In this Photo Album, is
some of the Photos of a search that I began, this was a search for what
is killing the Snails and Clams in the Mississippi and Elk River. I
have some of the compounds isolated running these Tests. One is called
Ferric Orthophosphate, a Food Additive that I have adverse reactions to,
and it is used in Organic Farming. That is what is killing them the
See the Photo Album
See the Photo Album
See Ferric Orthophosphate
The compounds in the Elk River and the Mississippi make a totally different mix of Microbes compared to Pound Water abundant in Snails and Clams. The two mixes from the Rivers, when separately mixed together with the Pond Water, are totally incomparable with each other. The ones in Elk River and the Mississippi, are making the Waters unable to support Snails and Clams, and Algae and Plant Life that they feed off what grows in them, and are harming the Fish.
I suspect that both Herbicides and Insecticides, are also causing some of the damage done to the Rivers' and Lakes' Ecosystems, but I did not have enough materials to Isolate them all.
See “Endangered Mississippi Species.” These are the creatures killed off the most by the compounds that I isolated, many of them are used to make Bio-fuels and Fertilizers.
Note: The Pond abundant in Snails and Clams and Microbes and Algae and Plants that once thrived in the Elk River and the Mississippi River, is about 200 Meters from Orono Lake on Elk River, in Elk River, across from the Lake that is on the north side of the Road, on the south side of Orono Pkwy at the Y Intersection with Co Rd 30.,-93.591907&spn=0.005713,0.016512
The Dam there on Elk River, makes the Lake, and Elk River runs from it eventually to the Mississippi River. The Foods and Food Plants in my Lab Fun Album, all but the large Hubbard Squash, came from my Neighbor's Garden and my Garden, that were planted between the Lake and the Pond, at the Y Intersection of Orono Pkwy with Co Rd 30. The large Hubbard Squash were grown in Zimmerman MN.
At the same time as these experiments, the same thing happened with my Garden and a Neighbor's Garden that were fertilized with Cow Maure, and mine was mulched with Grass. Normally the Bacterial and Fungal mix, breaks those down to produce Natural Fertilizer for the Plants. But a Neighbor sprayed our Yards with Dandelion Killer, because he did not want Dandelions spreading to his lakefront Yard. The Dandelion Killer, also killed off many of the Normal Bacteria and Fungi, in the Manure, and different Bacteria and Fungi took over, and the combination of their breakdown products, and the Dandelion Killer, damaged the Immune Systems of our Food Plants, and unlike the year before, they produced deformed and small Fruits and Vestibules and Squash and Gords and Cucumbers, that were Toxic to both me and my Neighbors. My Neighbor's Mother also died of an uncontrollable infection, she ate from their Garden a lot, and I think that and Inert Ingredients in her Medications played a big role in her death.
See "Lab fun"
The same thing happens in your Gut Flora, when taking any Medication with Inert Ingredients, or other Foods from sources that you normally do not eat from, and or when switching from Drinking and or Cooking in unfiltered Mineral Well Water, to Drinking and or Cooking in filtered City Water with Chlorine and or Fluorine added, that kill off some of the good Bacteria and Fungi that break down your Foods, within your Guts, to make them digestible. A bad set of Bacteria and Fungi will take over, breaking your Foods down differently, causing Flatus and Gut Pains. And if it is the wrong Type of Bacteria and Fungi, they will make your Foods that you normally eat with no problem, produce things that cause Excessive Immune Stimulation, often casing Back and or Joint Pains, and or Kidney Pains and or Headaches, and secondary Renal Hypertension. And when the Bacteria and or Fungi change enough DNA in your Mucus Linings, your Body begins producing Antinuclear Antibodies, which get confused, and start attacking good Cells in many places of your Body, causing severe Cramps in diverse Places, and causing severe Pain in diverse places.
See "The way some genetically modified organism (GMO), cause Excessive Immune Stimulation and or raise your Antinuclear Antibody Level."
And see "The mutant forms of the Abnormal Immune Systems that result in Celiac Disease, and Drug Induced Lupus, and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus or SLE"
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