Sunday, December 30, 2012

Hospital Celiac Diets

CNN had me locked up in two New York Hospitals where I was having nothing but one Adverse Reaction after another, to the Foods and both their Drugs and Inert Ingredients, that caused cramps, rashes, headaches and threw my Blood and Urine Levels off. But because like the Celiacs in my Family, I have Adverse Reactions to Gluten Grains, but I get no Celiac Antibodies, they raise my ANA Level, the Hospitals put me on a Celiac Diet the entire time I was there, but I have severe Adverse Reactions to Celiac Diets too, and I could not get them to get me Foods that I would not have Adverse Reactions to the whole time. So my Iron and Ferritin and Cholesterol and Hemoglobin and AST and ALT Levels all skyrocketed, and my Platelet Level dropped real low, because of the forced Hospital Foods and Drugs and Inert Ingredients. When they finally let me go, they had the Minneapolis VA do the follow-up, and as soon as they ran my Blood Tests, the VA wrote in my Medical Records that I do not eat healthy Foods because of a Mental Disorder. Not one Doctor or Dietitian that they sent me to at those NY Hospitals or the VA could give me a Diet that would make my Iron and Ferritin and Hemoglobin and Cholesterol and AST and ALT and Platelet Levels Normal, and they just claimed that it was my fault, and even claimed that was caused by a Mental Illness.

Each time when I told them that I had a Diet that would keep my Blood Levels Normal or near Normal, they just argued with me, and would not get me those Foods, and would not get me Medications that I would not have Adverse Reactions to when I needed them, and they even said that thinking that I could get my Blood Levels Normal by Diet, was a delusional disorder, while they were throwing those Blood Levels off and causing me more Medical and Mental Harm. Well on my Diet and no Medications, my Iron and Ferritin and Hemoglobin and Platelet Levels are all Normal, and my AST and ALT are just a few points above Normal, but my Total Cholesterol Level runs 5 to 10 points below Normal. When the Fairview Doctors saw my Total Cholesterol Level was 102, they falsely wrote in my Medical Records that they were directing me, using it to claim that their Medical Treatment works to Lower Cholesterol Levels, to make themselves money, claiming that the goal was to get my Cholesterol Level below 100, while 110 is the Low end of the Total Cholesterol Scale. Those Fairview Doctors could not get my Blood Levels Normal, but when I did, then to make themselves money, they falsely called me delusional about having an Adverse Medical Condition that was Adversely effected by Foods and Drugs and Inert Ingredients, and twice they had me locked up and force treated with Foods and expensive Drugs and Inert Ingredients that threw my Blood Levels off again and again. My Diet and no Medications brought them back to Normal again each time.

The attitude of the Medical Community is that they are Superior with Knowledge and Intelligence, and the Patients that they treat cannot possibly know what causes them Pain and or Rashes, or know what is good for them. It is the same attitude of the Nazi Superior Race that killed so many People with their Arrogance, as they took Xrays of their own Brains, and compared them with their Victims Brains, and they declared their Brains Normal, and declared their Victims Brains, those of the Mentally Ill, and now the US Judicial and Medical and Media Communities are now doing the exact same thing with CAT Scans.

People who Smoke or Drink

In Nazi Germany, the Judicial and Medical and Media Communities were calling people that Smoked Cigarettes or that Drank, people that had Bad Habits, and were Mentally Ill, and they locked them up, and often abused them till they were dead.

One of my uncles responded to Hitler’s Government with a Beer in one hand, a Cigarette in the other, and said, “My Cigarette Smoking and Beer Drinking is not a bad habit, I keep the Tobacco Growers and the Brewers Employed!” And he went to war against Nazi Germany, with several of his brothers.

Now in the USA, the Judicial and Medical and Media Communities say that People who Smoke or Drink, have a Substance Abuse Disorder caused by Mental Illness, and being declared Mentally Ill, they are stripped of all Rights, and are treated as second class Citizens, and are often locked up and force treated with harmful Drugs and harmful Inert Ingredients.

The Media like CNN will not reveal that if you are treated by the medical Community for a Substance Abuse Disorder or PTSD or Anxiety or Depression or any other thing, you are automatically considered dangerous,because they are using any excuse possible to count you Mentally Ill, just so that you are stripped of all Rights because of your supposed dangerous Mental Illness, and you will be abused and treated as a second class citizen by the Judicial and Medical Communities.

The attitude of the Medical Community is that they are Superior with Knowledge and Intelligence, and the Patients that they treat cannot possibly know what causes them Pain and or Rashes, or know what is good for them. It is the same attitude of the Nazi Superior Race that killed so many People with their Arrogance, as they took Xrays of their own Brains, and compared them with their Victims Brains, and they declared their Brains Normal, and declared their Victims Brains, those of the Mentally Ill, and now the US Judicial and Medical and Media Communities are now doing the exact same thing with CAT Scans.

Genetically Modified Foods.

“You shall keep my statutes. You shall not let your cattle breed with a diverse kind, you shall not sow your field with mingled seed, neither shall a garment mingled of linen and woollen come upon you. “

Leviticus 19:19

In ancient Hebrew and Greek and Persian and Egyptian cultures, you will find declarations prohibiting wearing a garment that the fibers were spun from grain linen fibers and wool fibers, because those garments easily tore, revealing a person’s nakedness.

God also had them reveal the dangers of Genetically Modified Foods, and tried to stop People from accidentally producing Genetically Modified Foods because of those dangers, but today People deliberately cast off God’s warnings, and his word, and they deliberately produce Genetically Modified Foods, and GMOs are not Kosher Foods according to the Scriptures.

For example, I have a serious Iron Metabolism Problem, so I eat Natural Rice that is Polished, and grown Naturally, it has no Iron and is an Iron Absorption Inhibitor that helps keep my Iron and Ferritin Levels Normal. But some of the Genetically Modified Rice has 4% of the daily recommended amount of Iron, and is an Iron Absorption Enhancer, and some Rice is Enriched with Iron Supplements that raise my Iron and Ferritin Levels too High. When I told the Medical Community In Minnesota that the Rice that I normally eat with no problem, has no Iron in it, the Medical Staff and Food Staff at the Hospital argued with me and called me delusional at first, claiming that all Rice has Iron in it, when I made them run tests and showed them that my Iron Level was elevating too High on the Blood Tests. Just from the pain I was looking at the Food that I had no choice but to eat, as the cause, and made them run Blood Tests. At first I was not given the Nutrient Charts on any of their Foods, and that Genetically Modified Rice was forced upon me for Weeks by an Ignorant and or Incompetent and or Arrogant Medical Community that did nothing but argue against me while violating my Religious Freedom, and that Genetically Modified Rice caused pains in my Duodenum, and raised my Iron Level too High. They could not get me the Rice that I normally ate, so it was not till after I got out of that Hospital, and got Natural Rice that is Polished, and grown Naturally, then my Iron Level returned to Normal.

