Sunday, April 7, 2013

The VA Doctors said that my Hypovitaminosis D is much lower than normal Winter Lows

The VA Doctors said that my Hypovitaminosis D is much lower than normal Winter Lows, and blame my Low Phosphate Levels on Celiac Malabsorption, but in reality it is caused by the Gut and Kidney Malabsorption caused by the Doctors forcing things on me that cause upper and lower digestive tract bleeding, that I had to come up with my own ways of stopping by diet. I cannot take their Vitamin D2 supplements made from the Beta-glucans Yeast and Mushrooms with Cellulose and or Cornstarch in the Inert Ingredients, because they cause Gut Damage, and cause Face Rashes, and raise my Antinuclear Antibody Level, no matter what Food or Vitamin or Medication that they are in. I cannot drink as much Vitamin D Milk as I use to, because the Phosphates in it cause secondary Renal Hypertension, because of the damage done to my Kidneys by forced Medications that had Phosphates that caused the Phosphates in my Diet to hit their toxicity threshold, and caused Phosphate Nephropathy, because before forcing the Drugs and Foods upon me, the Doctors ran Kidney Function Tests and found them normal, and falsely called me delusional about the adverse reactions to Phosphate Food and Drug Additives that make me look Lactose Intolerant and causes secondary Renal Hypertension, because they make the Phosphates in those Dairy Foods hit their toxicity threshold. 

The Doctors have repeatedly falsely called me delusional about adverse reactions to things, and forced upon me exactly what I told them that I have adverse reactions to, and they caused me Medical and Mental Harm because they are insane egomaniacs. 

Since childhood, 24 hour Urine Creatinine Tests show Polyuria and normal Creatinine clearance, and when I get Infections and or have adverse reactions to Cornstarch and or Beta-glucans, and or to Fructose or Sugar Alcohols or Corn Syrup or Tomatoes, and or to Phosphate Food or Drug Additives, and or to Potassium Salts, and or to Iodine, and or to Lysozyme in Eggs or Vaccines, and or to Heme Iron Meat, and or to Non Heme Iron Iron Absorption Enhancing Foods, and or to D-Phenylalanine or D-L-Phenylalanine mixes or too much L-Phenylalanine, that often ends up causing Dysuria and Paralysis from the waist down, and my Kidneys are unable to properly reabsorb Bicarbonate, making them unable to get rid of the normal amounts of acid from my Blood, and cannot hold onto the Mineral Phosphate, dropping my Phosphate and Vitamin D Levels way too low, as the Dysuria results in extremely Acidic small amounts of Urine, and Metabolic Acidosis, as the process causes renal tubular acidosis, and resulting in Adrenal and Hypothalamus and Thyroid and Bilirubin Metabolism dysfunction, causing lower than normal temperatures at times, and causing Hypoglycemia and Hyperglycemia at times, and causing Serum Glucose and Sodium and Potassium and Phosphate and Calcium Fluctuation to abnormal Levels, and causing high ANA Levels at times, and causing severe Gut Bloating and upper and lower digestive tract bleeding and Hypertension and Hypotension at times, and causing severe neurological muscle knot and cramp manifestations that resemble Acute Intermittent Porphyria with Partial Complex Seizures and Transient Ischemic Attacks at times. 

Since childhood, this has caused Low Phosphate and High Calcium Levels at times, and High Phosphate and Low Calcium Levels at other times, and extremely Low Phosphate and Low Calcium Levels at other times, and extremely high Serum Iron and Fe Saturation and Ferritin and Cholesterol Levels at times, and Low Platelets at times, and one Infection after another in diverse places with no elevation in White Blood Cells and little or no temperature.

Since July 2012 when I first ended up in the VA ER with Urine and Gastrointestinal Problems progressively worsening since then, the Doctors who would not run Lactic Acid and Uric Acid and Creatinine and Phosphate and Calcium and Sodium and Potassium and Copper and Iron and Liver Function and Protein and Protein Type Blood Tests, and 24 Hour Uric Acid and Creatinine and Phosphate and Calcium and Sodium and Potassium and Copper and Iron and Protein and Protein Type Urine Tests, to properly diagnose the Acidic Urine and Metabolic Acidosis and impaired biliary clearance that was causing bright Orange Urine and White and or Yellow Stools and or Mucus Encased Stool at times, and would not find what was causing Hypoglycemia and Hyperglycemia and Electrolyte and Fluid Imbalances at times, and would not run Gastrointestinal Tract Tests to properly diagnose the cause of the severe Abdominal Bloating and Cramps at times, and would not run Tests to find what was causing the loss of hearing in my left ear and was causing Eustachian Tube Dysfunction in both ears at times, in a timely manner as it was happening, and would not run Adrenal Gland and Hypothalamus, and Thyroid, and Bilirubin Metabolism, function Tests, caused me serious Medical Harm that may not be repairable, I currently cannot even drink water without getting sick to my stomach, and my Body cannot hold on to Phosphates or Vitamin D, and my Temperature and Blood Sugar and Blood Pressure will not stay in normal ranges. 

So I am taking two teaspoons of Cod Liver Oil with Vitamin D3, and a pint of Vitamin D Milk, and a 65 Gram Tangerine that has 12 mg of Phosphates, and Vitamin C, and 25g of raw Sunflower Seeds that the Phosphorus content equals 289 mg, twice a day, at least two hours before eating any Foods with Iron in them that will now be taken with 1,5 Grams of Activated Charcoal, to try to prevent Iron and Cholesterol Absorption. The Vitamin C causes a Phosphate absorption increase, but also causes Iron and Cholesterol absorption to increase, because they accelerate Bile Production causing Gut pains and Gut Bleeding, and the Doctors will not run my Iron and Cholesterol and Electrolytes and CBC often enough for me to adjust my Diet, because they are insane egomaniacs. But risking Gut Bleeding and elevated Iron and Cholesterol Levels that cause me serious Medical Harm, is the only option that the Doctors left me by their Medical Misdiagnosis and Maltreatment and Negligence. 

Cod Liver Oil has a very high Vitamin A Content, and so do Yams. I know already that Vitamin A can hit a toxicity threshold and cause all kinds of problems, because the Hospitals could only get me Yams that are not Iron Absorption Inhibitors, every time that I had asked for Sweet Potatoes which are Iron Absorption Inhibitors. So in order to take Cod Liver Oil for Hypovitaminosis D without causing the Vitamin A in my Diet to hit its toxicity threshold again, I am cutting Yams out of my Diet, but try explaining that to this intellectually deficient egomaniac Medical Community that don't know the difference between Yams and Sweet Potatoes.

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