Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Overcoming disabilities

Disproportionate dwarfism of the thigh and upper arm, called osteo rhizomelic dwarfism, is common in my family, my mother at 4 feet 11 inches, sometimes, and 4 feet 9 inches, other times,  (she says that is because she is getting older, but I had a 1 and 1/2 inch difference in height at times, since my Army days, ) and she has one leg  shorter than the other, and lower back problems, and my father at 5 feet 7 inches with a suspected Celiac Disease that caused him to die of Colon Cancer, both had dwarfed thigh and upper arm bones. I also have disproportionate thigh and upper arm bones, but though I was the shortest in my class, that made me able to bench press 450 lbs, and leg press 2250 lbs, which was our High School record at the time. And since entering the Army at 18, and as the shortest in each of my Units able to defeat the tallest and heaviest man in my Unit in hand to hand combat wrestling, I stand at 5 foot 2 inches sometimes, when barefoot, and 5 feet 3 and 1/2 inches at other times, when barefoot, because of what the Army Doctors called spinal compression, and would develop back pains, and what they called shin splints, and developed torn lateral meniscus in both knees, with a discoid lateral meniscus in my right knee, and had reoccurring infections, with  Chronic Prostatitis and or swollen Prostate, and Lymphadenopathy, so the Army Doctors wanted to discharge me.

And though then I did not fully understand what triggered it growing up and working on a Farm, as I experienced some of that stuff as a child, and was held back in 3rd grade because I could not write or pronounced words correctly, because of Dyslexia, but it was then as a child that I found overcoming Dyslexia to be a challenge, and it set my mind for life, because I like overcoming challenges, like in Farm work and Science and Weight Lifting and Wrestling and Football, and I set out to win at everything that I set out to do, and even developed ways to make it look like I was not Dyslexic, to stop teachers and my parents from chewing me out all the time, and though I had not graduated High School, that ability enabled me to pass the US Army entrance exam in 1975, before my 18th birthday, and because my Parents would not sign a paper so that I could go into the Army at age 17, the Army would not let me go active Duty till three days after my birthday, in January of 1976.


My Mother still thinks that a Bible Group that I was studying Hebrew and Aramaic and Greek with in Europe, taught me how to read and write. But the problem is, the School Broad had me examined to find out why I could not write or pronounce words correctly. I fully comprehend the meaning of the words when I see them, and I remember them, and use them correctly, they say I have Eidetic Memory. But it happens in every language that I know, when I read or hear a word, and go to write them, I cannot write the words correctly, and when I go to pronounce them, I cannot pronounce them correctly, because I do not see or hear the words like others do. They call it Eidetic Memory with Dyseidetic, Dysgraphic, Dysphonetic, Dyslexia. 

My youngest of three younger Brothers also has Dyslexia, but he could not get into the Armed Forces like my other two Brothers and I. But his Mechanical skills are actually superior to us, he is a Master Auto-mechanic. My other two Brothers became Colonels in the Armed Forces, with Intelligence and Mechanical and Medical  skills superior to most. My youngest Brother is the only one that was born Left Handed, I was ambidextrous until I had a Stroke between 1982 and 1983, and my Right Hand abilities began to dominate my Left Hand abilities. My Brothers also have adverse reactions to Gluten Grains and Beta-glucans, like our Father did, but in different degrees than I do.

But from 1976 to 1982 in the US Army, I began to manifest the same neurological and immune disorder more frequent and more severe, that resulted in one infection after another, and aggravated the Dyslexia at times, and was aggravating that physical condition with severe muscle knots and cramps at times, causing severe lower back and neck pain, with severe knee and shin pain, and I even realized that the pains increased when they gave me medications, but I thought it was the infections, causing it. 

And though in my first tour, my Platoon Leaders and First Sergeant would recommend me for any Job that was too challenging for others, the Army Doctors and Cpt Black, my Company Commander, at first, after the exploratory operation and reoccurring Gastroenteritis, tried to discharge me on the grounds of Disproportionate dwarfism, because both of my knees started popping and giving out when I jumped off trucks or tracks wearing full combat field gear, and I developed what the Doctors called Baker's Cysts the size of a golf ball in the popliteal fossa. But because I had a body builder’s attitude of, if there is no pain, there is no gain, and I would ignore the pains, and pushed myself to achieve the highest physical training score in my Unit, and often when the Company ran 2 miles, I ran 4, and when they ran 5, I ran 10, to build up my endurance, and because I fired the highest rifle and pistol marksmanship in my Battalion Units, and could work in any MOS that they handed me, and be the best at them that there was, with no formal training, and I could get any Job done, and done right, that they handed me, my Battalion Commander always refused to listen to the Army Doctors and Cpt Black.

The Doctors then did Arthrograms on both knees, and it only made it worse. I had an adverse reaction to the X-ray Dyes, my knees swelled up, and started popping and giving out, just walking down stairs with no gear on, and my back started to hurt so much, that I could barley walk. So the Doctors did Arthroscopes on both knees, and claimed that in my Football days in High School, I had torn both lateral meniscus, and had a discoid lateral meniscus in my right knee, and they would not operate on both knees at the same time to remove them.

