Saturday, January 5, 2013

Why does the Public not respond to a serious National Security Threat?

When I was in the US Army, my Unit had me OJT as a Nuclear and Biological and Chemical Warfare Instructor, NBC Instructor, and with little notice I passed the Annual General Inspection, AGI, as an NBC Instructor, with a 100% the first time through, which was the first time in 8 years that my Unit had passed the AGI in NBC, the first time through.

For National Security Reasons, being able to test for and recognize fraudulent Medical Treatment, was part of the Job, so we learned the fraudulent Medical Treatment Technics that were deployed by both the Nazis and the Soviets.

For National Security Reasons, the People of the United States of America need to put a stop to what the Judicial and Medical communities are doing and are causing many Americans both Medical and Mental Harm. They are doing it like some of the US Congressmen tried to do by setting up Hillary Clinton, by falsely claiming that she was faking a concussion, and then they find People in the Medical Community to support their false claims. They are doing the same thing to Political and Religious opponents in the Public, and they are causing us the loss of all our Rights that many of us served in the Armed Forces to defend, without Just cause, and because we are not Politicians like Hillary Clinton, no one will step in and stop them from causing us more and more Medical and Mental Harm by their false claims and forced Medical Maltreatment.

Like in my case, they are doing this same thing to many others, causing us Medical and Mental Harm. They started by falsely calling me delusional about having been hit in the head by a Rock in the USA, and having been declared permanently blind by five Military Doctors. Then they started setting me up and began forcing upon me Drugs that only caused me Medical and Mental Harm, till a Neurologist ran Tests, and had a Court order them not to give me anymore Psychiatric Drugs. and or any Antiepileptic Drugs that they were giving me for Seizures caused by the Psychiatric Drugs that were forced upon me, because they were falsely calling me delusional about the head Injury that I got in my second term of service in the US Army. And since 1982, I have not been able to get treated for that injury even one time, and I went Blind in one Eye and am going Blind in the other, because of their Medical Neglect and Maltreatment, and I can get no compensation for the head Injury that I got in the US Army, because of their false claims and Medical Neglect and Maltreatment. 

They just make false claims every time that I need any Medical Treatment, and they just cause me more and more Medical and Mental Harm each time, and they charge the Government for the Harm that they cause each time. Like, I needed a Liver Medication, and unlike the other Medication, the Medication itself readily dissolved in water, and most of the Inert Ingredients that cause me an Immune System Response do not. So I took the Medication out of the capsule and threw away the capsule, and I dissolved the Medication in water, and skimmed off the Inert Ingredients that floated, and would not drink the Inert Ingredients that did not dissolve and settled to the bottom. The Blood tests show that the Medication was working extremely well till I got a Bacterial Infection. And then the Doctors falsely called me delusional about the Inert Ingredients that raise my ANA Level, and they deliberately caused one adverse reaction after another with antibiotics that would not dissolve in water, so it was impossible to separate out the Inert Ingredients. They refused to get me Bicillin or Penicillin Shots that have no Inert Ingredients that would cause an Abnormal Immune System Response, and they caused one Infection after another from the damage done by the Inert Ingredients, like they normally do, as they raised my ANA Level with the Inert Ingredients. But they deliberately falsely blamed the Liver Medication and cut it off, and blocked the Treatment, and took away my Rights and my Liberty with fabricated lies, and no Medical Tests to back up their false claims, and they forced one adverse reaction after another upon me, till my stool turned black with maroon color blood clots in it, and they would not even look for the upper digestive tract bleeding that they caused. And now I am dying from an untreated Liver Disease, with no way of getting any proper and adequate Medical Treatment, because of their Ignorance and Incompetence and Arrogance, and they and their Media are able to deceive the Public to take no action against them, just like the Nazis and Soviets were able to do.

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