When I was on Time Warner Cable and I was hacked, and the hackers were rewriting my Religious Writings and my Religious and Political Posts for many Months on end, trying to make me look insane, and CNN and Time Warner were acting like they were helping me against the hackers, I had no address book with Phone Numbers to my Family on my Computer. But I was not the only Computer on that Cable Connection, we had a router with my Mother’s and Father’s Computers hooked to the same Connection, and nothing was rewritten on the two other Computers, but after CNN set me up, and deliberately had Doctors force upon me Drugs that a Judge in a previous Court found cause me harm and ordered Police and Doctors not to gibe them to me, CNN had my Family’s Phone Numbers, and began calling my Brothers and Sisters in other States whom I had not seen in Years, asking them questions about me. CNN most likely got their Phone Numbers from my Mother’s and Father’s Computers where my Mother kept Phone Records for our Family.
Yes, though they set me up falsely accusing me of stalking Wolf Blitzer and Nancy Grace, the CNN producers were the ones doing the stalking and setting me up, because they hated my Religious Belief and Political Stance, especially where I posted that I was voting for George Bush while hunting for the Sunni Bin Laden and his likes.
Though the DOJ should have long ago investigated the set up that caused me serious Medical Harm and messed up my Medical Records so bad that I still cannot get proper Medical Treatment, it is doubtful that Eric Holder will do his Job and investigate Left-wing Organizations like CNN and Time Warner that helped the Left-wing deceive the People as they threw out the US Constitution and used Secular Law to outlaw what the Torah and the Prophets and Jesus and the Apostles taught, just like they had done in the Left-wing run Soviet Union.
See “DOJ seized phone records for Fox News numbers, reporter's parents”
Read more:
See my Article “Preparing for the inevitable.”
In service of Yahweh and Country
Yours truly
The outed CID Informant
Lord Joseph
Heir by birthright of the house of Israel.
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