Sunday, February 3, 2013

Lysozyme breaks down Cellulose releasing Beta-glucans

Lysozyme is a Glycoside hydrolase that breaks down Cellulose and releases smaller Beta-glucans.

If you and or your Family Members have Celiac Disease like mine, and or other Immune System Diseases, and or IgE based Allergies, or get diverse Face Rashes from Foods or Medications, and or have high ANA Levels at times, it might be a good idea to cut down, or cut out Eggs from your Diet.

My Uncle who lost both Kidneys, had adverse reactions like I do to Eggs and Cornstarch, they called his an allergy because of the Rashes, he later was found to have no IgE based Allergy. But I had an Allergist Test mine, I produce no IgE Antibodies, Cornstarch raises my ANA Level, and Eggs just make me sick eating too much or too often. It is an adverse reaction to lysozyme in Eggs, and when the Body has too much lysozyme in the Mucosa and Blood, it both drops the Potassium Level and damages the Kidneys, while destroying the Cells of Bacteria, by Lysis, and the Lysate that results, contains fragments of the DNA of the Bacteria resulting in Recombinant DNA that can alter the DNA in some of your Cells, resulting in your Immune System destroying those altered Cells. This process is largely involved in People who develop high ANA Levels at times, that results in the destruction of the Kidneys and Mucosa and Bones and Bone Joints. At the same time, the excessive amounts of Lysozyme break down Cornstarch and Cellulose and other Larger Beta-glucans, releasing fragmented smaller Beta-glucans some of which enter the proximal small intestine and are taken up by diverse immune cells, resulting in Excessive Immune Stimulation and or raising the ANA Leve, and or breaking down Beta-glucans in Gluten Grains, and causing your Body to produce Celiac Antibodies against the Gluten, as the Immune Response causes you Immune System to destroy the Villi and Micovilli in the small intestine.

Immune System Stimulators

For my Fellow Armed Forces Veterans and Medical Personnel that are trying to control the effects of Agent Orange. Agent Orange dissolves foliage that are made of Beta-glucans in Cellulose. Some of your Food is made of Beta-glucans in Cellulose, and some of your Medications have Beta-glucans in Cellulose, which are normally not broken down by Digestive Enzymes. The effects that too much exposure to Agent Orange and its breakdown Products causes, is that they make your Body begin producing Enzymes that break down the Cellulose in those Foods and in Inert Ingredients of Medications, releasing certain types of Beta-glucans that are an Immune System Stimulator, causing Excessive Immune Stimulation.

The same thing happens if you get a wood sliver or a thorn that is made of Beta-glucans in Cellulose, and it is not removed, your Body begins producing Enzymes to break down the Cellulose to get rid of it, but those Enzymes also cause your Body to break down Cellulose in Foods and in Inert Ingredients of Medications, releasing certain types of Beta-glucans that are an Immune System Stimulator, causing Excessive Immune Stimulation.

This adversely effects people with Abnormal Immune Systems, more than those that have Normal Immune Systems. 

In each case, the adverse effects can somewhat be controlled by eliminating as many Foods and Beta-glucans from your Diet and Medications as possible, then replacing them one at a time, to find which of those your Body is breaking down into Immune System Stimulators. That is what my Diet was designed for. Anything that has things that stimulate the Immune System causes me and others pains in our Bones and Kidneys and or Guts and or Heads. So I cut it out of my Diet, but even if they do not cause you much pain, they are an Immune System Stimulator, and stacked one upon another from different sources makes it worse, and that repeated Stimulation from Beta-Glucans in Foods or Medications, progressively causes harm from the repeated Excessive Immune System Stimulation.

The following also holds true to many exposed for prolonged periods to Agent Orange, and TBI Patients, and people with Dyslexia, and others, that produce no Antinuclear Antibodies.

Chronic Microglial Activation and Excitotoxicity are Secondary to Excessive Immune Stimulation, and TBI, which I got in the US Army, and are complicated by my Abnormal Immune System. These cause excess neurotransmitters that cause apoptosis, a process that results in some Brain Cells self destructing, resulting in what a Neurologist told me were Partial Complex Seizures, which showed up as Abnormal Brain Waves in diverse places, when on Medications that caused Abnormal Immune System Responses by the Cornstarch and Cellulose Compounds in them. When the cause of the excess neurotransmitters is stopped, the Partial Complex Seizures stop, and the Brain Waves become Normal on the EEGs, and because of the Plasticity of the Brain, the Brain begins to heal itself, and the symptoms of the dysedetic dysphonetic dyslexia that the Excessive Immune Stimulation caused me to have and makes worse, begin to disappear, but never all the way. In my cause it is mostly Cellulose and Cornstarch and their derivatives, and too much Fructose Foods in my Diet, that cause the Abnormal Brainwaves. There was no Sugar Alcohols in my Diet or Medication at the time, but judging from their effect on me, I believe that the amount of the Abnormal Brains Waves would have been increased.

The Psychiatric Patients that I saw the same thing happen to them as to me, from their Drugs and Foods that have Cornstarch and Cellulose and their derivatives and other Immune System Stimulators, and resulted in Seizures like I had the first time I was given too many Medications with too many Immune System Stimulating Inert Ingredients in them in the 1980s, many could not explain how it felt, but some of us describe it accurately, it is like a Bomb going off, and then you start having Adverse Reactions to Foods that you never had Adverse Reactions to before. The first time it happened to me, the Psychiatrists gave me Dilantin for the side effects of their Medications, and it caused it to get worse, and I could barley walk because my ANA Level was too High, Celiac disease causes Celiac Antibodies, and does not cause High ANA Levels.

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