I have heard every argument and every excuse, for forcing upon me Drugs that a Neurologist testified to a Judge in Jackson Michigan in 1990 saying, “All of their Drugs just make him more dysfunctional, and are killing him,” so the Judge ordered the Jackson Police and Foote Hospital not to give me those Drugs, but after refusing to believe that reality, and refusing to run the right tests that would have proven that Neurologist right, even after forcing the Drugs that he was talking about upon me, and causing Gut Infections from upper and lower Digestive Tract bleeding that they refused to look for, and putting me in a Wheelchair from my Immune and Neurological and Endocrine Systems causing Paralysis from the waist down from the adverse reactions, and causing Maxillary Sinus Sinus Polyps and Cysts that knock me off balance from Eustachian Tube Dysfunction from the fluctuating renal hypertension and Edemas that it causes, and while trying to get the antibiotics needed to get out of the Wheelchair, as the VA and Fairview Doctors refused to get me the Antibiotics in 2010, a VA Staff Member said to me, “Stop complaining, it is part of dying!”
And they took me back to Court, and called my Religious Belief false, and claimed that my believing that I had a Metabolic Disorder that made it so that I could not absorb and distribute and metabolize and eliminate those things like the Allergist told me that I had, was a Delusional Disorder, and claimed in Court falsely that I had no Medical Condition that would be adversely effected by their forced treatment, and said that my believing that the Doctors were setting me up to force upon me the things that that Neurologist said made me more Dysfunctional and were killing me, and were causing me Medical and Mental Harm while stripping me of my Rights and Blocking my Freedom of the Press and violating my Religious Freedom, was Paranoid Schizophrenia, and said that I was trying to micromanage the Doctors concerning Inert Ingredients that cause me to have Face Rashes as they raise my Antinuclear Antibody Level, and cause Metabolic Acidosis and upper and lower Digestive Tract Bleeding and Eustachian Tube Dysfunction , from the damage that they do to my Body, and argued in Court that I was not qualified to testify about their Psychiatric Drugs that cause me to want to commit suicide because they make me totally dysfunctional, so that they could block my needed Liver Treatment and make money off the Government forcing more of those harmful things upon me, and cause me the loss of Liberty and more Medical and Mental Harm without any Just Cause.
The Court then said that I needed access to urgent Medical Care for my obvious Medical Needs, and moved me right across the Street from the VA, where the Doctors refuse to believe or treat my Medical needs or the Medical Damage that they caused, because of their Psychosis caused by their intellectual deficiency caused by their egomania.
I have been getting some Doctors to run the right Tests, that show that their Medical Misdiagnosis and Maltreatment and Negligence caused by their Psychosis that is caused by their intellectual deficiency, that is caused by their egomania, had and still is causing me serious Medical and Mental Harm without Just Cause.
This latest round of Gut Infections and Urinary Tract Infections and Sinus Infections that they refused to test for, and still refuse to properly diagnose and treat, was caused by Nitrites and Heavy Metal Poisoning from contaminated Water supplied by the VA to the Apartment where the Court forced me to live, because the Court Ordered Nurses found that my needs were Medical and not Mental, and the Doctors were refusing to believe me, so the Court claimed that I need urgent Medical Care for my Medical Needs, and moved me right to where the Doctors are that refuse to believe and treat my Medical Needs.
From the damage that their forced Treatment caused to my Guts and Urinary Tract and Sinuses, my Guts keep bloating up when irritated by many different things, and keeps getting infected, and keeps blocking off my Bile Duct at times, as the Hypertension causes Edemas causing Eustachian Tube Dysfunction and Vertigo knocking me to the ground again and again, compliments of the status quo of the Socialist Fascist Government and Media and Medical Communities.
As I get my Medical Records Scanned from July 2012 to Present, I will point out the deliberate Medical and Mental Misdiagnosis that they not only do to me and cause me more and more Medical and Mental Harm, but that they do to many others till they are either dead, and or commit Suicide or Murder Suicide, and or are reduced to an absolute state of despotism because we can no longer function because of the Medical Misdiagnosis and Maltreatment and Negligence.