I went to Ft Dix New Jersey for Basic, and Ft Polk Louisiana for AIT, and I was an Infantry 11C Mortarman, and was assigned with the 2nd Battalion and 13th Infantry Forty Rounders, of the 8th Division Pathfinders, on Coleman Barracks in Mannheim Germany, and first worked as a M51 A2 Jeep driver for an Umpire Unit in Reforger of 1976 in Europe, and then a M113 Infantry and M107 Mortar Track driver, while going to College to graduate High School, and when they saw that I always had the best maintained vehicles in the Battalion, and then made the worst Track in the Battalion, the best in the Battalion in less than 8 hours, while on crutches from the first knee surgery, they made me a TAMMS Clerk responsible for getting the Parts, and making sure the Maintenance was done, for a Combat Support Company of 52 wheel vehicles and 48 track vehicles. And when they operated on the other torn meniscus in my other knee, I threw away the crutches, and tore off the bandages, and refused convalescent leave or light duty, and ran 2 miles to prove that I was fit for duty. 

When I went out to the PT Formation that mourning, they were going to run 5 miles. But when the First Sergeant saw me, he said, “Loegering, what are you doing in my Formation?” And I said, “God healed me First Sergeant, I am here to run PT!” He did not say anything, and went in and talked to the Company Commander. He came back out and said to me. “I cannot deny the power of God, I use to ask him where to put my men's’ foxholes in Vietnam, so that they would not get hit. But you are going to have to understand my Position, there are a lot of crazy People, who do crazy things in the names of God, like false healers, and if I let you run in my formation, and something were to happen to your legs, they would hang me for that.” So I said, “I can understand your position First Sergeant, go ahead and run your PT Formation, I will just run along behind!” And I fell out of formation and got ready to run along behind. The First Sergeant went back into the Office, and talked to the Commander, and then came back out, and instead of running 5 miles, they only ran 2, and I kept up all the way. When we got back, they put me in a Jeep and sent me to Heidelberg Germany to the Doctors that did the operations, for evaluation. Two of the lower ranking Doctors could not understand how it healed so fast, and I was able to run. The Chief Surgeon was a full bird Colonel, and he came in and said, “I will take care of it,” and he called me into his office, and pulled a Bible from his desk, and shared with me some scriptures on the Greek word Agape, which means Love. And he closed the Book, and wrote in my Medical Records, “This man has had a miraculous healing, and is fit for Duty.” And he sent me back to my Unit. 

From then on, Cpt Black tried to get me and anyone else that displayed religious symbols, Courts Martial, and when that failed, he then tried to get us discharged on the grounds of being Mentally Ill, because he could not attack us directly for our Religious Beliefs.

Later, when the Jonestown  massacre of the People's Temple happened, Cpt Black and Lt Stanly, counted many of us as Cult Members ready to commit suicide, and they would search our Lockers and Gear and our Religious Reference Books, for Purple Kool-aid, and when they knew that we had Religious Services scheduled in our off duty time, they often confined us to the Barracks or Motor Pool, and or would have us sign in at the CQ Desk, every hour on the hour, to prevent us from attending Religious Services.

The things that tipped the higher command off that there was something wrong was the high number of Article 15s in our Company, and one day I was just doing my Job as a TAMMS Clerk, I would check daily with the Motor Pool Sergeant and the Drivers, and find out what parts that they needed, and if I did not have them on hand, and or if I had nothing that I could trade with other Units for what they needed, I filled out paper work to order the Parts, and I would take the order forms to the First Sergeant, and he would review them and take me in to the Company Commander for his signature, before 10:30 AM every day. One day Cpt Black was on Leave, and Lt Stanly was in charge, and the First Sargent took me in to get the order forms signed, but I always carried an Army Regulation 4 inch Buck Knife on my Belt, and when I reported to Lt Stanly, instead of asking for the order forms and signing them, he would say, “You call your self a Christian, and you carry a Knife?” I would stop and think, lets see, I am armed as a Soldier like many Christians and Peter in the Garden, and I would say, “Well Sir, Peter had a sword in the Garden ...,” and Lt Stanly would cut me off by jumping on top of the Commander’s Desk, and kicking everything off screaming, “That is not in the Bible!” And the First Sergeant would grab me and take me out of the Office, and would go back in and help Lt Stanly put everything back on the Desk while talking to him to calm him down, and then the First Sergeant would come out and have me go back in and report to Lt Stanly. But he did exactly the same thing after asking the same thing, when I said the same thing in response, three times. So the First Sergeant took me out the third time, when Lt Stanly started rolling on the floor in a ranting rage after kicking everything off the Desk, and the First Sergeant said to me, “I don’t know what is wrong with Lt Stanly, just go back to the Motor Pool, we will just have to wait till Cpt Black gets back!” But Cpt Black was just as bad, he just wrote Article 15s for anything and everything that he could think of.

