Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The Medical Community here are nothing but a bunch of Squirrels

Calcium deficiency caused Rickets, and Phosphate caused Hereditary Rickets

What is crazy about these Doctors here, is when you tell them that you had previous Medical Conditions diagnosed by Doctors, they do not believe you, and falsely call you delusional about it, because they cannot see your childhood or previous Medical Records. One example is I had a torn Lateral Discoid Meniscus in my right leg, and a torn Lateral Meniscus in my Left Leg, and they were operated on and taken out, I have no medical records of it, so they refused to believe me, and called me delusional caused by a made up Mental Disorder, even though I have the scars from the operations. I told Dr Anderson about it and he looked and did write some of them in my Medical Records, but the other Hospitals would not do that because it was just patient reported. The Medical Community does not know how or why Discoid Meniscus form, but in my case, if I do not have enough Calcium, and not enough Phosphates in my Diet, I get Hypocalcaemic, because I do not absorb enough Phosphates that enhance Calcium absorption. But in my Medical Records, when the Calcium Level goes too High, the Phosphate Level drops too Low, and when the Phosphate Level is too High in my Medical Records, the Calcium Level drops too Low, So another example of their disbelief and Psychosis that causes me Medical Harm is, I also get Hypophosphatemic by not having enough Phosphates in my Diet, which needs to be high to keep it normal, and I have what is called dwarfism because of it. Which also contributed to the Discoid Meniscus. So to avoid the childhood and early adulthood Hypophosphatemia, and Hypocalcaemia, that both result in Vitamin D deficiency, I have a lot of Calcium and Phosphate Foods in my Diet to try to prevent that. But as I get older, too many Phosphates in my Diet taken at a time, hit a quantity of their toxicity threshold, and or Foods or Medications with Phosphate Additives, cause the Phosphates to hit their toxicity threshold, and acute episodes of Phosphate Nephropathy. And because that quantity is getting lower and lower where the Phosphates hit their toxicity threshold, I am not able to drink as much Vitamin D Phosphate Milk as I once could to stop the Hypophosphatemia and Vitamin D deficiency. So now I am becoming Vitamin D deficient again, like in my childhood and early adulthood, and most likely will develop Hypophosphatemia and or Hypocalcaemia, again and again, with it, like as is shown on some of my later years Medical Records, especially when Hospitalized and not given access to my Diet, because I did not have enough Calcium and Phosphate Dairy Products and Vitamin D Milk in my Diet at those times. They call it Calcium deficiency caused Rickets, and Phosphate caused Hereditary Rickets, but that is secondary to Hereditary renal amyloidosis or Variant Lysozyme in the Kidneys and Lysozyme amyloidosis or Variant Lysozyme in the Guts.

I also get Hypercalcemia and or Hyperphosphatemia when I get an Excessive Immune Stimulation or ANA Level spike, normally followed by fluctuating Hypocalcaemia and or Hypophosphatemia, like my Medical Records show, and that is normally after an Ammonia Level spike, causes low Blood Copper and High Liver Copper, and low Liver Iron and High Blood Iron, that disrupts the Urea Cycle.

Like all the Doctors and Psychiatrists that damaged my Body before because of their arrogance and ignorance, this Doctor too contradicts all the Urologists who said a fixated Specific Gravity 1.010 and Blood in the Urine, is acute Renal Failure caused by a Metabolic Disorder, but like the rest of the Squirrels, he blames the Hypertension and pains and Eustachian Tube Dysfunction and Gut Bleeding, on a Mental disorder and Hepatitis C. The Blood and Glucose and Protein in my Urine is because in my Medical Records, I have been diagnosed at times with Calcium caused Rickets, and other times with Phosphate caused Hereditary Rickets (Vitamin D deficiency), secondary to Hereditary renal amyloidosis, which is secondary to Lysozyme amyloidosis, which they refuse to believe and write in my Medical Records, because for years, when  Doctors find  my  Calcium normal or High, and my Phosphates and Vitamin D Low, they call it Hereditary Rickets, and the next Doctors call me delusional about what they said, because they find my Phosphates normal or High, and my Calcium normal or Low and Vitamin D low, and they say it is because of the low Calcium.  Keeping the Iron and Copper Levels normal by Diet also keeps my Phosphate and Calcium Levels normal, until I get an Infection or have adverse reactions to Beta-glucans, but they refuse to run the Iron and Copper Levels so I have nothing to adjust my Diet with.

