Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Jordan is a peaceful Kingdom.

In front of the Iraq Embassy in Jordan, a protester was injured and was cared for by the Jordanian Guard. The division between Shiite and Sunni, exploited by Governments and Political Parties and Media outlets, is destroying security for the entire world.

It is the responsibility of every Nation to defend Embassies on their soil, from protester, even if they do not agree with the Religion and Politics of that Nation. The King of Jordan does not lack in integrity and courage, to carry out this responsibility.  

See this Video from Jordan's General Intelligence! 

Though many of his People side with the Rebels in both Iraq and Syria, and many are against Lebanon, he has the courage to try to stay out of it.

Many claim that the Jordanian Protestors were beaten by Shiite Iraqis at the Iraq Embassy, because as Sunni, they payed homage to the martyr King Saddam Hussein, in protest of the Shiite having killed him in Iraq. There are some Videos of what some say was the attack, and claim it was at the Royal Cultural Centre, but comparing the Videos, it is not the same man, they were wearing different clothes, and it was the Iraqi Embassy according to Government sources. Those Videos that they falsely claim was the attack, surfaced falsely in the name of the King of Jordan. The King of Jordan may not be able to stop the escalating divide between the Sunni and Shiite in his Kingdom.

See my article "Inaccurate, incomplete, unfair, unbalanced, fomenting Journalism " 

 In service of Yahweh and Country

Yours truly

The outed CID Informant

Lord Joseph

Heir by birthright of the house of Israel.

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