One day I was talking to the First Sergeant and  the Motor Pool Sergeant, and Cpt Black came up and said to us, “Gentlemen, just come into my Office exactly as you are.” So we walked in,  and the Motor Pool Sergeant was carrying a Cup of Coffee and a Cigar, and I had a Cup of Coffee and a Cigarette, and Cpt Black pulled out some Article 15 paperwork, and filled it out with nice neat writing, and then pulled out a Regulation Book, and said that it said that on Duty drinking of Coffee and Smoking was a cover up for off Duty Drug and Alcohol abuse, and he wanted the First Sergeant to put us on Drug and Alcohol Rehab. And the Motor Pool Sergent, Sergeant First Class Talley, just stared at him with his eyes bulging out, and he moved his mustache back and forth, and set his Cup of Coffee on the  Commander's Desk, and then raised his Cigar real high, and dropped it right into the Coffee splashing it right in Cpt Black’s face. I  could not help but start laughing, and the First Sergeant grabbed me and took me out of the Office as Cpt Black and Sargent Talley started fighting.

He wrote anywhere from 100 to a 120 Article 15s for every man in the Company. I had 113 Article 15s that I would not sign, because I was innocent. The Brigade sent a Major down, and had him call us in one at a time, and asked us if we wanted to sign any of the Article 15s, and when we each said no, we would rather have Courts Martial, he said that will not be necessary. And he would tear up the Article 15s and put them in a Trashcan, and would have each of us carry it out and empty it, and give it to the next man in line. The first words out of my Battalion Commander’s mouth to me was, “Son, I sure don’t want to interfere with your religious freedom, that is what we are fighting for.” 

But that is the same tactic that the Courts and Doctors are using here in the USA. 

In the 1990s, I watched two Tacoma Washington Police Offices, sneak up on a Homeless Man standing in a Food Bank line, because he had a 4 inch Buck Knife on his Belt that was not even concealed just like I did in the Army, and was exactly like the one that I always wore in the US Army, and they tackled him as if he were a dangerous Criminal, even though he had no record or warrants for his arrest, , and they arrested him for carrying a concealed Weapon, and then they charged him with being Mentally Ill and forced Drugs upon him, to take away his 2nd Amendment Rights.They threatened to arrest me for obstructing Justice, when I objected to what they were doing, because a whole group of Homeless People would camp with that guy in the woods, and they would use it to open the cans of Food that they got at the Food Bank, because none of them had a Can Opener, and they used it to make their shelters and beds when it was raining. That man was protected under the 2nd Amendment and there were no Laws requiring a Knife to be registered, and the whole idea behind their Mental Health Program is so that they can just manufacture any Mental Illness that they want, with no Scientific Tests that could prove that Mental Illness, and they just accuse anyone who has not broken any Law or Harmed anyone, as being Mentally Ill, so that they can disarm the Public of even plowshares, so that they can have totalitarian Rule.

The Doctors here in Minnesota who read my Religious Internet Posts, took me to Court here, saying that I obviously have a Mental Disorder because I deny having the Mental disorder that they pinned on me and have no Tests that they can prove, and claiming in Court falsely that in my Medical Records I have no adverse Medical Condition that would be adversely effected by their forced treatment, and when the Prosecutor asked the Doctor if I had a Religious Belief that would prohibit them from force treating me, he declared in Court that he believed my Religious Belief was false, and they had given me an attorney that was neither qualified medically enough to defend me, and did not have enough understanding of the Scriptures to defend me, like they did to me the other times, and nearly killed me with knocking out my Sodium Level to critically low, and then added on top of that,  adverse reactions to the forced Medications  that later raised my ANA Level and caused my Glucose and Iron and AST and ALT Levels to skyrocket, and caused upper and lower digestive tract bleeding as they drove my weight from the 170s up to 220 Lbs, and then dropped it to 159 Lbs. Anyone that has adverse reactions to their Medications is locked up and is forced to have one adverse reaction after another, and many end up dead from it, or just commit suicide to escape the pain and nightmares, and the rest of us are just disabled more, and reduced to an absolute state of despotism.


But Cpt Black could not make up his mind. He started stopping me from working at times in the Motor Pool, and putting me on KP, but when work piled up real fast and no one else could get it done fast enough, he ordered me back to the Motor Pool. But when Cpt White, the Headquarters Company Commander, saw how good I was in the Mess-hall, he went and found a copy of the original orders assigning me first to Headquarters Company, before I was assigned to Combat Support Company, and he ordered me to work permanently in the Mess-hall. Cpt Black would come and order me back to the Motor Pool to get a Job done, and Cpt White would come to the Motor Pool, and order me back to the Mess-hall. I literally had a path worn between the Motor Pool and the Mess-hall. Then Cpt Black got a copy of the orders that assigned me to Combat Support Company, and the two Captains met halfway between the Mess-hall and the Motor Pool, and both handed me a copy of the orders that they had, and one Cpt ordered me to the Mess-hall, and the other ordered me to the Motor Pool, and while I was standing at attention holding the two copies of the Orders, they started fist fighting. They just kept fighting as the Battalion Commander came up, and I saluted him, and he returned the salute as the two Captains just kept fighting. And the Battalion Commander asked me what was going on. I told him that they were fighting over these orders, one assigning me to Headquarters Company, and the other assigning me to Combat Support Company, and I handed them to him, and he could hear what they were arguing about while fist fighting. The Captains just kept fighting, and the Battalion Commander looked at the orders, and got angry, and turned them over with a beet red face, and shuffled them around, and took one and tore it up, and handed me the other, and said, ”Now where does that say that you belong?” I read it, and said, “Combat Support Company Sir!” And he said, “Good, get there!” And we left the two Captains, still fighting.

