Saturday, January 19, 2013

The way some genetically modified organism (GMO), cause Excessive Immune Stimulation and or raise your Antinuclear Antibody Level.

Inert Ingredients in Medications cause all the high ANA Levels associated with Immune System Disorders.

Some Pathogenic and Non Pathogenic Bacteria produce a type of Polysaccharide called Beta-glucans that stimulates the Immune System to attack that Polysaccharide.

A Pathogenic Bacteria like Klebsiella produces two such compounds, a Polysaccaride with 80 varieties, called K antigens, and the O antigens Lipopolysaccharide with 9 varieties, and the Government and Medical Communities are totally unaware, that these Compounds can literally Alter your DNA, making you a genetically modified organism (GMO). 

The O antigens Lipopolysaccharide with 9 varieties has the ability to transfer some of its DNA straight into your DNA, altering your DNA, just like Agrobacterium, a Non Pathogenic Bacteria that produces Curdlan and injects its DNA to Plants, to cause a genetically modified organism (GMO), and Plant Tumors. If I get those Beta-glucan compounds from either of those Bacteria into my system, it causes such a strong Excessive Immune Stimulation that all my Bones and my Kidneys begin to hurt, even if it has not reached a quantity to raise my ANA Level. And Klebsiella will raise my ANA Level without infecting my body, by just being in my Gut Flora, and because I am Fructose Intolerant, Klebsiella feeds off my Lactose Foods, and multiplies till the Klebsiella reach a quantity that raises my ANA Level, and then infects my Urinary Tract. I can stop some of the pain by not eating any Lactose Foods for a couple days, but Lactose Foods are a third of my Diet, and no matter how long I stop eating the Lactose Foods, I cannot get rid of that Klebsiella Bacteria without Bicillin. Without raising my ANA Level, the Excessive Immune Stimulation is strong enough, that it will put me in a Wheelchair from prolonged exposure. It also makes some People falsely think that they are Lactose Intolerant. Because Celiacs and non Celiac Family members have an immune system prone to this Klebsiella Bacteria and its Polysaccharides and Lipopolysaccharides, it may be why so many in our Families die from Colon and Stomach Cancers.

Excess or mutant Lysozyme in the Mucosa, while destroying the Cells of Bacteria and or Fungi and or Beat-glucans, by Lysis, the Lysate that results, contains fragments of the DNA of the Bacteria and or Fungi and or Beat-glucans resulting in Recombinant DNA that alter the DNA in some of the Mucosa Cells, resulting in the Immune System destroying those altered Cells, in Excessive Immune Stimulation, often raising the ANA Level.

Lysozyme in Eggs and or Vaccines uniting abnormally with the mutant Lysozyme in the Mucosa, breaks down Cornstarch and Cellulose and Mushrooms and Oats and Wheat an Rye and Barley, and Polysaccharide Encapsulated Bacteria and or Yeasts or other Fungi, and other large Beta-glucans, into fragmented smaller Beta-glucans, that enter the proximal small intestine and some are captured by the macrophages, and the small Beta-glucan fragments are eventually released by the macrophages and taken up by other immune cells leading to various immune responses, like Excessive Immune Stimulation, and raising the Antinuclear Antibody Level destroying the Mucosa in the Kidneys and throughout the Body, and or causing the small intestine to react to Gliadin in Gluten in Wheat, Rye, and Barley, causing Celiac Antibodies against Gliadin destroying the Villi and Microvilli of the small Intestine.

 This is a Urinary Tract Infection, with no Temperate or elevated white Blood Cells that they falsely called me delusional about and had me locked up in 2009. The thickening of the bladder wall and the swollen Prostate are from the Bacteria altering the DNA in the Linings. That die with Iodine completely knocked out my Sodium Level, I could not see to read the Label, I refused the other dye that I knew would hurt me. They falsely called me delusional about the elevating ANA Level, my ANA Level was 3.9 10/20/2009, most likely from the Inert Ingredients in Meds that they were forcing me to take, when the Fairview Riverside Hospital that they locked me up in, tool it, and not allowing me to drink water to rinse out the Iodine, left me with a 123 Sodium Level the next day when my head bounced off the floor. 5 shots of Penicillin with Lidocaine took it out.



