Monday, January 7, 2013

The perfect Chemical Warfare Weapon delivery system.

The major problems with Chemical Warfare Weapons, is that they cannot cause harm, unless they come up with a way of delivering the Chemical Weapon to their intended Targets without the attack being detected, and Chemical Weapons are expensive to make and deploy.

So Psychological Warfare and Camouflage and a way of financing the Attack is simultaneously launched, to deceive both those that were selected as carriers of the Chemical Weapons, and their Intended Targets, and to get them to pay for the Chemical Weapons being delivered. Their new Chemical Weapons do not show up on Blood or Urine Tests, until they have caused enough damage to a person’s Immune System and Brain, to open them up to one Infection after another, causing the Economy to collapse from the rising Health Care Costs.

With the Importing of tens of thousands of the Brightest Minds for our Judicial and Medical Communities, they came up with a way to both pay for the Chemical Weapons, and hide the deployment of those Chemical Weapons in the Inert Ingredients of many Medications, because the exposure to the Chemical Weapon in one Medication is not enough to do serious damage fast enough, and often does not show up on Blood or Urine Tests till the damage is done. So often deceiving their victims to take and be exposed to the Chemical Weapons in more than one Medication, causes serious damage much faster, and is detectible on Blood and Urine Tests. But the Judicial Community and the Doctors and Medical Staff have been deceived to ignore those Test Results, and have been deceived into to just saying that their Patient is Psychotic and or going down hill. And when any Patient complains about the harm being done, the Judicial Community and the Doctors and Medical Staff have been deceived to just tell them that all Medications have side effects, take your Medicine or it will not work for you. And when a Patient objects, the Judicial Community and the Doctors and Medical Staff have been deceived to falsely call them delusional about Pains and or Cramps caused by the Chemical Weapons, and force the exposure of the Chemical Weapons upon them, and they often use restraints to do so, and some even have an absolute hate for the victims that complain about the harm that the Chemical Weapons are causing. Taking the Chemical Weapons for periods longer than five days, often causes common Gut Bacteria to infect the damaged Urinary Tract and or the Digestive Tract, and or causes Sinus Infections and or causes Meningitis, and the Judicial Community and the Doctors and Medical Staff have been deceived into giving those Chemical Weapons to Patients in Antibiotics resulting in one Infection after another, and they have been deceived to not run Culture Tests or the Right Tests for such Infections before and after a Medication is given, hiding the attack from many in the Judicial Community and Medical Community, and they just write off those that have been disabled by the Chemical Weapons as Mentally Ill, and they just write off the Deaths as Prescription Drug Deaths, and or as Natural Causes, like Infections, as they deceive the Public and Disable and or Murder many with their expensive Chemical Weapons, while collapsing the Economy from the rising Health Care Costs.

The Flu Season may be getting deadlier, because of the ongoing Chemical Warfare Attack.

The Flu Season may be getting deadlier, because those Food Additives and Inert Ingredients that raise some People's ANA Level, are damaging everyone's Immune System.

Any Food or Food Additive or Medication or Inert Ingredient that causes Abdominal Pain, and or Back Pain, and or Cramps, Headaches, and or mild to severe face Rashes that disappear in 1 to 6 days, or Rashes all over , if I take them on a daily basis for three to ten days, they cause my ANA Level to Rise, destroying my Immune System as it destroys the Cartilage and Mucosa Linings in my Kidneys and Digestive Tract, and my Sinus and Brain Cavities, and my bone Joints, and opens them up for one infection after another.

All three Orthopedic Doctors that diagnosed my high ANA Levels in the past, as part of an Overactive Immune System, made the same mistake and prescribed or recommended Medications for the Pain, that have Inert Ingredients that Raise my ANA Level and cause Face Rashes, and no matter what Medication any of these Inert Ingredients are in, they raise my ANA Level and cause Face Rashes and cause one Infection after another. The danger in taking these Medications for the Pain, they make the Pain almost Tolerable without lowering the ANA Level, while the Inert Ingredients raise the ANA Level and cause your Immune System to destroy the Cartilage and Mucosa Linings in the Kidneys and Digestive Tract, and the Sinus and Brain Cavities, and the bone Joints, until you are completely bed ridden, as those damaged areas get one infection after another. It only gets worse when they stack some of these same Inert Ingredients on top of it, in one Antibiotic Tab or Capsule after another for the Infections. The Medications and Inert Ingredients that the Orthopedic Doctors prescribed or recommended that made me bed ridden with one infection after another two times, and I refused to take them the third time, are; 

Bayer Aspirin

Inactive ingredients

carnauba wax*, corn starch, hypromellose, powdered cellulose, triacetin
* may contain this ingredient

Inactive ingredients

colloidal silicon dioxide, corn starch, croscarmellose sodium, hypromellose, iron oxides, microcrystalline cellulose, polyethylene glycol, polysorbate 80, stearic acid, titanium dioxide

TYLENOL® Regular Strength Tablets

Inactive Ingredients

TYLENOL® Regular Strength Tablets: corn starch, magnesium stearate, powdered cellulose, pregelatinized starch, sodium starch glycolate.

And the worst was TYLENOL® 3

Inactive Ingredients

TYLENOL® with Codeine (acetaminophen and codeine) No. 3: contains powdered cellulose, magnesium stearate, sodium metabisulfite†, pregelatinized starch (corn), and modified starch (corn).

All the Tab and Capsule Antibiotic Medications that other Doctors gave me for the Infections, have some of these same Inert Ingredients in them, and some worse, and they all raised my ANA Level and caused Face Rashes, and caused my Immune System to destroy the Cartilage and Mucosa Linings in the Kidneys and Digestive Track, and the Sinus and Brain Cavities, and the bone Joints, until I was completely bed ridden by the Doctors again and again, as those damaged areas got one infection after another.

Each time I had to get Bicillin or Penicillin Shots and or Antibiotics by IV in a Hospital that have no Inert Ingredients that raise my ANA Level, to stop the cycle of one Infection after another.

But every time I get an Infection, these Doctors refuse to get me Bicillin or Penicillin Shots and cause one adverse reaction after another till they Hospitalize me, often by force. That is how these Ignorant Arrogant Doctors make money, they just charge the Government for the Harm that they caused, and they need to loose their Licenses to protect the Public from these Greedy Egomaniacs.

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