Iodine, the possible cause of spontaneous Bloody Noses in Hospitals.
Looking over my Diet and Blood Test and Blood Pressure and Temperature and Radiology and Home Lab records, it appears that Iodine in Foods, Medications, Radiology Dyes, Lab Stains, and in the Air, whether in a Lab accident or normal daily Lab usage, or in the Hospital Dry Air, when stacked upon each other, is a primary factor in my Metabolic Disorder.
When infected in my gastrointestinal tract and or respiratory system, the adverse reactions to Iodine are worse, and it takes lower quantities to cause episodes that resemble acute intermittent porphryria, with intermittent Edema and Hypertension and Hyperglycemia, and intermittent Edema and Hypotension and Hypoglycemic events and Low Sodium.
Looking back at the episodes that I had in the US Army, they all began when I had prolonged exposure to Iodine, like in Water Purification Tabs, wound Treatment Iodine and Swabs, and Medications containing Povidone and or Iodine, and Field Lab Test Equipment, used to test for Radioactive Iodine and other Radioactive Isotopes. Manny of us cross trained as Medics, and in NBC, Nuclear and Biological and Chemical Warfare, and Radioactive Iodine was the most common Radioactive Isotope found in Radioactive contaminated sites, so Iodine Tablets were used to prevent cancerous Goiters, which Iodine Tablets, we always had on hand.
I have the most severe adverse reactions to Medications with Povidone in the Inert Ingredients, and or to swabs or medications that have Povidone Iodine, the next worse are those with Croscarmellose Sodium, and then Cellulose or other Beta-glucans, and then Cornstarch, and then FD&Cs Red and Yellow.
In my Home Laboratory, I use no Radioactive Iodine Isotopes, or Medical Wound Treatment Iodine, or Iodine Tabs. I use Gram’s Iodine when Gram Staining, but unlike in Hospital Labs, I am conservative, using just a few drops of each stain to get the Job done, instead of flooding the slides like they do in Hospital Labs, and I never get spontaneous Bloody noses at home, like I do in Hospitals, because I use a hood ventilator and surgical masks and protective eye glasses, and gloves when working Lab experiments or when Gram Staining, or working with Bacterial and or Fungal Cultures.
The Doctors always chew me out for the way that I treat any body wound that I get, but unlike their surgical procedures where they often use Iodine, where I always developed an infection afterwards, my wounds do not get infected afterwards when I clean them my way. I do not sanitize the area with Iodine Swabs or Medications. I first use 91 to 99% Isopropyl Alcohol, then I use 3% Hydrogen peroxide, and boil the wound out several times, then rinse it off in clean soapy water, and dry it off, and bandage it, and they never get infected that way afterwards, even when the bandages get wet and dirty working in the Garden afterwards, I just clean it out the same way.
I tried expressing this in Court to try to stop the Hospitals from causing me more harm, but they could not comprehend what I was saying because they are not Scientists or qualified Metabolic Doctors. I learned along time ago, that the evaporation from just small amounts of Gram’s Iodine, increases the quantity of Iodine in the Air, which increases the amount of Iodine absorbed in my Mucosa Linings in my Sinus Cavities and Lungs, and stacked upon the Iodine Contents of my Daily Foods, increases the amount of Iodine in my Body that is used by my Thyroid Gland. My Temperature Drops at first, as low as 95.2, as the Thyroid Gland produces things that are used by the Adrenal Glands, which produces things that control a portion of the Brain that regulates Body Temperature, and Regulates things that control Glucose and Iron Absorption and Bile Production.
From just normal amounts of daily Iodine exposure in Foods, it appears that on the CT Scans, I develop a mild to more severe hyperplasia of the left adrenal gland, depending on how much Iodine exposure that I had, and or how and where I am infected. This also has adverse effects on my Glucose and Sodium and Potassium and Calcium and Iron and Creatinine and Cholesterol and AST and ALT Levels. The Hospitals have larger amounts of Iodine in the air, because some of them also use Radiology Dyes, Medications, wound Antiseptics, and Chemotherapy Drugs, that contain and release Iodine into the air, a closed environment in the Hospitals, and I always develop spontaneous Bloody Noses, when Hospitalized for a few days, and rapid Blood and Urine Level changes, every time when Hospitalized.
