Sunday, December 30, 2012

They are using the Judicial and Medical Communities to do away with, and overthrow our Liberty.

The International Media like CNN, working with Foreign and Domestic Enemies of our US Constitution, and working on overthrowing the USA from within, will not help stop the Judicial and Medical Communities’ Abuse of Power in these Matters, because the Media also makes money promoting their Psychiatric Treatment Agenda, to classify many falsely as Mentally Ill, so that they can disarm them, and help our enemies overthrow the USA from within.
I am writing this to my Family and friends on Facebook, because the Judicial and Medical Communities and their Media are stereotyping People that are Celiac or have Food Intolerance, as having Psychiatric Mental Illnesses or Behavior Control Problems, so that they can make money stripping them of their Rights and locking them up and force drugging them, which is the same thing that the Judicial and Medical Communities and their Media did with Celiacs in Nazi Germany.
If as a member of our Family, you are a Veteran or are active Military, a School Teacher or College Professor, or Judge or Lawyer, and either have Celiac Disease or have Food Intolerance like the Celiacs in our Family, you should know that the Judicial and Medical Communities have manufactured defamation of People with Celiac Disease or that have Food Intolerance, defamation that they use to declare you a Psychiatric Mental Case with Behavior Control Problems, and if and when they treat you for any Mental Illness, you will automatically loose all the Rights that many of us served in the Armed Forces to defend. They are doing the same thing with People that have Fructose or Lactose Intolerance, and or that have Adverse Reactions to any Foods and or any Drugs or any Inert Ingredients.
Not one member of our Family that I know of that has Celiac Disease and or Food Intolerance, has any of the Psychiatric Mental Character or Behavior Control Problems or inability to be Properly Educated, that they claim is and is described as a result of being Celiac and or having Food Intolerance by the Judicial and Medical Communities. The Judicial and Medical Communities are stereotyping us into these categories, and will take away all of your Rights and lock you up, and force Drug you, if you claim that you do not fit the categories that they pin on you to justify themselves for taking away your Rights, and describe in these articles.

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