεν  = exists truly

τουτω  = του = thereof + τω thereto = thereof thereto,

who through when guards his that Word's,  the Truth within thereof thereto, the godly love thereof Elohim's perfects thereof thereto the acquainted, related within him exists truly,
  ος δ αν τηρη αυτου τον λογον αληθως εν τουτω η αγαπη του θεου τετελειωται εν τουτω γινωσκομεν οτι εν αυτω εσμεν

1 John 2:5

Using People accusing Obama as being a Muslim, to protect and arm their fake Muslim Homosexuals Catholic Crusades,  as a cover to keep arming the Pope's Homosexual Saudi and Egyptian  Arab Armies in Afghanistan and Iraq and Syria and Lebanon and Libya, murdering Jews and Samaritans and Christians and Muslims and blaming us their victims for the Nazi Catholic Homosexual Crusaders, raping boys for the Communist Nazi Pope, having his Communist Nazi United Catholic on Capital Hill fund all the Pope's Nazi Military Complexes that they hijacked, like the Nazi Catholic Pope did with Hitler's Democratic rise to power in Nazi Germany,  as the Idolaters and Adulterers and Adulteresses and Homosexuals standing at the Wedding  Altar Baal's, the Altar Elohim's, unto Yahweh,  saying unto me the Baal and Elohim the Bridegroom from Yahweh, that they are my Bride the Body of Christ,  and defiling my Bride casting me off and being married as Adulterers unto  Adulteresses and Homosexuals  unto Homosexuals, all defiled by their man made Covenants, that the Devil and his Devil Promotes, because all their Marriage Laws outlaw and defile the Holy Living Temple Elohim, as the Devils Wedding Crashers in the Wedding Feast at the Altar Baal's, the Altar Elohim's, unto Yahweh,  and Devil and his liars, saying that they are the Messengers of God, saying that they are Providing Social Justice condemning judging and murdering the self righteous, murdering them accounted  righteous from Yahweh, condemned by their man made Marriage Covenants, and like the devil helping only a devil that he  cast out,  saying that they are caring for the poor, as the evil they cast out, like that devil wandering through dry places, finding no place to rest, and finds seven other devils more violent than himself, and returns unto the house that cast him out, and the end of that man and his house, is seven times worse than before.

Their Communist Nazi Pope telling his  Idolaters and Adulterers and Adulteresses and Homosexuals  that he wanted to be isolated  outside the Nazi Catholic Idolized Palace that Yahweh told the Pope to destroy, and he refused, saying he would save himself, and rise to power again when it becomes  destroyed by Holy Spirit Yahweh delivering the Earth from the Warmongering Nazi Catholic Crusading Idolaters.

that lecturing within to him remains, aught accordantly himself walk, and as he thus  walks,
  ο λεγων εν αυτω μενειν οφειλει καθως εκεινος περιεπατησεν και αυτος ουτως περιπατειν

1 John 2:6

Yahweh my Head, all their Marriage Covenants written in their Secular and Church Laws are new Mitzvahs that never existed in out Torah or our Prophets or  the writings from the Jewish Apostles of Jesus, like in this epistle from the Jewish Apostle John brother to Jacob called James brother of Zebedee,  speaking of the Brothers writing them,  Judah called Jude, the  brother to Jacob called James, his walk as the Head, that Catholics replaced with Peter, but 6 speaking Jacob called James, and Judah called Jude, half brothers to the Jewish Jesus, from Miriam's house of David from the Jewish  Tribe Judah,  that the Nazi Catholics rewrote History and our Scriptures, rejection me the Elohim and Christ the foundation,  to built their house upon the sand Peter, that Jesus rebuked as Satan, denying that after Jesus her firstborn, she bare him half brothers and sisters. I am the Eternal Father the Older Time, the Head of my Body, and the Tail, my Bride Christ's, in the Covenant Times, speaking unto you my Word, my Son, in Spirit Yahweh, and we there agree in one true witness.

brothers, not a Mitzvah new writing to you, but the Mitzvah the Older from that Head, the Mitzvah the Older's exists, that Word whom heard from the Head.
  αδελφοι ουκ εντολην καινην γραφω υμιν αλλ εντολην παλαιαν ην ειχετε απ αρχης η εντολη η παλαια εστιν ο λογος ον ηκουσατε απ αρχης

1 John 2:7

The words  του πατρος αυτων  = thereof Father's theirs, does not speak of Zebedee, Jesus and his disciples called none on Earth their Father

And going thereout, seen other two brothers, Jacobs the son thereof Zebedee, and John the brother his, within thereto ship therewith Zebedee, thereof Father's theirs, mending the things the nets theirs and invited them.
 και προβας εκειθεν ειδεν αλλους δυο αδελφους ιακωβον τον του ζεβεδαιου και ιωαννην τον αδελφον αυτου εν τω πλοιω μετα ζεβεδαιου του πατρος αυτων καταρτιζοντας τα δικτυα αυτων και εκαλεσεν αυτους

Matthew 4:21

As the Nazi Catholics disobey the Holy Scriptures, disobey Jesus by calling their Idols, Mary, and calling their Idols the Mother of Jesus, like as written about these lying murders, worshiping the their Idols, calling their Idol, the Mother of God, calling Jesus their Creator, outlawing Holy Spirit Yahweh our Creator and his Christ, worshiping the works of their own hands, and like the Devil transforming themselves to appear as Messengers of God,   persecuting followers of the Jewish Jesus that said that he was not that Christ the Bridegroom unto Mount Zion, my Bride, the Mother Mount Zion lecturing, is not Miriam lecturing, like here as the  Mother is Mount Zion that was speaking of carpenter's son, Miriam's lectured by the Mother, as Jesus said in another place where they wrongly called her his mother, saying, who is my Mother, and who is my brother, but these that do the will of my Father in Heaven?

no he exists that thereof carpenter's son, not the Mother his lectured, Miriam and the brothers his Jacob and Joseph and Simeon and Judah,
 ουχ ουτος εστιν ο του τεκτονος υιος ουχι η μητηρ αυτου λεγεται μαριαμ και οι αδελφοι αυτου ιακωβος και ιωσης και σιμων και ιουδας

Matthew 13:55

and those sisters his, not all with us, exists whereof therefore thereof thereto thereof these all?
 και αι αδελφαι αυτου ουχι πασαι προς ημας εισιν ποθεν ουν τουτω ταυτα παντα

Matthew 13:56

Behold my Bride Mount Zion that Jesus calls his Mother, that the Maccabees  Catholics and Trinitarian fake Christians and the fake Jew Maccabees are not members of not being wedding unto me the Eternal Father by our Covenant

said also who to him, behold the Mother yous and those brothers yours, without stand seeking you to lecture,
 ειπεν δε τις αυτω ιδου η μητηρ σου και οι αδελφοι σου εξω εστηκασιν ζητουντες σοι λαλησαι

Matthew 12:47

that also answered that Jesus said thereto referring to him, who exists the Mother mine, and which exists the brother mine?
 ο δε αποκριθεις ειπεν τω ειποντι αυτω τις εστιν η μητηρ μου και τινες εισιν οι αδελφοι μου

Matthew 12:48

and stretching the hand his upon them disciples his said, behold the Mother mine, and those the brothers mine,
 και εκτεινας την χειρα αυτου επι τους μαθητας αυτου ειπεν ιδου η μητηρ μου και οι αδελφοι μου

Matthew 12:49

anyone because when does that will thereof Father's mine, thereof within Heaven, he mine the brother mine and the sister mine and the Mother exists.
 οστις γαρ αν ποιηση το θελημα του πατρος μου του εν ουρανοις αυτος μου αδελφος και αδελφη και μητηρ εστιν

Matthew 12:50

the friend mine Yahweh, hates him (the evil), the Shepherd guarding the souls the Saints mine his, from the hand the evil, delivering,
 אהבי יהוה שנאו רע שמר נפשות חסידיו מיד רשעים יצילם׃

Psalm 97:10

noway godly loves that Cosmos, neither the things therein the Cosmos, if when  godly like loves the Cosmos, not exists the godly love thereof Father's within to them,
  μη αγαπατε τον κοσμον μηδε τα εν τω κοσμω εαν τις αγαπα τον κοσμον ουκ εστιν η αγαπη του πατρος εν αυτω

1 John 2:15

ζωη = Life Eternal
του βιου  = thereof Biological Life's,

related that all within thereto the Cosmos, the thrills this flesh's, and thrills thereof the eyes, and the Pride thereof Biological Life's, cannot exist out thereof Father's, but our thereof the Cosmos's exists,
  οτι παν το εν τω κοσμω η επιθυμια της σαρκος και η επιθυμια των οφθαλμων και η αλαζονεια του βιου ουκ εστιν εκ του πατρος αλλ εκ του κοσμου εστιν

1 John 2:16

We are the one Elohim in the Wedding Feast of the Kingdom of Heaven, guarding the will thereof Elohim's, and remains the one, that Eternity.

and that Cosmos passes away, and the Thrills his, that also guarding the will thereof Elohim's, remains the one, that Eternity.
 και ο κοσμος παραγεται και η επιθυμια αυτου ο δε ποιων το θελημα του θεου μενει εις τον αιωνα

1 John 2:17

So that they can continue committing their Antisemitic Nazi Hate crimes against us of Israel, with impunity like the Nazi Germans and the Soviet Communists both did, deliberately not believing me the Righteousness from our the Torah's, not believing Yahweh saying that an Adulterous  Male, or and Adulterous Female, or their Homosexuals and Liars and Murders, can legally be stoned, by our Hebrew Torah  to bring Justice and the Judgment Yahweh's from out our Hebrew Torah upon these Nazi fake Jews and fake Christians of the household of Satan that outlawed us of Israel as Muslim Terrorist, outlawing our Hebrew Torah and our Prophets and the writings of the Jewish Apostles of the  Jewish Jesus,  that they outlawed as a Muslim Terrorist Ideology, only believed and promoted by Mentally Ill Religious Fanatics, as they say that they are defending us of Israel as they  arm our enemies against us that they disarmed and lying claiming to be defending us of Israel and Muslims, arming fake Muslims and Homosexual Armies against us, like the four fake Urdu Muslims that they had have the US Nazi Catholic Doctors call my Hebrew Samaritan Religious Belief from our Northern Kingdom Israel, common with our Hebrew Jewish Religious Belief of our Southern Kingdom Judah, made one Kingdom in my hand, the hand of Ephraim, they called my true Hebrew Religious Belief false in the US  Nazi Catholic run Railroad Commitment Courts, arming their fake Muslim and Homosexuals against us of Israel that they refuse to legalize, as  their Communist Nazi Maccabees Catholic James Risch joins the the Communist fake Jew Maccabees Wolf Blitzer and CNN that blocked my Medical Treatments since 1999, and it is still blocked by the US Communist Nazis, that  have repeatedly refused and failed to Redress even one of my Just Issues, while the Communist Nazi Medias and the Communist Governments play a Shell game, polishing their Communist Nazi Pope as one of the Poor, while he has  his Nazi Bankers Bishops and Priests and Nuns, paying for his Homosexual Nazi Military Complexes, and  robbing the Tax Payers for his Security, and having them rob the Widows and Orphans of the Tithes and Offerings that they steal to pay for the Nazi Catholic Vatican and their Nazi Catholic Churches, their Idols and Elohim made by their own hands, that Yahweh the El Highest dwells not in Temple made by hands, saying that we must conform to their American Nazi Christian Family Values that violate both the US Constitution and our Scriptures outlawing by the State issued  Nazi Marriage Laws one Man one Woman, outlawing the God of Israel named Yahweh, and outlawing  his anointed Bridegroom of Mount Zion, and replacing them both with frauds, outlawing Christ and the the Bride of Christ by the Nazi Christian Traditional Marriages that outlaw Jacob as a Bastard and outlaw his four Mates as Adulteresses and outlaws us of Israel as Bastards, ss both their Antisemitic Antichrist Latin Maccabees and the Antisemitic Antichrist Greek Maccabees lie saying that they are Hebrew Prophets, saying that they are providing Social Justice, saying we are insane for believing the Hebrew and Aramaic and Greek Scriptures that they and their  Pope disobey, and outlawed as  Heresy, and Anti Catholic Terrorist Ideology that must be wiped off the Map,  saying that we do not translate Hebrew like their  Antisemitic Antichrist  Homosexual and  Antisemitic Antichrist Latin  Jesuit Maccabees Catholics, and  Antisemitic Antichrist Greek  Maccabees  Orthodox Jews and their Supporters, and locking us up again and again, robbing us while locked up, being disabled and murdered being deliberately positioned, again and again as they still have Medical Treatments blocked because the Nazis have our Medical Records and control our Medical Treatments,  outlawing and replacing our Shepherd Holy Spirit Yahweh the El Highest, and his true Shepherd his Messiah the Eternal Father  and his Messiah's son, and replacing us with their Idols worshiping the works of their own hands, like Nazi Germany did, saying the Pope is their Furor (Leader) and Shepherd like Nazi Germany called Hitler and his Nazi Pope, Popes having outlawed the Living Saints of Yahweh, and having canonized the Pepe's Nazi Dead, to worship devils impersonating their dead Saints on the Nazi Catholic Paintings, like the Witch of Endor brought up the Dead Samuel to deceived Saul and many in Israel, to outlaw and attack David and all Israel, their Popes collected Paintings of the dead, being their Nazi Idols that they worship, worshiping the works of their own hands, outlaw the Holy Scriptures, and replacing them with Idols as their Pope's Gospel, stalking us and keeping tack of us for the prepared outlaw on the US Constitution installing their Communist Nazi Catholic Sate Government, that outlawed us for the Communist Nazi  Pope's Homosexual Bishops and Priests and Nuns.

The US Nazi SS having had me sign a paper so that they could search my apartment and social sites and computer, before the US Nazis set me up, and called my Hebrew Religious Belief false in their Catholic Run US Nazi Railroad commitment Court, when I warned them about the Saudi Oilmen and Bankers and their Homosexuals setting up Obama and then US Government, outlawing us of Israel, for the fake Jew Zionists and the Nazi Homosexuals, the US Nazi SS having had built with US Tax Payers facilities the Pope's Pope Mobile, while using the FDA and Environmental Agencies to legalize the Courts and Hospitals to block our access to Kosher Food and Medications and legalized forcing upon us everything that our Hebrew Scriptures say causes us blood descendants of David and Ephraim harm and or death, and even though the Doctors and Hospital Tests say that they cause us harm or death, they saying the Hospital Labs and doctors are wrong, and force them on us saying our Scriptures are false Science, saying that the FDA says that those things are legal to force upon us, with no legal recourse against the US Nazis, and no Representatives in the Government that will represent us and our Just Causes, saying they are a Law abiding People abiding by US Law that allows them to get away with that mush, with impunity, siding with Chines and Cuban and Latin American Communist Atheists and Homosexuals against us of Israel that they outlawed, because the  Chines and Cuban and Latin American Communist Atheists and Homosexuals   speak the Communist Nazi Pope's Language, saying the Pope's Gospels of respecting the Rights of all Pope's People of Earth, that he wants  Congress to force upon all the World, is to disobey Moses and the Prophets and Jesus and his Apostles, and  respect the Rights of the Homosexual and Adulterers and Adulteresses and Thieves and Robbers setting us and murdering the Just without any Just cause for the Nazi Pope, as they keep stealing the Song Rights of the Shepherd of Zion, singing the songs Zion's and mislaying them to their Antisemitic Nazi Bibles like Nazi Germany did, repeatedly falsely accuse us of being Nazi and Muslim Terrorists  and Mentally Ill Religious fanatics, and  continue arming their Pope's US Nazi Security forces stalking us and and blocking us from Kosher Foods and Medications, and repeatably locking us up though we committed no crime, calling us and Hebrew Scriptures a false Religious Belief for their Nazi Pope that outlawed us blood descendants of David and Ephraim, backing their Homosexual Armies against Kind Assad  and Russia and Iran, saying that King Assad  must go because he believes our Samaritan and Jewish Hebrew Torah and all from it common with the Quran that they outlawed  for t their Nazi Homosexuals, and because the Communist Nazi Pope,  supports the US Nazis and their Nazi Homosexuals murdering us Israel, the US Nazis calling the Communists Nazi Pope, the People's Pope, and forcing his Nazi Religion upon all the Peoples of Earth, by their Nazi Guns and Nazi forced drugs, calling the actions of David circumcising the homosexuals attacking us of Israel, circumcising them tail and all, saying that they actions of  anyone defending their against they US Nazi backed Homosexual Warriors, saying doing so, is abhorring to the US Nazis, and to their Nazi homosexual Saudi Oilmen men attaching is of Israel or the house of Abrahan, the US Nazi saying we are not King David and have no right to Life liberty and the pursuit of happiness, because they make money off their Homosexual Arab allies, they outlawed us of Israel and all the house of Abraham  for their Nazi  homosexual Saudi Oilmen and Homosexual Bankers, as the US Government, refusing and failing to legalism us and our Hebrew and Aramaic and Greek Scriptures, and failing to  get our Medical Records and Social Security Records out of the hands of their Nazi Catholics and Evangelicals and Nazi Homosexuals and Atheists,  Communist Nazis at CNN that blocked my Medical Treatment and poisoned me trying murder me, refuse to stop forcing upon us their Nazi Catholic Big Communist Government robbing us and disabling and murdering us of the house of Abraham for the Nazi Communist Pope and his Nazi Homosexual Armies.

My son said, my Father, is greater than I, and none can pluck them out his hand.

Many now saying unto my son, "Lord, lord, have we not done many good works in your name, and cast out many with devils?" And my son answered, "get away from me, you workers of iniquity, I never acquainted you."

ואתה בן־אדם  = and associate hers the son Adam's
אני יוסף בן־אדם = I am Joseph the son Adam's
אני יוסף בן־יעקב ממטה אפרים = I am Joseph the son Jacob's from the Tribe Ephraim's
אני יוסף בן־דוד = I am Joseph the son David's
אני ישראל בן־יהוה = I am Israel the son Yahweh's
אני לביא ממטה יהודה = I am the lion from the Tribe Judah's
שויתי יהוה לנגדי תמיד כי מימיני בל־אמוט׃  = sets mine, Yahweh, unto before me continually, related from the right hand mine none removes,
מכתם לדוד שמרני אל כי־חסיתי בך׃  = from written unto David, the guardian mine, El, related the refuge mine within you.
אמרת ליהוה אדני אתה טובתי בל־עליך׃ = answered unto Yahweh the Lord mine associate hers, the goodness mine, none upon me yours.
לקדושים אשר־בארץ המה ואדירי כל־חפצי־בם׃  = unto the Saints wedded within Earth, that from hers and the glory mine, all  the pleasing mine within them,
 ירבו עצבותם אחר מהרו בל־אסיך נסכיהם מדם ובל־אשא את־שמותם על־שפתי׃  = increasing his sorrow, hindermost flows his, none pouring a casted image mine her water, from the blood, and none lift associate the authority upon the lips mine.
יהוה מנת־חלקי וכוסי אתה תומיך גורלי׃  = Yahweh the lot allotment mine, and the cup mine, associate hers maintains the inheritance mine.
חבלים נפלו־לי בנעמים אף־נחלת שפרה עלי׃  = the lines falls his unto me, within delight aggressively inheriting the glitter hers upon me,
אברך את־יהוה אשר יעצני אף־לילות יסרוני כליותי׃ = bless associate Yahweh wedded the counselor me aggressively, the Night's instructing me, the reigns mine,
שויתי יהוה לנגדי תמיד כי מימיני בל־אמוט׃  = sets mine, Yahweh, unto before me continually, related from the right hand mine none removes,
לכן שמח לבי ויגל כבודי אף־בשרי ישכן לבטח׃  = unto righted cheering up the heart mine, and gladly the glory mine aggressively  rests unto the refuge,
 כי לא־תעזב נפשי לשאול לא־תתן חסידך לראות שחת׃  = related not leaves the soul mine unto the grave, not she end snake the Holy one yours, unto the seen corrupting,
  תודיעני ארח חיים שבע שמחות את־פניך נעמות בימינך נצח׃  = reacquaints me the highway's Life, the full pleasure  associate the face mine yours, the pleasures within the Right hand yours the splendor eternal,
 ויצמח יהוה אלהים מן־האדמה כל־עץ נחמד למראה וטוב למאכל ועץ החיים בתוך הגן ועץ הדעת טוב ורע׃ = and sprouted Yahweh, the Elohim  from out Adam hers, all tree stem unto pleasant unto from the sight hers, and good unto from to eat, and the tree stem that Life, within amidst the Garden, and the tree stem that acquainted Good and Evil.
בני גפן לפני טוב למאכל אני אלהים החיים־אדם = the son mine the vine unto the face mine good unto from to eat, I am Elohim that Life Adam's

אני יה בן־אדם = I am Yah the son Adam's

As the Rebellious, replacing my Torah with their Babylonian Talmud, gaze upon Mesopotamia the Earth between the Rivers of Babylon, saying, "never again, will I become carried away captive unto Babylon," while outlawing our Purim with the Persians, and arming the Arabs against themselves, saying, "we are just defending ourselves, against that Idolatrous Damascus,"  as the enemy that they armed against Damascus, comes from the North, and the East, and the West, and the South, where shall the rebellious against Yahweh flee, seeing all the borders of the Nations closing, refusing to take refugees trying to flee the slaughter?

and Yah mine, the word, Yahweh El mine unto said,
  ויהי דבר־יהוה אלי לאמר׃

Ezekiel 12:1

The  Son Adam's within amidst the house the rebellious associate hers, sets wedded the eye sea unto her water, unto seeing, and not sees him, the ear sea unto hearing, and not hearing him, related the house's rebellious her water.
  בן־אדם בתוך בית־המרי אתה ישב אשר עינים להם לראות ולא ראו אזנים להם לשמע ולא שמעו כי בית מרי הם׃

Ezekiel 12:2

and Yah mine, the word, Yahweh El mine unto said,
  ויהי דבר־יהוה אלי לאמר׃

Ezekiel 7:1

רביעי = forth
רבעת =  four
ארבעת = (I) Ox head the four

and associate hers the son Adam's, alike her said, the Lord mine Yahweh, unto answered Israel, and the border comes that border's upon (I) Ox head the four corners that Earth.
 ואתה בן־אדם כה־אמר אדני יהוה לאדמת ישראל קץ בא הקץ על־ארבעת כנפות הארץ׃

Ezekiel 7:2

this time that border's upon me you, and sends mine the aggression mine within you, and Judges mine you, alike the path mine yours, and snake she end mine upon me you, all that abomination mine yours,
  עתה הקץ עליך ושלחתי אפי בך ושפטתיך כדרכיך ונתתי עליך את כל־תועבתיך׃

Ezekiel  7:3

Joseph entered the house and sat eastward facing westward to hear the word of Yahweh concerning Yahshua that they call Jesus, sitting at Yahweh's right hand,  when he heard of David hiding within the woods, the minister stood, and cried saying, "Who can tell when Joseph shall rise up?" When the house became filled with darkness, and the sun did not shine and the moon gave not her light, and the stars did not shine, and there appeared a great field amidst the darkness of the night with five men in huddle amidst the field, all dressed the same with black sackcloth under their skin, their outline shinning like the stars of heaven, all bent down and laboring upon the same thing. When suddenly blew down out of the north a great whirling wind that swill down upon them, with tongues of wind swirling like double edged swords. And Joseph saw himself stand up from the huddle as the wind scattered the four men who ran southward weeping and howling as the tongues of the wind beat down upon them leaving them no place to hide within all the earth, and one of them ran up to me weeping and howling, as the Hebrew name "Belial" appeared inside their forehead. This was done as Joseph arose up over them laboring and eating the hidden mana hand to mouth, and cleaning and shaving his face, and he turned and first faced the west and stood upon his two feet, then turned northward and walked north and stood in fear and trembling, as a tongue of the whirling wind came and whirl about the crown of his bald head, and began filling him inside from the crown of his bald head, downward, till he stood the fullest filled with white inside, standing in fear and trembling at the word from the mouth of Yahweh unto the house where sat Joseph.

As they scream, about their Politicians that outlawed Wedding Feast Kingdom of Heaven and outlawed the Bridegroom and Bride, unable to seek and find the face of Elohim the Bridegroom of Mount Zion, outlawing him with their Nazi Marriage Laws and their Nazi Gay Marriage Laws, pointing at the Politicians that outlawed Righteousness and their Salvation, saying, "Look at that face,"  Yahweh says, I will empty out their Bordered up the Earth, till that a child can count the number of Ish left in that rebellious land, upon one hand.

and not covering the eyes mine upon me you, and not (I) Ox Head sparing, related the path mine yours, upon me you, associate snaked, and that abomination mine you, within the center yours, becomes my wine, and the knowledge, related I am Yahweh.
  ולא־תחוס עיני עליך ולא אחמול כי דרכיך עליך אתן ותועבותיך בתוכך תהיין וידעתם כי־אני יהוה׃

Ezekiel  7:4

alike her said the Lord mine Yahweh, the Shepherd hers, one, the Shepherd hers, that snake hers, came hers.
  כה אמר אדני יהוה רעה אחת רעה הנה באה׃

Ezekiel 7:5

the border comes, comes that border's that awoke El mine yours, that snake hers, came hers.
  קץ בא בא הקץ הקיץ אליך הנה באה׃

Ezekiel 7:6

came hers that crowned hers, El mine yours, sitting the Earth, comes that time approaching  this Day, the trouble hers, and not shouts out the Mountain sea.
  באה הצפירה אליך יושב הארץ בא העת קרוב היום מהומה ולא־הד הרים׃

Ezekiel 7:7

the time hers approaches spills his yours the anger mine upon me you, and ends mine the aggression mine within you, and the Judgment mine yours, alike the path mine yours, and snake she end mine upon me you, associate all the abominations mine yours,
  עתה מקרוב אשפוך חמתי עליך וכליתי אפי בך ושפטתיך כדרכיך ונתתי עליך את כל־תועבותיך׃

Ezekiel 7:8

Globally your Secular  Democracies and Secular Governments that covered the path Yahweh's, his path will cover yours, not to be relaid again over his path, says Yahweh.

and not covers the eyes mine, and not (I) Ox Head spares within the path mine yours, upon me you, associate snaked, and the abominations mine you, within the center yours, becomes my wine, and the knowledge, related I am Yahweh the striker.
  ולא־תחוס עיני ולא אחמול כדרכיך עליך אתן ותועבותיך בתוכך תהיין וידעתם כי אני יהוה מכה׃

Ezekiel  7:9

That Antichrist Pope that they crowned, that snake hers, against Yahweh's crowned, that snake tree of arrogance, will be cast forth, and dry up, says Yahweh.

that snake hers this Day, that snake hers came hers,  casting hers that crowned hers, the bloom, that branch hers breaks off, that presumptuous arrogance,
  הנה היום הנה באה יצאה הצפרה צץ המטה פרח הזדון׃

Ezekiel  7:10

Saying that they need to know the names of foreign Terrorist Leaders, using fear mongering and false witness, and false evidence, to raise money to continue their Terrorist rein of Power  in  International War, their names are not worth mentioning, having never been written in the scroll of Life, all will forget their names, the Global Cops saying that says that they are attacking evil, attacking in a land not theirs, that land beneath their feet is not theirs, it belongs unto its Maker Yahweh, Belial in unbelief cannot comprehend, that I am the Righteous Branch, Zain the Rod Iron, and I have come to bend all the swords of the Earth into plowshares, they cannot comprehend that because of the violence unto Jacob, by their rebellion against their Maker,  outlawing Yahweh and his Kingdom, their will not be one Secular  Politician or Judge or Lawyer or Police Officer left in power on the entire Earth, and  holding onto their greed for power and money,  all on all sides that take unto the sword, they will perish with their sword, as they will all become destroyed from before me, and all that they have will be left unto their  victims.

the violent raising unto the branch, the evil not from her water, and not from the multitude, and not from the abundance, and not the lamenting  within her water.
  החמס קם למטה־רשע לא־מהם ולא מהמונם ולא מהמהם ולא־נה בהם׃

Ezekiel 7:11

comes that time touching this Day, that purchased hers El joyfully, and that sells El, the mourners, related angered El all that multitude.
  בא העת הגיע היום הקונה אל־ישמח והמוכר אל־יתאבל כי חרון אל־כל־המונה׃

Ezekiel 7:12]

I am the Bridegroom Joseph, from Yahweh my Scribe, my name the adding, adding all the names wedded unto me, added unto me the scroll of Life, the Nations are anergy before me, that the time has come, for the reading of the scroll of Life, and all not written therein fall unto the grave, so that we may look upon the look, upon their faces, not rising, as the fruit of my tree of life, twelve manner of fruit for the healing of the Nations.

