Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The Medical Fraud and Murder and attempted Murder by Toxic Poisoning

Deliberately causing Bronze Diabetes and Diabetes and other Disorders so that they can make money off the Insurance Companies and Tax Payers.

For each Person that Died from Prescription Drugs and or that committed Suicide and or Murder Suicide from the Prescription Drugs, and for each person that developed Diabetes and or was Disabled from the Prescription Drugs, the Doctors and Medical Staff and Social Workers and Prosecuting Attorney and Judges need to be charged with Murder and or Attempted Murder and or Manslaughter, and Medical Malpractice and Maltreatment and Negligence, and Reckless Endangerment and Abuse of Power.

Vitamin B12 Injections  recorded in my Fairview Medical Records ever since 2009 that I never got, was done  to cause and falsely call me Delusional about the Symptoms of Methemoglobinemia and Hemochromatosis, while falsely making it look like they were Treating me for the Symptoms. Vitamin B12 Injections and other Vitamins and Mineral Replacement are used for treating  persistent Symptoms of Hemochromatosis that occur even after the Iron Levels are made normal, which while the VA Doctors were falsely blaming the Vitamin and Mineral Malabsorption on Celiac Malabsorption to hide that leaving my Methemoglobinemia and Hemochromatosis episodes untreated caused the Malabsorption, and  by giving me Vitamin D made from Fungi on the Allergy Alert Tag that I cannot tolerate, and containing Inert Ingredients on the Allergy Alert Tag,  to leave the Methemoglobinemia and Hemochromatosis Malabsorption untreated. The Fairview Doctors who wrote in my Medical Records that they were giving me Vitamin B 12, denied that I have Hemochromatosis, calling me delusional about that Medical Condition recorded in VA and  other Medical Records, while forcing upon me Foods and Medications that raise my Serum Iron and Fe Saturation and Ferritin and AST and ALT and Antinuclear Antibody Levels, and cause Dyslipidemia and cause my Serum Glucose Levels to Fluctuate, and knock out my Sodium and Potassium and Phosphate and Calcium and Copper and CO2 Levels, and cause Metabolic Acidosis and lower than normal Temperatures and fluctuating Hypotension and Hypertension and Rashes and Cramps and Muscle Knots and Cysts and Polyps and Partial Complex Seizures, and Dysuria and Paralysis from the waist down, and Edemas and loss of balance and or Vertigo from Eustachian Tube Dysfunction, and or that cause Phosphate Nephropathy, which they claim that I have no Abnormal Medical Condition that would cause those things, while the Endocrine Doctor ignoring the Hemochromatosis that I showed her in my Medical Records, claims those abnormal Readings are not caused by an Abnormal Medical Condition also, but are caused by Infections which both the Fairview and VA Doctors have been repeatedly denying my having when infected, and are deliberately left untreated for prolonged periods to throw those things off, and then they falsely call me delusional about them, and she also said that they can be caused by Medications which the Fairview and VA Doctors deny that their forced Medications caused those things in Court, so that they could keep making money off the Insurance Companies and Tax Payers forcing those things upon me and causing me more Medical and Mental  and Financial Harm by those Medications that are  Toxic to my System. 

What is interesting, when Infected or having adverse reactions to some Drugs, I get the light to dark gray to blue and or purple colored skin appearing first on my arms and hands and knees and feet, which turns to a bronze color and or dry flaky pealing skin in places, from acute episodes of Methemoglobinemia where my Hematocrit and Hemoglobin elevates high or too high, that often causes Metabolic Acidosis from low to too low of Bicarbonate Level as it drops my CO2 Level low or too low, like on my January 13th VA ER Medical Records, often causing Syncope, which often turns into an acute episode of Hemochromatosis. And even in the early stage causes severe Blood Sugar fluctuations from the first elevated Serum Glucose that gets lowered by increased Insulin Levels, causing severe Blood Sugar fluctuations that get more severe in the later stage, like the VA ER April 3rd Serum Glucose level of 145 and the March 28th Fairview level of 89 shows, until I can get the Antibiotics and Food that I need to get it back under control. And like the 117 Blood Glucose Level and the Metabolic Acidosis and low Potassium episode recorded on my January 13th VA ER Medical Records that the VA deliberately left untreated, the damage that the Acidosis does to my Kidneys drops my Phosphate and Sodium and other electrolyte Levels too low like the following VA Tests show while leaving all the conditions untreated. That same thing happens with both People that have Hemochromatosis and Celiac Disease, and treating them for the wrong Disease like the VA and Fairview Doctors do, causes it to get worse. They cannot comprehend that like some of the Celiacs in my Family, I get high ANA Levels from Beta-glucans, but I do not Test Positive for Celiac Disease, I Tested Positive for both Methemoglobinemia and Hemochromatosis before, and for Thrombocytopenia, which both Methemoglobinemia and Hemochromatosis  and Celiac Disorders also cause.