And then my Platoon Leader Lt Timothy S Heinemann, had Cpt Black  make me an NBC Instructor when needed, (a Nuclear and Biological and Chemical Warfare Instructor,) because I was the only one in my Unit, that could pass all the Tests, the first time through, and that stopped Cpt Black for awhile when I passed an AGI Inspection in NBC the first time through for our Unit, making him look good, because that was the first time our Unit had done that in 8 years with an untrained Instructor passing, and trained NBC Instructors failing the Tests in those years before. 

And then the First Sergeant Owen D Young said to me, “Son, if we go Combat, I want you at my side,” and he made me a Combat Support Company First Sergeant's Driver. And then they had me rebuilding the First Sergeant’s and Commander’s Offices, and Day Rooms, when they saw how good I was at rebuilding and maintaining the Motor Pool Offices. 

After I re-upped, I was stationed at Ft Riley Kansas in the 1st Battalion and 28th Infantry Black Lions, of the Big Red One, 1st Division, and in New York while on maneuvers, I was hit in the head with a softball size rock during a riot, while running in a PT Formation in my second tour of duty, and was blind for awhile. But once I got my sight back, and it shocked the Doctor that was treating me, and he said that he did not know what to do next, because he was getting me ready for an Army Discharge, which he had in his hand wanting me to sign, I refused the discharge, and they did eye exams and laughed saying, "We found a cure for nearsightedness, hit them in the head with a Rock." So I had the Civilian Doctor in Mercy Hospital in upstate New York where the Army sent me for treatment and discharge, write in my Medical Records, “This man has had a miraculous healing, and is fit for Duty,” and had him send me back to my Unit. 

The Battalion Commander met me when I got there, because Five Army Doctors had said I was permanently blind, and he had the Medical Reports in his hand, and he had my discharge, saying that all that it lacked was his signature, and said that he was wondering what to do, and he would not let me go back to work, he was afraid my eyes might get injured further. So until he could make up his mind as to what to do, he said that he did not want to interfere with my Religious Faith, so he gave me access to the Battalion Headquarters Training Room, and said that I could run my Scripture Study Classes there whenever I wanted,  and he would not let me sweep the floor, or carry out the trash, he said that was so that I would not get any dust in my eyes, and he said anything that I  needed moved, I had to have someone else do it, and he said I could go to the Mess-hall and back, and he had me stay with and train with the Medics in Battalion Headquarters, so that he could watch how I performed for awhile.

Then one night he ran in shouting, I need Medics, and there was only one Medic there with me playing Chess, so he looked around, and grabbed a Medic’s Bag, and said, “ I have been watching you, you are sharp, will you do it?” as he held out the Medic’s Bag, and I grabbed it, and said, yes Sir, and followed him out and we ran to the riot zone, and he had me OJT that night as a Medic during a severe riot where many of our Medics got clobbered. 

And during the series of riots that lasted for days, where we had to treat and medevac a lot of men at a time, I was the only Medic left standing, because all the rest were medevac'd because of injuries, or like the Medic that was with me, were given a Section 8 discharge, because they psychologically collapsed during the riots, and could not perform the job, and I had to medevac them, and the Commander who was at my side the whole time during the active riots, gave them Section 8 Discharges. 

It was during that time, working day and night for days on end, that I began experiencing Migraine headaches and severe shaking at times, and my sight and hearing would fluctuate, and I was developing PTSD, and I could not locate what was wrong and fix it. and I lost track of time. We were in Ft Drum, in upstate New York, and when we finally got things under control, we packed up and went back to Ft Riley Kansas. 

And after we got there, a few days later, the Battalion Commander offered me a Section 8 if I wanted it, but I refused it, and had the Battalion Commander send me back to my Mortar Platoon, hoping that the change of Job would solve the problem, they sent me back to back to a Primary and Basic Non Commissioned Officers Course, but it only got worse, so I decided to get out of the Army, because it was interfering with my ability to perform my Jobs.

I got to travel a lot in my off duty time, to 60 different countries, and because I liked the challenge of overcoming my Dyslexia, I began learning German and Russian, and was studying in Hebrew, and was learning Aramaic in the Library at the University of Manchester England, and was studying Arabic and Persian and Urdu and Greek and Latin.

