Because the High Iron and Fe Saturation and Ferritin is often a Metabolic Disorder, controlled by Diet, ever since the VA Tested me and found them High, and did a Liver Biopsy Testing for overload, they will not run them to deliberately leave me without Blood Tests to go by to adjust my Diet, because that is a Metabolic Disorder, controlled by Diet, not medications.
Many of the Fairview Doctors falsely call me delusional about having an Iron Disorder, because when on my Diet and they test it, it is always normal.
But both sets of Doctors falsely call me delusional about High Liver Copper and Low Blood Copper at times, and will not test it often enough to see, leaving me without a guide for my Diet Copper Levels, again it is a Metabolic Disorder, controlled by Diet, not medications.
Both Fructose and Dextrose Malabsorption and or Intolerance, and the Polysaccharide Intolerance and underlying Celiac Immune System Genetics, again they are Metabolic Disorders, controlled by Diet, not medications.
They do not have a Dietitian that could come up with a Diet to control my disorders and keep my Blood and Urine Levels normal or near normal, I know that, because I talked to a lot of them, and they don't have a clue as to what is in the Foods or Vitamin Supplements or Probiotics, that they recommend.Not only that, most of their Doctors and Pharmacists do not have a clue as to what is in the Inert Ingredients of the Medications that they give, and keep giving them to People who cannot Metabolize them, or that have IgE based Allergies, that is how they treat US Veterans at Tax Payer Expense.
And because they cannot make money off Metabolic Disorders controlled by Diet and not Medications, they falsely claim that I refuse to take any Medications, so that they can take me to Court and get the Court to Force Psychiatric Drugs upon me, so that they can make money off the Government and Tax Payers causing me more Medical and Mental Harm. I only refuse to take Medication with Polysaccharides in the that Raise my ANA Level, or that have Fructose and or Sugar Alcohols, and or Dextrose, because I cannot tolerate them, and they cause Gut Bleeding, but they twist that fact into a lie, so that they can force them on me in Psychiatric Drugs, and refuse to look for the upper and lower Digestive Tract Bleeding.
What the VA Doctors are doing to me, they are deliberately falsely calling me delusional about smelling Ammonia, and refuse to test for it, because they know that if they leave it untreated, it will cause memory loss and brain damage, like it did before when untreated, so that their colleges can make more money off the Government and Tax Payers, giving me more forced Treatment that has only caused me more Medical and Mental Harm in the Past. The VA deliberately asked me if that type of temporary memory loss was happening when I smell Ammonia, and then falsely called me delusional about it.
See the effects of this disorder that they are deliberately trying to cause by not testing for it, and treating it.
Heptic encepholphy and denied all treatment
To: Chinasa Paul Anugwom, MD, MD
From: Joseph R Loegering
Sent: 2/4/2013 5:48 PM CST
Hi Doc
The VA says that they do not treat Metabolic Disorders, and claims that I need a Metabolic Doctor, but because they falsely claim that I have nothing in my Medical Records that shows a Metabolic Disorder, and block me from getting one, the VA Allergist says that I need to sue the VA. They now claim that I had no Acidosis on the 13th, from where I showed you the Lactic Acid Level on the VA Tests, and they falsely call me delusional about smelling ammonia, saying that there is nothing in my Medical Records that would support that, and refuse to check for heptic encepholphy that I have been constantly complaining about and posting it on my Blog when it happens and how the Doctors respond. They refuse to give me Bicillin or any other Medication, falsely claiming that I refuse to take any Medications. What is next? I have an appointment the 6th at 1:30, for a Metabolic Doctor at Fairview this week, can I see you then? How do I stop the ammonia smell?
See "No Sodium Bicarbonate
Prescription. Lactic Acidosis 12:30 AM the 28 of January. "
Lord Joseph
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