I literally stopped complaining about Excessive Thirst and Salt Cravings and Polyuria and Protein and Ketone in my Urine, and the Joint Pain and Fatigue and Lack of Energy which is recorded in my 1980s Ann Arbor VA Medical Records, and is caused by Methemoglobinemia and Hemochromatosis, because ever since 1985 these Doctors deliberately misdiagnose those episodes as a Depression episode of Manic Depression, to justify themselves for making money off the Insurance Companies and Tax Payers forcing Drugs upon me that a Court in 1990 ordered not to be given to me again. When their Drugs caused the Pain, they would just send me to a Rheumatologist each time, who diagnosed the high ANA Levels as an Overactive Immune System, and in the 1980s they diagnosed the swollen Prostate and Lymphadenopathy caused by the Drugs, as Chronic Prostatitis and Lymphadenopathy caused by reoccurring Infections, and gave me Aspirin and Motrin and Tylenol and Medicines for Chronic Prostatitis and Antibiotics for the reoccurring Infections  and Psychiatric Dugs and Anticonvulsants for the side effects of the Drugs, that all have Inert Ingredients that raise my ANA Levels and cause Prostatitis and Lymphadenopathy and Dyslipidemia and make the Joint Pain and Fatigue and Lack of Energy worse, and cause Rashes and Headaches and Partial Complex Seizures. It turns out that all of those Psychiatric and Anticonvulsant  Drugs and Antibiotics have the same Inert Ingredients that cause Prostatitis and Lymphadenopathy and Joint Pain and Fatigue and Lack of Energy and raise my Antinuclear Antibody and AST and ALT Levels, and cause fluctuating Serum Glucose Levels and Dyslipidemia and Migraines and Partial Complex Seizures and fluctuating Hypotension and Hypertension and Edemas and loss of balance and Vertigo from Eustachian Tube Dysfunction,  and to force them upon me, these Doctors in Minnesota took me to Court claiming that I was trying to micromanage Doctors concerning Inert Ingredients that are on the Allergy Alert Tag, and they always claim that they are giving me Proper Medical Treatment that I never get. The past Polyps that they removed from my Colon are the Type that cause Cancer, which is caused by Hemochromatosis which I Tested Positive for, and by Celiac Disease which I do not Test Positive for.

In the American Medical Community like many Websites, they use controversies and what seems to be a deliberate twist of the words between, “Hemochromatosis” and “Iron Overload,” and about “Normal Blood Sugar Levels,” to falsely call me and others delusional about the Disorder, as many as 1 in every 200 People that have Hereditary Hemochromatosis, besides those that develop secondary Hemochromatosis and Diabetes from Food Iron Fortification and Iron Vitamins and adverse Reactions to Drugs and their Inert Ingredients,  so that they can make money off the Tax Payers and Insurance Companies causing me and others Medical and Mental and Financial Harm.  Hereditary Hemochromatosis causes extra Iron to be absorbed from Food in the Intestine, raising the Serum Iron and Fe Saturation and Ferritin Levels, which if undiagnosed and or left untreated, causes damage to multiple Organs from Iron Building up in the Tissues, which when Iron is high in any Organ, then that is called Iron Overload, and the damage done to the Pancreas gradually causes wider Blood Sugar Level fluctuations till it causes Bronze Diabetes, and even without Hepatitis C or measurable high Iron in the Liver, the high Iron Levels cause acute episodes of Hepatitis just like Celiac Disease also causes. Knowing that I have Hepatitis C which is adversely effected by Hemochromatosis, the VA deliberately left my high Iron Levels untreated and did not even tell me about them, and just said my problem was Hepatitis C, I discovered the Hemochromatosis in my VA Records  when I got a Copy of my Medical Records from Release of Information and began comparing it with my Past Medical Records when I could get them from other Hospitals, I still cannot get most of my past Medical Records. But since they have run no Tests for any Iron Overload in any Organ but the Liver, they do not know how much damage the past high Iron Levels have done to my Organs and Tissues, and the damage the past high Iron Levels have done to my Pancreas and Bile Ducts may be the cause of my Spontaneous Gut Infections or Peritonitis and Gastritis and Gastroenteritis and Ascending Cholangitis and Sugar Intolerance episodes that I have had ever since I was a Child, and they falsely call me delusional about the Bile Duct Blockages and Hemochromatosis, and then even seeing all the Symptoms of Diabetes and Fructose and Sugar Alcohol Intolerance that I get at times, they even call me delusional about the fluctuating Blood Sugar Levels that are getting more frequent and worse. The past History of high Serum Iron and Fe Saturation and Ferritin shows that I have the Iron Malabsorption called Hemochromatosis, and since the Treatment lowers those Levels without curing the Iron Malabsorption of the Intestines, normal or low Iron Levels do not mean that you no longer have Hereditary Hemochromatosis, according to the Medical Journals. They have never treated my Hemochromatosis with any Medications or Vitamins or Diet or Blood Letting called Phlebotomy, I treat myself to prevent further damage from high Iron Levels causing Iron Overload, and to stop the fluctuating Blood Sugar Levels. A weakened immune system causing frequent reoccurring Bacterial and Fungal Infections like I get,  is associated with Hemochromatosis, but though they may be caused by damage that high Iron Levels do to Organs and Body Tissues that cause Arthritis associated with Hemochromatosis, high Antinuclear Antibodies are not associated with Hemochromatosis itself, the Endocrinologist said that was a Rheumatoid Problem, and could not explain how their Medications Raise that Level and Cause Rashes and Cramps, and she said that the Cramps were not caused by my Adrenal Glands, and like all the Doctors could not explain what causes the Cramps. But I could not understand her using controversial guides for what is normal and abnormal Blood Sugar Levels . Mine when on my Diet stays between 72 and 150 mdl averaging 82 mdl, unless I get an Infection or eat the wrong things or take harmful Medications, but she claimed 60 mdl was a normal Blood Sugar Reading, and said that I did not need to Test my Blood Sugar, when the fact is, I begin shaking before it hits 70 mdl, and that only gets worse the lower that it goes, and I pass out around 50 mdl, and the Diabetes
Association for People with Diabetes considers the normal Preprandial Glucose range 70 to 130 mdl, and Postprandial Gkucose range < 180 mdl, and most People with Hemochromatosis eventually develop Bronze Diabetes, which means I should keep track of my Blood Sugar to keep my Diet adjusted, and their calling the Postprandial readings  of 60 mdl and 389 mdl Normal for people that they say do not have Diabetes, is nuts. She would not even comment on my Spleen or the diverse Calcifications there and elsewhere which most likely were caused by deliberately misdiagnosed and untreated Fungal Infections.

