Thursday, April 11, 2013

The unreliability of Celiac and Antinuclear Antibody and Protein Blood Tests, and Endoscopy of the Small Intestine Celiac Tests.

Though my Father died of a suspected Celiac Disease before the Celiac Tests that the University of Maryland ran on my Family at our Family Reunion in the year 2000, because I have Six Uncles and Seven Aunts and many Cousins on my Father’s side, and many of them were confirmed as Celiac, I was on a Gluten free Diet then and now, because I have more severe adverse reactions to Cornstarch and Beta-glucans and to many Sugars and Iodine and to Lysozyme in Eggs, and to Heme Iron Meats, and to Nonheme Iron Iron Absorption Enhancing Foods, than most in my Family, and the Celiac Antibody Tests that the University of Maryland ran on me were negative. 

The Government and Media and Medical Communities claim that Celiac Disease can be identified through those Blood Tests and Intestine Tests, but not so with Gluten Sensitivity or Beta-Glucan Sensitivity or Lysozyme Sensitivity or Iodine Sensitivity or Sugar Intolerances, which many Celiac Family Members that do not Test Positive for Celiac Disease, have Gluten Sensitivity
and or Beta-Glucan Sensitivity and or Lysozyme Sensitivity and or Iodine Sensitivity and or Sugar Intolerances. Because many Celiacs and Celiac Family members have more severe Sensitivities to many other things than just Gluten, and the Government and the Media and the Medical Communities never address this issue, to stop People from giving us those things and causing us more Medical and Mental  and Financial Harm. In my Family, Dyslexia, and Brain Tumors, and Peripheral Arterial Disease, and Heart Attacks, and Strokes, and Thyroid Diseases, and Adrenal Gland Diseases, and loss of the Kidneys, and sudden Hyponatremia caused by Iodine, and diverse Sugar Intolerances, and adverse reactions to Lysozyme in Eggs and vaccines, and Osteoporosis, and Paralysis from the waist down, and reoccurring Infections, and Prostatitis and Lymphadenopathy caused by Beta-glucans,  and high Antinuclear Antibodies  caused by Beta-glucans, and Cancer,  are  too commonly the result of those adverse reactions. But because a lot of People have made Gluten Free Diets a fad, when they are not Celiac or Gluten Sensitive, many in the Medical Community will not accept the fact that we have those Sensitivities without their having a positive Test from a qualified Doctor, and or when we say that we have more Adverse Reactions to their Celiac Diets because they contain too many things that Celiacs and Celiac Families have Sensitivities to, they say that we are delusional about our Medical Conditions, and lock us up, and strip us of our rights,  and force the things that we said that have adverse reactions to, upon us, and cause us more Medical and Mental and Financial Harm, and the loss of our unalienable Rights that many of us served in the Armed Forces to defend,  each time.

The Princeton MN Gastroenterologist on 10 April 2013, told me, that if a person has gut bleeding, the Gastroenterologists cannot find where it was bleeding if they do not do the Endoscopy within three months of the event, because the digestive tract heals that fast. What about Celiac Blunting? Would that be any different? No, like many Celiacs in my Family have proven, the Intestines heal themselves when there is no Gluten for the immune system to react against. And like with some in my Family, I have no Prostatitis and Lymphadenopathy and high ANA Levels when there are no Beta-glucans in my system for the immune system to react against.

While Gluten Free, like many in my Family, my Celiac and Antinuclear Antibody and Protein Blood Tests, and Colonoscopy to the lower part of the Small Intestine looking for Celiac Blunting and Tics, and Polyp Removal each time, in 2000 and 2010, are all negative for an autoimmune disorder or Celiac Blunting, and showed Tics and Polyps in the Colon that cause intermittent Lower Digestive Tract bleeding and Cancer, and the upper Esophagogastroduodenoscopy only reaches the Esophagus and Stomach and the upper portion of the Small Intestine called the Duodenum, and what does a Esophagogastroduodenoscopy show as far as Celiac Blunting while Beta-glucan and Gluten Free? Negative for Celiac Disease. Why? Within three months of going Gluten Free, the digestive tract heals so that the disorder is undetectable, and the quality of the Celiac’s Life and Health improve, until they begin eating Gluten again. I only get high Protein and ANA Levels, and or Celiac Antibodies, and or high Serum Iron and Fe Saturation and Ferritin, and or Low Sodium, and or Hypoglycemia, when I eat the wrong things. 