When I got out, I followed major Construction jobs across the Country that did not always have steady work, I lived in Junction City Kansas, Tulsa Oklahoma, and then Marshal and Dallas Texas, Jacksonville Florida, and Los Vegas, and Grand Junction Colorado, and NY City, and worked three jobs simultaneously normally, as a Fast Food Cook as a steady Cook job, and or a steady Auto Mechanic or Machine Operator or Welder job, and when I felt good, I worked on the side as a contract bid Carpenter or high rise Pan Carpenter or as a Drywall hanger and finisher or a Plumber or an Electrician, or a Construction Equipment Operator, or a Window Cleaner, and when there was no extra work, I scrapped Metals and Cars and Trucks or hustled Pool when I needed extra money. But the repeated infections started dragging me down, and though even then I had a more selected diet with no fruit, I knew something was still causing me to pass out at times, and the headaches were getting worse and more frequent, but I could not figure out what was causing it. 

Sometimes I gave Plasma for extra cash, and the Blood Plasma Banks in Tulsa, gave me the first hint as to what I realized later was a Blood disorder problem, they would refuse to let me give plasma at times, because of Hyperproteinemia, that I had depending on what I ate before trying to give plasma, but later I learned that that is a symptom of an autoimmune disorder. 

But after having difficulty functioning there, I moved to Jackson Michigan in 1984 to be close to three of my four sisters that live there, for help, and I worked as a Cab Driver and Carpenter and Plumber  and Electrician, and scrapped Metals and Cars and Trucks, and built my own 1 Ton Duel wheel Truck from 11 wrecked Trucks that I scrapped, and bought a condemned house that I was going to rebuild for myself, and I hustled Pool for extra cash, while being treated at Foote Hospital, for repeated Infections and Headaches.

And when things got worse, I began going to the VA in Ann Arbor Michigan for help in 1985 to 1990. By the time that I went to the VA for help, my GAF was about 60, and the Medical Misdiagnosis and Treatment, reduced it even further, till I was unable to function, and they put me on Social Security Disability. That was a setback, but I developed a diet that was good enough to help me recover, some, and have been working on that ever since.

After checking a small older Stroke that showed up on a CT Scan from Foote Hospital, and running an EEG to investigate the Syncope and Seizure episodes, the VA Neurologist did not know why all the Drugs to include Aspirin and Motrin and Tylenol made me more dysfunctional, and had me stop taking the Antiseizure and Psychiatric Medications that the Psychiatrists were giving me, telling me that they just made me more dysfunctional, and were killing me, and said that my mind would heal itself. The Doctors at Foote Hospital and the Jackson Police Department, tried to force those Drugs upon me because I stopped taking them, but when I escaped from the Hospital and went to the Courthouse to talk to a Judge, the VA Neurologist told the Judge, "all of the Drugs just make him more dysfunctional!" And the Judge said, "What we have here, is a difference in opinion of the Professionals." And he asked me some questions, and because I answered with rational thinking, and the charges that were filed against me at the time were found to be false in Court, he ordered the Police and Foote Hospital to not give me those Drugs. The Problem with my VA Records, the Doctors wrote those false charges that I was innocent of, in my Medical Records, falsely saying that was proof of a Behavioral Disorder and Mental Disorder, and the VA in Kansas City started using that against me in 1999, to justify themselves for forcing the Drugs upon me, and were causing me severe adverse reactions. I wrote the FBI and CNN trying to get help to stop them, and after 9-11 the Army would not let me reenlist because of my disabilities, so I formed an underground Militia to hunt for Bin Laden, but in 2005 when I was on my way to Pakistan to help locate Osama Bin Laden, because CNN and the Medical Community have a Vendetta against anyone that they falsely claim has a Mental or Behavior disorder, who have adverse reactions to their forced drugs, and wants to strip them of their unalienable Rights to disarm them, they falsely called me delusional about Bin Laden being in Pakistan, and would not help us locate him, and set me up to be force Treated in New York in 2005, and they caused me serious Medical Harm, because I had adverse reactions to all of their Drugs and Foods, and in 2006 when they released me, they escorted me here to Minnesota without any of my previous Medical Records, and with only Misdiagnosis and literal lies written in my Medical Records, to try to hide the damage that they caused me to avoid Lawsuits, and the Medical Community here has been causing me nothing but more Medical and Mental Harm ever since, and refuses to run the right tests when needed, and will not treat reoccurring infections that I get, for months on end, because they have the same Vendetta against anyone that they falsely claim has a Mental or Behavior disorder, who have adverse reactions to their forced drugs, as CNN and the Doctors at the Kansas City VA and the New York Doctors. They are Blocking me from getting my Medical Records from the Kansas City VA and those New York Hospitals, because the tests that were run, show that Neurologist was right, and they caused me serious Medical harm by their misdiagnosis, and Medical Maltreatment and Medical Neglect.

The wobbling and falling down or passing out after eating foods together that had too much Iodine in them, and the wobbling and falling down after X-rays or CT Scans, has been a reoccurring event even since I was a child, and these Doctors have always falsely called me delusional about it, and would run no Blood Tests to find out why, and would not run Blood Tests when it happens, so that they could make money off forcing upon me Medications with those things in them, because they are Insane individuals. Preprandial Blood Glucose and Sodium Levels are normal along with fasting Blood Glucose levels. But  postprandial, with a total of too much  Iodine, which is a low quantity, and Radiology Dyes,  causes me to have both Hypoglycemic events, and Hyponatremia.