They refuse to run the Iron and Fe Saturation and Ferritin and Copper Levels that are a big part of the acute Renal Failure episodes. They did not run the ANA Level or the Ammonia Level on the 13th of January, just the Metabolic Acidosis test, and left me with it by not running them again.

I told them how I lowered the ANA Level by first stopping eating, and drinking Chlorinated City Water to cut down the Gut Flora, and then getting a Bicillin Shot, and I told them how I lowered the Metabolic Lactic Acid Level caused by Kidney malfunction, with Sodium Bicarbonate, and told them how I lower the  Ammonia Level with Hydrochloric Acid 1:500 or Acidic Fruit Juices and Sodium Bicarbonate, that was caused by a Liver Malfunction disrupting the Urea Cycle, look how low the Ammonia is here, and the  Urea Nitrogen      is still close to the low end after restating the Urea Cycle. And I told them that I need a prescription for Sodium Bicarbonate and Hydrochloric Acid 10%, and 60ml catheter syringes and sterile saline solution for the Eustachian Tube Dysfunction, so that I have them on hand for the next time,  because the Pharmacies will not sell it to me without a Prescription, and I told them that I needed a Bicillin shot for the worsening earaches because I produce no temperature and no elevated white blood cells when infected, but they, refuse to give any of those things to me, and their refusals is what always causes me more and more Medical harm.

I need a real Metabolic Doctor, but right now I need a Bicillin LA 2 ml shot, for a left ear infection, and my new Primary Care Doctor is out of town for a couple of weeks. He just wrote me two emails telling me again to go and see my VA Doctors, who refuse to address and treat my actual Medical Conditions, and will not run the Tests that I need when I need them, and will not give me the Medications that I need when I need them Are there any real Doctors that can call it into the Minneapolis VA? Here are the Urine and Blood Test Results.

Office Visit with Cesar Augusto Simbaqueba Clavijo, MD, MD

Thursday February 07, 2013 2:00 PM (60 minutes)

    Fairview Clinics Elk River (Elk River Clinic)

Reason for Visit:

Pre Visit Planning - Done

Thursday Febuary 7, 2013 2:00
General Information

Blood Pressure:



Temp source:




195 lb (88.451 kg)

Routine Orders

Order Name     Type

LIPASE     Lab
Future Orders
Order Name     Expected Date     Expiration Date     Type
CLOSTRIDIUM DIFFICILE TOXIN B         3/7/2013     Microbiology



Component     Value     Range
Color Urine     Yellow    
Appearance Urine     Clear    
Glucose Urine     Negative     NEG mg/dL
Bilirubin Urine     Negative     NEG
Ketones Urine     Trace     NEG mg/dL
Specific Gravity Urine     1.010     1.003-1.035
Blood Urine     Trace     NEG
pH Urine     6.5     5.0-7.0 pH
Protein Albumin Urine     Negative     NEG mg/dL
Urobilinogen Urine     1.0     0.2-1.0 EU/dL
Nitrite Urine     Negative     NEG
Leukocyte Esterase Urine     Negative     NEG
Source     Midstream Urine    

URINE MICROSCOPIC (02/07/2013 3:20 PM CST)

Component     Value     Range
WBC Urine     O - 2     0-2 /HPF
RBC Urine     O - 2     0-2 /HPF
Squamous Epithelial /LPF Urine     Few     FEW /LPF


