Sunday, December 23, 2012

The Government and Media and Judicial and Medical Communities, turned the entire USA into a Neo Nazi Death Camp for the Disabled.

Since 1982, I have not been treated one time for the head injury that I got in the US Army, and I went blind in one eye because of it, and I cannot get any compensation for it, because there are no Medical Records that show that I was treated for the head injury that I got in the US Army, my Medical Records are full of nothing but fabricated defamation that contradict reality, and are full of opinions that go right around what the Medical Tests run show, so that they can make money off the Taxpayers, by using those fabrications to justify themselves for forcing harmful Drugs upon me again and again.

Though each of their Medications effect different People somewhat differently, because too many in the US Government, and their Media, and their Courts, and their Medical Communities, just like their Doctors that they had force treat me, are making many false claims about the effects of their Psychiatric Medications, like falsely claiming that only some of their Medications have a vulnerable period, when starting or stopping the Medication, and we knowing by experience both the heightened vulnerability when starting and stopping their Medications, and the vulnerability that we experience the whole time that we are on any one of their Medications, and have no choice but to try to tolerate the Chemically Induced vulnerability long enough to get out of the hands of our Captors, it is oblivious to us who have experienced a wide array of their Medications, that they are Psychotic.

The Medications may effect me, and some like me, differently than most People, because the Inert Ingredients do not cause Adverse Reactions to everyone, but to some of us who cannot Metabolize most of the Inert Ingredients, and they throw diverse Blood and or Urine Levels off, and cause cramps and or headaches and or rashes, we also cannot Metabolize many of their Medications, and we experience a milder but very similar vulnerability to some of their Medications, from some Foods, and most Foods with Food Additives, and most Inert Ingredients in any Medication. In my case, the Abnormal Immune System Response to them, is part of an untreated Metabolic Disorder. Self Treated, my Diet is extremely limited, but is necessary to keep my Blood and Urine Levels Normal or near Normal, and keep my Brainwaves Normal, and the Diet does not cure whatever causes me to have Adverse Reactions to so many different things. If I eat any of the following different things, they throw off diverse Blood and or Urine Levels and or Brainwaves while causing cramps and or headaches and or rashes . And though some of these things also cause my ANA Level to skyrocket, the Allergists say that it is not an Allergy, they say it is a Metabolic Disorder, and one specifically said it is an Iron Metabolism Disorder, because my Iron Saturation skyrockets from Heme-Iron Meats and some Non Heme-Iron Foods and or Iron Enrichment Compounds in some Foods. So my Diet contains none of those, and contains no Iron Absorption Enhancing Foods, and contains Iron Absorption Inhibiting Foods, to help keep my Iron Saturation Levels Normal. And I cannot tolerate Fructose or most Fructose Compounds or Fruits or Foods, or Sugar Alcohols, Citrus Fruits, or most Phosphate Compounds, or Cornstarch, or Processed Starch, or some Insoluble Beta-glucans, especially Processed Cellulose, or most Synthetic Food or Drug Additives. Though many in my Family are Celiac, I do not test positive for Celiac Antibodies, but I have similar Adverse Reactions to the Gluten Grains as they do, and I think it is both the Insoluble Beta-glucans in them, and some of the Food Additives that I have Adverse Reactions to. The Adverse Reactions to some of those things will make my guts literally bleed, if I eat them too often, but Fructose or most Fructose Compounds, and or Sugar Alcohols, sometimes left Blood and or Glucose and or Protein in my Urine, after causing a Hyperglycemic spike, followed by a Hypoglycemic crash. I can never get a Doctor to run tests for Fructose Malabsorption or Fructose Intolerance, to confirm or rule them out, but for one reason or another, I have Adverse Reactions to all the Foods that adversely effect those with those disorders, so my Diet contains none of those Foods. Though each different compound causes different types of Rashes, raising my ANA Level, the Orthopedics Doctors said that some of the Rashes that I had gotten at the time from Penicillin Tablets from Sandoz , looked like Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Rashes. My ANA Level was elevated at those times when those Rashes were present, but returned to Normal after stopping taking the Medications. So all the Orthopedics Doctors said that it was not Systemic Lupus Erythematosus or SLE, but one said that because the ANA Level returns to normal after stopping taking the Medications, he believed it is a form of Drug Induced Lupus. The Urologists all said that the Blood that results in my Urine, is because of a Metabolic Disorder. One of my Uncles lost both Kidneys because of a very similar Disorder, when he had Adverse Reactions to many of the things that I have Adverse Reactions to. His Adverse Reactions to Cornstarch and Eggs like I get, stopped happening after he got a donated Kidney, so it may be that my Kidneys just cannot Metabolize those things.