The shaking and often falling down or passing out after eating foods with Fructose and or Sugar Alcohols and or Corn Syrup and or Tomatoes, has been a reoccurring event even since I was a child, and these Doctors have always falsely called me delusional about it, and would run no Blood Tests to find out why, and would not run Blood Tests when it happens, so that they could make money off forcing upon me Medications with those things in them, because they are Insane individuals. Postprandial  foods with Fructose and or Sugar Alcohols and or Corn Syrup and or Tomatoes, causes me to have both Hypoglycemic events, and Hyponatremia.

The Face Rashes after eating Foods with Cornstarch, and some Beta-glucan Foods, and after taking any tab or Capsule Medication, that often raise my ANA Level and cause my Prostate and Lymph Nodes to swell up, and causes my Dyslexia to get wrorse at times, has been a reoccurring event even since I was a child, and these Doctors have always falsely called me delusional about it, and would run no Blood Tests to find out why, and would not run Blood Tests when it happens, so that they could make money off forcing upon me Medications with those things in them, because they are Insane individuals.

Because of variant Lysozyme in my Mucosa and White Blood Cells, it is Cornstarch and fragmented Beta-glucans in Processed Foods and in the Inert Ingredients of Medications, that get picked up by  my macrophages in the small intestine, and cause Excessive Immune Stimulation and or raise my ANA Level, and causes my Prostate to swell, and causes my Lymph Nodes to swell, and causes the Migraines and Partial Complex Seizures, and causes my Dyslexia to get worse at times, and disables me. Those Cornstarch and fragmented Beta-glucan Food additives in Processed Foods, and in the Inert Ingredients in Medications, is what caused my long history of Chronic Prostatitis and or swollen Prostate, and Lymphadenopathy, physically and mentally disabling me, because the Medical Community has always falsely called me delusional about adverse reactions to Foods and their Tab and Capsule Medications that contain them.

The Adrenal Glands are malfunctioning, and have been doing so ever since I was a child.

The VA Allergist in 2010, which was the first time I could get an Allergist because the Social Workers and Courts and Psychiatrists were blocking me from getting an Allergist so that they could continue to force Drugs upon me that disable me, said then and afterwards, that I need to sue the VA, because the Doctors are blocking me from getting a Metabolic Doctor, and are running the wrong Tests. This shows that I need a Metabolic Specialist like the Hematologist said, the past High Iron Levels controlled by Diet, and this that shows that the Adrenal Glands are malfunctioning.

Epinephrine is produced by neurons in the central nervous system and in the chromaffin cells of the adrenal medulla from amino acids phenylalanine and tyrosine.

My Body weight fluctuates between 204 down to 180 Lbs right now, it went from 220 to 159 lbs in late 2009 to mid 2010 when the Doctors in Minnesota caused it before, and from 220 to 179 Lbs in late 2005 to mid 2006, when the Doctors in New York caused it, with a daily recommended dosage of 15 mg of L-phenylalanine per pound, which right now is, 2700 to 3000 mg. During the different stages of my acute episodes that last a day to months, I have adverse reactions to too much L-phenylalanine in any meal or snack, possibly due to adrenal malfunction, and daily consumption is from zero to less than 2000 mg a day during those times, and is gradually increased to near 2000 to up to 4000 mg a day, in the recovery stages.

Situations that stimulate Epinephrine production, like riots, being robbed, captivity, the medical community, court, and CNN, etc, often cause fluctuating intermittent episodes of Hypertension and Hypotension, fluctuating eyesight and hearing and Dyslexia, increase intermittent acute episodes of pain and cramps, intermittent acute Headaches and or Migraines, intermittent acute episodes of Edema and Eustachian Tube Dysfunction, intermittent acute episodes of PTSD, intermittent acute episodes of Encephalophy, intermittent acute episodes of Acidosis, intermittent acute episodes of Partial Complex Seizures, and intermittent acute episodes of Transient Ischemic Attacks, and adversely effect Glucose and Sodium and Potassium and Protein and Dopamine and Serotonin and Platelet Levels. The episodes of abnormal brain waves that show up at times on EEGs corresponding with skin and face flushing, and shaking and cramps in diverse body members, was diagnosed by a VA Neurologist in Kansas City, as intermittent episodes of Partial Complex Seizures, and intermittent episodes of Transient Ischemic Attacks, and they are triggered by Cornstarch and or fragmented Beta-glucan in Foods or Medications that cause diverse Face Rashes and raise my ANA Level and cause my Prostate and Lymph Nodes to swell, and or by Infections such as Bacteria, and sometimes Fungi in my Sinus and Lung Cavities or in my Digestive Tract.

But I always have had severe shaking sometimes and nervousness, adverse reactions, to synthetic D-phenylalanine, and D-L-phenylalanine mixes, in artificial sweeteners and artificial flavors in foods and medications, it seems that my neurons in the central nervous system and in the chromaffin cells of the adrenal medulla are not able to process them.