The attitude of the Medical Community is that they are Superior with Knowledge and Intelligence, and the Patients that they treat cannot possibly know what causes them Pain and or Rashes, or know what is good for them. It is the same attitude of the Nazi Superior Race that killed so many People with their Arrogance, as they took Xrays of their own Brains, and compared them with their Victims Brains, and they declared their Brains Normal, and declared their Victims Brains, those of the Mentally Ill, and now the US Judicial and Medical and Media Communities are now doing the exact same thing with CAT Scans.

They are using the Judicial and Medical Communities to do away with, and overthrow our Liberty.

The International Media like CNN, working with Foreign and Domestic Enemies of our US Constitution, and working on overthrowing the USA from within, will not help stop the Judicial and Medical Communities’ Abuse of Power in these Matters, because the Media also makes money promoting their Psychiatric Treatment Agenda, to classify many falsely as Mentally Ill, so that they can disarm them, and help our enemies overthrow the USA from within.
I am writing this to my Family and friends on Facebook, because the Judicial and Medical Communities and their Media are stereotyping People that are Celiac or have Food Intolerance, as having Psychiatric Mental Illnesses or Behavior Control Problems, so that they can make money stripping them of their Rights and locking them up and force drugging them, which is the same thing that the Judicial and Medical Communities and their Media did with Celiacs in Nazi Germany.
If as a member of our Family, you are a Veteran or are active Military, a School Teacher or College Professor, or Judge or Lawyer, and either have Celiac Disease or have Food Intolerance like the Celiacs in our Family, you should know that the Judicial and Medical Communities have manufactured defamation of People with Celiac Disease or that have Food Intolerance, defamation that they use to declare you a Psychiatric Mental Case with Behavior Control Problems, and if and when they treat you for any Mental Illness, you will automatically loose all the Rights that many of us served in the Armed Forces to defend. They are doing the same thing with People that have Fructose or Lactose Intolerance, and or that have Adverse Reactions to any Foods and or any Drugs or any Inert Ingredients.
Not one member of our Family that I know of that has Celiac Disease and or Food Intolerance, has any of the Psychiatric Mental Character or Behavior Control Problems or inability to be Properly Educated, that they claim is and is described as a result of being Celiac and or having Food Intolerance by the Judicial and Medical Communities. The Judicial and Medical Communities are stereotyping us into these categories, and will take away all of your Rights and lock you up, and force Drug you, if you claim that you do not fit the categories that they pin on you to justify themselves for taking away your Rights, and describe in these articles.

Friday, December 28, 2012

President Putin of Russia, is right in what he is doing in his anti-adoption Law.

The US Government and their Media are totally out of touch with the Hate Crimes and Human Rights atrocities that are being committed against harmless People, by their Judicial and Medical Communities.

We needed Russian Translators at the Hospitals, because several Russian Children that were adopted, and several Russians were locked up against their will with me, and they were forced drugged with some of the same harmful drugs that were forced upon me against my will. They were doing that to me, to try to stop me from posting on the Internet just how much Medical and Mental Harm that their forced Harmful Drugs, and forced Harmful Inert Ingredients caused me.

The Medical Community is blocking me from getting my Medical Records from several Hospitals, because their Blood and Urine Tests, showed the Medical Harm that their forced Harmful Drugs, and forced Harmful Inert Ingredients caused me. They know that I would post those Medical Tests on the Internet to show the Public, and get the Public to realize that they are our greatest threat, and that they are enemies of our Lives and our Liberty and our Pursuit of happiness.

On most of the Public Poles concerning Gun Control and Mental Health Treatment, many of those on those Poles, are not US Citizens and or are recent Immigrants, that are enemies of our US Constitution, and are enemies of our unalienable Rights to Life, and Liberty, and our pursuit of happiness.

They just fabricate defamation of our character and our Religious Belief and our Political Stances that is contrary to reality, to cause us harm.

The Civilian Militias of the 13 Colonies existed before the Continental Army was formed, and today Active Duty Armed Military Forces are not a part of the Civilian Militias. The National Guard is an Organized Civilian Militia, and every US Military Veteran is counted as a Member of the Unorganized Civilian Militia.

To love God, and to love your Neighbors, and to love your Enemies, are commandments of God, and when hostile wicked People cause death and or harm to innocent People, there is no greater love than for one to lay down their life, defending them from any further harm.

When 9-11 happened, I had many relatives in the US Armed Forces, and as a US Army Veteran, because I love God, my Family, and my Country, I wanted to reenlist, to fight against the hostile wicked People that caused so much death and harm to so many innocent People. But the US Government would not let me reenlist, citing that I was disabled. Disabled from an Injury that I got while serving in the US Army in my second term of Service, an injury that ever since 1982, I can get no proper and adequate Medical Treatment for, and can get no compensation for, and I went blind in one eye because of lack of proper and adequate Medical Treatment.

But just because my Country and the Media, and my fellow Americans, and even my Family, cannot comprehend what is wrong with their broken Judicial and Medical Systems, and cannot  just get us US Military Veterans the proper and adequate Medical Treatment that we need and deserve when we need it, and even though many hold it against us for believing and obeying God and his Scriptures, I can use none of those things as an excuse, for disobeying the commandments of God Almighty, who commands us to love him, and our Neighbors, and our Enemies.

So when 9-11 happened, though many of my Countrymen and many of my Family had turned their backs upon me because they do not like my Religious Belief and or Political Stance, and I could not reenlist, I set out to obey my God, and do my best to defend them from the wicked People that caused so much death and harm to so many innocent People. As a member of the US Unorganized Militia, and Army Veteran, I began forming an Organized Militia called, “The C.A.L.M. before the Strom,” for “The Civil American Liberties Militia!” Enemies of my God, and both Foreign and Domestic Enemies of our US Constitution, did not like that idea, and they are working in conjunction with both Foreign Powers and known Terrorist Organizations, and they did and are doing everything in their power, and they used every dirty trick in the book, to destroy my Life and my Liberty, and my pursuit of happiness, and they are using every dirty trick to deceive and destroy the Lives and Liberty and the pursuit of happiness of my Family and my fellow countrymen. And know that through it all, it is my God using me to reveal their wickedness and deceitfulness to the Public.

Because they cannot directly attack a person for their Religious Belief and or Political Stance, and though their actions are a Hate Crime, they take parts of our Religious Belief and Practices, and or parts of our Political Stance, and they twist it into lies, and they use fabricated defamation, that is contrary to our proven character and Religious Belief and our Political Stance, making a fictitious villain out of us, and they promote their lies, so that they may motivate People in the Government and the Media and the Medical Community and the Public to attack us as a dangerous Mentally Ill person, to attack us for our Religious Belief and or Political Stance that they hate. I want for both myself and my fellow Countrymen, to be able to live in a Nation where we are free to both express and exercise both our Religious Belief and or Political Stance, without the fear of harm being caused to us by people in the Government, the Media, the Medical Community, and the Public, who fabricate defamation and use it against us, to cause us harm again and again.

