Thursday, January 10, 2013

The Dictators and their Ignorant Loyal Followers.

We have the Right to self defense against People in Governments that just keep causing us more and more Medical and Mental and Financial Harm, and refuse to redress our Just Grievances. Because they will not Redress our Just Grievances, and they just manufacture lies against us, and are reducing us into an absolute State of Despotism, their form of Government has become destructive of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness to multitudes, and it is not just our Right, it is our Duty to alter or to abolish their form of destructive Government.
CNN set me up with lies, and the Judicial Medical Communities did the same Medical and Mental and Financial Harm to me in New York, as they are doing to me in Minnesota, because I wrote CNN and asked them for help against Doctors that were falsely calling me Delusional about a Neurologist that had a Court stop the Psychiatrists from forcing any more Psychiatric and or Antiepileptic Medications on me, because he testified to the Court the truth, that all of their Medications just make me more dysfunctional. It is deliberate Attempted Murder plotted out by CNN, and carried out by the Judicial Medical Communities that they control.
That Neurologist did now know why they all made me more dysfunctional, Antibiotics and Aspirin and Tylenol and Ibuprofen do the same thing. Three Orthopedics Doctors examined the many high ANA Level readings that I have in my Medical Records, and diagnosed it as an Overactive Immune System, and they did not know what triggers it to be Overactive. It is the Inert Ingredients in all the Medications that cause the Abnormal Immune System Responses, but because I produce no IgE or Celiac Antibodies, just Antinuclear Antibodies, they hide those records from their Colleagues, and the Doctors just falsely call me delusional about the Adverse Reactions, and refuse to write the Inert Ingredients in my Medical Records to stop Ignorant and Arrogant Doctors and Medical Staff from forcing them upon me and causing Abnormal Immune System Responses, so that they can keep forcing them on me in Psychiatric and Antibiotic Medications, and keep making me more dysfunctional until I am dead by their Medical Maltreatment, and they always claim that the harm being caused by them is doing me good, because they do not want to Admit that their Drugs are causing many many People Medical and Mental and Financial Harm.
The Dictators and their Ignorant Loyal Followers.
For you Gun Rights Activists, stop playing into the Dictators Hands by claiming that the Mentally Ill should be disarmed, that is what Hitler and all the Dictators did.
The way that the new Dictators in our Media and Courts and Social Services Department and Medical Community came up with Conclusions and Medical Misdiagnosis that were totally contrary to reality, and violated Nature’s Laws and Nature’s God, and their Ignorant Followers just followed their Conclusions that resulted from their Psychosis, and they forced upon me many many things in quantities that were far above their toxic threshold for me, and caused me Medical and Mental and Financial Harm, while destroying my Life, my Liberty, and my Pursuit of Happiness, as I eyewitness them doing the same thing to many many others, I believe that every person that the Judicial and Medical and Media Communities count as Mentally Ill, should have the Right to self defense. I believe that they all should be Armed to defend themselves against the Judicial and Medical and Media Communities.

Attempted Murder by Beta-glucans, and intentional Medical Negligence and Medical Maltreatment and deliberate Medical Misdiagnosis.


Toxicity thresholds

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