that associated upon me the hand Yahweh's, and mine his casted snake me within Spirit that valley hers, and he filled hers bones,
  היתה עלי יד־יהוה ויוצאני ברוח יהוה ויניחני בתוך הבקעה והיא מלאה עצמות׃

Ezekiel 37:1

and carried me upon mine her water circling, circling and that snake hers  numbered vehemently upon the face mine, that valley hers, and that snake hers dried up vehemently,
  והעבירני עליהם סביב סביב והנה רבות מאד על־פני הבקעה והנה יבשות מאד׃

Ezekiel 37:2

All the bones in valley, numbered upon my face, the scroll of Life, by my Scribe Yahweh.

and said El mine, the son Adam's, that associate mine snake hers, that bones that El's hers, and said the Lord mine Yahweh, associate hers, acquainted.
  ויאמר אלי בן־אדם התחיינה העצמות האלה ואמר אדני יהוה אתה ידעת׃

Ezekiel 37:3

All in my valley, hear the voice of my El, and were wedded unto me the son Adam's the Bridegroom unto Mount Zion.

and said El mine, that prophecy upon that bones, that El's hers, and answered El mine her water, that bones that drying, hear him the word Yahweh's.
 ויאמר אלי הנבא על־העצמות האלה ואמרת אליהם העצמות היבשות שמעו דבר־יהוה׃

Ezekiel 37:4

alike her said, the Lord mine Yahweh unto bones, that El's hers, that snake hers I am from coming within your water, the Spirit and Lives.
  כה אמר אדני יהוה לעצמות האלה הנה אני מביא בכם רוח וחייתם׃

Ezekiel 37:5

and snake she end mine upon me your water, the sinew sea, and that ascends mine upon me your water, the flesh, and covers mine, upon me your water, the skin,  and snake she end mine within your water, the Spirit's and Lives and the reacquainted, related I am Yahweh
  ונתתי עליכם גדים והעלתי עליכם בשר וקרמתי עליכם עור ונתתי בכם רוח וחייתם וידעתם כי־אני יהוה׃

Ezekiel 37:6

The whiling wind, branched unto five branches, one swirling about the crown of my bald head, and the four winds, whiling East and West and North and South, smote violently upon the heads of all the evil upon Earth, and they staggered like drunken men, drunken in the Darkness of Night, stumbling at what they could not see within the Darkness covering all the Earth, weeping and howling for the misery that they brought upon themselves in their rebellion, when all the evil of Earth rose up over me, as I turned my back unto them, and the whiling wind persecuted them vehemently, leaving no place in all the Earth to hide from the four winds from Heaven in all the Earth.

flesh from the  flesh mine, bone from the bone mine, I am the Life Adam's, my words are Spirit and Life,  I am Yah the Christ the Spirit of Prophecy, the Living Breath Yahweh's, with my son the payment for the Living and the Dead dwelling within my Bosom, the Spirit and the Father and Word we three bearing witness within Heaven, the Spirit and the Water and the Blood we three bearing witness within one witness within Earth.

and the prophecy mine alike wedded the appointed mine, and Yah mine the voice alike the prophecy mine,  and that snake hers shaking and reproaching him the bones, the bone El's the bone,
 ונבאתי כאשר צויתי ויהי־קול כהנבאי והנה־רעש ותקרבו עצמות עצם אל־עצמו׃
Ezekiel 37:7

and saw she me and that snake hers upon me her water the Nation sea, and flesh upon her, and covering upon me her water skin her upper part upon he and Spirit none,
 וראיתי והנה־עליהם גדים ובשר עלה ויקרם עליהם עור מלמעלה ורוח אין בהם׃

Ezekiel 37:8

and said El mine, that prophecy's El that Spirit's that prophecy's the son Adam's, and answer El that Spirit's, alike said the Lord mine Yahweh, from (I) Ox Head four Spirits,   came mine, that Spirit's, and blows mine within that smitten sea, the El's hers and Yah mine his.
  ויאמר אלי הנבא אל־הרוח הנבא בן־אדם ואמרת אל־הרוח כה־אמר אדני יהוה מארבע רוחות באי הרוח ופחי בהרוגים האלה ויחיו׃

Ezekiel 37:9

and that prophesying mine alike wedded the appointed mine, the coming within her water, that Spirit's, and Yah mine his, and stands him the Elder vehemently, vehemently,
 והנבאתי כאשר צוני ותבוא בהם הרוח ויחיו ויעמדו על־רגליהם חיל גדול מאד־מאד׃

Ezekiel 37:10

and said El mine, the son Adam's that bones, that El's hers, all the house Israel's, that from her, that snake hers the sayings, shamed him, the bone mine snake his, and wanders hers the corded snake his dividing snake his,
  ויאמר אלי בן־אדם העצמות האלה כל־בית ישראל המה הנה אמרים יבשו עצמותינו ואבדה תקותנו נגזרנו לנו׃

Ezekiel 37:11

אדמת = adaming, as in reproduction of Adam's population

unto righted that prophecy's, and answer El mine her water, alike said the Lord mine Yahweh, that snake hers I am  the opening associate the sepulchre mine your water, and rises mine associate water, from the sepulchre mine your water, the People mine, and that coming mine, associate your water, El adaming Israel,
  לכן הנבא ואמרת אליהם כה־אמר אדני יהוה הנה אני פתח את־קברותיכם והעליתי אתכם מקברותיכם עמי והבאתי אתכם אל־אדמת ישראל׃

Ezekiel 37:12

and the reacquainting related I am Yahweh within opening mine associate the sepulchre mine your water, and with that ascends mine associate your water, from the sepulchre mine your water, the People mine,
  וידעתם כי־אני יהוה בפתחי את־קברותיכם ובהעלותי אתכם מקברותיכם עמי׃

Ezekiel 37:13

and snake she end mine the Spirit mine within your water and lives, and that deposits mine associate your water, upon the adaming your water, and the reacquainting, related I am Yahweh, wording mine and making mine, says Yahweh.
 ונתתי רוחי בכם וחייתם והנחתי אתכם על־אדמתכם וידעתם כי־אני יהוה דברתי ועשיתי נאם־יהוה׃

Ezekiel 37:14

and Yah mine, the word,  Yahweh El mine unto said,
  ויהי דבר־יהוה אלי לאמר׃

Ezekiel 37:15

and associate hers the son Adam's take unto you, a tree stem, first and write upon me him, unto Judah and unto the son mine Israel, the companion his,  and unto take a three stem, first and write upon me him, unto Joseph the tree stem Ephraim, and all the house Israel's the companion his,
  ואתה בן־אדם קח־לך עץ אחד וכתב עליו ליהודה ולבני ישראל חברו ולקח עץ אחד וכתוב עליו ליוסף עץ אפרים וכל־בית ישראל חברו׃

Ezekiel 37:16

and approach associations (you are) El's first unto you, unto tree stem first, and that mine his unto the first sea, within the hand yours,
 וקרב אתם אחד אל־אחד לך לעץ אחד והיו לאחדים בידך׃

Ezekiel 37:17

and alike wedded said him, El mine yours, the son mine the People yours, unto said, that not opposite unto snake his, why from her El hers,
  וכאשר יאמרו אליך בני עמך לאמר הלוא־תגיד לנו מה־אלה לך׃

Ezekiel 37:18

שבט = Shevat, the Scepter, I am Shevat the Scepter to rise out Jacob, all fighting against the Head of Damascus will fall.

word El her water alike her said, the Lord mine Yahweh, that snake hers, I am unto take associate the tree stem Joseph wedded within the hand Ephraim,  and the Scepter mine Israel, uniting him, and snake she end mine associations upon me him, associate the tree stem Judah, and the makings unto the tree stem first, and that mine his, first within the hand mine.
  דבר אלהם כה־אמר אדני יהוה הנה אני לקח את־עץ יוסף אשר ביד־אפרים ושבטי ישראל חברו ונתתי אותם עליו את־עץ יהודה ועשיתם לעץ אחד והיו אחד בידי׃

Ezekiel 37:19

and that mine his that tree stem sea wedded the writing upon mine her water within the hand yours unto the eyes mine her water.
  והיו העצים אשר־תכתב עליהם בידך לעיניהם׃

Ezekiel 37:20

and word El mine her water, alike said the Lord mine Yahweh, that snake hers, I am unto take associate the sone mine Israel, from among the Nation sea, wedded walking his the name and assembling mine associations (you are) circling within and that coming mine associations the adaming's.
  ודבר אליהם כה־אמר אדני יהוה הנה אני לקח את־בני ישראל מבין הגוים אשר הלכו־שם וקבצתי אתם מסביב והבאתי אותם אל־אדמתם׃

Ezekiel 37:21

and making mine associations (you are) unto a Nation first within Earth, within the mountains mine Israel, and the King first, Yahweh, unto all unto the King, and not Yah hers hereafter unto a two Nation sea,  and not splits him hereafter, unto two mine, the Kingdom hereafter.
  ועשיתי אתם לגוי אחד בארץ בהרי ישראל ומלך אחד יהיה לכלם למלך ולא יהיה־עוד לשני גוים ולא יחצו עוד לשתי ממלכות עוד׃
Ezekiel 37:22

I am the Slave David's, I am Yah the Head  Elohim Yahweh's, Yahweh my Head, and you my Tail.

and not defiles him hereafter within the Idols mine her water, and within abominable filth mine her water, and within all the rebellious mine her water, and that his save mine associations (your are) from all the sites mine her water  wedded, that miswitnessed him within her water and  purifies mine associations (you are,)  and that mine his unto me, unto a People, and I am Ox Head that Yah's unto her water unto the Elohim,
 ולא יטמאו עוד בגלוליהם ובשקוציהם ובכל פשעיהם והושעתי אתם מכל מושבתיהם אשר חטאו בהם וטהרתי אותם והיו־לי לעם ואני אהיה להם לאלהים׃

Ezekiel 37:23

and the Slave mine David's the King upon mine her water,  and shepherding hers first Yah hers, unto all,  and within the Judgment mine, walks him, and the Statutes mine, guards him, and the Maker his associations.
 ועבדי דוד מלך עליהם ורועה אחד יהיה לכלם ובמשפטי ילכו וחקתי ישמרו ועשו אותם׃

Ezekiel 37:24

Lifted to rule upon the the throne my Father's, David in Spirit lifted me the Slave Yahweh's, saying, said Yahweh unto the Lord mine, sit here out the right hand mine, till sets the enemies yours to stool the feet yours.

and sets him upon the Earth wedded snake she end mine, unto the Slave mine unto Jacob, wedded, sets him within her fathering mine your water, and sets him upon me hers, that from hers, and the son mine her water, and the son mine the son mine her water, hereafter unto times, and David the Slave mine lifted unto her water, unto times.
  וישבו על־הארץ אשר נתתי לעבדי ליעקב אשר ישבו־בה אבותיכם וישבו עליה המה ובניהם ובני בניהם עד־עולם ודוד עבדי נשיא להם לעולם׃

Ezekiel 37:25

The mount of Esau, warmongers, that cannot speak People unto the King of Salem and Cohen unto El Heights, and the Mount of Esau will become leveled before me.

and cuts mine unto her water the Covenant Peace, the Covenant times Yah hers the associations,  and snake she end sea, and that number mine, the associations, and snake she end mine, associate the Holy one mine, within amidst unto times,
  וכרתי להם ברית שלום ברית עולם יהיה אותם ונתתים והרביתי אותם ונתתי את־מקדשי בתוכם לעולם׃

Ezekiel 37:26

I am the Elohim from Yahweh, my Bride the Living Temple Elohim.

and that Yah's the tabernacle mine, upon mine her water, and that mine become mine unto her water unto Elohim, and that from her Yah mine his unto me unto a People.
 והיה משכני עליהם והייתי להם לאלהים והמה יהיו־לי לעם׃

Ezekiel 37:27

and acquaints me that Nation sea, related I am Yahweh associate Israel El within that mine becoming the Holy one mine within amidst unto times.
  וידעו הגוים כי אני יהוה מקדש את־ישראל בהיות מקדשי בתוכם לעולם׃

Ezekiel 37:28

I saw this in a vision upon my bed today, the day of atonement, so I will say it plainly, to avoid the consequences of breaking the Statute from my Torah, let him that stole, steal no more, but let him labor, so that he may make more than what he needs, to share some, with them that have need. If there is a contrite soul, repentance brings about not breaking the Torah again, then that inequity is for forgiven, but if you continue breaking the Torah, there is no forgiveness, for there was no repentance.

Because they knew me from the Torah Moses's and the Prophets' that I am the time  traveling carpenter, on a long journey building my House, do they not make Idols in my name Joseph, mislaying another as the foundation of their Building made by hands, calling it St Joseph's?  Peter said about me the Christ that Elohim the House Israel, Jesus and I the Elohim finished laying me the Christ his Father as the Foundation of my House.

assuredly now acquainted all the House Israel, related and Yahweh and the Christ him that Elohim, finished thereof that Jesus whom you staked up.
  ασφαλως ουν γινωσκετω πας οικος ισραηλ οτι και κυριον και χριστον αυτον ο θεος εποιησεν τουτον τον ιησουν ον υμεις εσταυρωσατε

Acts 2:36

David and all the Prophets invited me unto them within Yahweh, I am Yah the Father, the Rod of Iron, the deliver, Yahweh's, Peter had paraphrased from this Hebrew  Scripture in Joel, the name to call upon to be saved, and the Antisemitic Antichrist fake Christians like the Pope and his Followers the Evangelicals, calling themselves Exorcists, twisting this scripture in Acts into a lie against truth from the Holy Scriptures, to falsely say call on the name Jesus be saved, and they then cause the name Jesus to be hated, telling lies in his name,  bashing people with the name Jesus, trying to cast out devils, and disabling and murdering them.

and that Yah's all wedded, invited within the name Yahweh's, the deliver, related within Mount Zion, and within Jerusalem.
 והיה כל אשר־יקרא בשם יהוה ימלט כי בהר־ציון ובירושלם

Joel 2:32  (3:5)

εσται  = installed, =  אשר  = wedded

and installed all who when invited that name Yahweh's, the deliver,
 και εσται πας ος αν επικαλεσηται το ονομα κυριου σωθησεται

Act 2:21

Moses called me the  Righteousness that out thereof the Torah's, related that does those me being the one that Adam that lives within them.

Moses because defined the Righteousness that out thereof the Torah's , related that does those Adam that lives within them.
 μωσης γαρ γραφει την δικαιοσυνην την εκ του νομου οτι ο ποιησας αυτα ανθρωπος ζησεται εν αυτοις

Romans 10:5

I am the one that Elohim the Light the Cosmos within the one my son, no one can have my son without me, and no one can have me the one that Elohim the Light the Cosmos without acquainting my Son. I came to Baptize you in Spirit and Fire, to give you another Comforter, that he may be with you for Eternity, even the Spirit of Truth, the Spirit the Lord mine Yahweh. Not believing unto me the one being  that Elohim the Light, that Cosmos, they are condemned.

noway troubles yours the heart believing the one that Elohim, and the one within me believing,
  μη ταρασσεσθω υμων η καρδια πιστευετε εις τον θεον και εις εμε πιστευετε

John 14:1

I am the prepared place from Spirit Yahweh, within me the house thereof the son's mine, there many mansions within me that Cosmos the Light, and unto Eternity not one therein that does not believe upon me the Christ the Rock among all ages, like as my son said;

within the house thereof Father's, mansions, many exist, if also noway told, when to you journeys the prepared place to you.
 εν τη οικια του πατρος μου μοναι πολλαι εισιν ει δε μη ειπον αν υμιν πορευομαι ετοιμασαι τοπον υμιν

John 14:2

and if when the journey and the prepared to you the place  arrives, and aside accommodates you within myself, which place's within me, I and you here.
  και εαν πορευθω και ετοιμασω υμιν τοπον παλιν ερχομαι και παραληψομαι υμας προς εμαυτον ινα οπου ειμι εγω και υμεις ητε

John 14:3

As written about me, your King, comes unto you riding his colt of an ass, I am Yah the Father, in Spirit Yahweh, I am the Palm Tree, the Father Yah, Baptized within me the Living Water, my branches my sweepers, riding upon me the colt of an ass, the people laid me the King, and my sweepers, the foundation within the path, for my son coming unto me Jerusalem, riding upon me on the colt of and ass.

and whereof I  go perceived, and the path perceived.
 και οπου εγω υπαγω οιδατε και την οδον οιδατε

John 14:4

lecture to him Thomas, Lord, cannot perceive where goes, and how able that Path to see?
  λεγει αυτω θωμας κυριε ουκ οιδαμεν που υπαγεις και πως δυναμεθα την οδον ειδεναι

John 14:5

I am the Truth, the Life that Father.

lecture to him that Jesus, I am the Path, and the Truth, and the Life nobody arrives with that Father, if noway through within me.
 λεγει αυτω ο ιησους εγω ειμι η οδος και η αληθεια και η ζωη ουδεις ερχεται προς τον πατερα ει μη δι εμου

John 14:6

My son told you plainly, I know when you know my son, and my son  says to you, that came upon upon his name, and deceived many with falsehood of saying the lies in his name, that he was that Christ, my son says, get away from me, you workers of infinity, I never acquainted you. One cannot see Spirit  El Highest, named Yahweh, at any time, my uniquely begotten son Jesus, within my Bosom, we declared him, and now you acquainted me, and have  seen me the Father, like he said you would.

if knows me, and that Father mine knows when, and from hereafter acquainted him, and seen him.
  ει εγνωκειτε με και τον πατερα μου εγνωκειτε αν και απ αρτι γινωσκετε αυτον και εωρακατε αυτον

John 14:7

lecture to him Phillip, Lord, show to us that Father, and satisfy us.
  λεγει αυτω φιλιππος κυριε δειξον ημιν τον πατερα και αρκει ημιν

John 14:8

 τοσουτον χρονον  = throughout the Time, I am the Older Time, the Covenant Times.

lecture to him that Jesus, throughout the Time therewith within me, and  cannot within have known me, Phillip, that seen within me, seen that Father, and how you lectured, show to us that Father?
  λεγει αυτω ο ιησους τοσουτον χρονον μεθ υμων ειμι και ουκ εγνωκας με φιλιππε ο εωρακως εμε εωρακεν τον πατερα και πως συ λεγεις δειξον ημιν τον πατερα

John 14:9

Jesus said,

That Spirit where willed, breathes, and the voice his hears, but cannot perceive the place coming, and where going, thus exists all that birth thereof the Spirit's.
  το πνευμα οπου θελει πνει και την φωνην αυτου ακουεις αλλ ουκ οιδας ποθεν ερχεται και που υπαγει ουτως εστιν πας ο γεγεννημενος εκ του πνευματος

John 3:8

Yahweh is Spirit, and breathes Spirit his living breath. His breath has no Father, no Mother, no ancestors, and no descendants, no Head Day, and no End Day,  the Spirit his living breath is called  the Spirit of Prophecy, called מלכי־צדק = Μελχισεδεκ = Melchizedek = the King mine Righteousness. I am the Older Time, the Cohen unto Times, upon wording mine מלכי־צדק = the King mine Righteousness.

Spirit Yahweh and the Spirit of Prophecy,  are the double portion of speaking Spirit upon me in the room of Eliyah, the Spirit of Prophecy, is called the comforter, the Prophecy of Christ, and is called the Spirit of Truth. מלכי־צדק = Μελχισεδεκ = Melchizedek is Prophecy concerning me the Christ, the Eternal Father, and Cohen unto El Highest, the bread and wine  is Prophecy concerning my son Jesus, like Jesus said about me and my Comforter.

whenever also comes that Comforter, whom I shall send to you aside thereof Father's, that Spirit this Truth's, that aside thereof Father's proceeds himself witnessing about within me.
 οταν δε ελθη ο παρακλητος ον εγω πεμψω υμιν παρα του πατρος το πνευμα της αληθειας ο παρα του πατρος εκπορευεται εκεινος μαρτυρησει περι εμου

John 15:26

Spirit Yahweh, and my Comforter, this is same breath like a double edged sword,  that is within my son, that also he speaks with, but speaks of me the Life, aside the Comforter,  like Jesus said, my word is Spirit and Life.

Unlike Communist Welfare Systems that listens to Belial, and the Pope and his followers, that to be appointed as King, they all listen to Belial, and build massive Expensive Wasteful Structures that are never able to satisfy them, and their massive Expensive Wasteful Structures are only used for robbing the Righteous, when people want to make us their King, for handouts, we tell them, get lost. I am the Life Eternal, that remains within the bread from heaven, I am the son Adam's, the second Adam, and Jesus is  my son, the son of the second Adam, and when the people ate the bread and fishes, most wanting to make him their King, were seeking not Jesus because they believed the signs, they were seeking  him because they wanted more handouts, Jesus refused to be their King, and separated out those that believed, from those that did not, but the US Government and  the Pope and his followers, take those of Belial in, but my son and I do not, the disabled and Elderly, the Widows and the Orphans,  they are a different story, we are here for them.

answered them that Jesus, and said, truly, truly, lecture to you, seeks me not, within seeing the signs, but related ate out thereof bread, and were filled.
  απεκριθη αυτοις ο ιησους και ειπεν αμην αμην λεγω υμιν ζητειτε με ουχ οτι ειδετε σημεια αλλ οτι εφαγετε εκ των αρτων και εχορτασθητε

John 6:26

work seeking noway the meat that perishes, but the meat that remained the one Life Eternal, associated that Son Adam's to you gave thereof that because that Father the seal that Elohim.
 εργαζεσθε μη την βρωσιν την απολλυμενην αλλα την βρωσιν την μενουσαν εις ζωην αιωνιον ην ο υιος του ανθρωπου υμιν δωσει τουτον γαρ ο πατηρ εσφραγισεν ο θεος

John 6:27

Paul said those seeking handouts, able to, but not willing to work, infidel, meaning unbelievers, should not eat, and those House owners, having, but not providing for their own household, like not giving fair wages for them that believe, and or not caring for their own disabled and Elderly, the Widows and the Orphans, that believe, or cuts off a family member for believing the truth, and converting, or like blocking our access to Kosher Foods and Medications, even though we have cash,  Paul said they  are the infidel's worst.

and because when to you with you thereto aside messaged to you, related if any not willing to work productively, neither should eat.
 και γαρ οτε ημεν προς υμας τουτο παρηγγελλομεν υμιν οτι ει τις ου θελει εργαζεσθαι μηδε εσθιετω

2 Thessalonians 3:10

In all the Scriptures, there are only two households, the household of believers, and the household of infidel, called the household of Satan

των ιδιων = thereof owners, these are Capitalists, opposite the Communist Big Government handouts, Capitalists are just want to be Communists, they want to own everything, and make it all run their own way, and that is the only two options Democracies offer.

if also and thereof owners, and mostly thereof the household not providing, to that believed, refusing, exists the infidel's worst.
  ει δε τις των ιδιων και μαλιστα των οικειων ου προνοει την πιστιν ηρνηται και εστιν απιστου χειρων

1 Timothy 5:8

That also pertains to them like those in Washington filing Sanctions on Nations to force them to Legalize Homosexuality, arming Homosexual Armies against them, to force them to outlaw things from our Torah and our Prophets, just because their Government or the Quran say the same thing, and because they believe those truths, Washington cuts them off, saying they stand for Religious Freedom, that they outlawed, both in America, and in any Nation they want to destroy.

While the Wedding Feast of the Kingdom of Heaven and our Mahar Mating Contracts and our Families are made illegal  by their Secular Nazi Catholic State Issued Marriage licenses, like Stalin and Castro said Freedom of Religion is the Constitution, saying Freedom Secular Education is just as important, outlawing our Torah and our Prophets in our Schools,  like the Catholics did in the Churches and Schools, forcing Evolution upon us in their Communist Catholic Sate Schools, saying Devils lightning struck a Rock in a Mud Puddle, and made DNA, that evolved into a worm, evolved into a  scorpion, like their Pope, and then evolved into their Jesus, that they call their Creator, outlawing Holy Spirit Yahweh our Creator and me his Adam called Christ, the King Elohim and my Son Jesus with their Communist Revolution that they call  Evolution , for their Nazi Communist Catholic Scorpion Pope and his Plastic Jesus.

Hebrew; Yom Kippur =  יום כפור, the day of Atonement

Wedded between the Palm Trees, as the Bridegroom unto Mount Zion, as the sweeper, and my Palm branches my sweepers, I am  the Father Yah the Palm Tree of the Cohen of the order of αβια = אביה = Abia  the Father Yah in whom all are Baptized within me, the Christ the Liver Water, from the Fountain Spirit the Lord mine Yahweh.

סין = Sin = the sweeper
סיני = Sinai = the sweepers mine, the name of one of my Mountains

and pulled up his from the Palm Trees, and the coming his all assembled the son mine Israel, El from word the sweeper wedded among between the Palm Trees, and among between  the sweepers mine  within five, ten, (fifteenth)  day, unto the new moon, that second, unto the castings from Earth Egypt's.
  ויסעו מאילם ויבאו כל־עדת בני־ישראל אל־מדבר־סין אשר בין־אילם ובין סיני בחמשה עשר יום לחדש השני לצאתם מארץ מצרים׃

Exodus 16:1

and stopped him all assembled the son mine Israel, upon Moses and upon Aaron within from the word.
 וילינו כל־עדת בני־ישראל על־משה ועל־אהרן במדבר׃

Exodus 16:2

and said El her water, the son mine Israel, who from me snake she snake, dies snake his within the hand Yahweh's within Earth Egypt's,  within the sitting snake his, upon the Pot, that flesh's, within ate snake his, bread, unto filling? related that his casting water associate snake his, El that from word all that assembly's that Zain hers, unto that dies all assembled that Zain hers, within famine?
  ויאמרו אלהם בני ישראל מי־יתן מותנו ביד־יהוה בארץ מצרים בשבתנו על־סיר הבשר באכלנו לחם לשבע כי־הוצאתם אתנו אל־המדבר הזה להמית את־כל־הקהל הזה ברעב׃

Exodus 16:3

and said Yahweh El Moses's, that snake snake mine, from rain unto your water, bread, from out that heights', (heavens',) and casted the People's, and unto gather his the word, day within the day his, unto heeding (I) Ox Head tried snake his, that walk, within the Torah's mine, if water not.
 ויאמר יהוה אל־משה הנני ממטיר לכם לחם מן־השמים ויצא העם ולקטו דבר־יום ביומו למען אנסנו הילך בתורתי אם־לא׃

Exodus 16:4

and that Yah's within Day that Sixth, and erected him associate wedded the coming his, and that Yah's from two hers, upon wedded gathering his Day, the Day.
 והיה ביום הששי והכינו את אשר־יביאו והיה משנה על אשר־ילקטו יום יום׃

Exodus 16:5

I am El the Morning Lamb, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, my son El, the Evening Lamb, is bread from Heaven, from Spirit Yahweh my Fountain.

and said Moses and Aaron, El all the son mine Israel the Evening, and the acquainted water, related that Yahweh that his casted associate your water, from Earth Egypt's.
 ויאמר משה ואהרן אל־כל־בני ישראל ערב וידעתם כי יהוה הוציא אתכם מארץ מצרים׃

Exodus 16:6

and the Morning, and seeing water associate the Glory Yahweh's within hearing him, the grumbling mine your water upon Yahweh, and we his from snake hers, related stopped his upon me snake his.
  ובקר וראיתם את־כבוד יהוה בשמעו את־תלנתיכם על־יהוה ונחנו מה כי תלונו עלינו׃

Exodus 16:7

and Yah mine within Day that Sixth unto gather his bread from two hers, two that heap's unto the first, and the coming his all raises mine that People hers and manifested him unto Moses.
 ויהי ביום הששי לקטו לחם משנה שני העמר לאחד ויבאו כל־נשיאי העדה ויגידו למשה׃

Exodus 16:22

and said Elohim himself, wedded the word Yahweh's the Seventh the Sabbat, Holy unto Yahweh tomorrow, associate wedded cooking his the cook his, and associate the seething his  the seether his, and associate all that moreover, that deposit his unto your water, unto guarding hereafter that Mourning's
 ויאמר אלהם הוא אשר דבר יהוה שבתון שבת־קדש ליהוה מחר את אשר־תאפו אפו ואת אשר־תבשלו בשלו ואת כל־העדף הניחו לכם למשמרת עד־הבקר׃

Exodus 16:23

Both Nicodemus and Jesus name to me the Adam, the Ruler Judah's, calling me Elohim, saying that the Kingdom is mine.

associated also Adam out thereof those Pharisees,  Nicodemus name to him, the Ruler thereof those Judah's,
  ην δε ανθρωπος εκ των φαρισαιων νικοδημος ονομα αυτω αρχων των ιουδαιων

John 3:1

himself came with that Jesus, the Night, and said to him, Rabbi, perceived related from Elohim's became a Teacher, nobody because thereof these  things able to do what you do, if when noway than that Elohim thereafter his,
  ουτος ηλθεν προς τον ιησουν νυκτος και ειπεν αυτω ραββι οιδαμεν οτι απο θεου εληλυθας διδασκαλος ουδεις γαρ ταυτα τα σημεια δυναται ποιειν α συ ποιεις εαν μη η ο θεος μετ αυτου

John 3:2

answer that Jesus, and said to him,  truly, truly, lectures you, if when noway any born again, not able to discern that Kingdom thereof Elohim's,
  απεκριθη ο ιησους και ειπεν αυτω αμην αμην λεγω σοι εαν μη τις γεννηθη ανωθεν ου δυναται ιδειν την βασιλειαν του θεου

John 3:3

Speaking about  me the Adam, the Ruler Judah's, knowing that I am the Older one, born in the womb of my Mother Mount Zion.