Shortly after 9-11 happened, Computer hackers who saw my posts concerning my Religious Belief and Political Stance, they began hacking my Computer rewriting the Microsoft Word Documents on my Computer, and my emails in my Outlet Express, trying to make me look like an insane lunatic, as they were trying to turn the Government and the Public against me. And I could not get any help from my Family or the Government against them. So I went to the CNN Media and the Cable Company, and they also used the Computers, and fabricated defamation of my character and my Religious Belief and my Political Stance that was totally contrary to reality, to set me up, and turned the Government and the Medical Community against me, as they also fabricated defamation of my character and my Religious Belief and my Political Stance that was totally contrary to reality, and they caused me Medical Harm, even reinjuring the injury that I got in the US Army, so that I went blind in one eye without any proper and adequate Medical Treatment, by forced Medical Treatment that only caused Abnormal Immune System Responses, cramps and or headaches and or rashes, and caused other Medical Harm, because they hate my Religious Belief and or Political Stance.

I was well trained in my two terms of US Army Service, with many different Military Grade Weapons, and as an Expert Rifleman, and an Expert with a 45 Cal., I shot the highest Rifle Marksmanship in every Unit that I served in. And I proved myself, proving that even when well armed, I am not a danger to anyone, because I don’t shoot People, unless I have to. And as a Veteran, I believe the 2nd Amendment does not just pertain to Hunting Arms, it pertains to Military Grade Arms. I should have the right to defend myself, and both my Family and my Fellow Countrymen, against hostile wicked People, bent on setting us up and causing us harm, and that is just one of the Rights that I served to defend.

Because I believe God and his Scriptures, I believe both the Government and the Public, has no right to do away with the free exercise of any marriage relationship established and sanctified by Almighty God, and that includes marriages like the polygamous marriage relationships recorded in God’s Holy Scriptures. And because I believe God and his Scriptures, I believe the Government and the Public has no Right to contradict God concerning Homosexuality, and criminalize us for believing God and his Scriptures, forcing their contrary Opinions upon us as if an Abomination is some kind of Moral Relationship, conflicting with what God Almighty calls it. In Hebrew God calls us Elohim, and in Greek he calls us Theoi, both translated as “Gods,” in Psalm 82:6, and in John 10:24-39, so I believe that the Government and the Public and their Doctors have no Right to count us as crazy or Mentally Ill for exercising our Religious Belief, as we believe God and his Scriptures, and refer to ourselves as a God or Gods. But too many in the Government and in the Media and the Medical Communities count us Mentally Ill for that. Because too many in the US Government and Media and the Public, hate us for our Religious Belief recorded in the Holy Scriptures, and they just fabricate defamation of our character that is totally contrary to reality, so that they may justify themselves for setting us up again and again, just because they hate our Religious Belief and or Political Stance.

Shortly after 9-11 happened, while Computer hackers were hacking my Computer to try to set me up, a Kansas City VA Doctor was falsely calling me delusional about the hackers, and was fabricating defamation of my character and my Religious Belief and my Political Stance that is contrary to reality, and was contradicting a previous Neurologist's Diagnosis, as he falsely claimed that I had no Adverse Medical Condition that would be Adversely Effected by Psychiatric Drugs, and without a Court Order, he began using his fabricated defamation of my character and my Religious Belief and my Political Stance that is contrary to reality, to justify himself for forcing them on me causing one Adverse Immune System Response after another, and causing one seizure after another. And though I wrote CNN and the FBI telling them that I was being set up and caused Harm, they would not stop the harm being caused. And now though they used those Kansas City VA Medical Records against me to set me up and cause me more Medical Harm, no matter how many times I fill out forms to get those Kansas City VA Medical Records, and no matter how many times I contact them, I cannot get a copy of those Medical Records that CNN had the Hospitals use against me in New York. And I cannot get a copy of the Medical Records of the New York Hospitals that CNN said that they would sue them, if they did not lock me up for forced drug treatment upon me, which only caused me more Medical and Mental harm. CNN had all of my emails to them, asking for help to do a propaganda video to try to flush out Osama Bin Laden in Pakistan, so that we could capture him, and asking them to help us stop people in the Government and Public from persecuting us because they hate our Religious Belief concerning Marriage, they falsely called me delusional about Osama Bin Laden being in Pakistan, and called me Mentally Ill because they hate my Religious Belief. And I wrote CNN ahead of time, so that they knew ahead of time, that because I saw a CNN Commercial telling the Public where to go in New York, to meet their favorite News Anchor, they knew I was coming from Missouri on my way to Pakistan, stopping in New York to talk about the propaganda Video and our Religious Belief, and I had told them in that email, to write me back if they did not want me there, I still have the emails. But they fabricated lies against me, and falsely claimed I was stalking both Wolf Blitzer and Nancy Grace, and falsely claimed that I had come unannounced, while they had my email announcing my intentions and my arrival date, in their hands, to hand over to the Police that they later ordered to give me a Psychiatric Evaluation, because the Police had found no evidence of stalking or coming unannounced. The NYPD refused to take me to the VA like I requested, and then CNN told the Hospitals that the NYPD had doing the forced Mental Evaluation, that they would sue them if they let me go.

The New York Hospitals were completely upset, because any Medication that they gave me caused Rashes and or Cramps and or Headaches and or threw my Blood and or Urine Levels off, and after many months, they laid all the Medications on the Counter, and said, “We have a problem, you had Adverse Reactions to all of these, but we cannot get paid unless we treat you with something. You are going to have to select from these the one that caused the least Adverse Reactions, and take that, or we cannot let you go!” So I had to take a Medication that causes me Medical Harm, just to get out of both NY Hospitals, and every Hospital since then.
Other Media outlets started acting as Vigilantly Mob Leaders, not one of them is telling the truth about what happened, and they took CNN’s fabricated defamation of my character, and fabricated and published their own defamation of my character, to sway more vigilantes in the Public against me, because they hate my Religious Belief and or Political Stance. And because too many of them hate my Religious Belief and or Political Stance, the Medical Records that they made to set me up for forced treatment again and again are full of nothing but false diagnosis and fabricated defamation of my character and my Religious Belief and my Political Stance that is totally contrary to reality, with no way of correcting them or the problems that they are causing, causing me more and more Medical and Mental harm again and again.

Here are just some of the other Media outlets as examples.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

They are doing the same thing that they did in Nazi Germany to disarm all that they call Mentally Ill.

When Vigilantes in the Media let People know where registered Gun owners live, like the Media is doing, Vigilantes in the Judicial and Medical Communities abuse their powers, and take them in for a Mental Evaluation, destroying their Liberty, and they make up reasons to declare them a harm to themselves and the Public, and they cause them Medical Harm with forced Drugs, and the Media and the Government will not stop their abuse of power.

I cannot get the Government or the Media to stop their abuse of power against me, because they made Freedom extinct in America, and they made it like Nazi Germany in its beginning, and they are making the USA worse, and the Public goes along with their abuse of power,  following them into bondage and death, like dumb sheep led to the slaughter.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

They are using their Ignorance and Incompetence and Arrogance to Murder us, while they get paid for it.

The Minnesota Gastroenterology was going to give me a Liver Treatment for 48 weeks. Before starting the treatment, they wanted my Blood and Urine and Biopsy Tests from previous Doctors, so I filled out papers for them to get those. When they got them, the Gastroenterology Staff informed me, that when they find People like me, with a history of High Iron and Low Platelets, they do not like treating us, because they said that we have the most severe Adverse Reactions to the Medications. And they said that I would need both a Primary Care Doctor and a Psychologist to help me with the Adverse Reactions to the Medications, before they would give them to me.

