Saturday, January 5, 2013

The growing number of falsely so called Medical Mistakes, and growing number of Prescription Drug Deaths.

In Toxicology, it is well known that any substance can become Toxic to human beings, under the right conditions. When I have Adverse Reactions to Inert Ingredients in Medications, because I keep track of what I eat, I noticed that the Adverse Reactions are worse or less, depending upon what I ate. And after studying the Compounds in the Inert Ingredients, and the Compounds found in the Foods, that cause me to have an Abnormal Immune System Response, I found that the adding up of those Compounds from the two sources, is what causes a more severe Adverse Reaction.

When not eating any of those Foods, and taking no Medications, my Blood and Urine Levels all run Normal or near Normal, until I am given any of those Foods or Medications and or those Inert Ingredients. To make themselves money for fraud Medical Treatment, many of the Doctors falsely claim that I have no Adverse Medical Condition, that would be adversely effected by those Foods and or Medications and or Inert Ingredients, when in reality, if I get a Bacterial Infection, I do not get a Normal Immune System Response, I get no Temperature, and my White Blood Cells, if they rise at all, will return to Normal while still Infected, and my Platelet Level will begin to drop if the Infection is not taken out soon. That makes it hard to tell if I am Infected by Blood Tests, and they only know for sure if they take cultures, but they normally take no cultures, and a Gut or Kidney  Infection is normally what drops my Platelet Level. All the Bacterial Infections cause a mild to severe secondary Renal Hypertension, but Streptococcal Throat Bacteria is the only one that at first causes my Urine to turn dark brown, coca cola color, then the next time clear, followed by Post Infectious Glomerulonephritis, and Blood and or Protein in my Urine. And then many of the Inert Ingredients in any Tab or Capsule Medication will cause rashes, cramps, headaches, and cause Abnormal Brain Waves that show up on EEGs, and they raise my ANA and ALT and AST Levels, and cause fluctuating secondary Renal Hypertension. The Allergists say that it is not an Allergy, because I produce no IgE Antibodies, just Antinuclear Antibodies, and like the Urologists, they say it is an Abnormal Immune System Response, caused by a Metabolic Disorder that damages my Kidneys and Guts. The three Orthopedics Doctors that they sent me to to evaluate the high ANA Levels in the past, called it an Overactive Immune System.The VA Allergist tried to get me a Metabolic Doctor to try to stop other Doctors from giving me those things and causing an Abnormal Immune System Response, but then he called back and said that I need to sue the VA, because they were blocking me from getting a Metabolic Doctor. Outside the VA the Metabolic Doctors will not even set an appointment for me, because they say that my Primary Care Doctor needs to make a referral, but even when showing them the Medical Tests and the VA Allergists referrals, they refuse to set me up with a Metabolic Doctor, and falsely call me delusional about the Adverse Reactions, and then often, they even cause one Adverse Reaction after another by force. 

If there is no Adverse Medical Condition that would be adversely effected by those Foods and or Medications and or Inert Ingredients, like they falsely claim, then those things that cause rashes, cramps, headaches, and cause Abnormal Brain Waves, and raise my ANA and ALT and AST Levels, are just Toxic to my Body, and they are deliberately giving me Toxic Poisons. Some Medical Personnel are ignorantly and others knowingly, doing it to many others, and the Media tries to help hide what is happening, just calling it Medical Mistakes. It is a large part of the rising number of Prescription Drug Deaths in the USA.

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