Because the VA
Primary Care Doctor falsely called me delusional about a Prostate
Infection causing intermittent Urinary Tract Infections, and
intermittent Ascending Cholangitis turning my Stool White at times,
yesterday the 28th of February, and refused to run any Blood or Urine
Tests, and refused to examine the Prostate, and refused to get me the
right Doctors, I went to Fairview and had the Tests run, and I was
right, and the VA Primary Care Doctor and the VA ER Doctors are
delusional, and wrote more Misdiagnosis in my Medical Records. So the VA
Representative is going to get me a new Primary Care Doctor, and told
me the procedure that I would have to go through to get their
misdiagnosis removed from my Medical Records.
Fairview Urine Tests show what my Home Urine Tests also showed, so it
just confirmed that my Urine Test Strips are accurate. The Doctor took
one look and said, "I have never seen Urine Tests like this before." And
he set me up for a Urologist for the Prostate Infection, but was afraid
to treat the Infection the way that I have adverse reactions to any Tab
or Capsule Medications. My special designed Diet keeps my AST and ALT Levels almost normal, and my other Blood Levels normal, even after an adverse reaction like on the 13th of January threw them off, and I showed him how high any Medication makes the AST and ALT Levels, and how the Inert Ingredients in them either raise my ANA Level or cause secondary renal Hypertension from Phosphate Nephropathy. So he also agreed that Psychiatric Drugs were too
hard on my Liver and Kidneys, from the previous and present Blood and
Urine Test results, and he set me up with a Psychologist instead of a
Psychiatrist, like I wanted the VA to do, because the Court forced me to
be here, because they felt the VA had the facilities to meet my often
urgent Medical needs.
Name: Joseph R Loegering | DOB: 1/13/1957 | MRN: 14432326 | PCP: Chinasa Paul Anugwom, MD, MD
Component Results
Component | Your Value | Standard Range | Units |
Color Urine | Yellow | ||
Appearance Urine | Clear | ||
Glucose Urine | Negative | NEG | mg/dL |
Bilirubin Urine | Small This is an unconfirmed screening result | NEG | |
Ketones Urine | 15 | NEG | mg/dL |
Specific Gravity Urine | 1.025 | 1.003 - 1.035 | |
Blood Urine | Negative | NEG | |
pH Urine | 5.5 | 5.0 - 7.0 | pH |
Protein Albumin Urine | Trace | NEG | mg/dL |
Urobilinogen Urine | 0.2 | 0.2 - 1.0 | EU/dL |
Nitrite Urine | Positive | NEG | |
Leukocyte Esterase Urine | Negative | NEG | |
Source | Unspecified Urine |
General Information
3/1/2013 8:58 AMResulted:
3/1/2013 9:25 AMOrdered By:
Chinasa Paul Anugwom, MD, MDResult Status:
Final result
Name: Joseph R Loegering | DOB: 1/13/1957 | MRN: 14432326 | PCP: Chinasa Paul Anugwom, MD, MD
Component Results
Component | Your Value | Standard Range | Units |
WBC Urine | O - 2 | 0 - 2 | /HPF |
RBC Urine | O - 2 | 0 - 2 | /HPF |
Mucous Urine | Present | NEG | /LPF |
General Information
3/1/2013 8:58 AMResulted:
3/1/2013 9:25 AMOrdered By:
Chinasa Paul Anugwom, MD, MDResult Status:
Component Results
Component | Your Value | Standard Range | Units |
Bilirubin Conjugated | 0.0 | 0.0 - 0.3 | mg/dL |
Bilirubin Delta | 0.6 | 0.0 - 0.4 | mg/dL |
Bilirubin Total | 0.9 | 0.2 - 1.3 | mg/dL |
Albumin | 4.0 | 3.3 - 4.9 | g/dL |
Protein Total | 7.1 | 6.8 - 8.8 | g/dL |
Alkaline Phosphatase | 87 | 40 - 150 | U/L |
ALT | 83 | 0 - 70 | U/L |
AST | 59 | 0 - 45 | U/L |
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