Component     Value     Range
WBC     7.6     4.0-11.0 10e9/L
RBC Count     5.39     4.4-5.9 10e12/L
Hemoglobin     17.6     13.3-17.7 g/dL
Hematocrit     49.8     40.0-53.0 %
MCV     92     78-100 fl
MCH     32.7     26.5-33.0 pg
MCHC     35.3     31.5-36.5 g/dL
RDW     13.1     10.0-15.0 %
Platelet Count     177     150-450 10e9/L
Diff Method     Automated Method    
% Neutrophils     66.8     40-75 %
% Lymphocytes     25.1     20-48 %
% Monocytes     6.7     0-12 %
% Eosinophils     1.1     0-6 %
% Basophils     0.3     0-2 %
Absolute Neutrophil     5.1     1.6-8.3 10e9/L
Absolute Lymphocytes     1.9     0.8-5.3 10e9/L
Absolute Monoctyes     0.5     0.0-1.3 10e9/L
Absolute Eosinophils     0.1     0.0-0.7 10e9/L
Absolute Basophils     0.0     0.0-0.2 10e9/L


Component     Value     Range
Sodium     140     133-144 mmol/L
Potassium     3.9     3.4-5.3 mmol/L
Chloride     105     94-109 mmol/L
Carbon Dioxide     23     20-32 mmol/L
Anion Gap     12.7     6-17 mmol/L
Glucose     117     60-99 mg/dL
Urea Nitrogen     9     7-30 mg/dL
Creatinine     0.65     0.66-1.25 mg/dL
GFR Estimate     >90     >60 mL/min/1.7m2
GFR Estimate If Black     >90     >60 mL/min/1.7m2
Calcium     9.0     8.5-10.4 mg/dL
Bilirubin Total     0.8     0.2-1.3 mg/dL
Albumin     4.1     3.3-4.9 g/dL
Protein Total     7.2     6.8-8.8 g/dL
Alkaline Phosphatase     95     40-150 U/L
ALT     97     0-70 U/L
AST     61     0-45 U/L

AMYLASE (02/07/2013 3:10 PM CST)

Component     Value     Range
Amylase     87     30-110 U/L

LIPASE (02/07/2013 3:10 PM CST)

Component     Value     Range
Lipase     129     20-250 U/L

AMMONIA (02/07/2013 3:10 PM CST)

Component     Value     Range
Ammonia     11     10-35 umol/L

 Collection time January 24, 2013:15:43;51

Test name                    Result Units   Range
5 OH, 25-OH, D3         7 L    ng/mL    ref >=30
Vitamin D, 25-OH, D3  7       ng/mL
Vitamin D, 25-OH, D2  <5 data-blogger-escaped-ml="" data-blogger-escaped-nbsp="" data-blogger-escaped-ng="" data-blogger-escaped-p="">

1 comment:

  1. I have being on blog Sites for a while now and today I felt like I should share my story because I was a victim too. I had HIV for 6 years and i never thought I would ever get a cure I had and this made it impossible for me to get married to the man I was supposed to get married to even after 2 years of relationship he broke up with me when he finds out I was HIV positive. So I got to know about Dr. Itua on Blog Site who treated someone and the person shared a story of how she got a cured and let her contact details, I contacted Dr. Itua and he actually confirmed it and I decided to give a try too and use his herbal medicine that was how my burden ended completely. My son will be 2 soon and I am grateful to God and thankful to his medicine too.Dr Itua Can As Well Cure The Following Disease…Alzheimer’s disease,Bechet’s disease,Crohn’s disease
    ,Cushing’s disease,Heart failure,Multiple Sclerosis,Hypertension,Colo_Rectal Cancer,Lyme Disease,Blood Cancer,Brain Cancer,Breast Cancer,Lung Cancer,Kidney Cancer, HIV, Herpes,Hepatitis B, Liver Inflammatory,Diabetes,Fibroid, Get Your Ex Back, If you have (A just reach him on drituaherbalcenter@gmail.com / info@drituaherbalcenter.com Or Whatsapp Number.+2348149277967)He can also advise you on how to handle some marital's issues. He's a good man.