Because I have a History of Hemochromatosis and high Cholesterol Levels and Low Sodium and low Platelets, and elevated Hemoglobin and Methemoglobinemia that causes Hypoglycemia and Metabolic Acidosis and Renal Tubular Acidosis and raises my AST and ALT and Antinuclear Antibody Levels, and causes Paralysis from the waist down, and causes Vertigo and loss of Balance from Eustachian Tube Dysfunction, and causes Migraines and worsening Dyslexia and Partial Complex Seizures, and fluctuating sight and hearing, and causes lower than normal Temperatures and little or no Temperature and often no elevated White Blood Cells while Infected, as it causes all the clinical manifestations of Acute Intermittent Porphyria, triggered by the same things that trigger Acute Intermittent Porphyria, I had a Doctor run these Tests.
They were negative for Porphyria, but were Positive for Heavy Metal Poisoning caused by Contaminated Water from a busted underground Water Pipe supplied by the VA, and most of the Doctors actually believe that because it is negative for a Porphyria, and or believe that because the Allergist said it is not an Allergy because I produce no IgE Antibodies, just Antinuclear Antibodies and high Iron and low Platelet Levels, it is ok to keep forcing upon me all the things that cause episodes that resemble Acute Intermittent Porphyria, causing acute episodes of Hemochromatosis and high Cholesterol Levels and Low Sodium and low Platelets, and elevated Hemoglobin and Methemoglobinemia that causes Hypoglycemia and Metabolic Acidosis and Renal Tubular Acidosis and raises my AST and ALT and Antinuclear Antibody Levels, and causes Paralysis from the waist down, and causes Vertigo and loss of Balance from Eustachian Tube Dysfunction, and causes Migraines and worsening Dyslexia and Partial Complex Seizures, and fluctuating sight and hearing, and causes lower than normal Temperatures and little or no Temperature and often no elevated White Blood Cells while Infected.
Notice here too, that this Doctor, like the other Doctors, will never run the same Tests that were thrown off during acute episodes before, like I told her about the Ferritin Levels too, and she ran a Ferritin Level separate, and would run no CBC and DIFFs, even though I told her my Platelet Levels drop during the different stages of the episodes. I did get her to run a Metabolic Panel and a Hepatitis Viral Count, that shows that these Doctors are nuts about my Hepatitis and AST and ALT Levels. But along with the Hemoglobin Level that elevates first at the beginning of an episode, then the Serum Iron elevates, but the Ferritin Level is normally the first thing thrown off when an episode starts, and these episodes can be triggered by a Polysaccharide Encapsulated Bacteria, or some Fungi, or some Beta-glucan Foods or Inert Ingredients, that raise my ANA Level, but they always refuse to run those Tests when an episode starts, and often falsely call me delusional about the pain, because on the limited Tests that they did run, they could find nothing off.
These were taken while on my special diet that controls my Iron Levels.
Component | Your Value | Standard Range | Units |
Iron | 60 | 35 - 180 | ug/dL |
Iron Binding Cap | 370 | 240 - 430 | ug/dL |
Iron Saturation Index | 16 | 15 - 46 | % |
Ferritin 105 20 - 300 ng/mL
General Information
3/14/2013 2:38 PMResulted:
3/14/2013 3:32 PMOrdered By:
Purvi D Gada, MD, MDResult Status:
Final resultHere are two of my VA Iron Level Tests that show how fast my Iron Levels change in less than two weeks and cause the episodes, and they were thrown off by the Forced Foods and Drugs from the Medical Community.
Fe Serum range 65/175 ug/dl 10/18/2006-180 H 10/30/2006-324 H
Fe Saturation range 14/50 percent 10/18/2006-46.8 10/30/2006-85.9 H
Ferritin 22/322 ng/ml 10/18/2006-433.7 H 10/30/2006-713 H
Total Iron Binding Capacity 250/500 ug/dl 10/18/2006-385 10/30/2006-377
TRANSFE 200/360 ng/dl 10/18/2006-303 10/30/2006-297
The Hematologist's Porphyrin Test
Result Notes
Notes Recorded by Gada, Purvi D, MD on 3/20/2013 at 1:37 PMPlease notify pt, that urine porphyrin studies are normal.