The Medical Community only accepts their prefigured Gluten Free Diets as the only treatment for Celiac Disease. The Food and Drug Manufactures and many in the Medical Community cannot comprehend that Celiacs and Celiac Family Members have adverse reactions to a lot more things than just Gluten in Wheat, Rye and Barley, and they give us exactly what most Celiacs have adverse reactions to in their prefigured Gluten Free Celiac Diets. Those Hospital Celiac Diets totally disable me from the abnormal immune system responses, every time. Many Celiacs that I found on have the exact same adverse reactions to the exact same things that I do, so I don’t understand why the Food and Drug Manufactures and the Medical Community cannot comprehend that, and stop giving us exactly what many of us have adverse reactions to, in Foods and or Inert Ingredients of Medications.

I checked for the Inert Ingredients before they gave me the pain Medications for the Esophagogastroduodenoscopy on the 10th of April 2013, and I was able to discus with the Gastroenterologist, my Bilirubin Metabolism problem, that results in my Duodenum absorbing too much Iron and Cholesterol, causing my Duodenum to hurt while raising my Iron and Cholesterol Levels, and resulting in Gut Bleeding at times, and he said that I got that right. I was not able to discus with him the Pharmacology principles that I use to select Foods and Medications for blocking Iron and Cholesterol absorption in the Duodenum. But I asked him if he could check to see why when my Guts Bloated, it blocks off my Bile Duct and causes White and or Yellow Stool at times, and asked him why the Bile Duct seems to get infected from that at times. He told me that the procedure did not allow them to look directly into the Bile Duct, but he could examine that area of the Duodenum.

My Intestines were Red Colored as described by the Gastroenterologist, at the time of the Esophagogastroduodenoscopy on the 10th of April 2013, showing that something was irritating them, resulting in my throwing up after drinking water, and having diarrhea, at the time. But the test does not show what caused them to be irritated. I was just treated for a Gut Infection that may have been caused by contaminated water from a busted underground water pipe, and the Gastroenterologist told me that that Infection may have been the cause, but I know that it could also be partly from or the cause of Multiple Sugar Intolerance right now. Neither the Gut damage nor the Gut infections would show up on CT Scans or Xrays, and the Doctors repeatedly in the past have just pushed on my Guts, and refused to treat the infections, and called a Psychiatrist and caused me serious Medical and Mental Harm.

At the time of the Esophagogastroduodenoscopy and shortly thereafter, I could not think through what was happening, and I did not even realize that they did the Esophagogastroduodenoscopy, because of the pain medications that they gave me, and I woke up in the recovery room to talk to the Doctor. My sister took me to Anoka where I caught a Bus to Minneapolis, and transferred to the lite rail, to my apartment. I slept all day after the pain medications for the Esophagogastroduodenoscopy, and actually woke up today the 11th, feeling a lot more rested from sleep than I was getting before then, with a lot less pain in my Guts and Sinuses and Thyroid. 

