Sunday, May 5, 2013

Do you know whose hands that your Government Issued Weapons are in today?

Did you know that they made it nearly impossible to sue the VA, and made it so that you cannot sue a VA Doctor for Medical Malpractice as Foreign Doctors take over our Medical Community and our Government? A big hole in National Security, and a real big hole for personal Security of outed CID Informants. Umm, Doctors and Medical Staff and other People selling Government Issued Items on the Black-Market to make themselves Money off the Tax Payers, do not like registered CID Informants.

Having been diagnosed with an Overactive Immune System separately by three different Orthopedics Doctors, with a normal to low temperature, and a normal to low white blood cell level, and normal to low platelet levels, and a deficiency of Immunoglobulin A and G and M while infected, the untreated Malassezia and Candida yeast infections and frequent Bacterial infections left untreated for prolonged periods, and or that were treated with Antibiotics that have Inert Ingredients that raise my Antinuclear Antibody Level that was diagnosed as an Overactive Immune System each time that the Inert Ingredients caused it, resulted in all the symptoms of an Autoimmune Polyendocrine Deficiency Syndrome on top of a Primary Immodeficiency Disorder, on top of Hemochromatosis and Hepatitis C, and Heavy Metal Poising on top of that, which is now dropping my Iron Levels too Low. 

But while for years blocking me from getting an Allergist to investigate the Rashes that their forced Drugs caused, at first, then for years blocking me from getting a Metabolic Doctor, they wrote in my VA Metical Records on purpose that I am delusional about multiple Medical Disorders and the history of high Antinuclear Antibodies and Partial Complex Seizures and Migraines that are triggered by the Inert Ingredients in all of their drugs, and they had the Allina and Fairview Doctors follow their deliberate Misdiagnosis, and invent their own Misdiagnosis, to cause me more Medical and Mental Harm.

They know that Abnormal Thyroids and Fungal Infections are common among Celiacs and Celiac Family Members, and when I took that Fungal Culture shown in my Photo Albums on my Facebook account, they deliberately ran the wrong Fungal Tests so that they would be negative, and any positive Tests that indicate Infections are declared false positives, so that like the Bacterial Infection in 2009 that they falsely called me delusional about so that they could force upon me Foods and Drugs that cause me harm, they falsely called me delusional about the Fungal Infections to force upon me more Foods and Drugs that cause me medical and mental harm. The autoimmune disorder and untreated Fungal Infections put calcifications in my Spleen, Blood Vessels, and extremities, besides changing the Adrenal Hyperplasia that shows up on every CT Scan, and changing the size of my Thyroid causing throat pain that they call me delusional about. Systemic Amyloidosis and Acromegaly and Brain Tumors or Cysts are common in my Family, and they will not run EEGs or a head CT Scan to investigate the progressive Sinus Cysts and Polyps and Seizures caused by adverse reactions to the forced medications, falsely claiming that the Psychiatric Drugs deliberately forced upon me in Violation of Jackson Michigan Court Orders, cannot cause that, so they just force upon me Anticonvulsants that that Judge also ordered not to be given to me because I have adverse reactions to them, but they force them upon me for the side effects of the forced Psychiatric Drugs that they falsely claim cannot cause Seizures, and even claimed in Court that I have an untreated Seizure Disorder, so that they could force more Psychiatric Drugs upon me that cause me harm triggering Seizures, a Seizure Disorder that they now falsely claim that I do not have, so that they can force upon me more Drugs that cause the Seizures, which the lower than normal temperatures and headaches may be caused by a damaged Pituitary Gland and or Hypothalamus along with Adrenal Insufficiency. They had the VA Neurologist refuse to do an EEG while they were causing the Seizures, and had him read the wrong EEGs, and falsely claimed that the abnormal brain waves were on the left side, and were not that bad, not on the right side where my past EEGs show them, and a past Stroke that happened in 1982 when I got PTSD from being hit in the head with a Rock in the US Army, which caused both loss of hearing and caused me to become blind in my right eye, which they deliberately falsely call me delusional about to deny me service connected disability. 

My sister that has Adrenal Insufficiency and Hypothyroidism from Acromegaly is taking me to an Endocrinologist tomorrow in Maple Grove. May 6th, I asked the Endocrinologist to find out if it is Primary or Secondary Adrenal Insufficiency or both. I had to threaten the Doctors with lawsuits and use the Hypoglycemic events on my Glucometer and the lower than normal Temperature that I finally got recorded on a Doctor Office Visit, to get the Appointment, because like the VA Doctors, while they were condemning Home Testing because it blows their Medical Scams, they were falsely claiming that there was nothing in my Medical Records that indicated that I needed a Metabolic Doctor, so that they could keep setting me up and forcing more harmful Foods and Drugs upon me to get more money from the Tax Payers. 

See “The Computer Hackers that set People up without Just Cause, CNN and their Associates” 

See "The CIA has operatives in Iran! " 

See “The CIA and CNN working with Israeli Operatives set up Robert Novak, and deliberately triggered the Valerie Plame Wilson hullabaloo” 

See “About the International Terrorist Organization called CNN”

In service of Yahweh and Country

Yours truly

The outed CID Informant

Lord Joseph

Heir by birthright of the house of Israel.

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