But all the Doctors and Psychologists around here falsely call me delusional about Adverse Reactions to Medications and their Inert Ingredients, falsely claiming that there is no Adverse Medical Condition, that would be effected by the Medications and their Inert Ingredients. I got a Doctor and Psychologist that said that they would help me with the Adverse Reactions to the Liver Medications. The problem is that, I and People like me, cannot Metabolize most of the Inert Ingredients in any Medication, and we cannot Metabolize most Medications.

So while I was taking the Liver Medications, I was taking it open capsule, to stop some of the Adverse Reactions to the Liver Medications’ Inert Ingredients, and the Blood Tests show that the Medication was working extremely well. But I had gotten a Bacterial Infection while on the Liver Medication, and that is where the problem with the Doctors started. Dr Amy Adams refused to believe that I have Adverse Reactions to Inert Ingredients in Antibiotics, refusing to believe that a Ten Day course of any Tab or Capsule Antibiotics would put me in Bed, and raise my ANA Level. So while I was throwing as many of those Inert Ingredients away from the Liver Medication as possible, refusing to get me a Bicillin Shot that I would have no Adverse Reaction to, she caused me one Rash after another with Tab and Capsule Antibiotics, so they gave me a new Primary Care Doctor, that was of the same opinion. My ANA Level elevated from the Adverse Reactions, and while the Gastroenterology Staff was thinking on stopping the Medications because of an Adverse Immune System Response, because I was complaining about the Adverse Reactions to the Inert Ingredients, the Fairview Doctors were falsely calling me Psychotic about the Adverse Reactions to the Inert Ingredients, and falsely said I was being made Psychotic from the Liver Medications, and took me to Court stopping the Medications, and falsely claimed that I have no Adverse Medical Condition in my Medical Records that would adversely be effected by their forced treatment, and they forced upon me one Adverse Reaction after another, until my stool turned black with maroon blood clots in it.

They will not give me the Liver Medications again because of the Abnormal Immune System Response. But causing an Abnormal Immune System Response is the way that they treat me for any Infection and any Rash and Psychiatric Treatment, because they will not write those Inert Ingredients in my Medical Records and stop giving them to me, and they will not stop forcing them on me whenever I have an Adverse Reaction to them. They took me to Court again where the Judged thanked me for my Military Service, and claimed that she was sure I was being compensated for the head injury that I got in the US Army, which is a lie because of her Ignorance and Arrogance that causes her to have Psychosis concerning the matter, and she locked me up because of the Doctors’ and Social Worker’s perjury in Court, and caused me more Adverse Reactions, the Doctor’s complaint in Court was he said that I was trying to Micromanage the Doctors concerning Inert Ingredients, and in Court he claimed my Religious Belief was false, and when he came to the Hospital, he told me that they were having me locked up and force treated because of my Internet Posts. Then they forced Shots on me for months that have Phosphates in the Inert Ingredients that cause me to have Cramps, with no way of stopping taking the injected Medication, and they falsely claimed that the Shots were doing me good.

Lately I was given a can of Beans, I normally eat Beans with no problem, but it was in a can from a Producer that I had never eaten any of their products, I ate it, and most likely because of the preservatives in it, it caused severe diarrhea, and knocked me on the floor, as I busted out in a Rash all over. I live across the street from the Minneapolis VA, so I walked over to the Emergency Room, but because all the VA Doctors count me delusional about the Adverse Reactions to Inert Ingredients in Medications, what do they give me for a severe Rash? Hydroxyzine Pamolate with some of the same Inert Ingredients that cause me to have Rashes and raise my ANA Level, because that is how these Psychotic Doctors and Courts make money off me and People like me. They are using their Ignorance and Incompetence and Arrogance to Murder us, while they get paid for it.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

The Murder of the Disabled, plotted by the US Government and Media and Judicial and Medical Communities

Too many Drug Deaths because of the Ignorance and Incompetence and Arrogance of the Government and Media and Medical Communities.

The Government had the Media begin providing false information to try to explain to the Public the gradual rise of Prescription Drug Deaths, and they only mentioned a few Drugs that could cause Death at a low dose, when stacked with other Drugs and or Alcohol. This is a cover up, for deliberate deaths of the Disabled that they are causing at Taxpayers expense.

In my Medical Records, the reason why that since 1982, I have not been treated one time for the head injury that I got in the US Army, and I went blind in one eye because of it, and I cannot get any compensation for it, because there are no Medical Records that show that I was treated for the head injury that I got in the US Army, instead of treating me properly, the Doctors and Medical Staff falsely accuse me of having substance abuse problems, and then they run drug and alcohol screen tests which all come up negative, to include tobacco. And then to cover up a death that they would claim was caused by stacking, though all the drug and alcohol tests are negative, they write in our Medical Records that we have a substance abuse disorder, so that they can use that to cover up the truth that it is their Drugs often forced upon us, that are killing us.

The Government and Media and Judicial and Medical Communities, turned the entire USA into a Neo Nazi Death Camp for the Disabled.

Since 1982, I have not been treated one time for the head injury that I got in the US Army, and I went blind in one eye because of it, and I cannot get any compensation for it, because there are no Medical Records that show that I was treated for the head injury that I got in the US Army, my Medical Records are full of nothing but fabricated defamation that contradict reality, and are full of opinions that go right around what the Medical Tests run show, so that they can make money off the Taxpayers, by using those fabrications to justify themselves for forcing harmful Drugs upon me again and again.

Though each of their Medications effect different People somewhat differently, because too many in the US Government, and their Media, and their Courts, and their Medical Communities, just like their Doctors that they had force treat me, are making many false claims about the effects of their Psychiatric Medications, like falsely claiming that only some of their Medications have a vulnerable period, when starting or stopping the Medication, and we knowing by experience both the heightened vulnerability when starting and stopping their Medications, and the vulnerability that we experience the whole time that we are on any one of their Medications, and have no choice but to try to tolerate the Chemically Induced vulnerability long enough to get out of the hands of our Captors, it is oblivious to us who have experienced a wide array of their Medications, that they are Psychotic.

