Wednesday, April 3, 2013

It is shameful

To communicate accurately what the problem is, I am writing this with a computer and spell checker, because though I fully comprehend each word, and I have eidetic memory, I am dysedetic dysgraphic dysphonetic dyslexic, and I cannot spell or pronounce most of these words correctly.

Anytime now that I drink any good Water, not long afterwards, my Guts get inflamed, and swell up and gurgles, until I vomit. MY neighbor Lady does not know yet what was making her Blood Sugar go way off, and the Doctors have been just adjusting her Medications, she got too sick, and is staying with Family, so that they can take care of her.

It is shameful that no one in the Medical Community ran the right Tests, so that we ended up with long term exposure, and will have adverse health effects for the rest of our lives because of their Medical Misdiagnosis and Maltreatment and Negligence.

I talked with a VA Water System Maintenance Man today, and from the building history here, and the way the water effected Diabetics and me more severely, at first resembling a heat stroke with a rash all over, then effecting Blood Sugar and Urine, we believe that the broken underground Water Pipe corroded until it completely broke, and while it was corroding, it was leaking water, and when we turned on the water, it was soaking up contaminated Water, taking on Arsenic Salts and Lead, that resulted in the ground here, from old building debris, when they had that stuff removed from these old buildings. We still have the Hot Water Radiator Heaters, but they took out all the old boiler and water pipes and their insulation, that had
Asbestos and Arsenic and Lead.

It is shameful that no one in the Medical Community Tested for any of that, so that we ended up with long term exposure.

The Shurburne County Social Service Department and the Fairview and Allina Doctors took me to the Minnesota State Court in Elk River, and had me locked up and force Drugged me and caused me more Medical Harm, and had evicted from my Apartment, and placed in Veteran's and Community Housing, which is not part of the VA, but is right across the street from the VA, and they forced me to live here claiming that I would be able to get the urgent Medical Treatment at the VA that I need for my Medical Condition, that the Fairview and Allina Doctors could not provide. The VA supplies the Water for  the Veteran's and Community Housing. But when I started having adverse reactions to the contaminated Water, and I kept ending up in the VA Emergency Room, the VA Doctors said when they saw where I was forced by the Court to live, "The problem is that you live right next to the VA and are delusional about having any adverse Medical Condition," and they refused to run any of the right Medical Tests that would have shown the Problem, and wrote in my Medical Records that all the Visits there were because of a Psychiatric Disorder, so that no VA Doctor there will run the right Tests for anything, and then they passed that to the Fairview and Allina Doctors in my Medical Records, so that then  they too will not run the right Tests again, just like they have been doing ever since the Rockland Hospital where CNN had me locked up and force Drugged and caused me Medical and Mental Harm, in New York, wrote lies in my Medical Records to hide the harm that they caused me for many Months in a US Socialist Fascist Concentration Camp, and then escorted me here against my will in 2006.

The Judicial and Media and Medical Communities are suffering from a huge Intellectual Deficiency and Malfunction do to their egomania, that causes them to constantly suffer from Psychosis, that keeps causing People Medical and Mental and Financial Harm by their Tyrannical Socialist Fascist Rule and Oppression.

Overcoming disabilities caused by the Socialist Fascist Government and Media and Medical Communities

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