Tuesday, March 26, 2013

My fluctuating eyesight caused some mistakes, Some corrections


Joseph R Loegering

Office of Chinasa Paul Anugwom, MD, MD

3/27/2013 10:37 AM CDT

Hi Joseph,

Thanks again for talking with me about your symptoms this morning.
I just wanted to remind you that your appointment is scheduled for tomorrow, Thursday, 3/28/13 at our Rogers clinic with Kara Lewis. Again I would encourage you to be seen in an ER or Urgent care if your current symptoms become any worse or if you develop any new symptoms prior to your appointment tomorrow. Tomorrow's appointment will be to address your new symptoms of neck and abdominal swelling with stool changes. If you need any follow up with chronic medical issues, Dr. A returns next week.

Thanks again!
Our phone number is 763-241-5800 if you have any other questions or concerns

----- Message -----
Sent: 3/26/2013 8:56 PM CDT
To: Chinasa Paul Anugwom, MD, MD
Subject: My fluctuating eyesight caused some mistakes, Some corrections

Hi Doc

My fluctuating eyesight caused some mistakes, Some corrections

I am trying to get out of this state to get a real Doctor but cannot find transportation.

The gastrointestinal tract infection is not only causing my Adrenal Gland to malfunction, and causing rabbit pellet seize broken clunked stool embedded in clear jelly that looks like Mucus, it appears my Thyroid is now going out of control, my Thyroid is swollen 1 and 1/2 times lager than a few days ago, with a fluctuating pea to marble size lump on the left side, but the Doctors ran no tests for a gastrointestinal tract infection that is causing the problem like when the US Army Doctors did an exploratory to investigate the sudden gut swelling, and found that my guts were infected in the 1970s, and they keep getting reinfected, but none of these Doctors know that, because their delusional disorder causes them to falsely call me delusional about everything, and causes them to knock out my Sodium Level and cause my Iron and AST and ALT and Cholesterol and ANA Levels to skyrocket, instead of treating me for reoccurring infection, because their egomania has made them insane.

Where can I get a Doctor that is not suffering from a delusional disorder caused by their egomania?


Lord Joseph

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