Friday, April 26, 2013

Reactant Hypoglycemia and Adrenal deficiency and Celiac Disease

Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia and Thrombocytopenia, which I have, and Addison’s Disease and Adrenal Amyloidosis either of which I may be developing, each of those cause Adrenal insufficiency, and not only result in reactant Ketotic Hypoglycemic events, but reactant abnormal Sodium Conservation, abnormal Potassium Secretion, and abnormal Water Retention, from abnormal Kidney Functions, like I have, and these are disorders that not only often coexist with Celiac Disease, but often exist among Celiac Family Members that do not test positive for Celiac Disease, along with Autoimmune Hepatitis and an Autoimmune Spleen Disease, where I have a small Benign Calcification in my Spleen, and I get high Antinuclear Antibodies, and others get other disorders associated with Celiac Disease, Autoimmune Pancreatitis and or Autoimmune Thyroiditis, and Systemic Lupus Erythematous. 

See “A List of Diseases/Disorders Definitely Associated With Celiac Disease”

See “A List of Diseases/Disorders Probably Associated With Celiac Disease”

And though does not mention Methemoglobinemia as Associated with Celiac Disease or Celiac Family Members, it is, and it normally takes something to trigger it, like Nitrite Food or Drug Additives or Nitrite contaminants in your Food or Water, or Gut Flora that convert Nitrates in Foods to Nitrites, or too much Fructose or Sugar Alcohol consumption at a time, and the Methemoglobinemia episodes that I get, result in Ketotic Hypoglycemic events that are not reactant to Foods or Medications, like the reactant Ketotic Hypoglycemic events that I have

See “Methemoglobinemia and Medications A to Z”

What is interesting, I have been diagnosed with two separate disorders that are normally not associated with Celiac Disease, but that mimic the Symptoms of Celiac Disease, and even with Medical Records proving the diagnosis, these Social Workers and Doctors and Attorneys and Judges deny the possibility of their existence along with the Overactive Immune System that three Orthopedic Doctors diagnosed me with. The primary immunodeficiency disorder similar to what I have, they have listed as “Common Variable Hypogammaglobulinemia,” and my history of high Serum Iron and Fe Saturation and Ferritin Levels that was diagnosed as “Hemochromatosis,” both of which disorders mimic the Symptoms of Celiac Disease. 

See “A List of Diseases/Disorders Whose Symptoms Resemble Celiac Disease”

But these Socialist Fascist Government and Media and Medical Communities act like none of those things can coexist, and they deliberately call all of us who know that they often coexist because we have the disorders caused by the Medical Community forcing upon us toxins that cause the disorders to coexist, crazy or Mentally Ill, and they strip us of our Rights without Just Cause, and they lock us up, and force upon us again and again, exactly what we told them that we have adverse reactions to, and even eye-witnessing the adverse reactions, they refuse to believe reality, and falsely call us delusional about reality. Those that repeatedly use their Psychosis caused by their intellectual deficiency, and raise my AST and ALT and ANA and Serum Iron and Fe Saturation and Ferritin Levels by their Foods and Drugs and blocking my Bile Ducts, and or leaving me infected with Infections that block my Bile Ducts, can trigger Addison’s Disease and or Autoimmune Hepatitis and or an Autoimmune Spleen Disease, and or Autoimmune Pancreatitis and or an Autoimmune Thyroiditis.

The Social Workers and Doctors and Attorneys and Judges that refused to answer my repeated questions as to why does Fructose and Corn Syrup cause my Blood Sugar to drop, and why do I have such severe adverse reactions to Iodine, and they falsely call me delusional about my Medical Conditions, and blocked me from getting the Medical Treatment that I need, and blocked me from getting a Metabolic Doctor to test for what pathways are involved in the reactant Ketotic Hypoglycemic events, and refused to run the right Medical Tests in the right manner when needed, and refused to straighten out my Medical Records to stop Doctors and Medical Staff from causing me the loss of Liberty and my Rights without Just Cause, and would not stop them from causing me more Medical and Mental and Financial Harm, just so that they could use their Tyrannical Socialist Fascist Rule and lock me up, and force upon me Drugs that contain Cornstarch and Cellulose that raise my AST and ALT and Antinuclear Antibody and Serum Iron and Fe Saturation and Ferritin Levels, and cause acute Thrombocytopenia, are suffering from a severe Psychosis and intellectual deficiency caused by their egomania, and they need to be bared from Practicing Law and or Medicine.

Maybe this is why, many of the Doctors here causing me harm by their Misdiagnosis and Maltreatment and Negligence are Muslims or Radicalized Socialist Fascist Liberal Muslim Supporters that set up and attack all who were against the known Terrorist Organization of Osama Bin Laden, or other known Terrorist Organizations. That may be because the Kansas City VA and CNN and the New York Doctors and Court started this mess because as Radicalized Socialist Fascists, they have either been hoodwinked by and work in conjunction with, and or they support, the known Terrorist Organization of Osama Bin Laden and or other Terrorist Organizations, whom their supporters were protecting in 2005 after earlier the FBI asked me to work for them as an Arabic Translator, by using Gay Right and DOMA Activists and the Kansas City VA and the International CNN Organization, and many for their own Religious or Political Agenda. joined the Terrorist supporters, falsely calling me delusional about Osama Bin Laden’s existence in Pakistan, and deliberately falsely called me delusional about my Medical Conditions, and they used a railroad Court System and locking me up on false charges, to block me from going to Pakistan to try to locate Osama Bin Laden and his likes. 

These are some absolutely insane idiots that use the Psychiatric and Court Systems to block my needed Medical Treatment, and will not straighten out my Medical Records to stop them from causing me more Medical and Mental and Financial Harm, and will not get me the actual Medical Treatment and Medications that I need, when I need it.

See “They all need to be arrested for lying to and setting up and Poisoning the Public. “

See “The unreliability of Celiac and Antinuclear Antibody and Protein Blood Tests, and Endoscopy of the Small Intestine Celiac Tests.”

See “Doing what is written in the Torah from Yahweh our God when it needs to be done, is Kosher, and adding things that are not written in the Torah from Yahweh our God, is not Kosher, and omitting anything that is written in the Torah from Yahweh our God and intentionally not doing it when it needs to be done, is not Kosher. “

See “Overcoming disabilities caused by the Socialist Fascist Government and Media and Medical Communities”

And see “Overcoming disabilities” 

In service of Yahweh and Country

Lord Joseph

Heir by birthright of the house of Israel.

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