If I get too much Gas
causing pain, Sodium Bicarbonate in Water, knocks it out normally. Why?
Sodium Bicarbonate is a buffering agent, for treating Lactic Acidosis,
it is why it stops the pain till the cause is taken out. Dr David
Anderson of Fairview is the only Doctor that would write it and
activated charcoal on my Medical Records as a Medication, because I
demonstrated how it works without adverse reactions, but now he does not
work there anymore.
See "Q & A - Using Bicarbonate To Buffer Lactic Acid In Athletes "
Sodium Bicarbonate is called Baking Soda.

the Doctors always refuse to get me this Medication, arguing that they
know that their Medications are better. And they cause severe adverse
reactions to their Stomach Medications, mostly because of the Inert
Ingredients, and some are severe enough to cause Gut Bleeding, like
Sorbitol or Lactulose does to me.
The Respiratory System and the Kidneys regulate the pH of
the body fluids. Malfunctions of either the Respiratory System or the
Kidneys can result in Acidosis or Alkalosis.
Acidosis from Kidney Malfunction, is secondary to Excessive Immune
Stimulation, and or an Antinuclear Antibody Level Spike, and the cause
of the Immune System Response, must be taken out, when beginning to
treat the Metabolic Acidosis.The cause of the Immune System Response,
wither Infection, or Adverse Reaction to Food, or Drugs, or their
Additives, must be taken out to treat the Metabolic Acidosis.
Acidosis and Respiratory Acidosis, combined, is secondary to a sudden rise of Blood Iron and Fe Saturation and Ferritin.
Acidosis and Respiratory Acidosis, combined, also results secondary to
Low Blood Copper Levels, and or Low Copper Absorption in Blood fed
Sweating now, from head to foot, and the VA ER, still refuses to treat me.
The VA and Fairview Doctors are breaking all the Rules.
order to correct lactic acidosis, the underlying problem needs to be
addressed. Additional treatment of lactic acidosis may include
intravenous fluids, supplemental oxygen or mechanical ventilation, and
acidosis can be a serious condition leading to life-threatening
complications such as shock. Seek immediate medical care (call 911) for
serious symptoms, such as profuse sweating, bluish coloration of the
lips and nails, chest pain, cold and clammy skin, rapid breathing, rapid
heart rate, weakness, decreased or absent urine output, sweating,
unusual anxiety, confusion, or unconsciousness.
Seek prompt medical care if you are being treated for lactic acidosis but mild symptoms recur or are persistent.”
Respiratory System and the Kidneys regulate the pH of the body fluids.
Malfunctions of either the Respiratory System or the Kidneys can result
in Acidosis or Alkalosis.
major cause of my Metabolic Acidosis, specifically on the Blood Tests,
Lactic Acidosis that is complicated by an Abnormal Immune System that
produces High ANA Levels from a lot of different things, and an Iron and
Copper Metabolism Disorder, and Fructose Intolerance, and a Liver
Disease, and deteriorating Mucosa Linings and Bones and Kidneys.
Homolactic fermentation and Fructose Malabsorption
My Guts produce too much Hydrogen, after Ingesting
Fructose, resulting in dropping the Blood pH, this is partly from
Fermentation done by the Gut Flora, but different types of Bacteria in
the Gut Flora cause different types of Fermentation of different things.
the effect of a bad set of Gut Flora producing too much ATP is, it
changes Fermentation rates, often causing some Bacteria to use up Oxygen
from the Fermentation products, and others break things down to
Fructose producing Hydrogen, and or Ferment things that produce Sugar
Alcohols causing Gut Bleeding, and resulting in others changing
Glucose C6H12O6 → 2 CH3CHOHCOOH to Lactic Acid, causing Lactic
Acidosis, that can result in Coma and Death, while the Klebsiella
Bacteria in my Guts, ferments my Lactose Foods, and produces more ATP by its breakdown products
for the other Bacteria to use to Produce more Lactic Acid. And even if
there are not that many bad Bacteria in my Gut Flora, the Excessive
Immune Response is often great enough to leave Blood or Protein traces
in my Urine, causing my Kidneys to malfunction for awhile, and it gets
worse when they raise my ANA Level.
The product of one of the Fermentation processes in the Guts is called Lactate, and results in high Lactic Acid Blood Levels.
Immune System Responses, open up my Kidneys and Urinary and Digestive
Tract and Throat and Sinus Cavities and Ears and Brain Cavity for one
Infection after another, and I have no Doctor that has enough Brains to
stop that by giving Me Bicillin LA 2 ml Shot or Penicillin with
Lidocaine Shots, like Dr Anderson and Dr Stein did. Like the Allergist
that said that I produce no IgE Antibodies, and said it is a Metabolic
Disorder, the three Urologists that they sent me to to evaluate the
Blood in my Urine, also said that is a Result of a Metabolic Disorder,
but both the VA and Fairview Primary Care Doctors block me from getting a
Metabolic Doctor, falsely claiming that there is nothing in my Medical
Records that show a Metabolic Disorder.
This round most likely
came from a can of Pinto Beans from a Manufacture that I had never
eaten their Products before. I did not have any left to test it, but it
caused a rash from head to foot, and caused severe diarrhea, and the VA
wrote me a prescription
for a Rash Medication, that I could not take because I had adverse
reactions to those Inert Ingredients before. But at the time I thought
it might have been the additives, but after that I began having Bowel
problems eating any food that I normally ate with no problem, so now I
think it may have been Bacterial or Fungal, which may have led to what I
am having now.
only way that I can stop the pain, is to not eat at all, and drink City
Water that has Chlorine and Fluorine added, to cut down the Gut Flora,
but they fire up the pain when I eat again, and they get anything with
Glucose to Ferment.
these Ignorant VA Doctors claimed that they cannot give Bicillin to get
rid of the Bacteria producing too much Lactic Acid in my System,
causing Immune System Responses that result in chronic Lactic Acidosis
from a bad set of Gut Bacteria.
If the underlying cause of the Lactic Acidosis is not taken out to
stop the Lactic Acid Production, prolonged use of Sodium Bicarbonate,
to buffer it, can result in Carbonic Acidosis, and or an overdose of
it, can result in Alkalosis.