In fact on the 10th, they had the Princeton ER Doctor examine me before the Esophagogastroduodenoscopy to make sure that I was stable enough for the procedure, because I was having trouble with balance and a hypoglycemic event around 7 am, and intermittent low temperature and hypertension episode the day before and through the night, and was throwing up after drinking water and had diarrhea, and my Temperature was 96, and within a few hours  was 97.7, and my Hemoglobin and Serum Glucose that was high when taken by the VA on the 3rd, were normal on the 10th, my Hemoglobin dropped from 18.6 to 17.7, and my serum Glucose dropped from 145 to 94, and my Creatinine dropped from 0.7 to low, 0.64, my Sodium went from 138 to 144, and on the 10th, I had a slightly elevated White Blood Cell count, up from 8.3 to 11.8, which is abnormal for me, and I was having Eustachian Tube Dysfunction knocking my balance off, and because my heart was normal, and those other things are not life threatening, the ER Doctor had them do the Esophagogastroduodenoscopy. I like that ER Doctor, David Antohny Walezko, DO, I saw him before, and he said that he was amazed at how sensitive that I am to Cornstarch and Beta-glucans, and he found it interesting the way my Blood Pressure effects the Eustachian Tube Dysfunction, and told me that I was good at treating my conditions, and he said that he thought my loss of Balance and walking like I was drunk, was caused by the Eustachian Tube Dysfunction also, and he ran an EKG and some blood test to make sure, and they gave me some Medication for the dizziness.

But the slightly elevated White Blood Cell count may be caused by either the Eustachian Tube Dysfunction, because when the Tubes open up, they are open to Bacteria and Fungi that are always present, and they try to take advantage of the open Tube triggering an immune system response that makes the Eustachian Tube Dysfunction worse, or it could be caused by the Red Colored Intestines, which are inflamed enough that gut Bacteria and Fungi that are always present, are trying to infect it again, or either of those areas could have a Bacteria that the Bicillin which is Penicillin, did not take out.

At the same time, like after every episode like this, I am multiple Sugar intolerant, and more so right now. That may be because the Red Colored Intestines are inflamed enough that they either cannot produce as much, or cannot hold on to as much, of the enzymes needed to process different types of Sugars. The absent or inefficient amounts of these enzymes in the intestines cause Sugar Intolerances. Sucrase produced by the Villi and Micro-villi of the small Intestine for processing Sucrose. Lactase produced by the Villi and Micro-villi of the small Intestine for processing Lactose. Maltase produced by the Intestines and other Glands for processing Maltose. And the Liver enzymes Fructokinase and Aldolase B, which are sent to the Intestines and Renal Cortex for processing Fructose. For some reason I am only able to process some Lactose and Glucose at the time, and small amounts of the other Sugars cause me Gut cramps and pain, which may be part of what inflamed my Guts. I can never get Doctors to run tests for those things when it happens, like I could not get them to test for the digestive tract bleeding that they caused, when they caused it.

The VA Doctors said on the 3rd, said that my cramps may be caused by Vitamin E and Potassium deficiency in my Muscles, and said that my extremely low Vitamin D and low Phosphate Level may be due to Celiac Malabsorption. But I have no Celiac Blunting like what causes Celiac Malabsorption. My Hypertension is being caused by the Kidneys, and the high Lactic Acid and low Potassium Level on the 13th of January VA ER Test, was causing Metabolic Acidosis, from a neurologically caused Dysuria and near paralysis from the waist down, that makes my Kidneys unable to regulate Bicarbonate for a while, and I have to lower the Urine and Blood pH with Sodium Bicarbonate. They did not run the Phosphate and Vitamin D Tests till after that, but though normally I have Polyuria, the Dysuria was causing frequent small amounts of extremely Acidic Urine, but not enough to lower the Blood pH, resulting in Renal Tubular Acidosis that causes the Kidneys to be unable to hold on to the Mineral Phosphate, and with my Guts irritated like that, it makes it so that I cannot absorb as much Phosphate and Potassium and Calcium and Vitamin D or E from my high Phosphate high Potassium and Calcium Diet.