CLINICAL HISTORY: Abdominal pain.
FINDINGS: Multiple axial images were obtained from the diaphragm to
the symphysis pubis after the administration of IV contrast only.
100 cc of Optiray 320 was administered intravenously. Oral contrast
was not utilized because the patient refused.

The lung bases are clear.

There are no focal liver lesions. The gallbladder is surgically
absent. The spleen, pancreas and adrenal glands are within normal
limits. There are no masses or hydronephrosis seen in the kidneys.
There is no evidence of a bowel obstruction. There is no free fluid
identified in the abdomen or pelvis. There are vascular
calcifications. The prostate gland is enlarged. There is mild
thickening of the wall of the urinary bladder.

1. Mild thickening of the wall of the urinary bladder. This is
likely due to a chronic obstruction from an enlarged prostate gland.
2. Status post cholecystectomy.
3. No acute abnormality identified on CT scan of the abdomen and
pelvis with contrast.

This agrees with the preliminary report given via teleradiology by
Dr. Kane.

A.M.A. HEPATIC PANEL (10/14/2009 3:35 AM CDT)
Component Value Range
Bilirubin Conjugated 0.0 0.0-0.3 mg/dL
Bilirubin Delta 0.1 0.0-0.4 mg/dL
Bilirubin Total 0.7 0.2-1.3 mg/dL
Albumin 3.9 3.9-5.1 g/dL
Protein Total 7.2 6.8-8.8 g/dL
Alkaline Phosphatase 91 40-150 U/L
ALT 74 0-70 U/L
AST 64 0-55 U/L

Component Value Range
Sodium 139 133-144 mmol/L
Potassium 4.1 3.4-5.3 mmol/L
Chloride 108 94-109 mmol/L
Carbon Dioxide 28 20-32 mmol/L
Anion Gap 3.5 6-17 mmol/L
Glucose 94 60-99 mg/dL
Urea Nitrogen 9 7-30 mg/dL
Creatinine 0.66
Comment: New IDMS-traceable calibration beginning 5/1/08 0.66-1.25 mg/dL
GFR Estimate >90 >60 mL/min/1.7m2
GFR Estimate If Black >90 >60 mL/min/1.7m2
Calcium 8.8 8.5-10.4 mg/dL

Component Value Range
WBC 4.4 4.0-11.0 10e9/L
RBC Count 3.88 4.4-5.9 10e12/L
Hemoglobin 13.0 13.3-17.7 g/dL
Hematocrit 39.0 40.0-53.0 %
MCV 100 78-100 fl
MCH 33.5 26.5-33.0 pg
MCHC 33.3 31.5-36.5 g/dL
RDW 14.4 10.0-15.0 %
Platelet Count 123 150-450 10e9/L
Diff Method Automated Method
% Lymphocytes 32 20-48 %
% Monocytes 7 0-12 %
% Granulocytes 61 40-75 %
Absolute Lymphocytes 1.4 0.8-5.3 10e9/L
Absolute Monoctyes 0.3 0.0-1.3 10e9/L
Absolute Granulocytes 2.7 1.6-8.3 10e9/L

LIPASE (10/14/2009 3:35 AM CDT)
Component Value Range
Lipase 126 20-250 U/L

URINE CULTURE (10/14/2009 3:31 AM CDT)
Component Value Range
Specimen Description Midstream Urine
Culture Micro >100,000 colonies/mL Klebsiella pneumoniae
Report status FINAL 10/16/2009

