Friday, May 3, 2013

The Computer Hackers that set People up without Just Cause, CNN and their Associates

The Socialist Fascist International Terrorist Organizations that influence and control our Government and Medical Communities, like CNN and Time Warner, have successfully caused Suicides to be more than double that of Murders in 2010 and it has only gotten worse since then from the forced Harmful Drug Treatments done at Tax Payer Expense.

CIA and FBI and CID Informants and or Operatives are often so classified for their protection, that they are only recorded on two records, one in the White House, and one in the Pentagon, I know that, because I am on those secret lists, and I was outed while  in the US Army  and then was kidnapped when I got out by two Foreign Exchange Students from Benin Africa that were armed with US Government Issued M16s and M72 LAWS and Claymore Mines here in the USA in 1982, but you did not see the Government or the Media cover that, because first, that would interfere with their agenda of doing away with the 2nd Amendment and disarming the Public, because it points out that the Public should be armed to protect themselves against US Government Issued Weapons, and second, they often count us as non essential and expendable, like they did to the CIA Operatives in Iran that they outed with us.

While CNN and their Associates were hacking my Computer when I was in Kansas City, and saw that I was using the Computer trying to overcome my Dyslexia, and then they kept rewriting my Religious Writings on my Computer and Posts trying to make me look insane in  2001 to 2005,  while CNN and Time Warner Cable were pretending to be helping me against the hackers to set me up,
when I was on my way to Pakistan to locate Bin Laden, they intentionally falsely called us delusional about Bin Laden being in Pakistan, when  CNN found out that a previous Judge in Jackson Michigan in 1990 had ordered Police and Doctors not to give me Medications because that a Neurologist had testified saying, “All of their Drugs just make him more dysfunctional, and are killing him,” CNN decided to hide that truth from the New York Police and Judges and Doctors,  by falsely calling me delusional about the hackers rewriting my Religious Writings trying to make me look insane, and by getting them to falsely call me delusional about the Metabolic and Immune System Disorder that makes it so that I cannot Metabolize most Foods or Medications, so that CNN and their Operatives  could set me up and have forced upon me the Foods and  Drugs  that they knew were harmful to me,  to try to silence me about their deliberately setting up and outing CIA Operatives in Iran, so that they could use their captures and deaths as Propaganda to try to push a War against Iran and Syria. Each time I was locked up and forced drugged, I eyewitnessed how those Drugs eventually make everyone, including me, want to commit Suicide to try to escape the pain and nightmares that the Drugs cause, and these Oppressive Tyrannical Socialist Fascist International Terrorist Organizations like CNN just falsely claim that a Mental Disorder caused them to commit Suicide or Murder Suicide,  so what I am doing is fighting back by revealing the lies and deception and crimes and immoral deeds that are being promoted and done by these Oppressive Tyrannical  Socialist Fascist International Terrorist Organizations like CNN, that uses their influence to control our Government and Medical Communities to cause us the loss of Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness. 

Notice that  May 3rd 2013 after my posting of CNN's involvement in the Russian Arms in Syria falling into the hands of Terrorists, CNN made a breaking news announcement, that Israeli Jets were targeting Weapons in Syria. This was done before the US Government knew what was going on, as the US Government says that they need more details about what happened before commenting. CNN and their Associates are involved there in Syria and in Israel, and CNN and their Associates set up the CIA Operatives in Iran, and CNN set us up here in the USA to be Medically Misdiagnosed and Maltreated and Neglected, and there is no way for us to get our Medical and Judicial Records straightened out so that we can get our Rights back and get proper Medical Treatment because of the International Terrorist Organization called CNN.

See "The CIA has operatives in Iran! " 

See “The CIA and CNN working with Israeli Operatives set up Robert Novak, and deliberately triggered the Valerie Plame Wilson hullabaloo” 

See “Doctor Diagnosed Delusional Disorders” 

See “About the International Terrorist Organization called CNN” 

In service of Yahweh and Country

Yours truly

The outed CID Informant 

Lord Joseph

Heir by birthright of the house of Israel.

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