Sunday, May 5, 2013

Look out USA and Israel!

CNN claims that because of the Sectarian Divide between the Alawite and Sunni in Syria, anything that the alleged Syrian Opposition against the Syrian Government does, or that the Syrian Government does against the Syrian Opposition, CNN claims that they cannot verify it, because they claim that the Alawite Syrian Government blocks their access to Syria, but the moment that they suspected that Israel launched Air Strikes  against Weapons in Syria that some from CNN have been helping fall into known Terrorist Organizations Hands, they were able to have Reporters giving eyewitness accounts of the alleged Israeli attack, from both the Syrian Government, and the Alawite Deeb Family, and their broadcast made  Israel look bad for attacking the Syrian Government, and made the US Government look bad for not supporting who CNN supports against Israel.

 The Alawite in Syria are on Iran's side against Israel and the USA, and the Sunni in Syria are against Iran and the Syrian Government and against Israel and the US Government, so why is it that everything that CNN and their US Government Proxies do, always helps Iran? Like for example, the Iraq War that CNN promoted and supported with their Proxies in the US Government, while outing CIA Operatives and us in Iran, and falsely calling us delusional and setting us up to be drugged out of our minds, put a Government in power in Iraq that supports Iran against Israel.

See “Do you know whose hands that your Government Issued Weapons are in today?”

See “The Computer Hackers that set People up without Just Cause, CNN and their Associates”

See "The CIA has operatives in Iran! "

See “The CIA and CNN working with Israeli Operatives set up Robert Novak, and deliberately triggered the Valerie Plame Wilson hullabaloo”

See “Doctor Diagnosed Delusional Disorders”

See “About the International Terrorist Organization called CNN”

In service of Yahweh and Country

Yours truly

The outed CID Informant

Lord Joseph

Heir by birthright of the house of Israel.

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