Lecture with his that Nicodemus, how able Adam born the Older, whom noway able one that womb this Mother's his, a second time, enters and be born?
 λεγει προς αυτον ο νικοδημος πως δυναται ανθρωπος γεννηθηναι γερων ων μη δυναται εις την κοιλιαν της μητρος αυτου δευτερον εισελθειν και γεννηθηναι

John 3:4

El my Father is Spirit, named Yahweh,  I am the Bridegroom Adam, El the Eternal Father, the Living Water, all are written within me the Scroll of Life,  when  they birthed in my Father Spirit Yahweh, and birth again within me in the predetermined  Time and Season that pleases Yahweh, and you must be born of both Spirit Yahweh, and me his Water, or you cannot discern my Kingdom, even I birth within the predetermined  Time and Season that pleased Yahweh, making me the son Adam's, the second Adam the Lord from Heaven.

answer that Jesus, truly, truly, lectures you, if when noway any birth out Water and Spirit, not able to enter one the Kingdom Elohim's.
  απεκριθη ο ιησους αμην αμην λεγω σοι εαν μη τις γεννηθη εξ υδατος και πνευματος ου δυναται εισελθειν εις την βασιλειαν του θεου

John 3:5

that born out this flesh, flesh exists, and that born out thereof the Spirit's, Spirit exists.
 το γεγεννημενον εκ της σαρκος σαρξ εστιν και το γεγεννημενον εκ του πνευματος πνευμα εστιν

John 3:6

noway marvel related told you, must you be born again,
  μη θαυμασης οτι ειπον σοι δει υμας γεννηθηναι ανωθεν

John 3:7

That Spirit where willed, breathes, and the voice his hears, but cannot perceive the place coming, and where going, thus exists all that birth thereof the Spirit's.
  το πνευμα οπου θελει πνει και την φωνην αυτου ακουεις αλλ ουκ οιδας ποθεν ερχεται και που υπαγει ουτως εστιν πας ο γεγεννημενος εκ του πνευματος

John 3:8

answer Nicodemus, and said to him,  how able thereof these births?
  απεκριθη νικοδημος και ειπεν αυτω πως δυναται ταυτα γενεσθαι

John 3:9

Both the Jewish Nicodemus and Jesus being Judah's, being my Teachers, teaching about me, called Israel. As Cohen unto El Highest, I am the Older Time, the Covenant Times,  the Time of Times is Eternity, I am the Eternal Father, Eternal Life, I am the Life within my Seed, the Life within the Blood of my Son.

answer that Jesus, and said to him, you are that Teacher thereof the Israel's, and thereof these not knows?
απεκριθη ο ιησους και ειπεν αυτω συ ει ο διδασκαλος του ισραηλ και ταυτα ου γινωσκεις

John 3:10

truly, truly, lectures you, related that perceived Lecture, and that discerned witnessed, and that witnessed you not manifested.
 αμην αμην λεγω σοι οτι ο οιδαμεν λαλουμεν και ο εωρακαμεν μαρτυρουμεν και την μαρτυριαν ημων ου λαμβανετε

John 3:11

if the things  terrestrial said to you, and not believes, how if when tells you the things heavenly believes?
 ει τα επιγεια ειπον υμιν και ου πιστευετε πως εαν ειπω υμιν τα επουρανια πιστευσετε

John 3:12

and nobody ascent the one that Heaven,  if noway that out thereof Heaven's accorded cast that son thereof Adam's, that whom within thereto Heaven.
  και ουδεις αναβεβηκεν εις τον ουρανον ει μη ο εκ του ουρανου καταβας ο υιος του ανθρωπου ο ων εν τω ουρανω

John 3:13

and accordantly Moses lifted that snake within therein the desert, thus the lifting a must that son thereof Adam's.
 και καθως μωσης υψωσεν τον οφιν εν τη ερημω ουτως υψωθηναι δει τον υιον του ανθρωπου

John 3:14

which all that believing the one him, noway perishes,  but holds Life Eternal.
  ινα πας ο πιστευων εις αυτον μη αποληται αλλ εχη ζωην αιωνιον

John 3:15

thus because loved that Elohim the Cosmos, therefore the son his the uniquely begotten, which all believing the one him, noway perishes, but holds Life Eternal.
  ουτως γαρ ηγαπησεν ο θεος τον κοσμον ωστε τον υιον αυτου τον μονογενη εδωκεν ινα πας ο πιστευων εις αυτον μη αποληται αλλ εχη ζωην αιωνιον

John 3:16

not because sent that Elohim the son his, the one, that Cosmos, which Judges that Cosmos, but which saves that Cosmos, through his.
 ου γαρ απεστειλεν ο θεος τον υιον αυτου εις τον κοσμον ινα κρινη τον κοσμον αλλ ινα σωθη ο κοσμος δι αυτου

John 3:17

that believing the one him, not condemned, that also noway believing, now is condemned, related noway believing the one, that name thereof the uniquely begotten's, the son's, thereof Elohim's.
 ο πιστευων εις αυτον ου κρινεται ο δε μη πιστευων ηδη κεκριται οτι μη πεπιστευκεν εις το ονομα του μονογενους υιου του θεου

John 3:18

hers also exists that condemnation, related that Light became the  one that Cosmos, and loved those Adam's, rather, that Darkness, than that Light, associated because the Evil theirs, the things work.
 αυτη δε εστιν η κρισις οτι το φως εληλυθεν εις τον κοσμον και ηγαπησαν οι ανθρωποι μαλλον το σκοτος η το φως ην γαρ πονηρα αυτων τα εργα

John 3:19

While Benjamin Netanyahu is not alarmed that US Catholics are arming Homosexual armies against us of Mount Zion, and against  Russia and Syria and Iran and Libya and Lebanon, completely surround the Homosexual and Atheists infested IDF murdering us of Mount Zion, murdering Jews, Samaritans, Christens, and Muslims, that that believe the truth for our Torah, concerning our Sabbath, and our Covenant Times, and truth that them Homosexuals breaking our Covenant, and outlawing us and our Covenant and our Scriptures, and defiling us and our Sabbath from Yahweh, Benjamin Netanyahu and his followers refuse to believe our Torah and our Prophets, because they are greedy liars and Murders,, while his Nazi Allied USA is  spending mass amounts of Tax Payer Money to defend their Nazi Pope that outlawed us the House Jacob's and the House Israel's, because Yahweh don't protect him, while stalking us of Mount Zion, blocking us from Kosher Foods and Medications, and poisoning us deliberately disabling us trying to murder us, and disarming us and throwing us over to Armed Human Traffickers, Homosexuals, Pimps, Prostitutes,  Drug Traffickers, common  Criminals, and  heavily Armed Nazi Police that lock us again and again, if  their Armed Human Traffickers, Homosexuals, Pimps, Prostitutes,  Drug Traffickers, common  Criminals,  attack us because they hate us and  our Hebrew Scriptures that they outlawed for the Nazi Pope, while defending the fake Muslim Homosexuals and Pimps and Prostitutes raping and robbing and murder us of Israel and those Persian Muslims of Ishmael, outlawing our Purim with the Persians, breaking and refusing to believe what Yahweh calls his Sabbath, his Day of Rest, defiling the Sabbath from Yahweh,  though they will lie saying that they are not funding the Antisemitic Antichrist Homosexual and Atheist  Military Complexes, defiling the Sabbath from Yahweh, the United Catholics and the Nazi Evangelicals  and their fake Jew Zionists  on Capital Hill  funding the Pope's Homosexual Warriors, cannot deny truthfully that they are not funding the United Catholics and the Nazi Evangelicals  and their fake Jew Zionists  Antisemitic Antichrist Homosexual and Atheist  Warriors for their Nazi Pope, the US and their fake Jew Zionist State  having armed their Antisemitic Homosexual Warriors against us of the House of Abraham for the Nazi Pope, reuse to stop their Pope's Nazi Homosexuals Warriors from abusing boys like the Pope's Homosexual Bishops and Priests abuse Altar boys, and like their Nazi  Lesbian Nuns abuse girls that same as their unreligious ungodly male Nazi Homosexuals, and their Bisexual Pimps, forcing both males and females to be Prostitutes for their US and Zionist Warriors, and their Politicians, and for Courts and Police Departments and Hospital Staffs, while on all the College Campuses and in the all Public Schools where they outlawed us and our Scriptures, saying that their Transvestites can enter the Gender Segregated Restrooms and Showers, and  help the Homosexuals and Adulterers and Adulteresses abusing the children and raping them in all the Schools, and they outlawed us of  the House of Abraham with both their Nazi Catholic Marriage Laws of one Man, one Woman, and their Gay Marriage Laws, saying that they have the right to marry whoever they select, and all the males will object to the Laws of their own Making, calling themselves Baal, or Bridegroom or a Husband marrying and defiling the Ishah that belong to me, at the Wedding Altar Baals, Elohim's Wedding Altar, defiling the Ishah at the Gate to my City from above, by their Nazi Marriage Laws of one Man, one Woman, so by the Laws of their own Making, they are fair game for the Homosexuals to say good bye them fucking Nazi Assholes, because they disobeyed Yahweh, and have no protection from him, because he supports me his Messiah and Bridegroom unto his Holy Hill Mount Zion, against both the Belial Nazis married by their Nazi Marriage Laws or by their Gay May Marriage Laws, or breaking their own measure that they measured, which they deliberately disobeying Yahweh and his Messiah, they  willingly chose for themselves a different Messiah, instead obeying Yahweh Covenant and his  Torah, wedded unto me Yahweh's Bridegroom, so let their Messiah save their fucking Nazi Asshole, as their Homosexuals say good bye to it, because  they outlawed Yahweh and his Messiah and our  Wedding Feast of the Kingdom of Heaven, and our Mahar Mating Contracts, and our Families as defined by the Torah and the Prophets and the writings from the Jewish Apostles of Jesus, having outlawed us Hebrew Samaritans and Hebrew Jews for their Nazi Maccabees Pope and his fake Jew Maccabees Zionists, and refuse to legalize us and our Covenant and Hebrew Torah and our Prophets and the writing from the Jewish Apostles of Jesus, and refusing to stone the Nazi Homosexuals abusing Children and murdering us of the house of Abraham for their Nazi Pope, and their Nazi Homosexual Hollywood, and keep forcing upon us their Nazi Marriage Laws, saying that they are a Law Abiding People violating all the Laws of Nature and Nature's God, and lying stealing my Song Rights as the Shepherd Israel, and liar and deceivers singing the songs Zion's, mislaying me as their Rock,  and setting and murdering them that Yahweh imputed unto them  me the Rock  the Adam hers, the King Righteousness,  the Adam doing  these and living from out the Torah's. The Communists in the Medias that deliberately poisoned me, calling our Hebrew Torah's Statute of cutting off the hand of violet habitual Criminal, instead of Taxing the People to build a Prison and  imprisoning him with violent Homosexuals to abuse  him, like the US Nazi fake Jews and fake Christians do, and locking up both the innocent the none violent criminals with their violent Homosexuals too, to force convert them to Nazi  fake Jew and fake Christian forced Homosexuality, like all the fake Jews and fake Christians do,  calling our Samaritan and Jewish Torah Muslim Law, and murdering us of Israel a Nazis and Muslim Theorist, lying claiming to be defending us of Israel, refusing to redress my Just Pions for Redress of Grievances, calling  us Torah abiding true Samaritans and true Jews and and true Christians and true Muslims Radicals, having outlawed us as Religious Radical for the Nazi Homosexuals and fake Jews and fake Christians and fake Muslims stalking and robbing and poisoning and disabling and murdering us of Mount Zion, marrying by their Secular Covenants outlawing  Mount Zion the Mother of all accounted Righteous believing upon me the foundation Rock laid in Zion, for the Seven Daughters of Zion my Bride, the Whorish Seven assemblies, the Seven Whorish Daughters of the Great Whore of Babylon that enters Jacobs' Gate, casting lots upon Jerusalem, Edom the Mount of Esau  that snake hers, outnumbering the hairs upon my  beard upon my face and upon the crown about my Bald Ice Head, that Babylonian mount of Esau, that mislaid me the Rock Zion's as hers, shall be emptied out the Earth says Yahweh.

that snake hers Yahweh empties out the Earth's,  and wastes hers, and that bent the face Yah's, and scattered the sitting Yah's
  הנה יהוה בוקק הארץ ובולקה ועוה פניה והפיץ ישביה׃

Isaiah 24:1

All that acquainted not Spirit the Lord mine Yahweh, and believed not upon me his Christ, the  Rock laid in Zion, and all the liars hearing me, and saying they are mine, not having acquainted  Spirit the Lord mine Yahweh, nor my Son Jesus, Yahweh says no one can climb upon unto me,  Yah the Eternal Father, except by my Son, and all who lie, falsely calling my Son their Christ, not acquainting him, nor me Yahweh's and my Son's promised Christ, nor acquainting Holy Spirit Yahweh, they shall perish from before me says Yahweh.

And that Yah's, alike People's, alike the Cohen's, alike the Lord mine his, alike the Maid Slave hers, alike the Matriarch hers, alike the buyer hers, alike the seller hers, alike the lender hers, alike the borrower, alike the usurer, alike the wedded to usury,
  והיה כעם ככהן כעבד כאדניו כשפחה כגברתה כקונה כמוכר כמלוה כלוה כנשה כאשר נשא בו׃

Isaiah 24:2

that empties emptying the Earth's, and the plunderers' plundering, related Yahweh  word associate that word's  that Zain hers,
 הבוק תבוק הארץ והבוז תבוז כי יהוה דבר את־הדבר הזה׃

Isaiah 24:3

laments hers wilting hers, the Earth's, weakening unto hers,  wilting hers, the Globe, weakening unto his, the elevated People the Earth's,
 אבלה נבלה הארץ אמללה נבלה תבל אמללו מרום עם־הארץ׃

Isaiah 24:4

I am Yah  the Covenant Times. I am the El Time, the Cohen unto Times from Yahweh, the Blind Leaders of the Blind, cannot see what Time it is, neither can they discern the Times or Seasons, but the devils knew my Time, and trembled, saying unto my Son, "Jesus, have you come here to torment us before the time?"

Moses that did and gave you all the Torah, told you about me the Adam  the Prophet like Moses,  I am the Life of all Adam's, I am the second Adam, the Lord from out Heaven  that lives from the Torah's, I am the Righteous King Elohim from King Yahweh, as I do all the Torah's, I am the Torah's Righteousness .

Moses because defined the Righteousness that out thereof the Torah's , related that does those Adam that lives within them.
 μωσης γαρ γραφει την δικαιοσυνην την εκ του νομου οτι ο ποιησας αυτα ανθρωπος ζησεται εν αυτοις

Romans 10:5

and the Earth's defiling hers beneath the sitting Yah's, related crosses over him, the Torah's, striking out his Statute   breaking his Covenant Times,
  והארץ חנפה תחת ישביה כי־עברו תורת חלפו חק הפרו ברית עולם׃

Isaiah 24:5

upon righted, El hers eats hers the Earth, and the guilty his, the sitting mine within her, upon righted, glows his sitting mine within her, upon righted, glows his sitting  the Earth, and snake lifts left mortals few.
  על־כן אלה אכלה ארץ ויאשמו ישבי בה על־כן חרו ישבי ארץ ונשאר אנוש מזער׃

Isaiah 24:6

I am Zain the sea's, I am the Sabbath the Lilly Joy, the Lilly of the Valley from Yahweh, lamenting upon my new wine, the Nations  weaken before me, and fall into the grave, for defiling me the Sabbath from Yahweh.

lamenting new wine, weakening unto hers, the vine, snake sighs his, all rejoicing mine, the heart,
 אבל תירוש אמללה־גפן נאנחו כל־שמחי־לב׃

Isaiah 24:7

the Sabbath, the Lilly Joy, the timbrel sea, desists the tumulting, upon me Zain the sea's, the Sabbath the Lilly Joy,
 שבת משוש תפים חדל שאון עליזים שבת משוש כנור׃

Isaiah 24:8

I am the Cup,  Silver Cup,  the Living Water from my Fountain Yahweh, holding in Right Hand, the Cup, the Gold Cup, of the Wine of Blasphemy, all who drink from me unworthily, Drink the Blood of my Son the Gold Cup, of the Wine of Blasphemy, not discerning my Body, the Body of Christ, not mixing my Living Water the Life that resurrected shed Blood of my Son from among the Dead, turning my Living Water into Wine, as we three, I the Father and the Word my Son and Spirit Yahweh our Maker, we three bear witness within one in Heaven, and we three the Spirit and the  Water and the Blood, we three bear witness within one within Earth, stealing the Shepherd's Song Rights, singing the Songs Zion's, drinking only a trickle of the Blood of my Son without me, they have drank the wine of Blasphemy, and drinking a trickle  of me without my son, is to also drink of the wine of blasphemy, and drunk in the Darkness the Night, not drunk by Alcohol, they fall before me, not Drinking of my Wine.

within singing, not drinking his wine, tricking alcohol, drinks mine his,
 בשיר לא ישתו־יין ימר שכר לשתיו׃

Isaiah 24:9

In the vision called as a child, upon my bed pondering the powers of Egypt, the house filled with Darkness of the Night, and appeared two Great Wonders, emanating Great Power ad Glory in the Darkness of the Night, a Six Pointed Star in the South, and an Eight Cornered Cross in the North, and I sat upon my Bed, wondering at the sight, and I raised my Right hand, and pointed at the Star in the North, and immediately, both Stars fell from Heaven, unto Earth, and Spirit caught me upward, and carried me Northward, and stood me on the North side of the Bell Tower, on a High Place, named, "Mary the Star of the Sea," and I appeared inside the Bell Tower, as an Angel my likeness, amidst four Pillar, two in the North, one on my Right Westward, and one on my Left, Eastward, Ephraim and Manasseh, and two in the South, one on my Right Westward, and one on my Left, Eastward, Judah and Benjamin, and  while I was standing between the two pillars in the North, marking two Kingdoms, the North Kingdom Israel, and the South  Kingdom Judah, as the King  Israel's, I was standing outside the Bell tower flooring, four square, all under one open Heaven,  where sat in the center, the Angel my likeness, that I was watching, and appeared in the two hands of the Angel my likeness, a Rod of Iron and in the vision, when the Angel my likeness  saw it, the Rod of Iron changed shape, turning into a Rifle, and the Angel my likeness, rejoiced, saying, now I can deliver the People of God, and laid down in wait, aiming at the darkness of the Night in the South, and began firing, and than turned about, and put the Rife in his Left hand, and said that he wanted to bless the People   of that place, but when he raised his Right to bless them, at looked down at them in the South Street,  the doors slammed shut, and the people in the Darkness of the Night  Scattered, and began staggering, coming in waves at me, none able to enter the Temple, stumbling and falling backwards, and not rising, and the Angel my likeness, sat up, and turned about, and looked up at me, and said, crying, Oh God, why am I sent to fight against the People of God? And the Spirit carried me and dropped upon my Bed. From Spirit the Lord mine Yahweh upon me, I am the Bridegroom of Mount Zion, I am the City Flooring, the Christ, the Rock of all ages, they are not built upon me, and all the house is shut up now.

snake breaks hers the city flooring the vain his, shut up, all the house from coming,
  נשברה קרית־תהו סגר כל־בית מבוא׃

Isaiah 24:10

I am the Morning Lamb, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, my son the evening Lamb, the two Lambs sacrificed continually from before the laying down of  me as the foundation of the Cosmos, unto the Time of Times, all they of the evening my son, deceived, hate me the Lilly of the Vally, and rejoiced in their iniquity of stripping me of all that is mine.

crying upon that Wine's, within the outside, the evening hers, all rejoiced hers, stripping the Lilly Joy the Earth's.
  צוחה על־היין בחוצות ערבה כל־שמחה גלה משוש הארץ׃

Isaiah 24:11

I am Yah the Gate to the City Jerusalem my Bride, they striking me the Bridegroom in the Gate, cannot enter the Temple.

snake lifts left within the City the name hers, and waste Yah's striking the Gate.
  נשאר בעיר שמה ושאיה יכת־שער׃

Isaiah 24:12

related alike her said Yahweh, within the center the Earth's, within amidst that People sea's threshing olive oil, alike gleaning, if water that,  ends the vintage,
 כי כה יהיה בקרב הארץ בתוך העמים כנקף זית כעוללת אם־כלה בציר׃

Isaiah 24:13

that from hers lifting his voices, shouting his within arrogance, "Yahweh cheering up his waters."
  המה ישאו קולם ירנו בגאון יהוה צהלו מים׃

Isaiah 24:14

I am El the Righteous Isle Yahweh's named Israel.

upon righted, with a flaming sea, weighs his Yahweh, the isle mine, that sea's,  name Yahweh El hers mine, Israel,
 על־כן בארים כבדו יהוה באיי הים שם יהוה אלהי ישראל׃

Isaiah 24:15
They blaspheming, refusing to cover even one of my Just issues accurately, instead lying like Jezebel,  saying their assembly is a Prophetess of Yahweh, speaking false Prophecy hiding me Yahweh's Elohim and Messiah the  Rock of all ages, I will fall upon them, grinding them to powder, says Yahweh.

from the edges that Earth's, pslaming, hear snake his, the Roe mine, unto Righteousness, and said, the leanness unto me, the leanness unto me, woe unto me, the hidden sea, hiding him, and hid within a hiding sea, hiding him.
 מכנף הארץ זמרת שמענו צבי לצדיק ואמר רזי־לי רזי־לי אוי לי בגדים בגדו ובגד בוגדים בגדו׃

Isaiah 24:16

Hiding me the Communist Nazi Maccabees and Atheist and Homosexual run Governments and Medias   run by the Latin Maccabees Communist Nazi Bishops lie claiming that they and their Latin Maccabees  Communist Nazi Pope are Hebrew Prophets, like the Greek Maccabees in that fake Jew Democratic Government in Jerusalem do, lying bearing false witness in the name of Yahweh and me his Messiah, the sitting Rulers within Earth,  sounded the alarm, screaming a Religious fanatic, digging a pit for me, and casting snares  upon me the Messiah Yahweh's, Yahweh says, a complete Global Regime change, will bring  the change that I desired, before I raised you up, to cast you down to show my Powers, delivering my People mount Zion.

the alarm and the pit and the snare upon me yours, sitting within Earth's.
  פחד ופחת ופח עליך יושב הארץ׃

Isaiah 24:17

and that Yah's vanish from the voice that alarm's, falling, El that pit's and that ascending hers from amidst that pit's, capturing the snare, related the windows from the elevated, snake opening his, and shaking him the foundation mine, the Earth.
 והיה הנס מקול הפחד יפל אל־הפחת והעולה מתוך הפחת ילכד בפח כי־ארבות ממרום נפתחו וירעשו מוסדי ארץ׃

Isaiah 24:18

I am the shepherd hers the foundation me, the Earth's, and the evil Shepherd hers, and all singing the songs Zion's,  lying about me and Yahweh, will perish swiftly.

the Shepherd hers, that spoiling eying hers the Earth's,  breaks the fall  hers, the Earth,
  רעה התרעעה הארץ פור התפוררה ארץ מוט התמוטטה ארץ׃

Isaiah 24:19

פשעה =  the rebellious hers, deliberate miswitnessing against Yahweh, his Messiah, his Cohen, or his People

the shake shaking the Earth, alike drunken and that flees her alike a cottage, and weighs upon me hers the rebellious hers, and falls hers, and not adds, rising.
  נוע תנוע ארץ כשכור והתנודדה כמלונה וכבד עליה פשעה ונפלה ולא־תסיף קום׃

Isaiah 24:20

I am that Righteousness from out the Torah's that  Righteousness  King that Adam hers, and unrighteous Warmongering armies of that Adam hers, become destroyed before me, by Spirit the Lord mine Yahweh upon me the Sabbath, so that the Earth can rest within me, so that  I Lord of the Sabbath, can bend their swords into plowshares, and memorial bring Yahweh to the remembrance and praise of all the remaining remnant upon the Earth.

and that Yah's within the Day that that himself, visits Yahweh upon the army that from the elevated within from the elevated, and upon the King mine that Adam hers, upon that Adam hers,
 והיה ביום ההוא יפקד יהוה על־צבא המרום במרום ועל־מלכי האדמה על־האדמה׃

Isaiah 24:21

יזכר = maleness token, the circumcised Christ, the wedding reminder token, when all the Ishah, see my wedding token, they remember me the Christ Asaph Elohim from Spirit the Lord mine Yahweh, I am the Bridegroom Asaph Elohim associate the Reproach Rachael's that she invited unto my name Asaph Elohim, Joseph, and all Mount is wedded unto me Joseph Asaph Elohim.

לבן = White Moon, Zion, I am the Father the White Moon Rachel's, that they also translate Laban, I am the Light from the face the Sun's upon the Moon, Rachael my Mother, and the Light upon then face mine the Earth, dividing Dividing Day, and Night, formed Light, I am the Light from Yahweh, finishing Darkness.
הלבנה = that White Moon hers,

The maleness token Elohim associate Rachel, and heard El mine hers Elohim, and opened associate the womb hers,
  ויזכר אלהים את־רחל וישמע אליה אלהים ויפתח את־רחמה׃

Genesis 30:22

and conceived and bear the son, and answer, Asaph Elohim, associate the Reproach mine,
  ותהר ותלד בן ותאמר אסף אלהים את־חרפתי׃

Genesis 30:23

and invited associate the name his, Joseph, unto said, adds Yahweh unto me, the son hindermost,
  ותקרא את־שמו יוסף לאמר יסף יהוה לי בן אחר׃

Genesis 30:24

and Yah mine alike wedded the White Moon's Rachel,  associate Joseph, and said Jacob, El White Moon sent snake mine, and (I) Ox Head walk hers El from the space mine, and unto the Earth mine.
  ויהי כאשר ילדה רחל את־יוסף ויאמר יעקב אל־לבן שלחני ואלכה אל־מקומי ולארצי׃

Genesis 30:25

One through Seven Messengers of the Seven  Days, alike lighting the Seven Lamps on my Menorah, I am the numbered Day, the Lamp Zain the Sabbath, and I Asaph Elohim and all mine therein rest, for Yahweh blessed the Sabbath, and rest therein me.

and Asaph him Asaph hers, the prisoners upon the pit, and shut up him upon the smith, and from the numbered days,   visits his.
ואספו אספה אסיר על־בור וסגרו על־מסגר ומרב ימים יפקדו׃

Isaiah 24:22

and blushed hers that White Moon hers, and shamed hers that Hot, (Sunlight,) related the King, Yahweh massing within Mount Zion, and within Jerusalem, and against the Older mine his, the Glory.
  וחפרה הלבנה ובושה החמה כי־מלך יהוה צבאות בהר ציון ובירושלם ונגד זקניו כבוד׃

Isaiah 24:23

The Communists in the Medias that deliberately poisoned me, refusing to redress my Just Pions for Redress of Grievances, calling  us Torah abiding true Samaritans and true Jews and and true Christians and true Muslims Radicals, having outlawed us as Religious Radical for the Nazi Homosexuals and fake Jews and fake Christians and fake Muslims stalking and robbing and poisoning and disabling and murdering us of Mount Zion, marrying by their Secular Covenants outlawing  Mount Zion the Mother of all accounted Righteous believing upon me the foundation Rock laid in Zion, for the Seven Daughters of Zion my Bride, the Whorish Seven assemblies, the Seven Whorish Daughters of the Great Whore of Babylon that enters Jacobs' Gate, casting lots upon Jerusalem, Edom the Mount of Esau  that snake hers, outnumbering the hairs upon my  beard upon my face and upon the crown about my Bald Ice Head, that Babylonian mount of Esau, that mislaid me the Rock Zion's as hers, shall be emptied out the Earth says Yahweh.

that snake hers Yahweh empties out the Earth's,  and wastes hers, and that bent the face Yah's, and scattered the sitting Yah's
  הנה יהוה בוקק הארץ ובולקה ועוה פניה והפיץ ישביה׃

Isaiah 24:1

All that acquainted not Spirit the Lord mine Yahweh, and believed not upon me his Christ, the  Rock laid in Zion, and all the liars hearing me, and saying they are mine, not having acquainted  Spirit the Lord mine Yahweh, nor my Son Jesus, Yahweh says no one can climb upon unto me,  Yah the Eternal Father, except by my Son, and all who lie, falsely calling my Son their Christ, not acquainting him, nor me Yahweh's and my Son's promised Christ, nor acquainting Holy Spirit Yahweh, they shall perish from before me says Yahweh.

