Saturday, March 9, 2013

The deliberate Medical and Mental Misdiagnosis done by Socialist Fascist Doctors.

Dr Tran and his team sent me a quotation from my Medical Records, that is the reason that the Medical Community is falsely calling me delusional, and are refusing to run the right Tests when needed, and he and his team are trying to get things straight, hopefully so that it don’t happen again.

Though I did not know at the time what was in the Medications that caused me to have adverse reactions, I have never been able to take Tab or Capsule Medications without Adverse Reactions, and some Psychotic Doctors made these entries into my Medical Records, because they refused to believe that I had such severe adverse Reactions to all the Tab and Capsule Medications in the 1980s and 1990, that a VA Neurologist took the Foote Hospital Doctors in Jackson Michigan to Court in 1990, to stop them from forcing Anticonvulsant and Psychiatric Drugs upon me, and the Medical Community and Doctors started falsely calling me delusional about the Adverse Reactions at the Kansas City VA in 1999, where I had adverse reactions to all of their Drugs, and they refused to write the Psychiatric Drugs that I had adverse reactions to in my Medical Records to stop other Doctors from causing me the same harm, and CNN who I asked for help, falsely called me delusional about adverse reactions to Psychiatric Drugs in 2005, and set me up to be force Treated with Psychiatric Drugs in New York for almost a year, they kept me a long time, just because I had adverse reactions to every Drug that they gave me, and they refused to write the Psychiatric Drugs that I had adverse reactions to in my Medical Records to stop other Doctors from causing me the same harm, and then the VA in Minneapolis where I was escorted to from New York, falsely called me delusional about the adverse reactions, and they refused to write the Psychiatric Drugs that I had adverse reactions to in my Medical Records to stop other Doctors from causing me the same harm, and falsely called me delusional about a compromised immune system where my White Blood Cells do not elevate when Infected, and then the Allina Hospital Doctors in 2008 began falsely calling me delusional about adverse reactions to Corn Syrup, which causes me to have Hypoglycemia, and Cornstarch does not, it causes Face Rashes from the Kidney damage that it does, but at the time not knowing that there was any Cornstarch in the Medications, they wrote deliberate lies in my Medical Records to get me Medically and Mentally misdiagnosed, so that they could have Doctors force Psychiatric Drugs upon me, and then in 2009 the Fairview Doctors began falsely calling me delusional about adverse reactions to Corn Syrup, which causes me to have Hypoglycemia, and Cornstarch does not, it causes Face Rashes from the Kidney damage that it does, and they refused to write the Psychiatric Drugs that I had adverse reactions to in my Medical Records to stop other Doctors from causing me the same harm. 

In the beginning stages of an acute episode that resembles AIP or sporadic porphyria, caused by Beta-glucans in Bacteria or Fungi, the excessive immune stimulation is so strong just before it begins causing complex partial seizures, it is very hard to communicate, and I am under interrogation at those times in the ER always by Medical Staff and or Doctors that misdiagnose it every time, as a Mental Illness, and cause me Medical Harm. At each time I am expressing to them things that trigger my episodes, and they never write it correctly in my Medical Records, they always twist it to try to make me look Mentally Ill to the other Doctors and Medical Staff, like Dr Momen did here on 01/30/09.

I was telling them how anything with Corn Syrup causes my Blood Sugar to drop, and causes the episodes at times, and asked why it does that, mentioning nothing at the time about the Face Rashes caused by Cornstarch, because I was having an acute attack and was pressed to get the Medical Information out so that they could figure out what caused it, and I said the Yeast and Corn and Gluten Grains and Dilantin was already on the Allergy Alert Tag at the VA, and that Infections like I had then, cause it too. And at the time I did not know that there was any Cornstarch in Medications, but this is what she wrote in my Medical Records at the Allina Unity Hospital ER:

“In terms of Mental Status. the patient had pressured speech and he was appropriate in answer, but FIXATED ON HIS ALLERGY TO CORNSTARCH, and that is why he takes none of his Medications because some of the Medications has cornstarch in it and it lowers his blood sugar and he should not be on those medications.”

Then to get Psychiatric Drugs forced upon me to cause me more harm the Fairview Doctors wrote in my Medical Records:

”Corn Starch 9/3/2009 Cramps
Headaches, adverse reaction, also if in medication causes reaction- this is patient reported and has not been witnessed by clinical personnel, despite numerous medication exposures that contain corn starch”

Allergies? Face Rashes from damaged Kidneys.


