Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Toxicity thresholds

I added some of the details to this article, to try to dispel the Judicial and Medical Communities Ignorance, to try to stop them from causing so many People more Medical and Mental Harm.

Environmental chemicals and their breakdown products are always present in our body fluids and tissues. The existence of toxicity thresholds means that before such compounds can be harmful to us, their quantity must be great enough to overcome our body’s natural defenses against the thousands of chemicals of all kinds encountered in our everyday existence.

The toxicity threshold of a specific chemical and its breakdown products vary in quantity from one individual to the next. Fructose for example has a toxicity threshold for everyone, where at some quantity Fructose and its breakdown products become toxic to a person’s body and causes harm, but the toxicity threshold is higher for most people, and lower for people with Fructose Malabsorption, and even lower for people with Hereditary Fructose Intolerance. 

Other things like Copper, reach their toxicity threshold, at opposite levels of quantity, and Copper has a toxicity threshold for everyone. Like People with Menkes Disease, their Liver cannot absorb Copper very well, so with normal levels of Copper in their Diet like as healthy People have, it is toxic to them because it is not enough Copper. On the other end, People with Wilson’s Disease, normal levels of Copper in their Diet like as healthy People have, is toxic to them, because their Liver absorbs too much Copper.

I have an extremely low toxicity threshold for Fructose and Fructose Compounds and Foods containing them, and Sugar Alcohols and Foods containing them, and some Saccharides, Polysaccharides for example, and a low toxicity threshold for Fructan and Inulin Fiber Compounds and Foods containing them, and a low toxicity threshold for Dextrose and Dextrose Sweetened Foods and some Glucose Foods, and many Food Additives and many Inert ingredients in Medications. And I have low toxicity thresholds for many different Cornstarch and Processed Starch Compounds, and Beta-Glucans and Foods like Yeast and Gluten Grains containing them, and Phosphate Compounds and Foods containing them, and Heme Iron Meats and some Nonheme Iron Foods and Iron Enrichment Compounds, and Iron Absorption Enhancing Foods, and Copper Foods. I know by experience, where the toxicity threshold quantity is for each of those things for me, and my Diet and Medical Treatment was designed to keep each of those things below its toxicity threshold.

Some of those Compounds, and or sometimes a Combination of those Compounds, become toxic to my Immune System at extremely low quantities, and results in an Abnormal Immune System Response, sometimes not raising my ANA Level, and other times raising my CK and or ANA Level, causing my Immune System to destroy itself and many parts of my Body, resulting in one infection after another, and resulting in Pain and or Cramps and or Rashes in diverse places, and Headaches, and damage to portions of my Brain that control communication skills and sight, sometimes causing me to be dyslexic and or blind, without effecting my comprehension or rational or reasoning or judgment abilities, and when Doctors fail to believe that reality and cause that by Inert Ingredients in any Medication, the Abnormal Brain Waves would show up on EEGs, but they refuse to run the EEGs when causing it, and often will not run the ANA Level when causing it, and they just keep causing it again and again.

When my ANA Level goes up because of ingesting some of those things mentioned before, when the Antinuclear Antibodies mistake cells in my Body as antigens, the combination is such that my Kidneys cannot process them right, and they cause fluctuating secondary Renal Hypertension and periodic Blood and or Protein in my Urine. 

I am not sure what mechanism causes the Blood Sugar Regulation problems, its not Diabetes, but at their toxicity threshold which is low, Fructose and Fructose Compounds and Foods containing them, and Sugar Alcohols and Foods containing them, and Dextrose and Dextrose Sweetened Foods and some Glucose Foods, cause a huge Hyperglycemic Spike, followed by a huge Hypoglycemic Crash, sometimes causing me to pass out, and often resulting in Glucose and or periodically Blood and or Protein in my Urine, and causing fluctuating secondary Renal Hypertension. They cause extreme lower Gut Pain, and back Pain and Cramps, and sometimes cause my toes to curl down with very painful Cramps, and sometimes cause mild to severe face Rashes. I had used a Blood Pressure Cup and a Glucometer and Ten Parameter Urine Strips to test each of their effects on me, so I don’t eat most of them at all. 