And that Yah's, alike People's, alike the Cohen's, alike the Lord mine his, alike the Maid Slave hers, alike the Matriarch hers, alike the buyer hers, alike the seller hers, alike the lender hers, alike the borrower, alike the usurer, alike the wedded to usury,
  והיה כעם ככהן כעבד כאדניו כשפחה כגברתה כקונה כמוכר כמלוה כלוה כנשה כאשר נשא בו׃

Isaiah 24:2

that empties emptying the Earth's, and the plunderers' plundering, related Yahweh  word associate that word's  that Zain hers,
 הבוק תבוק הארץ והבוז תבוז כי יהוה דבר את־הדבר הזה׃

Isaiah 24:3

laments hers wilting hers, the Earth's, weakening unto hers,  wilting hers, the Globe, weakening unto his, the elevated People the Earth's,
 אבלה נבלה הארץ אמללה נבלה תבל אמללו מרום עם־הארץ׃

Isaiah 24:4

I am Yah  the Covenant Times. I am the El Time, the Cohen unto Times from Yahweh, the Blind Leaders of the Blind, cannot see what Time it is, neither can they discern the Times or Seasons, but the devils knew my Time, and trembled, saying unto my Son, "Jesus, have you come here to torment us before the time?"

Moses that did and gave you all the Torah, told you about me the Adam  the Prophet like Moses,  I am the Life of all Adam's, I am the second Adam, the Lord from out Heaven  that lives from the Torah's, I am the Righteous King Elohim from King Yahweh, as I do all the Torah's, I am the Torah's Righteousness .

Moses because defined the Righteousness that out thereof the Torah's , related that does those Adam that lives within them.
 μωσης γαρ γραφει την δικαιοσυνην την εκ του νομου οτι ο ποιησας αυτα ανθρωπος ζησεται εν αυτοις

Romans 10:5

and the Earth's defiling hers beneath the sitting Yah's, related crosses over him, the Torah's, striking out his Statute   breaking his Covenant Times,
  והארץ חנפה תחת ישביה כי־עברו תורת חלפו חק הפרו ברית עולם׃

Isaiah 24:5

upon righted, El hers eats hers the Earth, and the guilty his, the sitting mine within her, upon righted, glows his sitting mine within her, upon righted, glows his sitting  the Earth, and snake lifts left mortals few.
  על־כן אלה אכלה ארץ ויאשמו ישבי בה על־כן חרו ישבי ארץ ונשאר אנוש מזער׃

Isaiah 24:6

I am Zain the sea's, I am the Sabbath the Lilly Joy, the Lilly of the Valley from Yahweh, lamenting upon my new wine, the Nations  weaken before me, and fall into the grave, for defiling me the Sabbath from Yahweh.

lamenting new wine, weakening unto hers, the vine, snake sighs his, all rejoicing mine, the heart,
 אבל תירוש אמללה־גפן נאנחו כל־שמחי־לב׃

Isaiah 24:7

the Sabbath, the Lilly Joy, the timbrel sea, desists the tumulting, upon me Zain the sea's, the Sabbath the Lilly Joy,
 שבת משוש תפים חדל שאון עליזים שבת משוש כנור׃

Isaiah 24:8

I am the Cup,  Silver Cup,  the Living Water from my Fountain Yahweh, holding in Right Hand, the Cup, the Gold Cup, of the Wine of Blasphemy, all who drink from me unworthily, Drink the Blood of my Son the Gold Cup, of the Wine of Blasphemy, not discerning my Body, the Body of Christ, not mixing my Living Water the Life that resurrected shed Blood of my Son from among the Dead, turning my Living Water into Wine, as we three, I the Father and the Word my Son and Spirit Yahweh our Maker, we three bear witness within one in Heaven, and we three the Spirit and the  Water and the Blood, we three bear witness within one within Earth, stealing the Shepherd's Song Rights, singing the Songs Zion's, drinking only a trickle of the Blood of my Son without me, they have drank the wine of Blasphemy, and drinking a trickle  of me without my son, is to also drink of the wine of blasphemy, and drunk in the Darkness the Night, not drunk by Alcohol, they fall before me, not Drinking of my Wine.

within singing, not drinking his wine, tricking alcohol drinks mine his,
 בשיר לא ישתו־יין ימר שכר לשתיו׃

Isaiah 24:9

Eating the sour Grape, stealing the Coat of many Colors belonging unto me, Joseph,  the Covenant  Bow in the Cloud, as the Cubans dress their Painted Jesus in the Communist Revolution Square, clothing him in the Homosexuals' Rainbow Colors, calling Jesus their foundation of Mont Zion, their Homosexual God, leading the Pope's Communist Homosexual's to War against Mount Zion, I am the Persian King Koresh called in English Cyrus, the Messiah Yahweh's unto whom is given all the Kingdoms of Heaven and Earth, these copycatting my Government robbing me and Yahweh's People shall perish

woe earth copycatting  the edge sea wedded from across unto Euphrates, the Koresh's,
 הוי ארץ צלצל כנפים אשר מעבר לנהרי־כוש׃

Isaiah 18:1

I am the Living Water from the Fountain Yahweh, imitating me, and using my Post against my People, your biggest Embassy in Babylon across the Euphrates, making War against Yahweh and me his Koresh, his messiah, they  will perish from off the Earth with all the Antichrist Warmongers that launched their illegal preemptive War in Iraq and Syria and Lebanon and Libya  and Russia and Iran.

that sent within the sea, Ambassadors, and within all rush (papyrus, News Medias) upon the face mine, the waters, walking his Messengers, a swift sea, El's the Nation from draws, and pealed El's People, terrifying,  from out himself,  and that farthest Nation the metered, metered and trampling hers,  wedded within the spoils the Euphrates' and the Earth his,
 השלח בים צירים ובכלי־גמא על־פני־מים לכו מלאכים קלים אל־גוי ממשך ומורט אל־עם נורא מן־הוא והלאה גוי קו־קו ומבוסה אשר־בזאו נהרים ארצו׃

Isaiah 18:2

all sitting mine, the Globe, and the abiding mine the Earth, alike lifted a Flag, the hill sea, seeing his, and alike blowing a trumpet, rehearing his,
 כל ישבי תבל ושכני ארץ כנשא נס הרים תראו וכתקע שופר תשמעו׃

Isaiah 18:3

I am the Cup Cold, the Cold Dew within the Cup Hot, I desired that you were  Hot or Cold, but being neither Hot nor Cold, but lukewarm, I will spew you out of my Mouth.

related alike her said  Yahweh, El mine, (I) Ox Head the rest hers,  and (I) Ox Head  regard hers within the foundation mine, hot white, upon me, the flame, the cloud's dew,  within the hot harvesting,
  כי כה אמר יהוה אלי אשקוטה ואביטה במכוני כחם צח עלי־אור כעב טל בחם קציר׃

Isaiah 18:4

related unto the face mine, harvests completely the blooming, and the sour grape  ripening,  Yah hers  blossoms, and cuts that twig sea, within the hook, and associate the battling sea, that shuts off, cut down,
 כי־לפני קציר כתם־פרח ובסר גמל יהיה נצה וכרת הזלזלים במזמרות ואת־הנטישות הסיר התז׃

Isaiah 18:5

עיט = ravenous  fowl , like hawks and vultures, and other dead  flesh eaters,

My Son the summer, the Hot,  I am the winter, the Cold, as my son said, pray that your fight be not in the Winter, or upon the Sabbath, for then shall become Tribulation upon Earth, like has never been before, I am Zain the Seventh Messenger Yahweh's, I am the son  Adam's, the Lord of the Sabbath.

releasing his uniting him, unto ravenous fowl  the mountain sea's, and unto beasts the Earth's, and summered upon me his, that ravenous fowl 's and all the beasts' the Earth's, upon me his the wintering,
  יעזבו יחדו לעיט הרים ולבהמת הארץ וקץ עליו העיט וכל־בהמת הארץ עליו תחרף׃

Isaiah 18:6

I am the El Time, the Cohen unto Times from Yahweh, the Blind Leaders of the Blind, cannot see what Time it is, neither can they discern the Times or Seasons, but the devils knew my Time, and trembled, saying unto my Son, "Jesus, have you come here to torment us before the time?"

within the time that he carries a present unto Yahweh massing, the People from the drawn and peeled, and from the People terrified, from out himself, and that farthest Nation the metered, metered and trampling hers wedded within the spoils the Euphrates' and the Earth his, El stands up the name Yahweh, massing Mount Zion.
  בעת ההיא יובל־שי ליהוה צבאות עם ממשך ומורט ומעם נורא מן־הוא והלאה גוי קו־קו ומבוסה אשר בזאו נהרים ארצו אל־מקום שם־יהוה צבאות הר־ציון׃

Isaiah 18:7

The USA never having had a Jewish or Samaritan President, because their fake Christians that outlawed us, like they did the Muslims, say that their measure measured about not having a Religious President, does not apply to them and their Nazi Christian Presidents and Congress and Supreme Court, that has only fake Christians and fake Jews and fake Muslims, that all violate our Torah and our Prophets that they outlawed to outlaw us from the House Jacob's and the House Israel's , because they prefer disobeying Jesus and the other Prophets from the House Jacob's and the House Israel's calling themselves Fathers and Baalim, Husbands, and blaspheming calling themselves Jews or Christians or Muslims, not being  Jews or Christians or Muslims,  but being of the Household of Satan blaspheming calling themselves  Jews or Christians or Muslims, well has Isaiah prophesied about you greedy  lying hypocrites and murders

weighed the Rock that howl his, shipping beryl stones, related the Power from the House, from comes from Earth,  the Isle sea,  snake stripping unto from him,
  משא צר הילילו אניות תרשיש כי־שדד מבית מבוא מארץ כתים נגלה־למו׃

Isaiah 23:1

astonished him the sitting mine the Isle the merchant's,  the fishery, crossing over the sea, the fill his yours,
  דמו ישבי אי סחר צידון עבר ים מלאוך׃

Isaiah 23:2

and within waters the number sea, the seed black the harvest, the river's production, and she hers mine the merchandise the Nation sea,
  ובמים רבים זרע שחר קציר יאור תבואתה ותהי סחר גוים׃

Isaiah 23:3

Disobeying all of our Scriptures calling their Communist Nazi Pope, Holy Father, and calling a Woman, the Holy Virgin Mother, hatching a false Jesus, that they stack against the true Jesus that said that he was not me that Christ, the Eternal Father King Elohim from Holy Spirit King Yahweh,  as the US Nazi Right wing supports their fake Arab Nazis married by their Nazi Marriage Laws violating the words of our  Covenant, and disobey Jesus call themselves Fathers, fathering Children in Stolen Ishah, that they stole and defiled by their Nazi Marriage Laws of one Man, one Woman, and they Gay Marriage Laws that outlaw us of Mont Zion, and they force upon us their Nazi Catholic and Nazi Evangelical Marriage Laws, at the end of their Nazi Guns, and Nazi Forced Drugs, he White Supremest Communist Nazis block the Refugees in the sea, blocking them from entering Russia and her Allies, so the Communist Nazi NATO Nations and the Allies may murder them, accusing them on wanting to immigrate unto the Communist Nations that are going be destroyed for the violence unto the House Jacob's and the House Israel's. Persecuted in Yemen by the US Backed Arab Oilmen and Bankers, the Samaritans and Jews and Muslims have been fleeing unto Africa by sea, their routs are block the US Nazis

pale mine the fishery, related said, the sea fortifying that sea's, unto said, not to twist mine, and not to bear mine, and not to advance mine,
  בושי צידון כי־אמר ים מעוז הים לאמר לא־חלתי ולא־ילדתי ולא גדלתי בחורים רוממתי בתולות׃

Isaiah 23:4

The Saudi and Egyptian fake Muslims and fake Christens  the US Allies are block the sea routes of escape, acting like they hear me the Rock.

related wedded hearing unto Egypt's twisted his alike hearing the Rock,
 כאשר־שמע למצרים יחילו כשמע צר׃

Isaiah 23:5

crosses over his the merchants hers that howl his the sitting mine the Isle
 עברו תרשישה הילילו ישבי אי׃

Isaiah 23:6

that Zain associate unto your water, upon me Zain hers, the days mine ancient ancient hers, carry his hers, the foot Yah's from old unto turns,
  הזאת לכם עליזה מימי־קדם קדמתה יבלוה רגליה מרחוק לגור׃

Isaiah 23:7

עץ = tree stem, used of a tree
יעץ = treed, such as the Cat was treed, as climbing high in a tree.

I am the crowned  צר = the Rock Zain, the palm tree of  the Cohen of אביה = αβια = Abia, the Father Yah,  in Luke 1:5, I am the Rock the foundation Mont Zion's, I am the Father the Christ the Living Water from the Fountain Spirit the Lord mine Yahweh, within whom all are baptized within me, even Jesus baptized in me, by John the Baptist the son of the Cohen of אביה = αβια = Abia, the Father Yah,

who from me, treed Zain associate,  upon the Rock, that from the crowned hers wedded, the traveler Yah's the Prince sea the Cananite sea snake weighing mine the Earth?
  מי יעץ זאת על־צר המעטירה אשר סחריה שרים כנעניה נכבדי־ארץ׃

Isaiah 23:8

Yahweh is who from me, treed Zain associate,  upon the Rock.

 יעצה = treed hers,

Yahweh massing treed hers unto wound the prideful, all the splendor mine, unto that lights, all the snake weighing mine the Earth.
 יהוה צבאות יעצה לחלל גאון כל־צבי להקל כל־נכבדי־ארץ׃

Isaiah 23:9

Here is your plastic Jesus crucified on your Nazi Iron Cross,  and your  Babylonian Maccabees 8 candle menorah, the Elohim, that you made with your own hands to worship the works of your own hands, compared the Jesus from the Torah and the Prophets that like Judas Iscariot you betrayed both him and me the Son of Adam, crucifying the Jewish Jesus because he said that he was not that Christ, me the Samaritan Elder from Ephraim the Head the House Israel's

crosses over me Earth yours alike the rivers' daughter the beryl stone, none girdled again,
  עברי ארצך כיאר בת־תרשיש אין מזח עוד׃

Isaiah 23:10

the hand his stretched upon that sea's that shakes the Kingdom Yahweh's appointed El Canaan's unto destroy the fortified Yah's,
  ידו נטה על־הים הרגיז ממלכות יהוה צוה אל־כנען לשמד מעזניה׃

Isaiah 23:11

For the their Merchants calling themselves Powerful, Warmongers, stealing the Song Rights the Shepherd's Zion's, they act like my People, singing the Songs Zion's murdering them accounted  Righteous for believing upon me Yahweh's Righteousness from out the Torah

and said not continues mine again unto jump that from violence hers, the virgin daughter the fishery's alike the islander raised  mine crossing over me, gathering the name not to rest,
  ויאמר לא־תוסיפי עוד לעלוז המעשקה בתולת בת־צידון כתיים קומי עברי גם־שם לא־ינוח לך׃

Isaiah 23:12

that snake Earth alike the Prince sea Zain hers that People's not that Yah's,
 הן ארץ כשדים זה העם לא היה אשור יסדה לציים הקימו בחיניו עררו ארמנותיה שמה למפלה׃

Isaiah 23:13

that howl his ship the merchants related Powerful the fortified,
  הילילו אניות תרשיש כי שדד מעזכן׃

Isaiah 23:14

Sun, 13 January 1957 = 11th of Shevat, the Scepter, 5717
י א בשבט תשי ז

born the eleventh day of our eleventh month Shevat, the Scepter, called 13 January 1957
67 10
77 20
87 30
97 40
07 50
17 60
27 70

The Past seventy Years you misplayed me your Rock, yet twelve years unto the end of seventy years, you declaring your World Wars, saying that "God is with us," and declaring War for your Nazi Popes upon us Mount Zion, like the Antisemitic Antichrist Latin Maccabees Nazi Popes, the Greek Maccabees King and his Antisemitic Antichrist eight Lamp Menorah, from his Greek LXX, David Ben-Gurion your first King to border the seventy years in  1948 -1973, the Whorish King mislaying me the Rock as theirs flying the Nazi Six Pointed Star painted upon us in Nazi Germany, marking us for execution like you fake Jew Zionists do to us of Mount Zion, that have your Nazi Commitment Courts says that we are not Jews like you faker Jews the Household of Satan blaspheming calling yourselves Jews, marrying mine by your Nazi Marriage Laws of One Man, one Woman, that outlawed our Covenant and Hebrew Torah and our Prophets, and outlawed Yahweh and me his Messiah and Bridegroom unto mount Zion, and outlawed  Jacob as a Bigamist, and outlawed his four Mates as Adulteresses, and outlawed us of Israel as Bastards.

and that Yah's within the Day that himself, and the snake mislaying the Rock, seventy years, alike the days the King first to border the seventy years, Yah hers unto the Rock, the Whorish snake mislay hers,
 והיה ביום ההוא ונשכחת צר שבעים שנה כימי מלך אחד מקץ שבעים שנה יהיה לצר כשירת הזונה׃

Isaiah 23:15

Stealing my Song Rights, and surrounding the Shepherd of Mount Zion, the foundation of the City Jerusalem from above.

taking mine the harp, surrounding me, the City, the Whorish that mislay hers, that well mine, strumming that increase mine the song unto heeds that marked mine.
  קחי כנור סבי עיר זונה נשכחה היטיבי נגן הרבי־שיר למען תזכרי׃

Isaiah 23:16

Morning by Morning awakes me  my friend Yahweh, awaking me the Adam hers, teaching me in the Night upon my bed, counseling me about what was, and what is, and what shall become.

and that Yah's border seventy years visits Yahweh associate the Rock, and turns hers unto the reward, and that Whorish associate all the Kingdom that Earth upon  the face mine that Adam hers.
  והיה מקץ שבעים שנה יפקד יהוה את־צר ושבה לאתננה וזנתה את־כל־ממלכות הארץ על־פני האדמה׃

Isaiah 23:17

Your Whorish Antichrist Antisemitic  Maccabees Tails,  repeatedly lock me up, though I committed no crime, having all I own stolen as your own merchandise, while you block me from Kosher Foods and Medications and deliberately poison disabling me repeatedly, and all the Earth is file sanctions against you fake Jew Zionists of the Household of Satan, and not hold it bach from us of Mount Zion,  as written;

and that Yah's merchandise hers, and the wagers hers the sanctuary's unto Yahweh, not  to store, and not to hoard, relating unto that sitting sea, unto the face mine Yahweh, that Yah's, the merchandise hers, unto eats, unto the satisfaction hers, and unto covering hers lavishly.
 והיה סחרה ואתננה קדש ליהוה לא יאצר ולא יחסן כי לישבים לפני יהוה יהיה סחרה לאכל לשבעה ולמכסה עתיק׃

Isaiah 23:18

As the Nazi Trinitarian Mike Huckabee stealing the Song Rights of the Shepherd Zion's, singing the Songs Zion's drugging and murdering us of Zion, as he arrogantly refuses to Redress our Just Petitions for Redress of Grievances, and keeps forcing up his Nazi Antisemitic Antichrist Religion, disobeying our Covenant and Jesus calling himself a Father and Baal, a Husband, and arrogantly saying he wants to Memorialize his Nazi Marriage, on his God, money, wanting  to Memorialize his Nazi Marriage on the ten dollar Bill, as he disobeys Jesus that said that he  was not that Christ the Bridegroom of Mount Zion, and like his Blind Nazi fake Christian Followers, that  Blind Leader of the Blind, Mike Huckabee blasphemes calling himself a Christian, lying claiming to be defending us of the House Jacob's and the House Israel's that he outlawed with his Nazi Marriage Law, as all their Trinitarians and Elohist fake Jews and the Atheists and Homosexuals for Economic and Poetical Gains, greedily running the way of Balaam, and the way of Cain,  saying that they need to keep forcing their Antichrist Antisemitic Western Culture Family values upon us of the House Jacob's and the House Israel's that they lie claiming to be defending, forcing upon us that are repeatedly locked up for having committed no crime, poisoning and disabling and or murdering us in handcuffs and shackles,  with their Nazi Guns and Nazi forced Drugs, having appointed the Nazi Catholic John Roberts to block my Just Petitions for Redress of Grievances of the State Issued Nazi Communist Marriage Law of One Man, one Woman, and their Communist Nazi Gay Marriage Law,  the only choices on their Nazi Rigged Ballots that they force upon us with Nazi Guns and Forced Nazi Drugs refusing to legalize us and Covenant and our Families and Hebrew and Aramaic and Greek Scriptures, that they deliberately mistranslate to outlaw us of Jacob and Israel, as the US Nazis blame their victims of illegal preemptive War on Iraq, that  drove their own Saudi supported Al-Qaeda  Terrorists that they support against Syria, arming and driving  into Syria, and blaming Assad, so that they could blame Assad for their Terrorists from Iraq and Saudi Arabia and Egypt, and attack Russia for their Communist Nazi Latin Maccabees Pope in Rome, and his fake Jew Greek Maccabees Democratic Zionists in Jerusalem calming to be Hebrew, using the Antisemitic Greek LLX that contradicts and outlaws our Hebrew Semitic Scriptures, violating our Covenant,  doing violence unto all the House Jacob's and the House Israel's, saying they need to selectively appoint their Antisemitic Antichrist  Christens that outlawed us and our Covenant with their Nazi Marriage Law of one Man, one woman, saying that they need to selectively appoint them to the Agricultural Field, that said to me,  while deliberately poisoning and disabling me, saying that the FDA and Environmental Protection Agency legalized their Toxic Pesticides and Fertilizers and Food and Drug Additives, and outlawed our Hebrew Scriptures and Kosher Foods and Medications calling them false science, and forcing upon us everything that our Hebrew Scriptures says causes us blood descendants of David and Ephraim harm or death, saying the US Nazi Government declared the safe,  as they block us from Kosher Foods and Medications and force upon us everything on the Allergy lists in our Medical Records, saying the US Government legalized them as Safe to forced upon us, as they  violate our Torah sowing their Fields with mixed Seed, to produce GMOs, that cause us more harm, as they promote the Nazi fake Muslim Keith Ellison that like the four Urdu fake Muslim Doctors from Pakistan that they had disable me forcing upon me everything on the allergy list in my Medical Records, like the Nazi fake Christians and their fake Jews, and their Antisemitic Antichrist Atheists and Homosexuals, outlawed our Anti Usury Statues from our Torah common with the Quran, and outlawed the Wedding Feast of the Kingdom of Heaven, calling men upon Earth their Fathers, and marrying the Ishah, not the Bridegroom of Mount Zion, and helped them block us from Kosher Foods and Medications, and force upon us everything that both our Hebrew Scriptures and the Allergy lists in our Medical Records say causes us blood descendants of David and Ephraim harm and or death, and refusing to Redress even one Issue on our Just Petitions for Redress of Grievances, siding with the Antichrist fake Arab Muslims saying that us of the House Jacob's and the House Israel's blasphemed against their Pope's Nazi Trinity, as the Communist Nazi Pope raising his Nazi  Iron Cross, says that Holy Spirit Yahweh free of sin, cannot throw his first stone, rejected of you builders, following that Communist Nazi Pope being a Communist Nazi that outlawed us and our Torah and our Prophets,  saying that Yahweh cannot cast that stone upon that hypocrite Communist Nazi Pope and his followers, that stumbled upon Yahweh's  stumbling stone laid in Zion, me his Rock of offense laid in Zion,  not believing upon me the Righteousness from the Torah's,  stumbling upon me the Messiah from Yahweh,    the USA never having had a Jewish or Samaritan President, because their fake Christians that outlawed us, like they did the Muslims, say that their measure measured about not having a Religious President, does not apply to them and their Nazi Christian Presidents and Congress and Supreme Court, that has only fake Christians and fake Jews and fake Muslims, that all violate our Torah and our Prophets that they outlawed to outlaw us from the House Jacob's and the House Israel's , because they prefer disobeying Jesus and the other Prophets from the House Jacob's and the House Israel's calling themselves Fathers and Baalim, Husbands, and blaspheming calling themselves Jews or Christians or Muslims, not being  Jews or Christians or Muslims,  but being of the Household of Satan blaspheming calling themselves  Jews or Christians or Muslims, well has Isaiah prophesied about you greedy  lying hypocrites and murders.

weighed the Rock that howl his, shipping beryl stones, related the Power from the House, from comes from Earth,  the Isle sea,  snake stripping unto from him,
  משא צר הילילו אניות תרשיש כי־שדד מבית מבוא מארץ כתים נגלה־למו׃

Isaiah 23:1

astonished him the sitting mine the Isle the merchant's,  the fishery, crossing over the sea, the fill his yours,
  דמו ישבי אי סחר צידון עבר ים מלאוך׃

Isaiah 23:2

and within waters the number sea, the seed black the harvest, the river's production, and she hers mine the merchandise the Nation sea,
  ובמים רבים זרע שחר קציר יאור תבואתה ותהי סחר גוים׃

Isaiah 23:3

Disobeying all of our Scriptures calling their Communist Nazi Pope, Holy Father, and calling a Woman, the Holy Virgin Mother, hatching a false Jesus, that they stack against the true Jesus that said that he was not me that Christ, the Eternal Father King Elohim from Holy Spirit King Yahweh,  as the US Nazi Right wing supports their fake Arab Nazis married by their Nazi Marriage Laws violating the words of our  Covenant, and disobey Jesus call themselves Fathers, fathering Children in Stolen Ishah, that they stole and defiled by their Nazi Marriage Laws of one Man, one Woman, and they Gay Marriage Laws that outlaw us of Mont Zion, and they force upon us their Nazi Catholic and Nazi Evangelical Marriage Laws, at the end of their Nazi Guns, and Nazi Forced Drugs, he White Supremest Communist Nazis block the Refugees in the sea, blocking them from entering Russia and her Allies, so the Communist Nazi NATO Nations and the Allies may murder them, accusing them on wanting to immigrate unto the Communist Nations that are going be destroyed for the violence unto the House Jacob's and the House Israel's. Persecuted in Yemen by the US Backed Arab Oilmen and Bankers, the Samaritans and Jews and Muslims have been fleeing unto Africa by sea, their routs are block the US Nazis

pale mine the fishery, related said, the sea fortifying that sea's, unto said, not to twist mine, and not to bear mine, and not to advance mine,
  בושי צידון כי־אמר ים מעוז הים לאמר לא־חלתי ולא־ילדתי ולא גדלתי בחורים רוממתי בתולות׃

Isaiah 23:4

The Saudi and Egyptian fake Muslims and fake Christens  the US Allies are block the sea routes of escape, acting like they hear me the Rock.

related wedded hearing unto Egypt's twisted his alike hearing the Rock,
 כאשר־שמע למצרים יחילו כשמע צר׃

Isaiah 23:5

crosses over his the merchants hers that howl his the sitting mine the Isle
 עברו תרשישה הילילו ישבי אי׃

Isaiah 23:6

that Zain associate unto your water, upon me Zain hers, the days mine ancient ancient hers, carry his hers, the foot Yah's from old unto turns,
  הזאת לכם עליזה מימי־קדם קדמתה יבלוה רגליה מרחוק לגור׃

Isaiah 23:7

עץ = tree stem, used of a tree
יעץ = treed, such as the Cat was treed, as climbing high in a tree.

I am the crowned  צר = the Rock Zain, the palm tree of  the Cohen of אביה = αβια = Abia, the Father Yah,  in Luke 1:5, I am the Rock the foundation Mont Zion's, I am the Father the Christ the Living Water from the Fountain Spirit the Lord mine Yahweh, within whom all are baptized within me, even Jesus baptized in me, by John the Baptist the son of the Cohen of אביה = αβια = Abia, the Father Yah,

who from me, treed Zain associate,  upon the Rock, that from the crowned hers wedded, the traveler Yah's the Prince sea the Cananite sea snake weighing mine the Earth?
  מי יעץ זאת על־צר המעטירה אשר סחריה שרים כנעניה נכבדי־ארץ׃

Isaiah 23:8

Yahweh is who from me, treed Zain associate,  upon the Rock.

