Saturday, January 12, 2013

Euthanasia in America

The causes of High Cholesterol and Big Waistlines and shorter Lifespans.
Dr Oz and Piers Morgan on CNN, mentioned Piers’s Cholesterol, and HDL, then made up a way of controlling it that will not work to effect Cholesterol, he told him to get his waist line down. But the waist line did not cause the Low HDL, and does not cause High Cholesterol. They did not tell anyone how to drop their Total Cholesterol to too Low by Diet. The Doctors always tell me to get my waist line down, falsely claiming it makes my Cholesterol Levels High, and I argue with them that they are Nuts, and they run my Cholesterol Levels to find out, and I know what causes my HDL to be Low. The last Doctor that ran them thinking that I ate bad because I was arguing with the staff telling them that not getting me the right Food, that they were raising my Iron Levels, was a Psychiatrist. And I told him before hand that it was low because I don’t eat Meat to keep my Iron and Ferritin Levels Normal, and he did not believe it, and he ran it and my Fe and Ferritin Levels which were Normal when they locked me up, and when he saw it, he consulted a Medical Doctor about it, and my then High Fe Level, and my previous Iron and Ferritin Levels that skyrocketed when caused by Hospitals, and then made sure to check out what Foods that I eat, and made sure to tell them that I needed my Iron Absorption Inhibitor Foods. My last one, the Total Cholesterol on a scale of mg/dl 110 to 199, was Low at, 102. The Triglycerides on a scale of mg/dl 40 to 149, was 43. The HDL on a scale of >40, was Low at 26,. The Chol/HDL on a scale of < 4.51. was 3.92. The LDL on a scale of < 131, was 76. At admission my Iron level on a scale of ug/dl 59 to 158, was 69. And my Ferritin on a scale of ng/ml 30 to 400 was 93. But less than a week later my Iron was High, and my Ferritin was almost High. They looked at my previous extremely High Cholesterol and extremely High Iron and Ferritin Levels ran by the VA, when I got out of the forced treatment in New York, and decided to try to get my Diet close to right, but like all the other Hospitals, they could not, because of the Broken Hospital Food System.
No Meat in my Diet keeps my Total Cholesterol Level Low.
HDL can be elevated and the LDL lowered by eating soluble Beta-glucans in things like Oats. But I cannot eat them to raise my HDL, because all the Cellulose Compounds in Inert Ingredients of Medications and added to some Foods, are Beta-Glucans that cause my Immune System to attack them and all the Beta-glucans in Oats and Gluten Grains, and they cause an Abnormal Immune System Response, raising my ANA Level. Those Cellulose Compounds in Inert Ingredients of Medications and added to some Foods, may be the reason that so many in my Family have Celiac Disease, and any Celiac or Celiac Family Member that they give them to, they are causing them Medical and Mental Harm, causing them Abnormal Immune System Responses. The Cellulose Compounds are in most Medications, and are only not in some that we need, but they cannot stop giving them to us in Medication, or get those Medications that we need, because of the broken Hospital Pharmacy and Drug Manufacturing Systems. If you have a low toxicity threshold to Beta-Glucans or Cornstarch or any other Inert Ingredient, these Doctors and the Courts that they control, will kill you, by deliberately falsely calling you delusional about the adverse reactions, and taking you to court to lock you up, arguing that you are trying to micromanage the Doctors concerning Inert Ingredients, like they did to me.
The way they do that to me every time, they run my Blood Tests while I am on my Diet, and find them all Normal, and they hide all my Previous Blood Tests that were thrown off by their Foods and Drugs, and they hand the Normal Blood Tests to an Ignorant Doctor, who always commits Perjury in Court, falsely claiming that I have no Adverse Medical Condition in my Medical Records that would be adversely effected by their Forced Treatment with Drugs. Then they force them on me causing both upper and lower Digestive Tract Bleeding that they falsely call me delusional about, and refuse to look for it when they cause it, and they make me nearly completely incapacitated by the Abnormal Immune System Responses, and then they deny that their Foods and Drugs caused it, to try to prevent a Lawsuit for Medical Malpractice and Medical Maltreatment and Medical Negligence.
By the time I got out of that Hospital, I had to have my sister go buy me four pairs of Pants, with a waistline 3 inches larger than the one that I was admitted with, because I could not put those pants on, because of the Adverse Food Drug reactions that all of their Drugs cause. It happens to most of the Patients, and it shortens their Lifespan if it don’t kill them, and it is forced upon us again and again. Then the last time, the Phosphates in the Inert Ingredients of that shot Medication, began acting with the Phosphates in my Diet to cause a Phosphate Overdose that made me look like I was developing Lactose Intolerance, and it began throwing off diverse Blood Levels, so that I had to cut back the amounts of Phosphate Foods that I normally eat.
The Psychiatrist also ran my AST and ALT Levels that were also rising too high, but because of the forced Medications, but they will never admit that the forced Medications are causing it, they always falsely blame the untreated Liver Disease. With the deliberately untreated Liver Disease, and after getting off the forced Medication, my AST and ALT are almost normal, which proves that they are Frauds just making money off the Ignorant Tax Payers.
The way that I had to eat, with the Foods provided in the other Hospitals, because I had none of my Medical Records that showed High Iron and Ferritin and High ANA Levels like the last time, they would not believe me saying that they did not get it from a Doctor, and falsely called me delusional about every Adverse Reaction, and would not get me the right Foods, so I had to make a choice between Foods that raise my Cholesterol Levels and Iron and Ferritin Levels, and Foods that cause an Abnormal Immune System Response, and knowing that the more of the things that raise my ANA Level that I eat, the worse the Immune System Response is, and knowing that they were going to keep causing me Abnormal Immune System Responses with Inert Ingredients in the forced Antibiotics and Psychiatric Drugs, and that the combination of those with Foods that cause the Immune System Response, could kill me, I avoided those Foods, and had no choice but to eat the others that cause me harm too.
And God Forbid, don’t complain about the Medical and Mental Harm caused by Adverse Reactions to Psychiatric Drugs, and Post the Adverse Reactions with Photos of the Harm caused on the Internet, because they will take you to Court and argue that you are not qualified to say so about their sacred Psychiatric Drugs, and they will lock you up and force more adverse reactions on you, like they did to me. If you resist in the slightest way to try to stop them from causing you more Harm, they count you as one the most Dangerous of the Psychiatric Patients, and send you to concentration Camps like in St Peters MN. Because they are short of Staff for the mass numbers of Patients there, they just put the Patients in restraints to control them, while causing them one adverse reaction after another.
They are Insane, they are killing us, and every time they falsely claim that their forced Medications are doing us good.
Now I know for sure that Dr Oz and Piers Morgan on CNN, are in on the Class mass Murder, of People who did not graduate from High School. Dr Oz mentioned that People are living a shorter Lifespan, then he made up a reason for that, that is not true, and then he mentioned a certain Class of People to falsely blame them and their Ignorance as the cause of their shorter Lifespan, People who did not graduate from High School. The reason that they are living a shorter Lifespan, to make themselves money off the Taxpayers, the Judicial and Medical Communities target and set them up in their Courts and Hospitals, to be force treated with expensive dangerous Medications and Inert Ingredients, that cause them to have adverse reactions to their Food, and the Judicial and Medical Communities target them, because they know that they will not be able to present a substantial intellectual defense against their Medical Maltreatment and Medical Negligence, that kills many, and shortens the Lifespan of the rest.

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