Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Autoimmune hepatitis

Elevated Bilirubin and or AST and ALT Levels are secondary to Excessive Immune Stimulation and or spike in ANA Level.


Because I produce high ANA Levels at times, but have no Hepatomegaly, it is doubtful that I have Autoimmune Hepatitis, but anything that elevates my AST and ALT Levels without raising the Bilirubin Levels, is a Hepatotoxin that is damaging my Liver, and can cause it to develop the Autoimmune Hepatitis, on top of my Abnormal Immune System. But the Doctors and Courts refuse to believe that, and force upon me Drugs that have Inert Ingredients that keep my AST and ALT Levels elevated for as long as they force me to take them. Elevating the AST and ALT alone, does not cause me to have Hyperammonaemia that results in Hepatic encephalopathy, but does elevate my Ammonia Level, making it necessary for Diet adjustment to handle it.

But when I get too many Polysaccharides called Beta-Glucans in my System, From Bacteria and or Fungi and or Diet and or Medications, the Excessive Immune Response will elevate both my Bilirubin and AST and ALT Levels, and damages my Liver’s ability to use CO2 to combine with Ammonia, to turn it into Urea, and my Ammonia Level rises and drops fluctuating in height in cycles from 15 Minutes to 2 Hours apart, with intermittent acute episodes of Hepatic encephalopathy, and would only get worse if left untreated.

Mole Units used here. It takes 2 Moles of Ammonia and 1 Mole of CO2 to produce 1 Moles of Urea, to lower the Ammonia Level in the Body.

If an Immune Response does not raise my Bilirubin Levels, I can sometimes resolve the Ammonia Level problem by quick Diet changes, eating the most acidic Foods that I can handle, followed by the most Alkaline Foods that I can handle, to make the Food produce Carbonic Acid and other CO2 producing compounds, in my Guts, that the Liver uses for the Urea Cycle. But when an Excessive Immune Stimulation and or spike in ANA Level causes both my Bilirubin and AST and ALT Levels to elevate, I have to treat it with a combination of Foods and Hydrochloric Acid Water, followed by Sodium Bicarbonate Water, to get it to produce enough Carbonic Acid and other CO2 producing compounds, to lower my Ammonia Level.

The Doctors do not know how to treat and resolve my Ammonia Level problems, or that man’s that was next to me in the ER on January 13th, or others like us, and their Medical Misdiagnosis and Medical Maltreatment and Medical Negligence is killing us!

See “The Normal Blood and Urine Tests at the VA

See “Metabolic Acidosis Medication” which covers Metabolic Acidosis Medication, and Hepatic Encephalopathy Medications, and ANA Level Medication."

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