Chinasa Paul Anugwom, MD, MD


Joseph R Loegering


3/9/2013 4:24 PM CST

Before I saw the allergist which the Doctors and Courts were deliberately blocking me from getting, saying that I would have to get one when released, after the forced adverse reactions and rashes and gut bleeding, the VA Allergist said that the Hospitals have these classified wrong in my Medical Records, he said it is not an IgE Based Allergy, he said it is an adverse Metabolic Reaction like Celiac Disease, that raises my ANA Level, mentioning only one specific trigger in my Medical Records, Yeast, and he wanted me to have a Metabolic Doctor to enter in my Medical records accurately, everything that I have adverse reactions to, because he said that according to my Blood Tests, specifically referring to my High Iron Levels in my Medical records, he said that they need to stop the Doctors from giving me the wrong things, and he said, if they do, that they had better be ready to give me the right things, because he had seen this thing before and the results, and he had me write out an Alphabetical List of things that I have adverse reactions to, that was easy, because I have eidetic memory, and it was real easy to figure out what was going on when a Toxicologist told me that there was Cornstarch in the Inert Ingredients of the Medications, it was a Ten Page List that I even posted on Google Docs at the time, because I used the Computer to look up all the Medications and their Inert Ingredients, and recorded them accurately with the adverse reaction that each one caused, and had taken Photos of the adverse reactions that some of them caused before being locked up, but the Doctors and Medical Staff would always refuse to look at the Photos and what caused the adverse reactions. The list that is still on Google, and I have a printed copy, includes the Analgesic Drugs, Anticonvulsants, Antibiotics, Psychiatric Drugs, Laxatives, Lactulose, their Inert Ingredients, and many Foods and Food Additives and Sugars and Alcohol and Sugar Alcohols. But then the VA Allergist called back and said that I need to sue the VA, because they are blocking me from getting a Metabolic Doctor to do that accurately, and are causing me harm by not running the right tests when needed, specifically my Iron Levels, and the disorders associated with them. And none of the Hospital or Clinic Nursing Staff, that entered the reactions in my Medical Records, will enter everything, or an accurate description of the adverse reactions that they cause, even when it happens in the Hospitals, and they always blame the Face and other Rashes and Muscle Cramps on something that did not cause it, so the Doctors do not have any accurate Information. Besides Cornstarch and Cellulose and other Beta-glucans, and Pregelatinized Starchade from Gluten Grains and some made from Corn, the Medications that had Croscarmellose Sodium in them, caused the second worst reactions, it is a cross linked sodium carboxymethylcellulose, and Povidone the worst, caused the worst face rashes, because it is PVP, a synthetic Blood Plasma, that my Kidneys cannot process properly, and knocks out my Sodium Level, and all of them things that cause face rashes, are damaging my Kidneys, causing more frequent and often larger amongst of protein in my Urine. And Iodine in Radiology Dyes or Foods knocks out me Sodium Level. Because your Hospitals all across the Nation have a habit of knocking out People’s Sodium Levels, you real Metabolic Doctors out there take a look at that, Povidone combines with Iodine to make, Povidone-iodine (PVP-I), why do they knock out my Sodium Level? Is that what knocks out the Sodium Level of People with just a History of High Iron Levels, and or just People with AIP or sporadic porphyria, or other Medical Conditions also?

I have a list of all the Inert Ingredients in the Medications that you have listed in my Medical Records, and some of the Photos of the adverse reactions that they caused, recorded on my Facebook site.

Your absolutely wrong records says:


Noted Type Reactions
Acetaminophen 9/17/2009 Cramps

Amoxicillin 9/3/2009 Rash
Reaction from generic medication

Augmentin 9/3/2009 Rash
Reaction from generic medication

Cellulose 1/28/2013

Codeine 9/3/2009 Cramps

Corn Starch 9/3/2009 Cramps
Headaches, adverse reaction, also if in medication causes reaction- this is patient reported and has not been witnessed by clinical personnel, despite numerous medication exposures that contain corn starch

Corn Syrup 3/4/2010

Dilantin (Phenytoin Sodium) 3/4/2010

Food 8/18/2011
Ferric Orthophosphate

Ibuprofen 9/17/2009 Cramps

Penicillin V Potassium 9/3/2009 Rash
Reaction from generic medication

Yeast 1/28/2013

Dyslipidemia is part of my Kidney problem.