At their toxicity threshold which is low, Heme Iron Meats and some Nonheme Iron Foods and Iron Enrichment Compounds, and Iron Absorption Enhancing Foods, will cause my Iron Level and or Ferritin Level to skyrocket, and cause my Cholesterol Level to skyrocket, as they cause Pain in my Duodenum, and lower Gut discomfort, and often cause mild face Rashes, and fluctuating severe Gut and back Cramps. To keep my Iron and Ferritin and Cholesterol Levels Normal, I don’t eat Heme Iron Meats very often, and I don’t eat the most offending Nonheme Iron Foods and Iron Enrichment Compounds, and Iron Absorption Enhancing Foods, that cause Pain in my Duodenum. Of the Foods that I do eat, some have a form of Nonheme Iron that is not readily Absorbed, so I eat Iron Absorption Inhibiting Foods, but if I eat very small amounts of any Iron Absorption Enhancing Food with the Diet, like Citrus Foods or Fruit Juices or Strawberries and or GMO Foods that have Iron that other of that strain of Food do not, and others, sometimes they will cause mild to severe Face Rashes and sometimes severe Gut Pains, as they cause Pain in my Duodenum. It is hard to figure out what in some Iron Absorption Enhancing Foods is causing the Gut Pains and Rashes, Strawberries for example, are both an Iron Absorption Enhancing Food, and a Fructose Food, I cannot tolerate much of either Group.

At their toxicity threshold which is substantially higher than the other groups, Phosphate Compounds and Foods containing them will cause mild to severe face Rashes to come and go, and mild to severe Cramps to come and go. Dairy Products and Nuts and Chocolate are all Phosphate Foods, and I don’t eat them all together on the same day so that they do not hit their toxicity threshold, and most of the other Phosphate Foods that I no longer eat, will make small quantities of those Phosphates in my Diet hit their toxicity threshold, often making it look like I am developing Lactose Intolerance, but its the Phosphates. Medications with some types of Phosphates in the Inert Ingredients even in shot forms, will make the Phosphates in my Diet hit their toxicity threshold, and I have to cut them back in my Diet to try to compensate, but it is hard to stop the Adverse Reaction to any Processed Compound by Diet Adjustment. These Phosphate Foods, Dairy Products, Whole Milk, Cottage Cheese, Cheese, Yogurt, and real Butter, and Nuts and Chocolate, are some of the few Foods that I normally eat, and my Blood Test show that those and Pinto Beans, and Iron Absorption Inhibiting Jasmine Rice that has no Iron, and Iron Absorption Inhibiting Sweet Potatoes, (and sometimes Potatoes which will cause a Blood Sugar Spike followed by a Hypoglycemic Crash if I eat too much at a time,) and occasional Tuna and or Yams or Squash, (Gooseneck Squash will cause sever adverse reactions all by itself, and too much Yams at a time will raise my Iron Level, ) and Iron Absorption Inhibiting Red Rhubarb, and Iron Absorption Inhibiting Beat Greens, and Beats, and Iron Absorption Inhibiting Coffee, and Sucrose, and Water and Sea Salt with no Iodine, (too much Iodine will cause my head to bounce off the floor as it knocks out my Sodium Level,) are extremely healthy Food.  