The Medications may effect me, and some like me, differently than most People, because the Inert Ingredients do not cause Adverse Reactions to everyone, but to some of us who cannot Metabolize most of the Inert Ingredients, and they throw diverse Blood and or Urine Levels off, and cause cramps and or headaches and or rashes, we also cannot Metabolize many of their Medications, and we experience a milder but very similar vulnerability to some of their Medications, from some Foods, and most Foods with Food Additives, and most Inert Ingredients in any Medication. In my case, the Abnormal Immune System Response to them, is part of an untreated Metabolic Disorder. Self Treated, my Diet is extremely limited, but is necessary to keep my Blood and Urine Levels Normal or near Normal, and keep my Brainwaves Normal, and the Diet does not cure whatever causes me to have Adverse Reactions to so many different things. If I eat any of the following different things, they throw off diverse Blood and or Urine Levels and or Brainwaves while causing cramps and or headaches and or rashes . And though some of these things also cause my ANA Level to skyrocket, the Allergists say that it is not an Allergy, they say it is a Metabolic Disorder, and one specifically said it is an Iron Metabolism Disorder, because my Iron Saturation skyrockets from Heme-Iron Meats and some Non Heme-Iron Foods and or Iron Enrichment Compounds in some Foods. So my Diet contains none of those, and contains no Iron Absorption Enhancing Foods, and contains Iron Absorption Inhibiting Foods, to help keep my Iron Saturation Levels Normal. And I cannot tolerate Fructose or most Fructose Compounds or Fruits or Foods, or Sugar Alcohols, Citrus Fruits, or most Phosphate Compounds, or Cornstarch, or Processed Starch, or some Insoluble Beta-glucans, especially Processed Cellulose, or most Synthetic Food or Drug Additives. Though many in my Family are Celiac, I do not test positive for Celiac Antibodies, but I have similar Adverse Reactions to the Gluten Grains as they do, and I think it is both the Insoluble Beta-glucans in them, and some of the Food Additives that I have Adverse Reactions to. The Adverse Reactions to some of those things will make my guts literally bleed, if I eat them too often, but Fructose or most Fructose Compounds, and or Sugar Alcohols, sometimes left Blood and or Glucose and or Protein in my Urine, after causing a Hyperglycemic spike, followed by a Hypoglycemic crash. I can never get a Doctor to run tests for Fructose Malabsorption or Fructose Intolerance, to confirm or rule them out, but for one reason or another, I have Adverse Reactions to all the Foods that adversely effect those with those disorders, so my Diet contains none of those Foods. Though each different compound causes different types of Rashes, raising my ANA Level, the Orthopedics Doctors said that some of the Rashes that I had gotten at the time from Penicillin Tablets from Sandoz , looked like Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Rashes. My ANA Level was elevated at those times when those Rashes were present, but returned to Normal after stopping taking the Medications. So all the Orthopedics Doctors said that it was not Systemic Lupus Erythematosus or SLE, but one said that because the ANA Level returns to normal after stopping taking the Medications, he believed it is a form of Drug Induced Lupus. The Urologists all said that the Blood that results in my Urine, is because of a Metabolic Disorder. One of my Uncles lost both Kidneys because of a very similar Disorder, when he had Adverse Reactions to many of the things that I have Adverse Reactions to. His Adverse Reactions to Cornstarch and Eggs like I get, stopped happening after he got a donated Kidney, so it may be that my Kidneys just cannot Metabolize those things.

 The cells of Bacteria and Fungi and Molds are made from small branches of Chemical Compounds that fit into a wide group of Compounds, called Beta-glucans. Those particular Beta-glucans found in the Microbes, cause most People to have an Immune System Response, resulting in the Immune System destroying the Microbes. The Beta-glucans found in Yeast, are extracted and are used to stimulate Immune System Responses, in People that do not respond normally to other Microbes. But after running some of my own tests with foods that cause me to have an Abnormal Immune System Response, I believe my Immune System is Responding to a wider range of Beta-glucans than most People, like Insoluble Beta-glucans in Gluten Grains, Yeast, and in Cellulose Compounds. If I eat two sandwiches made with Gluten Grains for one day, the pains that result are barley noticeable. But if I eat two sandwiches a day for a week, it will put me in bed, but I show no Celiac Antibodies, the ANA Level begins to elevate. The Medications that I have the worst Adverse Reactions to have Processed Cellulose Compounds in the Inert Ingredients, which are Beta-glucans, they raise my ANA Level the highest.The Orthopedics Doctors called it an Overactive Immune System. But many of the compounds that cause me to have an Abnormal Immune System Response, are not Beta-glucans.  Stacking Beta-glucans from an Infection, with Beta-glucans in Inert Ingredients in Antibiotics, and with Beta-glucanse found in some Foods, cause me to have a severe Immune System Response, and most likely is the cause of many Deaths that the Medical Community just claims resulted from an Infection.

Stacking the Beta-glucans in the Inert Ingredients of one Medication with the Beta-glucans in the Inert Ingredients of another Medication, can cause you death, like it does to way too many because of the Ignorance and Incompetence and Arrogance of the Government and Media and Medical Communities.

The Psychiatrists and Doctors will not let any more EEGs be run while I am on Psychiatric Medications, because they would have to take me off their Harmful expensive Drugs, because some of those Drugs are what triggers me to have seizures, but from the feeling that they all cause, I know they all throw my Brainwaves off. While on my Diet alone and no Medications, the EEGs show Normal Brainwave Patterns, until I am having an Adverse Reaction to Inert Ingredients in any Medication, including Aspirin, Tylenol, Ibuprofen, and or Antibiotics, then I get diverse Abnormal Brainwave Readings, which explains the similar vulnerability feeling and the headaches. But the Antiepileptic Medications that the Psychiatrists gave me for seizures caused by their forced Medications, caused me to have seizures too, and caused severe rashes and headaches, especially Dilantin which raised my ANA Level real high, and all of the Antiepileptic Medications were given to me by Psychiatrists because of seizures caused by the Psychiatric Drugs forced upon me. Since it was not very long after I got hit in the head with a Rock in the US Army, at the time I did not even realize what was causing them, but the seizures stopped happening, after stopping taking the Psychiatric and Antiepileptic Drugs, when directed contrary to the Psychiatrist’s directions, by a Neurologist’s directions, whom had done a CAT Scan and an EEG, and said the damage done to my Brain would heal itself eventually. No Psychiatrist or Doctor after that would follow his advice, and just forces near seizure conditions upon me, by forcing their Drugs upon me to make themselves and their organizations money off the Taxpayers. The Liver Medications that  the Gastroenterologists gave me here, had the same Inert Ingredients as some of the Antibiotics that I had Adverse Reactions to, and it raised my ANA Level high enough, they just said, because of an Abnormal Immune System Response, we cannot give you the Medications again, and they wrongly blamed the Medications themselves as the cause, so that they could have other Doctors and Psychiatrists keep causing me Abnormal Immune System Responses by forcing upon me, Psychiatric and other Medications, with some of the same Inert Ingredients in them. All of the Medications with any of those Inert Ingredients in them, raise my ANA Level, I have seventeen such High Readings in my Medical Records that I know of, I cannot get most of my Medical Records. I know it is not some of the Drugs themselves causing the Adverse Reactions, because I cannot take Aspirin Tablets without an Adverse Reaction resulting, but I found an Alka-Seltzer Tablet that has an entire different set of Inert Ingredients and Aspirin, and I can take that without an Adverse Reaction. I cannot take Penicillin Tablets or any Antibiotic Capsules or Tablets without Adverse Reactions resulting, but I have no Adverse Reaction to Bicillin Shots, or Antibiotics by IV. It is primarily some of the same chemical groups listed above, and sometimes similar chemical groups of Inert Ingredients or Food Additives, in all of the Medications and or Foods that I have Adverse Reactions to, I just cannot Metabolize them, and I found that there are many others with the same problem.