 יעצה = treed hers,

Yahweh massing treed hers unto wound the prideful, all the splendor mine, unto that lights, all the snake weighing mine the Earth.
 יהוה צבאות יעצה לחלל גאון כל־צבי להקל כל־נכבדי־ארץ׃

Isaiah 23:9

Here is your plastic Jesus crucified on your Nazi Iron Cross,  and your  Babylonian Maccabees 8 candle menorah, the Elohim, that you made with your own hands to worship the works of your own hands, compared the Jesus from the Torah and the Prophets that like Judas Iscariot you betrayed both him and me the Son of Adam, crucifying the Jewish Jesus because he said that he was not that Christ, me the Samaritan Elder from Ephraim the Head the House Israel's

מעט = smallest = Ephraim, I am Joseph the Lord David's I am El unto all the Earth and Cohen unto El Highest

and Joseph's Yahweh's  word El Possessed, unto said,
 ויוסף יהוה דבר אל־אחז לאמר׃

Isaiah 7:10

request unto you a sign from with Yahweh, El hers mine yours that depth the grave hers, or that sored unto from upon hers,
  שאל־לך אות מעם יהוה אלהיך העמק שאלה או הגבה למעלה׃

Isaiah 7:11

and said the Possessed, not (I) Ox Head request, and not tempts associate Yahweh.
  ויאמר אחז לא־אשאל ולא־אנסה את־יהוה׃

Isaiah 7:12

and said hear him now House David's, that smallest from your water the Ish sea related wearies him gathering associate El hers mine,
  ויאמר שמעו־נא בית דוד המעט מכם הלאות אנשים כי תלאו גם את־אלהי׃

Isaiah 7:13

unto righted mine she snake the Lord mine himself unto your water a sign, that snake hers that virgin conceives and bears a son, and invites the name his with  snake his El.
 לכן יתן אדני הוא לכם אות הנה העלמה הרה וילדת בן וקראת שמו עמנו אל׃

Isaiah 7:14

I am Joseph the Messenger of Covenant, and this Covenant Genesis foretold about, foretelling about me the Messenger of this Covenant.

Why are all the Fathers wrong, like Jesus said, call no Ish upon earth your Father, for one in Heaven, is your Father?

אבותם = Fathers, married by their Nazi  Covenant of one man, one woman.
אבות = the fathering, a Father making a family by their Covenant
The Prophet Jeremiah from the Tribe Benjamin, my Cup Bearer, when my Cup was hidden in the bread grain sack, the Tribe Benjamin, my Cup Bearer,   the Platter aside me, I am the Hindermost, I am Zain, the Seventh Messenger from Adam, I am the Cup, the Silver Cup, the Messenger of the Covenant.

within that her water not says him hereafter, the fathering ate him the sour grape, and the tooth the son sea, set on edge.
  בימים ההם לא־יאמרו עוד אבות אכלו בסר ושני בנים תקהינה׃

Jeremiah 31:29

related if water an Ish within iniquity his dies, all that Adam's that ate that sour grape set on edge the tooth his.
  כי אם־איש בעונו ימות כל־האדם האכל הבסר תקהינה שניו׃

Jeremiah 31:30

I am am the new moon her, I am Shevat, the Scepter that rose out the Path Jacob's

that snake hers the days that came, says Yahweh, and cuts me associate the House Israel's and associate the House Judah's the Covenant the new moon hers.
 הנה ימים באים נאם־יהוה וכרתי את־בית ישראל ואת־בית יהודה ברית חדשה׃

Jeremiah 31:31

 בעלתי  = Baalet mine, the female Baal's, they all say that  they are the Ballet mount Zion my Bride, the Bride of Christ, contradicting all the Scriptures calling themselves a Father and  lying saying they are Father married by their Marriage Covenant from Egypt, from the Pharaoh there not wedded associate me Joseph, their Marriage Covenant from Egypt, Yahweh says is not his Covenant and breaks his Covenant.

not the Covenant wedded associate the Fathers within the Day that fastened within the hands unto that his castings from Earth Egypt, wedded that from hers, breaking his associate the Covenant mine, and I am alike the Baalet mine within them, says Yahweh
 לא כברית אשר כרתי את־אבותם ביום החזיקי בידם להוציאם מארץ מצרים אשר־המה הפרו את־בריתי ואנכי  בם נאם־יהוה׃

Jeremiah 31:32

את  = associate, telling where the action of the Hebrew verb takes place, that the mistreated Antisemitic Scriptures do not translate.
 זאת  = Zain associate, I am Elohim from Yahweh, I am the Yah his unto the People.

related Zain associate that Covenant wedded, associate the House Israel's, the Hindermost mine that days that her water, says Yahweh, snake she end mine,  associate the Torah mine, within the center, and upon the heart, (I) Ox Head the Scriber hers, and that mine she mine unto her water, unto Elohim, and that from hers Yah mine him unto me unto the People.
  כי זאת הברית אשר אכרת את־בית ישראל אחרי הימים ההם נאם־יהוה נתתי את־תורתי בקרבם ועל־לבם אכתבנה והייתי להם לאלהים והמה יהיו־לי לעם׃

Jeremiah 31:33

I am the Messiah called Christ, the Shepherd Israel, and the rebellious keep fighting against me, saying "you don't know, Hebrew and don't know Yahweh, acquaint Yahweh, you are leading his People astray from Yahweh condemning my Democratic Government and IDF and my Allies.

זכר = male, the circumcised male the reminder token of our Covenant, hereafter me Yahweh is not the reminder token of his Covenant, because all acquaint him.

and not teaches him hereafter an Ish associate the Shepherd hers him, and Ish associate the brother mine his, unto said, "acquaint his associate Yahweh," related   all acquainted him associate me, unto the smallest and hereafter the Elders, says Yahweh, related (I) Ox Head forgiven unto that iniquity and that miswitnessing, not (I) Ox Head  reminder token hereafter.
 ולא ילמדו עוד איש את־רעהו ואיש את־אחיו לאמר דעו את־יהוה כי־כולם ידעו אותי למקטנם ועד־גדולם נאם־יהוה כי אסלח לעונם ולחטאתם לא אזכר־עוד׃

Jeremiah 31:34

קרס = hunched up, like a Camel's hump, hunches up at the outer sides, and stoops down in the middle under a load, the Thieves and Robber, saying we will not bow to the Baal from Yahweh,  stooping under the load of spoils, and Idols of my Image, the Yah Baal Elohim and Messiah Israel, forcing all to pay Tribute to their Democratic State that violated our Covenant. Think about all the troubles you have from lies from the Politicians and Medias in Charge, setting up all what they call Security, and Economic Stimulus, and ask yourself, What could possibly go wrong?

נשא = lifted, as in a Democratic election against Yahweh, lifting an elected Ruler to power
נשאת = lifting, as in a Democratic election against Yahweh, lifting an elected Ruler to power
נשאתיכם = lifting mine your water, as in a Democratic election against Yahweh, lifting over me the Messiah from Yahweh, an elected Ruler to power

bowed none, hunched up the foolish his that mine his, the images mine your water, unto that Yah's, and unto the cattle lifting mine your water, loading tribute unto the weakening hers,
  כרע בל קרס נבו היו עצביהם לחיה ולבהמה נשאתיכם עמוסות משא לעיפה׃

Isaiah 46:1

Loading up till bowing down from the overload of tribute, their Bureaucracy piling up from the tribute that overloaded the greedy Politicians and Priests and  Rabbi, till so overloaded they cannot reach their destinations, their escape rout is completely cut off by their loads and red tape, as they go into captivity, and all the souls are led captive unto me.  The eleventh day of the eleventh new moon, before her pains came before she travail, ripped up from my Mother's belly about noonday, I am Elohim the Shevat, the Scepter, unto who will you liken me?

hunched up his bowing him the untied his, not able him to deliver the load, and the souls the captives mine, that walk hers,
 קרסו כרעו יחדו לא יכלו מלט משא ונפשם בשבי הלכה׃

Isaiah 46:2

Why do say is the meaning of the Scriptures that say both the House Jacob's and the House Israel's, separating them, and your leaders, not acquainting Yahweh my El,  cannot tell why Yahweh separated them? Why are your lifted merciless politicians overloading themselves from the womb and breast that Jacob said are Joseph's blessings?

Hear him El mine House Jacob's and all the remnants the House Israel's, that load sea from out the womb that lifted sea, from out  the compassionate,
  שמעו אלי בית יעקב וכל־שארית בית ישראל העמסים מני־בטן הנשאים מני־רחם׃

Isaiah 46:3

Yahweh said he would make Abraham the Eldest of Nation, and fulfilled his word, and said he would make Moses  the Eldest of Israel, and fulfilled his word, as in their unbelief and adultery and whoredom of not wedding me his promised Messiah, and committed  adultery and whoredom wedding one the other instead, and they dropped dead forty years in the dessert, and Yahweh says, that he wrote this about me his Messiah and Bridegroom unto mount Zion, and the unbelievers will not believe Moses and the Prophets, though one rose from among the dead before them.

and hereafter I am, the Older hers,  himself,  and hereafter graying, I am strong, I am making mine, and I am lifted, and I am strong, and I am delivered.
 ועד־זקנה אני הוא ועד־שיבה אני אסבל אני עשיתי ואני אשא ואני אסבל ואמלט׃

Isaiah 46:4

Five men in the dream, all dressed like me, laboring on the same thing, I am the calm before the storm, that scatters and destroys them, that stole the Shepherd's Song Rights, and attack us of Zion, because they were deceived to falsely believe that they are Mont Zion, their souls removed unto the grave before me the Prophet like unto Moses, removing the veil, for all to to see the foretold  sufferings mine, before my Glory.

unto who from me,  likens mine his snake me, and adjusts his, and likens his snake mine, and compares hers?
  למי תדמיוני ותשוו ותמשלוני ונדמה׃

Isaiah 46:5

that scrapings Gold, from a Cup, and Silver, within the balance weighing his, weighing his the smith and remaking hers his, El, drop his aggression, bowing him his,
  הזלים זהב מכיס וכסף בקנה ישקלו ישכרו צורף ויעשהו אל יסגדו אף־ישתחוו׃

Isaiah 46:6

lifting his upon the shoulders carrying him, and depositing him beneath mine his, and stands yours from standing him, not withdrawing the aggression, proclaiming El mine his, and not eying hers from the trouble his not saving snake his.
  ישאהו על־כתף יסבלהו ויניחהו תחתיו ויעמד ממקומו לא ימיש אף־יצעק אליו ולא יענה מצרתו לא יושיענו׃

Isaiah 46:7

the male token Zain associate, and that manliness his, that turns his apostate sea upon the heart.
 זכרו זאת והתאששו השיבו פושעים על־לב׃

Isaiah 46:8

the male token Head snake his she from times, related I am alike El, and none hereafter Elohim, and ends that weighed the value the snake mine,
 זכרו ראשנות מעולם כי אנכי אל ואין עוד אלהים ואפס כמוני׃

Isaiah 46:9

from manifesting from the Head mine she the Hindermost mine she, and from the ancient wedded not snake making his, said the counselor mine, and all the desirers mine (I) Ox Head the Maker hers.
 מגיד מראשית אחרית ומקדם אשר לא־נעשו אמר עצתי תקום וכל־חפצי אעשה׃

Isaiah 46:10

As the Communist Nazi Left Wing and the Nazi Communist Right Wing,  promote the Nazi Global Bankers that outlawed our Torah and outlawed us of Israel, to outlaw our Anti Usury Statues common with Quran, while both  their Communist Nazi Left Wing and the Nazi Communist Right Wing, lie claiming to be defending us of Israel and Muslims that they outlawed for Zionist Pope and his fake Jew Democratic Zionists, as they Fund their massive  Antisemitic Military Complexes destroying the Earth, in their Global Crusade against the House of Abraham, as the Silversmith upon mount Zion says, "my Lamp is not   one if by land, two if by sea,  but with my Right foot upon the sea, and my Left foot upon the Earth, my Lamp is Zain, the Seventh Lamp, that Lights the entire Globe, as the Communist Left Pope and his followers overthrew the Nazi Right Wing Pope from Nazi Germany and his followers, and loaded up their Trojan Horse, murdering the Christians among them and blaming us of Israel and the Muslims, evolving into a Communist Nazi Pope, the Communist Nazi Catholics, and the Nazi Communist Evangelicals   arrogantly disobeying Jesus and the Torah and the Prophets, arrogantly calling themselves both Fathers and Baalim, Husbands, and arrogantly disobeying Jesus and the Torah and the Prophets,  outlawing Yahweh and his Christ, and forcing the Communist Nazi Doctrine upon all, falsely calling themselves and their Communist Nazi Pope and his Communist Nazi President Obama, and their Communist invasion of the USA, a Christan invasion by  Christians, and arrogantly disobeying Jesus who said that he is not that Christ from Holy Spirit Yahweh,   I am the Elder Yahweh's  קרח = Bald Ice Prophet from Mount Carmel, anointed with a double Portion of speaking Spirit in the room and Spirit and Power of Eliyah, singing the Psalm unto the son mine,

sings the Psalm unto the son mine, Bald Ice,
  שיר מזמור לבני־קרח׃

Psalm 48:1

the Elder Yahweh's, and from shines vehemently within the City, El hers mine snake his, the  hill the Holy his,
 גדול יהוה ומהלל מאד בעיר אלהינו הר־קדשו׃

Psalm  (48:2)

The Mount of Esau calling themselves Zionists casting their Lots upon Jerusalem, took the bait of Yahweh's trap, come out from among the Democratic fake Jew Warmongering Zionists and the Supporters among the Nations, I am the flooring of the Holy City, I am Elohim the Rock of all ages from Spirit the Lord mine Yahweh that laid me within Zion spanning the whole Earth.

beautiful the situation from the Lilly Joy, all the Earth, mount Zion, the coasts mine Northern, the flooring the King the number,
 יפה נוף משוש כל־הארץ הר־ציון ירכתי צפון קרית מלך רב׃

Psalm 48:2  (48:3)

Elohim within the Adam snake his she Yah's acquainting unto the Rock
 אלהים בארמנותיה נודע למשגב׃

Psalm 48:3  (48:4)

related that snake hers that King sea, meet him crossing over him uniting him,
 כי־הנה המלכים נועדו עברו יחדו׃

Psalm 48:4  (48:5)

that from hers sees him righted, marvel his, troubling his, passes away his,
 המה ראו כן תמהו נבהלו נחפזו׃

Psalm 48:5  (48:6)

They follow the Communist Nazi Shepherd the Antichrist Pope from Rome, against me the Shepherd hers and my Shepherd my King Spirit Yahweh the Light named upon my Right hand, and sudden fear seizes upon them, unable to escape.

the fears hers seizes the name, travailing alike bearing hers,
 רעדה אחזתם שם חיל כיולדה׃

Psalm 48:6  (48:7)

within Spirit the East, breaks the ships the merchant,
 ברוח קדים תשבר אניות תרשיש׃

Psalm 48:7  (48:8)

alike wedded hearing snake his righted, seeing mine snake his, within the City Yahweh's, El hers mine snake his Elohim erecting her hereafter times considering,
 כאשר שמענו כן ראינו בעיר־יהוה צבאות בעיר אלהינו אלהים יכוננה עד־עולם סלה׃

Psalm 48:8  (48:9)

likens mine snake his Elohim the mercy yours, within the center the Temple yours,
 דמינו אלהים חסדך בקרב היכלך׃

Psalm 48:9  (48:10)

alike the name yours Elohim righted, praising you, upon the ends mine the Earth, rejoices hers the daughters,
 כשמך אלהים כן תהלתך על־קצוי־ארץ צדק מלאה ימינך׃

Psalm 48:10  (48:11)

cheering up Mount Zion, rejoices hers the daughters, Judah's unto heeding from the Judgment mine yours,
 ישמח הר־ציון תגלנה בנות יהודה למען משפטיך׃

Psalm 48:11  (48:12)

all the Warmongers that believed not that Yahweh sent me his Messiah to bend all the swords of Earth into plowshares, they fall before me that has no Army but Spirit the Lord mine Yahweh

surrounds him Zion, and that striking his hers, surrounds him the tower Yah's,
 סבו ציון והקיפוה ספרו מגדליה׃

Psalm 48:12  (48:13)

placing him the heart your water  unto the bulwark surrounds him, the high places Yah's, unto heeding scoring him, unto the revolting  his the hindermost's,
 שיתו לבכם לחילה פסגו ארמנותיה למען תספרו לדור אחרון׃

Psalm 48:13  (48:14)

all that erred, they will fall into the grave, so that we can look, upon the look upon their face, not rising, and we will walk upon their grave, according as it is written about me Zain, the true Elohim from Spirit the Lord mine King Yahweh;

related Zain hers Elohim, El hers mine snake his times, drives snake his upon the dead,
 כי זה אלהים אלהינו עולם ועד הוא ינהגנו על־מות׃

Psalm 48:14  (48:15)

As their Nazi Catholics in Hungary arm the Nazi Trinitarians in the Ukraine against Russia, and his Nazis sort out and murder them accounted Righteous for believing me, the one Righteousness from our Torah, when she named Russia, is where they should go to escape the Nazis of the US Medias leading them into their Nazi Catholic Traps, while promoting the Communist Nazi Cubans and Argentina, changing US Policy to keep us and our Scriptures outlawed by the Nazi Communist State Religion, the only legal State Religion in Communist Cuba and Argentina, while the Wedding Feast of the Kingdom of Heaven and our Mahar Mating Contracts and our Families are made illegal by their Secular Nazi Catholic State Issued Marriage licenses, like Stalin and Castro said Freedom of Religion is the Constitution, saying Freedom of Secular Education is just as important, outlawing our Torah and our Prophets in our Schools, like the Catholics did in the Churches and Schools, forcing Evolution upon us in their Communist Catholic Sate Schools, saying Devils lightning struck a Rock in a Mud Puddle, and made DNA, that evolved into a worm, that they call a Catholic Scribe, the Book worm, that by his superior intellect devoured every book, but the Holy Torah and the Prophets' and Apostles' Scriptures that they originally wrote by their Scribe Holy Spirit Yahweh, that their Catholic Book Worm outlawed, and wrote his own corrupted versions, that Worm then evolved into a scorpion, like their Pope the Head, and his followers the Tail, doing the stinging for the Communist Nazi Head, that the Nazi Communist Catholics and even the Atheists and Homosexuals, in a Communist Nazi Revolution and Atheist and Homosexual Evolution against Yahweh and me his Messiah and against Jesus, they all call their Communist Nazi Pope their Holy Father, worshiping all his Idols, and then their Idols evolved into their Jesus, that they call their Creator, outlawing Holy Spirit my King Yahweh our Creator, and me his Messiah the Righteous King Elohim, and my Son Jesus, with their Communist Revolution that they call Evolution , for their Nazi Communist Catholic Scorpion Pope and his Plastic Jesus, while they Promote having Donald Trump adjusting and making his Political Position into a Communist Revolution of Evolution, like Hitler did uniting that Catholics and Evangelicals, adjusting and making his Political Position to appease and please the Nazi Trinitarian Evangelicals that like their Nazi Popes, outlawed us of Israel with their Nazi Marriage Law of one Man, one Woman, because like them the Nazi Communist Catholics they outlawed our Scriptures in their Churches and replaced them with their Antisemitic English mistranslated Bibles.

Violating our Covenant taught by Moses and the our Prophets and by Jesus and his Apostles, that Antichrists rewriting all the Scriptures and using their Secular Governments, to force all to disobey  Moses and the our Prophets and by Jesus and his Apostles, calling the head of their House Father, and calling Antichrist Nazi Communist Pope their Holy Father, their Father being the Spirit Leviathan, the Evil Spirit that works in the children of disobedience, fight against Spirit the Lord mine Yahweh and his Messiah.

στερεωμα  = רקיע = space, called a Height, that they call Heaven
ουρανος  = שמים =Height, singular
τοις ουρανοις =  השמים= them Heights', plural that they call Heavens.

and a Father noway call yours upon this Earth, one, because exists that Father yours that within them Heights'.
  και πατερα μη καλεσητε υμων επι της γης εις γαρ εστιν ο πατηρ υμων ο εν τοις ουρανοις

Matthew 23:9

I am Yah the Elohim the El yours from Yahweh the El Highest who calls me;

the Marvelous  Counselor El,  the Powerful, Eternal Father, the Prince of Peace.
פלא יועץ אל גבור אביעד שר־שלום׃

My son Jesus speaking about me the Son of Adam the Bow of the Covenant in the Cloud of  Noah, as the Christ and Bridegroom of Mount Zion my Bride.

and answered that Jesus, said  to them, see noway any you deceive,
  και αποκριθεις ο ιησους ειπεν αυτοις βλεπετε μη τις υμας πλανηση

Matthew 24:4

many because come upon the name mine lecturing that I am that Christ, and many deceive.
  πολλοι γαρ ελευσονται επι τω ονοματι μου λεγοντες εγω ειμι ο χριστος και πολλους πλανησουσιν

Matthew 24:5

and that Earth defile hers beneath the sitting Yah's, related crossed over the Torah's, striking out his Statute breaking his Covenant times,
 והארץ חנפה תחת ישביה כי־עברו תורת חלפו חק הפרו ברית עולם׃

Isaiah 24:5

upon righted El hers, eat hers the Earth, the trespassers, the sitting mine the Earth, and snake lifts left  mortals few.
 על־כן אלה אכלה ארץ ויאשמו ישבי בה על־כן חרו ישבי ארץ ונשאר אנוש מזער׃

Isaiah 24:6

Speaking about Robbing the Widows and the Orphans by robbing me the King Elohim and Messenger the Covenant given unto all Adam's by Spirit the Lord mine King Yahweh upon me.

that snake snake mine sent the Messenger mine, and prepared the path unto the face mine, and suddenly comes El, that Temple his, that Lord's wedded associations (you are,) from the seeking sea, the Messenger that Covenant's, wedded associations (you are,) that willing sea, that snake hers came, said Yahweh massing.
  הנני שלח מלאכי ופנה־דרך לפני ופתאם יבוא אל־היכלו האדון אשר־אתם מבקשים ומלאך הברית אשר־אתם חפצים הנה־בא אמר יהוה צבאות׃

Malachi 3:1

and who from me, from abides associate the Day the coming his? and who from me that stands with that appearance his? Related himself alike Fire from the refiners furnace,  and alike fullers soap, from the fuller soap sea.
  ומי מכלכל את־יום בואו ומי העמד בהראותו כי־הוא כאש מצרף וכברית מכבסים׃

Malachi 3:2

As Ruler over the House Israel's, I am the Father Israel  the Cup Cold, the Silver Cup of Living Waters, the unbearable Eucharist, over whom the Bread, the Body of my Son, the Ruler over the House Jacob's, the Cup Hot, the Gold Cup, my Son Jesus was broken over me, turning me into Wine from the hand of Spirit Lord mine Yahweh, we the Spirit and the Water and the Blood do testify in one, I willed that your were Hot, or Cold,  if you are neither Hot nor Cold, but lukewarm, I will spew you out of my mouth.

וטהר את־בני־לוי  = and purifies associate the son mine Levi's,  from the Torah Moses  of the Tribe Levi's gave all the Earth,

siting from the refiners furnace, and from purified Silver, and purifies associate the son mine Levi's, and refines associations (your are,)  alike Gold and alike Silver, and that mine his unto Yahweh, from becomes mine the tribute within Righteousness.
  וישב מצרף ומטהר כסף וטהר את־בני־לוי וזקק אתם כזהב וככסף והיו ליהוה מגישי מנחה בצדקה׃

Malachi 3:3

Moses that did and gave you all the Torah, told you about me the Adam  the Prophet like Moses,  I am the Life of all Adam's, I am the second Adam, the Lord from out Heaven  that lives from the Torah's, I am the Righteous King Elohim from King Yahweh, as I do all the Torah's.

Moses because defined the Righteousness that out thereof the Torah's , related that does those Adam that lives within them.
 μωσης γαρ γραφει την δικαιοσυνην την εκ του νομου οτι ο ποιησας αυτα ανθρωπος ζησεται εν αυτοις

Romans 10:5

My Father Yahweh's Tribe Ephraim, the House Israel's, my Mother's House the House David's, Mount Zion, like Eve, the Mother of all Living, I am the Father Israel, I am El the stream of water within the Path.  House Jacob's and  House Israel's, publish this; I am the Head of the House Yahweh's, my two Nations my Samaritan  Northern Kingdom Israel, and my Jewish Southern King Judah, become wedded one within my hand of Ephraim.

related alike her said Yahweh, the shout his unto Jacob,  rejoices hers, and gladden his within the Head that Nation sea, that hear mine eying him, clearly him, and said him that his free Yahweh's associate the People yours associate the remnant Israel's,
  כי־כה אמר יהוה רנו ליעקב שמחה וצהלו בראש הגוים השמיעו הללו ואמרו הושע יהוה את־עמך את שארית ישראל׃

Jeremiah 31:7

that snake snake mine from coming associations (your are) from Earth Northern, and assembles from the coasts mine Earth within them, the blind, and lame, the company Eldest, returns that snake hers,
  הנני מביא אותם מארץ צפון וקבצתים מירכתי־ארץ בם עור ופסח הרה וילדת יחדו קהל גדול ישובו הנה׃

Jeremiah 31:8

within weeping the coming his, and within supplications (I) Ox Head his carries, (I) Ox Head his walks, El the stream mine the water within the Path, the Just not wavering within her related lives she mine unto Israel unto the Father, and Ephraim the proton born mine himself
  בבכי יבאו ובתחנונים אובילם אוליכם אל־נחלי מים בדרך ישר לא יכשלו בה כי־הייתי לישראל לאב ואפרים בכרי הוא׃

Jeremiah 31:9

I am Zain the Seventh Messenger from Adam, alike as written about me Yahweh's Messenger the Covenant unto the Nations;

Zain hers said, unto Yahweh, I am and Zain hers invited within the name Jacob, and Zain hers the hand his unto Yahweh, and within the name Israel the title.
  זה יאמר ליהוה אני וזה יקרא בשם־יעקב וזה יכתב ידו ליהוה ובשם ישראל יכנה׃

Isaiah 44:5

None are Elohim without my Head and my Hindermost my King Yahweh, alike my King Yahweh says,

alike her said Yahweh, the King Israel's, and the redeemer his, Yahweh massing, I am the Head, and I am the Hindermost, and from without me none Elohim.
כה־אמר יהוה מלך־ישראל וגאלו יהוה צבאות אני ראשון ואני אחרון ומבלעדי אין אלהים׃

Isaiah 44:5

related the vineyard Yahweh's massing the House Israel's, and that Ish Judah's the plant the joy mine his, and waited unto Judgment, and that snake hers oppressed unto the Righteous, and that snake hers cries hers,
 כי כרם יהוה צבאות בית ישראל ואיש יהודה נטע שעשועיו ויקו למשפט והנה משפח לצדקה והנה צעקה׃

Isaiah 5:7

and pleased hers unto Yahweh from the tribute Judah's and Jerusalem's alike days the times, and alike the older ancients,
  וערבה ליהוה מנחת יהודה וירושלם כימי עולם וכשנים קדמניות׃

Malachi 3:4

and approaches me El mine your water, unto the Judgment, and that becomes mine the witness from swiftly, within from a witch sea and within from an adulterer sea, unto  vain and within defrauding mine the wages the wage worker's, the Widows' and the Orphans', and entirely  stretches  mine  the  Nation, and not fears his snake me, said Yahweh massing.
  וקרבתי אליכם למשפט והייתי עד ממהר במכשפים ובמנאפים ובנשבעים לשקר ובעשקי שכר־שכיר אלמנה ויתום ומטי־גר ולא יראוני אמר יהוה צבאות׃