The Annandale Hospital had no Radiology or Gram Staining Labs or Meal Cooking Kitchen, except for Microwaves, for popping Popcorn and heating Foods, and the Foods were prepared elsewhere and shipped in daily. They did have Iodine containing swabs, and a Medication Room with some Medications that contained Iodine, for Patients that needed them. But like in the Hospitals that had Radiology or Gram Staining Labs, several Patients, including me, had spontaneous Bloody Nose episodes, that made us wobble, and or fall to the floor, and like the other Hospitals, the Staff blamed it on the Hospital Dry Air. My Blood and Urine Level changers were not as drastic at Annandale Hospital, as they were at the Hospitals where they had Kitchens for preparing Foods, and Microwaves, for popping Popcorn and heating Foods, and Radiology and or Gram Staining Labs, and Swabs and Medications that contained Iodine, for Patients that needed them. At Annandale I tried using surgical Masks like I use in my Home Lab, during Meal Times, and when they were popping Popcorn or heating Foods in the Microwave, and tried their Sinus Hydration Methods and Medications, to try to stop the spontaneous Bloody Noses, and it did not work at the Annandale Hospital, just like their Sinus Hydration Methods and Medications did not work at the other Hospitals that I was forced to stay in for prolonged periods of time, and it caused spontaneous Bloody Noses and rapid Blood and Urine Level Changes.
It appears that lower prolonged periods of Iodine exposure result in Hypertension, and higher prolonged periods of Iodine exposure result in Hypotension, hopefully there is a point of homeostasis that might be obtained by regulating the amount of daily exposure to Iodine. I have decided to keep it at its current quantity of exposure, to see if it stabilizes with longer exposure at this quantity, instead of cutting back the quantity like I did before, which only led to more problems.
My Father had severe adverse reactions to Radioactive Iodine and other Isotopes in Chemotherapy, he could not continue the treatment which disabled him more, and it killed him, I had adverse reactions in his Hospital Room as he was dying, and his Nurses thought that I was having a stroke, so they Hospitalized me at the Kansas City VA, where they diagnosed it as Transient Ischemic Attacks, and Partial Complex Seizures. That was in 1999, I also had severe adverse reactions to the Air on the Chemotherapy Ward at the Kansas City VA, when that was the only place that they had room to Hospitalize me, for Medical Treatment for what the Nurses thought was a serous stroke. I have my Father’s Medical Records to compare with mine, for him, it threw off the same Blood and Urine Levels that it throws off in me.
My Metabolic Disorder has no point at which homeostasis is achieved, going in cycles from one extreme to another extreme, as the Iodine in my System decreases at times, and increases at other times, from Foods and or Environment Changes, and or Medical Treatment, like Low Sodium, High Sodium, Low Glucose, High Glucose, Low Iron Levels, High Iron Levels, Low Protein Levels, High Protein Levels, Low Vitamin Levels, High Vitamin Levels, Low Cholesterol Levels, High Cholesterol Levels, Normal ANA Levels, High ANA Levels, Low Blood Pressure, High Blood Pressure, Low Temperature, to Normal Temperature, very seldom higher than normal Temperatures, normally secondary to Medications, not infections, High White Blood Cells, normally secondary to Medications, not infections, Low Platelets, but especially more extreme at the Hospitals where they had Kitchens for preparing Foods, and Microwaves, for popping Popcorn and heating Foods, Iodine Swabs and Medications, and Radiology and or Gram Staining Labs, and or when I get an Infection anywhere, Hospitalized or not, but my Diet that I developed and adjust for each different stage to try to obtain homeostasis, results in the closest thing to homeostasis when not Hospitalized, which homeostasis seems to be a myth like magical leprechauns.
RE: Possible Adrenal infection
Joseph R Loegering
Office of Michael Long Tran, MD, MD
3/19/2013 9:17 AM CDT
Dr. Tran noted.
----- Message -----
Sent: 3/17/2013 4:26 PM CDT
To: Michael Long Tran, MD, MD
Subject: Possible Adrenal infection
Hi Doc
The lower than normal temperature, and low or no temperature when infected, and urinary problems, may be caused by adrenal gland malfunction.