 The cells of Bacteria and Fungi and Molds are made from small branches of Chemical Compounds that fit into a wide group of Compounds, called Beta-glucans. Those particular Beta-glucans found in the Microbes, cause most People to have an Immune System Response, resulting in the Immune System destroying the Microbes. The Beta-glucans found in Yeast, are extracted and are used to stimulate Immune System Responses, in People that do not respond normally to other Microbes. But after running some of my own tests with foods that cause me to have an Abnormal Immune System Response, I believe my Immune System is Responding to a wider range of Beta-glucans than most People, like Insoluble Beta-glucans in Gluten Grains, Yeast, and in Cellulose Compounds. If I eat two sandwiches made with Gluten Grains for one day, the pains that result are barley noticeable. But if I eat two sandwiches a day for a week, it will put me in bed, but I show no Celiac Antibodies, the ANA Level begins to elevate. The Medications that I have the worst Adverse Reactions to have Processed Cellulose Compounds in the Inert Ingredients, which are Beta-glucans, they raise my ANA Level the highest.The Orthopedics Doctors called it an Overactive Immune System. But many of the compounds that cause me to have an Abnormal Immune System Response, are not Beta-glucans.  Stacking Beta-glucans from an Infection, with Beta-glucans in Inert Ingredients in Antibiotics, and with Beta-glucanse found in some Foods, cause me to have a severe Immune System Response, and most likely is the cause of many Deaths that the Medical Community just claims resulted from an Infection.

Stacking the Beta-glucans in the Inert Ingredients of one Medication with the Beta-glucans in the Inert Ingredients of another Medication, can cause you death, like it does to way too many because of the Ignorance and Incompetence and Arrogance of the Government and Media and Medical Communities.

The Psychiatrists and Doctors will not let any more EEGs be run while I am on Psychiatric Medications, because they would have to take me off their Harmful expensive Drugs, because some of those Drugs are what triggers me to have seizures, but from the feeling that they all cause, I know they all throw my Brainwaves off. While on my Diet alone and no Medications, the EEGs show Normal Brainwave Patterns, until I am having an Adverse Reaction to Inert Ingredients in any Medication, including Aspirin, Tylenol, Ibuprofen, and or Antibiotics, then I get diverse Abnormal Brainwave Readings, which explains the similar vulnerability feeling and the headaches. But the Antiepileptic Medications that the Psychiatrists gave me for seizures caused by their forced Medications, caused me to have seizures too, and caused severe rashes and headaches, especially Dilantin which raised my ANA Level real high, and all of the Antiepileptic Medications were given to me by Psychiatrists because of seizures caused by the Psychiatric Drugs forced upon me. Since it was not very long after I got hit in the head with a Rock in the US Army, at the time I did not even realize what was causing them, but the seizures stopped happening, after stopping taking the Psychiatric and Antiepileptic Drugs, when directed contrary to the Psychiatrist’s directions, by a Neurologist’s directions, whom had done a CAT Scan and an EEG, and said the damage done to my Brain would heal itself eventually. No Psychiatrist or Doctor after that would follow his advice, and just forces near seizure conditions upon me, by forcing their Drugs upon me to make themselves and their organizations money off the Taxpayers. The Liver Medications that  the Gastroenterologists gave me here, had the same Inert Ingredients as some of the Antibiotics that I had Adverse Reactions to, and it raised my ANA Level high enough, they just said, because of an Abnormal Immune System Response, we cannot give you the Medications again, and they wrongly blamed the Medications themselves as the cause, so that they could have other Doctors and Psychiatrists keep causing me Abnormal Immune System Responses by forcing upon me, Psychiatric and other Medications, with some of the same Inert Ingredients in them. All of the Medications with any of those Inert Ingredients in them, raise my ANA Level, I have seventeen such High Readings in my Medical Records that I know of, I cannot get most of my Medical Records. I know it is not some of the Drugs themselves causing the Adverse Reactions, because I cannot take Aspirin Tablets without an Adverse Reaction resulting, but I found an Alka-Seltzer Tablet that has an entire different set of Inert Ingredients and Aspirin, and I can take that without an Adverse Reaction. I cannot take Penicillin Tablets or any Antibiotic Capsules or Tablets without Adverse Reactions resulting, but I have no Adverse Reaction to Bicillin Shots, or Antibiotics by IV. It is primarily some of the same chemical groups listed above, and sometimes similar chemical groups of Inert Ingredients or Food Additives, in all of the Medications and or Foods that I have Adverse Reactions to, I just cannot Metabolize them, and I found that there are many others with the same problem.

Many of them end up Dead, because of Adverse Food and Drug Reactions. It works like stacking. The amount of Toxins in one Medication often is not Toxic enough to kill you, it just causes Adverse Reactions. But add more of those Toxins from Food or other sources like other Drugs, your Immune System cannot handle it, and you die from things others normally eat, and the Government and Medical and Media Communities, will blame it on you.

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