Malachi 3:5

Denying that his Nazi Catholic Marriage Law is the work of Devil outlawing outlawing our mahar Mating contracts, outlawing Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac and Jacob and David and Joseph as Bigamists, and outlawing they Mates and our Mates and Merriam that they call Mary as Adulteresses, and outlawing us of the House Jacobs and the House Israel's as Bastards, and the Judge measure by his measure the Homosexual Marriage as the works of the Devil, objecting to his own measure being applied to his Nazi Catholic Marriage Law that outlawed the Wedding Feast of the Kingdom of Heaven, outlawing the Bridegroom Christ and my Bride Mount Zion, when if the Pope and his followers really  cared for the Poor, they would tear down both their Vatican and their  Church Buildings, and all their Secular Governments collecting Taxes for the Pope Military Complexes and destroying the Earth for their Pope in Rome, as they lie claiming to be a peaceful people, casting Peace on Earth, casting off me the Righteous Adam living from out the  Torah, as they keep lying claiming to believe Jesus, and me the Elohim his Father, disobeying me and Jesus and Holy Spirit Yahweh, and  keep believing and saying the Doctrine of the νικολαιτων  =Nicolaitans, the conquering People, following the People's Pope onto War, as Good followers of the Devil transforming themselves to appear as if they were Messengers of God calling themselves Christian Warriors violating the Torah and bearing false witness and killing for their Nazi Pope, saying that they will cast Peace upon Earth by their swords, while spending Billions on the Coverage and Protection of their Nazi Communist  Pope, with front row seats on the Pope's Plane, as they are steadily raising Taxes, and collecting all the Money from Politicians paying the Medias to promote their Political Campaigns, and robbing Widows and Orphans that Poor of Tithes and Offerings all for their Pope,  the Nazi Communist CNN and all the Medias violating our Torah and the Prophet that Jesus taught saying call no man Father upon Earth, so they disobey Jesus saying they are followers of a different Jesus, having them call their Pope their Holy Father, and they all cast off me the Messiah called  the Counselor, the Eternal Father, the Prince of Peace, as they all  say that they need Nazi Warriors to Protect the Nazi Pope, forcing the US Tax Payers to pay for his Security while arming his Nazi Communist fake Jew Zionist Armies, the CNN Nazi Catholics and fake Jew Democratic Zionists and their Atheists and  Homosexuals  that blocked my Medical Care and disabled me trying to murder me, bragging about History with the Nazi Pope lying claiming to be defending us of Israel that they outlawed, and refuse to cover accurately even one of our Just Issues, while they continue poisoning and disabling and robbing and  murdering us,  while robbing the Widows and Orphans and the Poor of the Tithes and Offerings that our Scriptures say are intended to care for them, so the Pope and his Bishops and Priests stealing them for themselves, commanding their not to attend the Wedding Feast of the Kingdom Heaven, and telling them not to mate under our Mahar Contracts, because unlike our Scriptures that says not muzzle out the mouth of the Ox that treads down the Grain, the Pope says that they cannot afford to support them and their Families, saying that  they need all the Tithes and Offering for maintenance on the Idols wherein El Highest dwells not therein, and the has his Unity Catholic Government rob us more with High Taxes, that they lie claiming is so that they can provide us, the Nazi Communist Pope, saying building a Big Brother Communist Government, is the way that he and followers fight Communist and the Nazis too, so lying to the poor saying he cares for them, using them as Political Ploy to Rob them of Tithes and Offerings, with their claims that their Cuban communist Catholic Church only had a few 20 or so all elderly, none child bearing, so they are reviving their Communist Church with Communist youths, as slaves and Nazi Communist Catholic Warriors like Nazi Germany and the USSR did, to robe the Widows and Orphans and the Poor, stealing and taking up Tithes and Offerings  for the Nazi Communist Pope, to help the Communists that overthrew the USA where they outlawed us believes and our Scriptures too, like they did  in all their Nazi Catholic Churches, while the Pope and his Communist Atheist Scientists and Doctors, calling our Hebrew and Aramaic and Greek Scriptures false Science, and repeatedly locking us up though we committed no crime, and forcing upon us blood descendants of David and Ephraim, everything our Scriptures says causes us harm or death, like that Atheist and Homosexual  and Trinitarian  Scientists and Doctors of the USSR did under Stalin, and like all the Atheist and Homosexual  and Trinitarian  Scientists and Doctors of Nazi Germany did, forcing upon us their false Science of Evolution and the false Science of manmade Global Warming, to take control of all the Markets for the Communists, as s the Antisemitic Antichrist Pope and his Nazi Followers murder all the Scriptures call Saints, and canonize the dead that their Devil's impersonate, so they can pray to devils because they outlawed this verse and all the Scriptures.

all them dwelling within Rome, beloved Elohim's, called Saints, grace to you and the peace from Elohim's, the Father's ours, and the Lord's, Jesus's, the Christ's,
  πασιν τοις ουσιν εν ρωμη αγαπητοις θεου κλητοις αγιοις χαρις υμιν και ειρηνη απο θεου πατρος ημων και κυριου ιησου χριστου

Romans 1:7

Hitler's Atheist and Homosexual  and Trinitarian  Nazis from Rome that had us gunned down in Warsaw, gunning us down between them and their Allied Atheist and Homosexual  and Trinitarian Communists of the USSR and the Atheist and Homosexual  and Trinitarian  allied forced would not lift a finger to stop them, like the US Nazis and Communist will not lift a finger to stop them from blocking our access to Kosher Foods and Medications and poisoning us with both everything on the allergy lists in our Medical Records and everything that our Hebrew Scriptures says causes us blood descendants of David and Ephraim harm or death, because they outlawed us and our Scriptures for the Nazi Communist Pope.

Like Jesus said, woe is unto you when all men speak well of you, which he said because that means you are no longer speaking the word of the Kingdom of Heaven, and are just an unbeliever being patted on the back by unbelievers, as the Atheists and Homosexuals pat the Pope and his Nazi Followers on the back, all speaking well of the Antichrist Nazi Pope, while the Pope that outlawed the Birthday of Jesus in this our seventh Month of Ethanim = אתנים‎  our Month of Atonement by my son shed Blood, that the Babylonians call the Month of תשרי Tishrei , the Pope and his Antichrist Nazi followers, that falsely accuses Cuba of having outlawed the birthday of Christ, having themselves  outlawed my Birthday, the eleventh Day with our eleventh Month of Shevat, the Scepter, to outlaw me the Christ the Scepter Israel, that rose out Jacob,  as the Nazi Antichrist Pope and his Antichrist followers and the Evangelicals and the fake Jew Zionists  and their allied Homosexuals and Atheists cast off  Yahweh and his True Christ, and misapply this Scripture to their Idols, and their Plastic Jesus, worshiping the works of  their own hands, and disobeying Spirit Yahweh and this Scripture and locking up as Anti Social Mentally Ill Religious Fanatics that believe and obey Spirit Yahweh and his Holy Scriptures, be not like them Antisemitic deceived Antichrists and come out from among them says Spirit the Lord mine Yahweh.

νομος = Torah
ανομια = them without the Torah's, the evil translate that as lawless, that they then cast off the Torah, and apply it to their Secular Law and outlaw the Torah, joining the Atheists and Homosexuals saying that they are not under the Law, (the Torah,) but  say that  they are a Law Abiding People, like Nazi Germany said and did to outlaw us, and like the USSR did and said  to outlaw us, like all NATO and their Democratic fake Jew Zionist State has done, their Secular Law has no Righteousness because it came not from Yahweh the only true Lawmaker, they Secular Laws comes from Antisemitic Antichrists.
πιστεύω = believe
απιστοις  = unbelievers, which means in English, infidel

Moses that did and gave you all the Torah, told you about me the Prophet like Moses,  I am the Life of all Adam's, I am the second Adam, the Lord from out Heaven  that lives from the Torah's, I am the Righteous King Elohim from King Yahweh, as I do all the Torah's.

Moses because defined the Righteousness that out thereof the Torah's , related that does those Adam that lives within them.
 μωσης γαρ γραφει την δικαιοσυνην την εκ του νομου οτι ο ποιησας αυτα ανθρωπος ζησεται εν αυτοις

Romans 10:5

noway become yoked together with infidel (unbelievers,)  why  because   fellowships righteousness, and them without the Torah's? Why fellowships Light with Darkness?
 μη γινεσθε ετεροζυγουντες απιστοις τις γαρ μετοχη δικαιοσυνη και ανομια τις δε κοινωνια φωτι προς σκοτος

2 Corinthians 6:14

Spirit the Lord mine Yahweh sent me his Christ  to stand against the Antichrist called Belial and the Infidel that believe not Yahweh and his Torah and his Prophets concerning me the King Elohim.

why also concord to Christ with Belial or why a portion to the believer with the unbeliever (infidel)
 τις δε συμφωνησις χριστω προς βελιαλ η τις μερις πιστω μετα απιστου

2 Corinthians 6:15

Yahweh dwells not in your Church Buildings and the Cathedrals and Temples built by hands, that are the Idols of Idolaters that forsaken King Yahweh and his King Elohim his Christ.

why also concord to the Temple Elohim's thereafter Idols? You the Temple Elohim's exist, the living, accordantly said Elohim, related dwelling within them and walking and I am to them,  El, and they exist my People,
  τις δε συγκαταθεσις ναω θεου μετα ειδωλων υμεις γαρ ναος θεου εστε ζωντος καθως ειπεν ο θεος οτι ενοικησω εν αυτοις και εμπεριπατησω και εσομαι αυτων θεος και αυτοι εσονται μοι λαος

2 Corinthians 6:16

therefore come out among them, and separate, says Yahweh, and touch not the unclean, I receive you,
 διο εξελθετε εκ μεσου αυτων και αφορισθητε λεγει κυριος και ακαθαρτου μη απτεσθε καγω εισδεξομαι υμας

2 Corinthians 6:17

There is one Spirit our Creator, Spirit the Lord mine Yahweh upon me, there is only one Baptism, that all are baptized in, and I am he the Christ that Jesus was baptized within, there is only one Christ from Yahweh, his anointed Baal the Bridegroom of mount Zion, as the Head of the Body, the living Temple Elohim's, the Bridegroom the one Head Elohim that Yahweh calls the Counselor, the Eternal Father, the Prince of Peace. Speaking about the one Yahweh calls the Counselor, the Eternal Father, the Prince of Peace, Jesus said be not called Fathers, for one is your Father within the Heaven's, come out from among them that call themselves Fathers, and Baal and or a Husband, and or a Bridegroom.

εις = one, one in unity

and becomes to you one united Father, and you become mine one united sons and daughters, says Yahweh Omnipotent
  και εσομαι υμιν εις πατερα και υμεις εσεσθε μοι εις υιους και θυγατερας λεγει κυριος παντοκρατωρ

2 Corinthians 6:18

Moses hearing the voice of Yahweh the El Highest, though raised in house Pharaoh's, and learned all the knowledge of the Egyptians, Moses repented and continued not in the miswitness of the Egyptians, and Moses became  Prophecy of me the Prophet alike him in theses latter Days, and like in the Day of Moses, the evil disobedient unto Spirit Yahweh, refuse to put off the miswitness, and endeavor to deceive as many as possible, and take them to the grave with them.

In the original languages of the Prophets and Apostles, none of the believers called any man upon Earth Father, and none called themselves a Baal or Husband married unto an Ishah, a woman, and none were Homosexuals,  for those were evil doctrines that came from Egypt that Moses and Aaron stood against, for all the believers from Adam onward, both the males and the females were wedded by Spirit Yahweh unto his promised Messiah, the Baal, the Bridegroom of Mount Zion, ans is called the Counselor, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace,  and they were all Mated under verbal Mahar Mating contracts, as Eunuchs and Concubine of Yahweh's promised  Messiah, and when the majority of Earth violated Yahweh's wedding unto his Promised Messiah, his Holy Covenant, they were destroyed within the flood of Noah, wherein only eight souls were spared, and Yahweh's Covenant was reestablished, and when the Nations grew and began to err, and violated Yahweh's Covenant,  Abraham was called as the Prophet of Yahweh's promised Messiah, and in his true Prophecy of his true Messiah, Abraham  was called the Father of many Nations, and many erred in the Prophecy, until the Days of Moses, and all who left Egypt, refusing to put off the Doctrines of the Egyptians, perished in the desert, wandering in the desert forty Years, and as I began to learn these things, the US Government and Medias with their Presidents the Nazi Right Wing George Bush and  their Communist Left Wing Barack Obama, neither being a true Christian or a true Jew or a true Samaritan or a true Muslim, both like all the Politicians for Political and Personal Gains, adjusting and adapting what they believe, adopting their Antisemitic Antichrist Doctrines from the Majority of the People that violated outlawed us and our Covenant, their Politicians following the Media Polls, adjusting all their Policies, to please the Majority that violated the US Constitution, and passed into US Secular Federal and or State or Local Law their Religious Beliefs, and outlawed us of the house of Abraham and our Hebrew and Aramaic and Greek Scriptures, in preference of the Popes' and Angleton mistranslated Antisemitic  English Bibles,   and  with their Presidents the Nazi Right Wing George Bush and  their Communist Left Wing Barack Obama, neither being a true Christian or a true Jew or a true Samaritan or a true Muslim, both believing and teaching the Antichrist Doctrines from the Popes, and all their followers being full of nothing but Debate and Strife, and shouting for more Debates instead of believing Spirit Yahweh and his Covenant, all wanting to force upon all their own Political agendas  and or strange diverse Antichrist  Religious Doctrines, as they save from Iraq and Syria all the Evil that violate our Covenant calling themselves Fathers and Baal or Husbands, murdering any that believe our Covenant, and try to murder us of the House of Israel because they hate Yahweh and his Covenant,  they  have repeatedly tired to murder me, deliberately brainwashing as many of the People as possible,  to follow them and all the evil Doctrines from Egypt, because their Pope believes and teaches all the evil Doctrines from Egypt,  trying to set up and murder all the House  Jacob's, and all the House Israel's, and had the US Government and the Nazis at CNN   and in the Social Security Departments and  Medical Communities, block all my access to Kosher Foods and Medications that I still cannot get, because the Nazis have control of my Medical Records and Medical Care, and they repeatedly lock me up, refusing to Redress even one Just Issue on my  Just Petitions for Redress of Grievances, because their Nazi Popes say not to legalize us and our Wedding Feast of the Kingdom of Heaven and our verbal Mahar Mating Contracts that all the true Prophets and true Apostles lived by.

As the Pope makes alliance with the Atheist Communists of Latin America that outlawed us of Israel like the Nazi Pope, they refuse to legalize the Wedding Feast of the Kingdom of Heaven and our verbal Mahar Mating Contracts, because they say the words of the People are worthless, as well as our Hebrew and Aramaic and Greek Scripture, that they refuse to believe or legalize, and say that they need written Documentation of all Marriage for Tax and Court Purposes, and write and  issue State Issued Marriage Licenses, that contradict and outlaw the Wedding Feast of the Kingdom of Heaven and our Mahar Mating Contracts, which they outlawed for the Popes Weddings that they call a Holy Sacrament, and Holy Institution of God, and lock up as Dangerous Mentally Ill Religious Fanatics, all that refuse the Pope's Nazi Marriage Laws that outlaw us and our Families as defined by the Torah and the Prophets and Jesus and his Apostles.

The Pope and his followers and his fake Jews making alliance with both  and Homosexual and Atheists that violated and outlawed our Covenant, be  not like them that fellowship   with Belial and infidel, or their Antichrist Medias and the Pope and their followers and fake Jews Zionists,  that call the true Jewish and true Christian Doctrine  of not having fellowship with the Darkness of Belial and infidel, they call this true Jewish and Samaritan Doctrine  a Muslim Doctrine, that the Apostle Paul also wrote from our Torah and our Prophets, in the writings that they call Christian, and they murder all of true Jews and true Israel and the true Christens and true  Muslims, as Muslim Religious fanatics, calling us Muslim Terrorists in their Antichrist Antichrist Pope's Global Nazi Crusade.

When the Fact John McCain supports Nazi Arab Oilmen and Bankers that are not Muslims, and outlawed all from our Hebrew Torah common with  the Quran, and the woman he rebuked, did not call Obama a Muslim, but called him one of John McCain's Nazi Arabs that outlawed us of the House of Abraham like John McCain and Obama both did for the Nazi Arab Oilmen and Bankers, As the Nazis at CNN and in the US Government, that disabled me trying to murder me, as they again us controversy with only a choice between the Devil's  two evils, to destroy the righteous that choose ether side, like claiming that the facts are that Obama is a Christian when the fact is, that  he is an Antichrist like the Nazi fake Christian Pope, because they cast off me the Christ from Yahweh, and falsely claim that Jesus is me the Messiah from Yahweh, as they drug and disable and murder us like the Nazi Germans, saying that we killed their plastic  Jesus that they made to worship the works of their own hands, in disobedient to Jesus and the Torah.

I am Yah, the Eternal Father, the Prophet like unto Moses, I am the son Yahweh's, the son of Adam, I am the second Adam, the Lord from Heaven, the Bridegroom unto your Mother Mount Zion, I give you no new Mitzvah, but the same Mitzvahs from my Head, my King, Spirit the Lord mine Yahweh upon me, I am his face, his Elohim, his Messiah, I am the Shepherd Headstone Israel, the Rock of all ages, and all within Zion are my children.

guards the son mine the Mitzvahs the Father's mine yours, and El releases the Torah's the Mother's yours.
  נצר בני מצות אביך ואל־תטש תורת אמך׃

Proverbs 6:20

Spirit Yahweh my Light upon my Right, I am Elohim my son Jesus at my Right hand looking the Light of our Maker King Yahweh, my son guards my Mitzvahs, the hypocrite says that he believes Bible, and says he loves my son, and prays unto me asking for my Kingdom from Heaven to come upon Earth, but outlawed Kingdom voting Democracy that outlawed my King Yahweh all the Kingdoms of Earth delivered unto me.

Belial the Ish troubled, only able to get Power by Money and deceit and unfulfilled promises, has no Power from Holy Spirit Yahweh, and says I not under the Torah, but under Grace, having Grace from Yahweh the only True Lawmaker, they declare themselves Lawmakers, and outlawed me Shiloh, the  Shevat, the Scepter, the Lawgiver from Judah, I am the only true Lawgiver  Elohim of House Israel's, giving not my own Law, being but the Lawgiver Elohim giving you  the Torah from my King Yahweh.

νομος = nomos, =  תורה = Torah, whats Legal, the Law
νομισητε  =  nomisete, = legalistically thinking, hypocrites make up legalistic reasons, being legalistic repetitiously, making up a legalistic tradition or policy that does away with Mitzvahs, commandments from the Torah, and replaces them with their  legalistic commandments and Doctrines from men, and destroying Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness of all that will not submit to their  legalistic traditions or policies.

noway legalistically thinking related came destroying the Torah or the Prophets, not came destroying but fulfilling;
 μη νομισητε οτι ηλθον καταλυσαι τον νομον η τους προφητας ουκ ηλθον καταλυσαι αλλα πληρωσαι

Matthew 5:17

I am Prophecy from the Torah, generated in due time and season, predetermined by Spirit Yahweh,  outlawed by the Legalistic Rulers laying in wait for me, fighting against Yahweh and me his Messiah called Christ, like Herod used the Wisemen to lay in wait, for my Son Jesus, prophesying about him being both the son of Joseph, from Ephraim, and a Son of David, and Herod destroyed Rachel's children, two and under,

εν = one, when used as a number, or within one, when used as a preposition
μια = first, or number one.

truly because lectures you, till when passes away that Heaven, and the Earth, Iota one, or first Tittle, none noway passes away from thereof the Torah's till all generated.
 αμην γαρ λεγω υμιν εως αν παρελθη ο ουρανος και η γη ιωτα εν η μια κεραια ου μη παρελθη απο του νομου εως αν παντα γενηται

Matthew 5:18

ἐντολή =  מצוה = Mitzvah, singular, a commanded precept
εντολων =  מצות = Mitzvahs, plural
των ουρανων  = השמים = thereof  those  heights,  plural, not a singular heaven or height
ουρανος = שמים = height, singular, heaven

who if when therefore breaks first, thereof those Mitzvahs',  thereof those the least, and teach thus them Adam's, the least invited within therein the Kingdom thereof  those  heights, who through when finishes and teaches, such greatest invited within therein the Kingdom thereof  those  heights,
  ος εαν ουν λυση μιαν των εντολων τουτων των ελαχιστων και διδαξη ουτως τους ανθρωπους ελαχιστος κληθησεται εν τη βασιλεια των ουρανων ος δ αν ποιηση και διδαξη ουτος μεγας κληθησεται εν τη βασιλεια των ουρανων

Matthew  5:19

Violating one point of the Torah's, one is guilty of breaking the whole Torah, and those transgressing violating thereof the Torah's, cannot enter the Kingdom thereof the heights, wherein alike the stars, each one differs in Glory, a different Height, a different size, a different Brightness, so too the different Glories therein the Kingdom of the heights,

lectures because you, related if when noway abounds the righteousness yours, more than, thereof those Scribes and Pharisees, none noway
  λεγω γαρ υμιν οτι εαν μη περισσευση η δικαιοσυνη υμων πλειον των γραμματεων και φαρισαιων ου μη εισελθητε εις την βασιλειαν των ουρανων

Matthew 5:20

Casting off Spirit Yahweh casting off the manifestations of Yahweh's Spirit, declaring themselves to learned and wise,  by their own Soul, they try to bind the Torah unto them, washing the outside of the Cup and the Platter, while that filthiness doing all things presumptuously remains within, while with a willing heart know that it is Spirit Yahweh working in you both to will, and to do of his good pleasure, the Scribe of our Hearts writing his Mitzvahs therein, continually retaking my yoke upon you, Spirit Yahweh, for my yoke is Light;

bound upon the heart yours, continually binding upon the shoulder necking yours,
  קשרם על־לבך תמיד ענדם על־גרגרתך׃

Proverbs 6:21

within that she walks a guide associate you, within the sleep yours, a guardian upon me you, and that awakening, he the talk yours,
 בהתהלכך תנחה אתך בשכבך תשמר עליך והקיצות היא תשיחך׃

Proverbs 6:22

No one lights a Lamp, and puts it under the Table or under a basket, but puts it upon a stand, so that the whole house has Light, lighting the seven Lamps of our Menorah one at a time,  represents the seven Messengers of our Covenant since Adam, I am Zain, the Hindermost, the seventh Lamp since Adam, I am the Path of Life, the Father that chastises, I am the Seventh Lamp, the Messenger of the Covenant, the Bridegroom of mount Zion.

related a Lamp the Mitzvah and Torah Light, and the path of Life, that corrects reproving,
  כי נר מצוה ותורה אור ודרך חיים תוכחות מוסר׃

Proverbs 6:23

אשת = Ishath,  am Member of the Mother of all, Mount Zion the Body of the Bride, a sheep  wedded unto the Shepherd the Bridegroom of Mount Zion, under Mahar as my Concubine to conceive and bear and raise my children by our Covenant,  called אשה = Ishah, at Bat Mitzvah at age twelve up, held accountable to our Torah where the statutes about the אשה = Ishah and אשת = Ishath, are used, no male or female  can marry an Ishah, being  but the Bridegroom of  Mount Zion, a male wedded the eighth day unto the Messiah, when circumcised, as the Messiah Eunuch under Mahar to beget and bear and raise my children by our Covenant,  called an Ish, at Bar Mitzvah age thirteen up, held accountable unto  our Torah,  no Ish can marry an Ish or an Ishah, but are Mated under our Mahar Mating contracts, an Ish marrying the Ish and not the Messiah from Yahweh, has no righteousness, because he believed not Yahweh and his testimony concerning me his Messiah, and they have no Salvation, my promised son Jesus, because the rejected me the Eternal Father anointed by Holy Spirit Yahweh, related a Lamp the Mitzvah and Torah Light, and the path of Life, that corrects reproving,

unto guarding you from the Ishath the Shepherd's, from the allotment the tongue (language) the foreigners,
 לשמרך מאשת רע מחלקת לשון נכריה׃

Proverbs 6:24

I am Yah the Bridegroom the heart hidden within yours, and within heart of the Nations,  by Spirit Yahweh  the El Highest, who is delighted within beauty of the heart within the heart of the Nations following him.

El's delight the beauty hers, the heart within yours, and El takes you within the eyelids Yah's.
  אל־תחמד יפיה בלבבך ואל־תקחך בעפעפיה׃

Proverbs 6:25

Tamar dressed a Whorish Ishah, contracted for meat, his Ishath conceived twins, from Judah, and under Yahshua (Jesus) the Whorish Ishah Rahab perished not with the enemies of Yahweh,   but neither continued in violating our Covenant or our Torah like the vile evil that call Liberal, liberally does, for purchased by a piece of bread, by son within my Bosom,  brings the Whorish Ishah unto repentance, meat for repentance, seeking the value of my Soul, become one soul with me the Bridegroom of Mount Zion, alike as written, the Ishath contracted to conceive are bear, shall be save in childbearing. And the Ishah taken in adultery, brought for stoning, Jesus spared, with command, go and miswitness no more.

related behind the Ishah whorish, hereafter a talent, the bread, and Ishath, the Ish's soul, the value hunts,
  כי בעד־אשה זונה עד־ככר לחם ואשת איש נפש יקרה תצוד׃

Proverbs 6:26

If you know of one committing a Crime, go not to the unbelieving Secular Government, they will abuse their powers upon bot therm, and find ways to prosecute you for having turned them in, like they are doing to the man who turned in the church shooter, as the US Nazis and US KGB, like they harasses people intimidating them to help them set us up to be force drugged, because they cannot pin any crime upon us, they also even beat people, torturing them, intimidating them, to get them to testify under duress, one against the other, as unrighteous enemies of Yahweh that outlawed his Kingdom and me his Messiah and our Torah falsely accusing us of the evils that themselves, are doing, they and all their allies will perish, for bashing all, blocking them from entering the Kingdom Heaven, saying that they are fighting Terrorists, because they are terrified by the Righteousness of the Just, taking my Ishah as theirs, saying they are clean, taking fire unto them, and walking coals of fire, not burning all who touch my Ishath,  my Jealousy is a coal of burning fire, not burning the Righteous but consumes the unjust,

that heaping fire within the Bosom his, and the covers mine his not burning,
  היחתה איש אש בחיקו ובגדיו לא תשרפנה׃

Proverbs 6:27

if water, walks the Ish upon that coal sea, and the foot his not burning,
  אם־יהלך איש על־הגחלים ורגליו לא תכוינה׃

Proverbs 6:28

righted that brought El the Ishath the Shepherd hers his, not clean all that touches within her,
  כן הבא אל־אשת רעהו לא ינקה כל־הנגע בה׃

Proverbs 6:29

Their Idol Lady Justice Blind, blindly shackling and whoring with their Idol Lady Liberty that they worship, worshiping the works of their own hands, they refuse to stop judging and condemning all by their Secular Nazi Laws, they condemned all that repented, and will not release them, so Yahweh sent me, saying, open the Prisons, and let fettered go free, for all that led them into captivity, shall go into captivity.