Possible Adrenal infection
I have to eat my Foods in small quantities spread out through the day to avoid adverse reactions. I am having adverse reactions, Edema, Hypertension, Dysuria, Abdominal Bulges, foot, leg, back, neck, right shoulder and arm, and abdominal Cramps, Nausea, Earaches, Eustachian Tube dysfunction, Headaches, Partial Complex Seizure episodes, and episodes of Encephalopathy, to Potatoes if I eat too much at a time to stop the Hypoglycemic events, and depending on what I eat with it, like now to Cod Liver Oil that I added to my Diet to try to take care of the Hypovitaminosis D, and to Vitamin D Milk if I drink too much at a time depending on what I eat with it, which could be causing Iron Level spikes at times, because the adrenal gland controls Bile Production in the Duodenum. It appears that too much Iodine in Foods or Medications or Radiology Dyes, causes me to have sudden Hyponatremia, and Blood Sugar drops. I may have had adverse reactions to steroids in the past because of Adrenal infections, because now my adrenal glands appear to be malfunctioning, and seems to be the cause of the Dyslipidemia when infected anywhere. It may be too much Iodine in the Hospital dry air when Hospitalized, that causes me to have spontaneous bloody noses, and knocks me off my feet, and causes Hypertension to follow that. Look at the Tests when Hospitalized in the past, my Glucose and Iron and Cholesterol Levels all skyrocket within days of being Hospitalized, resulting in a series of adverse episodes to follow, those levels are always brought to normal levels, within four to six weeks after being released.
Food Serving Size Iodine
Dried Seaweed 1/4 ounce >4,500µg (4.5 mg) (3000% DV)
Cod 3 ounces* 99µg (66% DV)
Iodized Salt (Fortified) 1 gram 77µg (51% DV)
Baked Potato with peel 1 medium 60µg (40% DV)
Milk 1 cup (8 fluid ounces) 56µg (37% DV)
Shrimp 3 ounces 35µg (23% DV)
Fish sticks 2 fish sticks 35µg (23% DV)
Turkey breast, baked 3 ounces 34µg (23% DV)
Navy beans, cooked 1/2 cup 32µg (21% DV)
Tuna, canned in oil 3 ounces (1/2 can) 17µg (11% DV)
Egg, boiled 1 large 12µg (8% DV)
1. No evidence for urolithiasis or hydronephrosis.
2. Prior cholecystectomy.
3. Absent or atrophic right rectus muscle.
4. Bladder wall does not appear to be thickened on current exam, and
prostate gland appears to be within normal limits on current study.
HISTORY: Urinary tract infection. Hematuria. Chronic prostatitis.
Hepatitis C lymphadenopathy. Nephropathy. Renal hypertension. Prior
appendectomy and bile duct surgery. Prior cholecystectomy.
TECHNIQUE: Axial images were obtained through the abdomen and pelvis
without contrast. The patient was unable to have contrast dye due to
effect on sodium levels.
COMPARISON: 10/14/2009.
FINDINGS: The lung bases are clear. The patient has undergone prior cholecystectomy. There is no evidence for free air. Osseous structures unremarkable except for some mild degenerative changes. The liver and spleen are normal in appearance except for a tiny incidental benign calcification in the spleen. The gallbladder has been removed. The pancreas is normal. The right adrenal gland is normal. There is some mild hyperplasia of the left adrenal gland similar to that seen on the prior study. The kidneys are normal in appearance. There is no evidence for hydronephrosis or urinary calcifications. There is extensive atherosclerotic disease of the aorta and proximal iliac arteries. The bladder wall no longer appears to be thickened as it did on the prior exam. The prostate gland is also much smaller than it was on the prior exam and is felt to be within normal limits. No lymphadenopathy is present. The right rectus abdominis muscle is absent or atrophic, unchanged from the prior exam. A benign calcification is also noted in the right anterior thigh musculature.
Result Note
Notes Recorded by Tran, Michael Long, MD on 3/14/2013 at 9:32 AMCopy of report to patient
Lord Joseph
RE: My Cultures show a UTI
Joseph R Loegering
Office of Michael Long Tran, MD, MD
3/19/2013 9:16 AM CDT
Noted by Dr. TRan
----- Message -----
Sent: 3/16/2013 5:22 AM CDT
To: Michael Long Tran, MD, MD
Subject: My Cultures show a UTI
Hi Doc
My Three Urine Cultures since the last urine test that the Doctors took show a progressively increasing UTI. It was not caused by a swollen Prostate or swollen Lymph Nodes that get swollen from Cornstarch and fractured Beta-glucans in Inert Ingredients of Medications. My Guts appear to be infected causing intermittent hypoglycemia and intermittent UTIs.
Where can I get a Doctor that will test for Gastroenteritis and the UTI, that will not swell up my Prostate and Lymph Nodes by falsely calling me delusional about the adverse reactions to inert ingredients in Medications that raise my ANA Level and cause intermittent secondary renal hypertension that caused the calcifications in my Blood Vessels to develop atherosclerotic disease while on a low Cholesterol diet?
Lord Joseph
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