UA MICRO IF POSITIVE (10/14/2009 3:31 AM CDT)
Component Value Range
Color Urine Yellow
Appearance Urine Clear
Glucose Urine Negative NEG mg/dL
Bilirubin Urine Negative NEG
Ketones Urine Negative NEG mg/dL
Specific Gravity Urine <=1.005 1.003-1.035
Blood Urine Negative NEG
pH Urine 7.0 5.0-7.0 pH
Protein Albumin Urine Negative NEG mg/dL
Urobilinogen Urine 0.2 0.2-1.0 EU/dL
Nitrite Urine Negative NEG
Leukocyte Esterase Urine Negative NEG
Source Midstream Urine

ELECTROLYTE PANEL (10/15/2009 8:19 PM CDT)
Component Value Range
Sodium 123 133-144 mmol/L
Potassium 4.1 3.4-5.3 mmol/L
Chloride 96 94-109 mmol/L
Carbon Dioxide 24 20-32 mmol/L
Anion Gap 3.4 6-17 mmol/L

See my Culture and Comments on the Klebsiella and other Bacteria that dropped my weight from 220 Lbs to 159 Lbs on 8/30/2010, while putting me in a Wheelchair, and see on the Blood and Urine Tests, they missed both the Klebsiella and the Throat Streptococcus.;set=a.4831149551034.175622.1665481011&amp;type=3&amp;theater

The Infection that altered my DNA the most was a multiple infection in the Throat and Urinary Tract. Streptococcus Bacteria cause me the worst Abnormal Immune System Response, Excessive Immune Stimulation, and raise my ANA Level. At first when I got out of the Army, I thought the disabling Bone and Kidney Pains and Face Rashes, that are caused by Adverse Reactions to Inert Ingredients in Medications, were part of the Infection caused by the Streptococcus Bacteria, till one day years later, they caused me to have a 107 Temperature and real high White Blood Cells in Los Vegas, and they put me in a Hospital for multiple Infections. They gave me both Penicillin and Erythromycin by IV. There are no Inert Ingredients in the IV Antibiotics, and I had no Adverse Reactions to them. It was then that I realized there was something wrong with the Tab and Capsule Medications, because a Ten Day Course of any Antibiotic never took the Infections completely out, it would fade out while on the Antibiotic, and come right back after finishing the Course, till I got Shot Antibiotics. But after that, every time I got a visible Throat Infection, my Temperature dropped instead of going up, and my White Blood Cells would not rise at all, and my Platelets would drop too Low. Which makes it hard to tell if I am Infected, and they don’t run Cultures, so I run my own, Urine, Stool, and Throat. And every time the Hospitals or a Clinic identifies a strain of bacteria, I have that and a mix of two or three different types of Bacteria in my Cultures, which makes their arguments about efficacy for the only Bacteria Mentioned, foolish and harmful. So I run the Cultures before and during and after the treatment and keep track of what Bacteria, and what day, it took it out. Later I figured out that the high ANA Level was what was opening me up to one infection after another, then I began looking for everything that raises my ANA Level.

See one of my Blood Tests and Urine Tests, after being Infected for Months, and my Culture Mix, and a 96 to 97 Temperature

The Doctors diagnosed me with Seborric Dermatitis, an itchy Scalp and Face Rash, that flakes off, caused by a strain of Yeast called, Malassezia, and like all Yeasts, it is a Beta-glucan.  And some of the strains of Yeast are such a powerful Immune System Stimulator, that they cause me to have larger deep burning Red Rashes, while raising my ANA Level if I am exposed to them a few days. Some Bread Yeasts do not cause a Rash right away, but will raise my ANA Level, and Brewers Yeast is among the worst. Staying on my Low Beta-glucan  Diet, causes the Seborric Dermatitis to disappear, and keeps my ANA Normal, unless I get the wrong Type of Bacteria or Fungi in my Gut Flora, or get an Infection, or Medications with Beta-glucans in them.

Some strains of Yeast cause no Face Rash, but cause Red Lesions from the tip of my Tongue, down the throat, with stringy White Lesions around the edges of my Tongue, with severe Esophagitis, like the strain of Yeast that I got in the Food at Fairview Riverside Hospitable. Like other Doctors who saw it before, Dr Stein looked and said, "Well, it is not a Yeast Infection." After that he had the Psychiatric Staff let me have Food and Well Water from outside the Hospital, because I had Adverse Reactions to all of the Food and Water there. He was surprised when my Diet brought all of my Blood Levels back to Normal.

