When People are caused to
have a high ANA Level Reading, their Immune System begins attacking the
Cartilage and Mucosa Linings throughout their entire Body causing Pain, and
opens our Bodies up to Infections in diverse places. When the high ANA Level
Reading is caused by Inert Ingredients in Aspirin and Tylenol and ibuprofen and
Antibiotics and other Medications, there is no way to stop the Pain by
Medications, the ANA Level must be made Normal to stop the Pain. The only way
that I can keep my ANA Level Normal to stop the Pain, is to not take any of the
Medications with those Inert Ingredients in them. Often some Foods or Drugs will
cause us Pain and or Cramps long before they raise our ANA Level, and we have
enough sense to not keep taking Foods or Drugs that cause us Pain and or Cramps,
and because we stop taking it right away, there is not much damage done, but
when Medical Personnel and or Social Workers and or
Attorneys and or Judges falsely call us delusional
about the Pain and or Cramps that we get from them, and we are forced to take
those Foods and or those Medications with any of those Inert Ingredients that
raise the ANA Level for a prolonged period of time, our Immune Systems damage
the Mucosa Linings in the Kidneys and Digestive Tract and in the Sinus and Brain
Cavities, and damage our Bone Joints, opening them up to
The Judicial and Medical
Communities that falsely called me delusional about the Adverse Reactions to
Inert Ingredients in their Antibiotics, as their Inert Ingredients were damaging
my Guts and Kidneys and Sinus and Brain Cavities and Bone Joints opening them up
to Infections, while they were causing me Abnormal Brain Waves that I told them
only show up on EEGs, they deliberately said that they needed a snap shot of
that, and ran a CAT Scan which cannot detect Brain Waves, and they claimed that
there was no Infection and nothing wrong with my Sinus Cavities, and claimed
that the CAT Scan showed that I was delusional, as they falsely claimed I had no
Infection at all, which showed up on the Urine Tests. That was an Infection that
they caused by the Adverse Reactions to Inert Ingredients in Antibiotics for a
Throat Infection, and then caused by Adverse Reactions to Inert Ingredients in
Antibiotics for a Sinus Infection, because they repeatedly refused to get me
Bicillin or Penicillin Shots that have no Inert Ingredients that cause me to
have an Abnormal Immune System Response that opens me up to more Infections. And
they were causing me to go Blind, then they force Treated me with Drugs and more
Antibiotics that had those Inert Ingredients, and the Abnormal Immune System
Response caused Polyps and Cysts and Bone Spurs to show up in my Sinus Cavities,
as the captivity caused one bloody nose after another that they blamed on the
Hospital Dry Air. Then later they just blamed the Polyps and Cysts and Bone
Spurs on Environmental Conditions, not the forced drugs and Hospital Conditions.
And simultaneously the Medical Maltreatment and Misdiagnosis caused Gut Bleeding
that kept getting worse even after the forced treatment, and turned my Stool
Black with Maroon Color Blood Clots. They would not look for the Lower or the
Upper Digestive Tract Bleeding before or after it turned Black, or any Gut
Infection caused by the Adverse Reactions, instead, after I got eyewitnesses of
the Bleeding that they were falsely calling me delusional about, they scheduled
a Colonoscopy for months down the line, and the Gastroenterologist told me, I
had some Tics and Polyps that would cause Bright Red Bleeding, not Black Stool
with Maroon Color Blood Clots, and he claimed that was caused by Upper Digestive
Tract Bleeding. But no one would schedule anything to investigate the Upper
Digestive Tract Bleeding, and they all refused to believe what caused it,
because they make money forcing those harmful Drugs and harmful Inert
Ingredients on People that they falsely call delusional. They falsely called me
Psychotic, and falsely blamed the Liver Medications as the cause, so that they
could cut them off, and make money off forced treatment that caused me both
Medical and Mental Harm, and the Gastroenterology Department deliberately
falsely blamed the Liver Medications as the cause of the Abnormal Immune System
Response that the other Doctors were causing and had called me delusional about
that Immune System Response, to justify locking me up and force drugging me, and
they left me dying with an untreated Liver Disease, and an untreated Metabolic
Disorder, and they left me blind in one Eye and going Blind in the other,
because of an untreated Head Injury that I got in the US
Because they
will not write those Inert Ingredients in my Medical Records, and stop forcing
them on me, the next time I get an Infection, they will refuse to get me
Bicillin or Penicillin Shots that have no Inert Ingredients that cause an Immune
System Response that opens me up to more Infections, and most likely because of
the damage already done, the forced treatment with Inert Ingredients in any
Medication will cause my death, and the Media like CNN is too Socialist Neo Nazi
to try to stop it.
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