Stealing the Song Rights of the Shepherd Zion's, singing the Songs Zion's so each Ish could steal a sheep from the flock for himself,  the Shepherd's Jealousy is a consuming Fire, and will devour all his grassy field's, and all his Forrest upon Earth,  and the Ishath will have every right, to call her Shepherd the Carpenter, every dirty name in the Book, as she labors and travail's delivering the Carpenter's Lumber to build his City.

not disrespecting unto a thief, related thieving unto fill the soul his, related hunger,
  לא־יבוזו לגנב כי יגנוב למלא נפשו כי ירעב׃

Proverbs 6:30

ו = and
נ = snake
מ = from
צא = casts
שלם = Salem
 ישלם = peacefully
שלום = Shalom = peace

I am Joseph the Seventh Messenger, the King Salem's and Cohen unto El Highest, the cross of the thief next my son, though they condemned, I casted peace, he that stole my coat, I cast shirt also.

and snake from cast peacefully the seventh sea, associate all the substance within the house his, mine she snake,
  ונמצא ישלם שבעתים את־כל־הון ביתו יתן׃

Proverbs 6:31

but the evil having all one needs, and greedily stealing to get more, I throw the full weight of the Torah. Like as written

woe, to you Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, related tithes the sweat, and that anise, and that cummin, and omit the weightiest thereof the Torah's, Judgment and Mercy and Believing, thereof these aught have done, and noway omit any.
  ουαι υμιν γραμματεις και φαρισαιοι υποκριται οτι αποδεκατουτε το ηδυοσμον και το ανηθον και το κυμινον και αφηκατε τα βαρυτερα του νομου την κρισιν και τον ελεον και την πιστιν ταυτα εδει ποιησαι κακεινα μη αφιεναι

Matthew 23:23

Those committing adultery with an Ishah, from their destroyed soul, they void the adultery the Ishah's as nothing, then lie like US Politicians, saying, "I did not have sex, with that woman," destroying her from his destroyed soul, but having defiled the Shepherd's Ishah, there is not enough money in the Cosmos, that would satisfy  his aggression against the adulterer.

adultery the Ishah's voids the heart from the destruction the soul his  making her so,
  נאף אשה חסר־לב משחית נפשו הוא יעשנה׃

Proverbs 6:32

smoke and confusion from casting, and the reproach his not erased,
  נגע־וקלון ימצא וחרפתו לא תמחה׃

Proverbs 6:33

related the jealous anger the warrior's, and not spares within the day vengeance's,
 כי־קנאה חמת־גבר ולא־יחמול ביום נקם׃

Proverbs 6:34

For the same destroyed Adulterous Souls, that destruction from their Souls manifests, as they  Judge and condemn all by their own Standard that voids our Covenant, our Statutes and our Mitzvah and Torah, like their Nazi Marriage Standard of one Man, Woman, and their Gay Marriage Laws, alike as written concerning them that Judge, while within doing the same evil that they measured  to Judge with,  thinking violating their own measure, thinking their shit don't stink, saying their own measure does not apply to them, and also refusing the Righteous Judgments from Yahweh by inventing their own measure.

noway a Judge, which noway a Judge,
  μη κρινετε ινα μη κριθητε

Matthew 7:1

μετρω  = measure
μετρειτε =  measured,
αντιμετρηθησεται  = against that measure

within what because a Judge discriminating, and within what measure  measured, against that measure to you,
  εν ω γαρ κριματι κρινετε κριθησεσθε και εν ω μετρω μετρειτε αντιμετρηθησεται υμιν

Matthew 7:2

why also sees that splinter that within thereto eye thereof a Brother's yours, the also within thereto your eye, a beam not considers.
  τι δε βλεπεις το καρφος το εν τω οφθαλμω του αδελφου σου την δε εν τω σω οφθαλμω δοκον ου κατανοεις

Matthew 7:3

than how willing thereto the Brother yours. let me pull that sliver from thereof eye yours, and beholds the beam within the eye yours?
  η πως ερεις τω αδελφω σου αφες εκβαλω το καρφος απο του οφθαλμου σου και ιδου η δοκος εν τω οφθαλμω σου

Matthew 7:4

hypocrite, cast the proton, that beam out thereof the eye's yours, and then cleared, casting that sliver out thereof the  eye thereof the brother's yours.
  υποκριτα εκβαλε πρωτον την δοκον εκ του οφθαλμου σου και τοτε διαβλεψεις εκβαλειν το καρφος εκ του οφθαλμου του αδελφου σου

Matthew 7:5

as the Hypocrite Politicians say exactly the opposite of what my son Jesus said upon Earth while I was yet in Heaven, saying, "lets all compromise, and not set one against the other, as they compromise, and all outlaw us and our Torah, and our Prophets and the Writings from the Apostles of Jesus, saying come, let us force our Democracy upon all the Earth and make all the Earth bow to us as United People under our Gods," denying the truth that all their Rulers their Gods, all enemies and  against Yahweh and his Messiah, come out from among them, their destruction draws neigh.

noway therefore fearing, many sparrows the evaluation yours,
 μη ουν φοβηθητε πολλων στρουθιων διαφερετε υμεις

Matthew 10:31

I am the second Adam from Heaven that Jesus call Father, and if you cannot confess that Jesus presented what is mine, I also Father like my son Jesus reject you.

each therefore who confesses within me presented thereof the Adam's, confessing I am within him,    presented thereof the Father's mine thereof within Heaven,
 πας ουν οστις ομολογησει εν εμοι εμπροσθεν των ανθρωπων ομολογησω καγω εν αυτω εμπροσθεν του πατρος μου του εν ουρανοις

Matthew 10:32

who through when rejects me presented thereof the Adam's,  rejects him I,   presented thereof the Father's mine thereof within Heaven,
 οστις δ αν αρνησηται με εμπροσθεν των ανθρωπων αρνησομαι αυτον καγω εμπροσθεν του πατρος μου του εν ουρανοις

Matthew 10:33

As Obama is neither a Muslims nor a Christian and makes War like the fake Christens, saying Peace by a Superior Military , falsely calling  Jesus who said he was not that Christ, Obama and his liars  stalking and blocking us from Kosher Foods and Medications,, drugging and murdering us saying we killed their Jesus, because we refuse to contradict Jesus who called me the son of Adam the Christ, and his called me his Father, here your fake Christian Warmongers  say exactly the opposite that Jesus said, we are to cast peace, not a sword, I am the Bridegroom the second Adam the Father, I am King of Salem, my peace sets a family at variance, dividing the believing from the unbelieving, and we cast off the unbelieving and collect the believing,  my Bride and Bridesmaid, and the unbelieving perish.

noway legalistically thinking, came casting Peace, upon the earth, cannot come casting peace, but by a sword,
  μη νομισητε οτι ηλθον βαλειν ειρηνην επι την γην ουκ ηλθον βαλειν ειρηνην αλλα μαχαιραν

Matthew 10:34

Here I am the Adam, the Father, bridegroom unto Mount Zion, the Mother Mount Zion, the daughters of Zion my Bide and Bridesmaids to be  wedded unto me, in the Wedding Feast of the Kingdom of Heaven, and becoming separate from them that refused to come unto the Wedding Feast and hate and abused my Slaves, forcing upon us their Antisemitic Marriage Laws .

came because set Adam's accorded thereof Father's his, and the daughter accorded this Mother's hers,  and the Bride accorded the Bridesmaid's hers,
 ηλθον γαρ διχασαι ανθρωπον κατα του πατρος αυτου και θυγατερα κατα της μητρος αυτης και νυμφην κατα της πενθερας αυτης

Matthew 10:35

The hateful are to be cast off to their own household, not uniting the good and evil under a Government that outlaws the good.

and the hateful thereof Adam's those the household his
  και εχθροι του ανθρωπου οι οικιακοι αυτου

Matthew 10:36

Promoting the Nazi Pope that disobey Jesus, and worships among his multitude of Idols, a plastic Idol  representing Jesus, and outlawed us of the House Jacob's and the House Israel's, and has his Nazis judging us by his Nazi Marriage Laws, and  stalking us, and taking us to Court, while being robbed of all we own, and being disabled and murdered being force drugged with everything that they know causes us harm or death, and Nazi Pope not stopping his Nazi Warriors, as we are forced in every  to your terms that contradict Jesus and our Torah and our Prophets, forced upon us, commanding all to violate the Mitzvahs that you broke, and command all others to break, with your Catholic Sate  and your US State issued Birth Certificates violate our Religious Belief contradicting Jesus, saying Father and Mother on them, and your State Marriage Licenses calling them Husband and Wife, Jesus said be not many Fathers for there is one in Heaven that is your Father, ands here he says if you love them disobeying him, and the Torah and Prophets, in the Marriages that violate our Covenant, not being wedded unto the Bridegroom the Father from Heaven, a man calling himself a Father, and  the Mother calling, a  Father and the Mother calling her φιλων meaning, brotherly love, not agape the godly love, but brotherly love that even two devils have for one another, not having the godly love, and a son doing the same with a daughter, not wedded the Christ are not worthy of my Son.

I am the Father within my Son Jesus here, that they brotherly loved another Father no me, Jesus also saying and that within me receiving that sent me,

that brotherly loving a Father the Mother, beyond within me, cannot exist mine, and that brotherly loving a son the daughter,  within me cannot exist mine worthy.
  ο φιλων πατερα η μητερα υπερ εμε ουκ εστιν μου αξιος και ο φιλων υιον η θυγατερα υπερ εμε ουκ εστιν μου αξιος

Matthew 10:37

με = me
εμε  = within me, form εν = within and με = me
μου  = mine, Jesus did not use it here of following him, but referring to his Father and all the Father granted him

and who not manifest the Stake his, and followed after mine, cannot exist mine worthy.
  και ος ου λαμβανει τον σταυρον αυτου και ακολουθει οπισω μου ουκ εστιν μου αξιος

Matthew 10:38

ψυχην = psuchen = Soul, as in Psychiatric, the Soul's functions of thinking and reasoning, here saying using that and not the Torah from  Spirit Yahweh, to find me, the Father the Life all Adam's, in my Son, you loose your Soul

that finding the Soul his looses it, and that loosing the Soul his, himself to mine finding it,
  ο ευρων την ψυχην αυτου απολεσει αυτην και ο απολεσας την ψυχην αυτου ενεκεν εμου ευρησει αυτην

Matthew 10:39

that receiving you within me receives, and that within me receiving that sent me,
  ο δεχομενος υμας εμε δεχεται και ο εμε δεχομενος δεχεται τον αποστειλαντα με

Matthew 10:40

My son Hot, I am the Disciple the Righteous Prophet Joseph, the Prophet like unto Moses, I am the Prophet foretold as the Bridegroom unto mount Zion, call the Consoler, the Eternal Father, the Prince of Peace, I am the Living Water in the Blood of my Son, from Holy Spirit Yahweh, I am the Cup, the Silver Cup,  the messenger of Covenant, and they cannot obey Jesus and revive me in my name, nor receive Holy Spirit Yahweh or my son Jesus, and they canny drink from me the Cup Cold, and give my Living Water to another, if you are neither Hot nor Cold, but lukewarm, I will spew you out of my Mouth.

that receiving the Prophet within the name the Prophet's, the wages the Prophet's, and that receiving the Righteous  unto the name Righteous's,
  ο δεχομενος προφητην εις ονομα προφητου μισθον προφητου ληψεται και ο δεχομενος δικαιον εις ονομα δικαιου μισθον δικαιου ληψεται

Matthew 10:41

and who if when does, if when thereof those least thereof them the Cup Cold, uniquely unto the name the disciple's, truly lectures you, none noway looses the wages yours,
  και ος εαν ποτιση ενα των μικρων τουτων ποτηριον ψυχρου μονον εις ονομα μαθητου αμην λεγω υμιν ου μη απολεση τον μισθον αυτου

Matthew 10:42

all who defiled my Ishah Mount Zion marrying her members  by your Nazi Marriage Laws, all the talents in the Cosmos will not bribe me off, and I will no rest,  related numbering her gifts

not lift off the mouth mine all the talents, and not resting, related numbering her gifts
  לא־ישא פני כל־כפר ולא־יאבה כי תרבה־שחד׃

Proverbs 6:35

The copycats of the Kitty Cat Traps of the House of Jezebel.

The Spirit speaks,  manifesting the mouth of Wisdom, saying, the manifestation of Knowledge is her lover,  and the manifestation of discerning of Spirits her Maid Slave.

Adam's Belial the Ish troubled, that walks perverting the mouth hers,
  אדם בליעל איש און הולך עקשות פה׃

Proverbs 6:12

Belial the Ish troubled, only able to get Power by Money and deceit and unfulfilled promises, has no Power from Holy Spirit Yahweh, for the Spirit energizing the authorities, says, speaking  by my mouth,  work the manifestation of  Gifts of Healing and  the manifestation of  Working of Miracles,  by the mouth of Power, the manifestation of Believing that is able to cast all the Mountains into the sea, when energized by godly love.

Belial the Ish troubled, casting off the worship manifestations from Holy Spirit Yahweh  energizing, the manifestation of speaking in tongues of men and of angels unknown to the speaker filling and overflowing, by Spirit Yahweh, and the companion manifestation of interpretation of tongues spoken by same one filled by the Spirit, and the manifestation of Prophecy, Belial the Ish troubled,  casting off that the  manifestation of speaking in tongues of men and of angels unknown to the speaker filled and overflowing,  by Spirit Yahweh, is the proton of all the things from the Holy Spirit, that builds one up to manifest all the manifestations of Spirit Yahweh, seeing the Spirit's manifestations, being the proof that he energizes all these things in the willing heart, the unwilling heart of Belial the Ish troubled, trying to copycat them using it to deceive, for his own Political and or Religious agenda,  having not Holy Spirit Yahweh filling his heart and his Mouth, being only able to worship himself and or his own works as the smith, weighing in the balance  the valuables from the Kingdom of Heaven, and melting them together to try to get more Power by Money by his deceit and unfulfilled promises, being but a corrupt tree acquainting both  Good and Evil, all seeing the importers fall backwards, and become  broken, they all glorify Spirit Yahweh who keeps all his promises, in his choice of due time and season, energized within us that he predestined to fulfill his Glory and Power within us, all filled by him, having foretold of my suffering as his Christ, and my Glory to follow, filled and led by Spirit Yahweh, and not by Religious or Political or unbelieving leaders, the Heads of the Daughters, the Branches of the Kitty Cat Traps of the House of Jezebel, the Great Whore of Babylon, having not Holy Spirit Yahweh my eyes,  being but Blind leaders of the blind, they both fall before me.

Belial the Ish troubled, having no security and peace from Holy Spirit Yahweh, Belial the Ish troubled, trying to copycat Yahweh's security and peace, becomes a Shepherd as the Head of the Daughters, the Branches of the Great of Babylon, by  promising security and peace unto all, for money to back him up, striking their hand, with  all  in agreement with him, promising him security and peace, and their money, if he will give them peace and security, having no security and peace from Holy Spirit Yahweh.

son mine, if water security unto the shepherd yours, striking turning hands,
  בני אם־ערבת לרעך תקעת לזר כפיך׃

Proverbs 6:1

ensnared within the saying yours, the mouth mine yours, ensnaring within the saying yours, the mouth mine yours,
  נוקשת באמרי־פיך נלכדת באמרי־פיך׃

Proverbs 6:2

Do you bribe your shepherd with me, knowing that I am the Zain the promised son of David, the Shepherd headstone Israel, have you imagined my presence, being but the maker of an Idol that resembles me, and or my son within my hand, offering me as an Idol unto your shepherd?

the maker hers Zain associate, where now son mine, and that deliverer? related coming within the hand the shepherd yours, unto you, that humbling, and strengthen the shepherd yours.
  עשה זאת אפוא בני והנצל כי באת בכף־רעך לך התרפס ורהב רעיך׃

Proverbs 6:3

Making an Idol resembling me as an offering,being but Idol resembling me, that  is an El that  only causes a deep sleep, wherein multitudes never wake up from, but sleep and slumber from Yahweh the El Highest  refreshes the righteous willing soul.

El she end snake the sleep hers unto the eyes mine yours, and the slumber hers, unto the eyelids mine yours,
 אל־תתן שנה לעיניך ותנומה לעפעפיך׃

Proverbs 6:4

that deliverer alike a roe mine from the hand, and alike delivers from the hand the winging,
 הנצל כצבי מיד וכצפור מיד יקוש׃

Proverbs 6:5

Belial the Ish troubled, holding but an Idol resembling the brightness of my Glory, is like deer frozen staring at the headlights of a speeding car, unable to get out the way, but the righteous following me the Roe, diligently taking flight, wining out of the hand of Belial, Belial not understanding that the righteous are removed from among them, then sudden destruction comes with no escape route.

unto you El of the ant her, the sluggard, sees hers, the path mine hers, and  wises up,
לך־אל־נמלה עצל ראה דרכיה וחכם׃

Proverbs 6:6

Wising up seeing Belial the Ish troubled, saying they are a guided overseer and Ruler, only able to get Power by Money and deceit and unfulfilled promises, has no Power from Yahweh to fulfill all your needs with their bureaucracy, so like the wise ant, wed  none of the sluggards, demanding Belial provide all their needs, and get busy providing for yourselves, by seeing that they are but sluggards, promoting their Weddings, violating our Covenant, that they try to copycat, but like slugs melt when salted, melting by my salted words,  my Glory, stuck in their path to the grave, about to die,  wedding none unto you, and wedding me the Messiah and voting with your wings, for my King El Yahweh as your guide, and overseer and Ruler,  become a guided overseer and Ruler, as the Prophecy about me the Head, the Messiah, your Bridegroom, lifting up the Head, and restoring the Cup bearer back to Power, noting that taking and bending your plowshare unto swords, poverty is the pains of travailing  delivering your Head, like an Armed Ish looses his in Battle, because all following Belial, the Churl outlawing all strictly by h Rule, and vile Liberally outlawing the Torah legalizing all the abominable unto Yahweh, but eating evil, and like a Whore partaking the evil, they wipe their mouth with their sleave, and say I have done no evil, refusing to deregulate their Secular Governments, and outlawing the Government of my King Yahweh, the yoke upon my Shoulders,  all following Belial, refused to believe that I came, to bend all the Earth's swords unto plowshares, without an Army, only using Spirit the Lord mine Yahweh.

wedded none unto her, a guided overseer and Ruler,
 אשר אין־לה קצין שטר ומשל׃

Proverbs 6:7

eating your own portions from Spirit the Lord mine Yahweh, not that eaten by others, by Spirit in due season delivering unto you, delivering yourself by your portion.

erecting within summer food hers, gathering hers within harvest, from eating hers,
  תכין בקיץ לחמה אגרה בקציר מאכלה׃

Proverbs 6:8

in second resurrection a rude awakening from sleep, the hereafter the sluggard that fell asleep, is put  to sleep for eternity, the righteous awaken for eternity

hereafter when the sluggard sleeps, when aroused from the sleep yours,
  עד־מתי עצל תשכב מתי תקום משנתך׃

Proverbs 6:9

a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding hands, unto sleeping,
  מעט שנות מעט תנומות מעט חבק ידים לשכב׃

Proverbs 6:10

and comes within poverty yours, the Head yours, and lacking yours, alike an Ish  Armed,
  ובא־כמהלך ראשך ומחסרך כאיש מגן׃

Proverbs 6:11

Adam's Belial the Ish troubled, that walks perverting the mouth hers,
  אדם בליעל איש און הולך עקשות פה׃

Proverbs 6:12

At age twelve, the age of Bat Mitzvah called  אשה = Ishah,  all your females age twelve up, all your Religious and Political  Ishah, idolized, and exalted as above the Torah's Mitzvahs, they are Adam's Belial, worthless, and an  Ish Idolizing them, they are Adam's Belial, deceiving you to make them your El, your God leading  you unto your  grave, so that we can look upon the look, upon your face, not rising.

At age thirteen, the age of Bar Mitzvah called איש = Ish, all your males age thirteen up, all your Religious and Political  Ish, idolized, and exalted as above the Torah's Mitzvahs, they are Adam's Belial, worthless, and an  Ish Idolizing them, they are Adam's Belial, deceiving you to make them your El, your God leading  you unto your  grave, so that we can look upon the look, upon your face, not rising.

 און = troubled, to the point of becoming Idolized
עקשות = perverting, distorting

Adam's Belial the Ish troubled, that walks perverting the mouth hers,
  אדם בליעל איש און הולך עקשות פה׃

Proverbs 6:12

Their Psychotherapists, Ish and or Ishah, idolized as the Professionals, calling their Soul's Opinion  the Law of the Land, as Belial, they study body movements, and cast off the Judgment Holy Spirit Yahweh's, and Judge by their Soul's Opinion, their running unto Judgment from their Soul, the action of their feet, and at whom they point the finger,  speaks louder than their words, stealing the Songs Zion's, accusing the righteous  of Zion of being evil or dangerously Mentally Ill.

the wink within eyes snake his, the utterance within the feet his, from flows hers within fingering mine his,
  קרץ בעינו מלל ברגלו מרה באצבעתיו׃

Proverbs 6:13

In their Hollywood delusion, like in the attitude in CNN's "God's Warriors" by Christiane Amanpour to stir stir and blame the Shepherd the Rock of all ages, they say all Religions must be abolished, because in all times, the Shepherd sends discord, when the discord is their own fabrication.

the distortion within the heart his fabrication, the Shepherd within all time, a discord sea sends,
  תהפכות בלבו חרש רע בכל־עת מדנים ישלח׃

Proverbs 6:14

They attack us righted by Spirit Yahweh, suddenly without warning, suddenly breaking up all we own while locked up, being force drugged and disabled and robbed and murdered, and none delivers us from our oppressors.

upon the righted, suddenly brings oppression his, suddenly breaking up,  and none delivers;
  על־כן פתאם יבוא אידו פתע ישבר ואין מרפא׃

Proverbs 6:15

six that snake hers hates, Yahweh, and the seventh the abomination the soul his,
 שש־הנה שנא יהוה ושבע תועבות נפשו׃

Proverbs 6:16

Singing Gay Pride, while singing the Songs Zion's, saying they are defending us of Israel, outlawing us and our Torah and our Prophets, blocking our Medical Treatment 14 years since 9-11, lying saying they are not Tyrant Nazis, claiming to be providing us Medical Treatments, repeatedly locking us up though we committed no crime, forcing upon us everything both our Scriptures and our Medical say causes us harm and or death.

Eying the Prideful, the tongue (language) falsehood's, and the hand's sea spilling blood innocent,
  עינים רמות לשון שקר וידים שפכות דם־נקי׃

Proverbs 6:17

Casting off the Counsel from Spirit the Lord mine Yahweh upon me, all their vain plans of making change, only changing the amount of money stuffed in their pockets at our expense, seeing their Profits, they are swift unto running to the Bankers and Brokers, and their TV Consolers and the Psychiatrist and their Puppet Politicians and the Pope and their Rabbi, their Shepherd, for more advice.

the fabricating woven plans vain, the foot sea swift unto running unto the Shepherd hers,
  לב חרש מחשבות און רגלים ממהרות לרוץ לרעה׃

Proverbs 6:18

Deliberately mouthing all the false witness against Iraq about WMD, and false witness about this King and or that King, or this Government or that Government, not a word true, and sending discord among the brother sea, Isaac's and Ishmael's, using discord to cause  division  for the purpose of the Pope's conquest of the House of Abraham.

mouthing false witness, falsehood, and from sends discord among between the brother sea.
  יפיח כזבים עד שקר ומשלח מדנים בין אחים׃

Proverbs 6:19

I am Yah, the Eternal Father, the Prophet like unto Moses, I am the son Yahweh's, the son of Adam, I am the second Adam, the Lord from Heaven, the Bridegroom unto your Mother Mount Zion, I give you no new Mitzvah, but the same Mitzvahs from my Head, my King, Spirit the Lord mine Yahweh upon me, I am his face, his Elohim, his Messiah, I am the Shepherd Headstone Israel, the Rock of all ages, and all within Zion are my children.

guards the son mine the Mitzvahs the Father's mine yours, and El releases the Torah's the Mother's yours.
  נצר בני מצות אביך ואל־תטש תורת אמך׃

Proverbs 6:20

The name Jesus is Jesus, and the anointed is me the Christ from Yahweh, that the Antichrist coming in the name Jesus deceived many to fight against Yahweh and me his Christ and die not once, but twice dying once again in the resurrection of the unjust, like Jesus said;

and answered that Jesus, said  to them, see noway any you deceive,
  και αποκριθεις ο ιησους ειπεν αυτοις βλεπετε μη τις υμας πλανηση

Matthew 24:4

many because come upon the name mine lecturing that I am that Christ, and many deceive.
  πολλοι γαρ ελευσονται επι τω ονοματι μου λεγοντες εγω ειμι ο χριστος και πολλους πλανησουσιν

Matthew 24:5

said also, they  if Moses and the Prophets, cannot hear, even if one out the dead is resurrected, will not be persuaded
 ειπεν δε αυτω ει μωσεως και των προφητων ουκ ακουουσιν ουδε εαν τις εκ νεκρων αναστη πεισθησονται

Luke 16:31

and nobody ascends unto the heaven, if noway that out thereof heaven casts down that son thereof Adam's that whom within Heaven
  και ουδεις αναβεβηκεν εις τον ουρανον ει μη ο εκ του ουρανου καταβας ο υιος του ανθρωπου ο ων εν τω ουρανω

John 3:13

Jesus telling them I was still heaven, my Son ascent unto heaven unto me the Elohim from Yahweh, and sat at my Right Hand, and he said to me, Father, they turned they whole  world upside down, dethroning Holy  Spirit Yahweh our Maker, and cast down me the Son Adam's, unto the Earth.

did not Moses give you the Torah, and nobody out you keeps the Torah,  Why me, you stalked to Kill?
 ου μωσης δεδωκεν υμιν τον νομον και ουδεις εξ υμων ποιει τον νομον τι με ζητειτε αποκτειναι

John 7:19

when left them masses came unto the house that Jesus's, and visit him those disciple his, lecturing; declare to us the parable thereof tares and thereof the field's
  τοτε αφεις τους οχλους ηλθεν εις την οικιαν ο ιησους και προσηλθον αυτω οι μαθηται αυτου λεγοντες φρασον ημιν την παραβολην των ζιζανιων του αγρου

Matthew 13:36

that also answer saying to them, that seeding the good seed, exists that son thereof Adam's
  ὁ δὲ ἀποκριθεὶς εἶπεν αὐτοῖς· ὁ σπείρων τὸ καλὸν σπέρμα ἐστὶν ὁ Υἱὸς τοῦ ἀνθρώπου·

Matthew 13:37

I seeded  the womb of the virgin in my field with my good, seed, why have you not believed my  good seed Jesus?

Thu, 17 September 2015  = Our Samaritan Hebrew Seventh Month, our Month of Atonement, the name and Date, 4th of Ethanim , 5776 =ד ב אתנים תשע ו 

Like the fake Jews in Washington and on CNN and Fox News that had me locked up and disabled me poisoning me,  for not answering  their Nazi Trick question of what does Happy New Year mean? These Babylonian fake Jew name and Date as they celebrate this as their 1st Month, the Birth Month of Jesus that these fake Jews falsely call Christ

  4th of Tishrei, 5776
ד׳ בְּתִשְרֵי תשע״ו


(Lennox Chocho‎‏ )

Hello Mr Joseph

(Joseph the Christ from Yahweh)


(Lennox Chocho‎‏ )

Hi.... Good morning

(Joseph the Christ from Yahweh)

Good morning, your marriage Laws violate and outlaw the Covenant of Yahweh the God of Israel

(Lennox Chocho‎‏ )

My marriage law?

(Joseph the Christ from Yahweh)

one man, one woman

You did not marry the Bridegroom of Mount Zion, by marring the woman, so you have no righteousness or salvation unless you repent

(Lennox Chocho‎‏ )

Does jehovah told the Jews to marry as many as the want?

Marrying one wife will not make me to repent twice

I believe in Jesus the only son of God

(Joseph the Christ from Yahweh)

You cannot marry one woman or a thousand, you have to marry the bridegroom of Mount Zion, or you cannot be saved

(Lennox Chocho‎‏ )

Who is this bridegroom of Zion?

(Joseph the Christ from Yahweh)

The Messiah called Christ, is not Jesus, the Messiah called  Christ is the Bridegroom, who do you think he is?

(Lennox Chocho‎‏ )

The messiah is the one who the Jews crucified on the cross and rose again on the third day

(Joseph the Christ from Yahweh)

You a lying Nazi Antichrist, I am the Messiah the Bridegroom from Yahweh, prepare to be tried for Nazi hate crimes.

(Lennox Chocho‎‏ )

You are the bridegroom? And i antichrist

(Joseph the Christ from Yahweh)

Correct Jesus is not the Christ, I am, you have been deceived by liars using mistranslated Antisemitic Bibles, like Nazi Germany used to deceive people to murder us for telling the truth that Jesus is not the Christ

(Lennox Chocho‎‏ )

What sign appeared which showed u are the one?

(Joseph the Christ from Yahweh)

Read Moses and the Prophets in Hebrew, Jesus said that you will not believe them, you will not believe though he from the dead before, you, saying that he was not that Christ, and said that many would come in his name, saying the he is Christ, and deceive many

(Lennox Chocho‎‏ )

Have u made the Jews to know that u are the messiah?

(Joseph the Christ from Yahweh)
(Lennox Chocho‎‏ )
Did they believe u?

(Joseph the Christ from Yahweh)

most did not believe Moses like you. so why would they believe me, since Jesus said if they believe not Moses, they will not believe even though he rose from the dead before your eyes?

(Lennox Chocho‎‏ )

Now i'm a black Jew from biafra land, we need our independent from nigerian government, come and help us get our independent, my people will be delighted to follow u
Are u a soldier?

I will not say, because you a nazi Liar

I'm not from German, i'm not Nazi

You a Nazi becaue yoiu believed the Nazis lying saying Jesus was their Christ

I'm a black Jew migrated to Benin nigeria from Spain in the 14th century
Not Nazi but ur brothers, followers of Jesus christ who said it

(Joseph the Christ from Yahweh)

You mean you are one of the Benin Nazis like those  that kidnapped me, with stolen US Army Weapons,blaspheming like you,  claiming to be Jews, but you not, but are of the household of Satan, like Jesus said  to John, in the book of Revelations.

(Lennox Chocho‎‏ )

Hahahaha, brother calm down, go and read the history of the black Jews from Spain to Benin kingdom in the 14th century

(Joseph the Christ from Yahweh)

Then why did you blaspheme and lie saying the Jews killed your Christ, like all you Nazi children of the devil?