GMO Cellulose and Beta-glucans in your Diet or Medication's Inert Ingredients, even soluble Beta-glucans in Oats, stimulate your Immune System, because your Immune System responds to them as if they were a sliver or a thorn. When some of those Beta-glucans alter the DNA in any portion of the Mucosa Linings in your Body, to try to prevent a Tumor or Cancer from forming, your Immune System begins producing Antinuclear Antibodies to try to kill off those Altered DNA Cells, but those Antibodies also get confused and destroy many healthy Cells in your Body, and cause mild to severe Pain at times.


Every Medical Disorder where there is an elevated Antinuclear Antibody Level, that person’s DNA has been altered in a part or parts of their Body, making them more vulnerable to Klebsiella and other Bacteria and Fungi, and because everyone’s DNA is different, but similar to others, some people develop one Immune System Disorder, and others another Immune System Disorder, and others yet another Immune System Disorder, but they all have basically the same cause.

And notice on Wiki they do not mention Celiac Disease or Allergies, who some do produce elevated ANA Levels, and so do many that do not fit any of those or the Disorders Mentioned, which may be up to 5 to 20% of the US Population or more, because the Doctors do not run ANA Level Tests on everyone when they are in Pain, or before and at the end of a course of their 8 to 10 day Medications, or on those that are treated longer with Inert Ingredients that raise the ANA Level.

Many of these percentages are wrong, because they take the ANA Level one time, it is Normal, then when they give them Inert Ingredients that raise it, they do not take it again. And when a person with a history of high ANA Levels is on no Medication with Inert Ingredients, and a Diet with no Beta-glucans in it, and they Test and find it Normal, they don't even ask why, they falsely called me delusional about my past high ANA Levels, and then when I handed them two from their own records that were high, they still would not believe what caused it, and had me locked up in a Psychiatric Hospital, saying that I was trying to micromanage Doctors concerning Inert Ingredients, and then I eyewitness them even giving confirmed Celiacs things made from Gluten in their Medications, and if you have a Corn Allergy or a Corn Intolerance, or other Allergy or Intolerance, or they raise your ANA Level, you are out of luck, they cannot get you the Inert Ingredient Lists before hand.

Associated diseases

The normal titer of ANA is 1:40 or less. Higher titers are indicative of an autoimmune disease. The presence of ANA is indicative of lupus erythematosus (present in 80-90% of cases), though they also appear in some other auto-immune diseases such as Sjögren's syndrome (60%), rheumatoid arthritis (30-40%), autoimmune hepatitis, scleroderma and polymyositis &amp; dermatomyositis (30%), and various non-rheumatological conditions associated with tissue damage. Other conditions with high ANA titre include[citation needed] Addison disease, Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP), Hashimoto's, Autoimmune hemolytic anemia, Type I diabetes mellitus, Mixed connective tissue disorder (MCTD).

This is what I believe is the basic cause.

The altered DNA in GMO plants by Agrobacterium, often produce compounds similar to Curdlan, and eating those Foods cause me to have an Excessive Immune Stimulation, like in some GMO Rice that contains Iron, and is not an Iron Absorption Inhibitor, while the Jasmine Rice does not contain Iron and is an Iron Absorption Inhibitor. It may be what causes some People to develop Cancer from GMO Rice, and or Hybrid Rice. Most often Hybrid Rice other than Jasmine, I cannot eat.

This is also why I have more severe adverse reactions to some strains of Corn and Wheat and Rye and Barley than other strains of those species, the GMO contain more Beta-glucans that cause the Abnormal Immune System response, Excessive Immune Stimulation, and if the quantities of the Beta-glucans are great enough, it raises my ANA Level.

