The article is here
There is no real criticism pointing out the deliberate deception that they were using in both the Iraq War Issue and the Plame Issue and outing of CIA Operatives, and the Traditional Marriage verse Gay Rights Issue to set up Political and Religious Opponents, and to block us from hunting down the Sunni Bin Laden and his likes.
Personally like others, I was against all of the sides on each issue that they presented, and they would not even present our point of view on any issue, and like others, I was out to get Bin Laden and his likes, but they used Computer Hackers to set me up during that mess, to force upon me Drugs that a previous Judge found in Court that they cause me harm, and ordered Police and Doctors not to give them to me, but they set me up to have them forced on me, and caused me serious harm, and the Medical Community messed up my Medical Records to hide the harm that they caused to try to avoid lawsuits, and they are so messed up that I cannot even get proper and adequate Medical Treatment to this day!
The only reason that some in the Media were yelling about no connection with Saddam in Iraq and Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan, is because they still have a Cold War mentality where they thought it was fine to use the Sunni that formed Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan and Saddam in Iraq to attack and kill Soviets and Shiite Iranians, and even after the Cold War, they still kept and still keep the Sunni that formed Al-Qaeda in their back pocket to knock of Political and Business Rivals. We were fighting Sunni like Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan and Saddam in Iraq, but the Media and their owners objected to that using the no connection argument with their private Army, because they wanted to use Al-Qaeda again after they did 9-11 to knock off Gaddafi and other Political and Business Rivals, and they still are using them again, this time to try to knock off Assad and the Shiite in Syria, they just cannot get it in their heads that murders and murders, and stop using them to start Wars, they are only doing it and deceiving the public to go along with them, so that they can make a Dollar.
See “The US Government's and Media's brainwashing to let them take your money and murder people! “
In service of Yahweh and Country
Yours truly
The outed CID Informant
Lord Joseph
Heir by birthright of the house of Israel.
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