Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Attempted Murder by Beta-glucans, and intentional Medical Negligence and Medical Maltreatment and deliberate Medical Misdiagnosis.

Some Doctors that read my Internet Posts, and the Shurburne County Social Service Department and the Shurburne County Prosecuting Attorney that at the first time in Court, took a Post to Court to try to use it against me, and they were ordered by the Court to get all my Medical Records together, and get all my Doctors on the same page to stop Doctors from causing me harm, and instead of following Court Orders, they blocked from my Attorneys and me and the Court, Medical Tests that show that it is not me that is delusional, but the Doctors that are causing me Medical and Mental harm, and knowing about Toxicity thresholds, they hid those Tests on my ANA Levels from their Colleagues and the Court, so that they could deceive them into helping them give me dosages of Beta-Glucans in quantities far above their Toxicity threshold for me, so that they could try to make it look like an accidental Death from an Abnormal Immune System Response, which the one that they were intentionally causing then, was later falsely blamed on the Liver Medications, so that they could block the treatment and cause my Death by deliberate Medical Misdiagnosis and further Medical Negligence.

When any Person has Beta-Glucans imbedded in their flesh, like wood slivers or thorns, the Body begins trying to dissolve those Beta-glucans, and the increase in Beta-glucans in the Body, makes it easy for additional Beta-glucans to cause an overdose of Beta-glucans, causing an Abnormal Immune System response that can result in Death. To make it possible to do that, when they read my Internet Post on an Abnormal Immune System Response that they were causing, and was causing my Immune System to attack my right ear so hard that it caused an increase in Tinnitus and was causing my hearing to fluctuate, they knew for sure that it was the Beta-Glucans in the Inert Ingredients of Medications that they were giving me, and was causing the Beta-glucan overdose. So they deceived their Colleagues and the Courts to falsely call me delusional about that thorn broken off deep in the tragus of my Right ear, so that they could deceive them into giving me overdoses of Beta-Glucans in Psychiatric and Antibiotic Medications, and they deceived their Colleagues into not looking for that thorn or the damage that was being caused, to include the following Upper Digestive Tract Bleeding that their forced treatment caused, and then they tried to deceive the Courts and their Colleagues into forcing more Beta-glucans upon me again, by taking me back to Court, and testifying to the Courts that I was trying to micromanage Doctors concerning Inert Ingredients in Medications, which contain the Beta-glucans that cause me to have a Beta-glucan overdose, causing an Abnormal Immune System Response, so that they could try to get them to cause me more Medical and Mental Harm by more Beta-glucan overdoses, and try to get them to cause my Death.

They deceived their Colleagues into not getting me Shots forms of Antibiotics that have no Inert Ingredients that cause me to have an Abnormal Immune System Response when I need them, to both try to deceive them into helping them kill me by Infections and Beta-glucan overdoses, and my Death would just be falsely blamed on me.

The second time, they used a Shot Medication that contains Phosphate Compounds that in combination with Phosphates in my Diet, cause a Phosphate overdose.

 And the Doctors that read my Internet Posts, and the Shurburne County Social Service Department Social Worker and the Shurburne County Prosecuting Attorney that took my Posts to Court, both times were motivated by hate for my Religious Belief, and hate for my Political Stance, and hate for my Freedom of the Press, and to Violate those Rights, they lock me up falsely calling my Religious Belief false, and by using Medical Misdiagnosis that contradicted my Medical Tests, and by committing perjury in Court.

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