Many of them end up Dead, because of Adverse Food and Drug Reactions. It works like stacking. The amount of Toxins in one Medication often is not Toxic enough to kill you, it just causes Adverse Reactions. But add more of those Toxins from Food or other sources like other Drugs, your Immune System cannot handle it, and you die from things others normally eat, and the Government and Medical and Media Communities, will blame it on you.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Turned over to Common Criminals and ungodly liars by the US Government, and their ungodly Socialist Media like CNN

Turning the entire USA into a Neo Nazi Death Camp for the Disabled

The People were first diagnosed as Mentally Ill by Doctors and the Courts, and they were disarmed, and the Mentally Ill were the first executed in Nazi Germany. Now as Prescription Drug Deaths are on the rise, the American Media and US Government will not even respond to our complaints of abuse from the Judicial and Medical Communities, as the Media motivates many in the Public to commit hate crimes against us, causing us more Medical Harm, again and again, and turning us over to common criminals, and turning the entire USA into a Neo Nazi Death Camp for the Disabled.

They falsely Judge us as Dangerous, and they use manufactured defamation that is contrary to reality, to Justify themselves for taking away our Rights, and they lock us up again and again, and force upon us, damage to our bodies and our minds and our souls, and they say that we must accept the damage done to our bodies and our minds and our souls by them, because they say that all of their Medications have side effects. And they call us Mentally Ill for complaining about the damage done to our bodies and our minds and our souls by them. Then when one snaps from the damage done to their body and their mind and their soul by their Drugs, they force more of that damage upon the rest of us by their Drugs.

Their Drugs and Inert Ingredients cause many to commit Murder and or Suicide, and cause many others to just die, and cause many of us to become more and more Disabled.

And they are not qualified to testify how their Drugs and Inert Ingredients effect us, because they cannot honestly know how we feel from the damage done to our bodies and our minds and our souls by their forced Drugs and Inert Ingredients, because most of them have never experienced damage done to their bodies and their minds and their soul by any one of their Drugs and Inert Ingredients, let alone the damage done to us by them forcing upon us one different Drug after another, just because we had Adverse Reactions to every one of their Drugs.

The Hypocrisy of the US Government and their Media concerning Military Grade Weapons.

Though armed with Automatic Weapons and Rocket Propelled Grenades, the People in Syria were not armed with many Military Grade Weapons, and the Syrian Government was crushing them, and though they might fall into the wrong hands, the US Government and their Media wants to use US Taxpayer Money to arm the People in Syria, with more Military Grade Weapons to fight against the well armed Syrian Government.

But then in the USA, they claim that Military Grade Weapons would be useless for fighting against Tyranny, and they say that they might fall into the wrong hands, so they want to disarm the American Public of more Weapons than just Military Grade Weapons, promoting disarming the Americans even more than the People in Syria were, so that they may rule over America with their own Tyranny.

 Even if the American People were not trying to remove the US Government and Mainstream Media from over them, and if they were to take up Automatic Weapons and Rocket Propelled Grenades for self defense like the People in Syria did, the US Government and Mainstream Media would hunt those People down and Jail or Kill them, because the Americans do not have as much Freedom as the Syrian People, and the US Government and Mainstream Media would claim that they are not Tyrants like the Syrian Government.

They even want more power to use more Harmful Drugs and Inert Ingredients upon those that want Guns for self defense.

The Drug Manufacturers have Lobbyists and the Medical Community  that pay and influence the Government and the Media to look the other way.

Complaining about Medical Harm forced upon you, to the US Government or the Mainstream Media, will only result in the Courts and Medical Community setting you up again and again, and forcing more and more Medical Harm upon you, and the US Government or the Mainstream Media will not even respond to your grievance, let alone redress your Just grievances, because the Drug Manufacturers and the Medical Community have Lobbyists that pay and influence the Government and the Media to look the other way, whenever they cause you or your loved ones more Medical Harm, by their harmful drugs and inert ingredients.

I was well trained with many weapons in the US Army, and I shot the highest rifle marksmanship in every unit that I served in, as an expert Rifleman, and expert with a 45 cal. When it came to guarding dangerous men with a weapon, I was chosen for that task, because I don’t shoot people, unless I have to.

But then I was hit in the head with a Rock while on Duty, and was declared permanently blind by Five Doctors, and though I got my sight mostly back, the head damage caused headaches that kept coming back, literally depending upon what I ate, and those things that caused headaches, caused cramps and rashes, and I got PTSD, so I got out of the US Army.

Now having been hit in the head with that Rock, and having been blind, and getting headaches and cramps and rashes depending upon what I ate, and having PTSD, was and is not delusional, that is part of my Medical History, and I had proved by my service that I am not a dangerous person even when well armed. But when I went to the Doctors to get help with those things, they falsely called getting hit in the head with that Rock and having been blind, a delusion caused by a delusional disorder, and falsely called me a dangerous person to prevent me from exercising the Rights that I served to defend, because they don’t want me to have access to any firearms for self defense, and they forced drugs on me again and again, each time causing cramps and headaches and rashes and throwing my Blood and Urine Levels off.

Then when I proved them wrong about having been hit in the head with that Rock and being blind for a while, again they falsely called me a dangerous person to prevent me from exercising the Rights that I served to defend, and they changed their accusations to, “he had a head injury, so he is even more dangerous than we thought, and needs to be force treated." And even though the drugs caused rashes and cramps and headaches every time, when I complained about them forcing them upon me, right while they were writing one Prescription after another for Rash Medications that only caused more Rashes, they falsely called the rashes  a delusion caused by a delusional disorder. So I wrote the Media to try to get help against these Doctors that are as psychotic and dangerous as the Doctors of Nazi Germany. And what does the Media do? Because that they are terrified of Religious People that are well trained with weapons by the US Army, they also falsely called me a dangerous person to prevent me from exercising the Rights that I served to defend, and they too manufactured things that are contrary to reality, and had me locked up by a psychotic Medical Community, and caused me more Medical Harm again and again.

And I have not been treated one time for the head injury that I got in the US Army, and I went Blind in one eye because of it, and I still cannot get treated for the head injury that I got in the US Army, or get any compensation for it, let along get help with the things that cause me rashes and cramps and headaches, because each time they just manufacture new issues that they claim that they have to have me locked up and force treat me for, because that is how they make money off the US Taxpayers.

This has been going on again and again since 1982, and I still cannot get the Medical Treatment that I need, because of a totally broken Medical Community. Do you think that the Government or Media that is promoting using that busted Medical System against us like the Nazis used it against their People, are going to help?
The Government and CNN fails to give me an answer to that question, they will not respond to emails or phone calls.

Most of the gun violence and suicides are not caused by a Natural Chemical Imbalance.

They have no Scientific Medical Tests that would show a Natural Chemical Imbalance, but after being accused of having a Chemical Imbalance that they cannot prove, the Blood and Urine Tests after being force drugged or coaxed into taking their Medications, show an Unnatural Chemical Imbalance caused by the Medications, an Unnatural Chemical Imbalance that causes many to commit Murder or Suicide, and also kills many, and causes Medical Harm to many, destroying our Lives.

The US Government will not Investigate the Murders and Hate Crimes that they are doing.

With Prescription Drug Deaths on the Rise, the FBI will not investigate the Government’s and the Medical Communities’ Hate Crimes that some of them are knowingly, and some unknowingly, committing against the Disabled and the falsely accused.