When your DNA gets altered in your Mucosa Linings and Bone Joints, and Kidneys, by Bacteria producing Polysaccharides with Beta-glucans, your Immune System gets confused and begins producing Antinuclear Antibodies that begin attacking Cells in your Body, as if they were an Antigen, causing extreme pain at times, till the Polysaccharide and Beta-glucans from it, and the Bacteria that produced them and raised the ANA Level, are taken out. But that is not likely to happen, by this current ignorant Medical Community who passes out Tab and Capsule Medications with Cellulose and other Beta-glucans that raise your ANA Level, you have to come up with some real smart ways of getting Bicillin from them.

Dent Field Corn is some bring Hybrid, and 86% of the Dent Field Corn grown in the USA today, is a GMO, and the GMO being the worst for me, and Cornstarch processed from the Hybrids and the GMO, and most Cellulose Compounds in Foods or Medications, produce a strong enough Excessive Immune Stimulation at the quantities of them found in Inert Ingredients of Medications that are far enough above their toxicity thresholds for me, they produce different forms of Face Rashes, being mild to severe, depending on how much of those Toxins that I ingested. If I keep taking them on a daily basis for three to ten days, they raise my ANA Level. Crazy Doctors just write prescriptions for Rash Creams and Rash Medications and Medications for the pain, and keep giving them to you so that your Antinuclear Antibodies will destroy the Kidneys and Mucosa Linings and Bones and Bone Joints throughout your entire Body, opening them up for one Infection after another, so that they can make money giving more Antibiotics and Rash Creams and Rash Medications and Medications for the pain, and when you complain, they just take you to Court claiming that you are trying micromanage the Doctors concerning Inert Ingredients in Medications, and they force their Immune System Stimulators upon you, raising your ANA long enough, until they can make money trying to find you a Kidney Donor, because they destroyed your Kidneys, by elevating your ANA Level, and refusing to test for it, while they were causing it, so that they can claim that did not know about it.

A GMO Food can be produced in Nature, or can be produced by People using those things, to produce GMOs.

Many of the deformities here on these ordinary Foods, were caused by Curtin from the Non Pathogenic Bacteria Agrobacterium. Both the Curdlan, and the deformities that it produces on the Foods, and Beneath the Skin of the Foods, a portion of the altered Food contains more Beta-glucans than the rest of the Food, and will also cause me to have an Abnormal Immune System Response, Excessive Immune Stimulation, and will raise my ANA Level, if the quantities are great enough, which is a small quantity, and if I keep eating those Foods with those quantities daily, and it is worse if Beta-glucans are stacked on top of one another, from different Foods and Inert Ingredients of Medications. It is why the whole earth is experiencing a rise in Prescription Drug Deaths.

See my Photo Album with Photos of how Curdlan from Agrobacterium causes abnormal growths in Food Plants.

In this Photo Album, the Doctors caused these Cysts, Polyps, and Bone Spurs, and Face Rashes similar to these by Forced Drug Treatment, and they just gave me Rash Creams and Rash Medications and kept me on the Drugs that caused it, and it caused both upper and lower digestive tract bleeding, and deterioration to the lumbar spine that showed up on X-rays. The Rashes in this Photo Album were caused by the same Inert Ingredients in Antibiotics, that raised my ANA Level and left Blood in my Urine,  The different Inert Ingredients that raise my ANA Level, each cause different types of Face Rashes, an Orthopedic Doctor called some of these in this Album, Erythematosus Lupus like Rashes. I was locked up and force treated with fabricated lies, because the Doctors refused to get me Bicillin for an Infection, that have no Inert Ingredients that raise my ANA Level. The CAT Scan that they took before the forced treatment had no Cysts, Polyps, and Bone Spurs. And then I was locked up and force treated again, because a Doctor said I was trying to micromanage Doctors concerning Inert Ingredients in Medications, and said my Religious Belief was False when prompted by the Prosecuting Attorney in Court, that had me locked up both times, even trying to use my Internet Posts against me.

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