Thursday, March 21, 2013

CNN and the Media and the Government targets Human Beings by brainwashing the Public and the Medical Community to target the vulnerabilities of Human Beings.

CNN and the Media and the Government dumb down the Public with issues about Obama Care, instead of stopping the Courts and Medical Community and Drug and Food Manufactures from repeatedly causing People, more and more Medical and Mental Harm, with their harmful Foods and Drugs and harmful Food and Drug additives.

Anyone who has repeated adverse reactions to their harmful Foods and Drugs and harmful Food and Drug additives, is counted as insane, or mentally ill, and they are stripped of their unalienable Rights to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, and though they committed no crime and harmed no one, they manufacture lies against them and publish them in the Media and or write them in their Court and Medical Records with no way to get them straightened out, and they are locked up again and again, and have one adverse reaction after another forced upon them, with no access to accurate and proper and adequate Medical Treatment.

The Medications and Inert Ingredients that CNN had them force upon me not only Raise my ANA Level, they cause episodes of Hypoglycemia and life threatening Hyponatremia, so CNN uses Broadcasts about too much Sodium Consumption causing health issues, to brainwash the Public and Medical Community, so that they will keep taking away my Sea Salt with no Iodine, and my Sodium Bicarbonate, and put me in a Hospital on a Low Sodium Diet like they did when they took my Gallbladder out, and the only reason that I survived the sudden sleepiness after the CT Scans and X-rays that resulted in my Bilirubin and AST and ALT Levels skyrocketing, was they had me on Normal Saline IV with Antibiotics, and I did not take any of the TAB or Capsule Medications that they offered in the Hospital, but they wrote lies in my Medical Records, and had the Medical Community force Medications upon me, and more Foods and Medications and Procedures with Iodine, that cause me to have sudden episodes of Hypoglycemia and life threatening Hyponatremia, and that cause my Fe Serum and Fe Saturation and Ferritin and Bilirubin and AST and ALT and Cholesterol Levels to skyrocket, and I called the Police afterwards, trying to find out if the Medications that they gave me to take afterwards were Poisoned, I had no Idea at the time that they contained Cornstarch and Cellulose and other fragmented Beta-glucans, and Corn Syrup and Fructose and Sugar Alcohols and artificial sweeteners and artificial flavors and FD&Cs.

The Bilirubin problem that I have, comes with too much Bile being discharged into my duodenum at times, resulting in my Serum Iron and Fe Saturation and Ferritin skyrocketing, resulting in episodes that resemble Acute Intermittent Porphyria, that last from a day to months, depending on what triggered it. But the episodes only cause my coproporphyrin concentration to elevate, so they say that it is not a Porphyria disorder, though it is triggered by many of the same things, and produces the same clinical manifestations, as it  throws off all the Iron and Sodium Levels like in Acute Intermittent Porphyria, but my Iron Levels can be controlled by Diet, but normal Iron Levels do not stop the acute episodes from being triggered, often resulting in upper and lower digestive tract bleeding, and leaving me in a Wheelchair for a few days to few weeks, from the intermittent paralysis that it causes from the waist down, before the different stages of episode is over.

At some point after the acute episode starts, either my body neurologically blocks the Bile Duct, and or it gets infected from the damage done, resulting in all the symptoms of Ascending Cholangitis, and often takes antibiotics to stop the Bile Duct Blockage.

Fat in Meat is often a trigger, and sometimes a compound called Magnesium Stearate that is added to Foods or Medications. I get pain where my Gallbladder was after ingesting that stuff, because it triggers my Body to try to release Bile from the Gallbladder that is not there, and they speed up my Bile Production, triggering an episode as my Iron Levels skyrocket, and some Iron Absorption Enhancing Foods do the same thing, causing pain in my duodenum, so I don't eat them. The Doctors misread these Iron Levels that I keep normal by Diet, because that they cannot comprehend that keeping those Levels normal by Diet, does not cure the underlying Medical Condition, it just reduces the severity and damage from the acute episodes.

Sugary Fruits and Vegetables and Fructose and Sugar Alcohols and Corn Syrup and Tomatoes cause me to have Hypoglycemic events.

Too much Iodine in Foods, at a time, and or too much Iodine in Medications or Medical Procedures, causes me to have Hypoglycemic events, and Hyponatremia events.

Beta-glucan Foods, and Cornstarch and Cellulose and other fragmented Beta-glucans in Processed Foods or in Inert Ingredients of Medications, drop my Platelet Levels, and cause my Lymph Nodes and Prostate to swell, and often cause Face Rashes and raise my ANA Level.

The swollen Left Adrenal Gland on CT Scans show why I develop lower than normal temperatures, from Infections, and from some Foods and Medications.

Epinephrine is produced by neurons in the central nervous system and in the chromaffin cells of the adrenal medulla from amino acids phenylalanine and tyrosine.

My Body weight fluctuates between 204 down to 180 Lbs right now, it went from 220 to 159 lbs in late 2009 to mid 2010 when it the Doctors in Minnesota caused it before, and from 220 to 179 Lbs in late 2005 to mid 2006, when the Doctors in New York caused it, with a daily recommended dosage of 15 mg of L-phenylalanine per pound, which right now is, 2700 to 3000 mg. During the different stages of my acute episodes that last a day to months, I have adverse reactions to too much L-phenylalanine in any meal or snack, possibly due to adrenal malfunction, and daily consumption is from zero to less than 2000 mg a day during those times, and is gradually increased to near 2000 to up to 4000 mg a day, in the recovery stages.

Situations that stimulate Epinephrine production, like riots, being robbed, captivity, the medical community, court, and CNN, etc, often cause fluctuating intermittent episodes of Hypertension and Hypotension, fluctuating eyesight and hearing and Dyslexia, increase intermittent acute episodes of pain and cramps, intermittent acute Headaches and or Migraines, intermittent acute episodes of Edema and Eustachian Tube Dysfunction, intermittent acute episodes of PTSD, intermittent acute episodes of Encephalophy, intermittent acute episodes of Acidosis, intermittent acute episodes of Partial Complex Seizures, and intermittent acute episodes of Transient Ischemic Attacks, and adversely effect Glucose and Sodium and Potassium and Protein and Dopamine and Serotonin and Platelet Levels. The episodes of abnormal brain waves that show up at times on EEGs corresponding with skin and face flushing, and shaking and cramps in diverse body members, was diagnosed by a VA Neurologist in Kansas City, as intermittent episodes of Partial Complex Seizures, and intermittent episodes of Transient Ischemic Attacks, and they are triggered by Cornstarch and or fragmented Beta-glucan in Foods or Medications that cause diverse Face Rashes and raise my ANA Level and cause my Prostate and Lymph Nodes to swell, and or by Infections such as Bacteria, and sometimes Fungi in my Sinus and Lung Cavities or in my Digestive Tract.

But I always have had severe shaking sometimes and nervousness, adverse reactions, to synthetic D-phenylalanine, and D-L-phenylalanine mixes, in artificial sweeteners and artificial flavors in foods and medications, it seems that my neurons in the central nervous system and in the chromaffin cells of the adrenal medulla are not able to process them.

If the Government and Medical Community can find no adverse medical condition that would make it so that I cannot Metabolize those things, then they must classify them as Toxic Poisons, and stop the Courts and Medical Communities and Food and Drug Manufactures from giving them to the Public.

Like the Medical Community that they control, most of the People at CNN are totally out of touch with reality and are Insane, and are a threat to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of happiness of Human Beings.

See "Overcoming disabilities" with links to articles about my Diet and the Socialist Fascist Institution called CNN.

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