Component Results
Component | Your Value | Standard Range | Units |
Result | SEE NOTE (Note) Test name Result Units RefIntvl ------------------------------------------------------------ Uroporphyrin - ratio to CRT 2 umol/mol CRT 0-4 Heptacarboxylate - ratio to CRT 1 umol/mol CRT 0-2 Coproporphyrin I - ratio to CRT 6 umol/mol CRT 0-6 Coproporphyrin III - ratio to CRT 16 H umol/mol CRT 0-14 Porphobilinogen (PBG), Urine -per volume < 3 umol/L 0.0-8.8 Porphobilinogen (PBG), Urine -per 24h Not Applicable umol/d 0.0-11.0 Creatinine, Urine - per volume 34 mg/dL Creatinine, Urine - per 24h Not Applicable mg/d 800-2100 Porphyrin Urine Interpretation See Note Elevated coproporphyrin concentration is a relatively common finding and may be the result of diet, liver disease, disorders of bilirubin metabolism, or other diverse conditions. An isolated increase in urine coproporphyrin concentration is not diagnostic of a porphyrin disorder. INTERPRETIVE INFORMATION: Porphyrins, Fractionation and Quantitation, Urine Results are normalized to creatinine concentration and reported as a ratio of amounts (micromoles of porphyrin/moles of creatinine). Performed by ARUP Laboratories, 500 Chipeta Way, SLC,UT 84108 800-522-2787 www.aruplab.com, Sherrie L. Perkins, MD, Lab. Director |
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Send Outs Misc Test Code | 2002181 |
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Send Outs Misc Test Specimen |
The Erythematous Duodenopathy shown on the upper GI Endoscopy on 10 April 6 days after the 2nd Bicillin Shot 8 days apart, was not only caused by the Nitrites and Heavy Metal Poisoning, irritating where the Doctors caused upper and lower Digestive Tract Bleeding in 2009 and 2010 because they took away my access to Sodium Bicarbonate and Activated Charcoal and my special Diet and forced upon me everything that I told them that I have adverse reactions to, but was partly because on the 3rd of April they also took away my access to Sodium Bicarbonate and Activated Charcoal and my special Diet again, and could get me no Foods or Activated Charcoal that I normally take to stop the Gut Pains to prevent it from bleeding again, when they Hospitalized me to observe for Syncope on the 3rd and 4th of April, which event was caused by my Guts bloating up and causing Edemas and Eustachian Tube Dysfunction from the damage that the Doctors caused before, because they refuse to write my Diet and Medications in my Medical Records and refuse to get them when I need them because they are absolutely Psychotic and insane because of their intellectual deficiency caused by their egomania.
Repeatedly in January and February and March the VA Doctors just pushed upon my Guts and saw the pain that it caused, and refused to run any Tests to find out why it caused pain, and refused to treat the Gut and Ear Infections, and just called a Psychiatrist to cause me more Medical and Mental Harm, falsely claiming that there was no adverse Medical Condition causing the Guts and Ear pains, just like they did the last time when they forced things upon me to cause the Gut Pains and Sinus Cysts and Polyps while giving me Psychiatric Counseling to try to get me to ignore the Gut and Ear pains that they were intentionally ignoring and causing, by their Psychosis caused by their intellectual deficiency caused by their egomania .