After talking to some Doctors about my High Hemoglobin and Low Platelet and High ANA Levels that I get at times from some Foods and most Foods with Food Additives and many Inert Ingredients in Medications, and about my High Iron and AST and ALT Levels, that I get from them, I found that there are many other Americans that have the same Adverse Reactions to the same Foods and most Foods with Food Additives and many Inert Ingredients in Medications. And the Doctors and Medical Staff always falsely blame something else that is not causing it, and they often force more of what is causing it upon them, like they do to me. They are making money causing some of us more Medical Harm, and killing some of us, and then they blame it on us, claiming that we just took a Drug Overdose and or Drank Alcohol with the Prescription Drugs. I cannot drink Alcoholic Beverages, they all cause the same Adverse Reactions even if I am taking no Medication. There is something wrong with their Food and Beverage Additives, and their Inert Ingredients added to Medications.

The Media and the Drug Manufactures and the Medical Communities are robbing the Public Blind.

Some Foods and most Foods with Food Additives will cause me to have cramps and headaches and or rashes, as they raise my Fe Saturation and cause Iron Overload, while often causing High Hemoglobin and Low Platelet Levels, while raising my AST and ALT Levels, and if I eat too much of any one of them, they raise my Antinuclear Antibody Level too. The only way that I can keep those Levels Normal and or near Normal is to not eat any of those Foods and or Foods with Food Additives. But to make themselves and their Organizations money off the Government, and or to attack me for my Religious Belief and or Political Stance, each time Doctors took me to Court, they deliberately ran Tests while I was on my Diet that keeps my Blood Levels Normal and or near Normal. And they took only those Tests to Court, and withheld from the Court the Scientific Medical Tests that show that I have a long History of those adverse Medical Conditions. And each time they used the fact that I was hit in the head with a Rock while in the US Army, as an excuse to lock me up and force treat me with drugs that cause me more harm. And they falsely claimed that I had no adverse medical condition, and each time falsely claimed that their treatment would not cause me more Harm because they falsely claimed that I have no adverse medical condition that would be effected by their forced treatment. And each time they forced upon me both Foods and Medications with Food Additives and or Inert Ingredients that caused me to have cramps and headaches and or rashes, as they raised my Fe Saturation and caused Iron Overload, and or while causing High Hemoglobin and Low Platelet Levels, and or while raising my AST and ALT Levels, causing me more and more Medical Harm each time that they force treated me, leaving me more disabled after their forced drug treatment each time. And each time they collected all their payment for the harm that they caused, from the Taxpayers that they are robbing blind.

Turned over to Common Criminals and ungodly liars by the US Government, and their ungodly Socialist Media like CNN

I had no Arms in Washington State to try to stop two Armed men from robbing me, they were Armed with but knives, and I ran and got away, but then they stabbed and robbed another man while I helplessly watched. The US Government and their Media turned me over to Common Criminals and the ungodly in the Judicial and Medical Communities who manufacture and use lies against me, because I got PTSD from being hit in the head with a Rock, while serving in the US Army.

The tragic error of many Governments in power.

The Governments could not stop the massacre done in Rwanda by Ethnically Motivated People armed with machetes and hoes and other plowshares, and there were no guns in the hands of the People that they hunted down, so they had no way of exercising self defense.

And the Governments that could not stop the massacre done in Rwanda, while escalating Religious and Ethnic and Racial Divisions, they are now outlawing guns used for self defense, and though a situation like Rwanda will not happen immediately, but with no self defense, another situation like Rwanda is inevitable, and like it was with Rwanda, no Government in power, will be able to stop it, and because of the Governments in power, the victims will have no way of exercising self defense.

In the USA and in many other Nations, they already count People that walk by the Spirit of God, as unbalanced individuals, whom the unrighteous intentionally manufacture lies against so that they may use their Governments to set us up, and use the existing Governments and Medical Systems to destroy our Lives and our Liberty and our pursuit of happiness. And in the USA the ungodly deceivers intend to keep using their false accusations and the existing Government and Medical Systems against us, to render those of us who walk by the Spirit of God, ineligible to defend ourselves against the ungodly, by falsely accusing us of having Mental Illnesses, and no one will lift a finger to help us stop them from destroying our Lives and our Liberty and our pursuit of happiness further.

Hate Crimes against those with the Spirit of God.

Man is Body and Soul, and many have received diverse Spirits that guide their Souls. God is Spirit, and those that worship and follow him, must worship him in Spirit and Truth. For he has Angel Spirits, and he gives us the gift of Spirit, and believing upon him by way of his Spirit is righteousness, and this is the path of peace between God and Man. But the Devil is also Spirit, and those that worship and follow him, worship him in Spirit and Error, for he has fallen Angel Spirits, and he gives an Evil Spirit gift, and believing upon him by way of his Spirit, is unrighteousness.

So it is written in 1 John, “Beloved, believe not every Spirit, but try the Spirits whether they are of God, because many false prophets are gone out into the world.”

Unlike Men who just walk by their five senses and not by any Spirit, the Spirit from God Almighty gives us the ability to discern between the different Spirits, and though the Devil Spirits often transform their occupants to appear as if they serve God, the Spirit from God gives us the ability to discern these Spiritual Matters. But Natural Men who just walk by their five senses and not by any Spirit, cannot discern the difference between Good and Evil Spirits, and as natural bruit beasts, they use their biased Opinions that their Souls come up with, and they use their weapons and their drugs, to force both those that walk by Good or Evil Spirits, into submission to them, often causing both the Good and the Evil physical and mental Harm, while destroying our Lives and our Liberty and our pursuit of happiness.

And though these natural bruit beasts in the US Government and the Media and their Medical Community, claims that you have the Religious Freedom to worship God anyway that you please, by their Policies and Laws and Statutes and biased Opinions, they have outlawed most of what God tells People to believe and do. And then they say, “We are not persecuting you for your Religious Belief or your Political Stance, you have issues that need to be treated, or you will violate our Laws and or commit Violent Crimes!” And they will not specifically mention any one issue that they claim that you have, and they will manufacture issues that you do not have, saying that they need to deal with these issues that they manufactured against you, and with no Scientific Medical Test that could prove or disprove what they claim by their biased Opinions, then they say, “You deny having a Mental Illness, and that proves that you have a Mental Illness that we must force treat.”

Now the US Government and their Media and their Medical Communities, are locking up harmless righteous People who walk by the Spirit of God, by just claiming that they have issues that need to be force treated, or they will violate their Laws and or commit Violent Crimes. They will not stop doing their force treatments again and again, no matter how much physical and or mental harm that their drugs and inert ingredients cause.

Like in my case and in many other cases, many Inert Ingredients in Medications at low doses of those Inert Ingredients, they will just cause cramps and or headaches and begin elevating my AST and ALT Levels. At a little higher dose of those Inert Ingredients, they will raise my AST and ALT Levels higher, and cause Rashes that some of the Doctors claimed look like Lupus Rashes. At a little higher dose of those Inert Ingredients, they will raise my AST and ALT Levels higher, and will cause my Antinuclear Antibody Level to become elevated 3 to 5 times higher than normal with more severe Cramps and Headaches.