I have no Gallbladder, they took it out in early 2009. But the Bile Duct Blockage and multiple Sugar Intolerance was happening before and got worse after the Gallbladder removal. The Bile Ducts run from the Liver towards the Duodenum where it is connected with a Bile Duct from the Pancreas before going into the Duodenum.  The Gut Bloating that causes the Bile Duct Blockage turning my Stool White or Yellow at times, also makes me more Sugar Intolerant at those times, because Insulin comes from the Pancreas through those Bile Ducts into the intestines, and my Serum Glucose skyrockets whenever my Guts Bloat like that, like when it shot to 145 on the 3rd of April 2013, and like it did in October 2009 when it shot to 162, when the Doctors caused it. These Doctors are totally incapable of realizing that the Bile Duct Blockage is not in the Liver itself, but where the Bile Duct comes from the Liver and the Pancreas into the Duodenum, and these Doctors always falsely blame it on Hepatitis C and refuse to treat the Gut Infections that cause the Gut Bloating that is causing it, causing me more Medical Harm.

They never write accurately in my Medical Records, that at those times that my Serum Glucose elevated, my Guts were Bloated, and the Doctors often just pushed on my Guts, like they did in 2009, and like Dr Muhammad recently did, and saw the pain, and just called a Psychiatrist, and they have the Psychiatrists cause me more Medical Harm with forced Foods and Drugs that I have nothing but adverse reactions to.

Some of the Hospitals had no way of checking with a Pharmacist to see what Inert Ingredients were in the Medications, and none of them had a way of checking with the Kitchen staff to see what additives were in the Foods, and those that did, would not check, which makes it real dangerous for people with allergies or Celiac Disease or Food Intolerances. When the Psychiatrists at Fairview Riverside Hospital in 2009 caused rashes and raised my Antinuclear Antibody Level, they came in and said, "We found some of those things that you were talking about in the Inert Ingredients of the Medication that we gave you, so we are switching Medications." Then they gave me another Medication with the same inert ingredients, and after the adverse reactions, they sent me to Annandale Behavioral Health Hospital that had no way of checking with the Pharmacy or the Kitchen what was in the Medications and Foods, and until early 2010 they caused one rash after another with many of the same and worse Inert Ingredients, and the VA did the same thing in the followup, until it caused upper and lower digestive tract bleeding, that I had to get an Ambulance Crew to eyewitness the black stool with maroon colored blood clots months after it started, because the Doctors and Social Workers that they gave me, refused to believe me about the Gut Bleeding, and refused to look for it, because they wanted more of those harmful Drugs and Foods forced upon me, because they are totally Psychotic because of their intellectual deficiency caused by their Egomania and Tyrannical Rule, wherewith they Oppress us till we are either dead from the adverse reactions, or are in an absolute state of despotism.

All that time from 2006 onward, the Minnesota Doctors were blocking me from getting an Allergist to find why those things in Foods and Medications caused me rashes, and I finally got an Allergist in 2010 that said I needed a Metabolic Doctor. Well, I finally got an appointment for one.

To communicate accurately what the problem is


Tasma Harindhanavudhi, MD

Joseph R Loegering

4/8/2013 11:54 PM CDT

Hi Doc

To communicate accurately what the problem is, I am writing this with a computer and spell checker, because though I fully comprehend each word, and I have eidetic memory, I am dysedetic dysgraphic dysphonetic dyslexic, and I cannot spell or pronounce most of these words correctly.

The VA Allergist reviewed my Blood and Urine history, and said that with my history of high Serum Iron and Fe Saturation and Ferritin and low Platelet Levels, and abdominal pain and face rashes and cramps and headaches and syncope and dyslexia and seizures caused by some foods and medications, that cause high ANA, and sometimes hypoglycemia and or hyponatremia, which I control by a special Diet, he gave it a 49% chance that it was an Allergy, and 51% chance that it was a Metabolic Disorder. He ran his tests, and said because I produce no IgE Antibodies, it is not an Allergy, but a Metabolic Disorder like Celiac, where I just cannot Absorb, Distribute, Metabolize, and Eliminate some things, and he had me make a list of everything that I have adverse reactions to, for a Metabolic Doctor. I went to the Allergist because other Doctors and Medical Staff would not believe me about the adverse reactions to so many different things, or get me my Diet or Meds that I use to control my Blood and Urine Levels, saying that they did not get it from a Doctor, and falsely called me delusional about the adverse reactions, forcing them upon me, causing rashes and cramps and headaches and seizures and bloody noses and Vertigo from Eustachian Tube Dysfunction, and caused my Iron and Cholesterol and Glucose and AST and ALT and ANA Levels to skyrocket, and or caused my Sodium and or Glucose Levels to crash, and caused upper and lower digestive tract bleeding. From the Blood and Urine Tests that resulted from their Treatment, the Allergist said that a Metabolic Doctor needs to run tests and find what hormones or enzymes are causing it, and write those things that cause the adverse reactions, in my Medical Records, to stop Doctors from giving me the wrong things, and he said if they do, that they had better be ready to get me the right things, and after trying to get me a Metabolic Doctor, he called back and said that I need to sue the VA because the other Doctors were blocking me from getting a Metabolic Doctor.