When I reported the White and Yellow Stool and Orange Urine Episodes beginning in January, and claimed that that is normally what happened when I got Ascending Cholangitis, an Extrahepatic cholestasis, they refused to believe me, and deliberately pressed on my Guts and saw the pain, and refused to test for Ascending Cholangitis, and refused to treat it with Antibiotics like the Doctors successfully did in the past, and falsely claimed that the White and Yellow Stool and Orange Urine Episodes were caused by Hepatitis, Intrahepatic cholestasis, and they left me infected with a Primary Immunodeficiency Disorder like they did before to completely disable me and put me in a Wheelchair in 2009-2010. If it would have been caused by Hepatitis, Intrahepatic cholestasis, like they falsely claimed, it would not have resolved the White and Yellow Stool and Orange Urine Episodes like it did after getting two Bicillin Shots 8 days apart, which still left me with a Gut and Ear Infection that was still causing my Guts to bloat up now and then like on the 3rd of April, and was causing the loss of hearing in my left Ear, and Wax and clicking in my right Ear, and was causing Eustachian Tube Dysfunction, apparently not from Fungi, but from Penicillin Resistant Bacteria, because that problem is currently April 24th, being resolved by Erythromycin Antibiotics. The Gut Bloating itself, from infections that cause the Gastroenteritis, is enough to cause Extrahepatic cholestasis, and a Blood Sugar rise as it blocks off Insulin from the Pancreas, and then causes intermittent Hypoglycemic events to follow, when the blockage stops at times.
Their repeated Medical Misdiagnosis and Maltreatment and Negligence damaged my Spleen and Adrenal Glands and my Arteries and other Organs as seen on this CT Scan that I got a Urologist to run to investigate the Dysuria that results from the Paralysis from the waist down that was first caused by the adverse reactions to the Foods and Drugs that the Doctor forced upon me, and had to operate in Kansas City and New York to remove Cysts from my Back and Neck that formed from the cramps caused, by the forced Drugs.
Name: Joseph R Loegering | DOB: 1/13/1957 | MRN: 14432326 | PCP: Chinasa Paul Anugwom, MD, MD
HISTORY: Urinary tract infection. Hematuria. Chronic prostatitis. Hepatitis C lymphadenopathy. Nephropathy. Renal hypertension. Prior appendectomy and bile duct surgery. Prior cholecystectomy.
TECHNIQUE: Axial images were obtained through the abdomen and pelvis without contrast. The patient was unable to have contrast dye due to effect on sodium levels.
COMPARISON: 10/14/2009.
FINDINGS: The lung bases are clear. The patient has undergone prior cholecystectomy. There is no evidence for free air. Osseous structures unremarkable except for some mild degenerative changes. The liver and spleen are normal in appearance except for a tiny incidental benign calcification in the spleen. The gallbladder has been removed. The pancreas is normal. The right adrenal gland is normal. There is some mild hyperplasia of the left adrenal gland similar to that seen on the prior study. The kidneys are normal in appearance. There is no evidence for hydronephrosis or urinary calcifications. There is extensive atherosclerotic disease of the aorta and proximal iliac arteries. The bladder wall no longer appears to be thickened as it did on the prior exam. The prostate gland is also much smaller than it was on the prior exam and is felt to be within normal limits. No lymphadenopathy is present. The right rectus abdominis muscle is absent or atrophic, unchanged from the prior exam. A benign calcification is also noted in the right anterior thigh musculature.
1. No evidence for urolithiasis or hydronephrosis.
2. Prior cholecystectomy.
3. Absent or atrophic right rectus muscle.
4. Bladder wall does not appear to be thickened on current exam, and
prostate gland appears to be within normal limits on current study.
Component Results
There is no component information for this result.
General Information
3/11/2013 9:20 AM
3/11/2013 12:20 PM
Ordered By:
Michael Long Tran, MD, MD
Result Status:
Final result
See "The status quo of the Socialist Fascist Communities. "
See “Overcoming disabilities caused by the Socialist Fascist Government and Media and Medical Communities”
And see “Overcoming disabilities”
See "Doing what is written in the Torah from Yahweh our God when it needs to be done, is Kosher, and adding things that are not written in the Torah from Yahweh our God, is not Kosher, and omitting anything that is written in the Torah from Yahweh our God and intentionally not doing it when it needs to be done, is not Kosher."
In service of Yahweh and Country
Lord Joseph
Heir by birthright of the house of Israel.
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