The Doctors here would not believe me about Foods and Medications that cause my Dyslexia to get worse at times, and cause abnormal brain waves, and cause Migraines and Partial Complex Seizures, and refused to run EEGs while they were causing it.

The Doctors here would not believe me about my Serum Iron  and Fe Saturation and Ferritin and ANA and Cholesterol Levels skyrocketing when Hospitalized, because they take me away from my normal diet, and still will not believe that my high Serum Iron  and Fe Saturation and Ferritin Levels were originally diagnosed as Hemochromatosis like my Grandfather on my Mother's side had, and it caused him to die of Cancer, and though he needed Blood removed to lower his Levels, I am on a low Fructose low Dextrose low Beta-glucan low Iron low Cholesterol Diet, with Iron Absorption Inhibitors and Copper, to try to keep my Iron and Copper Levels normal.

The Doctors here would not believe me about adverse reactions to Iodine, that either caused me to wobble and fall down, or caused me to pass out after eating anything with too much Iodine in it, including Table Salt, so I use Sea Salt with no Iodine. And though I did not know why, the same thing often happened after X-rays and or CT Scans, so I started refusing the Radiology Dyes, and they still would not believe me, till the Blood Tests showed that they knock out my Sodium Level. It turns out that those Dyes are High in Iodine.

The Doctors here would not believe me about Fructose and Corn Syrup and Tomatoes causing me to be hypoglycemic, because they said that no Medical Personnel have eyewitnessed such a thing, but at Princeton Hospital the other Day, when they did a CT Scan of my Guts, as I got there to check in I was hypoglycemic, and they already had orders not to give me the Radiology Dye, because it would knock my Sodium Level out, so I used my Glucometer to show them I was hypoglycemic at that time, it was 60 then 62 mdl. The ER Nurse that they called, asked me if I was diabetic, and when I told her no, she asked why I check my Blood Sugar, and I told her, I am Fructose Intolerant, Fructose and Corn Syrup and Tomatoes cause me to be hypoglycemic. And I asked her to report that, because often the Doctors will not believe me and will run no tests to find out what the problem is, and she said they would have me covered on that. And they had a Nurse stay with me through the CT Scan and until I could get my Blood Sugar back up. My 14 day average right now is 73 mdl, while 82 mdl is normal for me, but I think it is because my Food is not digesting this time, because I have been having a lot of Ketone in my Urine lately, along with the Gut pains. I wrote my Doctors about the event, but have no comment back yet. It turns out that it was Vitamin D Milk and Cod Liver oil that I was taking for Hypovitaminosis D, though the amount was actually small, they have enough Iodine that it causes me to have Hypoglycemic events, and causes Hyponatremia. While the Nurse was there, I refused the Juices that they offered, because they either have too much Fructose, and or Bromine, that just make it worse, and I always have Hershey;'s Chocolate and Sea Salt with no Iodine, and Sodium Bicarbonate, and Vitamin D Milk with me, to deal with the problem when I go out. But my sister wanted to get me water, but I told her when I am Hypoglycemic, water will knock my Sodium Level out, if it does not have Sodium Bicarbonate in it, and she does not believe that, because she is afraid like some Doctors and Medical Staff, that I take too much Sea Salt and Sodium Bicarbonate, and they knock out my Sodium Level by putting me on a Low Sodium Diet, like they did when they took my Gallbladder out, and wrote lies in my Medical Records about Rx Glasses and Cornstarch adverse reactions to try to make it look like I have a Mental Disorder. At the time I did not know that Medications had Cornstarch or Cellulose in them, but because I was refusing to take Medications that I already had adverse reactions to, they wrote in my Medical Records that I would not take Medications because there might be Cornstarch in them, and claimed that I said Cornstarch drops my Blood Sugar, to get other Doctors to force them upon me. Cornstarch does not drop my Blood Sugar, it causes Face Rashes and raises my ANA Level and causes my Prostate and Lymph Nodes to swell, But Corn Syrup, like Fructose and Tomatoes, causes me to have Hypoglycemic events, and drops my Sodium Level. They falsely claimed in my Medical Records that I had a Rx for Glasses at home that I would not get filled, to try to make it look like I have a Mental disorder, when I told them that I needed an eye Doctor, because I was going blind, and the VA Doctors would not believe me, to cover up that a Patient in New York, severely injured my eyes again, when he sucker punched me right where I was hit with that Rock in the US Army, when CNN had me locked up in New York, that is part of why they are blocking me from getting those Medical Records.

 When I am not having Hypoglycemic events, I do not use much Sea Salt with no Iodine, I only use a little on my Sweet Potatoes, or Yams, or Potatoes, and I normally only use a little Sodium Bicarbonate when I have episodes of Metabolic Acidosis.  But when I am having Hypoglycemic events, or lower than normal Blood Sugar for me, I drink all my Water with a little Sea Salt and Sodium Bicarbonate, because my Sodium Level drops at the same time, and if the Blood Glucose and Sodium Level gets too low, I pass out. So at those times I am taking Hershey's Chocolate to keep my Blood Sugar Normal,  and 1/2 Gram of extra Sea Salt, and up to 12 Grams of Sodium Bicarbonate per day, and it barley keeps my Sodium Level Normal. These last two Sodium Levels in this Table, the first I was using no extra Sea Salt and Sodium Bicarbonate, and the second I was, so you can see that my take as needed method works for me, but the Doctors and Medical Community always mess that up and drop my Sodium Level too low, like they did on this table in 2009, and they always tell my Family lies, to confuse them, and try to get them to help them, that is why my sister gets confused at times.

