Sunday, January 6, 2013

Watch, most likely there will be no response from the Government, except for trying to set me up for more Medical Misdiagnosis and Medical Maltreatment.

My name is Joseph R Loegering
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It is a Federal Hate Crime to set someone up because that or those persons believe someone’s Religious Belief is False, and falsely call them delusional about Medical and Mental Harm that they are intentionally causing by Medical Misdiagnosis and Medical Maltreatment and Medical Neglect, because of their hate for that Religious Belief or Political Stance, while falsely claiming that they are just trying to help their victim, but falsely call their victim delusional about everything. When People in the Medical and Social Service Communities believe that someone’s Religious Belief is false, and they use the Medical and Judicial Systems to set them up, and cause them Medical and Mental Harm by force again and again, that is an absolute Abuse of Power. But that is what CNN, and two NY Hospitals and a New York Court, and four Minnesota Hospitals and two Medical Clinics, and the Minneapolis VA, and the Sherburne County Social Service workers, and a MN Court have done, and have repeatedly caused me Medical and Mental Harm by Medical Misdiagnosis and Maltreatment and deliberate Medical Neglect.
I need them charged for their Abuse of Power, Medical Maltreatment and Neglect, Fraudulent Medical Practices, Medical Malpractice, and for the Hate Crimes, and I have a lot of evidence, to include Court System Records where they called my Religious Belief false to justify themselves for forcing upon me Medical Misdiagnosis and Medical Maltreatment, after locking me up, claiming that they were doing that because my Internet Posts pissed off a lot of Doctors.
Here is just some of the Medical Harm caused, and I have Hospital Medical Records and Tests to prove it, and they have absolutely no Tests to support their false claims.
(See the Posts on my Blog)

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