They cannot give me the Liver Treatment that I need, and I cannot take Aspirin, or Tylenol, or Ibuprofen, or most other Medications, because the dosage of Inert Ingredients in them all, is high enough, to elevate my Liver Functions as they begin to cause an Abnormal Immune System Response, often high enough to elevate my Antinuclear Antibody Level. But the Doctors will not wright those Inert Ingredients in my Medical Records and stop giving them to me, and they will not stop causing me to have Abnormal Immune System Responses by force. Instead of stopping causing me more Medical Harm, they force the same Inert Ingredients upon me in Psychiatric Medications, and they all have some of those Inert Ingredients in them, and they cause by force , one Abnormal Immune System Response after another, and elevate my Liver Functions and often elevate my ANA Level again and again. Why?

They will never specifically identify any issue that they claim that they have against me, and every issue that they come up with is manufactured, and is contrary to reality. Mostly, they force the Psychiatric Medications upon me, because I complain about the physical and mental harm, that their Medications caused me every single time. They deliberately ignore the Inert Ingredients in them that elevate my Liver Functions and cause me to have an Abnormal Immune System Response, and they falsely claim that their Medications will not cause those things, and then they force another Abnormal Immune System Response upon me every time, along with the harmful side effects of the Medications themselves. And each time, the whole time as they take away my Liberty and destroy my Life by destroying my Body, they violate my Right to not be treated by Doctors that are not of my Choice, and they Violate my Religious Belief, and they violate my Freedom of Speech, and they violate my Political Rights.

Make no mistake, the Government and the Media and their Medical Community, has a biased Opinion against People who walk by the Spirit of God, and they manufacture lies and false evidence against us, so that they can justify themselves for destroying our Lives, our Liberty, and our pursuit of happiness, and most People will not listen to us and help us, because that the Government and the Media and their Medical Community falsely calls us Mentally Unstable or Mentally Ill. They will not stop falsely accusing us and causing us more and more physical and mental harm.

Hate Crimes against those with Disabilities.

There are no Medical Tests that can be run that show that a person has a Chemical Imbalance, that would cause a Mental Illness, that would cause that person to break the Law, or commit violent acts. The Government and the Media and the Doctors run no Scientific Medical Tests before administering Psychiatric Medications to anyone, and they prescribe their expensive Psychiatric Medications based solely upon their Opinion, and they cause many to commit murder and or suicide. And the Government and the Media will not License many Doctors that are not of their biased Opinions, and they will not License as a Doctor, anyone that is considered to be a Doctor by God Almighty and his Scriptures, so that their Doctors may use their License and biased Opinions to persecute anyone of faith that they wish, by forming their Opinion based upon their own manufactured defamation, uniquely manufactured to seem to fit each of their victims. And now on the pretense of providing Security, they want to lock up and force drug more People, based solely upon their biased Opinions, not Scientific Tests.

Because of accusations based upon biased Opinions, the US Government and the Medias cannot keep the falsely accused off death row, and the US Government and the Medias cannot keep the falsely accused out of Jails and Prisons, and the US Government and the Medias and their Medical Community cannot keep the falsely accused from being deliberately misdiagnosed and drugged with dangerous drugs in Hospitals. But through arrogance and ignorance and incompetence, many in the US Government and the Medias their Medical Community, cannot stop from falsely accusing People based upon their biased Opinions, and will not stop causing their falsely accused more and more physical and mental harm by their drugs, because they make money off the Taxpayers and the Insurance Companies, and they are running nothing but a tyranny that is destructive of Life, and Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

To form a biased Opinion against anyone with a Disability, is a Federal Hate Crime. But the Federal Hate Crimes Bill will not stop the Government and their Medias and their Medical Communities from committing Hate Crimes based upon the biased Opinions, and they will not stop their continuous broadcasts of their biased Opinions that motivate many among the Public to Commit Hate Crimes against those with Disabilities.

The US Government and the left-wing Media says that any Veteran that was injured while serving in the US Armed Forces to defend our Rights, and ends up with PTSD from their injury, most of their Rights that they were wounded defending, are automatically taken away, and we are drugged out of our minds again and again, with drugs that only cause us more and more physical and mental harm each time, and that drive many to commit murder and suicide, and cause many to just die from the drugs, and cause many more Medical Harm,just because we are counted Mentally Ill by the US Government and the left-wing Media and their Socialist Medical Community, and they wonder why we each say, “Give me Liberty, or give me death!”

The British are coming again to take away our Liberty, coming by way of the left-wing Media, like Piers Morgan of CNN.

Dangerous Men should be Judged from their own Mouths
Like King George the 3rd, Dangerous Men call Gun Rights Activists, Dangerous Men and a Danger to themselves and to the Public, so that they may justify themselves for disarming them, and locking them up and forcing drugs upon them, that cause them physical and mental harm again and again. Like King George the 3rd, Dangerous Men that call Gun Rights Activists, Dangerous, are Dangerous stubborn close minded Men, they Justify themselves as wiser and more righteous than others, and they will stop at nothing to deceive and disarm all that they can, so that they may disarm them, and lead them captive, and leave them at the mercy of Common Criminals, like King George the 3rd did.

Defending the US Constitution against all Foreign and Domestic Enemies.

Written with the most advanced Arms of that time, Swords and Sabers, and Muskets and Canon, which a handful of Colonists used to defeat the well Armed Army and Navy of King George the 3rd, the 2nd Amendment says,

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

King George the 3rd called the Colonists insane lunatics to disarm them, but George Washington and his men stood their ground, and from sea to shinning sea, many Cities and Towns set next to their Flagpoles, a Cannon that was never used for Hunting animals, but was used to defend our Liberty, as defined by our US Constitution, and was protected by the Arms that we bore, and was paid for by the sacrifice of our Lives and Limbs as our Blood was often shed defending our US Constitution, against all Foreign and Domestic Enemies. 

But then some came Marching along against our US Constitution in unison, of whom George Washington and his men, would not of thought twice about firing Grapeshot from their Cannons into their Guts. And they said in unison that our Swords and Sabers and our Canon were not made for Hunting animals. And they spit on our sacrifices that we gave while defending our US Constitution against all Foreign and Domestic Enemies. And they not only outlawed our Swords and Sabers and our Canon, and took them away, as they gradually removed many of the Cannons from next to our Flagpoles and or rendered them useless, they took away our M16s and C-4 and our M72 LAWs, as they took away many of our other Arms, saying, “only we as the Government have the right to keep and bear them.” And then they said that we were a threat to ourselves and to the Public, and without any scientific evidence to support their claims, and though we committed no violent acts, they claimed that we have a Chemical Imbalance that causes us to have a Mental Illness that would make us violate their Laws and or commit violent acts. And now they say that we must follow them, as they lock us up again and again, and drug us out of our Minds, saying that it is to protect themselves from us US Army Veterans.

But these words that they call a Mental Illness keep ringing in my ears,

“Give me Liberty, or give me Death!”

In service of Yahweh and Country

Lord Joseph

Heir by birthright of the house of Israel