Michael Long Tran, MD, MD


Joseph R Loegering


3/9/2013 2:55 PM CST

Hi Doc

Dyslipidemia is part of my Kidney problem.

I record what I eat and drink and how much, and what effect it has on me.

In your office the other day, again that was a mild Phospholipid caused Renal Hypertension, I was drinking Vitamin D Milk just before that, and had a Bottle with me trying to drink it in spread out small quantities, which I did not cut back those Phospholipids enough, from when a larger quantity caused a higher Renal Hypertension recorded on the Fairview February 7th Records, and some higher events at home. I have Hypovitaminosis D, and cannot drink enough Milk to solve it because of how it effects my Kidneys and Blood Pressure, and the Vitamins Supplements that the VA Prescribed me, are made from Yeast and Mushrooms which are beta-glucans that trigger my episodes, just like the Cornstarch and Cellulose in their Inert Ingredients, so I am adding Cod Liver Oil to my Diet to try to solve the problems. The VA should not have sent me those things because Beta-glucan Yeast and the Beta-glucan Gluten Grains and Dilantin are on the allergy alert tag, and though the VA Allergist says that it is not an IgE based Allergy, he said that because they are falsely calling me delusional about the adverse reactions, and it is a Metabolic Reaction that raises my ANA damaging my Body, he says that I need to sue the VA to stop them from causing me and others Medical Harm.

Urine Culture taken 7 March 7:02 PM

The Pathogenic Bacterial Count is < 1000

The Pathogenic Bacteria type is Enterococcus. I get infected at times with E. faecium and other times with E. gallinarum, the Colonies are still small, so I have to let it grow to have enough to ID it.

The science reason that this is important. Enterococcus Bacteria ferment Glucose, which a lack of Glucose to absorb in my Guts, may be part of what triggers my episodes. E. faecium is present in my Stool with Klebsillia Bacteria, and Klebsiella pneumoniae ferments Lactose, which may be part of why I am getting so much Ketone in my Urine and Gut pains from my Food not digesting, and Bladder and Urination Pains from the Acidic Urine, that is normally not this acidic for this long of period, being ever since January 13th, 4.6 to 6 pH. Currently I believe that the Klebsiella pneumoniae are not infecting the Guts continuously yet, but may be intermittently, they are a Gram Negative Polysaccharide Encapsulated Bacteria, which normally trigger my acute episodes when in higher quantities or when they infect me anywhere, the same as the Polysaccharide Encapsulated Streptococcus Bacteria do when I get infected by them, both drop my Platelet Levels real low when Infected. I am investigating why I get both Thrombocytopenia and Dyslipidemia when infected by them, and then the Phospholipids in Dairy Products begin causing secondary renal hypertension for weeks to months afterwards, if I take too much at a time, and small amounts this time is too much after the acute episode January 13th. But to help control that, my Diet is a low Lipid Diet, and an increase of Lipids may be part of what triggered my episode January 13th, so I am cutting out of my Diet the Lipids that I had added in the past year.

These Cholesterol Tests that Fairview does not have, showing a milder Dyslipidemia than on some of these tests before, are first from Annandale Hospital, where they were run in conjunction with the Iron Levels, to try to stop the Iron Level elevation caused by the Hospital Food, and then the VA where they would not run the Iron Levels.

On 10/21/11, without any Tuna in my Diet for a year, the Cholesterol Levels were, the Total Cholesterol on a scale of mg/dl 110 to 199, was Low at, 102. The Triglycerides on a scale of mg/dl 40 to 149, was 43. The HDL on a scale of  > 40, was Low at 26. The Chol/HDL on a scale of < 4.51. was 3.92. The LDL on a scale of < 131, was 76.

After a year of 12 to 24 5 ounce cans a month added to my diet, and two Double Quarter Pound Hamburgers, or two Triple Quarter Pound, and Large Fries, a Month, on 1/24/13, Total Cholesterol is 128, a rise of 26, Triglycerides 71, a rise of 28, HDL 17, a drop of 9, LDL 97 a rise of 21, VLDL 14, and NONHDLC 111

I had adverse reactions to the Court Ordered Mantoux, with two Court ordered Nurses as eye witness, it caused a false Positive swelling and Black and Blue, so the Test had to be redone, it caused swelling like before, but no Black and Blue like before. Isolating the components and testing them, it is the Glycolipids in it that I have adverse reactions to. It is the Lysozyme in Vaccines that I have adverse reactions to, which is why I do not eat eggs or get vaccinated.


Lord Joseph

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