(Lennox Chocho‎‏ )

Who killed Jesus then?
I'm not a child of the devil
Now how can u be living outside Jewish land and be claiming to be the messiah

Saul called Paul from the Tribe of Benjamin my Cup Bearer, given unto the House of David, as Jewish Tribe of our Southern Kingdom Judah, plainly speaks here about me, the Elohim the Eternal Father Head of Ephraim, my Father's Tribe, unto whom ten Tribes were given as our Samaritan Northern Kingdom Israel, for like Eliyah the Prophet said, and the Prophet Samuel, and the Prophet David said, that the Elohim that they followed after as the Messiah comes from the House of Israel, our Samaritan Northern Kingdom Israel, as son of David, of my Mother's house, here Paul plainly prophesying about me the Christ Elohim through the Prophets, telling about me the seed, whose seed was planted in the womb of the virgin of the house of David by Holy Spirit Yahweh my Father.

Paul, the Slave Jesus's, the Christ's, invited an Apostle affirmed separated unto the newsworthiness Elohim's
παυλος δουλος ιησου χριστου κλητος αποστολος αφωρισμενος εις ευαγγελιον θεου

Romans 1:1

that prophecy through thereof the Prophets his within Scriptures Holy,
 ο προεπηγγειλατο δια των προφητων αυτου εν γραφαις αγιαις

Romans 1:2

about the son his thereof birthed out the seed's David accorded flesh,
 περι του υιου αυτου του γενομενου εκ σπερματος δαβιδ κατα σαρκα

Romans 1:3

Here telling that Jesus was resurrected from out the dead, by my Life, the Life all Adam's, the Christ from out our Lord Yahweh.

thereof declared the son Elohim's within ability accorded Spirit the Holiness's, resurrecting out the dead, Jesus's, the Christ's, thereof the Lord's ours.
 του ορισθεντος υιου θεου εν δυναμει κατα πνευμα αγιωσυνης εξ αναστασεως νεκρων ιησου χριστου του κυριου ημων

Romans 1:4

As they Promote their Nazi Catholic and Evangelical Marriages and Homosexuality, accusing us of Jacob of being Nazis and Muslims, saying that we are not Jews like their Democratic Zionists and their Homosexuals that violated our Scriptures and outlawed us with their Pope's and the Trinitarian Mistranslated and misapplied Bibles, and murdering us,  refuse and fail once again to cover and resolve even one of Just Issues, using nothing but Debate and Deceit, Gossip, and lying claiming to believe the Scriptures that violate and outlawed, and refuse to legalize, saying that Religious Freedom does not trump the Democratic Secular Law, that they use to lock us up, and poison us, refusing to legalize us and our Scriptures, denying their Debates stir Antisemitism against us of the House of Abraham that they outlawed.

Their debates are openly full of nothing but all these vile and evil things, sugar coated with Political Correctness, and false promises, and even being rubber stamped as Holy or Good by their Pope, Bishops, Priests, Ministers, and Rabbi, that claim to believe and practice these scriptures that condemn those things and them practicing them, so because it is the evil that they do, they outlawed us of the house of Abraham and our Scriptures.

full of all unrighteousness, whoredom, violent wickedness, greed,  evil, full of jealousy, murder,  strife in  debate, deceit, bad character, gossip,
  πεπληρωμενους παση αδικια πορνεια πονηρια πλεονεξια κακια μεστους φθονου φονου εριδος δολου κακοηθειας ψιθυριστας

Romans 1:29

backstabbers, El and Elohim Haters, insulters, prideful, braggers, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents,
  καταλαλους θεοστυγεις υβριστας υπερηφανους αλαζονας εφευρετας κακων γονευσιν απειθεις

Romans 1:30

misunderstandings, covenant breakers, without natural affection, impalpable,
  ασυνετους ασυνθετους αστοργους ασπονδους ανελεημονας

Romans 1:31

who the Judgment thereof Elohim's  knowing  related those things, suchlike, practices, worthy of death exists, not only them practices, but and those complementing those practices,
 οιτινες το δικαιωμα του θεου επιγνοντες οτι οι τα τοιαυτα πρασσοντες αξιοι θανατου εισιν ου μονον αυτα ποιουσιν αλλα και συνευδοκουσιν τοις πρασσουσιν

Romans 1:32

You multiple Judas Iscariots using your mistranslations, to outlaw and fight against me the Cohen and Shepherd hers,   given unto all the Prophets of Samaria and of Judea, our Samaritan Northern Kingdom Israel and our Southern Kingdom Judah, Yahweh my King made and anointed me, I am  Yah the Cohen the Shepherd hers the anointed King Salem's.

and helped Yah his son snake she snake upon the masses, and  the sacrifice  the son, snake she snake, the Cohen's the Shepherd hers that King's,
  ועזריהו בן־נתן על־הנצבים וזבוד בן־נתן כהן רעה המלך׃

1 Kings 4:5

As the US and NATO Government drunk in the Darkness of the Night, bearing false witness against Russia and Assad, and us of the house of Jacob, lying saying that they did not arm Al-Qaeda and ISIS and the Antisemitic Arabs Oilmen and Bankers, the owners of Al-Qaeda and ISIS against King Assad in Syria and Russia and us of Israel. Get it in your greedy lying Nazi Heads, if anyone stands for Saudi Arabia and or Egypt against Iran and or Yemen or Lebanon, they enemies the United States, they  are arming ISIS and Al-Qaeda, there is no shade of gray,  either you are arming ISIS and Al-Qaeda by arming the Saudis or Egyptians fighting us of Jacob and Russia, saying that you arming your Terrorists against King Assad and or Iran, or you fighting for us of Israel by standing with Russia and Iran and King Assad, and if you are fighting against  Russia and Iran and King Assad, you are liars, lying claiming to be defending us, for the them Democratic Zionist fake Jews and Homosexuals in Jerusalem,   that outlawed us of the house of Jacob, outlawing our Kingdom of Israel. The US Nazi using Al-Qaeda and ISIS as an excuse to keep our Covenant and our Hebrew and Aramaic Scriptures outlawed by their Secular Laws, are Antichrist Nazi Catholics and Nazi Evangelicals arming their Arab Oilmen and Bankers and their Al-Qaeda and ISIS against us of the house of Abraham, and lying claiming to be protecting us of Israel, that they stalk and lock up, blocking our Medical Treatments, and disabling and murdering us like Nazi Germany, forcing upon us everything that our Hebrew Scriptures says causes us blood descendants of David and Ephraim harm and or Death, and forcing upon us, even though Doctors and Courts ordered those things to be put on our Allergy lists because they cause us harm or death, the US Nazi Medias and their Nazi Doctors deliberately call us Mentally Ill, and force all those harmful things upon us, and have us robbed while locked being deliberately poisoned like in Nazi Germany.

The Kitty Cat Trap of the Bed Jezebel's.

I am the Lion of Tribe of Judah that prevailed, to open the seven seals, opening the sealed scroll, my Lioness Mount Zion, and seven Lioness Daughters of Zion, against me the Kitty Cats of the House of Jezebel, led by Baal Zebub, and the Great Whore of Babylon, and her seven Whorish Daughters.

In the Wedding Feast of the Kingdom of Heaven, both the good and the evil are invented unto the Wedding, those evil, wedding not the Bridegroom, have no Head, the Wedding Garment, the Head of Ishah, the Ishah a Kitty Cat, the bait for the trap, every Ish, casting off and violating the Covenant Yahweh's, casting off his anointed Bridegroom, and laying in the Bed, married calling himself a Baal or Husband, or not, and laying  unto an Ishah, whom are all wedded unto the King Israel, he has committed Adultery laying in the Bed of Jezebel, Jezebel a false Prophetess who miswitnesses calling herself a Prophetess of Joseph the Baal Abraham's and Jacob's,  miswitnessing calling another Ish her בעל זבוב = Baal, or Husband,  calling one not wedded unto the true Messiah,  her Head her Messiah.  Though there are other false   בעל זבוב  = Baal than me, the true  Baal Abraham's and Jacob's,  they follow the doctrine like another Baal in Hebrew called בעל זבוב = Baal Zebub,  Aramaic  בעלזבוב  Beelzebub, Greek  βεελζεβουβ = the Baal of the Flies, or Boss and owner of Flies, Eliyah rebuked them in 2 Kings 1 for going to the Baal Zebub the Elohim of a Nation not Israel, instead of requesting in Spirit Yahweh his Baal Elohim, as their Lord and Messiah the Bridegroom of Mount Zion, seated at the Right hand of Yahweh, like David did. Their Baal invents false Wedding Covenants that our Scriptures call זנה = Zanah = Fornication, or Whoring, or Harlot, as translated in English Bibles, Zanah  means, following  after the wrong Messiah, as their Elohim, violating our Wedding Covenant from Yahweh, and of making an Alliance e with those Whoring after the wrong Messiah.  Where נאף = Naph = Adultery,  is totally different, it is used of breaking our verbal Mahar Mating Contract, by an Ish sleeping with an Ishah that is  under Mahar to another Ish, or an Ishah under Mahar to an Ish, sleeping with another Ish than her own. Homosexuality is called both  Fornication, or Whoring, or Harlot, breaking the Covenant not being wedded to the Messiah, and is also called Adultery, sleeping with someone in Violation of Statutes about our Mahar Mating Contracts. The Antichrist Pope and those that call themselves Christians, flashily calling Jesus their Messiah or Christ, are called Fornicators, or Whores, or Harlots of Babylon, referring to both Male Whores and Female Whores. David was also tempted in like manner, and took a sheep not his, making himself the Bridegroom to Mount Zion, instead of me his Elohim, and begetting a child in Mount Zion his Mother, called Day, the Mother of all the Righteous, and Night, is called the Mother of Darkness, the Spirit Leviathan, is called the Spirit of Darkness their Father.

I am the Cup, the Silver Cup the Messenger of the Covenant, from Joseph the Tribe of Ephraim,  beside my Cup Bearer, the Platter, our Fellowheir the Tribe of Benjamin. The Apostasy, come from the Cup, the Gold Cup in the Right of Yahweh, which is called the Wine of Blasphemy, that one drinks from, when they refuse to drink from me, the Cup, the Silver Cup, and they choose another Messiah, or wrongly call Yahweh Elohim, and smite those called by Yahweh, and casting off me his Elohim, which doing so, and doing violence in the name of their false Messiah, their false Elohim, is called staggering like a drunken Man, drunk in the Darkness, his Father, staggering in the Night, his Mother, and we are not to eat and drink with them drunk in that Darkness of the Night, wherein they  falsely accuse People of being wrong by their Standard, and smite one the other to death. Which casting off our Covenant and our Torah and our Prophets, and judging and condemning and  smiting People by Secular Law, is also called, to drink from the Cup the Gold Cup of the wine of Blasphemy in the Right hand of Yahweh, that Prophet pouring out, making the Nations drunk in the Darkness of the Night, prophesying of my coming. To anoint another Messiah, or another Elohim, than Yahweh's, is also called to be Antichrist, against the true Christ, the true Messiah, and is called walking by sparks, instead of by the Light Spirit Yahweh and the Fire Kindled by me, the Elohim the Living Water from my Fountain Yahweh. Choosing the wrong Cup, the wrong Messiah, is  also called eating the sour grape.

I am the Lion from the Tribe of Judah, I am the Lion El David's this Joseph that David requested within Yahweh

and Joseph hereafter David unto request within Yahweh, and eyed him Yahweh, and said rise, descend  enclosing hers, related I am snake she snake associate Philistine (part of Palestine)  within the hand yours;
 ויוסף עוד דוד לשאל ביהוה ויענהו יהוה ויאמר קום רד קעילה כי אני נתן את פלשתים בידך

1 Samuel 23:4

and Joseph Messenger of Yahweh crossover and stood within places narrow wedding none unto turning right and left.
ויוסף מלאך יהוה עבור ויעמד במקום צר אשר אין דרך לנטות ימין ושמאול׃

Numbers 22:26

I am this Joseph Messenger Yahweh's the friend and Lord David's that had Jonathan sworn unto David

And Joseph Johnathan unto sworn associate David within loving him associate him, related loving associate the soul his the friend his,
 ויוסף יהונתן להשביע את דוד באהבתו אתו כי אהבת נפשו אהבו

 1 Samuel 20:17

מנצח = glittering or sparkling

unto the glittering Psalm unto David.
  למנצח מזמור לדוד׃

Psalm 51:1

within came El mine his snake she snake, that prophecy's alike wedded comes the house's Oath,
 בבוא־אליו נתן הנביא כאשר־בא אל־בת־שבע׃


graced mine Elohim's mercy yours, alike abundant compassion mine yours erasing the miswitness mine,
 חנני אלהים כחסדך כרב רחמיך מחה פשעי׃


that number hers trampled mine from the iniquity mine, and from the miswitnessing mine the trespassing snake mine,
 הרבה כבסני מעוני ומחטאתי טהרני׃

Psalm 51:2  (51:4)

related the rebellion mine I am Ox Head acquainted, and that miswitnessed the front mine continually,
 כי־פשעי אני אדע וחטאתי נגדי תמיד׃

Psalm 51:3  (51:5)

unto you unto the bar yours that mistiness mine, and that Shepherd's within the eye's mine yours,  making me unto heed the Righteousness within the path yours, the pureness within the Judge yours,
 לך לבדך חטאתי והרע בעיניך עשיתי למען תצדק בדברך תזכה בשפטך׃

Psalm 51:4  (51:6)

Here having replaced me the Eternal Father, Elohim,  here speaking of the stolen sheep as Mother to his child.

beholding within iniquity twisting his unto me, and within miswitness conceived snake mine, the Mother mine, 
הן־בעוון חוללתי ובחטא יחמתני אמי׃

Psalm 51:5  (51:7)

beholding the Truth within inwardly, and within hidden the wisdom hers reacquainting my eye snake mine,
הן־אמת חפצת בטחות ובסתם חכמה תודיעני׃

Psalm 51:6  (51:8)

The son David's, I am the  קרח = bald ice Prophet from Mount Carmel, the Hindermost, the Elder the Head of the Smallest, or Youngest Tribe, Ephraim,   anointed with a double portion of speaking Spirit in the room and Spirit and Power of Eliyah, plowing with twelve Yoked Oxen, the Hindermost Ephraim the Shepherd Headstone, and  twelve Tribes of Jacob my Oxen, I am  Zain the seventh Messenger from Adam, the Messenger the Covenant, and within the first and second Day the seventh month, our month of Atonement in the pure blood of my seed spilled upon the Earth, purchasing all the Cosmos with my seed for my Pharaoh, I revealed my face the face Moses's, I am Elohim the face of my son in my face Yahweh

the miswitness mine within hyssop and (I) Ox head purified, the trampled snake mine, and from the snow whitened,
 תחטאני באזוב ואטהר תכבסני ומשלג אלבין׃

Psalm 51:7  (51:9)

I am the Bridegroom the Lilly of the Valley, all eye me in the snake David's, I am the bone El's bone, the bridegroom my Bride the bone broken out Adam's Eve Mother to all Living,  contrite.

hearing mine eye snake mine, the Lily joy, and rejoicing hers, glad the bone contrite,
 תשמיעני ששון ושמחה תגלנה עצמות דכית׃

Psalm 51:8  (51:10)

The veil still upon the heart miswitnessing concerning me the Christ Elohim, when Moses is read, I am the hidden face Moses's hidden under the veil, hidden upon the breasts of my son, hiding  my face within my face Yahweh, covering all Adam, Adam and Eve miswitness, Adam not deceived, Eve deceived to him instead of me, and ate the fruit,  and hidden among the trees, ashamed of their nakedness, wiping away the miswitness seeing my face the son Adam's, the second Adam, the Eternal Father and my seed, my Ishah's seed,  manifest in the Light Yahweh's, and the presidence of the Kitty Cat Trap, of the Bed Jezebel's, all the deceived Ishah are still mine, and the Ish that cast me off, Yahweh holds him guilty for not hearing and believing his voice testifying  concerning me his Elohim and my son.

and the hidden the face mine yours,  from the miswitness mine, and all iniquity mine erased,
 הסתר פניך מחטאי וכל־עונתי מחה׃

Psalm 51:9  (51:11)

Our Samaritan Hebrew seventh Month the Month of Atonement called    אתנים= Ethanim, meaning Permanent, and is called in Babylonian תשרי = Tishri  אתנים= Ethanim,  the Birth month of my Son Jesus, our Atonement, before her pain came, before she travail, ripped from my Mother's  Belly about noonday, the eleventh Day of our eleventh Month, I am שבט =Shevat, the Scepter,  חדש = new moon, all the Kings in Israel, are called by their birth month, called חדש = new moon, here David praying for my new moon, the  שבט =Shevat, the Scepter, Elohim's  within him from Spirit the Lord mine Yahweh the El our salvation, payed for by my Son, for a sign is given unto  us a Son uniquely  begotten, I am the Righteous King Elohim, and my Son Jesus the King of Salvation, from my King,  Spirit the Lord mine Yahweh, like as written, let Righteousness and Salvation sprout together.

the heart pure finish unto me, Elohim's and the Spirit erect the new moon within the center mine
 לב טהור ברא־לי אלהים ורוח נכון חדש בקרבי׃

Psalm 51:10  (51:12)

ברא = finish, as in finish building, or finish as in destroyed, mistranslated by the Antisemitic Greek and Latin Maccabees as "Created," to give their fruit of the tree acquainted with Good and Evil, lying saying Yahweh who is Light, and no Darkness can dwell in him, the Maccabees from the Mount of Esau, said the lie that he created Light and Darkness, and Peace and Evil. And everywhere the word "Created" is used in the Hebrew to English Scriptures it is mistranslated. Nature itself, teaches, when you Light the נרתיה  = Nerith Yah's, נרת = Nerith plural Lamps, the seven Lamps of the Menorah or נר = Ner a singular Lamp, or turn on the Light Switch, Darkness is finished, so too with Spiritual Light and Darkness, we are Elohim, plural, each an El. Even Atheists and Adulteresses and Thieves and Liars, Light Lamps, and turn on Light Switches, no Spiritual Darkness is dispelled by them, nor by the deceivers  who worship their Idol Lamps and Lights.

No one lights a Lamp, and puts it  under the Table, or under a Basket, but puts it upon a Stand, so that all the House has Light. Our Seven Lamps, of our Menorah are seven assemblies of the house of Jacob, when lighting one Lamp at a time, that is representative of our seven Messengers of our Covenant, one every thousand years, Precious Stones of the living Temple Elohim.  I am the Headstone, the foundation stone of Mount Zion, I am the Lamp Zain, the Seventh Messenger since Adam in the Garden, I am the Messenger of the Covenant from Yahweh, made unto all Adam's.

forming Light and finishing Darkness, the Maker hers Peace, and finishing Evil, I am Yahweh the Maker hers all El hers
  יוצר אור ובורא חשך עשה שלום ובורא רע אני יהוה עשה כל־אלה׃

Isaiah 45:7

חק = Statute, defining the boundary and granted authority
 קח = take,  taking the  Statute defined  boundary and granted authority, used in taking a mate under Mahar, or Property, or Jurisdiction
תקח = retake, granted the Spirit defined as a token of Salvation, upon death, not the soul, by the Spirit token is held in the Scroll of Life until resurrection, when this corruptible Body puts on incorruptible Body, and the resurrected immortal when reunited with the Spirit token of Salvation, the Devil's imitate the Spirit Token lying claiming that it is the soul of the dead before the resurrection like the Witch of Endor did with Familiar Spirit imitated the dead Samuel, like the Catholic Scourers and Witches do praying to Devil Spirits i,personating the dead. Here I am the snake David's, my Mother's Bauer Family, our Bauer Family blood descendants of David, the house of David, Spirit Yahweh the Father David's mine, Father meaning me, the Eternal Father, and Mother, meaning Mount Zion.

El throw mine your snake mine, from unto the face mine yours,  and Spirit Holy yours El retake from out snake mine,
 אל־תשליכני מלפניך ורוח קדשך אל־תקח ממני׃

Psalm 51:11  (51:13)

I am the Lilly of the Valley, the Life of all Adam, the Spirit of Life reunited in the valley of dry bones, the Eternal Salvation of Mount Zion, many surrender the Spirit of Salvation, refusing to miswitness, compelled by the evil, who try to force convert us, to their false doctrines from me, and not from the Elohim of the House Israel, or my my Maker Yahweh, here David prophecy of the return of the Spirit in the resurrections, and those willing to lay down their lives.

that return hers unto me the Lilly Joy the Salvation yours, and the Spirit volunteering hers, rehold snake mine.
 השיבה לי ששון ישעך ורוח נדיבה תסמכני׃

Psalm 51:12  (51:14)

Here returning the iniquity of the violent apostate sea, miswitnessing back upon them,

(I) Ox Head teach the apostate sea, the path mine yours, and the miswitnessing sea, El mine yours return his,
 אלמדה פשעים דרכיך וחטאים אליך ישובו׃

Psalm 51:13  (51:15)

that delivered snake mine from the blood sea Elohim's, El hers mine the salvation mine, shouts the tongue mine, (language mine,) the Righteousness yours,
 הצילני מדמים אלהים אלהי תשועתי תרנן לשוני צדקתך׃

Psalm 51:14  (51:16)

According as written, say not who shall ascend unto heaven, and bring down Elohim, the Messiah, nor say, who shall descend unto the depths, to bring him up, but says the word in nigh unto you, even in your heart, and in your mouth, open your mouth, and breath in and I will fill it, believe the testimony Yahweh's, Elohim that life raised up  Jesus from among the dead, confess the Lord Jesus's,

the Lord mine the lips mine open, and the mouth mine manifest the praise yours,
 אדני שפתי תפתח ופי יגיד תהלתך׃

Psalm 51:15  (51:17)

related not desired sacrifice, and associate snake hers, delights not burnt sacrifices,
 כי לא־תחפץ זבח ואתנה עולה לא תרצה׃

Psalm 51:16  (51:18)

My son within my Bosom was sacrificed for you, given unto the heart broken over my  son's sacrifice, and the contrite Elohim's not despises.

the sacrifice mine Elohim's Spirit the broken hers  the heart broken, and the contrite Elohim's not despises.
 זבחי אלהים רוח נשברה לב־נשבר ונדכה אלהים לא תבזה׃

Psalm 51:17  (51:19)

My Bride Zion the walled  Jerusalem from above, I lay as her foundation, all built up me, and my son, the Living Headstones of Zion.

that well hers within the will yours associate Zion, rebuilding her the walls Jerusalem's,
 היטיבה ברצונך את־ציון תבנה חומות ירושלם׃

Psalm 51:18  (51:20)

Laid upon the Altar Elohim's, baptized in me the Living Water from my Fountain Yahweh, I baptize you Spirit and Fire, consuming the willing soul, the burnt sacrifice.

Ox Head Zain pleases the sacrifice mine a Righteous burnt offering, and complexly Ox Head Zain ascends his upon the Altar yours, the Bullock.s
 אז תחפץ זבחי־צדק עולה וכליל אז יעלו על־מזבחך פרים׃

Psalm 51:19  (51:21)

I am the Stone of Daniel, striking the Four Kingdoms of the King of Babylon, I am the Persian King Koresh, the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, unto me are given all the Kingdoms of Heaven and Earth, with the charge of building the House Elohim's in Jerusalem.

I am Elohim upon my Father's great white throne, the throne David's, I am Zain ραβδω σιδηρα =the Rod of Iron, inherited by my Son within my Bosom, I am τον αστερα τον πρωινον = the Star the morning's, the Dawn Star to rise out Jacob.

and thereto the Messenger this within the Throne's assembly, write  these also lecture that Son thereof Elohim's, that holds them eyes his alike flames the  Fire's those feet his likening brass,
 και τω αγγελω της εν θυατειροις εκκλησιας γραψον ταδε λεγει ο υιος του θεου ο εχων τους οφθαλμους αυτου ως φλογα πυρος και οι ποδες αυτου ομοιοι χαλκολιβανω

Revelation 2:18

perceiving yours  the things worked, and the godly love, and the ministering, and the believing, and  the patience yours, and  the things worked the mindset of many thereof these protons,
  οιδα σου τα εργα και την αγαπην και την διακονιαν και την πιστιν και την υπομονην σου και τα εργα σου και τα εσχατα πλειονα των πρωτων

Revelation 2:19

but I accorded yours the shortcomings, related siding to the Ishah Jezebel, the lecturing herself a prophetess, and teaches, and causes to err my slaves, Whoredom and Idolatry eating,
  αλλ εχω κατα σου ολιγα οτι  αφεις  την γυναικα ιεζαβηλ την λεγουσαν εαυτην προφητιν διδασκειν και πλανασθαι εμους δουλους πορνευσαι και ειδωλοθυτα φαγειν

Revelation 2:20

πορνειας αυτης = Whoredom  hers, Jezebel cast off me the Bridegroom and Messiah  the Baal  Elohim, and wedded another Ish as her Baal or Husband and Messiah and Elohim, and still taught about my son, deceiving the slaves Jesus's, teaching another Elohim as her Messiah, which all that wrongly call Jesus their Messiah all wed another Baal, or Husband, by their Marriage Laws of one Man, one Woman, we gave them time to repent, and they  have not repented.

and granted her time which to repent, out this Whoredom  hers, and not repented.
  και εδωκα αυτη χρονον ινα μετανοηση εκ της πορνειας αυτης και ου μετενοησεν

Revelation 2:21

To be in her assembly and if your assembly teaches her practices having acquainted her is to lay with her and hers in her Bed.  I gave them fair warning, saying better act like a camouflaged duck hiding outside that Catholic Church, and pointed out all the assemblies broken off her, calling themselves Christians,  teach the same doctrines of Jezebel, the are the Great Whore of Babylon, and her Whorish Daughters, funding that War that they lie calling a War on Terrorism, lying claiming be defending us of Israel.

behold I cast her unto a Bed, and them laying with hers  unto tribulation great, if when noway repents out thereof those works theirs.
  ιδου εγω βαλλω αυτην εις κλινην και τους μοιχευοντας μετ αυτης εις θλιψιν μεγαλην εαν μη μετανοησωσιν εκ των εργων αυτων

Revelation 2:22

and the things, the children hers, slays within tribulation,   and the acquainted all those assemblies, related I am that searches the reins and hearts, and gives you accorded the things worked yours.
  και τα τεκνα αυτης αποκτενω εν θανατω και γνωσονται πασαι αι εκκλησιαι οτι εγω ειμι ο ερευνων νεφρους και καρδιας και δωσω υμιν εκαστω κατα τα εργα υμων

Revelation 2:23

All their Theories and Political agendas, do come from Spirit Yahweh, me his Elohim, or Jesus, if they did, they work work without any strings attached, and would cause no harm, but all their agendas do not work, and cause the loss of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, of that oppose them, and to all who listen to them, because they are the inventions of their own imaginations, which coming from men's souls, not Elohim or Spirit Yahweh, that is called  Satan, like Jesus rebuked Peter, and Peter repented, but these murder all who point out that they are the household of Satan, that refuse to repent, and refuse to properly Redress even one of our Just Issues on our  Petitions for Redress of Grievances.

to you also lectures and to remnants, them within the Throne's assembly whosoever, cannot hold the doctrine thereof that, and whom cannot acquaint the things profound thereof Satan's, alike disclosed not casted off you that weight.
 υμιν δε λεγω και λοιποις τοις εν θυατειροις οσοι ουκ εχουσιν την διδαχην ταυτην και οιτινες ουκ εγνωσαν τα βαθη του σατανα ως λεγουσιν ου βαλω εφ υμας αλλο βαρος

Revelation 2:24

moreover that holding steadfast till not (doing so) when comes
  πλην ο εχετε κρατησατε αχρις ου αν ηξω

Revelation 2:25

Here they  stop in the presence of the Just, and watch till they end their work, and go elsewhere, and then they give their evil authority to the Nations, like they are doing with their Coalition that they lie claiming is defending us of Israel, claiming they are fighting the very Terrorism that they are financing and doing, and they were clobbered with the Rod of Iron, which is why I am here now.

and the conquerers's , and watches till ends the things worked mine, giving them authority upon thereof the Nations,
 και ο νικων και ο τηρων αχρι τελους τα εργα μου δωσω αυτω εξουσιαν επι των εθνων

Revelation 2:26

and shepherded them within the Rod of Iron, alike the things vessels, the things the clay Pot, (the Potter's,) alike I hold aside thereof  Father's mine,
  και ποιμανει αυτους εν ραβδω σιδηρα ως τα σκευη τα κεραμικα συντριβεται ως καγω ειληφα παρα του πατρος μου

Revelation 2:27

I the Star the Morning's, the dawn Star that arose out the path Jacob's, I am Shevat, the Scepter Israel, the Rod of Iron.

and gave to them the Star the Morning's
 και δωσω αυτω τον αστερα τον πρωινον

Revelation 2:28

that has ears, hear, what that Spirit lectures them assemblies.
  ο εχων ους ακουσατω τι το πνευμα λεγει ταις εκκλησιαις

Revelation 2:29

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