Sunday, December 30, 2012

Genetically Modified Foods.

“You shall keep my statutes. You shall not let your cattle breed with a diverse kind, you shall not sow your field with mingled seed, neither shall a garment mingled of linen and woollen come upon you. “

Leviticus 19:19

In ancient Hebrew and Greek and Persian and Egyptian cultures, you will find declarations prohibiting wearing a garment that the fibers were spun from grain linen fibers and wool fibers, because those garments easily tore, revealing a person’s nakedness.

God also had them reveal the dangers of Genetically Modified Foods, and tried to stop People from accidentally producing Genetically Modified Foods because of those dangers, but today People deliberately cast off God’s warnings, and his word, and they deliberately produce Genetically Modified Foods, and GMOs are not Kosher Foods according to the Scriptures.

For example, I have a serious Iron Metabolism Problem, so I eat Natural Rice that is Polished, and grown Naturally, it has no Iron and is an Iron Absorption Inhibitor that helps keep my Iron and Ferritin Levels Normal. But some of the Genetically Modified Rice has 4% of the daily recommended amount of Iron, and is an Iron Absorption Enhancer, and some Rice is Enriched with Iron Supplements that raise my Iron and Ferritin Levels too High. When I told the Medical Community In Minnesota that the Rice that I normally eat with no problem, has no Iron in it, the Medical Staff and Food Staff at the Hospital argued with me and called me delusional at first, claiming that all Rice has Iron in it, when I made them run tests and showed them that my Iron Level was elevating too High on the Blood Tests. Just from the pain I was looking at the Food that I had no choice but to eat, as the cause, and made them run Blood Tests. At first I was not given the Nutrient Charts on any of their Foods, and that Genetically Modified Rice was forced upon me for Weeks by an Ignorant and or Incompetent and or Arrogant Medical Community that did nothing but argue against me while violating my Religious Freedom, and that Genetically Modified Rice caused pains in my Duodenum, and raised my Iron Level too High. They could not get me the Rice that I normally ate, so it was not till after I got out of that Hospital, and got Natural Rice that is Polished, and grown Naturally, then my Iron Level returned to Normal.

The attitude of the Medical Community is that they are Superior with Knowledge and Intelligence, and the Patients that they treat cannot possibly know what causes them Pain and or Rashes, or know what is good for them. It is the same attitude of the Nazi Superior Race that killed so many People with their Arrogance, as they took Xrays of their own Brains, and compared them with their Victims Brains, and they declared their Brains Normal, and declared their Victims Brains, those of the Mentally Ill, and now the US Judicial and Medical and Media Communities are now doing the exact same thing with CAT Scans.

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