This Food combination was originally designed to stimulate Platelet Production, because my Immune System does not respond Normally to Urinary Tract or Digestive Tract or Sinus or Throat or Brain Cavity Infections. Most Infections will cause my Temperature to drop, and most will not cause me to produce White Blood Cells fast enough to rise in number, and if the Doctors do not find the Infection and Treat it, my Platelet Level drops real Low, but they run no Cultures or any Other Tests, and just guess, and often just leave a Gut or Head Infection untreated, making it impossible to raise the Platelet Level by Diet, until an Infection shows up in my Urine or Throat. As my Platelet Levels drop, some Bacteria all by themselves, will cause my ANA Level to Rise.Ferric Orthophosphate as a Food Additive, will make me have Adverse Reactions to even the smallest amount of Lactose Foods and Nuts, making it appear like I am Lactose Intolerant, its caused by the Phosphates that hit the Toxicity threshold, and it rapidly throws off my Iron and Ferritin Levels as the Iron Compounds hit their Toxicity threshold.

At their toxicity threshold which is extremely low, Cornstarch and Processed Starch, will cause face Rashes and Cramps all over and cause Gut Pains and Back Cramps and Headaches, and several compounds processed from Cornstarch will cause my ANA Level to Rise. Other Corn Products at a little higher toxicity threshold will cause a Hypoglycemic Spike followed by a Hypoglycemic Crash, and cause Gut Pains and Back Cramps and Headaches, I thought that was just because of the Fructose in them, but some of them have no Fructose, just Glucose, so I have no Corn or Corn Products or Dextrose and some Glucose Foods, in my Diet. 

At their toxicity threshold which is extremely low for some of these Compounds, like Cellulose, and or for Compounds processed from these, and is higher for them that are not processed, Beta-Glucans like Bacteria and Fungi, and Foods like Yeast and Gluten Grains containing them, when any of these reach their toxicity threshold by themselves or in combination, they cause the most extreme Abnormal Immune System Response, and I produce no IgE or Celiac Antibodies, just Antinuclear Antibodies until these and other things that raise my ANA Level, are out of my system, and within seventy-two hours, my ANA Level is Normal, but the damage that the Immune System Response caused, sometimes remains for months afterwards.

And sometimes in combination with my Diet and other things like V Potassium or C Potassium Tablets or many other Tab and or Capsule Medications, the Back and Neck Cramps are so severe, they cause large Cysts that have to be Surgically removed, and or cause Polyps and or Cysts and Bone Spurs in my Sinus Cavities, and or Polyps and Tics in my Lower Digestive Tract that need to be surgically removed, and or cause upper Digestive Tract Bleeding that they never investigate when or after causing it. It is not the Antibiotics Penicillin and others that cause the Adverse Reactions, I can take Antibiotic Shots or take them by IV without any Adverse Reactions, it is the Inert Ingredients in the Tab and Capsule forms that cause the Abnormal Immune System Responses, and they refuse to write those Inert Ingredients in my Medical Records to stop Doctors from causing me Abnormal Immune System responses that result if one infection after another.

These Ignorant Arrogant Doctors and Medical Staff and Social Workers and Courts around here are Mentally incapable of figuring those things out, and are misjudging and misdiagnosing me, and are causing me Medical and Mental Harm. They literally refuse to believe that they are causing me Abnormal Immune System Responses, and force them upon me. Now I am going to tell you the truth about the compounds that Food and Drug Manufactures use as Food Additives and Inert Ingredients in Medications. Most of the Compounds that Raise my ANA Level, the Compounds that have the lowest toxicity threshold for me, are Synthetic, and or Semisynthetic, and sometimes are Compounds that are not even extracted from Foods, and others are processed from those Foods that I mentioned that have a low toxicity threshold for me, and some of them know what harm those things cause me, and they just keep using them to cause me more and more Medical and Mental Harm.

Oh, the reason my writings are much plainer than when under Doctors’ Treatment, I am not on any of their Medications that make me more dysfunctional, they make me dysfunctional by those Medications, and falsely call the effects of the Medications a Mental Disorder, so that they can justify themselves for making me more dysfunctional and making money off the Government causing it.

They need to loose their Licenses to Practice Law and or Medicine and or Psychiatry, to protect the Public from these Ignorant Arrogant Greedy Egomaniacs.

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