Monday, March 25, 2013

Get me out of this State, I cannot get a Doctor here that will treat Infections to stop the episodes

To whom it may concern;
My name is Joseph R Loegering
5513 Minnehaha Ave Apt 2
Minneapolis MN 55417
Ph 612-353-6565;

The CT Scan shows that again like in 2009, my Adrenal Gland and my Guts are most likely infected again, causing intermittent Hypertension and intermittent Hypotension, and intermittent Hypoglycemia events and intermittent Hyperglycemia events, and is causing me to have adverse reactions to Food with Iodine like Milk and Potatoes, and is causing me to have adverse reactions to Food with sugars in them, and the adverse reactions are getting bad enough to kill me, because the Doctors will not stop the Bacterial Infection causing it, just like they did in 2009 and falsely blamed the Liver Medication that was doing me good, and they knocked out my Sodium Level and nearly killed me while raising my ANA Level and Iron and Cholesterol Levels, with Cornstarch and fragmented Beta-glucans in forced food and drugs, and they falsely blamed me for the elevated levels to try to prevent Lawsuits. 

See "Rashes, Cysts, Polyps, and Bone Spurs" that were caused by the Fairview and Allina and VA Doctors here as I went from place to place trying to find a real Doctor, there are none here, they are all know it all egomaniacs.

These are not real Doctors here, they are way too insane, and are nothing but know it all egomaniacs that think that infections will somehow disappear all by themselves if they falsely call you delusional about them, and force drugs on you that cause nothing but one adverse reaction after another, while they give you Psychiatric Counseling to try get you to just ignore the pains and infections, that caused drastic weight changes and put me in a wheelchair, because they are insane.

Again like in 2009, all I need is antibiotics without Cornstarch and fragmented Beta-glucans in the Inert Ingredients that raise my ANA Level and cause my Prostate and Lymph Nodes to swell up, and cause cancer like it did to my Father and like it does to many others, but these egomaniacs always blame it on natural causes because they are insane, and refuse to get me antibiotics when I am infected because they are Socialist Fascists like the Nazi of Nazi Germany.

I need someone to help me get out of this State, I cannot get a Doctor here that will treat Infections to stop the episodes, and they are doing the same tings to many others, and are even brainwashing their family members to help cause them harm, and because the only way that these Socialist Fascist bastards will stop causing me more Medical Harm by leaving me infected for long periods of time like the Socialist Fascist Nazis did to people to torment them and drive them insane, is to get someone like Dwight D Eisenhower to carpet bomb them to drive some sense into their egomaniac Brains.

 I am trying to get out of this state to find real Doctors where I can get antibiotics to stop the episodes that could kill me,  but because my Great Great Grandfather first settled here in the 1840s, and these egomaniacs are causing medical harm to way too many, and are blaming their victims for the harm that they cause by Medical Misdiagnosis and Medical Maltreatment and Medical Negligence to avoid Lawsuits, I will be back!

In service of Yahweh and Country

Lord Joseph

Heir by birthright of the house of Israel.

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