My lower than normal temps, and little or no temp and no white blood cell elevation while infected, and severe shaking and nervousness adverse reactions to D-Phenylalanine and or D-L-Phenylalanine mixes, and when infected, the same reaction to too much L-Phenylalanine at a time in meals or snacks, 400 mg or less per day, and when infected small amounts of Iodine in Foods stacked up causing hypoglycemia and or hyponatremia and diverse edema and hypertension, and when not infected too much Iodine in Food or Meds and or too much Povidone in Meds causing critical hyponatremia and my Serum Glucose to skyrocket, may be caused by Adrenal Gland and Neuron malfunction, where I cannot properly produce adrenaline out of Phenylalanine, and the malfunction seems to be adversely effected by the painful Thyroid output caused by Iodine, and seems to cause my kidneys to malfunction in fluid and sodium and glucose regulation, and the swollen left Adrenal Gland may be Amyloidosis which runs in my Family, associated with variant Lysozyme, and I have adverse reactions to Lysozyme in Eggs and vaccines like some in my Family do.

Celiac Disease runs in my Family, and I produce no Celiac Antibodies as long as I eat no Gluten Grains, Wheat, Rye, and Barley, and I produce no Antinuclear Antibodies and my Platelet Levels stay normal and I get no Face Rashes, as long as I eat no Cornstarch, no Cellulose Food or Drug Additives, no Beta-glucans Yeast, Mushrooms, Oats, Wheat, Rye, Barley, or Seaweed, Microcrystalline Cellulose, Croscarmellose Sodium, or other Cellulose extracts or derivatives, FD&Cs Red or Yellow, and those Levels stay normal as long as I have no Infection with Polysaccharide Encapsulated Bacteria, and or certain Fungi in my Sinus and or Lung Mucus. Those things cause damage to the Mucosa throughout my Body, causing Cysts and Polyps in my digestive tract and my sinuses often causing Vertigo from Eustachian tube dysfunction, and cause my Dyslexia to get worse, and trigger abnormal brains waves where I was hit with a Rock, causing Partial Complex Seizures, this is because the variant Lysozyme in my White Blood Cells and Mucosa breaks down Starch and Beta-glucans wrong.

Fructose and Sugar Alcohols and Corn Syrup and Tomatoes cause severe Gut Pain and Gut Bleeding, and Kidney Pain and hypertension, and a hyperglycemic spike, followed by a hypoglycemic crash, followed by Blood and or Glucose and or Protein in my Urine, so I have mostly no fruit in my diet since I was a child, I can only handle Red Rhubarb, some Bananas, and sometimes an Orange, and I cannot tolerate Fructan or Inulin Fiber Foods.

See you May 6 at 2:30


Lord Joseph

The Doctors and Social Workers and Courts that run Tests while people are not taking those things, and find the tests negative, and falsely call them delusional about the adverse reactions, and force on them exactly what they said that they have adverse reactions to, causing the adverse reactions and destroying their Body and Health while causing them the loss of Liberty, and stripping them of their Rights to Keep and Bare Arms, and blocking their Freedom of the Press and Religious Freedom while locked up, without Just Cause, and will not run the right tests when they cause it, need to be barred from practicing Law and or Medicine, to protect the Public.

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