Over time, this iron accumulates in the tissues of the body, most notably the pancreas, the liver, and the heart, and when the Iron Levels are elevating like when the Doctors caused it by forced Foods and Drugs, it causes temporary Hypothyroidism adversely effecting many Organ Functions while causing my weight to go from 170s to 220 Lbs and back as far as 159 Lbs, currently May 7 th, 199 Lbs. The extra iron builds up in the Organs and damages them, and they have never run tests to find out how much Iron Build up is there, or how much damage was caused.


Although incidence by this means is rare, hemochromatosis can be acquired from massive doses of iron supplements or from blood transfusions. Far more common is the genetic form of the disease. Genetic hemochromatosis (GH) is also known as hereditary hemochromatosis (HH) and can be detected through screening (Ramrakhiani et al. 1998). 

The following are symptoms of hereditary hemochromatosis (HH): 

Chronic fatigue
Cirrhosis of the liver (with or without history of alcohol use)
Liver cancer (with or without history of alcohol use)
Arthritis or joint pain
Impotence/low libido
Early menopause/irregular menses
Hair loss
Diabetes, in particular "bronze diabetes," which is characterized by blue or gray skin tone
Weight loss
Abdominal pain/swelling
Frequent colds and flu and other signs of weakened immune system
Always feeling "cold" 

Heart irregularities/heart failure/heart attack (particularly in younger men) "

Like several Doctors from the Kansas City VA that started this Medical nightmare in 1999 to 2005, Dr Dale Cody of Fairview in 2009 knew that I was an outed Registered CID Informant also, so I asked him to watch my back while under sedation to take my Gallbladder out, because I know from experience that a lot of People who have Illegal Activities hate and set up anyone that they know worked as a Law Enforcement Informant without any logical reason, even if they never met them before, and instead he and his colleagues invented Political Issues to use against me, and wrote them in my Medical Records along with deliberate Medical Diagnosis and other lies, and fabricated lies about a thorn broken off deep in the tragus of my right ear to use in Court against me, to get me Medically Misdiagnosed and Medically Maltreated and block my Liver Treatment that was working, to cause more Medical Harm, they are just covering their Medical Scams at my expense.

For each Person that Died from Prescription Drugs and or that committed Suicide and or Murder Suicide from the Prescription Drugs, and for each person that developed Diabetes and or was Disabled from the Prescription Drugs, the Doctors and Medical Staff and Social Workers and Prosecuting Attorney and Judges need to be charged with Murder and or Attempted Murder and or Manslaughter, and Medical Malpractice and Maltreatment and Negligence, and Reckless Endangerment and Abuse of Power.

See “Look out USA and Israel!”

See "The Alawite Deeb Family"

See “Do you know whose hands that your Government Issued Weapons are in today?”

See “The Computer Hackers that set People up without Just Cause, CNN and their Associates” 

See "The CIA has operatives in Iran! " 

See “The CIA and CNN working with Israeli Operatives set up Robert Novak, and deliberately triggered the Valerie Plame Wilson hullabaloo” 

See “Doctor Diagnosed Delusional Disorders”

See “About the International Terrorist Organization called CNN”

In service of Yahweh and Country

Yours truly

The outed CID Informant

Lord Joseph

Heir by birthright of the house of Israel.

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