Saturday, March 2, 2013

Subject: To the Socialist Fascists and to whom it may concern;

From: Joseph
Sent: Saturday, March 02, 2013 4:51 PM
Subject: To the Socialist Fascists and to whom it may concern;
To whom it may concern;
My name is Joseph R Loegering
5513 Minnehaha Ave Apt 2
Minneapolis MN 55417 
Ph 612-353-6565;
To the Socialist Fascists and to whom it may concern;
The Socialist Fascism in these United States is resulting in the loss of health, the loss of Life, the loss of Liberty, and the loss of Pursuit of Happiness, of human beings endowed with these unalienable Rights by Nature’s Laws and Nature’s God. The Socialist Fascists that are trying to prevent me from revealing on the Internet, their roles in that destructive form of Government that they have established, and enforce, and have overthrown the US Government from within, are using the Governmental and Medical Systems to block me from getting the proper and adequate Medical Treatment that I need, which like they are doing to many others, will cause my Death. This form of destructive Government must be altered or abolished to give the US Citizens and Foreigners among us, Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.
Here are some of the Details that I have been posting on the Internet, trying to stop the Socialist Fascists from destroying the Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, of Citizens of these United States, which they object to, and use them systems that they control to cause me more and more Medical and Mental Harm.
They know that I produce little or no Temperature, or elevated White Blood Cells when Infected, and they know that fragmented Beta-glucans in Foods or Inert Ingredients of Medications cause my Antinuclear Antibody Level to elevate, causing my Immune System to self destruct, and they know that I have Cirrhosis of the Liver that destroys my Immune System more, and causes spontaneous Gut Infections, and they know that I am Sugar Intolerant and have Sugar and Iron and Copper Malabsorption Problems, and have Hypovitaminosis D , so they deliberately argue against those things, falsely saying that I do not have those things, and they leave me Infected as long as possible to cause Gut Bleeding that they refuse to look for or treat, and they have made it impossible for me to get the Medications that I need that do not have Phosphates or Fructose or Sugar Alcohols or too much Sucrose or Dextrose or Lactose or Beta-glucans in the Inert Ingredients that cause me harm, when I need them.
These articles were added to the Letter:

"My Diet is causing Hypovitaminosis D and occasional Hypocalcaemi"


 "I just got back from the VA Patient's Representative."


"Here is what the VA in Minneapolis is up to, to cause US Veterans Medical and Mental Harm."


 In service of Yahweh and Country


Lord Joseph

Heir by birthright of the house of Israel







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