Component Sodium

Standard Range 133 - 144 mmol/L

9/1/2009 138
9/4/2009 139
10/4/2009 141
10/14/2009 139
10/15/2009 122
10/15/2009 123
10/16/2009 127
10/17/2009 131
10/18/2009 137
10/20/2009 133
10/22/2009 138
3/4/2010 142
7/30/2010 142
8/16/2010 140
7/18/2011 145
7/26/2011 142
8/19/2011 141
2/7/2013 140
3/14/2013 135

That is interesting, because one of these nutty Minnesota Doctors wrote in my Medical Records here,  "The patient has a short stature, with no dwarfism in his family history." These Doctors just pull anything that they want out of the air, and write it in your Medical Records, and cause the Medical Community to misdiagnose you again and again,  and cause you more harm.

Even though I would eat no Meat at all when they Hospitalized me, the Fairview Doctors caused these High Cholesterol Levels from adverse reactions to forced Medications, the New York Doctors caused the same thing, causing me to have extensive atherosclerotic disease of the aorta and proximal iliac arteries.What the Doctors all do to hide that the Adverse Reactions caused it, they write in our Medical Records that we have bad eating Habits because of a Mental Disorder that they must force treat us for, and cause us more adverse reactions.
Standard Range 10/19/2009 7/18/2011
Cholesterol 115-199 mg/dL 194 130
HDL Cholesterol
28 33
95 77
LDL Cholesterol Calculated
147 81
Cholesterol/HDL Ratio
7.0 4.0
19 15

Except for when I was released from the New York Hospitals where I ate no meat the whole time and they drove my Cholesterol Levels real high with adverse reactions to Medications, , all of my VA Cholesterol Levels are lower than these, because I normally do not eat meat to keep my Iron Levels normal. However some of the Low Cholesterol Levels were caused by a Chlamydophila pneumoniae Bacterial Infection that the Doctors would not give me antibiotics for, for months.

Cholesterol Changes and effects.

On 10/21/11, without any Tuna in my Diet for a year, the Cholesterol Levels were, the Total Cholesterol on a scale of mg/dl 110 to 199, was Low at, 102. The Triglycerides on a scale of mg/dl 40 to 149, was 43. The HDL on a scale of < 40, was Low at 26. The Chol/HDL on a scale of < 4.51. was 3.92. The LDL on a scale of < 131, was 76.

After a year of 12 to 24 5 ounce cans a month added to my diet, and two Double Quarter Pound Hamburgers, or two Triple Quarter Pound, and Large Fries, a Month, on 1/24/13, Total Cholesterol is 128, a rise of 26, Triglycerides 71, a rise of 28, HDL 17, a drop of 9, LDL 97 a rise of 21, VLDL 14, and NONHDLC 111

Do to the dyslipidemia rise in LDL and Triglycerides, and the drop of HDL, in the Cholesterol rise, from adding Tuna and occasional Hamburgers and Fries, the reappearance of atherosclerotic disease of the aorta and proximal iliac arteries, was revealed on a CT Scan, 3/11/2013 9:20 AM, so I have no choice but to cut back the Tuna and cut out the Hamburgers and Fries. See "
My Interpretation of the CT Scan

 See how much my Iron Levels change real fast on the VA Blood Tests, and these Doctors cannot get it together to stop it, in fact, they don’t even know how to stop it by Diet, but I do when the tests are run, but too often they will not run the tests. Because my Liver produces too much Bile and burns my Guts and will cause them to bleed, I eat Food and or use activated Charcoal at times to absorb the extra Bile and Cholesterol, making them lower my Iron Absorption and lowering my Cholesterol Level. These were thrown off by the New York Hospital Foods and Medications that were forced upon me.

Fe Serum range 65/175 ug/dl 10/18/2006-180 H 10/30/2006-324 H

Fe Saturation range 14/50 percent 10/18/2006-46.8 10/30/2006-85.9 H

Ferritin 22/322 ng/ml 10/18/2006-433.7 H 10/30/2006-713 H

Total Iron Binding Capacity 250/500 ug/dl 10/18/2006-385 10/30/2006-377

TRANSFE 200/360 ng/dl 10/18/2006-303 10/30/2006-297

This was taken while on my Diet that controls them, including Tuna, so you can see how the diet works.

Component     Your Value     Standard Range     Units
Iron     60     35 - 180     ug/dL
Iron Binding Cap     370     240 - 430     ug/dL
Iron Saturation Index     16     15 - 46     %
General Information
3/14/2013 2:38 PM
of > 40, was Low at 26. The Chol/HDL on a scale of < 4.51. was 3.92. The LDL on a scale of < 131, was 76.

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