Monday, January 28, 2013

The cause of Bicarbonates failing to take out Metabolic Acidosis.

The Pain Killer combination, Bicillin LA and Sodium Bicarbonate.

Update 28th at 11:55 PM:

Wow, after the Sodium Bicarbonate this morning, and the Bicillin LA 2 ml Shot about 11:30 AM, about 4:30 PM I laid down to relax, and was not going to fall asleep, but for the first time in nearly three weeks, I fell asleep for nearly seven hours. And for the first time in over two weeks, I woke up with no cramps anywhere, and very little pain anywhere, except for my spinal column and lower back that is still a little sore. My hair was just a little damp, nothing at all like before, but that should stop by tomorrow night. 

Those guys at the VA and the other Fairview Doctors need to read this stuff, and adjust their Practices. They are doing the same stuff to others, causing them a lot of pain, without any good reason.

All of those People that get Acidosis when they Hospitalize them, and or outside the Hospital, many of them are having nearly the same problem that I have with it when it is not caused by high Iron and high Fe Saturation and or high Ferritin Levels, or Low Blood Copper, or Fructose in my Diet. The only thing different, some of them don't have Fructose Malabsorption, they are Diabetic or have Lactose Intolerance, or have too much Sucrose and or Corn Syrups in their Diets and or Inert Ingredients of Medications, which like Fructose Malabsorption, causes too much Hydrogen to be produced in the Guts from ingesting those Sugars, and the results of the reaction is it lowers the pH Level. Some of them do not know that they have a Sugar Intolerance, and that needs to be diagnosed and corrected by Diet. If it is caused by the Iron or Fe Saturation or Ferritin or Copper Levels, it normally produces both Respiratory and Metabolic Acidosis which show up as both positive Carbonic Acid and positive Lactic Acid Tests. When it is caused by Diet or something in Inert Ingredients in Medications, it normally only causes Metabolic Acidosis. For me, IV Hydration, normally only relieves some of the pain Temporarily, and does not stop the Acidosis, because Dehydration is not the underlying cause.

What they are doing where Sodium Bicarbonate or other Bicarbonates fail to work for Acidosis, like it was just doing in my case before the Bicillin Shot, is that when it is not caused by Iron or Copper Blood Levels or their Diets, they are failing to take out the underlying cause. It is Bacteria in their Guts on top of their Sugar Disorders, that also produce Hydrogen from the Fermentation processes, and other Bacteria that produce Lactic Acid and or Lactate in their Guts and lower the Blood pH. If you Doctors would do a culture on their Stool like I do to mine to find out what is wrong, you will find some of these Lactic Acid Bacteria in their Guts, and sometimes it only takes one of them. As long as they are there, the Bicarbonates will just knock down the Acidosis temporarily, and rise right back up, and they will have pain in diverse places from too many Beta-glucans in their Diets and Inert Ingredients of Medications and in the Bacteria stacked one upon another, causing Excessive Immune Stimulation, and often raises the Antinuclear Antibody Level of many.

I am only on Bicillin LA, and take as needed Sodium Bicarbonate and or Activated Charcoal, which have no Cornstarch, Processed Starch, or Cellulose, or other Beta-glucans that cause Excessive Immune Stimulation, and a Low Beta-glucan Diet.

See "Bicarbonate Therapy in Severe Metabolic Acidosis"

See "Lactic Acid Bacteria."

This Diet can be adjusted to accommodate their Sugar Intolerances, and their Iron and or Copper Metabolism Disorders, and Polysaccharide or Beta-glucan Intolerance, and Cholesterol Levels.
See “My Low Fructose, Low Dextrose, Low Beta-glucan, Low Iron, Low Cholesterol Diet”

Update the 30th of January.

I had not used Sodium Bicarbonate in over a Year, because I had eliminated the cause of my Acidosis.

It only took the 28th, a teaspoon of Sodium Bicarbonate, and the Bicillin Shot, to let me get some sleep without cramps, to drop the Lactic Acid Level, and today I have no cramps or sweating at all, having had no Sodium Bicarbonate yesterday or today. It worked, because the underlying cause, Lactic Acid Bacteria, Enterococcus, and the Immune System Stimulating Polysaccharide Lactose Fermenting Bacteria, Klebsiella, are being taken out of my Guts by the Bicillin.

Being able to get restful sleep, without any sleeping Medications, is a major key, in lowering Lactic Acid Levels. The Body gets rid of  it when you sleep.
If it would have been caused by high Iron and Fe Saturation and Ferritin Levels, or Low Copper Blood Levels, which the VA did not check, the Bicillin would not work for that. My Diet is still keeping those in check, and the results is, my Blood Levels that were off, already returned to Normal, and my AST and ALT Levels, are  lower, and will return to almost Normal.

Secondary Eustachian Tube Dysfunction. 

Update 3 February 2013.  After Bicillin on the 28th of January, on the 2nd of February, like all the times before where Excessive Immune Stimulation was caused by Beta-glucans in my Guts, and producing too much Hydrogen, the Acidosis is completely gone with no Sodium Bicarbonate but the first day, with temporary relapses that were caused by Sucrose in my Coffee and Medication, so I am replacing Sucrose with Lactose Sugar. But like before, I began to experience Wobbling secondary to both left and right Eustachian Tube Dysfunction, that is only getting worse today. Louder in my left ear than the right, the fluctuating Hearing and Tinnitus is so loud that I cannot Hear. My voice echoes louder in the left ear than the right ear, and at times both ears feel plugged up with severe earaches. Simultaneously I am getting a more severe Esophagitis.  This is normally caused by Fungi that the Bicillin did not take out. The way that I dealt with it before, is a second Bicillin Shot, it keeps the Immune System from attacking the Mucosa long enough, to repair itself, and begin fighting off the Fungi, and normally stops completely within six days of the second Bicillin Shot.

It is hard for me to get a ride to Elk River, so I am going to contact my New Primary Care Doctor there, and see if he can contact the Minneapolis VA which is just across the street, and notify them what I need to control the Eustachian Tube Dysfunction.

See "50% Normal Saline Eustachian Tube Dysfunction Medication."


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